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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 22, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST

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will be loaded onto their gift cards. america is going to be very well caffeinated in the new year, benjamin. cheers. >> benjamin: cheers to you, too, madison. thank you for joining us. i don't know about the gift card versus the cash. i'm an old-fashioned gift guy. >> dana: harris faulkner, here you go. >> harris: we just saw the president and we've seen him defend previously his controversial covid mandate so he has a couple of things on his plate this morning. supply chain is the first one for him on this wednesday. about those covid mandates, you add to the mix that he is going hard after the unvaccinated population of america right now. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". in his address to the nation yesterday the president again pleaded with unvaccinated
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americans to get the shot. announcing his plans to fight the omicron surge. he admits some of the steps he is taking like the vaccine or test mandate for private businesses, well, they are unpopular. >> president biden: my administration put them in place not to control your life but to save your life. and the lives of others. but it is your choice. your choice is not just a choice about you, it affects other people. you are putting other people at risk. your loved ones, friends, strairntion -- strangers you run into. please get vaccinated. it's the only responsible thing to do. those not vaccinated are causing hospitals to become overrun again. let me give it to you straight again. omicron is serious, potentially business for unvaccinated people. >> harris: while he was giving it to us straight his republican critics were giving
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it to him straight like texas congressman dan crenshaw immediately pushed back accusing biden of trying to control americans with fear. >> this is counterproductive and not helpful. forced mandates don't help people comply. >> harris: south dakota governor christie nome tweeted this. >> this is all about power, not science or facts. the biden administration will do and say notifying control the american people are fear #not on my watch. arizona congressman andy biggs. biden's press conference is a joke. the only plan he has for covid is to continue manipulating mandates to maintain control over you. and this from our own tucker carlson. >> if you have had three vaccine injections you can
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celebrate christmas. that's the word from our botox napoleon. otherwise you can't celebrate christmas. maybe they'll tell us you can't vote in person without a vaccine. that's coming obviously. >> harris: white house correspondent peter doocy has more on this. peter. >> the president over the last couple most blaming his predecessor that he thinks were made in the earliest days of the pandemic. as stuff starts to shut down again biden is insisting it is different this time. >> president biden: another question folks are asking is are we going back to march 2020? not this last march 2021, but march 2020 when the pandemic first hit. that's what i keep getting asked. the answer is absolutely no, no. >> just like march of 2020, covid tests are very hard to get. store shelves are empty. in-person sites have lines that
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stretch for blocks and take hours. yet the administration is making the bold promise for half a billion free at-home tests next month and they are starting to explain how it will work. >> providing an opportunity -- another opportunity or ability for people to -- an important one, go on a website and request a test if their preference is get it to the home. not everybody who l do that. anybody who wants to request tests that way will have that ability. >> president biden urged people to get vaccinated so they don't covid to others. that has been clarified as the president adds knew answer, trying to control how sick you get if you cross paths with this super contagious new variant. >> president biden: positive cases in every office, even here in the white house among the vaccinated. among the vaccinated from omicron. but these cases are highly
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unlikely to lead to serious illness. vaccinated people who get covid may get ill but they are protected from severe illness and death. that's why you should still remain vigilant. >> to the president's point about their being covid cases here at the white house, he is due for another covid test himself today after about 30 minutes of close contact aboard air force one with a sick person last friday. harris. >> harris: i wonder if that's going to include now everybody who was in the room with him yesterday when he was noticeably coughing and clearing his throat and coughing into his hand. i saw a lot of questions about that with him. hope he is okay. peter doocy, thank you. dr. marc siegel now fox news contributor, professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. doctor, i will start with the obvious. it is a little disingenuous, if not flat out something else,
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for this administration to tell us that they didn't know this was coming in time to at least get a handle on testing because we know from the south african president and then today from the who, world health organization, that at least by thanksgiving we knew the 25th of november. some reports that it might have been earlier than that. your thoughts. >> you know, yesterday, harris, good morning. i just spoke yesterday to a doctor, the public health specialist at the national health organization in south africa who has been vocal about this for weeks and weeks. she told me this variant is multiple times more contagious than delta and she says that prior infection appears to play a role in slowing it down and giving you a milder case as does the vaccine. here is the point. this information has been
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available for weeks and south africa reported on it. yesterday they put on the study that proved it. if you aren't vaccinated your chances of dying are much higher. it is also having had prior infection, not just vaccine. we've been tracking this. our own cdc has been tracking this. i talked to dr. walensky about this weeks ago. we knew variants were happening and that's what a virus does to survive. what we have here is a lack of preparation. >> harris: a lack of preparation. so apparently when you point that out it hurts. yesterday the president snapped at a reporter for asking about failed -- failure on testing. let's watch. >> what is your message to americans who are trying to get tested now and who are not able to get tested and wondering what took so long to ramp up testing? >> president biden: come on, what took so long. i told you four weeks ago that
