tv Hannity FOX News January 13, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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and we know why all these people are leaving npr, it's not racism they're just embarrassed. not us, we're not going to criticize him, we are fans we're going to keep listening. nothing like this has appeared on the airwaves its hilarious. treat yourself. that's it for us tonight. we'll be back tomorrow night at eight. here is sean. >>sean: get rid of the wheat mandate you cannot make this up. play it again and again. thank you, tucker. welcome to hannity, tonight we are nearing the end of what was one of the single worst days of the biden presidency so far. after 357 other terrible days, that is saying a lot. breaking this afternoon, 6-3 decision assi we predicted, the u.s. supreme
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court blocked the vaccine mandate on private businesses just three days after it went into effect. while the court did uphold an hhs requirement for hospital workers, of course that's medicare and medicaid federal money, the federal mandate on private businesses is no more. it is a massive win for freedom for private businesses, for a medical privacy and so much more. we will have a lot more coming up on it tonight. the bad day did not stop there. at 1:00 p.m., joe meandered wandered over to the capital in a desperate attempt to persuade his former colleagues in the senate to end the filibuster once and for all, something that he has been opposed to his entire career up until now. now he wants the power grab just before he arrived, however,re democratic senator from arizonae bravely delivered a speech of on the senate floor completely rejecting the demands, short
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time later democratic senator joe manchin echoed her remark stating as i've said many times before, i will not vote to eliminate or again the filibuster. in other words, that field trip was pointless even before he stepped foot on capitol hill. this is a level of public humiliation that is hard to watch. needless to say, joey was not happy. perhaps. he needed some ice cream perhaps. take a look. >> one thing for certain, if any other civil rights came along if we missed the first time, we should come back and try the second time. we missed this time. we missed this time. the state legislative bodies continue to change the law, not as to who can vote, but who getn to count the vote. count the vote. count the vote. it's about election subversion. not just whether or not people ont to vote. who counts the vote.
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>>sean: his state of delaware where he served 575,000 years, he never once tried to make voting more accessible, and they have some of the most restricted voting laws in delaware. he never lifted a finger. by the way, we are at the point where we doe need to seriously ask frankly is he okay. he doesn't look he doesn't act okay. he looks like a shell of his former self. he looks like he is deteriorating before our very eyes. both mentally and physically. and frankly, the people around him are not doing him any favors covering all of this up and hiding him. he's confused,d, he has memory loss, weird outbursts of anger. quite a lot of difficulty finding words. the thing. the thing. you know the thing. he has trouble walking. those are symptoms of someone not doing well. where are the people in his life that care about him and love him? as for the filibuster, the
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senate rule that joe reverted to as a racist relic of the jim crow,ev the democrats use the se filibuster to kill a bill from ted cruz that would put sanctions on russia. if there was ever a moment in time that perfectly encapsulated the democrats bewildering level of hypocrisy, that's it. by the way, as a side note, that they used of filibuster over 300 times last year. now a few hours earlier, back at the white house, joey was in his happy place, a weird fake oval office that. this is bizarre. he has a real oval office, but he goes to the oval office that where he loves to give speeches from a miniature oval office desk and today's speech was supposed to be about his big plan to battle omicron, the very varient
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varient which has been ripping through this country for weeks. record numbers of covid positive cases unlike anything we have seen great unfortunately joe had a lot of trouble communicating that plan to use the american people. we will let you decide. take a look.grha >> i don't like to outline the next steps that we are taking against. i would like to outline the next steps were taken against the omicron variant. to help lead our federal testing program, i tapped dr. tom --is that right, jeff? >> sorry. just acting like joe. needless to say, still a little question about the covid 19 disaster, but today like almost every day, joe could not be bothered to answer any of these questions. take a look. >> thank you for taking the time. >> mr. president?
