tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News December 12, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> i do not think defunding the police and coming up with a long list of crimes are knocking to prosecute auto think that's a winning political strategy but who knows. thank you i hope you have a very merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday with us i hope you have a great week ahead until next week you can find us online with the tray yachting podcast, good night from south carolina life liberty and the event is up next. mark: hello america i marked live-in and this is "life, liberty & levin", this is a special edition program to great guest jason whitlock and byron donalds and we have a lot to go through. before we do it's my contention that many of the major media platforms in this country are racist and
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anti-semitic. as part of the problem we have in the country they bring contributing guest if not host and so forth who spread this poison and they do it constantly. they do it under the cover of news analysis and of course it is none of those things, let's begin here you heard me talk about the new york times before, i want to give you additional information the new york times is supposed to be the gold standard for the media there have been three tremendous books written on the subject of the new york times and the holocaust and its abject failure to cover it, one expert the abandonment of the jews america and the holocaust 1941 - 1945. beyond belief the american press and the coming of the holocaust 1933 - 1945 professor deborah ... that, third
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book the holocaust and america's most important newspaper, professor laura why am i getting to this information. ladies and gentlemen the press for the most part are corrupt their utterly corrupt, the university professor her book beyond belief she saw the media self-censorship as probably institutional problem she wrote the press bears a great measure of responsibility for the public skepticism and ignorance of the wartime tragedy the nasty mass murder of jews, they were strengthened and possibly even created by the manner in which the media told the story this relates to what goes on in our country today how the median distort and lie and spin. if the press did not plant the seeds of doubt in readers minds, did little to eradicate
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them, during world war ii, during journalist said the news of deportation and execution did not come from eyewitnesses who can personally confirm what happens and they asked journalist obliged to skeptically. it's probably because much of the information came from german statements they were hiding what they were doing broadcasting newspapers. if anything the sources would've been declined to deny not verify the news neutral sources also affirmed the reliability of reports. there were reports in new york for crying out loud moreover even when the press encountered a dismiss what they had to say because they were considered reliable in the impartial of the new york times laurel of northeastern university journalist scrutinize the role during the holocaust but the new york times in particular. she has written extensively about how the new york times field for coverage of 1942 she
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asked what was it about prevailing press standards and the personalities of the time that led the nation most important newspaper discount one of the most important news stories. less than the dme disclosure the times publisher intentionally and repeatedly buried news about the holocaust within his paper or ignored altogether. she writes the war was the dominant news was not only front-page news. the new york times between 12 - 14 front-page fear then
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half contain the work, the first story on the not see the greatest mass murder appeared on page five tacked onto the bottom of a columnist story. the deaths of other civilians are fewer than 100 regularly appeared on the front page. in dean less research, the times in the media overall withheld are much to what they knew about the holocaust from the america public. the way the press in general and times particular presented the facts played an important role between information and action. the way the times and the mass media told the story of the holocaust, no chance of arousing opinion they never treated the news as important or at least this important a motorist to visit the price administration they didn't have their automobile registration number and state written on the gasoline coupon,
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story about that bureaucratic appears on the front page march 2, 1944 the same day the last voice was relegated to page four. it goes on and on. it was not just the holocaust that would be bad enough. it was also stalin, for 12 years mr. bureau chief in moscow and during that period he was the bureau chief when stalin was raining the bureau chief of 1932 when stalin ordered the extermination of ukrainians, genocide, he cut off ukraine and cut it off anyway imaginable to starve the peasants because they would not join these communes, they would not allow their land that had been passed on from generation to generation taken by the communist. he starve them to death, millions of them. he reported in the front page and other pages
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from the new york times that it was a bad harvest they were just going through problems he was on stalin's payroll and he had a girlfriend who he impregnated and maitri had the best food, cars to travel and british journalist who went into the ukraine and saw cannibalism and so forth and they were disgusted and furious with walter duranty who had a pulitzer prize for his recording and when you look at that and then you look at the new york times half a century ago, 50 years ago, the reporter, talking about how castro had thousands and thousands of freedom fighters, people who wanted to democracy when he had about 12 or 20 at the most because he was being defeated, help build up castro and castro overthrew the government and he was a communist and enemy of
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the united states and a surrogate of the soviet union and castro thanked the new york times for the help that they received for modern-day. the new york times and russian collusion, pushing the story that we now know was a lie from beginning to end by the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc, planted by perkins democrat law firm in one of his lawyers has been and guided in another lawyer who has dark money, millions and millions to influence the 2020 campaign future campaigns in the obama administration with the fbi intelligence agencies to destroy the trump candidacy and the term presidency. anti-somatic, not the only organization that was. >> i said the major news platform to this country are also racist.