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this would spread by a day-to-day basis and it spread by 100% and 200% and 500%. you would have looked at me and said bind, what are you drinking? that's what it did. >> harris: wow, that tone. he had to save that for commander, the new puppy. op-ed calling biden's claim that omicron was somehow unforeseeable total bull. it reads once omicron was detected in the fourth week of november the world went bananas precisely because it was going to spread rapidly and the president's claim directly contradicted one of his own top covid advisors. here is that. >> this pace, the speed by which omicron has been transmitting has been seen and mirrored in many other countries. so this is exactly what we anticipated. >> the --
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>> we'll hopefully quickly catch up with the curve. >> harris: what else is obvious. where all those americans are waiting for hours to get a test and can rarely find them anywhere in their communities, dr. siegel. >> listen, a harvard doctor is talking about this for months and i've been on the show weeks and weeks ago talking about how we needed rapid tests in every home in america. i'm not alone. the way that the rapid tests occur in every home is the federal government being ahead of this with a public private partnership preordering to the companies and getting it to happen. 500 billion doses show they can do it but they are talking january. and then you need to go with the federal website and wait for an hour trying to log on, right? it's ridiculous. we need billions of tests now especially with the widely spreading variant that anyone
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could have predicted. you can't get a test. there is panic. that's what contributes to it. >> harris: a lot of people are trying to travel. if you were going to check into a hotel no matter where you are, if you are going to get on a plane you will need to have a negative test and in many cases regardless of whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. so if that's the case now because it's the holiday season you are competing with many people who might be curious or feeling sick and want to know if they have covid. the world is getting ready to travel and already into it. doctor, let's move to this. this big development today. the fda is reportedly set as early as today to authorize covid treatment pills both from pfizer and merck. you've been telling us about this. you said it's game changer. bloomburg is reporting that they're promising new oral treatment that can be taken upon on set of symptoms to
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prevent hospitalization and death. this moves the ball. >> yeah, i will go on record right now and tell you the pfizer drug is much better than the merck drug. they're similar to drugs we use for hiv years ago in the 90s and pfizer drug is an inhibitor. it changed the game for hiv and looks good here and published in the "new england journal of medicine". decreases hospitalization by 90% if you are diagnosed early. rapid test at home, positive, the pill packs, decreases your risk of severe outcome whether vaccinated or not. this is the game changer. they have been synth on it. the question is fda will approve it this week but only prepurchased 10 million doses. we need 100 million. >> harris: here you go. there are 330 million plus americans. and look, not everybody will
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need them but you want a big stockpile. last question for you with where we are right now. you have the testing that's behind and it has to catch up. you have a variant that looks like from what south africa and the u.k. are reporting could begin to level off and then you have some new drugs. how long does it take to get those things in place that really make a difference? we have the fda but when will they be available through your doctor. >> weeks. let's talk about the monoclonal antibody that we need now, not today, not yesterday, we need it this moment. we needthe pill, the monoclonal antibodies and need the testing right now. you are right. in south africa it leveled off. a lot of people are infected. get the boosters out there now but not by lecturing. i agree, let's not demonize people or mandate people. let's talk to people and get
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those shots into doctor's offices which you and i have been saying also for weeks. let me have that conversation. let me have that conversation, not a politician. >> harris: if you are having a conversation with your doctor it only makes sense. the federal government might have to help out to have enough people to handle that on site for doctors but do whatever it takes. quickly the army has come up with what could be something that can hit all the variants. they say they have a single vaccine that is -- a caveat. it was not tested on the omicron variant. dr. siegel. what is your take on this. >> i'm glad you brought this up. i want to play out something we both love. the military. we haven't talked about this. their infectious disease division at walter reed and the army infectious diseases is top of the world. they are as good as the cdc or better and quietly researching a vaccine that uses a soccer
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ball type protein. hasn't been tested against omicron but very effective against all variants. still in early trials. this may be the game changer for the vaccine where you just need this vaccine and you don't have to keep reconfiguring for emerging variants. this research very exciting, still early. going into middle stage trials now with humans. >> harris: walter reed and the military critical. we'll keep an eye on this part of our coverage. dr. siegel. thank you very much. a lot going on with this today. let's move to this. terrible example of crime in philadelphia after the district attorney there denied that there was even a crisis going on. in chicago mayor lori lightfoot is now calling on the federal government for some help as chicago's murder rate has hit record highs after the city defunded its police force. plus this. >> the far left continues this relentless demonization of joe
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manchin. i >> i do think that issue illustrates just how authoritarian the modern left is right now. >> harris: joe manchin killed their spending bill and democrats aren't happy. the divide is on full display.
