tv FOX News Primetime FOX News December 28, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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tomorrow on "special report" we will dive into why residents leaving the nation's capital at higher rate than any other city. that's it for "special report" fair balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" i guess for the rest of the week hosted by ben domenech starts right now, right, ben? >> ben: as far as i know if they will let me. thanks so much. [laughter] >> ben: good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime," i'm ben domenech. well, so that is that. now we must dismantle the tree, putting the decorations back into their cardboard boxes. some have gotten broken and carrying them up to the attic, the holly and the mistletoe must be taken down and burnt and the children got ready for school there are enough leftovers to do warmed up for the rest of the week not that we have much appetite having drunk such a lot. stayed up so late. attempted quite successfully to love all of our relatives and in general grossly overestimated our powers. i hope you all had a merry
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christmas and i wish you a happy new year in 2022. but before we turn the page on the year of our lord 2021, it is time in this closing week to take stock what we learned this year. the frauds that were exposed. the evils we learned to hate, and the truths we woke up to who we are and who we hope to be. tonight and in the coming days, i will be talking very wise and knowledgeable people who are reckoning with the lesson of the year of chaos and crime. a year that began with a promise that now we could return to normal and ended with a horrifying possibility that this, all of this terrible this is normal now. the images of 2021 that will stick in our minds are many. the footage of brutal criminality in american cities. taking place in broad daylight. our fellow citizens, arrested, not because they stole or ransacked but because they tried to buy a burger without showing their papers. the image of afghanning dropping through the sky as they clung
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desperately to american planes. of mounted border patrol accused by this pathetic white house of racism and whipping all for the crime of simply attempting to do their job. and parents hauled away in handcuffs for having the audacity that school board members do their jobs and protect our children from abusive ideologies. and then there was the contrast between the scene of chaos at the capitol as american citizens expressed their fury. these americans, even the ones who never went into the capitol were branded terrorists and congress set up unconstitutional committee to punish all republicans as such. meanwhile, actual terrorist attacks in places like waukesha wisconsin disappeared from the headlines because they were inconvenient to the narrative. it was a year when court caves were at the center of the national discussion. kyle rittenhouse, derek chauvin, jussie smollett, ghislaine maxwell. for the results of the biggest cases we will have to wait until next year when the supreme court
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will weigh in on joe biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate and decide whether despite the longstanding dominant legal regime of infant murder the question of abortion will finally be returned to the people. it was a year when the richest and most powerful in the world no longer content to simply control what information we see made themselves the arbitrary arbiters of which politicians could speak, which companies could sell their products, and which businesses would be permitted to survive. to me, three of the most important stories of 2021 were the war between parents and school systems. the maligned influence, china on the west, our economy and culture. and the increased divide between elites and people in numerous areas of life. rules for one class, but not for the other. the iconic image of 2021 may be jeff bezos celebrating shooting people off into space while amazon bans negative reviews of
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xi jinping's book as tornadoes rip through warehouses and kill abandoned workers. that's okay "the washington post" democracy dies in darkness. these stories intersect and overlap in myriad of ways. one area where we see all three brought to bear is in some of america's greatest cities. beholden to the powerful teacher's union interest whose children whose family couldn't afford private schools and tutors. followable prey benefits of support defunding the police police face historic crime waves giving in the leftist argument compassion requires to us. cities abandoned our fellow americans to poison themselves with chinese chemicals mixed in mexican labs. with all these misguided and policies have in common sold to the people under false narrative of tolerance, kindness and love. as c.s. lewis wrote in the problem of pain when kindness is
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celebrated from the other elements of love it involves fundamental indifference to object. even something like contempt of it. mere christianity those meant for our own good will foment us without end because they do to with the approval of their own conscience. as william wrote pity party the liberals who create, perpetuate and defend and expand social welfare programs are devoted to them less because they compare about helping than because care about caring. as long as the message is that you care, it doesn't matter that your policies ruin lives, destroy livelihoods and make wreckage of great american cities. beverly hills will hire private security. politician also send their kids to private schools. when nancy pelosi fish united states a wedding at the palace of fine arts for the getty heiress she knows and once those troublesome homeless drug addicts are all chased off. the elites they know best in government, in academia, in corporations, in big tech, and
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media, they will stand lock step with this misguided mission. even when the windows crack children prepare this high rises and the attic and gutter closes their eyes for the last time. let 2022 be the year where we say enough. no more. when we demand more of our nation, our neighbors and ourselves, things cannot continue as they are. this is not the new normal. we refuse to let it be. because we are awake and we will not sleep until the reckoning comes. joining me now to react, the author of san fran sicko shellenberger someone who has written eloquently about the crisis in the great american city. michael, tell me a little bit about what has gone on and why so much of what we face in this problem of homelessness, addiction and decay is driven in part by this to actually help.
