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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  January 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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sworn in saturday as virginia governor. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, that's it for "special report" fair balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted this week by rachel campos-duffy starts right now. hey, rachel. >> rachel: hi, bret. thanks so much. >> good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." i'm rachel campos-duffy and we start tonight with joe biden's week from hell the president hadn't had a week like this since disgraceful and deadly retreat from kabul. he saw his entire agenda fall apart in realtime these past seven days and even someone as out of it as sleepy joe has to realize things are getting bad. on monday the u.s. shattered records with over 1.3 million covid cases in a single day. but the guy who promised america he would shut down the virus, it seems like he is doing the exact
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opposite so biden's week started off 0 for 1. on tuesday, things only got worse for the embattled president. biden went down to georgia to attack the filibuster. >> i believe the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. we have no option but to change the senate rules, including get rid of the filibuster. [applause] >> rachel: biden's speech caught flack from both sides of the i'll as he trashed senate rules and looked to smear any american who cares about election integrity as a racist. so, if you are keeping score at home. that's 0 and 2 biden this week. if you thought they were getting any better as the week moved on. announced consumer price 7% in december. the worst since 1982. thanks to biden's poor economic policies, prices are the highest they have been in 40 years. now, you know how your wallet has been feeling a little light
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lately. you can thank joe biden for that. and the pain didn't stop there as the release of a new poll highlighted by his job performance rating hit a new low with only 33% of americans saying they approve of biden and more than 50% disapproving, and that was only wednesday. which brings us here to yesterday. where it was a thursday to forget for this administration. kamala harris didn't do her boss any favors when she sat down for a one-on-one with nbc. she got tripped up on what should have been a pretty obvious question that sounded like a beauty pageant contestant who was thrown a curve ball in an interview. >> at what point does the administration say you know what? this strategy isn't working. we are going to change strategies. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. every day it is time for us to
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agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> rachel: but this train wreck of an interview by second in command continued biden's no good, terrible thursday. joe's vaccine mandate on private businesses which would have affected more than 80 million americans was shot down by the supreme court. the nation's highest court told biden that our personal freedoms outweighed his executive overreach. so as thursday came to a close, biden was looking at an 0 for 4 week. and this morning there was no reprieve as the pain continued for joe. biden was forced to admit that he hasn't done a whole lot as president. >> a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. we're going to get a lot of them done, i might add. >> rachel: that's pretty rich,
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joe. but then slips into a -- don't worry. we will get it done. unfortunately, we don't believe you, joe. and things are getting so bad for biden that even his trusty leftist media has turned on him. >> president joe biden has had a very tough week with setbacks for his agenda. >> every time i think the white house thought they have hit bottom, there seems to be a new bottom. >> the overall sentiment. not just among the american public but even among democrats in washington, people who are allies of this administration this is a really bad period for the biden administration. >> rachel: the biden administration continues to fail every step of the way. and even the left can't hide it anymore. so here's the important question. what is the white house going to do about it. well, it doesn't look like they have a plan at all. if anything, their frustration is reaching critical levels things in white houses. you have every challenge at your
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feet laid at your feet whether it's global or domestically and proposed legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream but that wouldn't be very rewarding to the american people. >> rachel: bunny rabbits and ice cream. that's what the white house has come to. well, it's so clear that they are in over their head that they can't handle the crisis that they are currently facing. so what happens when a new crisis arrives? like the mother of all supply chain problems emerging right now in china. we are still feeling the pain from our current supply chain crisis and another supply bubble is yesterday to burst. economists are warning that if covid continues to spread across asia, the disruption to manufacturing could be catastrophic. as we're too reliant on china to make the things that we need. it's been a very bad week for joe biden. probably the worst seven days of his presidency. he saw america's institutions
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and people reject everything he campaigned on. nearly one year after his inauguration, joe biden's presidency has hit a breaking point. joining me now my husband sean duffy a fox news contributor, florida congressman byron donalds and tomi lahren. host of fox nation's no interruption: welcome all of you. i'm going to start with you congressman, i think things were so bad when he went to georgia, stacey abrams didn't even want to be seen in connection with to him and kamala. it was her home state, her signature issue of federalizing elections and she said i got to go wash my hair. >> look, i really can't blame stacey abrams. as bad as he has been i wouldn't want to be next to him either. i'm not sure if dr. biden with a there with him. here's the deal. what america is witnessing right now, every sports franchise and their families has realized when you draft somebody number one overall and realize about three or four games that person can't
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play and we american people have realized after the third or fourth game he cannot play he is terrible at his job. everything has gone wrong and so for a democrat president who gets kid gloves to the media, to pull at 33%. that means you are awful. that means that only about 15% of the american people actually believe in what you are doing. it's that bad for our country. the only silver lining is that he is so bad that the worse element of the radical bernie sanders agenda could not be accomplished in congress. >> rachel: yeah. that's true. tomi, i thought one of the worst things this week was jen psaki. i mean, this thing about, you know, bunnies and rainbows and, you know, unicorns. i thought it was so condescending. that's not what the american people said they wanted. that's not what they expect. they just want you to do your job and be competent. >> well, i think that's exactly what the american people expected from jen psaki.
