tv FOX News Primetime FOX News December 7, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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republican senator marco rubio will be on freedom hosted by tammy bruce starts right now. >> tammy: thank you. and cocoa looks like a mini baier. i swear to god. thank you again, bret. and welcome to freedom. i'm tammy bruce and tonight joe biden's weakness and failure or not world stage as undeniable as ever. we discussed the through policies and legislation, that's not the only front of destruction we are facing reputation standing an influence on the world. >> as american adversaries like russia and china intensify their aggression, the biden administration is retreating to the same political platitudes, the same tired washington tropes and the same tepid.
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joe biden met with russian president vladimir putin and typically instead of signs of decisive action from our commander-in-chief to keep a hostile actor in check what we are seeing from the biden gang is a reflex to appease our enemies while abandoning our allies and abandoning the reality of how biden set this dangerous table. >> the withdrawal from afghanistan which was widely criticized how do you respond to that criticism of president biden being too weak with putin. >> vladimir putin standing behind then president medvedev in 2008 invaded georgia when we had 150,000 or more troops deployed in iraq and afghanistan. so, the connection between our deployments in foreign wars and will calculus of soviet leaders when it comes to the post russian space not effort to support that. >> what does that mean? clearly a deflection from jake
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sullivan. the question was about the impact of our embarrassing afghanistan retreat on our national security not about troop levels in the middle east so leave it to sullivan to continue spreading lies about russia. just like he did five years ago when he was pushing the steele dossier for hillary clinton. don't forget that and the threats are showing no signs of slowing down. russia is well on their way to a military build-up along the ukrainian border. it's to sear wristous there are reports biden is telling americans we will evacuate them if need be, considering what happened in afghanistan, that sounds more like a threat than a promise. now, we continue to see signs of china's increasing aggression towards taiwan. in addition to reports that the construction of a military base off of after infantry's americans and our allies remain trapped in that hell hole a story most legacy media continues to ignore. surrendering to the taliban, leaving in haste with apparently
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little plan or strategy, abandoning our fellow americans. they are still in there, guys. it's all undermines confidence in america's resolve and the world has noticed. when will the biden gang be honest about their mistakes about their missteps and about their lack of solutions only when that happens winter olympics beijing happening this february meaning that no diplomatic officials or official representatives will attend the game. let's be honest, does anyone really care if secretary of state antony blinken or random secretary or joe biden for that matter doesn't attend the olympics? even the chinese communist party says it's a meaningless action and that no one really cares. when asked about the decision, jen psaki said this: >> there will not be contributing to the fanfare of the game. u.s. diplomatic or official representation would treat these
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games as business as usual if the face of the pry oea egregious atrocities in jing jiang. >> what is this empty gesture supposed to accomplish supposed to strike fear in the heart of our enemies. hold beijing accountable for ongoing human rights abuses? will it help stop chinese theft of american intellectual property or stoop any of their maligned behavior same weakness democratic establishment we see abroad also present at home. pandering to progressives on some of the most extreme policy positions. pandering to those who want the most devastation and most control. it's all now at the center of the democrat playbook because, for whatever reason, most moderates centrist liberals that are still around are bending the knee to it. all of it is fed by the same feckless weakness, the same lack of ideals, principles and vision resulting in empty action. bad decisions constant lying, in
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fact to cover up the charade. the democratic party, more than ever, is being driven by miserable, incompetent, weaklings. there is no other way to put it. unable to fully graph the implications of their failing policy. after four years of hysterical russian fear-mongering what's one of the things joe biden did in when he got in office killed the pipelines in the united states and cleared the way for gave more control over europe. signal that the new american president was incompetent and willing to abandon his own country and europe to the bloody russian bear. here we are with the biden administration pleading with opec to drill more oil as energy prices surge here at home. now biden is reduced to begging germany to step in and cancel the controversial pipeline if russia invades ukraine. all of this was predictable and predicted. the same corruption and wrought that has contributed to inflation to the supply chain
