tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 9, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always you make this show possible. we hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode but in the meantime let not your hearts be troubled, there she is, laura ingraham takes you to bed tonight. i don't know. >> laura: that's great, oh, my god. i'm going to let that slide. >> sean: wheeze to say on radio, "hannity" takes you home. >> laura: it's always about you, isn't it? the narrative always goes back to you and your construction work. i want to convict you tonight on elder abuse on joe biden. playing joe biden sound bites, reading the cues come with the
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speech cues when it says pause and he reads, that is so mean. that could happen to any of us. that might even have been at my ankle in the opening of the show. elder abuse. >> sean: you don't read, throw to sock. >> laura: i'm going to sign up and say "lower ots." oh, wait. all right hannity, i am laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. it on a jammed packed thursday, today the jury convicted jussie smollett on multiple accounts on the funny attack but tonight we convict everyone in power who aided and abetted his live. civil rights icon bob woodson is here. he's going to explain why this verdict may be a watershed moment. but first hijacking democracy. that is the focus of tonight's
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angle. if you weren't up super early today you might have missed something super pretentious and super hypocritical. biden hosted something called the summit for democracy. speak of the choices we make in my view in this moment are going to fundamentally determine the direction our world is going to take in the coming decade. it will we allow it continue unchecked or will be together have a vision -- and the vision, not just a vision but the vision of courage to once more lead the march of progress and freedom forward. >> laura: the ultimate irony is almost everything the democrats are supporting these days a week weakens our democracy and our freedom. mandating vaccines and masks, investigating concerned parents, calling them terrorists,
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appeasing china, eliminating voter i.d., opposing signature verification in elections and promoting ballot harvesting. does any of that sound pro-freedom to you? when biden warns about democracy backsliding he is preemptively excusing what will likely be a crushing loss for his party in the midterm and even in 2024. you know they are desperate when they send out the person with the approval rating of, i don't know, planters were to. >> in the united states when our democracy is not immune from threats. january 6th is lodged in our collective congress and the anti-voter laws are part of an effort to exclude americans from participating in our democracy. >> laura: yeah, her argument is actually that laws to clear
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dead people off the voting rolls, they are somehow to her antidemocratic because they believe illegal immigrants should vote in the biggest threats facing america look like this guy. the coors light trespasser who took selfies in the capital on january 6th. see that guy? that guy and others like him are going to throw us into a totalitarian event. pathetic. the reason democrats are so rabid about the freedom to vote act today, in practical terms it would be a democrat incumbent protection racket. among other things it would bypass state authority by nationalizing rules for voter registration and mail-in ballots. that means bye-bye meaningful election security laws was
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liberals get lots of help from media elites to sell the myth about the dark cloud, antidemocracy cloud hanging over the g.o.p. even former conservative david burke, who are kind of stuck in an early 20s time warp help market the trunk as authoritarian myth, writing trumpian authoritarianism doesn't renounce holy war, it embraces holy war, assumes it is permanent. in fact, seeks to make it so. in the trumpian war, disputes are settled by raw power and intimidation. holy war? has david never heard of dick cheney? does he really not know how often the bush family relied on raw power and intimidation to get his way? he goes on. as long as the warrior ethos dominates the g.o.p., brutality will be admired over benevolence, propaganda over discourse, confrontation over
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humanism, dehumanization over dignity. two words, david. who was president when that was going on? and who was the vice president? hint, it wasn't donald trump or mike pence. the establishment that we've known for decades is steadily losing power, and being replaced by smarter, better people. i like to think of mike pompeo as secretary of state versus antony blinken. not only is the g.o.p. getting smarter, it's reach is broadening. minorities once thought safely in the democrat camp, at least they were under previous years, in 2020 trumpet together the most diverse g.o.p. coalition in 60 years. how is that authoritarian? voters from texas and florida are flocking to the republican banner. republicans have made huge inroads with suburban women in
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virginia who are concerned about what their kids are being taught in school and then vilified for it. the fact is republicans, not democrats, have become more democratic. think about it this way, since 1988, the g.o.p. was essentially run by one family, the bushes. if you were on their good side, all was well but if you question them or my goodness, if you dared to criticize them, you were shunned. but it's not a democracy when your parties controlled by big donors in one small clique or family. for years the conservative grassroots were demanding real change in things like foreign policy, border policy, trade policy. but they were summarily ignored until trump came along. david brooks and others like him want to return to the old days when the g.o.p. voters lost gracefully and lost regularly by following naive globalist dreamers.