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with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> harris: senate democrats are trying to regroup after joe manchin tanked their mass fsh spending agenda over the weekend. schumer called a meeting to
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talk about next steps for the new build back better. senator manchin did attend that meeting and reportedly repeated his concerns about the bill. the white house on sunday tore into manchin while president biden punted on a question from reporters. >> did senator manchin break his commitment to you? >> president biden: senator manchin and i will get something done. >> harris: progressives, however, continue to go after senator manchin. washington congresswoman jayapal said he has betrayed his commitment. talib of michigan, make manchin follow through on the betrayal. tammy bruce is a fox news contributor. great to see you today. browbeating people very seldom works when they know how much power they have in a situation. >> yes, i think in general when you look at a body that has to
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negotiate sometimes for over years, right, everybody seems to get reelected. that might change next year. the fact is calling him a betrayor and liar and racist does not exactly bode well for getting that person to be able to trust you when we are talking about negotiations. the fact is that senator manchin has been open on television, with his colleagues is what we know now about where he stands. everybody knew where he stood. they were not able to come down -- i think one thing he didn't appreciate was that with the cost of the bill, with the inflation and debt. he made it clear that concerned him. what they did is tried to do a little bit of a trick. houdini in allegedly shortening the length of time a provision would last when in fact we knew it would go on and on and on and artificially lower the cost of the bill. he have is not dumb, neither are we. this was a trick that he didn't appreciate. so now they will maybe
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renegotiate next year and we'll see what happens. but i would hope that the squad realizes that treating people with some dignity and respect might be a better strategy. >> harris: yeah. you know, i want to get to that softer tone that you are talking about because the white house seems to also be applying maybe what you are talking about now. of course, we don't know if it's too late. here is white house press secretary jen psaki from just this morning with more of a sweet tone. >> here is the thing. we have to work with everybody in congress so the president considers senator manchin a friend. he is somebody he has worked with a long time. even if they disagree. they certainly disagree on some things. they talked on sunday. we'll continue to be engaged. our plan is to work like hell and get this done in january. >> harris: he is their friend. maybe not. progressive squad member bowman, here is that.
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>> frustrating for me as a black man in america because once again it is an example of joe manchin as a white man showing that he doesn't care about black people. he doesn't care about latinos or immigrants. he doesn't care about women or the poor. >> harris: wow, wow. out of debate ideas? throw in the race card. what are we seeing here? >> there is their automatic reflective reaction to everything. now they may think that it will work, that it will frighten him into doing what he needs to do. but the fact is when we are thinking about what is affecting people of color and women and single parents, it's inflation. it is the debt. it is an everyday experience. manchin's point is this bill will make all of that work and so far the democrats have not been right and have not been successful in what it is they
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say they will accomplish. they have accomplished the opposite. they might want to look to a joe manchin to say what have we gotten wrong here? why are the inner cities such a disaster? why are lives being ruined and why aren't we ready or prepared for anything? they might want some counseling in that regard. so this is what is, of course, infecting all of american politics delivered by the left on the democratic party. americans in general, not just joe manchin are offended by this. we know it's not true. it is difsh isive. it is a time we need to be united because of the international scene. it will certainly not work and is unacceptable. >> harris: one word, china. we're either together or they will try to destroy us. in many ways, economy, just lying to us about a virus that got out. any kind of way. >> that's right. >> harris: let's take a look at this in a different way
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politically. republican congressman tom coal says there is no room left for conservatives in the democratic party. watch. >> frankly democrats are not appreciating him enough. he voted for the american rescue plan. no republican did. he is an old style conservative democrat and the real signal here is there is no place for those people left in the democratic party. >> harris: tammy, where do they go? what happens to conservatives in american. the ones who voted for trump. >> that's not true at all. what we are looking at kind of like a smoke and mirrors game. manchin and sinema reflect the core of the democratic party. they don't get on television as much because they aren't as explosive, are they? they are not -- maybe they aren't at much click bait. the entire squad has had no power in elections. they have had no real influence. and they are pretending as though they are the kings and queens of the mountain.
