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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 8, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ speak of the average price you are playing here in kansas city is below $2 a gallon. or $3 -- $2.90 a gallon. 20% down percent from a month ago. going to make sure the american people are paying their fair share for gas. >> laura: gutfeld. he's a good musical ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: happy wednesday, everyone. so it turns out there only two sexual orientations, leftists, and everyone else. it is true. according to a new poll, 71% of democrats, college students wouldn't go on a date with someone with opposing views. versus only 31% of republicans.
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that is a difference of like 1000%, kat. although 40% of young dems refuse to be friends with the other side compared to just 5% of republicans prayed so apparently the newly woke prefer to judge you as good or evil based on political affiliation. which can't explain how a child rider attacking someone in kenosha suddenly became a martyr. also, 30% of dems but only 70% of republicans wouldn't work for someone who butter differently from them. which sucks for democrats since all bosses are republicans. but on the bright side, democrats, everyone at the unemployment office, they vote blue. gender affects the divide and fewer women would go on a date with someone who voted for an opposing candidate than men, probably because men don't see politics when they see hotness. meaning if the guy had with a woman who looked like a young brigitte bardot and sunil he
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notices her obama tattoo, i'm pretty sure that won't be a deal breaker. the fact is we saw politics before looks, politics wouldn't exist because neither would we. study also shows fewer women would shop at a business owned by someone of the other party. although i am sure that changes when there is a shoe sale, am i right, kat? because chicks like shoes. they will throw -- just go buy shoes. they buy shoes. all right. shut up. so the partisan divide is real but it is as one-sided as the french made a burn at stuart varney's place. axios, who did the polling, conclude such a future divide makes future discourse all the more unlikely. you have to wonder how far a liberal might take this. >> good morning. you are a very lucky man. we found a donor for your transplant. >> wait a minute.
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whose kidney is that? >> we don't know, but he did say that donation was part of being a good american. >> a conservative kidney? i would rather die. speak out without this kenny you will die. >> you don't understand. he had hate in his heart and probably in his kidneys too. i don't need bigoted... organs. [applause] >> greg: they are applauding the death -- i am with the appearance of this divide is in the real story. it is really why these spoiled brats can no longer recognize that other perspectives have value. instead, it just means you are evil. so if you go for a low, you are an evil greedy person. if your first strong law enforcement, you must hate minorities. if you want school choice, you must be a domestic terrorist. these are not original.
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dispersed by the triple t-shirt canon that is the media, community, and arts. and there is nothing unique or rebellious about them. and once again, we find that tolerance is practiced by the left is as real as kat's hair. it is not tolerant if you tolerate only those who accept your beliefs. it is just like how antiracist really means racist. so where does this new hate actually comes from? it's not like it simply erupts in the brain exactly at the same age for everyone. it is not like puberty where you suddenly get aroused by the legs of an ottoman. and by you, i mean me. or like kat where suddenly her voice it's deeper than james earl jones. it's a sign do you like a social security number from somewhere else. think about it. all those deranged political kids used to be okay. they were part of loving families. at some point, buffy was a decent fun loving, open-minded kid who played well with others
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and then one day like a remake of "invasion of the body snatchers" that spirit got replaced by robotic rage. the kid comes home infused with anger and their youthful good looks deliberately to face like the side of a graffiti covered train on the tracks. the cheek piercings, the horribly dyed, shaved hair. the ugliness is the worst uniform for the unemployable. if you don't know what i mean, just google nt for mug shots or go to the -- the transformation and no product of some biochemical change. it is so conforming that it tells you it is well packaged, ideological virus designed a sick human against human. that she and the sunnis have nothing against us. that is wokeism. this movement has given a wide berth because normal people are terrified of it. it's like being operated by homeless guy at highland bath folds. it is better to appease than it become a target of a mostly peaceful protests.
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but beneath the superficial changes, larks a dark fascism that is failed safely on campus violates -- 's to poison impressionable minds and then release them into the wild. it is not just that they won't want to work for you or don't want to date you, they want to destroy. they want to cancel you, your business, your bank account, your right to free speech. it's what brought us antifa and the riots. politically a part of them means the same thing it does to a serial killer who has you tied to a radiator in his basement. they can do anything to you and they will. they are not robbing expensive handbags, they are punching hitler by stealing expensive handbags. some may be just time for national intervention. back in that era of colds, called a deprogramming. and today, this is a cult like a cult they take impressionable people and isolate them from family and friends to take them them -- so where did they go after college when they can date, converse, or work with half the population? and they're only skills are
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painting crude signs and making molotov cocktails. the company more and more reliant on the cold weather get a job at cnn. let's welcome tonight's guests. jim acosta sent her his therapy bill. former white house press secretary, and author of the new book "for such a time as this," kayleigh mcenany. he represented oklahoma better than a tornado lifting up a cow. former speaker of the house from oklahoma, t.w. shannon. he is the top comic in alaska, which explains why his career is on ice. comedian, writer, and doctor, jamie lissow out. and you can find her in manhattan's finest restaurants stealing waiter's tips. fox news contributor, kat timpf.