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you know the marxist left likes to throw that word around to anybody who supports the constitution, who loves this country who believes in the flag and the national anthem, the united states military, police officers, these marks it throughout the media democrat party and radicals who are part of the blm in antifa movement like to call everybody else racism systemic racism in this country and so forth, there's not a damn thing you can do then overthrew the country. msnbc which is owned by podcast talking about the newly elected soon-to-be lieutenant governor of virginia she is a black woman born in jamaica naturalized american citizen who served in the marine corps as did her husband a small business woman and elected the first woman the first black lieutenant governor of
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virginia. >> whiteness is a hell of a drug, fear worked and has a divided one last year by ten points, what did all these racist virginia voters do tuesday night in addition. mark: let's stop all these racist virginia voters? what kind of a bigot is this, he appears regularly on msnbc and elsewhere, why would a major corporation podcast which owns nbc and msnbc put a bigot like this, that's my opinion on television to spread hate. the racist voters of virginia, you see how he dehumanizes every single person who voted they could be black, red, brown, albino, whatever it is, if you voted the wrong way and voted against the marxist agenda you were obviously erases. this person is on
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television constantly. >> as governor they elected vincent sears as lieutenant governor shall be the first african-american woman to be elected statewide in virginia history by the wall street journal, nice try. invoking the name of lieutenant governor winston sears doesn't prove wrong of the role of race in the virginia governor's election. not relief. >> voting for someone black does not grant absolution from racism were being motivated. mark: i don't think people voted for winston sears because they wanted absolution about anything. i think they voted because she was a fantastic candidate she has charisma and substantive and believes in the country and low taxes, she believes the martin luther king and the content of one's
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characters, that's why people voted for sears, it has nothing to do with seeking absolution. go ahead. >> with the bullhorn to politicians fears for political gains. >> bullhorn? , that the democrat party in the deep south, not the republican party in modern-day virginia bullhorn, listen to this. the people of virginia vote in a black woman a brilliant black woman, and experience black woman a patriotic black woman and we get lectured about absolution. go ahead. >> having some of your best friends be black or family members be black or dating or being married to someone black and black music and culture is no past
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either. mark: when you passed or what, pass for what? if you're married to a black person and you are not black, you're married to a black person in or not black because you love that person and that person loves you because they're looking beyond pigmentation and your soul in your heart and your mind. you're as if you're one that's what marriage is about. marriage is not about look at this i made a black person or look at this and married a white person or native american. this is the mindset of these bigots, american marxist as far as i'm concerned. >> granting folks black cards always remember it is a joke it is not transferable. mark: blackness isn't transferable, what the hell is he talking about. we're never gonna have, we will never have a
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society where people look beyond race for anything for that matter as long as we have people with bullhorns like jonathan he is certainly not alone, were given the massive platforms although their not so massive of msnbc, you get my point to dispute their hate and their bigotry, this is an extraordinarily diverse nation the most diverse nation the freest nation on earth the freest economic on the face of the earth you can do whatever he what did you become whatever you were to become, whatever education you want to get it up to you as an individual human being. as you can hear jonathan does not view you individual human beings he dehumanizes you. he pushes his problem which is very, very dangerous and evil. the new york times, msnbc and so many more
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mark: welcome back america one of my favorite commentators is jason whitlock one of my favorite commentators for years when you had a column in kansas city, he is a journalist ablaze media columnist a podcast and he is terrific. i wanted to have you comment on a clip i'm going to play from msnbc, i'm going to play the whole thing through without interruption and i will leave it to you to give me your thoughts, this is from last week the election of women some sears as lieutenant governor in virginia. >> they want credit for breathing and for having here in the morning and getting up and brushing their teeth. i made an achievement that should be noteworthy, you are doing well political figures must do make choices, the problem is here they want white supremacy by
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ventriloquist affect there is a black mouth moving but a white idea with running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices we know we can internalize in our own minds and our own subconscious and her own body the very principles and to have a black face speaking in behalf of a white supremacist legacy is nothing new for me too understand this is politics 101 and it's race not even 101. it is the pre-k of race, critical race theory. the word critical in theory means let's be on the side of those who need to be emancipated that enslave them, that's all that means ended entire universe of meaning out of the one
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word. >> it's a lot to unravel, what do you see. >> i want to start by saying i really enjoyed your opening monologue i think you frame this up well. i do want to take the conversation a little bit differently, i don't want to diminish racism or anti-semitism those are the real problems but were releasing, this is satanism this is satanic when there is attack on truth, it's an attack on god and jesus. the truth is what sets us free, the truth is what jesus, god, faith is about there is a massive attack on truth in this country. that is an attack on
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god. he said a long time ago if you can convince a man of absurdities you can get him to commit to atrocities. i may have butchered that slightly but we're being convinced of absurdity in the packaging and masking their hatred of god were here to fix racism were here to attack the truth and attack god and create a chaotic society that believes in absurdities so eventually they can execute atrocities on people were seeing small examples all across america i don't know if i want to go as far as calling january 6 and have they have been treated as an atrocity but it's a sign of where were headed that was not an indirection those people don't deserve to