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maybe on television, but not for the average democrat. it is manchin who reflects this middle of the road independent americans who are patriotic and understand about debt and who are not extremists. i think we need to realize that the left has redefined the center so much that it's a false center. that you have to be liberal to be moderate, no, no, no, no. this is again the fringe ends of things. so let's not forget how -- what the average democrat is looking at, the average independent who is of course making the decisions in these swing states, that they want reasonable decisions made for their families and for the future. we aren't in this boat of bomb throwers in a way, rhetorical bomb throwers and division and calling everyone names. americans are exhausted. you think we're exhausted over covid, we're exhausted over
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this kind of riots and fires and name calling. those days are over and plenty of room for moderates and independents absolutely. >> harris: that's an interesting take on all of it. we'll have to see if we can come together as you put it. it is going to take each party doing that. if republicans look across the aisle and say they don't even want to listen to the conservatives in their own party, where does it put everybody else? it puts biden out of a success plan because he won't get anything done. all right, good to see you. >> merry christmas to you and yours. >> thank you. >> harris: prices from gas to groceries are soaring and inflation jumping at levels not seen in nearly four decades. so no surprise, voters now are handing president biden the worst approval rating on the economy since jimmy carter was president. plus biden with a familiar disclaimer before talking with reporters after the big
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announcement about covid and what he is going to do yesterday. and the white house defends biden's accessibility. >> president biden: i'm not supposed to be having this press conference right now.
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>> harris: reporters were clamoring for extra time with president biden and yesterday the press secretary raised high browse when she was asked if her boss will take questions from reporters later yesterday. after he spoke here was her answer. >> might we hear directly from the president about what happened yesterday? >> i think you will hear from him on how we'll get the agenda done. >> will he take questions, though? >> he take questions multiple times a week. depends on what you ask. depends on what you ask. >> harris: he takes questions, depends on what you ask. that's what she said. here is what he did.
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>> the travel ban now that omicron is so prevalent here in the u.s. >> do you believe senator manchin -- how do you -- >> president biden: i'm not supposed to be having this press conference right now. [reporters shouting] >> harris: so he did go back and forth with some q and a there. however, when it got to one point he said he wasn't supposed to be doing that. does the president have a press problem? the power panel in "focus" now. matt schlapp, kevin walling, former biden campaign surrogate. great to see you both. he leaned in, took a couple of questions and i don't know what happened, kevin. he got to the point where he disclosed yet again with a disclaimer i'm not supposed to be doing this. >> harris, he was joking with the white house press corps. you will always have a press
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corps clamoring for my time with the president. we saw it with president trump and president biden. they always want more time and more questions for the president. i'm old enough to remember the trump white house didn't have a press briefing with the press secretary for more than a year and huge complaints from the press corps about that. you will never satisfy them. >> harris: this is about access to the president. and we did not go that long without having access to the president. it was like 24 hours. he talked every time he got on. he walked here and there. it was a lot. it was a lot. matt. >> yeah. look, the problem with donald trump was not that he wouldn't take reporters' questions, the problem a lot of us have with trump is that he was constantly taking reporters' questions. you had this almost daily press conferences throughout all of the covid stress and everything else. look, the problem is that kevin, you will have your point
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of view and i'll have mine. more polls came out this morning. people view joe biden as not fully up to the job and somehow beyond -- behind a palace guard of advisors. jen psaki very capable at her job but in the end your press secretary cannot answer all the questions that the american people want to hear answers from from their president. the guy they elected. they want to hear from him and he has to go out on a regular basis or those numbers will continue to tank. he is already only representing about 31% of the american people who believe he stands for their values and represents them. he has to change this up. harris. i'm not sure he can. >> harris: kevin, i want to press in with you given what matt has said and remind everybody that jen psaki helped us out and told us exactly what is going on. he will take questions if he likes the questions and if there are ones he wants to answer. so at that point when you see
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the verbal pivot from him we just showed you where i'm not even supposed to be doing this news conference, the question was about joe manchin and the divide. he mumbled and he didn't want to take anymore on that. so that is a big, big issue that started sunday. he brings up another issue, covid. neither one of them he spends very much time on yesterday after his speech. >> he spoke to the american people directly yesterday about covid laying out the plan with the new variant, 500 new -- >> harris: we shouldn't have anymore questions? >> again, we hear from the president nearly every day where he provides remarks to the american people about the state of the economy and the state of covid and also answers questions as he did yesterday. this is a white house that answers those questions. jen psaki gave a funny response to the question asked about the topic of the questions would be just as president trump had a lot of fun with the white house press corps joking with them as well.
