tv FOX News Primetime FOX News December 10, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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america. >> mike: monday on special report, china's campaign to influence american state and local governments. on fox news sunday, new york city mayor bill de blasio and south carolina senator lindsey graham are chris wallace's guests. my special guests will be arizona attorney general mark byrne of edge. thanks for watching special report, i'm mike emanuel in washington. fox news prime time hosted by tammy bruce starts now. >> tammy: tonight, more fallout following that jussie smollett guilty verdict exposing another media driven hoax, another false narrative and an effort to write the story before facts come in. the scandal is also a media scandal with the press so eager to use everything and anything to bludgeon donald trump, his supporters, and conservatives, even the most dubious suspicious claims about an alleged hate crime are bolstered through
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an uncritical lens and pushed through the social media echo system without any concern for the truth. there is a pattern here. ask yourself why is it that the left always attaches itself and this takes whatever is left of the reputation on the worst of all characters? jussie smollett is not the first hollywood figure to be lavished with endless undeserved praise. remember a convicted criminal harvey weinstein? he was regularly treated as some sort of infallible icon across tinseltown, even as rumors swirled for years about his behavior. what about the cuomo brothers who were doing happy talk on cable news while the disgraced former governor was covering a massive nursing home scandal and later when we found out his mother was helping to do damage control to shape the public narrative as the sexual harassment probe intensified? don't forget about the russia hoax with a never ending liar adam schiff was propped up as some sort of selfless truth seeker all while he fueled lie after lie about collusion and this led the american public for
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years about the actual evidence that undermined the russia hysteria misinformation. here's another name you probably never want to hear again but sorry about this -- remember michael avenatti? i know. i have to do it. the convicted scam artist lawyer who the media fawned over as he went on anti-trump tirade after tirade and was caught working with an accuser of brett kavanaugh to put out false claims of sexual abuse at mack eventually prompting a criminal refusal. take the kyle rittenhouse trail where an innocent young man was smeared while his attackers, all of whom had criminal histories including a convicted -- it's dangerous, destructive, delusional, but it's not surprising, despite giving all of these grifters a platform and seeing their credibility crater further, the left wing media never want to admit what they have done.
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look at the cnn headline from last night -- jussie smollett guilty on some charges. in a bizarre attempt to downplay the news. 5 of 6 charges is much more than some, thank you. this one from msdnc, jussie smollett found guilty of hoax, will hurt lgbtq folks reporting hate crimes. so it's not that he concocted the hate crime hoax, that's not the problem. the problem is he was caught and found guilty, got it. this is how the left has always protected the horrible people leading their fight, telling victims to say and do nothing because it will hurt the cause or damage the mission. i know this personally from what i have experienced on the left. no wonder the worst of the worst embrace the democrat because. meanwhile, the ladies at the view are ready to forgive the hoax. >> it's unimaginable to anybody that it could a hoax. >> it's twitter's fault anyway.
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>> there is a place for forgiveness in our country? >> tammy: it wasn't unimaginable, many of us knew it and imagined it. media gaslighting is one of the many reasons that audiences are abandoning them and their ratings continue to sink lower and lower. fueling lies, hate, and more division. it's all the left has remaining. the worst part spewing lies to charlatans like him is what undermines -- it undermines everything the left claims to care about. biden then harris led to the smollett hoax, turning villains into victims and victims into villains, that's part of the core playbook of the left. we have been exposing it all this week showing how it penetrates every issue. 12 american cities have hit record homicides, cities all run by democrats. according to the far left
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prosecutors, it's the people concerned about the crime who are really the bad guys. on covid, don't you dare question the people who lied about the origins of the virus or you are somehow the threat to public health, or in education heaven forbid you don't want your children indoctrinated with far left extremism because the national school board association, you might be a domestic terrorist. all of these issues, all fruit of the same poisonous tree designed to make you question reality itself. that's the gaslighting. on the economy, and if you directly impacting all of our lives every day, the bureau of labor statistics reported today inflation has spiked to a remarkable 39 year high. inflation is 6.8% higher than it was one year ago. the largest 12 month increase since 1982. remember, just a few days ago the legacy media crowed the white house and invited a bunch of them into the white house to promote more favorable coverage
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of biden's economic disaster and it worked. the liberal media is portraying the economy as booming under biden. it is booming, like that sound the titanic made when it was splitting in. just before it sank. the biden media would describe that as the white star line having figured out how to give passenger cargo ships for the price of one. you get a cruise on the fireworks show all in one. let's block out the noise, separating facts from fiction and expose the destructive democrat agenda for what it is. a total and complete farce. we have a couple gentlemen here with opinions and insights. joe concha, media opinion columnist and fox news contributor and jason rantz, seattle radio host you know him well. let me say to you, joe, your job is to look at other media so we don't have to. is this surprising to you -- it all seems to be crumbling in on