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what about vaccinated americans [inaudible] they continue w to t covid. >> we will talk about that later. >>sean: he usually says, but they won't let me, i'm not allowed, i get in trouble every time i take a question. for a full year, 2020, he was bragging that he shut down the virus. he didn't. not having enough test was a travesty of a t said president trump should not remain as president because if 220,000 covid deaths, almost twice that amount hasn't died since biden took over with more american deaths it from covid in 21 under then in 2020 when we first got this thing. joe thinks it's 2020. pathetic, but it's true. now a very frail looking president biden is unable to answer a single question about
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covid 19 as the virus continues to rage throughout the entire country. we are now living what is it ultimate sad predictable preventable nightmare. according to a new poll from news nation, a large majority of americans disapprove of the handling of covid 19. keep in mind evennd before this horrendous day, for president joe biden, he was already polling at an all-time low. yesterday's quinnipiac poll had him at a 33 percent approval rating with inflation at 7 percent, that is a four decade high. a of 40 are now its plan to eliminate the filibuster, that is dead. build back broke is dead. the so-called voting rights legislation is dead. his vaccine mandate is all but dead as well, as the supreme court now is put their ruling forward. things are going so poorly at the white house that reporters in their media mob are now openly wondering if biden and harris will bother running for another term.
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today kamala harris herself had a disastrous interview where she couldn't even answer that simple question. you decide. take a look. >> are we going to see the same democratic ticket in.u 2024? >> i'm sorry, we are thinking about today. honestly. i know why you are asking the question, because this is part of the punditry and the gossip around places like washington dc. let me tell you something, we are focused on the things in front of us. >>sean: that would be in front of you. is that a no? why are you unable to answer that question, kamala harris? is there some reason to believe that joe biden will not be able to run for reelection? you think he is not capable of being president? you think you are not capable of serving in the white house? we will have so much more from that train wreck interview coming up later in the program. what is going on here?gr of course i think we all know the answer. joe biden is a cognitive wreck.
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it's more prominent than ever and he will probably not be running for reelection. many people wondering if he can finish the next three years of this term. kamala harris is out of her league and incompetent. members of her own staff refer to her as a soul destroying bully, they have been leaving in droves, she's to lazy to read she's lashing out at others when she is painfully unprepared for it i don't know who's going to be on the democratic ticket in 2024 but if they want any chance of winning the dnc would be wise to kick dumb and dumber here to the curb. i don't think hillary is the answer either. herewith reaction is what the trump organization donald trump jr. is with us. 33 percent approval road in great we saw the supreme court ruling today. a 40-year high with inflation. that is costing the average american family poor, middle class in particular an extra $5,000.
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oil now is at 85 bucks of oil a barrel. it was at 20 something when your dad was president. we were energy independent. build back better is dead. the borders are wide open. the filibuster scheme failed. i guess the question is, do you miss me yet, meaning your dad and the answer is overwhelmingly yes. >> it should be. it's almost hard to believe kamala harris is as bad as she is and joe biden for being there for so long, it's like they are trying to destroy america at this point. they're is not a single metric by which they're succeeding. everything they do is to change the goalpost and with that kind of popularity, imagine trump had the same boosting from the media?tr he would have been the most popular president ever. they're doing whatever they can to save this flailing presidency. they move the goalpost at every chance.
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we're not going to do it this way because joe biden said he would have it under control and he's got nothing under control. he said he'd be a moderate, he's a radical. he said he's not going to describe the american energy sector and he is destroyed eyes were bright boosting russia. its case after case, the democrats now they want to eliminate the filibuster. they used it 327 times in 2020. republicans used it once, now they want to eliminate it so they can make it easier to cheat in elections. something they want to do. it is frankly voter id, which is popular with the overwhelming majority of americans. they want to eliminate it. that's not because of all of the soundbites and all of the nonsense, it's because they've done such a disastrous job. on to their nonsense. they are not going to let them get away with it again. now they'veer got to change the rules to make it possible for them to win.