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gene congratulations on your new book. i do have a new question for -- i can tell pink is your favorite color. rights? >> it is. >> greg: it's like a baby shower. "for such a time as this." what does that mean? >> it is from the bible. you thought it was from a song i think during break, but it is from the bible. >> greg: tw and kayleigh are bible shaming me. i read the bible. but i was 7. >> this is the point where you tell your audience look under your chairs. >> greg: i am afraid of what they will find. anyway. so, kayleigh, are you surprised by this discrepancy that republicans -- republicans have always been portrayed as narrow-minded. and yet we are willing to date anybody. >> i am so proud of my
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republicans who will date across the aisle, work across the aisle, will have friends across the aisle in the liberal women are the ones driving all the hate. i think the left or a lot on the left, politics is their religion so therefore they take this uber personally. and you hit the nail on the head with universities. they are bastions of self reinforcing your own ideas if you are conservative -- your just to reinforce and you become this hater. >> greg: before i move on, when you are on cnn, you are surviving and living outside the conservative bubble. see you have every authority and right to on these people because you every day -- you are the pincushion. >> i was hiding on doors. >> greg: are you heartbroken over chris cuomo? will come back to united states,
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jimmy. , jamie. i'm kidding. would you date someone who voted differently than you? >> sure. and by the way, i wasn't up on the bible either. if i'd read the bible after today i would've thought they got it from that book. i don't know what it is about the bible. you know the part with their like the gospel according to mark. i was wondering if that was sarcastic. oh, this is the gospel... according to mark. i am sorry, greg. >> greg: you are going to get angry letters from me as a fiercely religious person. what are your thoughts -- >> i live in alaska -- greg, when i read this article young dems are being so picky they want to to be the perfect political party, how nice to have options. i would date a girl from the republican party, the democratic party, a bachelorette
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party, a slumber party. i am 47 and divorce. i would date a girl from the communist party. i just don't want to die alone. i'm going to wear -- i was married for 16 years and you had to go back into the dating pool which is not easy and i different go i'm excited for you who are not that old. he said you're going to be able to get out there and get some strange he said. which did sound kind of exciting. like to god's honest truth, i wasn't even getting any familiar. >> greg: that was a nice little journey into the tortured brain of jamie lissow out. tw, the bottom line -- i think kayleigh fits on it when she said it is not just left and right. it is the people who take their politics so seriously that it is personal and it makes
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forgiveness or a tolerance or forgiveness just impossible. >> we shouldn't be surprised. kayleigh mentioned that it starts in college. his earlier. the left starts this in indoctrination -- this is what the critical race theory is when they started at an early age and they launched a war against the three seeds that make this country great. -- that's what built this country and made a gray. >> greg: and you left out carbohydrates. >> of course. that has been the foundation of this country and the left, they are attacking it on every front. when you read the headlines, just look again come every time it is those three pillars that are going after. this is another great example. they hate with this country stands for and they tell the kids very early that -- and by the way, very tolerant of every other religion, very tolerant of every other economic system. very tolerant of every other governmental system other than those three. when it comes to that, it is all-out war, and it has become part of the culture war. and now you have big attack as
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part of it. it is a scary time for young people. so i'm not surprised that hate starts early. >> greg: the other seat is chick-fil-a. >> that is the lord's chicken. >> greg: even left us, i'm not going to date anybody but -- their stomach once chick-fil-a. so they will just suspend all i moment ideology to eat there. kat, do you know somebody that has been radicalized and is so obvious that somehow even the science to them externally? nobody comes to these weird conclusions. one minute they are nice and then come back and they are all -- >> i have experienced that. because it is easier probably been doing your own thinking. but obviously none of this could apply to me. if i only dated people that i agreed with my political views, i would never have been able to date anyone. we all know that is not true.