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>> china is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world. america welcomes the emergence of a strong and peaceful and prosperous china. >> laura: which brings me back to biden's summit today. the biggest tell that this has nothing to do with promoting democracy is the fact that the president of the e.u. was invited. >> we know how painful it is when a small group takes unlimited power and imposes a single vision on all of society. it is why we have put forward measures to help protect people online from illegal content, hidden political advertisement or disinformation. it is why we are proposing to add hate speech and hate crime to the list of crimes in our
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treaties. >> laura: and i'm going to trust her to regulate hate speech, okay. let's see, a transnational, undemocratic body that is totally unaccountable to the voters in their own country imposing speech restrictions to punish their political opponents. of course the biden and nancy pelosi would love nothing more than to do the same and they are trying to. they see what is coming down the road if they actually let democracy play out here so they are going to pull out all the stops and make sure that does not happen, even if they have to hijack democracy to do it and that is the angle. joining me now and i'm delighted he's here is missouri senator josh hawley. senator, the left pretense this is all about protecting the democracy but what did you glean from what happened at the suppose it summit today? >> what really stands out to me
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is that it was one long anti-american tirade by the president of the united states and various members of his administration. he listened to him, they don't like american voting laws, they don't like american history, they want to rewrite our culture and completely change it. this is a guy who doesn't really like american and he's telling the world i'm so sorry for america and the way that it is. if you let us have power long enough we will completely transform the country. meanwhile he's letting china walk all over him. he's letting an actual authoritarian the dictator call the shots. i thought it was embarrassing and sad and it just shows you how out of touch joe biden is and what a failure he is been. >> laura: they are really worried, are they not come about next year. they are freaking out. they see, lie on the rocks, biden is barely able to read a teleprompter. it looks really ugly in a lot of these races. they are cooking up something, he can feel it in the air even
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if they don't get those voting laws passed. >> they are excused for why they are going to lose, and they are going to lose because it is so unpopular, what they want to do in the country so desperately disliked by americans and what their excuse was going to be is america is a systemically racist country and our voting laws are stacked against us. this is the narrative they are preparing and i go back to their continuing assault on america. what the biden administration is saying today, america is systemically racist, oppressive, evil, it is so terrible and the american people are just too dumb to understand how good we are for them. it's quite the reverse. the american people are good people, this is a great nation and it is rejecting joe biden and that just shows how sharp the american people really are. >> laura: one of the most bizarre, i guess predictable, shouldn't call it bizarre, they
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actually trotted out janet yellen at the democracy summit to trash our tax laws as somehow antidemocratic. watch. >> corruption here at home, especially when it comes to how people pay taxes, or rather, how they don't. last year more than $600 billion was withheld from public coffers because of our broken tax system. the countries deprived funding for things that benefit everyone. >> laura: senator, they get to decide what benefits other people by taking other peoples money but the money always stays in washington to grow it, does it not? >> that is exactly right, you just heard the message out of the mouth of janet yellen that the american tax system now is fundamentally evil and fundamentally backwards needs to be fundamentally changed. it's the same message everywhere