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jo expect anything more from her or from the biden administration. i will say this, this week wasn't a total loss. it was a win for freedom on two fronts, making sure we have election integrity and shooting down the democrats really large dream of ensuring voter fraud. so that's one victory and then also striking down that vaccine mandate. but have you ever noticed with the democrats the things that they really want to fight for are things that keep them in power or give them more power? they want to fight for vaccine mandates and voter fraud enabling policies. where is the fight to lower inflation? where is the fight to fix the supply chain crisis. where is the fight to secure our border? those are things they could actually work on but all they are consumed with is their pop later and making sure that they attain and keep the power that they already have. where do the american people fit in on this and the last thing i will say is i hope the person who people understand it's not just president joe biden and kamala that are fail it's the democrat agenda,not enough for folks like stacy abrams to agenda that is a failure.
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that is on the democratic party as a whole. >> rachel: absolutely. sean, i'm really curious about an interesting figure in all of this and that is kyrsten sinema the senator from arizona. s as you know i'm from arizona. tough. independent streak. i think you have seen that before. >> a little bit. >> rachel: she definitely exhibited that through all of this. i'm just curious like does she have any friend in the senate on the democrat side now come me some insight into the kind of pressure she is under right now there. >> listen, rachel, the president she is under -- not is it just the democrat senator who serve with her, democrat house members, the whole white house establishment putting pressure on her left wing outside groups that are calling and pressuring her. back at home the radical wing of the democratic party in arizona is pressuring her. i served with her in congress, she is a very, very good politician. and she is making a choice for
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arizona by standing up and holding tight on the filibuster means, i think, that kyrsten sinema is going to get elected in arizona for as long as she wants. because that's where arizona folks are at. but i think i want to piggy back on what tomi just said. it was a bad week for joe biden but it was a good week for america and good week for freedom because, again, the supreme court shot down the vaccine mandate that was going to be implemented by osha and the fact that democrats aren't going to have a federal takeover of elections means that we are going to have still some integrity in our elections. we aren't going to have fraud and cheating in our elections. that's a good thing. as conservatives, sometimes we see everything as so dark with what these radical leftist want to do. this week as a glimmer of hope there still is some sanity in some places of government in america as a patriotic american, i want to celebrate that. even just this week. >> rachel: yeah, absolutely. congressman, i want to get to you because there was something we didn't even mention in my
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monologue of all the things that went wrong. you know, president biden was also caught in another corn pop moment, he said he was arrested in a rally or a protest during the civil rights. is there something -- "the washington post" even gave him four pinocchios, there is no evidence of this. you know, why is he trying to cast himself as a civil rights leader? it's so predictively dumb to do this. he is going to get caught? >> first of all, i'm not surprised with anything that joe biden does. he typically does moronic things like this. the truth of the matter is, he is flailing, and he is the prototypical politician that the american people on both sides of the aisle, mind you, have rejected for quite a long time. is he just trying to grasp any straw possible to find a measure of credibility. his problem is that we have all witnessed for the last year their there is no credibility so he is going to continue to do things like this unfortunately
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only thing of solace to us it looks like why are going to take back the house. >> rachel: sean, you came n that wave of 2010. what does the political landscape look like right now compared to 2009, just before that wave in 2010? what does it look like from this year to that time period for you? >> >> when i came in 2010, first off cycle for barack obama and his poll numbers were way better than joe biden. these are cat that chris mic for democrats. the generic. you don't put a name on the ballot just say republican or democrat. the republicans are up by several points. republicans are usually even when we are down by four points just because of voter turnout. i think this is going to be a
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2010, 1994esque cycle for republicans. i think republican also pick up anywhere from 35 to 50 seats in the house. i think they take back the senate and one last point. that's why democrats right now don't want to get rid of the filibuster because they know if republicans take the house and the senate. they have a 50/50 shot of winning the presidency in 2024 and get through a conservative agenda in just three short years. democrats don't want that the smart ones say let's keep the filibuster and keep the pause on legislation. >> rachel: all right. we are out of time. thank you for joining me tonight. up next, why joe biden's crackdown on covid misinformation should take right to the front door of anthony fauci: dr. nicole saphier next.