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be locked up in chains in isolation in prison on trespassing charges we've been convinced of absurdity that somehow this is an insurrection the likes of which we have not seen since pearl harbor and it justifies atrocity of let's lock these people up for life in solitary confinement and deny them basic privileges. that's the path were on and are using race in the democratic party are the new hood of the kkk call yourself an antiracist in the democrat and now you can do some of the roast racist things while pretending and covering yourself with the hood of i'm a democrat, liberal. the things i'm doing are actually good. were being convinced of
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absurdity and were witnessing the beginning of atrocities that will not stop with heather treating the people on january 6 there's far worse atrocities being planned for all of us who purposively in jesus christ our savior who believe in god and the truth there are atrocities in planning for all of us. mark: when we return will explore that, the major corporations that are giving platforms to haters and bigots and people who are poisoning the country. with this blatant bigotry in races. we'll be right back. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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[ chantell ] when my teeth started to deteriorate, >> man, i love that song! i stopped hanging out socially. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. [ awada ] the health of our teeth plays a significant role in our overall health. chantell was suffering, and we had to put an end to that. the absolute best way to do that was through dental implants. [ chantell ] clearchoice dental implants changed everything. my digestive health is much better now. i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again.
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>> welcome to fox news live i am jon scott. a massive search and rescue continue at this hour to parts of kentucky that were ripped apart by the powerful and deadly tornadoes free tonight is spokesman for the candle company in mayfield for eight factory workers have been found dead and eight remain missing, 40 people rescue for the factory earlier today. the governor says rescue teams are still finding bodies in other regions, thousands of people have been left homeless, kentucky is one of six states recovering from
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tornado damage. threatening the west coast, californians are being warned to prepare for a major winter storm expected to hit tomorrow. forecasters predict several feet of snow in the higher elevations and other parts will see torrential rainfall. i'm jon scott, now back to "life, liberty & levin" then. mark: welcome back jason whitlock you had mentioned atrocities to come in i asked you why would these corporations, the public corporations give a platform to the haters, go ahead. >> the corporations are farmer interested in being on the right side of china, they have farmer interest in the mark the 1.4 billion citizens in china than the 330 million in america many great
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american companies have a globalist agenda in the shorting america in the going long on china. that explains her interest but as it relates to atrocities overseen for peoples whose values are defined from a biblical worldview, peoples whose values understand what made america great what made america continue to expand freedom and right wrongs, we had a culture and society who had judeo-christian values and people did things in order to be on the right side of god. that's what we had a civil war and people sacrifice their lives for the freedom of other men that's what we had a civil rights movement where people sacrifice their lives for other people to experience full freedom, we used to
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want to be on the right side of god the progressives, the liberals, the marxist have now defined it let's be on the right set of history and they plan to write history, they're in control of the media organization and the people that right the first, second and third drafts of history. that is something that they could define, there's people here in america across the world god brought history in a game plan for all of us i want to be on the right side of that. what you're seeing people standing on the principles are being demonized in this country there being framed as racist or being framed as uncle tom's or sellouts there being framed just trump supporter bigots who want to destroy the country and what they really standing on our biblical principles and a biblical worldview in american history that
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says our faith in our judeo-christian culture is what served as best and allowed us to move past slavery and jim crow and expand freedom to people of color, women and others. there standing on troops and now they find themselves under attack for having those beliefs and being framed as racist and people that don't have a right or any privileges here in this country that's what i mean by atrocities. i thinkhose of us that choose to stand on that worldview in the biblical worldview we will find ourselves in the crosshairs and incarcerated for stated honor principles because of demonizing all of us who have these beliefs. mark: people who have
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religious beliefs against the vaccine given the basic materials or elements in some of these vaccines, they are being fired from their jobs. to further your point there being discriminated against. while there religious objections almost no corporation or government entity is acknowledging these exceptions, go ahead. >> there are people with a biblical worldview who believe god is the greatest scientist and he made an immune system if we take care of it properly, if we do the right things with her body there is no virus that china can create or anyone can create to destroy the system and whether right or wrong, america was based on religious freedom. they have a right to believe that an act in that way. we used to value medical privacy, now we don't
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just an instance it turned on a dime and now it's not between you and your doctor it is between you and the media and everybody else in the country whether or not you take the vaccine people who believe in god's natural order we are being demonized, we are being set up is the worst thing that is ever happened to america they want to rewrite our constitution and convince everybody america is a failure this is the absurdities that i'm trying to explain to people they're getting us to believe, america the greatest country in the planet is an actual failure therefore let's blow up the constitution and anybody in support of the previous constitution is a bad person and worthy of being incarcerated and sit in a dungeon. mark: i want to thank you very, very much,
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always compelling and it's been a pleasure, take care of yourself. we'll be right back. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness.