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so i have limits. there is this one guy where he on our first date said we should do speeches that the way they do in china. that was a bit much for me. i only saw him for code after that. >> greg: you mean he was against freedom of speech? >> yeah. i was such an open-minded person i was willing to give it a chance. nothing to do with my tragic attraction the neck tattoos. >> greg: but maybe -- speak out you make it sound like a lot. >> greg: one is too many. don't you think that freedom of speech when he was bringing it up was only applying to you. >> he didn't want me to talk? probably also tribute that i didn't want to hear what he had to say either. >> if i'd enacted to it would say i didn't get the job, did i? >> greg: way to button it up, chant. up next, arsonists' fiery
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employee won't destroy our christmas joy. ifting music play] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪
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clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops.
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>> greg: and arsonist has been busted as our christmas tree combusted. how dare you laugh. almost 24 hours ago, a bomb torched fox's all-american christmas tree. he went in and smoke faster than chris cuomo's career. not to worry, though, fox is already in the process of erecting a new tree. and if chris cuomo is erecting anything, we don't want to know. they will be reloading it on "the five" tomorrow. in "the new york times" that it is the fault of a homeless man, the rag's headline "fox news
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christmas tree catches fire in manhattan." i guess they only cover hate crimes when they are funny. so our tree caught fire spontaneously just like kenosha did or suvs that magically drive into crowds. maybe hold the length pulled a smollett and torched itself while getting a sandwich. maybe the tree was asking for it. that's what it gets for wearing that short skirt. but sadly, seasons greetings have turned into seasons beatings. new nypd data shows there've been been 538 and by his crimes, doubling last years. a hundred and 29 hate crimes against asians up from 28 last year. 183 anti-semitic crimes compared to 121 last year. nypd commissioner says it is driven by lower incarceration rates. who would have thought? it's important, this freak was
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busted after attacking two women and back-to-back meetings this month that left him hospitalized. but, surprise, he was out on liberal bail reform act or similar attacks last year. and get this, the d.a.'s office is these new charges weren't enough to hold him on bail. so he is already out under supervised monitoring, of course, which i'm sure will be of great comfort to his next victims. so, jamie, when you come to new york, are you scared for your life? alaska, you only get mugged by l. >> i do get scared. when the tree caught fire in front of fox news, i immediately thought where was kat and you? you see some weird stuff. crime is on the rise at my hotel in new york city, they are charging $6 per bottle of water. and i do get nervous around people. i think people are crazy.
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like i was walking just yesterday and is beautiful girl rode by on a bicycle and one of the guys in the group ahead of me and says look at her. i wish i could be that bicycle seat. and i am like what? don't you think is it a little bit of an unrealistic goal? if you are going for it, why not just be aimed to to be the guy that is sleeping with her. maybe something that doesn't require sorcery. >> greg: i didn't think that was going to come up during the segment. tw, a lot of this crime come every time it's committed, it is fueled by homeless mentally ill people on the streets as if we can't do anything about it. they are to live as if they are like stray dogs from 1970s were dogs were -- we just have to live like it. >> lets they give the guy a little bit of a break, greg. fox's about the only place you can find a christmas tree. everything else is a tall douglas fir that identifies as a holiday tree.
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this crime wave, the biden crime crisis that is sweeping the country, just didn't start when he is elected. him and kamala stalked for defunding the police for a year and made them public enemy number one. no wonder we have a whole subset of our culture who is out to do wrong because i don't think there are going to be any consequences. many of das like this or letting people run free. it is no wonder that we are living in a land of lawlessness. ammo by the way they want to take away your guns but they are okay with the guys across the water who are in afghanistan, they are okay with the taliban having guns. it is a scary time in our nation, and it's all about the left's were on police. >> greg: and apparently, kat, this guy, because of what he did, it is not enough to keep him. like arson is not -- you have to set fire to a house or a car to stay in jail. but this is like a tree.
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half a million dollar -- >> center tree. >> greg: like setting trash on fire in a garbage can. so he might be out. he might be at your apartment, kat! i gave him your address because he needed a place to stay. >> doesn't he have a neck tattoo? >> greg: book -- what did you think when you first heard this news? i couldn't believe it. >> i couldn't believe it either. i think it is crazy. it keeps happening where people are out doing things and they have been locked up and had to be let out -- a really -- i watch a lot of daytime. there's not going to be the neighbor that is like i had no idea he would do this. he seemed like such a nice, gentle man. now it is like yeah, he has done this -- the guy who beat up the women, he was stomping somebody. he has done this before.
