tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 13, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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than a kicker. >> we will see you tomorrow night. thanks for watching fox news prime time, don't forget to check out the will cain podcast, new episodes every monday, wednesday, and friday. good interviews, more takes, more hanging out with me but for now, i'll be back here tomorrow and you get to hang out with tucker carlson which starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," happy monday. so imagine this happen to you. you are sitting on an airplane taxiing down the runway on a trip out of the country. all of a sudden, the plane stops and is surrounded by military police, armed men stormed the aircraft and drag a man from his seat so of course, you assume at first terrorism has just been averted. the passenger must have been trying to blow up the plane with a shoe bomb or something. but no, that's not what this is
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good that man is not a terrorist, he is something worse than that. he violated covid restrictions. he is a covert criminal. so try to be reasonable here. a man with covid should not be on a commercial aircraft spreading the virus to everyone else and of course, that's fair. but here's the thing, this man doesn't have covid, he was tested right before he got on the airplane and no trace of the virus was found so why in the world is he being hauled off the flight by armed men? here is why. because the government has determined based on his travel history which they have been tracking he might someday get covid. therefore in the name of public health he is being forcibly detained not for something he has done but for something that he potentially might do inadvertently and for that, this man is headed to a covid camp. known euphemistically as a quarantine hotel but he's not a guest in this hotel, he will be a prisoner. all of this just happened. in north korea, you ask?
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no, and the netherlands. one of the most "liberal" countries in the world. home of the hague, the international port of justice. he may have been there. think twice about going back or for that matter think twice about going to canada, another supposedly "liberal" country. canadian citizens are now banned from traveling by airplane, train, or shipped in less they can prove they've been injected with the shot that justin trudeau demands they take. that's a big change. for centuries, they have the right to travel within their own country and had that right before candidate was even a nation they don't have it anymore. they try it, they will end up like the guy at the amsterdam airport in a prison disguised as a public health facility. unfortunately, we are not making this up. similar crackdowns are underway around the world, it's what we are watching here in real time as the death of democracy. the pretext for all of this is something called omicron, the
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new variant of the coronavirus. omicron is incredibly dangerous, dangerous enough to justify a total suspension of our ancient civil liberties for the first time in hundreds of years. but here's the amazing thing. omicron appears to be virtually harmless. in the entire world, there is one recorded death from omicron. in the united states, not a single person has died of omicron, not one. did you know that? have they told you that? probably not. you likely assumed it, because why wouldn't you, that omicron had killed many people, but it hasn't. this is the definition of a manufactured threat. on the basis of this manufactured threat, one person died globally on the basis of that, authoritarians posing as physicians are demanding that certain classes of americans must be prohibited from traveling within their own country. walked to the state carefully because someday we are going to look back on moments like this in horror and disbelief.
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>> i think with the administration missed a big opportunity this week to tell the american people that we are going to mandate vaccination for air travel in the united states. we are requiring vaccination for people traveling into the united states so why only mandating vaccination for people traveling within the united states? >> i don't think anyone should be allowed on an airplane domestic or international or train without being able to prove they've been vaccinated. >> tucker: okay, so for some perspective here, the last man you just called is called erwin redwing, not a virologist, he's a pediatrician and more importantly a political activist and most recently been working as an advisor to bill de blasio so he knows nothing about covid and yet there he is on television demanding soviet style internal passports in the united states. health officials or even worse.
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eric swalwell knows even less about covid and can barely write a complete sentence wow sentence, literally a. yet he is also calling for internal covid passports within our borders. his fellow democrats have already introduced legislation to make this federal law. that's a change. but none of it is enough for tony fauci. tony fauci is demanding proof of injection before people can enter your home. >> people should have they invite people over to their home essentially ask and may be require that people show evidence they are vaccinated. >> tucker: so stand back and ask yourself what are we watching here? you've got 79-year-old joe biden and 81-year-old nancy pelosi, all running our country with the help of 79-year-old mitch mcconnell. this is the oldest government in american history and also the most powerful. as you can respect the elderly, we certainly do and we mean it,
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but you can also understand this is not normal. in fact, this is a sign of civilization decline. they don't have contact with young people regularly, they don't have kids at home so they're not thinking about raising up a nurturing and protecting the next generation of americans. instead, they're thinking about themselves. covid is a threat to them because they are old. it's just true. covid is not a threat to young people, that's also true, but they don't care. nancy pelosi feels her chill so the whole country is required to wear a sweater. chairman mao did something similar as he aged, he crushed the young. may be a syndrome here, strangely recognizable but we know for a fact in this country there has never been a more selfish and shortsighted leadership class. they destroyed the future for millions of young people. how does a child raised in a mask turned out at the age of 35? joe biden doesn't care because he will not be there to find out but the early signs are pretty scary, very actually.