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them and it seems pretty obvious to us what would happen. >> lots to unpack it there, golf clap on that monologue and none of what you said is inaccurate. i will take the media perspective on jussie smollett to start off your. many of the industry portrayed him as the victim of a hate crime, the ultimate target was donald trump supporters who happen to be wandering around chicago in subzero weather hunting actors of color because apparently i guess that is a thing in the windy city. you also mentioned adam schiff, here is a guy -- if you cloned a combination of michael avenatti and smollett, that is who would come out, right? adam schiff lies for years, what happens after his claims are debunked? he's awarded with a book deal and media tour. there is this effort you described to appease the biden administration and spin the
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unspeakable. cnn calls it an antidote for inflation. skyrocketing violent crime, looting, largely ignored like the waukesha massacre because of who carried it out. open border? what open border. i could go on, we have finite time. no apologies, no self-reflection, just hubris. >> tammy: as an observer and a critic of what's going on in the street with the government and politicians, you see the everyday impact and they come out of not reporting things when it's important to. what is your take on where we are at today? >> i look at what's going on and i say democrats in and out of the media are pushing a very specific narrative that happens to align with their own political goals. they don't need to be held accountable to any of the facts. when you see that fraud jussie smollett making a claim that never made sense to begin with it didn't matter whether or not it was true, it mattered if it fit into that end goal that the people want to push this
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fundamental change of this country and our systems. what became of the claims of the biggest threat is white supremacy of that country? what came of that? racism exists, there is no doubt about it, there are such things as racist but there is no massive white supremacy threat. my look at the number of anti-asian hate crimes, what i expected to find was a bunch of white people committing them. it wasn't what was going on, it was black people mostly homeless and dealing with mental health issues, that's not a white supremacy issue. but that term is used intentionally because it aligns with these talking points about the needs to dismantle systems of depression like police departments and farmers' markets. their framing stories around white supremacy because they want to prime us to accept their narrative ahead of pushing these policies. >> tammy: you're absolutely right to. what that requires is believing that your neighbor is evil, that your coworker is evil, that you
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can't trust your doctor. you can't trust the police. we've been told every system is corrupt, isn't that what the democrats in these narratives are meant to do? divide us by using narratives of hoaxes and lies overall? >> not just the democratic party but the media itself. gallup had a pull out last year that said 84% of the american people say the media bears some of the blame for divide in this country. conflict sells. even last summer, the summer of 2020, the summer of love we heard about these mostly peaceful riots and you would see up reporter from cnn it looks like the knock at tomey plaza from the end of die-hard. that is tacit approval of what happened. now we see all this crime is happening it's because we excused it in 2020. we said the cause was bigger than the virus and now look where we are. >> tammy: that's a great
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point. so much has happened when you think back and we all mention certain events that occurred, you think that was just recently. all of this happened to us and i have such great respect for those of you who are in front dealing with this on the daily basis, thank you for joining me and the american people who are shown in the polls if they are getting at, they have not been gas lit. my thanks to you for joining me tonight. we have a lot more coming up tonight. joe biden asks his buddies in the media to stop being so mean to him. it does look like they are listening. >> republicans seem to be rooting for bad economic news but most signs show the biden economy is booming. >> tammy: we have more on this, straight ahead to. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪
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>> tammy: just when you think things couldn't get worse there it is an economic report this morning that will shock you. with christmas right around the corner there might be fewer presents under the tree as costs are going up all around the country. inflation has surged to a 39 year high as the consumer price index rose 6.8% in november. what this means is just look at how much more expensive your life has already become in the last year. energy prices are up 33%, gas is up 58%. beef is now 20% more, while the costs of close have risen 5% and the price per used car has jumped 31%. these numbers are alarming but you wouldn't know it if you were listening to the liberal media. they are too busy trying to brainwash you. >> republicans need to be rooting for a bad economic news but most signs show the biden economy is booming. >> millions of americans would been dealing with soaring
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prices. >> can we celebrate there's some good news for a minute? i'll take it where i can get it. >> we have the strongest economy perhaps i have ever seen. >> tammy: gas down $0.07. the strongest economy, they couldn't be more wrong but that won't stop them because this false positive coverage is what in the biden administration wants. that's why they have been working behind the scenes of major media organizations to push more favorable economic coverage and it looks like it's working. let's bring in the host of next revolution. this is what is interesting, they are revealing their beliefs that the only thing that matters is the news cycle and what matters is what's on tv, not what is happening in real people's lives. prices have risen across the board, no prices are going down. it's milk, its protein, parents have to choose what they are going to get for their kids.