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you look, america is fundamentally flawed. you know what, they are totally wrong about that and as it turns out the american people don't like being told they are a bunch of backwards idiots. parents don't like being told they are domestic terrorists in the american people just aren't going to have it. they know who the real idiots are here. it's the people in charge of this administration. it's time to stop apologizing for america and start standing up for america and making it strong again and that should be the test in front of us. >> laura: totally jealous of the e.u. because it is really hard to make political change in the e.u., the weight is organized with all the multiparty systems. you can tell the democrats here are like, we are glad we are getting the higher gas prices but we love your system, your crackdown on free speech. i need to remind everyone watching tonight how all these lovers of democracy reacted to pretty big victory in 2016. >> just as sure as donald trump
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won last night so did racism and sexism in classes end. >> you believe you lost in early because of sexism. >> i think it is part me, i think it had an impact >> i say the russians participated in helping get this man elected. >> trump won by voter suppression. >> laura: senator, it's always antidemocratic when they lose, always. >> they want to change all the laws all across the country with the stroke of the pen in washington, d.c. they want to take control of every state's laws to benefit themselves which as you pointed out, talk about antidemocratic come of the truth is the american people are good people, smart people, they can make their own decisions and they don't need to be told by joe biden that they are systemically evil and racist and backwards. it isn't true. the democrat party has lost sight of who america is, what
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our history is and what our destiny is going to be and i tell you what, the american people are going to put up with it for much longer. any time they have a chance to be heard at the battle box they say loud and clear, we don't want this agenda we want a different future for this country. >> laura: senator, thanks. great to see you. with pfizer ceo suggesting a fourth booster it is time to start asking if it's still about the science. you know the answer. the immunologist was part of the early research on the mrna vaccine is here with a warning for all of you. stay there. ♪ ♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her
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isn't this supposed to be about science, tony. it sounds more like he is in a nike commercial. of course, one only need to look abroad to see where this booster mania is going. in israel government officials are considering whether to mandate a fourth covid shot due to the emergence of the omer crown variant. how long before that comes here? >> real data will determine if the omicron is well covered by the third dose and for how long. the second point i think we will need a third dose. with omicron, we need to wait and see because we may need to move faster. >> laura: wait a minute, wait a minute. science, or is this about profit for big pharma. if it's not actually about making big pharma executives richer than it is time to start
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asking questions about the effectiveness of vaccines in ending the pandemic. immunology professor part of the group who studied the first mrna covid vaccines. dr. bridal, what is going on here? >> thanks for having me again. i have to say, let's be blunt, this is obviously ludicrous. this is a case of trying to take something that is completely ineffective and by administering endless doses, somehow professionals think this is somehow going to become effective. there's so much showing that these vaccines can never ever achieve the goal of herd immunity. first of all what i want to point out is we have to keep in mind the very definition of vaccines was altered to allow that term to be applied to these current inoculations we are giving to people. the duration of immunity is far too short. the sars virus can readily evade
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this immunity. the new omicron variant has so many variations and the spike protein it is going to be able to even more effectively evade vaccine-induced immunity than the delta variant did. in the combination with all of these things, combined with the fact that although people try to hide it as much as possible, it's becoming impossible to hide the harms these vaccines are causing and there's no question now the cost-benefit analysis makes no sense. people who are fully vaccinated, which is two doses at the moment, they can still get infected, they can still get be 30, they can still dive covid and they can still transmit the virus in equal quantities to those who have no immunity. >> laura: doctor, what they will always say is it really reduces hospitalization and chance of death, however, so the upside is very positive.