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mark: a great guest who has been here before stand out as far as i'm concerned byron donalds of florida. byron i want to ask you a question, your elected a mostly white district, or african-american naples included one of the wealthiest in the country, winsome sears is like a lieutenant governor of virginia which is significantly majority white state, she's coming under attack on msnbc and some of the other news platforms. basically saying she may be black but she speaks
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white. i'm gonna ask you question a minute read something to you here, the washington post a fellow by the name of goldberg that were to the heritage foundation and he said prior to 2013 the terms white and racial privilege .00013% and .00005% of all words in the new york times and the washington post. between 2013 to 2019 the average frequency by 1200% of the new york times, 1500% in the washington post. he said white supremacy used to have a meeting neo-nazi klansman not all white people. what is happening to this country, critical race theory you have african-americans who believe in this country in liberty and unalienable rights and
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equality in the founding of this country coming under attack, categories theory, the marxist theory being pushed all over television and dropped the democrat party, what you make of all of this. >> first of all i think if you look at msnbc or cnn and the radical left news outlets because that's really what they are, they have to dehumanize, they try to dehumanize me or tim scott or condoleezza rice before us because we disrupt the narrative. the commonwealth of virginia elected a black woman for the first time to be lieutenant governor. in north carolina the lieutenant governor is mark robinson a black man, they have to destroy us or ignore us because we completely a obliterate the narrative from the left, that narrative you cannot possibly get ahead in
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america unless you put into place their agenda whether be the economic agenda for the marxist agenda or political agenda whether cultural agenda has to be there way or no way, i was at a dinner last night and we literally talked about this at the table about the political left wants to do now to dehumanize and get rid of the individuality that exist in every american they wanted thomas down into the big blocks of identity, ignoring who we are and what her background are commonalities host ever talk to win some sears, i talked to her and she doesn't even sound white she something a jamaican woman, but when she talks about his responsibility and working hard and making for herself and having opportunities to do so that is not white speak that is america speak, to the radical left to is trying to fundamentally transform america you cannot allow for that, you have to stop it.