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now has done a two more times. i think you might do it again. >> greg: that is so true. there is no more -- while back. he seems like such quiet person. now you can just go oh, no, look at this newspaper. this year, this year. everyone knows, kayleigh, but i guess the good news is tomorrow, we are going to be rebuilding the tree and have -- i think it is on "the five" with a bunch of carolers. i hate carolers. they are not watching. i really do. them and triplets. right? >> it took 21 hours to build the first tree so it's amazing they are going to rebuild this thing. what type of psychopath prince done it christmas tree? where are we in society where we burn christmas trees and then burn churches, remember that with a riot-yours. and burn an american flag on the
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podium. this is crazy. now we just burn them. >> greg: i was talking to security guys, they do think this guy is mentally ill but at the same time he was hanging around here for a while. like a week or something. he wasn't crazy enough to figure out how to do it. like he climbed up the tree. he had this thing set on fire. he actually did it. >> i would not know how to set a tree on fire. i would like my lighter and be like the wind keeps blowing it out and go home. >> greg: i can staley start a fire in my fireplace. >> i think there is a switch on your wall. >> greg: that is for something else. >> that part stuck out to me. the guy climbed up the tree to set it on fire. was -- that would be like an arson this setting a house on fire in the attic. >> greg: that's why i don't think it is crazy. but when you're out tonight you might run into him.
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as the weight new york is. >> he might be an audience. >> greg: i didn't think about that, tw. >> he might be mentally ill. he could have been confused. maybe he said the tree on fire and -- >> greg: that is idiotic. up next, biden hates singing the blues so he is demanding better news.
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dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio.
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>> man: what's my safelite story? protect him with all your heart. my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl?
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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. ♪ ♪ >> greg: instead of leading, joe biden's white house is pleading. they've been secretly begging news organizations to give more favorable coverage to old joe, which is like jesse begging for more hair gel. seriously. too much is never enough. apparently the white house -- about the unflattering headlines over the supply chain and the economy. guess unflattering means dangerously accurate. the message you're trying to convey to anchors and produces that the economy is in terrible
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shape, kamala harris is in a huge [bleep] joke and joe biden hasn't lost his mind and also dr. jill is a real doctor. so what does this mean? i don't really apologize. a means more editorials about having less money is a blessing and inflation can be fun. also, all of the smash and grab robberies are caused by climate change or white supremacy, you pig >> i guess the question is why don't people want to hear the good news for a change? >> i believe the media is not portraying him as a winner. they are minimizing what he is doing. he is a good manager. he manages the country. >> when the chips are down, americans are going to understand that if republicans take control of this country again, we are done in the country we are done. b1 yes. we have to worry when "the view" is doing your p.r. for more, let's check in with
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what the big guy has to say about all of this. >> are you kidding me? i have these guys right where i want them. i mean, they are responsible for me getting this job and the first place. they ignored my flaws, acted like he was normal for a guide to be hiding in his basement for the whole campaign. they are investors. they have a vested interest in old joe. so how can they admit anything is wrong? they are responsible for it. [laughs] ouch. >> greg: kayleigh, you worked in the white house. we know that president trump -- he would call lipo. and he wouldn't call the hard newspeople, he would call i did get a few calls. i put him on hold a lot. but it this is weird, no?
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>> you have to be really, really, really bad to be a democrat president and loose the press. and all you have left is "the view." those women, not sure what they are smoking, but it is something strong. the woman on the view and joe biden, they all want us to believe twitter claims. this is a guy who you miss the job numbers and he said the job numbers are good news. you report high inflation, time to thank joe biden. this guy's twitter feed is a total and complete fairy tale, but that is what we're supposed to believe and cnn is supposed to report. they just didn't know until i met with the white house. >> greg: kat, i didn't notice this like today and yesterday, the role all the stories coming out. i think jim cramer was one. this is the biggest polish economy and then you go to the view and there were like other stories and then i suddenly was, wow, they did coordinate it. it actually worked. >> but why? why do you want to do a favor for joe biden?