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♪ >> rachel: since the day joe biden took office, he and his administration have been obsessed with cracking down on so-called misinformation. and this week as bad as it was was no exception. in in the midst of the chaos unfolding in washington, joe biden took a moment to send a very clear message. >> i make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets, please deal with the misinformation, the disinformation that's on your shows. it has to stop. covid-19 is one of the most formal enemies america has ever faced. we have to work together, not against each other. >> rachel: if joe biden is so serious about cracking down on misinformation, maybe he should start with dr. fauci. he is the greatest super spreader of misinformation of all. instead of being held accountable he is treated like a saint. just this week fauci was caught in yet another lie. emails showed he was involved in a smear campaign against a group of scientists who disagreed with
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lockdowns at the start of the pandemic. and when senator rand paul confronted him on it, fauci lied, lied, lied. >> in an email exchange with dr. collins, you conspire and i quote here directly from the email: to create a quick and devastating published takedown of three prominent epidemiologists from harvard, oxford, and stanford. instead of engaging them on the merits, you and dr. collins thought to smear them as fringe and take them down. do you really think it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you? >> i think in usual fashion, senator, you are distorting everything about me. >> rachel: joining me now to react stanford university professor of medicine dr. jay and fox news medical contributordr. nic core sapphir.
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you are smeared in this letter along with other scientists who signed the declaration. first of all, i read the letter, it looked like a smear. in fact, it looked like something from a bully. why is he so threatened by you and other people who have a dissenting point of view on lockdowns and other things that we're doing during the pandemic. >> what happened was dr. collins, who was the head of the nih and dr. fauci, who is the head of the naiad allergy and infectious disease of the nih. they wanted to create an allusion that there was a consensus of scientists in favor of lockdowns this was back in october of 2020 when he wrote this letter. this declaration calling for a different policy than a lockdown policy we have followed. they wanted to have people think that it was misinformation that there was anything other than lockdowns that scientists were supporting. and so when three harvard,
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stanford, oxford and nobel prize winners tens of thousands of doctors and epidemiologists signed on it was a political problem. they responded by smearing and propagandizing us and basically engaging the press in a campaign to marginalize us. >> rachel: yeah. that's exactly what they did. nicole, it's bad enough that they did that. but, if you are going to smear and suppress all this information. that the other side had, then, at least you better be right and it turns out he is not right and he is still trying to -- biden and fauci are still trying to suppress a great debate on what to do because clearly what they are doing isn't working. >> well, rachel, people, physician, scientists everyone should be trusted to have a free exchange of ideas openly and to be able to honestly debate them. but, unfortunately, there is a huge lack of candor with this administration and our public health officials. and what they are deeming misinformation is not
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necessarily factually untrue. it may be factually unsettled. but the problem is it doesn't fall along mainstream media's talking points. that's what they are labeling misinformation. which is wholly upsetting. that's not what science is. science, you have to be able to openly debate. it's about the free exchange of ideas. that is how we evolve as a country to become more scientific with everything else that we have that we're successful because people come together and we openly debate. but, when you start having big tech tyrants and now the white house wanting to remove opinions because it doesn't fall in line with the white house's talking points, all that will do is breed more skepticism and confuse a lot of people. >> rachel: yeah, dr. bahaa abu dr. you areplatform to talk abow doctors that have had their licenses threatened because they want to prescribe early treatment ivermectin. this is something we need to get to the bottom of and of course relationship between pharma and
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our government is reprehensible. i want to talk to you, dr. jay about your op-ed. i read it today. i thought it was very, very good. here is a quote from it you say we cannot stop the spread of covid but we can end the pandemic, quote, the end of the pandemic is primarily a social and political decision we have more technology to eradicate the virus. we must learn to live with it the fear-based lockdown policy of the last two years are no template for a healthy society. >> yeah, i mean, i think it's been very clear that we have followed a failed policy for two years. and the failure comes from elevating one single infectious disease to the very top of the concern of everybody in society. a liberal society, a society that functions well has there is tradeoffs. always thinking about the vulnerable but came at the same time, we are trying to