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>>sean: every day that joe is in office, and today i think was the worst day, but i don't think he's had a good day, and i can't name aad single thing he's done that's successful. i wouldi argue if your father runs again in 2024, that every day they are handing him the keys back to his house. that he could go back home if you want to call the temporary home the white house. h every single day, i don't even think your father needs to say a word. you know why? you can't mess it up anymore than these peoplekn are messing this thing up. >> the reality is this. all joe biden had to do was nothing, he could have sat back, rode the coattails of my father, economy on his international policies, of middle east peace, of jobs, of american prosperity and energy independence, and everything that was achieved. instead, they spend five years trying to destroy him. lie about him. leak nonsense, run with that as though it's the gospel. give him zero benefit of the doubt, meanwhile they do the opposite for biden and you have
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an all-time low disapprovalhe rating. it's absolutely sick what's gone on. what's the shame is that americans have to suffer. you have a supply chain crisis caused by democrat policies. this isn't just joe biden. these are democrats ideas. no one thanks that joe biden is coming up with this stuff and implementing it and turning it into a disaster. this is the democrats parties ideas. this is what they're bringing to the table. joe biden just happens to be sitting there signing stuff they stick in front of him. these are democrat policies that have destroyed our country, ourf energy, our jobs, our livelihoods, our families. you saw the divisive speeches that he's giving. if trump was doing that, they would be talking about how divisive it is great how he's doing nothing to unify the country, yada, yada, yada. when joe biden does it, it is wonderful he's going to show them in midterms. it's going to be a disaster for
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the democrats and rightfully so. even with a trillion dollars of mainstream media boosting a trillion dollars of social meda boosting, a trillion dollars of every big tech company trying to make the democrats seem competent and well and not disastrous for our country, it's not going to work, sean because the american people see through it at this point, they are not going to be fooled by this stupidity and idiocy anymore.ou >>sean: you are close to your father, is he running in 2024 in your opinion? >> i am still of the mindset that donald trump as the only guy that can take all of the hate, no matter where it is, it just wears on people. i wish we hadju a bench of 50 gs they could handle it and take it right everyone thinks they can take it until it's all focused on them. i know he can do it. i know he can turn around this disaster. i know he can do that, and frankly set up the republicans to run the country for decades to come because now we see where democrats are. we got to make this point.
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they're are still moderate democrats and america. they're are no moderate democrat politicians anymore. they don't exist. they can't get elected. thee radicals that are running the democratic party are not representing, the people that are moderates. that's why thee media had to go so far out of their way to lie to the american populace and say that joe was going to be a moderate. it was never going to happen. they are representatives aren't and that's a problem. >>sean: great to have you with us. now we turn our attention back to the u.s. supreme court whicha has just delivered a mixed ruling on the vaccine mandates the good news, the more important news, the most sweeping mandate imposed on private employers is now officially dead. here now with more is the author of the case for vaccine mandates, along with
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fox news legal analyst. i read your column and it was interesting. it was an easy call by the supreme court to reject biden's war on business, and i agree with you for all the reasons you stated, but i want you to lay out the case. >> i think it's the easieste cl of their term for the justices. when biden announced his business federal vaccine mandate on september 9, i was on your program, they show. i said this is an obvious constitutional abuse of power by joe biden. why? because under the tenth amendment, police power is reserved to the states. it means the states can dictate and govern public health concerns. it's been that way for more than 100 years. case after case in which states have imposed vaccine mandates upheld by the u.s. supreme court.