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>> thanks for having me, ben. terrific monologue. as you may know i worked for george soros' philanthropy over 20 years ago. when i was doing that work, we were worried about mass incarceration. we wanted to see more radicalization of street addicts rehabilitation. progressive prosecutors letting people out without any consequence without any probation, without drug testing, without rehab without the psychiatric care people need at least 16 cities set record for homicides this year and response from my former progressive allies has basically been one of crime denial incysting crime rates haven't gone up even as we see the bodies piling up all across the country. african-americans killed by other civilians than killed by the police. and of course 8 times more
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african-americans killed than white americans and so if black lives really matter, we would see a of police. probation and drug testing of psychiatric for the people suffering from drug addiction and mental illness we haven't seen that it's going to take reckoning at least on the part of the left. >> ben: i think you are right about that and going to take a long time. one of the things i remember hearing so much from many libertarian friends was this idea that you could essentially total decriminalization when it comes to drugs and have a crew topian benefit of it almost. that's not really an accurate reflection of all nation around the world that's that have tried to take on the drug problem in new and innovative ways. tell me a little bit about the truth as it regards that decriminalization process. >> exactly.
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when i got out of that work in many story i tell in san francisco sicko. 21 years ago. this year over 100,000 americans will die from he drugs overdoses and poisonings. he we were all badly mislead. i asked them what would happen if you did in portugal what people do in san francisco which is to use heroin openly, smoke meth in public he said very quickly arrested, brought to the police station and if you had the amount over a certain amount tried for drug dealing. if you had less than that, brought before commission for dissituation of addiction. we'll don't do that in american cities. you described the waukesha the suspect in waukesha killer who ran over 40 people, killed at least six people. he had just run over his girlfriend with his car and,
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yet, they let him out on bail for $1,000. there was no probation. there was no electronic monitoring and so we were all mislead into thinking that there would be some kind of some kind of care, state involvement in monitoring suspects and people at high risk of you see unholy alliance. radicals on left and right to really felonies and misdemeanors and then to stop forcing the laws against everything from shoplifting to open air drug use to public camping big part of book. hard truths people don't want to reckon with it's much easier to store of embrace the idea that your policy is one of sympathy. but that's not actually what it is if it doesn't get people in
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the direction that they need to go. in the direction away from dying from poison in the streets. argument that you have used that you promote your book and talked about it over the past couple of months that you find really works with the people who just want to fall back into that motivation even with good intention that ultimately does not do well for the people it is meant to serve? i. >> i think the place i found the greatest agreement, ben is on this issue of mental illness. people with schizophrenia but also people with serious methamphetamine or heroin or fentanyl addiction are mentally ill and they are not in control of their behaviors, they there needs to be an intervention and so many addicts who live on the street who we euphemistically refer to as homeless or people lost all their ties to their family because their addictions have led them to steal from family and friends to quit working to basically destroy themselves in public view. we have found greater agreement
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now, including among some moderates on the democratic party, san francisco mayor london breed just a week and a half ago came out and said we need to have a crackdown on the open air drug dealing. i'm finding a remarkable number on the left acknowledge that we do need some kind of intervention with people that are destroying themselves in public view. again, 100,000 drug deaths last year. two per day in san francisco. so i do think we are finding greater agreement. you know, our country is so great because we are founded on the principle of freedom. but freedom requires responsibility. and compassion also requires some amount of discipline, it requires the enforcing of the laws. so my hope is with you. i think that we are coming out of this pandemic as sort of a wake-up call that these incredible increase in homicides and drug deaths and crime are a chance for us to hit the re-set button and try to find agreement on things like universal psychiatry, shelter first, treatment first, and make house