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according to a study from brown university, "children born during the pandemic have recently reduced motor and cognitive performance compared to children born prepandemic. that's our future and we should be very concerned about it. meanwhile suicide attempts have risen more than 53%. it just a small indicator of what is actually happening. for every teen who tries to kill herself, 100 others are living in agony. a new report from the surgeon general finds attempted suicide, anxiety, depression all increase markedly in this country. but it's the addiction numbers that are the worst. the number of overdose deaths increased 100,000. at this point, more americans are dying from drug ods liniment dying from car crashes on gun death combined.
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overdose is just an end point of a very long saga. it is the final chapter in the world's saddest story, many years of suffering and torment. of and our lunatic covid policies have caused so much more of this. what people like tony crouch you will never acknowledges that addiction is far worse than the coronavirus. addiction doesn't just kill you although of course it does, addiction degrades you and destroys the people around you, the very people you love the most. addiction is the worst thing. addiction is a fate worse than death, it steals your soul. any sane person would rather die of covid tonight and then spend the next decade addicted to drugs and alcohol. ask anyone who has them. but pelosi and biden and fauci and mcconnell don't care. they are completely uninterested in what happens in the young and addiction is a problem of the young. speaking of the young, last week, showed pictures of massed schoolchildren forced to eat on the ground outside in freezing
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temperatures. what do you make of that? here's what joe biden's spokesman made of it, she was fine with it, she approved. >> these are step schools are taking to keep kids safe in the vast majority of parents appreciate that. obviously we want to get to a point where we are turning to a version of normalcy for everybody, right? where you are not sending your kids backpacks with seven extra masks, we are not adding to hats so they are warm outside for a snack, there's no question that's the case but we also think the most important thing should be safety, keeping kids in school was the president is very focused on and some of these creative steps that schools have taken have enabled that to be possible. >> tucker: the safety of kids. these people are the danger to children, not covid. but no one is asking the obvious question, what kinds of citizens are we creating with masks and social isolation. instead, it is full speed ahead in the other direction. the state of oregon is now
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working to make indoor and mask mandates permanent for everyone including kids. indoor mask rule in place indefinitely reads a recent headline from abc in oregon. it since then, the medical director at the oregon health authority explain the new plan this way which is to say he didn't explain at all. "permanent means indefinite, doesn't necessarily mean permanent. paging dr. orwell. this is lunacy, its destructive and vicious and not just happening in oregon. in new york, politicians are saying the very same thing. >> i don't want to go back ever again to that place where people couldn't go to their jobs safely, couldn't congregate, kids couldn't go to schools. that isolation had a devastating effect on the human condition and we are still dealing with the fallout today so to avoid that situation, i am today announcing that we are enacting a statewide indoor mask mandate unless a business has a vaccination mandate.
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>> tucker: so an unelected failed government said that into order to avoid social isolation, the designs are required to cover their faces and no one laughs at her says a word. you've got to wonder what america will look like in 20 years. consider the economy that covid restrictions have created. it there are a lot more 70-year-old billionaires than there ever been but few are 25-year-olds who have ever hope of owning any. they know they are excluded from the country's traditional systems of wealth creation. america's economy is close to them. the latter has been pulled up and they noted. our elderly political class should care about this, they don't care at all. here is 68-year-old explaining that inflation is no big deal. yes, there are in fact quite a few good reasons to think that like look around. but he hasn't and he won't.
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keep in mind, this man once won the nobel prize for economics so we are mocking him but imagine what he sounds like two young people. imagine how this sounds to a 30-year-old, someone still living with roommates, someone who is too poor to get married, to ported have kids, too poor to start an adult life. there were many americans and that position paid if you want to set the stage for a revolution, this is exactly the kind of way you would talk in exactly the kind of society would create. it is deeply unwise. it is also increasingly very cruel. a reaction to covid and that is sad to see. he was 61-year-old david from of the "atlantic" magazine, a canadian who helped plan the iraq war calling for killing unvaccinated americans.