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crisis which continues, covid response failures, the crime surge, it's the same feckless idiocy that is inspiring the bad guys around the world. and what's the biden team's response to all of this? actually complaining that the press coverage is just too darn negative. as white house chief of staff ron klain is now trying to claim that the media has been tougher on biden, that they ever were on trump. you know, what exactly were you expecting, ron, maybe he might be watching, to receive glowing coverage of the debacle in afghanistan or fawning praise for surging prices or endless puff pieces for biden breaking nearly every one of his major campaign promises? in fact, ladies and gentlemen, that was exactly what ron klain was expecting. and directly indicts the condition of america's legacy frmd. media.are we expected to believt the same media that went all out to smear trump 24/7 and to protect joe biden during the
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entire 2020 campaign, you know, accepting a basement campaign is suddenly too hard on poor old joe and company? yeah, no, not really. not a chance. whatever critical coverage biden is receiving is a result of his failures being so indenial and obvious that there is not much else left to say. and get this? we are now learning that the white house is working behind the scenes with news outlets to find and get a more positive coverage in an apparent effort to have the press help them cover up for their massive failures. now, they are not even trying to hide the collusion. it's weakness like we have never seen and frankly panic as well. rather than actually find solutions to mounting crises, the democrat solution is to find new and creative ways to reshape the coverage in their favor and win the news cycle. well, there's a throat discuss and unpack here. joining me now to do just that, is stephen miller, former white house senior adviser to president trump, and k.t.
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mcfarland, former deputy security adviser for the trump administration and author of the book "revolution." so thank you, both, very much. obviously a great deal going on here when we are dealing with the world scene. but, it matters to every single american because our loved ones are in the military. we know that things that happen far away affect us immediately and can here at home. steven, let me start with you. you heard the monologue, what is your take on the crises now multiple, that continue to unfold worldwide? >> this is an extremely dangerous crisis moment for america. because the whole world knows what we all know here in the united states. joe biden is not mentally or physically fit to be president. that nobody has any confidence whatsoever in the vice president. and, that the speaker of the house, the third in line, is a lame duck. vow a country without leadership. now that doesn't mean there is no policy.
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you have radical leftists and marxists and communists throughout the government setting policy. but those who have decision-making authority in the government are not capable of executing their jobs. that invites bad malicious actors all around the world to go on the march and this is what we are tragically seeing right now. >> now, both of you, of course, have been in the room, you have seen the conversations, you have dealt with all kinds of people around the world. you know how a president with resolve and strength and vision deals with these monsters and they are monsters around the world. k.t., what's your take on even as biden and putin talk, it almost seems like it makes things more dangerous for them to get confirmation that this guy doesn't know what he's doing. >> yeah. i mean, it's a central tenet of foreign policy if your adversary is weak at home that's when you wanted to move and exploit the situation. where are we today? we have high inflation, high
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unemployment. stagnant economy. a president who can't get his agenda passed, who is in clear cognitive decline and as you point out a vice president who is even worse. and at the same time, we see russia who seems to be ascended. while the united states gave up energy independence, that was the single biggest achievement of the will trump administration, what he allows russia allow whip hand all over europe. russia currently gives 35% of the energy to germany with the nord stream 2 they will give a far higher percentage. do you really think germany is going to step up and in the middle of the winter risk having a lot of cold germans for ukraine? not at all. >> tammy: we are also as a result helping to fund russia. the main income framework is their oil. it's that and germany sees an american and joe biden abandoned