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ago reward for good behavior rather than another entitlement. >> ben: michael shellenberger, thank you so much. i think you are critical in making people wake up to hard truths. >> thanks, ben. great to be with you. >> ben: also here with me tonight is the founder and ceo of project hood communities development corporation pastor corey brooks. is he spending 100 nights on a chicago roof top to help bring attention to the rampant violent plaguing his city. pastor brooks, i want to thank you for joining me. tell me a little bit about why you are doing what you are doing. >> thank you for having me on this show. i'm doing it for 100 nights from february -- from november the 20th to february 28th to bring awarenessing the via reasons going on in chicago but also to raise as much money as we possibly can to build a center here on a block that's called o block named after a young man
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who was shot and killed in a gang. the gang picked up his name and started calling it o block. we decided we are going to keep the o and call it opportunity block. and build a center here help transform the lives of people not just a center like a ymca but a center focused on transformation, speaking the trades and things of that sort. >> ben: you know, it is astounding to me what's gone on in chicago over the past several years has not received the level of national attention that it deserves as being a challenge to our approach as it relates to dealing with problems within communities of crime, policing, drug abuse and more. as you understand it, what do you believe is the most essential things that people who are not from chicago ought to understand about what's going on there? >> well, one is to tale of two cities. you have a city very beautiful. one of the most beautiful cities in the world. secondly a very violent city. pockets of violence that are
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spreading like cancer. and it's not just spreading from in our community but spreading to those beautiful pockets like lake shore drive. the magnificent mile and those areas are not being dealt with properly. we even heard of citizens on the north side who are now going to buy armed security, pay armed security to protect their neighborhood. that's unfathomable in america. we have to do better. we can do better. >> ben: tell me just as a pastor, this has been a period of such difficulty for those americans who have sought to worship together from whom that's been a central part of the way that they lived briar to the pandemic, we have seen so many shutdowns that prevented them from worshiping and gathering together during it. what can be done in the wake of this pandemic to try to bring faith back to the center of american life. >> that's a wonderful question. we have to bring faith back to the center of it. without god, we are all utterly
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lost. i think what we are seeing in america, especially in these urban centers where i live, that people are lost, they are hopeless and frustrated. we have to do everything we can. that's the reason i'm on this roof for 100 days, bring awareness to the situation. but also bring solutions. we have to get people to turn back to god. we have to get people in our community to take responsibility for what's going on and when we do that hopefully we can change the tide, turn the tide on the violence we are experiencing every single day and make our city one of the most beautiful cities in the world collectively, not just parts of it but all of it. and it's going to take all of us working together. that's the reason why we need all the help we can get from people all across america to help us do what we are trying to do. >> ben: where can people go to support your cause, pastor brooks? >> thank you, people can go to project project we want to thank everyone for tremendous support. i thank fox for giving us
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tremendous support and helping us support the issues we are facing every single day in chicago. >> on roof stop it thank you for what you are doing. >> it. >> ben: happy new year. coming up a new wave of nascar mandates and school shutdowns have reared their ugly heads but why? chris bedford and nicole sapphire are up next. maybe they can tell us. p showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need
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oh, don't worry. mommy'll be back soon. besides, we can record the show for her. it's not the same if she's not here. ♪ christmas ♪ ♪ the snow's coming down ♪ what the? oh my goodness. don't worry, i'm a nurse. we're on in 30 seconds. i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ deck the halls ♪ ♪ but it's not like christmas at all ♪ mommy? that's mommy. whoa. ♪ and all the fun we had last year ♪ ♪ pretty lights on the tree ♪ ♪ i'm watching them shine ♪ watch the full story at >> ben: as the left continues to scare us all with more variant hysteria, the actual numbers are not so doom and gloom
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hospitalizations and deaths are not. in fact, things are getting better, not worse. data shows that at the beginning of september the seven day average for covid hospitalizations was almost at 97,000. the fast forward the clock to today, that number has dropped substantially. when seven day average of 67,000 hospitalizations. and we're seeing a similar trend when it comes to deaths. this is all good news. there should be no more need for mandates and lockdowns. but clearly none of this matters to the progressive power brokers of the left. last week d.c. mayor muriel bowser announced she would be reinstating the citywide indoor mask mandate through january. and at this very hour members of chicago's largest teacher's union are deciding whether or not they will go back to remote learning. joining me now to react christopher bedford senior editor at "the federalist" and fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. dr. saphier, i think that when i read all of these different numbers and statistics and trend lines i feel like i should feel