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it was a flip remark from the press secretary as donald trump used to have the same relationship with the press corps as well, harris. >> no, i have to say something here. i know you are trying to hug donald trump for the first time in modern politics. the reason is because donald trump did a lot of things well. one of his best things was he was available for questions, hostile questions, everyone's question. i loved it when he would have the press exchanges and say does anyone else have a question, anyone? i'm happy to take it. and the point is with joe biden it's not working. we all know that he with won't answer the tough questions. and his poll numbers are tanking because it looks like he won't be candid. >> harris: you know, a real difficulty kevin and we'll move on after this. when you do have a tough question for the president or jen psaki sometimes they have different answers and she will use the i haven't talked to the president about that line. and it is difficult. those reporters are reaching some of the same conclusions not because they work together,
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not because they sit next to each other but because they are having similar experiences within press situations. let's move on. voters may be putting coal in the president's christmas stocking this year. that's not fun. what we just talked about and let's go deep. new poll shows majority don't think the biden presidency was good for them and their families. poll after poll putting biden underwater with the economy, 54% of americans not approving of the job he is doing on the issue, worse than jimmy carter's numbers in 1978. it makes sense as inflation rose 6.8% last month the biggest jump since 1982. >> you have to do a better job messaging to the american people. we see the greatest economic growth in the first year of an administration in 50 years. better job situation than david
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-- dwight eisenhower's term in office and greatest gdp growth since ronald reagan. if the statistics aren't resonating with the pocket books that's a problem. i'm happy to see gas prices are down. i was down in south carolina last week and saw gas prices around $3. >> harris: scientists are telling us omicron may have an effect on that because they aren't driving as much. >> we're seeing record travel for the holiday season. >> harris: what you said is you have to do a better job messaging is what he is saying so that people feel something different. i think people would rather they just fix the problem of rising inflation. don't preach to them about it, just fix it. what do you say, matt? >> the reason why the balanced budget disaster went down is because it wanted to fund a lot more i.r.s. agents. wanted to implement aspects of the green new deal to make gas and food prices even more expensive. it wanted to give aid to people
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who recently crossed the border illegally. socialism. i know it sounds like it is compassionate but it is wrecking the lives of ordinary people and very unpopular. >> harris: kevin quickly. i want to give you a chance to respond. put everything else aside and gas prices go back up, suddenly after omicron either flattens out or whatever it does. what is your answer back on that or do you think gas prices will continue to go down? >> harris, your point is right. there are factors out there outside of the control of the president whether it be donald trump, ronald reagan, whether it be joe biden with regard to supply. they aren't president right now but you strike out the point there are factors out of the control of this president that drive a lot of issues with regards to cost. this administration is working everytime. shelves are stocked for this christmas season. packages arriving on time by the post office. matt and his five girls will have a lot of presents under
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the tree later this week with mercy and it should be applauded by this administration. >> >> why does his secretary of energy saying we have to get used to this. it is policy to get us off fossil fuels and it hurts like hell for people who have to fill their tanks and go to work. >> harris: we have to go. good to see you both. thank you. >> merry christmas. >> absolutely. merry christmas to you, too. >> harris: crime raging out of control in chicago now and she finally noticed. chicago's mayor lori lightfoot is now begging for help from the federal government. jason rantz in "focus" next. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> harris: fox news alert now. day three of deliberations in kim potter's trial. she is the former minnesota police officer facing manslaughter charges after she says she mistook her gun for a taser and fatly shot daunte right during a traffic stop. garrett tenney is live for us now with the trial. >> here in minneapolis the jury continues deliberations going on 16 1/2 hours now.