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afghanistan and abandoned allies as though they are isen going to cut the pipeline. everybody you saw it with taiwan saw we now have to figure out how to do this alone. is this a world that is going to make those kinds of decision, steven, as a world alone that america, in fact, is considered gone? >> well, you see a world in chaos. i mean, just a short time after biden was inaugurated, you saw the middle east in flames. you saw attacks on israel. because dangerous, violent, unstable parts of the world seize an opportunity with the weakness we see in our country right now. do a simple thought experiment. if you gave china, russia, and other global adversaries charlies, and competitors all around the world the chance to hobble and cripple america, what would they do differently than joe biden? they would do the exact same thing. they would inflate the dollar, they would make us energy reliant on foreign countries,
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they would open up our borders, they would let crime plague our cities. they would pay our people not to work. and they would have a supply chain crisis so we couldn't supply our country. he is literally putting the n. place the our adversaries and enemies would wish upon us. >> tammy: k.t., i will give you the last word here. this is remarkable time americans in whole do not like what's happening. what do you imagine the next year like being with all of this unfolding? what do you predict. >> we are in the most dangerous time we have been in 50 years. i was in the reagan administration and saw him turn the world around, turn the united states and the world around. what i'm very concerned with is that russia is going to make a move against ukraine this winter and the united states will issue strong statements but nothing will happen, and it will be a one-two punch that china will come next with taiwan. >> tammy: nato, the stability of nato. on this anniversary of pearl harbor day it's a reminder about
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what other countries are capable of doing you are not looking. thank you both very much. i appreciate. >> it thank you. >> tammy: the verdict is, in the scary new omicron variant is really not so scary after all. but we mention that to you. when will the fear-mongering media issue a big old redistraction? don't hold your breath but ned ryun and pam bondi are here next to make it all clear. ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work?
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so can we expect retractions from the left wing media lunatics who spent the last week spreading covid fear porn. >> news of scary new variant from south africa i'm really terrified. >> it's fright thing because it feels like the next wave of the pandemic and feels kind of unstoppable. >> i'm very worried and i think it is the right thing for the entire public health and scientific community to prepare for the worst. >> you know, they should have learned that the scary fear porn does not raise their ratings that's pretty obvious at this point. so the answer is no, they are not going to apologize. the leftist media allies had the same information we did when omicron entered the scene a few weeks ago. they knew the symptoms were mild and decided to ignore that inconvenient truth and behind it to advance their agenda here to rack and give us details ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority. hi, ned, i'm surprised you are very, very surprised that omicron is not godzilla and
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mothra ready to blast the entire planet out of the solar system. >> this is typical, tammy. they have been using the covid fear porn very successfully the last 18 months power hungry brewer democrats and corrupt politicians all enabled by corporate propagandaist to seize more power than. it's sick and twisted playbook. people entrusted to defend the interest of the american people have instead used these positions of power to scare the american people with the next boogie man, this next variant is going to kill all of you unless you actually give us more power to save you. and the american people have continued to concede more and more freedoms until now it feels like omicron is really kind of the end of the road. i think a lot of people realize it wasn't as serious as people were saying. even before the fraud fauci 'fessed up to it i think we might be seeing the end of the road for the covid fear porn because i think a lot of people are going to get this a mild
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variant. we are going to reach herd immunity and people will come to live and accept the fact that this is endemic and they are going to live with it i think that scares the petty tyrants who had helped that they somehow might have new variants and terrified people from now until eternity. >> they want the per petted actual sequel. they love the series. mission impossible number 3724. they can't filling how to deal with genuinely. fauci should know viruses mutate to become more contagious but stop killing the host so they become less lethal. >> that's right. >> you would think, you know, delta is here. the only variant here now. you would think we would want omicron can you believe we are even saying these sentences it's going to be here. it's here now, we haven't been testing for it would you think at this stage, considering now we have already got another mandate pushed down by a federal