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first in 1905 and then in 1922. these we're smallpox vaccinations. the supreme court today is quite easy for them. all they had to do was followen not just the constitution, the tenth amendment, but also supreme court precedent. i think that what is so confounding to is that biden knew what he was doing was wallace. he spent months promising americans he wouldn't impose a vaccine mandate. he said he didn't have the authority, he didn't have the power. his press secretary said it. members of his administration repeated. and then all of a sudden one day he said i'm going to do it and he thought he was being terribly clever. all get osha to do it. but osha governs agents and substances that are toxic in the workplace.e. vaccines never have been. the supreme court said something pretty important today. they said covid 19 virus is not an occupational hazard, it's a hazard everywhere. it is universal. it is not unique to the
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workplace. so, they concluded inexorably that both biden and osha were abusing their powers. >> i think you're right osha was a workaround in their backdoor way of doing it. we now know that fully vaccinated people, they get booked covid. vaccinated with boosters, they get covid. vaccinated, blistered and with natural immunity and they get covid. why won't they go to the next scientific answer which our therapeutics, and how is it in gods name possible at this late date they ran out of tests and they ran out of therapeutics. they're is no excuse for that, professor. >> this is a legislative manner what the supreme court basically said. it's up to the legislature, they should be mandating all these
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things under our tripart system of government, the legislature makes the law. the issue in this case is who decides. i have a chapter in mym ee booke case for vaccine mandates in which i asked that question, who decides. i predicted that the supreme court would strike down a presidential mandate that was not authorized expressly by congress. all the questions you raised are questions that should be put to congress. congress has hearings, they should have the best experts in the world. they should consider the issuero of whether or not people who get covid have the kind of immunity that gets exemptions fromm vaccination. these are the kinds of issues that must be decided by the legislature. that is why they struck down the osha mandate, but they upheld the other mandate because they
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basically said congress has allocated money to pay for medicine in the united states. virtually every hospital receives medicaid and medicare so you can issue the receipt of medicaid and medicare in making the health workers be safe and be sure the patients are dealt with appropriately. this decision was not to say. >>sean: i'm happy with it. i'm happy with the >> are you happy with the part that says you can have have a mandate for health workers? >>sean: no, but i understand it from a legal standpoint.. that's federal dollars, but i agree with you on that it should be predicated legislatively and i also believe the state should be the ones responsible. joe said there is no federal answer. the question i have now at this particular point is where is the belief in freedom in america anymore or medical privacy or doctor-patient confidentiality. we have a washington post columnist saying it's time to make life a living hell for the unvaccinated.
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excuse me?at everything they told us about vaccines isn't true anymore, is it, professor? >> we have to balance the right of privacy, the right of confidentiality against the right of people who don't want to be exposed unvaccinated people. that's a reasonable view as well. as far as the states are concerned, this supreme court can't really comment on that.w what if now, they say we legislatively are going to mandate every firm that has. they're going to go our core left with no consideration orr free of the freedom of law.. >> but then what happens, what if the state of texas passes the opposite statute saying it's illegal. >> then you're better off to live in texas. it's a better place toga live. there you go. >> different roles in different states, maybe that's what federalism is all about.
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>> they did not, true. last 30 seconds? >> this is a pattern by joe biden to engage in lawlessness and abuse of power. he did it with the eviction moratorium. he admitted he didn't and did it anyway. of course i got quickly struck down by the u.s. supreme court. the farm aid program, racially discriminatory against white farmers and ranchers, thate too was struck down by the court, so this is a pattern with joe biden. he doesn't care about the constitution and the law and the right of american people. >>sean: thank you both. ahead, kamala harris, a disastrous interview. we've got the tape. she couldn't even answer simple questions. that's next as we continue.
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>> another day, and absolutely dismal disaster day for joe biden and kamala harris as the vice president had a painstaking interview where she was unable to answer basic questions including about the administration's disastrous covid listen to this rambling wordw salad. >> at what point does the administration say you know what this strategy isn't working. we're going to change strategies. six former administration officials wrote that open letter urging the administration take change course, to change strategy. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day. every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.
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>>sean: how did you run out of tests? how did they run out of monochromal antibodies we've had for 18 months? how come they are not mass-producing antivirals. it got worse from there. when asked to explain the testing debacle that biden and harris created, her response was i can't believe it, they didn't get enough backlash the last time? just check google. you can't make this up. take a look. >> why are we at a point now where folks still can't get tests? >> but we just ordered i don't have the number in front of me but millions of test. we have 20,000 sites where people can go, and i urge people, you can google it or go onto any search engine and find out where free testing and the is available. >> the fact that we are still f telling people to google where you can get a test. >> come on, now. if you want to figure out how to get across town to some
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restaurant you heard is great, you usually do google to figure out where it is. >> seriously? come on, man? ask yourself, have you ever seen someone less prepared for an interview other than maybe joe biden himself? where is operation warp speed o create as many tests as we need on demand. where is operation warp speed for life-saving therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies and these antiviral medicines that nobody can get? what was biden and harris secret plan to shut down the virus anyway bright hope or a prayer? apparently. and then to correct the harris claim, the test will be sent out next week, apparently not. pretty much everything they have been saying has been wronged. biden promised that if you got the vaccine, you would never get covid. that was a lie. he would never have vaccine
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mandates, he lied there too. he would never support $450,000 payments to illegal immigrants until he did. i will never abandon americans in afghanistan. that was a big lie. here with reaction leo 2.0. cohost of the five, and his own new weekday show, at 7:00 p.m. the host of jesse watters primetime. everybody now needs toth face reality, leo, it is watters world and we just live in it. >> i want a commitment from >> i want a commitment from jesse right now. i need a commitment from jesse right now that sean and i will be your first to guests. >>sean: i'm already booked for wednesday of the first week. i'm going to be on the show. we are very happy for you. >> the first two guests. to keep me and leo together. all agreed to that.