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if you discount any of the other side effects or heart issues or anything. serious illness or death. regular people are like, sounds good to me, why am i getting a fourth shot? >> that is a great point, laura. if that is the case then people get vaccinated and they can reduce their risk if they perceive it to be doing such and getting the severe and potentially fatal disease. that doesn't mean everyone else should be getting it. that is an individual benefit. in terms of the benefit of the people around them the data is very clear there is zero benefit to people around individuals who are double vaccinated. they are still shedding is much virus so it makes no sense to push the vaccines in that context. third and fourth doses or to america, no question. scientists have been saying this for long time. it's all about the prophet, it has to be. it's not about the science, there's a mountain of science saying we should not be pushing these vaccines, we should certainly not be mandating them in every dose that gets added as
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a gross amount of profit for these companies. >> laura: i want to get to that some people understand, dr. bridle because pfizer has a new company slogan, what is good for pfizer is good for the global economy. >> you expect to generate more than $5 billion in sales this year. what would you say to those who regard it as immoral to cash in during a pandemic? >> i believe that we have saved the global economy, i think it is a strong incentive for innovation for the next pandemic. >> laura: dr. bridle, he's already to the next pandemic in half. quick reaction. >> this is ridiculous. clearly when these individuals are making these statements there are massive conflict of interest and i just want to be clear about this, the delta variant although more transmissible is less dangerous. the omicron variant so far shows
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us it is back to being much less transmissible than the delta variant was and probably even less dangerous to the delta variant was. because of the cost benefit analyses which are already questionable to begin with, it makes no sense. most people don't require the vaccines let alone third and fourth and possibly additional doses. we need americans to recognize this, stand up and recognize the lunacy that is going on now. there is tyranny in all kinds of countries around the world and america is the leader when it comes to health and public health in many countries. the country that i am and follows the fda. we need americans to recognize this lunacy, stand up and stop. this is a new type of -- sorry, go ahead. >> laura: we have to go, dr. bridle, but it is a new type of tyranny and it's getting worse by the day, especially how they are treating the kids.
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i appreciate it. time and again "the ingraham angle" has proven to be ahead of the curve on covid. "the new york times" finds that the coronavirus finds fat tissue. my next guest pointed this out on our show in the first weeks of the pandemic. joining me now is dr. stephen smith, founder of the smith center for infectious diseases in urban health. dr. smith, what took them so long and did they really get it right at "the new york times"? >> the first part, what took them so long, i don't know. i think the lesson to be learned here is, the emperor has no clothes, the establishment wouldn't except the fact that obesity is a risk factor for severe covid. i don't know why, the data was simply charted as data and i asked leading journals and they
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said basically essentially they didn't believe me. believe me, it is just chart data. but getting back to your prior guest's view, i agree we should be using science of risk factors to vaccinate those who are at risk for severe disease, and obviously the waning immunity, it wanes much quicker than any good vaccine ever had. so it makes it essential for us to focus on people at risk. >> laura: really quickly, dr. smith, sorry to interrupt but if you could explain very quickly and briefly, how does obesity or high bmi, how is that a higher risk factor, what does it do? because that is one of the problems, we want to know how and why. how and why don't matter in medicine. what is. there is a beautiful study,
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taking fat tissue from a surgical specimen, geriatric or obesity surgery or cardiac surgery, in these fat tissues, that makes sense, but making sense and physiology and medicine don't matter. what matters is, what happens and that is where we have gone wrong. medicine profession of observers. we stopped observing. we have tried to fit a round peg in a square hole instead of saying look at what we have and what does this mean? how do we use this information going forward? we just didn't do that. we refused to. >> laura: for young people, if you could game it out, an estimate of younger people under the age of, let's say, 40, who got severe covid, severe covid
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or died, it's a smaller number but what percentage of that do you think had high bmi? >> they either had high bmi or something else going on. i didn't see any they didn't have a high bmi or some third of immunosuppressive thing going on. but they were diabetics or high bmi and we really don't see that many. i don't remember seeing more than a handful of patients who got moderately ill. >> laura: you had to have one of those comorbidities. dr. smith, you are so far ahead of the curve on so many issues, going back to march of 2020, thank you tonight. with the help of joe biden in the mainstream press, actor jussie smollett attempted to use politics and race to rip the country apart. tonight he was justifiably found guilty for his insidious race
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b1 justice was done today with actor jussie smollett convicted by a jury of his peers related to the 2019 attack in chicago. it is important to remember that his outlandish accusations were aired uncritically for almost about two weeks. this was a narrative that confirms the left's worst abuse about america. attackers in maga has come a black man fighting for his life in a white supremacist country >> jussie smollett was viciously beaten. we know it is a hate crime. >> my concern is for his well-being. i know you think it is annoying, i just want to know how you are
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doing. >> this has been happening for a while, it's coming from the president of the united states. he's dog whistling every day, he is separating and dividing. >> laura: today's verdict wasn't just an smollett but the entire life. joining me now is bob watson, what is the big lesson going forward? >> thanks for having me back, laura. first of all, the lesson is that america, the judicial system is fair and just. not only this decision for people to realize in the kyle rittenhouse decision that was made the same day that that decision was made, a young man by the name of andrew coffey, a black man who was on trial for
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shooting a police officer that entered his house in the middle of the night without announcing it, he was found innocent also. not guilty, which means our judicial system was fair. a decade ago in texas, in a small town, two white police officers were found guilty of murdering a black inmate by an all-white jury. so thank god that our court system has not surrendered to wokeness, so that is one blessing. but jussie smollett i think committed moral treason by exploiting the legacy of the civil rights movement, using it to advance his career. and that has dire consequences for police resources that have been employed to investigate that. these are resources that could have been spent trying to reduce the murder rate that is an all-time high in chicago's dangerous killing fields.