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judge, regarding federal contractors, do you think that local city officials are finally going to realize that the biden way and the biden gang is not the ship on which to hang your hand on to get pulled along by them. >> i would hope so. if they don't, i think they will have a very rude awakening come the fall of 2022 when they see the results of some of these actions by the biden administration and by the democrats. i think what you are going to also see is the end of the road for the fear and lies. and when you are an incompetent incredentialed idiocrasy some point going to reject that. >> tammy: enough is enough. >> they will move on. >> tammy: ned ryun, thank you very much. if the democrats and media can't scare you into getting vaccinated they will target your kids instead. one mom is accusing america's second largest school district -- surprise -- of secretly vaccinating her 13-year-old son without her permission. the los angeles school allegedly
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convinced her child to get the shot by bribing him, you know, with free pizza, of course. the mom claims the person who injected her son told him, quote: please don't say anything. i don't want to get in trouble. so, what do you do if this happens to your child? let's ask pam bondy chair of the constitutional litigation partnership. thank you very much, pam. i remember whenever i would go on a field trip at school there had to be like three forms my mother would have to fill out and send a vial of blood and everyone would have to get fingerprinted and the town had to know. what is going on here and what can parents do if a school is going to go after your kid without telling you? >> tammy, this is -- i cannot believe we are even having to talk about this. >> tammy: it's insane. >> it's insane. i mean, it's not only disturbing but it is illegal, obviously. in the state of california. california law is crystal clear that parental consent is required for children under the
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age of 18 to receive a covid vaccine in los angeles. and think about it, for good reason. this mother -- her child who is 13 he has asthma and allergies. imagine if something had happened to him, when he got that vaccination. it's unbelievable. this should be a parent's choice, which it is, with a doctor's consultation, they have the right to make the healthcare decisions for their kids. this is truly unimaginable that this happened. >> tammy: you know, i think it really is a reflection. i think it's pretty obvious, that certainly with the teacher's unions and even the rhetoric moving through media about parents now they are tarszs, right? you can't trust the parents. the teachers are the ones out there depending for the kids, that the government is the only thing that knows they want to co-parent. you would think for someone who might not be fully grounded, that suddenly the message is almost urgency that the teachers
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better take control. do you see that being kind of the natural trajectory of all the rhetoric we have been hearing? >> tammy, that's what we have been seeing happening around this country. and this isn't the first case of this. at america first policy institute we are looking closely at all these cases. >> tammy: excellent. >> we weighed in on the case of the navy seal. this is a child. this is crazy. this is a 13-year-old child. and, parent, it is your choice whether or not your children are going to be vaccinated. not teachers, not the socialists. not the school bureaucrats who go rogue and they have to be held accountable. ironically, the school was named the barack obama school. >> it reali was. >> tammy: we have seen in schools again it's not just the vaccinations, we have seen pushes for minors to be able to get abortions and parents saying parents shouldn't have to be
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told receive hormonal treatments as minors gender transitioning. it's not even about those issues. it's about adults thinking that this is appropriate, right? why shouldn't be distracted with what the issue seems to be. that implies some other issue would be fine. this is the mentality that they have been pushing for. that's what we have to confront. >> that's right. that's exactly what's happening. and that's why parents take charge, go to your school boards. challenge this, file a lawsuit. when schools like this around the country are doing things without your consent. >> tammy: when it comes to legal though, one last question here. since that is against the law. we know already bad guys in general aren't being arrested. is this something parents should push to have -- you know, treated as the criminal action that it is? >> 100 percent. they clearly have a civil suit. it's arguable right now that it could be a battery because a child can't consent.