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that means let them die, murder him. this is evil. david fromm is an evil man, he has long encouraged violence against the week. that's the sum of his career. in this case, suddenly he is hardly alone. they are perfectly aware of the science, it's publicly available on the internet. it is firmly established scientifically that these pose no threat whatsoever to the vaccinated or anyone else for that matter period. in fact, the millions who have recovered from covid have greater protection against a virus than those who rely on chemically induced antibodies alone. that is the science. but the science no longer matters obviously. we've moved past the science to a new stage of this war and is not about coronavirus. it's about our country, it's about our democracy and above all, it's about our future. candace owens is the host of kansas and joins us now. i don't want you are in new
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mother and that's widely known. i love old people in a mean no disrespect they are creating a world that is actively hostile to children. how do you feel about that? >> i want to be very clear that these leaders we are talking about aren't stupid. they know these policies don't work and know they are putting in place these policies not because they want to beat a virus, they are not stupid, they are evil. they understand they are trying to usher in a new era in america which will give these individuals unlimited power and that's what we are seeing ushered in, and authoritarian regime in a country that was once free. this country is no longer free by any metric you would use to describe freedom. children and parents having to fight to have their children go to school and be allowed to breathe out in the open is not a normal conversation for uni to
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be having. we shouldn't be talking about what you and i are talking about right now in a normal scenario and what's worse about this, we know they have a virtual 0% chance of dying from coronavirus. that's a fact. a virtual 0% chance and yet we are seeing them having to be massed why? because it's a form of dehumanization. we need to talk about this more, the psychology of dehumanization is what is happening. why do you want to dehumanize a child and not perceive themselves as different or as individuals? because that is advantageous for a regime that wants authoritarian power. you want them to view themselves like cattle. you're not an individual, you shouldn't have any aspiration. this is why this is dangerous, by the way and live so frustrated with people on the right i respect so much and people in lockstep being fearful and saying to pay a little bit for the government to lock us down for the reason why i'm so frustrated is the government never gives you power is that you give it freely, it doesn't work like that.
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we know this. have we not learned our lesson that patriot act we still have in place and what's also dangerous is people will lose memory of freedom in this country. it's happened for my generation. it's unimaginable to me that there was once upon a time or my dad and mom got onto planes and didn't have to go through tsa. that memory and that freedom to travel i don't remember at all. walking into a store and not have to present a vaccine i.d. walking without having to cover your face breathing. america is now beginning to look exactly like china and that's what the people in power want. >> tucker: or parents could raise a family on one income and you could raise your own kids come you didn't have to hire people who don't speak english to do it. we should get back there. great to see you tonight, thank you. fox news alert tonight. illegal immigrants flooding across our southern border at this hour, typically the numbers
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go down sometime around christmas, that is not the case tonight. people arrested for crossing illegally up 235% since october. >> good to see you, it was an incredibly tragic weekend down. when you were slammed into by an accused human smuggler and tragically that mom and daughter both lost their lives. we will get right to the video with this horrible story. take a look at this. this was saturday in the rio grande valley. with that local mother and daughter tragically neither of them survive, they were both locals from mission, texas, you can see the some of the photos from the crash, they were launched through the windshield of the smuggler's vehicle. that smuggler was arrested as
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were six other illegal immigrants paired the victims have not been identified yet but sources tell me they are a 59-year-old mother and a 22-year-old daughter. the suspect has not been arraigned yet. he is still in the hospital with injuries from the crash. also from the rio grande valley over the weekend, take a look of this remarkable video and we saw a raft dropping off 11 illegal immigrants in texas. these are the runners, not asylum-seekers, not looking to get themselves up, they are dressed in all black or camo and are actively trying to get away from law enforcement. you can see them right off into the brush. them as they did show up later and we did see a man on the mexican side of the river using a rope to pull that raft right back into mexico undoubtedly planning to use it again for future smuggling. one last thing we want to show you here, take a look at this video. this was late last night here, an elite team of troopers working the private ranches out here come about 10 miles inland from the rio grande and they are