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will do it on wednesday. >> whatever you guys want, all right? >>sean: congratulations. you workedat really hard. we couldn't be happier for you honestly. jesse, we will start with you. how did we run out of tests? we are in year three of the pandemic. how did we run out of the therapeutics we've had for 18 months? how are we not mass-producing these antivirals that every doctor i talked to raves about? >> my sources and the secret service are telling me they are changing kamala harris codename now to oops. i have seen deer in the headlights give better interviews than that. i've interviewed people on the beach during watters world that has sounded smoother than that prate and here's why the white house is so freaked out about this interview. this wasn't sean hannity throwing fastballs up by the chin, this is a friendly nbc news democrat interview, they are asking basic questions, when are the tests coming, are you going to be on the ticket, are
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you going to change he wasn't asking how to expand how gravity works. who preps her? at this point she sang google it for everything. if you are at snl, you guys have to do is get where people just ask questions to kamala and she says google it. what is your covid strategy? google it. are you going to be on the ticket? and google it. maybe she's not going to be on the ticket, so just say it's an honor to serve, i hope i'm on the ticket. >>sean: there's always plan b. that film she made with the child actors, that really worked out very well for her, leo. >> let me tell you right now. she gave poor answers because she's not in the loop. jesse is right, she went too liberal msnbc and she couldn't answer the questions. she does not have a team working
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for her. seven of her staffers quit. they're is no love between her and joe biden. they're is no doubt aboutlo it n my mind, the only reason why she is vice president is because of her ethnicity and gender. it's not because of qualifications. you cannot name me one accomplishment from kamala harris. let me be clear. it's a hard choice who is the best between the worst. joe biden and kamala harris that's a horrible choice to choose. i'll tell you right now, joe biden, if i was joe biden, i would sleep with one eye open because i don't trust kamala harris and joe biden should not trust kamala harris. >> last word, jesse? >> joe went to capital hill to twist arms on voting rights. i thought kamala was running point on voting rights. did kamala know that was a failed mission so she didn't want any piece of it?
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she didn't want any of the negative blowback on her? or did joe bigfoot her because he doesn't trust her to close the deal? i'm just asking questions. >>sean: we are proud of you and congratulations. the wednesday, you invited me on wednesday. i'm not going to force you on your first show. the show needs a better start than you and me. jesse, he can do better than. i have the lawsuit right here. first sean and leo or lawsuit on monday. >>sean: i will give more airtime if you ask leo about his friendship back in the day with o.j. simpson. i will get a lot more airtime. trust me. >> i can't hear you.ckck my mike is working for it i can't hear you. >>sean: that brings back a lot of memories. >> lawsuit. >>sean: congratulations, jesse. they sham january six committee plays politics in kevin mccarthy doubled down big time today about why he
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house minority leader king carthy's standings from toni mccarthy's stands strong from tonight's refusing to participate in the january 6 political theater with the one with the predetermined outcome the one that won't investigateon why nancy pelosi didn't use the troops that donald trump authorized for her. it won't allow her e-mails, the sergeant of arms e-mails, communications, phone records to be turned over. they won't't bring in the mayor and ask why didn't you utilize the 20,000 troops that donald trump authorized. kevin mccarthy told the committee he will not cooperate with this investigation with the predetermined outcome.