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understand how we can match all of the things we want to go after it involves normal functioning society while managing the bad infectious disease. that's what we need to return to. we can't have all of society functioning around the control of the spread of one disease. we have seen where that leads, it's not a good place. >> rachel: no, it is not. really quick, dr. saphier. the president who is trying to lead the charge against misinformation continues to say that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. is that true? vaccinated and keep people out of the hospital and alive. it sometime be moving forward. we are seeing the consequences of some of these measures that were done. lock down of children being out of school and wearing mask. negative consequences thieves bad moves by the public health officials and the white house will only be forthcoming for the
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next few years. >> rachel: absolutely. and the hundreds of thousands of people who died because they didn't get early treatments that were suppressed. i mean, it's just outrageous. both of you sound medical voices. i really appreciate you coming on the show tonight. thank you. coming up. hunter biden is not the only son of a prominent democrat with some very shady business deals. wait until you hear what nancy pelosi's kid is up to. miranda devine. the great miranda devine has the story next. ♪ a debit card for kids, and a set of tools to help them learn good money habits. by creating allowances and assigning chores, they can practice earning every day. with a debit card just for them, they'll learn smart spending firsthand, while you monitor and set account alerts. and using their own chase mobile app, they can set big savings goals.
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company that defrauded investors another company that was previously caught up in an investigation of scam calls that targeted senior citizens and a medical company accused of testing drugs on people without fda authorization. but, hey, maybe he is just really business savvy like his mommy and his daddy who stock moves are followed by retail traders on tiktok who are looking to be as rich as the speak of the house. miranda devine a "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor and she is here with us now. miranda, always great to have you on. you are one of my favorites. >> thank you. >> rachel: we hear so much about hunter biden and his stories obviously so colorful with hookers and cocaine and pornography. now we are hearing about nancy pelosi's son, tell us what he has been up to. >> well, look, there is obviously a corruption problem in washington and paul pelosi jr. who is one of nancy pelosi's children has obviously been
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profiting by his involvement in various companies which seem to have come under the investigations of the phil mickelson and justice department very shady dealings and most unfortunate for him to have been propelled into high positions in some of these companies the companies have fallen into disrepute. we saw that with hunter biden and the difference i guess here is joe biden internationalized what has really been a disease in washington of influence peddling. we have known that for many decades and joe biden was a past master of it in delaware and with his very powerful positions in the senate. and he internationalized it when he became vice president. nancy pelosi, we also know has herself enriched herself as you
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just mentioned on these stock picks which were extremely lucky over companies that she had regulatory authority over. so, that is very suspect and really unfortunate that the speaker of the house is dabbling in that. >> rachel: yeah, it's shady. martha stuart went to jail for that why aren't the pelosis? >> well, exactly. and nancy pelosi, when this was raised in congress came out and said oh, it's a free market, we're entitled to do what we like. they are shameless, the democrats here, particularly but i mean republicans are also involved in this. they are absolutely shameless in their refusal to be accountable you don't go into congress to enrich yourself that's what so many have deny. it's really disgusting. then to be lecturing other countries about corruption when you are behaving in the same or worse fashion. i mean, we saw joe biden was
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there ukraine. telling them they have to do something about their corruption problems while out the back door his son was getting, you know, millions of dollars. we know russia china ukraine, this corruption is commonplace. you don't give the money to the powerful person. you give the money to what in china are called prince lings, powerful people of the oligarchs, of the rulers. you give the money to them because you are wanting to curry with mother or father. >> rachel: the prince lings, miranda, every day look a little more like china. it's sad. >> rachel: again, great miranda devine thank you for joining me tonight. all right, coming up. satan is a comeback, and so is hillary clinton. don't go anywhere.