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i don't know why. i think it is proof of how screwed they are, though. we are not hearing about any ways they are trying to make anything better. i guess they've given up on that. they're like okay, let's try to make the look better. that's a really bad sign. i don't -- i wish they didn't care. i wish the new president ever cared about their image as much. where versus actually result. >> can we just pause? was it -- has there ever been a press secretary more missed than kayleigh is right now? honestly, when you're speaking, it took me back to when gas was under $5 and we could go to the grocery store and afford to buy things. >> greg: and not get beaten to a poll. >> this white house has created such a thin machine. they think they can tell the american people anything they want to, that there is no
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accountability because i have the social media oligarchs who support whatever cnn is saying and then it becomes suspicious, cycle of regurgitated, you know, beliefs that aren't even based and faxed at all. i am okay with opinions, but a pigeons should be based around facts and we should be able to reason about them. and that is i think the scariest thing that has happened to our first amendment right here in the country. >> greg: this reminds me of a bird that eats the food and then goes to the nest and spits it in to the baby's mouth. >> how much time do you think about that? >> greg: that's the media. the white house is the bird -- i love explaining my analogy. he's rather large. i am anxiously awaiting your insight into this topic. >> well, i think it's insane. first of all, the white house wants us to be more gentle on joe biden they should maybe turn off the tv -- it is crazy
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because i don't think it's so much the commentary, we are just watching the crazy things that are happening and they are telling us -- they have to sit by down and go hey, stop talking and quit falling off the stairs because -- he is giving everyone fodder -- whether it is jokes or commentary, this is what we have been given. i just read the other day they had to turn off the presidential red phone because biden kept calling for the time and temperature. stuff like that. but isn't it kind of crazy that we are working with what they are giving us. if you look back to even the debates with the trumpet, i thought that he was treated more -- some of the questions are easier. i remember trump would go "views on foreign policy and what about the national debt was go and they would go to biden how many fingers am i holding up? it was just an easier time. >> greg: it was an easier and
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gentler time and now it is just a disaster. everybody is dense and thing themselves, even democrats and the media. coming up, he lost his show, then his cloud. now, more things he will go without. you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes.
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♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need.
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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th ♪ ♪ >> greg: he couldn't keep his hands to himself, now his book want to be on anyone's shelf. the future is a danger and his focus remainder. the followed of america's, chris cuomo, continues this week. the ink hasn't even dried on the announcement that he was fired. oh wait, that is not ink. that is some of brian stelter's barbecue sauce. the publishers confirm they are no longer going to publish his book. upcoming memoir it was titled "deep denial," possibly referring to the belief that he had talent. that's a cheap shot. but accurate. but sadly, they are already
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starting a fire to burn the manuscript and melt his crayon. so does chris deserve to be deplatforms like this? yes, he is an 80 a and a liar and a blowhard, but frankly, we would rather see his book published just to laugh at how poorly it sells. we have been cheated. also losing a radio show called "let's get after it." cuomo says he wanted to step back and focus on what is next, which hopefully means visiting his brother in prison. kat, should he be canceled on everything? >> yeah, i actually think this is huge for him. now he can finally start his only fans. do you really believe that this man does not want to be naked on the internet? like, he fakes being naked on the internet once already and pretended it was an accident. do you remember that? that was not an accident.
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he lost everything. now we can go after his dream and his brother too. because nobody gets nipple rings if they want to keep their shirt on. >> you have thought about this. >> i certainly have. he wants to be naked on the internet. they both do. they can start their only fans. they are finally fulfilling what they really want to do. >> greg: it's not her first nipple ring rodeo. never thought i would put those words together. i understand he has done some bad things but i think what grosses me out is that how everybody sticks by somebody, but then 11 fails, everybody bills. so cnn stuck by him, but when seen and left then serious radio says -- than his publishing company. nobody ever stands by anybody. he hasn't been charged yet with anything. >> i think this is bigger than cuomo and cuomo brothers. this is about the demise and
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fall of cnn. they have just become the laughingstock of journalism. there is no journalistic integrity. you have stories about don lemon helping and doing things to support people that are under trial and the whole smollett deal. i can't believe what i'm watching. as a kid, i remember when cnn actually had some credibility. but the last five or six years, especially this last one, they doubled down against public donald trump and made them public enemy number one. >> greg: after helping get him elected. >> absolutely. but they completely ascribe to this wokeism philosophy and you are seeing the cards crumble. and nobody is watching anymore. people have completely stopped watching t9 and i think it is because -- >> greg: ratings are as important to them as reach. they like the identity politics to create infuriating clips that then they can get out on the web. they get a lot of use on the
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website but no views on tv. they just clip it out, jamie. what do you think? >> i was just checking to see if you are awake. >> even more shocking than cuomo having his radio show canceled is finding out that cuomo had a radio show. and even more shocking than the fact that his book gets pulled is the fact that he had a book. it is crazy. i think that you should always -- i do go see the way -- i think you should always stand up for your brother unless your brother is andrew cuomo. and how good of a -- they're going to be drinking it out, going to be partying all night. you know why? because nobody has to get up for work in the morning. >> greg: should they go into business together? >> i feel like they should. >> greg: cup of... cup of cuomo. a coffee shop. >> there will be a cuomo comeback. the left will rally around them and create some type of narrative to make them the
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victims. >> greg: they should get a show. but with that show be? >> only fans. i guess that was -- i used to work with this guy, you know. >> greg: give us the skill. >> i worked at cnn and i got along with them and he demanded in this like viral 15 minute exchange i demand that you call donald trump ally right here, right now. you love -- or my viewers will be behind your back. and just so intrigued to now find out what paragon of virtue is. >> greg: i forgot about that. yes, he said you lost all credibility. >> yeah. amazing. paragon of virtue, chris. >> greg: i love the fact that you are not dancing on his metaphorical grave. >> i believe in forgiveness. cut that out. >> greg: no, i'm saying -- i sincerely believe you are not taking a victory lap. you actually just saying what he did to you. >> i am just saying what he did.