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good about them. yet, everything i'm hearing from the media and particularly from these power brokers within these major american cities is still the same type of hysteria that i feel like i have been hearing for months on end. who is out of base here? am i wrong to feel like things are looking better? >> well, undoubtedly, ben, i can tell you that when you look at the media headlines and even some of the talking medicines coming out of the administration, it would seem that we are in a perpetual state of his tear i can't understand a panic. i can tell you by looking at global data, including data of the united states, whether it comes to the latest variant, omicron which is probably about 50% to 60% of cases right now in the united states, there are much less -- there are much more mild symptoms being reported with this variant that doesn't mean that people aren't going to be hospitalized with covid-19 anymore. what it means is that the majority of people who do get the omicron variant are going to have a more mild illness. this as we head into flu and cold season where we already see an uptick in hospitalizations. so it is important right now
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that, one, we look at the people being hospitalized, the people that are dying but making sure when we are reporting on these numbers that it is -- that these people are being hospitalized from covid-19 and not with covid-19. if you look right now new york city, you keep seeing headlines saying pediatric hospitalizations are up in new york city with covid-19. well, yes, we are testing every individual that is coming into the hospital. and i can tell you historically speaking from the last 20 months when it documents pediatric hospitalizations, those are grossly inflated. so, while it is creating a scare tactic and causing people to cancel their holidays plans and shuttering children and keeping them in home and keeping schools saying they are going to go to remote learning again that is not necessarily the case. when it comes to healthy children, it does seem okay omin and covid-19 in general is mild in this population. the fact that you have chicago which has one of the most failing public school districts across the country now saying that we are going to go
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distanced learning when we already know even the cdc acknowledges that distanced learning is a complete detriment to our children, all that is going to do is just further cause failing education, socioeconomics for the future of these children and chicago should be ashamed of themselves that they're preemptively keeping these children out of school. i can tell you they were hurt in pre-pandemic and right now those children are suffering with one third dropout rate of high school students in the poorly performing high schools and distanced learning will only make that worse. >> ben: chris, tell me a little bit about what have you seen happen and play out in d.c. the joke among many was that mayor bowser was going to reinstate the mask ban as soon as she had filled out her docket of christmas and holiday parties for the season. what's your perspective on what the city has done and the approach from mayor bowser? >> that's exactly what she has done. she has done that and they have the -- basically the most
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progressive vaccine mandate in the entire country where children who are attending any of the schools, public or private or parochial now have to get vaccinated if they are 5 years or older despite zero science backing that zero restrictions on businesses vaccine mandates. they don't make any sense. it makes you wonder if you live in chicago or new york or boston or washington, d.c., why would you report that you even have covid? why would you tell the state? they are not going to do anything to help you. they are going to could things to hurt you. beginning of january the d.c. public schools have already closed for two days for quote instructions on how to handle covid as if we haven't had two years of this. since the first week of covid you could see the police officers working the firemen working and bartenders working and trash men working the only people who didn't want to work are the teachers. none seems to be helping the students or correct people from covid. policies go on and on are classic symptom of what you talked a lot about you have been hosting, ben, of the left wing religion we have to make pennants for our sins but not
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us, you. you have to pay for your sins, not the teachers if you did stock like we did look at the elementary schools out at bars for some of these strikes not for them but for you. everyone else the bartenders and restaurant managers though those are the people that have to suffer for the left feel so acutely. >> ben: it is so often the case that it's the other who must pay the price for our sins as a gathering society. for us the elites life can continue on. thank you, chris and dr. saphier for joining me tonight. coming up, the media thinks one of these penal is a hero and the other is a member of the insurrection. but which is which? we'll ask liz wheeler and vince right after this.