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isn't this the ultimate abandonment of the american people by the media when they go along with this? >> exactly right and by the regime itself. the important point to bear in mind about all the facts you lay out is these rising costs, this out-of-control inflation is not some natural disaster, it's not something that just happened, it is the direct result of biden's policies. specifically a clampdown on u.s. energy that means we have to import more expensive energy. paying people to stay-at-home which means businesses have to pay more to get people to work which means their costs go up. the big one completely over-the-top, multitrillion dollar spending bill right at the beginning of the biden regime which even some like lawrence summers said was causing inflation. they caused this in the media are complicit, they wanted biden elected, he is their guy, this is their regime, they have to
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cover for him. despite what they say about all the media they disagree with, cnn, msnbc, "the new york times," "washington post," the atlantic, they are state media. they are the propaganda arm of the biden regime. >> tammy: the thing that is needed to facilitate a world of lies to try to gaslighted people, you've got to have corporations, you've got to have business and you've got to have media hand-in-hand managing this so it takes a lot of energy. this is of course frightening because we are now into the winter, gas and oil, some of these people might not realize american people need to heat their homes. what is your take on what we are seeing here? >> the biden administration, their liberal loyal media activists that go out there and spew what they say, how dare they show the truth the american people. they get it browbeaten behind
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the scenes of the principal's office and the white house until they get right back in line and the soon as they are back in line everybody is happy again. i'm in d.c. right now, gas is $3.60 a gallon. that is incredibly expensive and they are continuing to double down on these policies. the easiest job in d.c. politics is being a democrat press secretary. if you say it, the media parrots it right back to you. social spending, that is what build back broken -- let alone the amnesty for a millions of legal immigrants and millions and billions of dollars of tax breaks for democrat donors. that is social spending, that will help america. americans are seeing the truth, that's why 70% of people who make $40,000 or less are feeling the crunch and polling. >> tammy: on top of this, this would be bad enough that we've had a year and a half of a
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psychological and emotional turmoil of just chaos because of what the chinese communist party has done and joe manchin reminded us for world war ii and the marshall plan to rebuild europe cost in today's dollars $4.7 trillion. we have spent more than that, 5.4 trillion because of covid. where is this going to end? >> you say it's because of covid but i know you and die degree because we've discussed that often, it is not because of covid, it's because of stupid lockdowns. we said from the start, all this spending is to cover up and pay for the consequences of the biggest public policy disaster of all time pushed by the people who are now in charge including fauci at the top. >> tammy: grade assessment for both of you, thank you. got a log of work to do coming
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: there seems to be no end insight for biden's self-created border crisis. >> good evening to you, two major immigration stories we are tracking right now. that horrible crash in mexico if we can pull up this video right here, this is a tractor-trailer that crashed while trying to make a turn loaded with upwards of 200 mostly central american migrants when it crashed. the latest numbers we have come a 54 migrants dead, 105 injured making it one of the worst accidents involving migrants in the last several decades. another story we are tracking right now out of yuma, arizona. take a look at this video
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showing migrants who just crossed illegally wandering around the city with no border patrol anywhere to be seen. the yuma mayor saying more than 6,000 migrants crossed into the city in the last several days. 2600% increase since october, some of them walking into a mcdonald's. border patrol completely overwhelmed down there. the mayor has declared a local state of emergency riding that he had to do so in part because of the unprecedented numbers of migrants entering the city prior to being processed and released by border patrol. the influx of these undocumented persons entering the yuma area is resulting in many of terrien and border crisis. earlier today, mark kelly's office told me he hasn't spoken with dhs secretary alejandra mallorca's about the situation and said more federal resources down to the yuma area. >> tammy: my goodness, what a
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catastrophe. the new york city council approved the bill allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. anyone who cares at all about the integrity of our elections wants to know why they would do this. councilmember lori may have spilled the beans. she saw the polling that found that hispanic voters are evenly split between the parties, so she voted against the legislation telling a reporter she feared it could drive more boats toward conservative candidates. she just revealed this is all about politics. thank you councilwoman for saying the quiet part out loud. join him in now to react, cohost of fox & friends weekend. this presumption that hispanics, people from mexico, people from latin countries would behave like robots and just vote in one singular certain kind of way.