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but jussie smollett and his enablers but his personal interests ahead of the well-being and health and welfare of thousands of blacks in the community. that is why i accused him of committing moral treason. >> laura: he also thought that playing the victim here, but the defiant victim in a racist society, that that was going to help him professionally. you know, all these people, the media folks, hollywood, they all rallied to him. even after his story started to fall apart they still didn't want to believe he lied. he believed it would help them, correct? >> like i said, he put his selfish interests above the interest and well-being of
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thousands of blacks in these inner cities. think about all the police resources that were used to investigate this hoax. these are resources that could've been deployed deployed in these neighborhoods. more blacks are killed in one year by other blacks than were killed and lynched in 40 years of the klan. and yet we are talking about jussie smollett exploiting that. they are in danger of returning us to the precivil rights south. i live in mississippi, in the '50s, in the military, i can tell you what it was like. if a black killed another black, often they were not arrested and we said this demand black life and what we demanded was equal justice for the law. and i went to jail in the civil rights movement with others and dr. king and others so that we would be treated fairly by our
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judicial and law enforcement system. and yet, we don't get upset when blacks kill other blacks. black lives only matter when it is taken by a white person. >> laura: your words tonight -- i'm sorry to interrupt, we've got to roll, but your words tonight, they are giving me chills because more people will need to hear this. bob, thank you. civil rights icon. will jussie smollett be brought up on federal charges? of course n. they are too busy investigating january 6. the doj, unleashing charges against thomas, what was his crime? entering the capital with the coors light. entering the capital while drinking a beer and saying i don't always storm the capital of the united states of america but when i do, i prefer coors light.
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it seems the doj right now is deliberately trying to, i think, intimidate conservatives, former trump supporter's, from gathering together before this midterm election, infiltrator and the crowd, who knows what could happen, and then your life is over. >> absolutely, laura. the doj has been weaponized and used again support as of the prior president in a way that is really unprecedented in this country. it is the kind of thing you see in third world countries or places where you don't have a rule of law and they put political enemies in prison. some things you haven't even heard about our this doj prosecuting alleged donor violations of trumped owners before the statute of limitations runs out which has not been done in prior
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administrations. you have subpoenas going out to members of the republican national committee seeking their personal and private communications, really having nothing to do with being at the capital, just to harass them. he of course he the persecution of lawyers and advisors for the former president and that is now being handled by the doj, charges again supporters of steve bannon and others and at the same time you have the same doj weaponizing against parents who are standing up for the rights of their children and finally you have the doj hunting journalists, like my client james o'keefe, who happens to be a critic of this administration and is uncovering corruption. from our doj which was far less active than it should have been under trump for advancing civil rights and our courts we have the exact opposite, absolutely biased, out of control and unfortunately there seems to be almost no oversight happening in the house or the senate on these
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issues. >> laura: it's infuriating but one quick question before we go, your thoughts on this. earlier tonight the new york city council, they passed a bill giving permanent residents, noncitizens, the right to vote in city elections. is this just a sign of things to come? >> absolutely. this has been happening throughout the united states. we have it in san francisco where either illegal aliens, the parents can vote and school board elections. to my surprise when i look this up as a lawyer to see if i could file a lawsuit, it is not illegal under federal law for this to happen and it's a wave. you can expect to see it happening all over the place. by the way, the city governments are not trivial. think about a lot of benefits and contracts and a lot more of those are going to go towards so-called immigrant causes. as an immigrant i don't believe immigrants should be allowed unless they are united states citizens to vote at any level of
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our elections in this country. >> laura: we have formally people and by the end of this year we will have almost 4 million people who crossed illegally. that's a lot of new voters. great to see you tonight. crime in l.a., we know it's out of control but the d.a. still insists his soft on crime agenda is working. a mother whose son was murdered and is leading a new effort to recall the d.a., in moments. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing!