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head coach with the with the 1977 legendary broadcaster best known namesake best selling madden video game series. john madden 85 years old. his loss will be felt throughout the league. madden was someone essential to my life growing up. i cannot imagine growing up on sundays without listening to him and pat summerall and fondly remember all of the times i spent warring with my brother, my friend over the video game franchise he created. john madden was one of a kind and he will be greatly missed. ♪ >> ben: democrats and the media may have spent over four years screaming profanities at president trump or giving him the finger or having celebrity elites like kathy griffin holding an effigy of the president's severed head now that trump isn't in office. democrats decided now is the time to be the party of
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civility. since something far worse is now here. >> i hope you guys have a wonderful christmas as well. >> thank you. >> merry christmas and let's go brandon. >> let's go brandon. i agree. >> ben: if you ask the media elites let's go brandon isn't just a dig of the president of the united states it's much more dangerous than that. >> the a symmetry of saying fu to a sitting president on the call in front of your four kids don't look past this. don't look at this about a story giving air time to a maga guy. it's slow motion insurrection. >> let's go brandon isn't about what you feel about supply chain issues and gas. it is the cry of insurrectionists. it is the cry of people who want to take over this country and oppress anyone who is not like them. >> ben: seems like the media's new profound sense edr. fauci
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from rightful deserved scorn. host of the liz wheeler show diz wheeler and vince colon e. regardless of how you feel people expressing their opinion of the president in this content the christmas call might not be the necessary appropriate way to say it. from the media is that this type of thing is a deep and dangerous reality within america that ought to be investigated and people ought to be hunted down and exposed for expressing their views. even using words that can be shared within polite society. this was not their attitude the last five years it seemed like when it dime donald trump and the way the media treated him certainly hollywood treated him as well. >> right. of course not. as you mentioned, they applauded kathy griffin when she held up a
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severed head or obviously an invented not auto real severed head but a severed head of president trump. they applauded this, thought this was pithy and cute. hypocrisy is obvious here. a word to the mainstream media. a quiet insurrection to say let's go brandon to the president? use the president's words here common o. come on, man. there is a reason he felt like he needed to say it directly to the president. he felt like he needed to say it because he feels like he is being screwed over by the biden administration. and this is a view shared by a lot of the american people. they feel like they are being left behind. they feel like they are being ignored. they feel like when they voice their problems to their elected officials that they are ignored. yes, you can argue that it's disrespectful, sure. it probably is but it also speaks to something deeper among the american people. something important that they feel left behind by their elected officials. >> ben: vince, there was something there that was said by the msnbc contributor that i
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think is pretty troubling. this idea that, you know, the -- this expression is not driven by, you know, frustrations over the economy or frustrations with the policies of the biden administration. that, instead, it represents some kind of creeping and virulent attitude toward the very republic that we inhabit as citizens. i find that to be completely insulting on its face but also it seems to me their denial process in saying that no one could actually think this because their small business has been ruined, because the biden economic policies have set them back. because they see what inflation is doing in their communities and that to me is completely absurd. >> i had the same thought when i saw this that guy saying that this was an act of violence and this is the steps towards insurrection. it is harmless moment this guy was actually in this relation, the conversation with the president of the united states, you know, he actually had a
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really nice conversation with him. i thought it was a little weird when the tone shifted at the end let's go brandon. he took it as an opportunity because he wanted to impress his buddies and wife doesn't like joe biden and convey that really palpable frustration with the biden administration. they created this fantasy world where joe biden can do no wrong where nobody would be upset about out of control inflation. nobody would be upset about the way we got out of afghanistan. less people in the process. nobody would be upset about our collapsing southern border. no one would be upset about the state of covid when we were promised this virus would shut down. not possible for someone to criticize biden unless they are captivated by a cult. this is a media distortion filter on display and they are asking their audience to believe something that is just completely untrue. it's disgraceful, but, unfortunately, it's become routine. >> ben: you know vince and liz, i think this is going to be something we are only going to
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continue to see play out over the coming years, sadly, because as things continue to get worse for this administration, the numbers get worse as midterm elections approach, they are going to have to double down on this idea that anybody who disputes what the house is doing, anybody who disagrees with the policy agenda, they actually have some deeper monovalent motive as opposed to being americans awake to what is going on in the country. thank you both for joining me tonight. up next, meet the pastor who is standing up for the freedom of religion one concert at a time. ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars.