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are you surprised that they are surprised that hispanics and legal immigrants may all be thinking for themselves? >> they are living in another era because the working class party is now the republican party. hispanics are smart, the recognized who is standing up for policies that help working-class people. they should be worried. we have been saying for a long time that open borders would devalue citizenship and eventually illegals would start voting and here we are. it's already happening. now we are seeing honest minority leaders in the black community are saying this is hurting -- how our vote will be counted but it's also hurting african-americans in wages because they are also competing for those skilled and low income jobs with illegals. this is a problem for the democrat party. >> tammy: when we think about
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the social impact and some state activists if you will have begun to question this is such a large group of people, hundreds of thousands that this would impact the state, the nature of the decision that these noncitizens would make and where does election integrity come in? how do we manage was able to vote, who shouldn't be voting, et cetera? >> that's why new york city tossed it all out. as a student of the rachel campos duffy school of politics, she has schooled me in politics. on the left believes they are captured voters inevitably becoming democrats but when they see a warning sign like immigrants from cuba or immigrants from venezuela who are fleeing totalitarian states, to put up a stop sign and they say not now. what she just said in
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new york city is completely emblematic of the mindsets. the borders should be open, illegals should vote if they vote for us. if the game changes may be we the other way. the assumption is still there, but maybe they are missing the reality of how a lot of hispanics would like to vote instead. >> tammy: it happens, we see it in california -- the chaos that happens when you have a single party running everything. there is no contradiction, no challenging, nobody there to make a statement about why this doesn't work. groupthink really takes hold and the lives ruined first of the lives of people in the inner-city, people of color, single parents, women raising their children, they are the ones who get crunched because of horrible economic decision-making which follows bad electoral decision-making.
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>> there's no question democrat leadership has made so many people's lives worse and it's only going to get worse because people are fleeing. people with common sense, normal people are fleeing new york. they can't take it anymore, they are fleeing california, we are going to see this get more exaggerated because only the crazies are going to be left. >> tammy: we have a lot coming up when it comes to the nature of who is paying the taxes and who isn't an economic decisions that have to be made to. thank you both for joining me, merry christmas to you. up next, the left wing lunatics come after me for defending the declaration of independence. i will have more on that next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: this week i've been speaking to you about how the left is a cult, expecting their constituencies to embrace woke nonsense which always flies in the face of truth and reality, they make things up to further a narrative and smear those who dare to seek the literal truth. i have the perfect example here tonight.