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the only ones out here, no border patrol and what they are hunting for our legal immigrant runners, the people who do not want to turn themselves in trying to creep through in the middle of the night and get further into texas. just while we were with this team and just a matter of hours, they were catching dozens of people. mostly single adult men and i think texas is doing with those single men not handing them over the border patrol. they are arresting them and taking them for criminal trespassing. the del rio sector where we are extremely busy this weekend alone, border patrol picked up more than 3500 illegal immigrants from 39 different countries recently including was pakistan, syria, and lebanon. they are coming in from all over the world. we will send it back to you. >> tucker: that's healthy. not out of control or anything. you have done a better reporting than anyone on this thing. so district attorneys, people whose jobs it is to enforce the
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>> tucker: under pressure, you really learn about people for good or bad, people who you thought were smart like david from on twitter calling for killing people if they haven't been vaccinated and on the upside, you learn the sheriff of los angeles, the place people make fun of for being so crazy and out of touch winds up being one of the most reasonable people in the entire state. he's the sheriff of l.a. county and is in favor of enforcing the law which is his job. that has profoundly upset the attorney who recently attacked him saying criminals should be prosecuted. >> my dad used to say when you wrestle with a pig, you both get
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muddy and the pig likes it. and that's not a pig in terms of using the term of law enforcement, its people that often acted in ways that i believe that are not consistent with the quorum of a public official should engage in. >> tucker: so instead of addressing the actual problem in los angeles, you see george gascoigne attacking the sheriff. what he doesn't talk about is what's happened to los angeles. it has had a record number of car thefts, murders are up 12%, that seems notable. a lot of people died. the man he was attacking his l.a. county sheriff alex with an 11 and joins us tonight to respond. thank you so much for coming on. so you are a pig, how do you respond to that? >> i'm not going to get into the
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personal attacks. i'm going to focus on performance. you can't do the job, you need to get out of office plain and simple. roughly 10,000 cases in his first year in office that he has not prosecuted that we made the arrest, did the investigation, established all the elements of the crime presented and they decide our special orders say we are not going to prosecute at all. so that's when they walked away scot-free. what kind of messages that telling to the criminal community or sending to the criminal community right now and for l.a. county, our jurisdictions, homicides are up 40% this year alone and that number is just astonishing. grand theft auto was up over 25% so the numbers keep climbing and all he's doing as he continues down a failed path. >> tucker: those are amazing numbers, thank you for correcting that. you are a sheriff's deputy or police officer in the city and
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you join at not very high pay to make society better at enforce the law, how frustrating is it to have a prosecutor who won't let you do it? >> i'm constantly trying to peep the morale of my organization up and don't do your job because someone else refused to do his or her job. that's what we have right now. that meeting, that presser, he had all of his woke das from throughout the nation there but not a single d.a. from los angeles county. not a single victim, nobody here locally, great job, things were what you're doing, not a single one because it has been an absolute failure on all counts. they are in disarray, leaving by the drugs from the organization and is trying to replace the das with public defenders and the whole crowd is against law enforcement to begin with.
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>> one of the saddest things i've seen in the long time but suggests it would change. if you're only listening with one ear, you may come to conclusion after hearing people yell about at that julian assange somehow hacked government computers to hurt our country. that's not true. julian assange is a journalist who printed information just like "the new york times" does but embarrass people who made a lot of unforgivable mistakes so they kept him in a maximum security prison where he's been for more than a few years, technically incarcerated for much longer than that for there's been a big development in that case. his brother joins a straight ahead. plus, our documentary called the trial of kyle rittenhouse comes out thursday. free access to it at
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>> tucker: here's a fact worth remembering. you want to think clearly and make wise decisions, you have to use clear and precise language. here's another fact. i contrast you want to brainwash and control an entire population in the first thing you do is band clear language and substitute it with propaganda, nonsensical chunks of words glued together for political effect. in two sentences, that's our entire political landscape. the left understands it, the right does not.
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consider the term people of color. that's a phrase that would have seemed mildly offensive but now it's mandatory at every level of our society for the question is, what does it mean exactly? what is a person of color? it's anyone who isn't white which is to say the overwhelming majority of the world's population. so you have to ask yourself how exactly is this a meaningful category? what does of polynesian tuna fish have in common with kamala harris? not really anything except that they're not white. that's a pretty ominous way to define a huge group of people if you think about it. in fact, it's a racist way to define a huge group of people. everyone who is white is not the same and only in entitled white liberal could believe otherwise. no normal person could ever think that so let's stop using the phrase. let's not participate. don't use the term people of color.