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and it was only another excuse to smear donald trump and has nothing to do with protecting the capital from future attacks. he couldn't be more right. take a look. >> you battled the creation of an outside commission from the start. he also told the select committee. >> that's not true. >> why should the public not conclude that you are trying to hide something here. out. >> great question, i hope everything gets corrected at cnn. >> can you answer the question. >> after january 6, who was the first person to offer a bipartisan commission? was it me? i will help the answer is yes. >> i called for it to, but it had to be bipartisan not by committee full of trump
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impeachment haters and never trumpers. we also need a committee to look into the riots and the summer of 2020. we can't have this kind of violence in this country. we are better than that. as we reported two days before january 6, donald trump as required by law authorized up to 20,000 national guard troops to protect the capital. why? we came off the summer ofy why rioting. why, hundreds of thousands of people who we're coming to town. because tensions we'rere running high postelection, why because all of these bad actors in the crowd. dc mayor bowser and nancy pelosi needed to sign off on the president's order and they rejected that request. nancy pelosi oversees the capitol police, why did they decline the guards aboard? pelosi, bowser, the sergeant at arms, the capitol police chief also requested the guard be they left the place totally
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vulnerable. there wouldn't have been january 6 if the guard was there like donald trump had called them up. so one is pelosi and mayor bowser and the sergeant and arms and the capital police chief when are they going to be subpoenaed to testify before the sham committee?an probably never becausete they hd some predetermined outcome. they don't want the answer. if the true purpose of this committee is to understand truly what happened for the purpose that it will never ever happen again, because we've got to protect our institutions andat elected officials, how can you possibly ignore this big issue of why didn't they call up the guard authorized by the president? the only reason i can think of is this corrupt committee, by the way, it has the single biggest purveyor of election lies in the history of the country, adam schiff, they have a predetermined outcome in their goal is to forever banned donald trump and purge him from the american political scene. here with reaction jason j fits
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along with former white house chief of staff. you tell me, any good reason why they would turn down the legally authorized calling of the troops by the president? >> that's because political committees are not put together to bring justice, they are put together to highlight and punish your enemies. i think it's a good thing to revisit what the limitations of this committee really is so that everyone can understand. this is not a committee that has at least carte blanche subpoena power over everything. the supreme court is litigating that case right now. they don't have the power to indict. they don't have the power to conduct a criminal investigation. this is a political research committee. let me remind everyone, the u.s. attorney in washington, dc was a guy remained named mike sure
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he already conducted all of this work. he already did the criminal investigation on january 6 and people were brought to justice. kevin mccarthy, he was in favor of doing a commission, but the first thing that happened to him was all of his committee members we're rejected. as far as the information after seeking from kevin mccarthy if you look at the letter there they list out about 20 public statements that kevin mccarthy said, and said we want to bring you in and talk to you about this statement made to politico, this statement you made to the wall street journal. they already have all the evidence, it's sitting in their letter, they can use it right as as to adam schiff in what he's doing, it's a little rich for us to start taking advice from the quarterback of the fake russian hoax for the past four years. this is political theater. >> it is bad theater.
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jason, your take? >>sean: jackson, and want to axes when thing first. ask you first. why, when the committee chairman, bennie thompson was asked if nancy pelosi is off limits, he acknowledged she is off limits. okay. and nancy tipped off jim jordan and jim banks and put on the two biggest trump haters and the political republican party. >> the person in charge of security for a separate but equal branch of government, the legislative branch, the person in charge of security at the house of representatives is nancy pelosi, she is in charge and to appoint the sergeant of arms, the chief of police, the capitol hill police, how can you not talk to her about the lapse in security there at the capital? that is all you need to know about this. it's an absolute sham. it's not a legitimate committee.
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it's a caucus meeting that is meant to distract so that were not talking about all the other problems that are going over with the biden administration and the harris administration. it's just a total distraction. it is a farce and it looks like a banana republic on what they're doing. it is fundamentally totally wrong.d they could have had a legitimate way to do thaty and look forwad to it, look into it, i agree with that, you agreed with that sean. kevin mccarthy is the one that suggested it, but there was nothing that nancy pelosi was interested in because she knew she would be subject to questioning and that is notte something she is willing to do. >> i think the american people see through this rate i have 30 seconds for each of you. does this go anywhere or people do now see how corrupt this is? >> no, it's not going to go anywhere. i think it republicans need to go on offense, these people are making $500 a day and gas prices are upa by 40 percent, e have better use of our time than political research projects. >> well said, last 30 seconds jason?