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there are indications that the jury may be having a hard time coming to an agreement. yesterday submitted two questions to the judge, the first being what happens if we can't reach a consensus? here is what hennepin county judge told them. >> you should discuss the case with one another and deliberate with a view toward reaching agreement. if you can do so without violating your individual judgment. >> the jury also asked if the zip ties on kim potter's firearm could be removed so they can hold it the same way she did on april 11 when she fatally shot daunte write and compares how it feels to the taser. prosecutors argue that potter's 26 years experience on the force with that she should have known the difference and realized she was firing her weapon. the defense argues it was a tragic mistake in a high stress situation. the jury of six men and women
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are mostly white from the 20s to 60s and bring diverse backgrounds. they're considering first and second degree manslaughter. she faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. >> harris: you are live for us in minneapolis. i previously said chicago. forgive me. garrett tenney, thank you so much for the update there. and this is actually chicago now. one year ago there. the city slashed $60 million from their police budget and now progressive politicals like mayor lightfoot are calling for help from the federal government after lightfoot pushed for defunding the police. chicago has the most murders of any city this year, nearly 800 so far. >> i have formally asked the attorney general of the united states, merrick garland, to with all delivered haste detail
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atf agents to chicago for six months so that we can increase the number of gun investigations and seizures in chicago. the federal government remains uniquely qualified to help cities like chicago address the scourge of gun violence. >> harris: huh, before we pour in federal dollars on this, do we need to see a line item document showing us where all that money was that they defunded the police by? where did she spend it? lightfoot's plea to the fed comes as a chicago sun times report shows a staggering 57 school age children were shot and killed so far this year. jason rantz, the radio host in focus. i'll get to the money in a second. when you see the detail of how many precious babies we have lost in chicago and adults, but when you see that stat on those kids that have been taken, how in the world did we get to this
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point where in december she has decided she needs help? >> yeah, we're all old enough to remember when she declined help from the federal government because it was coming from president trump. now all of a sudden she is taking this seriously and it makes it seem like it is more about politics than anything else. when you see one child, one innocent child, being killed by gun violence you should take it with a sense of urgency. at that point it is an emergency. why she waited this long to suddenly say okay, bring in a.t.f. that's not even a strategy. where did all that money go and more importantly i want to know what the strategy is? it can't be just getting guns off the street. it is about getting the people using the guns off the streets and making sure when they're popped for a crime they actually stay in jail and aren't released on no bail. >> harris: look, these are her policies, her decisions. will she reimburse federal tax dollars from her city from
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defunding? you and i are in agreement on this. i don't think it's too much to ask for a line item document to show us what she spent the money on. the situation got worse with her policies and decisions. you just mentioned it. mayor lightfoot wants federal help now. back in 2020 she wrote that letter to president trump. jason, now we have an excerpt for you on the screen. what we do not need and what will certainly make our community less safe is secret federal agents deployed to chicago. any other form of militarized assistance within our borders that would not be within our control or within the direct command of the chicago police department would spell disaster. there is so much stuff that gets stuck on your shoe with that. she defunded the police that she was using against trump to say we've got this. the police. >> absolutely. there is no acknowledgement that she was wrong. there is no acknowledgement that her policies are responsible. the defund movement is responsible. it was wrong to say no to
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federal help last year. none whatsoever. imagine how many lives could have been saved. politicians have to make decisions are life or death consequences all the time. let's assume she didn't do so last year because of politics. you still have to own up to it. you still have to say that is my mistake. i take ownership and here is what we are going to do moving forward to address the situation. actually be a leader. lori lightfoot is not a leader and why you have the situation in chicago developing the way it has. >> harris: you forecast this. you saw what poured out on your streets in seattle in 2020 and the riots that went way north of a little violence. what do you say to the families of those 57 children? what do you say? what should she say? >> she has to say she is sorry for the decisions that she made. she regrets those decisions. she wishes that those innocent
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lives were still with us and with these families and say she vows to do better moving forward. until she does that she is not a leader. >> harris: jason rantz, thank you very much. good conversation. always good to have you in "focus." a tough one right before christmas. we know those babies aren't coming back. god bless their families. "outnumbered" after the break. ct happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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go to >> harris: and forget about all the crises not facing americans, it seems that's exactly actually with the white house would like for you to do. as it reportedly makes the stunning claim that you are better off now than you were under former president trump. this is "outnumbered" and i'm harris faulkner joined now by my cohost kayleigh mcenany, fox business anchor lauren simonetti, radio radio houston fox news contributor leslie marshall and a host of


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