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and learning really hard. but instead of
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working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. ♪
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>> rachel: nobody wants hillary clinton to be president, except for a few people in the democrat party, maybe stwhawn she is paying. that's not stopping her and bill from trying to wriggle their way into the political spotlight. the failures of the biden administration have created a power vacuum in the party. and according to politico the clintons, quote: don't want to be pariahs anymore. what time than now to reinsert themselves into the scene. even though hillary lost in 2016, her delusional arrogance is still causing her to claim to the hope that there is one more comeback left in her. joining me now is josh rogin, host of podcast along with tammy bruce, fox news contributor. i'm going to start with you, tammy. even i'm surprised that hillary wants to get in and i'm even more surprised that bill clinton is backing her on this. i mean i know she is a narcissist but, come on. >> well, there is no real way to know if bill likes this idea or
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not. i think he was very uncomfortable during the 2016 as you might imagine with the issues that came up. but i think that is a reflection of why she lost 2016 in the first place, rachel. is that she felt that she was beyond it all that she was above it all. that she could do what she wanted. that she was entitled to something. she still hasn't grasped the fact that it's not just that she was the worst candidate in american history, but that her own party really didn't want her. and that is a difficult thing to deal with when you have been protected most of your political life. when you have seen your husband be protected and get away with so much and promises being made and, of course, she is in the business where promises mean nothing and she is dealing with the worst people among us. so it is about narcissism, it's about malignant narcissism. but more than anything, it's about an issue that many politicians have in the system that they think this country is a company that they own and that they deserve to have the things
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they want. and i think one of donald trump's biggest gifts of his many to this country was defeating that woman. >> rachel: i think a lot of our viewers would agree with that. josh, i have been very interested in your podcast. disaffected. you talk a lot about your podcast about what you talk is an epidemic in our country and culture. you call that unbridled female narcissism. i'm assuming you see hillary as exhibit a but there are others, right? >> oh, yeah. i think what we talk about on the show, i think we have an epidemic of narcissism across the board, males and femaleys living in that world. but right now it seems to me like female narcissists are getting a pass to enact bad behavior in public that men would not get away with. we see it in alexandria ocasio-cortez, you know, we may see it in hillary clinton. once you get to this level of
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political dynasty, i mean, we have just got a narcissist problem across the board. we have talked about this a lot on disaffected. >> rachel: tammy, josh brings up aoc. i mean, there was nothing more narcissist than her last week saying, you know, if you disagree with me, you just want to date me. /. [laughter] >> i'm sorry i'm still laughing. >> that's a woman who has clearly been told things by people that she believes. whether it's the fact that she says that unemployment was low with trump because people had two jobs. i mean, there is a strangeness in her lack of grasp of the reality of the situation. so, she is told things by people who also don't know what they're doing, much like joe biden, of course. but, in the meantime, look, also, at marilyn mosby of baltimore, facing now a federal charges, of course, on issues
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regarding filing for loan application and claiming that she had covid-19 financial impact when she didn't in order to take out a get a loan for homes in florida. everyone seems to go to florida, of course, these days. but this kind of narcissism, this kind of belief you can get away with stuff is based in, again, a system in politics that protects wrongdoing. it's like everybody has got their finger on the button and everybody has to protect everyone else. and i think many are shocked from the clinton generation on down that those rules are changing and they do not like it. and what we see in part is like big tech censorship, they don't want this conversation, they don't want to feel like they are just like everyone else. >> we are running out of time, josh. i want to tell everybody to check out your podcast. disaffected. tammy, josh, thanks so much.