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this is propaganda designed to divide the country by race, so don't say it. what do you replace it with? what do you call people who don't look like you? if they are citizens of this country, maybe you call them americans because that's what they actually are. so you probably heard the name julian sanchez and gathered from all the shouting from our political class some sort of international spy who hacked our computers and stole our secrets. but that's not at all what julian assange is or has ever been. he didn't hack anybody's computers. he's a journalist. he reprinted facts that were deeply embarrassing to our political class, the democratic national committee and above all to the foreign policy establishment which has an awful lot to be embarrassed of and for doing that, "the new york times" has done things like that for 100 years no problem, he's been incarcerated for almost a decade since the summer of 2012. he is now for the last two odd years been in maximum security prison u.k.
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he could be coming to this country. so what exactly is going to happen next with julie in a sound and no one defending him? juliana sanchez brother joins us tonight. many people are defending julian assange but no one in the higher reaches of american journalism for example of they are silent on this, why do you think that is? >> i think they've been able to ignore this case for a while. just last friday, the u.k. high court ruled that julian could be extradited, approved extradition to the usa so the case is now coming here. julian has a chance to appeal but it was the chief justice, the chief justice of the u.k. the highest judge in england and wales who ordered the
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extradition so it's very unlikely that an appeal would go ahead so i think people here, the media, the government can no longer ignore that this case is coming. this criminalization of -- basically the biden administration has criminalized telling the truth with this indictment and it's even worse than that actually. they criminalize knowing classified information so now it is coming to this country, the extradition has been ordered by the high court, i don't think people here can any longer ignore it. >> tucker: you've got to ask yourself and i don't think you live in the united states but we are in the middle of a crime wave in which many thousands of people have been killed over and above last year's numbers and many more died of drug overdoses so we have a lot of crime problems in the united states right now but the bite administration is very focused on getting his hands on your brother. why is getting your brother more important than bringing murderers to justice?
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>> i think the people who run our democracies now would like to rule them with impunity. they don't want people to know what's been done in their name, they want to keep secrets, they want to -- they don't want the public to be informed basically. i think that's why and they are making an example out of julian telling people if you tell the truth about our secrets, if you tell the truth about the security state or anything really, this is what's going to happen to you. you are going to be locked in a prison for the rest of your life, your reputation will be destroyed, you will be taken away from your family. >> tucker: i have to ask you a final question which is a depressing question but i have to ask. you're brother is extradited to the united states, do you think he will survive? >> no, i don't.
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prisoners here can't be kept safe. even the most high-profile visitors like jeffrey epstein couldn't be kept safe in prison so what hope will julian have here? i think if he gets extradited, he will most likely die. >> tucker: you make this sound like bolivia which makes me ashamed but you're probably not wrong. thank you so much for coming on tonight, really appreciate it. so we've spent a lot of time covering the many district attorneys, one of them in philadelphia has absolutely refused to prosecute crimes and that's over at record number of murders and what was once a great city. instead of recognizing responsibility for these murders, the d.a. had a total emotional breakdown on camera and we have the footage straight ahead. earn about covid-19,
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an all-time record for murders in a single year. not surprising, that was the whole point. george soros spent nearly $2 million to elect larry krasner and because he decided not to enforce the law on the city. turn to be embarrassed of all the murders he's caused and claiming the city is safe. people notice this was of course a lie so he melted down on camera. >> the reality is that if you have lost someone in your family or on your block or in your community and you are aware of the terrible crisis of gun violence that we have in the city of philadelphia which is what i said, i did specifically say we have a terrible crisis in gun violence in the city of philadelphia. you are aware of that and if you are feeling that, then it's hard and not acknowledging that pain and that suffering, a pain that
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disproportionately affects people of color and poor people. so for that, i am truly sorry. >> tucker: so he gets all these black people killed with these insane policies but then when asked about it, he starts crying because it's really about him and his pain in his suffering because he's a narcissist like all of them. in he's a former u.s. attorney for the eastern district of pennsylvania, enforce the law up until recently and joins us tonight. when you watch that, what is your reaction? >> my first reaction is that his baked crocodile tears are not going to reduce the homicide rate. but really, this issue is so much bigger than larry krasner.