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a child cannot consent. they traded the child a vaccination for pizza. oh my god he is 13 years old. >> tammy: celebrate point that exchange. >> and she knew it was wrong. >> tammy: ethics change itself shows the level of the dynamic wig why children don't get to make decisions because they are children. thank you, pame, for joining me. i appreciate it bathhouse sex and sneaky texts and racial slurs just when you thought it was all over. smollett is now taking the stabbed and boy oh boy things are heating up. live report on the lettist coming up next. ♪
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>> jussie smollett wrapped up second day of testimony. after he left the courthouse he i asked him how he was feeling he simply put his first up in fist upin the air. the case is scheduled to go to closing argument tomorrow. in court today jussie smollett testified he still has a scar under one eye and permanent bruise under the other eye from the alleged attack. special prosecutor dan webb pushed back and asked smollett if he was able to watch back his interview on good morning america a short while after the incident implies smollett's face looked just fine during that interview and smollett shot back that he had good hollywood hair, makeup and lighting. also in court a tense moment jussie smollett interrupt intriewlted webb reading verbatim one of smollett's messages that had the "n" word in it he asked him to spell the "n" word will out of respect for african-americans. he complied and asked him to
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read his own mess sandals allude. he insist own personal messages and phone call with osundairo personal training and 9:00 a.m. workout training. he asked smollett why none of his messages discussed or even canceled a 9:30 a.m. workout session. smollett fired back that none of his messages revealed anything about an alleged hoax. also yesterday, on the stand, jussie smollett testified that don lemon sent him a text message indicating that chicago police were not big smollett's story. there was no follow up from that and that did not coming up in court again today. we will be in court tomorrow. there is a possibility of a verdict. tammy? >> tammy: wow that would be quick but once again a fascinating day. thank you, matt. appreciate it we already knew the role that media played in hyping smollett's hate crime hoax. but what we didn't know is some members of the media were a little too involved with his case. you heard a little bit of this from matt. done lemon will already on
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record bragging about his texts to smollett. >> my concern is for him. >> right. >> right. >> and for his well-being. every day i say i know you think i'm annoying. i can show you a elks it. i know you think i'm annoying you. but i just want to know how you are doing. >> that you are okay. >> if you need somebody, can you talk to me. >> tammy: well now, smollett is testifying that lemon's texts actually tipped him off to the police investigation into him. so maybe don lemon should have mentioned that when he decided to finally cover the trial. >> joining me now james better known an bo snerdley known as best selling book rush on the radio. james, thank you again for joining me. i knew it would be unusual trial. it's an unusual situation. yet, who knew he would be so forthcoming when it comes to his own behavior and the nature and revealing the kinds of things that were happening with journalists with him like don
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lemon. and you have dealt with media, you know, for decades, rush limbaugh, you know how professional handles things, what's your take on how this is unfolding and what its impact ultimately will be on the country, not just on mr. smollett? >> i think that don lemon revelation was a bit of a surprise. but, then again it's not surprising that members of the media have relationships with hollywood actors that's what mitigated it for me a little bit. i think don lemon should have been a little more forthcoming about advisory role. one of the things that was really today the pretentiousness of jussie smollett, how pretentious is it to write something in a text and lecture the prosecution that they should spell those words out of respect for the african-american. why did you write it if you have
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so much respect for african-americans, jussie? i mean, it's just pretentious and idiotic. it doesn't make sense. >> tammy: it is a microcosm reflects really well the virtue signaling in public versus what they do in private. that it's a completely different situation. i mean, they are offended by effectively, james, themselves. so he was offended by what he was saying himself and it really if he is not being serious at all or sincere about any of that. when we think about the money spent on this, the money the police department spent, the danger that was presented about this idea that there was a trump supporters wanted to go around and harm people of color, you know, there was real, this set into motion the continuation of a divide. he is charged with some minor misdemeanors, effectively, do you think what happened here should be more serious considering he allegedly lied about a hate crime?
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>> you just nailed it. people are not covering that part of the story in this part of the story. let us remember, he tried this to roll this out as an indictment against donald trump. and trump supporters. that somehow he was beaten up by the maga guys wearing the red hats. now, when the story started unravel all of the sudden you started hearing about the walk back well i'm not sure whether they were white, they were pale, when do we have to spell pale so that we don't offend the pale people? this whole thing has been absurd from day one. my opinion is he should be made an example of. this is the biggest media hoax, since the russian collusion hoax. this is just as bad as the taiwan that brawley hoax was years ago. this affects innocent people. and he should have known better.