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some of the left clutch their pearls and got mad at my noting that joe biden inserted a word into the declaration of independence of the founders did not write. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident that all women and men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. democracy doesn't happen by accident. we have to renew it with each generation. >> tammy: notice how he said women and men are created equal, it matters that is not what the founders wrote. apparently the sacred words of the founders weren't inclusive enough. the left's response was totally predictable and pathetic, here is a sample. right wing influencers like tammy bruce do so much fetishizing of the constitution and the founding fathers that fox news is basically baby boomer rage porn. while those pearls are crushed
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into dust, the ultimate reaction is rage of the contradiction or the truth that ruins counter to their narrative moment. here's a news flash to the left. whatever minority group you've arbitrarily co-opted, you don't get to make things up to suit the narratives. you don't get to pretend grifters or hoaxers are heroes or abusers are feminist standard-bearers. you don't get to guess like the american public that the economy is fine or people who vote differently from you are terrorists or democrats are champions of the marginalized. joe biden has a history of taking other people's words and changing them to make it seem like they are his or her in this case to pander to a political narrative and that has always been unacceptable. this country was born in perfect like all of us and we make changes and grow into a more perfect union made possible only because of the genius of the founders and of our founding documents. allowing this greatest nation on earth to exist.
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especially for those of us who are minorities, we become a better nation not by changing what was written or melting down statues or destroying people's lives. we change it through elections, law, and legislation. i have been an advocate for women for most of my adult life, all of the civil rights movements in this country were to allow us to be ourselves, to not have to pretend in order to placate someone else and now ironically, it's the left attacking those who do not conform, or who refuse to bend a knee to prescribed woke garbage. what an abandonment of all civil rights movements and what a travesty. so here we are, we have a few words to those of you who attack people who dare to be different, or who don't follow your corrupt and abusive rules. grow up, snap out of it, you are in a cult, this is not what personal freedom looks like, it is what totalitarianism looks like. that is what we used to reject
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and fortunately what most of us continue to fight. now for a look into the 2022 midterms as joe biden's approval rating continues to plummet. a red wave is rising and democrats are in fact getting nervous. during the november election americans made it clear they are tired of the left's radical agenda and want change and it could be coming as republicans are already in position to flip several seats in the house in 2022. a survey by cnbc shows republicans are sporting a ten-point advantage over democrats control congress. this is a year before the election and some of the women leading that battle to turn blue districts read are here with us tonight. janine lawson of virginia, esther joy king of illinois, and caroline levitt of new hampshire. they join me now. all of you ladies are hoping to flip a blue district read and you are running for congress.
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let's start -- let's start with you, tell us what you were up to. >> thanks for having us, i am running in my home district, new hampshire's first congressional district to unseat my representative chris pavitt's, he does a fantastic job of walking, talking, and acting like a moderate but he pulls like a radical democrat and he is out of touch with the needs of families of my own in new hampshire. i'm running to unseat him. and i'm running to change hearts and minds of young people. and generation z and the truth is as republicans we need to take a hard look at the mirror. my generation voted overwhelmingly for joe biden, for nancy pelosi, they believe in their socialist agenda so we need to change minds of young people and that's why money for congress. >> tammy: we sure do, especially because we got a dynamic here and people think they are always going be fine. people think their votes don't count or this is just a game but you know this is serious and everybody has to think about who they are voting for.
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>> thank you so much for highlighting our races, i appreciate being on your show. i'm running to flip virginia ten which right now is being represented by somebody completely out of touch with american values, doing nothing to support american women and children. this soft on crime nonsense and woke school we are seeing in loudoun county is being exposed and people are fed up and we are going to flip the seat and win it back. >> tammy: is it esther or esther joy? >> esther joy, that's what my parents call me. >> tammy: we will call you that as well. what has always been necessary for me looking at republicans is the fact that women have had to step up to go there has been a problem within the republican party and you are doing it, not just talking about it but doing it. tell me why you are running and what you want to accomplish. >> like you said at the
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beginning, we have a red tsunami coming and conservative women are right at the front of that wave of what's coming in 2022 for republicans. i ran in 2020 and i fell just short of victory against a leadership member of the democratic party, while being outspent by $5 million in 2020. going into 2022, she's not even going to try to beat me. she's retiring and i am the front runner in an open seat. this district is one of the top eight targeted races by the national republican party. we have so much momentum and excitement. the grassroots of people i get to talk to every day, not just democrats, not just republicans but also democrats and independents. they are with us and if anyone wants to be a part they can go to esther for congress and help us win the illinois 17th. >> tammy: in my twitter feed we have all of your handles
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there, people can keep clicking and find out what you're up to. when you speak about your generation and the fact that we see that it's not just partisan anymore. this is about democrats, you can be an independent, a green party member, be a liberal, be a conservative. what matters to all of us regardless of age is a recognition that the future -- it's one thing to be alive you have to be able to enjoy life. you have to have optimism about what's coming up, how do you convey that to the younger set? >> we talk about the issues that matter which are spending and we need to have young people recognize it is our generation of voters, we are going to have to foot the bill for a trillion dollar packages they are slamming down our throats in washington, d.c.. it's the issue of education, and a product of new hampshire public schools. we see the highest surge in legal fentanyl and we have been hit hard by the opioid academic. these are issues that will resonate with young people, seeing my campaign again.