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>> greg: i would take like four or five victory laps. he didn't do any grandstanding or exaggerated. you didn't do what i would do. i would be doing a little tap dance as a little leprechaun. a bottomless leprechaun. why not? up next, will the bump and grind hurting your stomach. -- illed aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! try new liquid-filled vazalore. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping
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don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. >> greg: if you don't want
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your mind to go downhill, should you take a boner pill? can you go see no if it is? these are all words on line order. experts evaluated data on 7.2 million americans and found regular viagra cuts their chances of getting an alzheimer's diagnosis within the next six years by 69%. and they all look at each other and say 69 ha ha ha, get it? 69, stupid doctors! jack from the university of tasmania called the research exciting stuff. and then wondered how the hell he ended up in tasmania.
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but then he added, at least i'm not in alaska like that idiot jamie. do you think this could create more problems than it solves? >> i was thinking the exact same thing. oh, my god, grant both remembered my name but i'm never letting him hug me again. >> yikes. [laughter] >> yeah. i feel like if they discover xanax is good for heart disease, that explains everything, you know? >> greg: you know, kaylee did "outnumbered" cover this? >> we talk about viagra off error. i'm 33 and i don't know a lot about viagra. so back to you. >> greg: this is not like a game show where you can pass.
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>> i know that biden wants to replace his entire cabinet with viagra. [applause] >> greg: kat? >> you never wanted to try it to see what happened? >> greg: have you tried it? >> no, i haven't but i'm curious. >> greg: i know some of that tried the female version. >> no, want to try the male version and see what it will do. >> greg: you know what will happen. >> no, you don't. >> greg: it used to be a hypertension drug. they find the side effect that is positive and marked the site a pet though my conflict because it is positive and they just repurpose them so what do you think about that? >> field research. >> it was not for a hair but like rowing, i don't know, thank you for taking us down a dead end. i thought maybe you would add to
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this, tw take me through that terrible segway. >> this is a hard one for me. [laughter] >> i get it! >> the problem with the story is that so many people already. you said 7 million >> greg: yes. >> 7 million was the trial. this is a lot of good news for a lot of people. >> greg: yes. >> my palm as if it works what if the biden administration starts forcing people and if there is a mandate for viagra? >> i would definitely do that. >> greg: it is probably just a correlation meaning the people who are suffering from alzheimer's might be more sexually active. it is a marker rather than a cause. >> it reminds me of -- greg. >> greg: tell me more. >> i just turned on that same dead end. >> greg: you know wife, alzheimer's. >> and wondered why biden gave
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emergency use. >> that it's a wrap. >> greg: don't go anywhere, we will be right back. [applause] tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner.
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that's a nice truck. yeah, it's the chevy silverado. check out this multi-flex tailgate. multi-flex, huh? wow. it becomes a step. mom, dad's flexing again. that's not all. you can extend the bed for longer stuff. is he still... still flexing. that's right! and, it becomes a workspace... you can put your laptop here. i'm sending an imaginay email. hey dad, dinner! hey! look who stopped by daddy's office. wait, you work here? the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new flexibility. find new roads. chevrolet. >> man: what's my safelite story? find new flexibility. my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
9:00 pm
>> greg: we are out of time come america thanks to kayleigh mcenany, kat, and shannon bream, i love you come america, bye-bye come america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello, welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight at least 12 major cities in the u.s. hitting old-time homicide records. officials coast-to-coast forced to address the violent crime gripping the country including high-profile smash and grab robberies and random violence attacks in the midst of a


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