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he talked -- today he complained about his career being in ruins. well, maybe you should make a movie about frauds, jesse, you will have a believable role, finally. >> tammy: wow, yeah. that's a great point he referred to himself as the black carrie grant. >> oh, please. >> tammy: the impression one has of one's self is a bit much. james golden, you are the real deal. always an honor to speak with you. congratulations on your book. it's a perfect christmas present for everybody. don't forget that thank you, james. beat up all the women you want, just don't kill them, okay? that's the message liberal cities are sending to violent criminals. how their pro-crime agenda is making dangerous again. that's coming up next. ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need.
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♪ >> tammy: once again a violent criminal is back on the streets instead of in jail thanks to the left's bail reform laws. darryl johnson, a homeless man released last year after brutally beating someone in new york city has allegedly done it again. this time the victims were two women, beaten last thursday in
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manhattan. johnson is a dangerous repeat offender, that's pretty darn obvious. so you would think prosecutors would keep him in jail this time. but, no, you would be wrong. he has been freed again. this is why crime is surging out of control in cities across america. democrats are emboldening and enabling criminals, not punishing them. just look at what's happening in washington, d.c. things are so bad the local media is sharing tips a void getting carjacked. yeah, that's lovely. that's success for you. in san francisco we have seen business after business, of course, destroyed by looters and violent smash and grab thieves. so it's out of control. and police have a pretty good idea who is fueling all of the chaos. joining me now to discuss is lieutenant tracy mccrea with the san francisco police officers association in addition to just bad legislation some people are wondering where is
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the aclu. the civil rights of all of these victims being harmed because there is no control and crime everywhere. i know that your organization is dealing with the aclu. can you tell us about what you are up to? >> so, thank you for having me. so, basically we have partnered with our other union partners up and down the state up in washington, nevada, to launch the aclu dot site where you could go on and click and see what the aclu has been doing to really undermine public safety where they are now seem to be taking the side of the people who commit the crime instead of the victims who continue being victimized. if someone attacks someone they shouldn't be out to do it again and again and again but, of course, that's what you are seeing,. >> tammy: a small percentage of the population commits the crime. like the three strikes laws you get the repeat offenders are the
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ones who ruin lives and destroy neighborhoods because they don't stop. they are career criminals. it's fascinating because you think the aclu was really and has been about in the past allowing people to live lives safely, being able to, you know, enjoy the american dream. and, yet, this really strikes at the core of all of us being able to be free. especially women, especially the vulnerable. wouldn't you agree with that? >> no, i would agree with that i would say that, you know, when they oppose laws to, you know, keep sexual predators in jail longer, not to let them out to the population, you know, who are they protecting because it's certainly aren't the men and women, children that who want to go about their lives, walk the streets, feeling safe. you know, and they are not. because no one is being held accountable. you know, they let people out but then they have no game plan about well, what do we do with them to reintroduce them to society so they don't commit crimes again that would in theory land them back in jail.
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they are just not doing that. >> tammy: here you are a woman in uniform. you are a lieutenant, san francisco. it's a liberal city. liberalism used to mean that feminism that women were going to be treated with respect, that we're going to be able to live our lives without being afraid and, yet, i argued when i was with the national organization for women, i saw the trajectory that eventually even rape was going to be argued as performance art or expression of your hatred for women and i have to tell you, lieutenant, i think we are seeing it. we are seeing all of us being thrown away into the dumpster because of someone who is a big donor. so i just want to thank you and your organization for sticking up for us and for doing the work and tell us the website again for -- to check on the aclu and what they're doing? >> so the website again is aclu # -- sorry, dash aclu -- yeah. so hopefully, you know, we can
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get it turned around. but thank you. >> tammy: having you out there makes all the difference in the world. now joe biden is sick and tired of the media under selling his radical agenda. so he has a new plan to make them cute little leftist lap dogs once again. don't you worry. kayleigh mcenany and shannon bream will tell us all about that coming up next. ♪ keeps me moving forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me...