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♪ ♪ >> laura: if you've been following the crime stories out of l.a. recently, it's clear why there is a renewed effort to recall district attorney george has gone from office. crime is totally out of control but at a press conference yesterday, he insisted things just couldn't be better. >> we have set a path for ourselves, turned around the legal system in this country in a way that will become more humane, more equitable and above all, will create a safer environment for all of us. >> laura: how is that working out so far? after gascon acted on his soft on crime agenda, crime is
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raging. murders in a layer of nearly 47% from 2019. shootings are 56%. carjackings up nearly 53%. it is not too difficult to draw a line from his approach to crime to the lawlessness we are seeing today. but he is totally unfazed. >> we are seeing smash and grab robberies, l.a. residents are being robbed and assaulted when they are out shopping. do you and your policies bear any responsibility for that? >> actually none. >> laura: actually a lot. don't take my word for it. my next guest, desiree andre who had to watch gascon's office and it is of course trending towards leniency, as it did towards her son's killer spent the last recall effort fell short but do you think this renewed effort, given everything that has happened, will work? >> definitely.
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laura, thank you for having me on, i appreciate it. i definitely feel that this time around we have this completely, we are well funded, we better organized and people are seeing firsthand the effects that george gascon's policies are having on public safety right now. i think that more people are going to get involved and i feel that this time around, we have a better grasp of things. you have to understand, the first effort was really a grassroots effort and now we have all the funds that we needed to start this. we did raise $2.5 million before starting so we are well prepared and ready to get this started and up and going. >> laura: is there a day that goes by when the death of your son, the killing of your son doesn't dominate a good part of your thinking? >> there is not one day that goes by that i don't think about my son. i wake up every day thinking
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about my son. i go to bed thinking about him. he is constantly on my mind but at the end of the day, this is much more than just my story. this is about many other victims out there that are living today without a loved one and hurting just as much as i am. this fight, again, it's not only for my son, i'm doing everything i can for every voiceless victim out there. i believe this is what i need to do, this is what my calling is. i'm doing this for everyone but yes, it hurts every single day, what i'm going through and it doesn't help that george gascon is re-victimizing me just by his pro criminal agenda. it's awful. i don't think he understands what he is doing. >> laura: he sounds like he is completely, either he is insane or he is completely ignorant or just doesn't care. three options. none of them are any good.
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>> how about all of that? >> all of it. it seems like when there is a prominent individual who gets murdered in beverly hills, as we saw last week, the week before, maybe people are going to start paying attention because rich people are now being affected. but desiree, her son's life mattered and you're doing an amazing job and we are going to keep in touch on the story as it goes forward. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> laura: absolutely. and the media continues to embarrass themselves. "the last bite" explains.
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smithsonian. because there will be a woman president and that woman president is going to be standing on the shoulders of hillary clinton. >> laura: standing on the shoulders? first of all, the first woman president is going to be conservative, thank you very much. make sure you tune into an overnight for exclusive interview with donald trump. remember, america now and forever. gutfeld takes it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: happy thursday, everyone. what a great show week outs tonight. and you know, just hours after our all american christmas tree was torched by a babbling madman, not to be confused with geraldo, a new tree was erected, and it looks absolutely fabulou
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