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he is just a symbol of failed progressive policies and policies that frankly i think are causing a breakdown of civil society. these are policies that celebrate lawlessness, they celebrate rioting and looting, these are policies that replace personal responsibility with a culture of victimhood and they are policies that replace hard work with government handouts and that is not the america that i grew up in. those are not the things that have made our country the envy of the world. and i think what we need is a return to traditional values, a return to our roots and that's going to start in the elections in 2022 and that's why i am running for pennsylvania governor. >> tucker: so i'm totally convinced there is going to be a massive and i hope constructive backlash against the moment we are living in it i very much hope that you are part of it. it's interesting, i wish we had more time but quickly, you connected the decline in the
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value they placed coming to put it altogether. you think they are connected then? >> i think they absolutely are connected and it's a political ideology that the progressives are pushing. it's not based on logic, it's not based on facts, not based on looking at crime rates. it is an ideology they are pushing and because of that they don't react to facts, they don't react to the reality on the ground. it's all about pushing the ideology and he is just a symbol of it of a larger disease, a disease we need to get rid of in this country. >> tucker: they are not building anything, only destroying it, clearly you've been in the middle of it and learn the hard way, here are the statistics. okay. just dogs barking to them, they don't care. great to see you tonight, thank you. >> thank you, tucker, great to be with you. >> tucker: the biden administration is trying to push
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the country to war with russia why? they want ukraine to join nato. why is that a good idea exactly and what is the point of nato? almost nobody is asking that question but our guest next asks the question. by the way, elves are shipping out christmas presents for all of us. believe it or not, they are resigning tonight. i know, sounds unlikely, but that's the word. we will be right back.
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>> tucker: if we go to war over russia, it will be over nato. this administration and previous administrations have pushed ukraine to do. but what is nato exactly? what's the point of the nato 30 years after the fall of the soviet union? almost nobody is asking the question but a senior writer at the national review is, just wrote a new book about europe, one of the few people who has thought about what nato is, that organization are leaders tell us is important so here is part of what he told us in a new interview for tucker carlson today. >> my parents left there and it was a terrible place and it's always been a terrible place in most european countries at one point or another and i hate them because they do things wrong and they've been a mess for hundreds of years until
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recently and their pieces kept by us, instituted by us and really, we still pay for it and we actually shouldn't be any more i think but we still pay in and they get to try to compete with us, the european union is meant to compete with us economically and yet we pay for their safety so i think those are all problems. >> tucker: i didn't even mean to go here but since you brought it up, we have this thing called nato, north atlantic treaty organization, a postwar institution whose purpose has been lost to history. why do we have nato still? >> that's a great question. its purpose was to stop the soviets and to defend western europe from the soviets but now we have germany giving up on nuclear energy and building pipelines to russia so why on earth would we pay for germany's protection? they weren't paying their way, everyone got really upset about that but even barack obama complained about that. it is a cold war relic i think.
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>> tucker: and it allows the european union, the western european advantage over us economically of course. >> they pay some, but they don't pay what they're supposed to. >> tucker: so it suggests it's the ideas that have come this way from europe for the things that we should be worried about. >> the bureaucracy is overseeing everything we do. before even talk about politics, i think americans are risk takers in general, it's embedded in our culture from the very beginning where his europeans are not so it's not as if we were like europe would be unfree completely or would be like nazi germany, it would be an insipid place of domicile people who listen to the government all the time even though things seem to be changing in europe as far as that goes with covid. the policies that are problematic is that undermining of entrepreneurship's, the way
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people treat life there, just goes on and on. >> tucker: that was a really interesting conversation, it's on tucker carlson today on fox nation, you can watch for free if you go to in we are out of time tonight. we will be back tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. you know what we are light, we won't repeat it. now, america's one and only, the great sean hannity takes over. >> sean: you can say it, sworn enemy of smugness, you are running out of time. i've got it in for you, that's what friends do. thank you. welcome to hannity. we begin with this fox news alert tonight, the hyperpartisan predetermined outcome anti-trump january 6 committee just voted 9-0 to hold mark meadows and contempt for refusing to comply with their orders and has made many attempts to cooperate. mark meadows will be here to respond straight ahead. also tonight and just moments, we will bring the
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