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energizer ultimate lithium. [snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. >> want to know why democrats think biden's build back better train wreck is floundering? here's the hint. >> do you think he needs to do a better job at messaging and going forward? how do you sell this -- >> i think you all could do a better job of selling it to be frank with you. every time i come here, i go through the list. family medical leave, the climate issues. it's true. it's hard to break through when you have such a comprehensive
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package. >> looks like she's mad at the children. that was in october. the democrats still think their relationship with the media could be closer. joe biden misses the cushy coverage he used to get. now he's looking to put an end to any criticism of his failing agenda. the white house been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage in its favor. and it seems to be working. biden operatives are having productive conversations with anchors, reporters and producers about how "the country's economy is in better shape than last year." here's shannon bream, fox news anchor and kayleigh mcenany , co-host of "outnumbered." great christmas present. no doubt. kayleigh, you stood in front of the media. would it have been amusing to think of them as your partners or friends or children that you could order and tell what to do? is it fascinating to watch this
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collusion go on? >> it's fascinating. if you have to be a democratic president, you have to be really bad to get the media to criticize you. i don't know. maybe miss job reports by half. or have labor productive crash the worst since 1960. you have to have a 41% approval rating. it's interesting. the paint you made in there, tammy, they're receptive to the spin. what that tells me is they just didn't know how to defend this. they needed the dnc and the white house talking points and now they have them. let's see how the press coverage changes. >> i don't think it's going to be any better. the dnc is not known for being a bunch of geniuses. the einsteins are not running the dnc when you look at the country and the world. this is telling that it's always been the dnc that relied on the media for what to say.
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this is important to americans. do you think that this kind of collusion is bad for the industry itself? because now they're just being so open with it. >> you hinted or you touched on this, this fact that the biden administration was used to very favorable treatment through the campaign and early on as most presidents have a bit of a honeymoon period. it's startling and jarring to be pushed on immigration and inflation that is troubling to the american people. we see this in fox news polling, that again and again people think the president is upside-down on approval on all kinds of issues now including covid, which a lot of people voting for him because he would bring about change and resolution to that there's only so much humans can do. in people's real lives, they're experiencing pain for gas, represent, groceries, for everything they want under the tree or on the table this christmas and holiday season. so convincing people that what
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they're experiencing in their real life and the real pinch, in their own wallets and bank accounts is going to be a heavy lift. i think this administration is startled that they're meeting some resistance from the press corps. >> really, that's the indictment. the indictment that ron klain and the media arm of the white house are surprised that they're not being covered. that nancy pelosi, you can hear the surprise in her voice that they're so used to this. isn't that the indictment about the nature of the relationship leading up to this? >> oh, totally. they believe that the media should buy hook, line and sinker into total and complete delusional theories and talking points. ron klain tweets out the jobs numbers are pretty good. it was such a lie and such a mistruth that the media continue cover that one. recently inflation is a high class problem. he's tweeting that out.
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he tweeted out jobs and jabs. it's time to thank president biden. shannon mentioned the "wall street journal" poll, 41% approval. but ron klain's twitter feed reads like a fairy tale. >> shannon, i'll give you the last word. it's like they were invested in the agenda and genuinely thought the democrats would do a great job. isn't that part of how blind they've been, that they're bias, that that's the problem? >> it could be. you know, when you're too close to the subject, it's tough to report accurately on that. more from what kayleigh mentioned, 30% approval among independents, 66% disapproval among independents. they're the ones in the tight elections, they're decision makers. seems like a lot of them are having voter's remorse. >> great stuff. thanks, ladies. have a great night and merry christmas and thank you all for washing again tonight.
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"fox news prime time." i'm tammy bruce. tucker carlson is up next. thanks and have a lovely evening. i'll see you next time. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's something that we need to internal idea. just because something is far-fetched or crazy or seems totally destructive to core american interests doesn't mean the u.s. government won't do it. that's the main lesson right now. do not discount no matter how far-fetched it it would seem is
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