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she does not want to give up her puppet in new hampshire. >> tammy: give us how we can get in touch with you for anyone who's interested in your campaign. >> janine lawson, >> tammy: thank you, remember it's one thing to note something has to change but you are stepping up and it's beautiful to see. luck favors the prepared so i think you're going to do well. up next, exclusive interview with one and only kathie lee gifford.
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>> tv legend kathie lee gifford has been openly talking about her facebook people from all walks of life for years. now she shares his conversations about faith with us. in her new book, "the i know" just in time for the christmas season. tv icon and author joins me know. kathy lee, thank you so very much. i know this is a busy season, beautiful season, but i was really looking forward to this because i consider myself a person of faith. i believe in jesus. i've never been affiliated with any formal religion. so the conversation about jesus himself is always fascinating to me and i'm going to be getting
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the book and sharing it, but tell me why you did it considering the outreach you've had now for years and what you hope to accomplish? >> first of all, it's so lovely to be with you. you are so smart and at such a good human being. it is a pleasure to meet you finally. >> thank you, same to you, same here. >> my literary agent in new york said to me last year, we had a big book last year, he said kathie lee, you know what i want you to do for your next book? the conversations you have with people on movie sets are on a broadway show or in a theater somewhere. those are the most fascinating things to me, and he asked if i would consider doing an entire book on them. it is so different from myself -- he is gay, asian, grew up buddhist, and i love him and respect him and i admire him.
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and i just thought -- the world, we are just so at each other's throats these days. and i truly believe that our common ground and life is our sacredness. all through my lifetime, i separate secular from spiritual -- i just live my life as authentically as i can wherever god puts me. i do puts me in strange places. and it puts me in's strange places. but the people have been able to -- all of those things, jesus never did. cancel culture. and i don't mean political, i'm not talking politics, i'm not talking about -- it is the antithesis of christianity. and i am a follower of jesus. i am a jewish woman who follows my rabbi, jesus. and i have since i was 12 years
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old. and he never told people -- the only time you have got mad, righteously angry was that the pharisees and the sadducees, because they were worse or should religion instead of living god. >> especially after last christmas being canceled. and now we are remembering after the lockdowns and the isolation that family matters. knowing who your neighbor is matters. that being with somebody matters. in fact, it is love that matters. that love is everywhere. and what we do as human beings can be so awful that we've got to -- this season is important. and carrying that through the rest of the year. someone like, when we think about this being an actual individual, instead of a myth that some people purport, that
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this is about humanity and what human beings can do in the midst of our faith and what is beyond us. >> yes, exactly right. and jesus loved people. he didn't condemn them. he said i came into this world not to condemn, but to save. and i'm the person who tells people who don't know it yet that god loves them. i said at lunch today and some restaurant and spent the whole couple of hours telling them that. because nobody -- he said nobody has ever told them that. >> now you are telling a few million people and it's very important no matter who they are and it is perfect for christmas. the jewish holidays and everything. kathie lee, congratulations. "the jesus i know." great seeing you. thank you so much for watching
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"fox news prime time" this week. i want to think the entire team here, fox news, everyone, you watching. you make everything possible. you can find out more about me at tammy bruce dot merry christmas. will cain will be hosting next week starting monday at 7:00 p.m. until then, tucker carlson's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." there's a lot about modern economic theory that is important, but difficult to understand. not many people formulating these views don't really understand them. that is why they could never explain anything, clearly. but there is one core economic fact that everybody, even those of us with poor math skills, grasp instantly peer that is when we are getting poorer. how do you know you are getting poorer? when you don't h
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