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>> i think we need to kick cheney and kinsinger off of the republicans. i don't think they should caucus with the republicans.. the idea that they would vote to allow this committee to move forward without republican representation is wrong. i think america sees through that. i think america is smarter than that and they know something is wrong and it was a bad day on january 6.6. the way they are handling this is just a scam. it's just as sham. >> here's a prediction. out of nowhere, it could be wrong, my guess is liz cheney knows she doesn't win her seat and she probably plans a third-party run to siphon although it's from donald trump and will probably have the opposite effect. let's see if i'm right. h straight ahead, the left continues to demonize the unvaccinated over at msnbc, you get taxed or fined and of course the washington post saying it's time to make life a living hell for thend unvaccinated.
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that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. and there you have it. woah. never mind a whole year wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included.
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relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> now even as vaccine mandates are failing miserably in places like new york city, the mob and media are doubling down with their relentless attacks on any american that might have a different point of view than them. that might be uneasy about the vaccines, earlier this week la "l.a. times" column encouraging americans to mock dead people, people unvaccinated, headline says mocking anti-vaxxer's death is ghoulish, but it might be necessary. joy reid now even floating some
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kind of tax or fine. what if they have a religious exemption. >> i feel that people willfully unvaccinated, fine, don't get vaccinated, they need to pay more of the cost of what this is doing to our system. >> here with reaction cohost of the clay travis buck sexton show where the washington post also said let's make life a living hell. you said publicly that you now have covid, how are you feeling? >> thanku you for having me on. i feel pretty good. minor cold, and i tested positive yesterday. wanted to make sure whether i had it or not so i could talk to my audience. this is home for me because i've made the choice not to get vaccinated. i had the original alpha strain of covid back in november.
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of 2020, i'm relatively young i'm relatively healthy. i've told my parents who are over 75 years old, i think you look at the overall data, you listen to your doctors and you make rational health decisions. to me, when you actually analyze this entire basis, i've agreed with the declaration that we need to protect the people most vulnerable, we need to get as many people back to work we should have never locked down or shut down schools. so i have a home studio, i canwn work from home with my radio show and talk to you with the television studio here in the house so it doesn't change my ability to do my work. i feel fine, i feel great. here is what i think it's for significant. dr. fauci said that he believe ultimately everyone was going to and some way get a version of omicron or covid. that's what he said. if that is true, the argument we need it vaccine mandate, god
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bless our supreme court for standing up against the overreach of the biden administration, at least in terms of the larger employer mandates, but if that is the case, if everybody vaccinatedrgs and unvaccinated is going to get covid in some way, then the unvaccinated are primarily a risk toen themselves. again, if you're over 65, i think your doctor will probably tell you to get the covid vaccine. if the risk is primarily upondo the unvaccinated, there are a lot of people out there that made bad health decisions. we don't refuse treatment to people who are obese, we don't refuse treatment to people who use drugs. we have to treat all americans the same way. >>sean: we wish you well and anybody that gets this, we pray for them. >> exactly true. >>sean: hunter's ex-wife writing a tell-all. we'll tell you about it next. lives of six million jews
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when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food.
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become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
12:00 am
>> you've hur about the outrageous life of zero experience hunter >> sean: you've heard about the outrageous zero life of hunter biden but another side of the story is about to be revealed. his wife writing a telling-all story, it will be released sometime this summer. we'll have the details. thanks for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. good news, laura ingraham. >> laura: i was thinking about poor rich hunter biden. you want to know what my thoughts are right now? >> sean: a hundred percent. >> laura: what he's doing seeing his father's political fortunes begin to dwindle pretty quickly, he's painting with his mouth, with his toes, with his hands. he's painting as fast as he can. there is like not enough things he can find to paint. once this stuff drops you won't be able to give that stuff
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