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when somebody achieves a level of notoriety especially in our election cycles right now in the years to come they must destroy black conservatives and that to be completely wiped out and the way they're trying to do that right now, now she is some sort of puppet it's ridiculous and insane but speaking for her and talking to her and her family she will not be intimidated and neither will i. mark: she's a marine she knows better and so is her husband. when you make of the corporations i asked jason whitlock this the corporations to bigots and make the so-called newsrooms that bring them on over and over and over again, what you make of them. >> there week and scared of being attacked on twitter were protesting and they would rather capitulate or been any and stand for the things that allow the
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corporation to grow to the point where they can own a news network, that's a problem that we have we have two mini people corporate offices and corporate boards who are more concerned about being called racist were being called out of touch or whatever as opposed to standing up for what is right. in the few companies that do it they're the ones that are taking from the attacks but i'll tell you, normal americans and conservative americans are coming to your defense they want you to stand up and do the right thing and stand for decency and common sense intolerance, tolerance is the word that is left corporate america is quite intolerant right now the only thing they will allow his ideology from the marxist left to be pushed down and they will watch it happen on their watch so they don't end up being targeted by the same groups they promote. mark: i want to make it abundantly clear, critical theory and critical race theory are
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marxist ideology, they were invented by marxist and frankford, critical race theory was invented by a marxist law professor and harvard and it is pushed by tenure marxist and universities and law schools and now being pushed by the aft. it is marxism, you don't believe me, read american marxism, if you don't believe me do your own scholarship that's what's been pushed and is being pushed by the american media. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪
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mark: barron donald monier colleagues cori bush from st. louis unloaded on joe manchin with i'm concerned about the cost of this thing in this budget that you want to pass and so forth and she attacked him saying he's anti-children, anti-parent, anti-minority, doesn't that prove the point that these are marxist pushing a marxist agenda and if you don't embrace it they don't want to debate capitalism versus marxism and so forth in liberty over tierney, they want to call you
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names and put you down. >> that's exactly right when cory did is wrong and she shouldn't have said that, and disrespect joe manchin is right about the cost of the bill, it is bigger than that the american people are being ignored they want to spend showing in the dollars into an economy, were already seeing inflation sore since the '90s that the inflation report that just came out were seen where people are having trouble heating their homes they could have issues filling their cars getting the stuff that they need from all the talk from the left about how they want to narrow the gap of income inequality wages are decreasing when you take into account purchasing power and that's because of the recklessness of joe biden when it comes to spending, furthermore let's be clear, the federal government doesn't even have were borrowing from our future to pay for the
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goodies today, they want to completely bring it their entire green new deal through the back door of joe biden's incompetence that's not going to help our country, meanwhile we're continuing to grow where debt and ignoring budget deficits, nancy pelosi doesn't even think that they exist she wants to create her legacy as she walks out the door and the american people are the ones that are going to be left holding the bag, when you put stuff in this bill like a tax credit for newspapers, or employee to the tune of $12000 per employee at local newspapers when you put tax credits for the rich to buy electric cars to the tunes of $12000 per electric car i know they would vilify republicans is pushing forward these tax cuts i want people to look into this bill what the democrats have done they have created tax cuts for rich people in blue states that's why they're bringing back the salt deduction to the tune of $80000 a
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year which is only going to help millionaires. the reason i say it this way the narrative from the left has always been we have to go get the rich people. the truth is they're not interested in getting the rich people there interested in getting everybody. what conservatives and republicans are standing for is a simple form of our federal government, simple tax rates so the government get some money it needs to fund itself to do the things that we should be doing about building our military so we maintain her dominance by the chinese in the united states congress that the focus of this president but he is capitulate to the radical left, that's why cory cannot debate the point, whatever on democrats when he says something sensible finally that this amount of spending is reckless and this is only going to lead to more
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inflation and it's going to destroy the purchasing power from fixed income seniors to poor families in our countries for working families and our countries and they will continue to fall behind before the lot a left gets its way. >> of course the poor the inner-city poor their untrained is an open border help them coming across-the-board by hundreds of thousands pointing tri-city, does it make it more difficult for them to find jobs, the democrats stand in the schoolhouse to prevent core kids from getting a quality education in a different school not one that is necessarily down the block a private school or another public school. the democrats deficit spending which is unprecedented drives up inflation the cost of food and gasoline who does that hurt most of all we could go on and on for all of their talk about concerned about the poor, the middle class the lower middle class about people in color and so forth,
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their actions speak louder than words and i don't see it. >> byron donalds, terrific, i want to thank you very much keep up the fight. >> thank you for having me on, anytime. >> we'll be right back the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate
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and weekend and rendered vicious by personalities by those who live by falsehoods and policies impartiality's and the schemes of the designing find the very instrument that the devils would invent to affect their designs. i'm not against the first amendment and freedom of the press i'm against the tyranny of the press. we do not have a free objective and impartial news media with certain rare exceptions. we simply do not they are advancing and ideology. you cannot read "the new york times" and the "washington post" watch cnn or msnbc or watch nbc news cbs news or abc news or any morning programs and come away that they are objectives earnest and studious and trying to actually what about fox? the fox news elements are about news.
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the opinion house are about opinions. sometimes they make news. this is a distinction. i will see you next time on "life, liberty & levin". steve: good evening welcome to "the next revolution". this is the home of positive populism, pro-worker, pro-famil y, pro-community, and especially pro-america. and then all of the disasters he has created and then made worse with his solutions biden found time what was the point of the summit? how does that help you? the solutions that we seek have a common antecedent this is not a
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