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worship movement. a series of outdoor concerts during summer of 2020. now he is law firming a new tour kicking off on miami new year's eve. musician and pastor sean foyt joins me now. in this time we see so many people who have put enhanced importance on different aspects. it always seemed like religion was coming last for some of our political leaders. they didn't seem to think it was all that important that people actually be able to gather and worship together. why was it important for you to make sure that that still happened? >> well, i just believe, you know, like religious, like it wasn't america that founded religious liberty. religious liberty founded america. it's essential to who we are. especially in a time of a pandemic and such division and isolation he is the answer for
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america. >> ben: one of the things eye opening to me willingness of people strong believers nonetheless go along with different policies put in place without any kind of objection. and it surprised and disappointed me in some respects, so i was encouraged to see the work of some others like you who have put religion first and put it back at the center of our discussion in american life. what were the things that really photo vacated you to do that and what were the reactions that you experienced from people across the country when you were bringing these events to their communities? >> well, i was so blindsided just like you, ben. we have sing these songs and preach these sermons and yet when the moment comes and we have got to practice them, it's like people deserted. they just fell at the feet of the government. i tell people across america
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this is not political. this is biblical. like we have a mandate as believers. we have been doing it for 2,000 years we have been gathering together. despite pandemics and persecution and fear and crazy tie written nickel governors like we have here in california. we have been gathering together and we have been worshiping and, you know, now more than ever, when americans are facing such darkness, you know, the light shines in the darkness. and the darkness cannot overcome it so we experience, we went from city to city, you know, we went from some of the hardest and darkest cities like seattle and portland. we went through los angeles, south chicago. everywhere we went, the story was the same. people gathered needing hope. people gathered needing life. it was like there is this connection that comes in community that people didn't have. but also a connection to god. and the testimonies are crazy. you know, thousands of people gathering. people getting saved.
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people getting healed. people giving their life to jesus. getting rid of their addiction. this is why we did this. this is why we launched let us worship. >> and we are not stopping now. >> ben: i want to wish you the best of good fortune in the coming year and thank you for your continued service. >> thanks so much. >> ben: now a word on another child of god. today is the third anniversary of our dear friend and colleague bree peyton's passing. bree loved her country, her dog's shooting crack shot cheeseburgers and bold red lipstick. showed bravery. whether leader of the free world or homeless on the street she had time for you. she ran further up and further. in we must wait in the fullness of time to see her bright smile again we know we will. until that day, our thoughts are with bre's parents cindy, her family and all her loved ones
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>> ♪ ♪ >> there is a few minutes left in the show. let's put comedian tyler fisher on the clock. 4 topics and 60 seconds. let's do it. >> let's do it. >> many men are wearing ear rings. young professionals from lawyers to accountants are embracing hoops, studs and charms. searches for men's ear rings are up 147%. a significant portion of that is you. what will you try out with a new hoop earring? >> well, i took my jesus impression a little far. but i love this earring thing.
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sometimes i go on dates. i will say can we split the bill. the woman says i bought all of this jewelry. i can go so did i. take that credit card out. it's about equity and it's coming to life. i love it. >> to emphasize the bling, to split the check. former playboy model is facing federal assault charges after hitting and spitting on another plane passenger. take a look. >> [shouting]. >> [inaudible]. >> [shouting]. >> tyler, this was on a very
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short flight. it attracted a lot of attention. is this america's new normal? >> well, as graphic as that was, i have been single so long because of the pandemic. i fly delta once a week to get physical contact. it's the only touching i get. i fly to l.a. and back. i am loving it. >> do whatever you have to do. new time to find relationships even in the friendly skies. joe biden can't even win over the extreme climate activists he tried so hard to please. in an interview greta said it's strange that people think of joe biden as a leader for the climate when you see what his administration is doing. what do you think about the fact that she hasn't been won over by
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the approach biden is using? >> i don't think the irony is lost that joe biden fell asleep during a talk about energy. he can't sustain energy to stay awake during a speech. he can't meet with her in person because he would try to sniff her hair. we are between a rock and a hard place. putting wind mills all over the place. it's not a joke. >> [laughing]. probably the most predictable thing in the world that greta would be disappointed in joe biden. she is disappointed in a lot of us on her typical day. kanye west doesn't seem to be over his split with kim kardashian. he purchased a house across the street from her after she filed
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to become legally single. you are trying new ways to meet people. is buying a 4.5 million dollars house a good way of showing interest? >> i am gemmous. -- jealous. my girlfriend broke up with me and i had to buy a creepy van and she doesn't know it was me. i told her i was gender fluid jesus. i am outside of her house right now. >> it it would only help i am sure to get you back into her good graces to know you can comment intelligently about the important news of the day. >> peace be with you. >> tyler has done great work.
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>> get your booster. >> thanks for watching fox news primetime. download the podcast wherever you listen. i will see you back here tomorrow. will cain is filling in for tucker carlson next. >> ♪ ♪ . >> will: good evening. i am will cain in for tucker. joe biden promised he was the man who would solve covid. set up the revival tent and end the pandemic. it was practically his entire platform during the presidential
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