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all right. for two years, the left has claimed that schools are unsafe for children due to covid. but there is something much more terrifying lurking in the halls of one school in illinois. the jane adams elementary school had its first ever after school satan club. that's right, a satan club. the club is led by a local satanic temple. according to a letter released by the school superintendent, no teacher from the school were involved and added that the club is allowed because the school is not permitted to discriminate against different religious viewpoints. but that isn't an isolated incident. satanists are taking up cultural space all across america, like in the illinois state house where they successfully put up a statue of baby satan. and you have heard us comicon there is a satan com taking place in arizona. bestselling author of infiltration, the plot to destroy the church from within. dr. marshall, really great to
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have you on the show. tell me what's happening here. >> well, we are seeing infiltration and seeing those on the left, antifa, satanists, all kinds of communist agitators, there is a strategic element here. they want to take over public civil space. we see them reading at the libraries, sporting events, of course the public university, the colleges. high schools. and now in the elementary school. and this is really a -- it's a flex. they are saying we are taking over the public space. we control the space. that means we control the narrative and we have the power. so, all of these instances of the temple of satan and other leftist groups, what he they're really saying is kind of like street gangs. they put their graffiti here and there to say this is our territory. this is what they're doing in our cultural space and civic centers to say this is our power, this is our place. i think we need look at it from a cultural war point of view.
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and see that this is really strategic and not isolated. >> yeah. cultural and obviously spiritual. there is a legal angle to this as well, dr. marshall, because they are using our own laws to achieve, this right? >> yeah, they're appealing to religious diversity. and what is odd about the temple of satan if you look into them. they claim they don't believe in satan. they don't believe in anything. they believe in themselves. they are trying to qualify themselves as a religion and on that basis they are trying to get all the rights that other religions, other churches and other faiths enjoy in this world. and they are really using it as a mockery of christianity, chiefly, to say maybe all of these special privileges that religions get they shouldn't have them and by propping themselves up and getting christians to press them taps reverse argument. in a way it is whimsically satan anymore. they are propelling and
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inverting god and the church and what is true and beautiful and what is good. in phoenix where they are going to have satan con: it's upsetting so many people, catholics and christians in that beautiful area. there are apparently are groups of catholics and christians who are getting together to pray and sort of thwart whatever they are doing there in the satan con. what can americans do, those who aren't in scottsdale on that day to pry and hopefully deflect that? what can we do as a culture since you say this is such an attack on the culture. >> well, you know, jesus christ in the gospel said certain demons are only cast out by prayer and fasting. prayer, fasting, and they are perverting and inverting what we should be doing. if you are a christian, if you really believe in god. if you believe the words of
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christ, you should be making an impact in the world. we are to be light in the world. so we should be taking up space. we shouldn't be sitting back and letting them enter into this vacuum. we should be out there publicly praying, representing our faith and they have also been attacking statues and crucifixes and 10 commandments all over the country. we should be defending that. and we should be out in the public more so than them. they're a very small group. we are in the millions. hundreds of millions. we should be out in public. and we should be promoting that which is true. and the ideals and the teachings of christ. so i really think this is a challenge for us to actually step up our game and be out in the public. >> rachel: great point. you are right on all points. thank you, dr. marshall. really enjoyed the conversation coming up. >> thank you. >> disgraced lawyer michael avenatti doesn't like his reading material in jail. jimmy fallon will tell us all about it next. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ >> the disgraced lawyer michael avenatti is wrapped up in another phony lawsuit, i'm going to try to get through this without laughing. he's suing the federal bureau of prisons for what he calls his mistreatment for his time behind bars pickle it alleges he was only allowed to read one book during his time in jail. ironically that book happens to be president trump's art of the deal. that's what the guards gave him. now he wants $94 million for it, here to react now is host of fox across america -- this story is so hysterical. i never thought i could read anything like this, this is amazing. >> first and foremost i think the story is michael avenatti can read. this guy is a total idiot as you know.
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i have so much to say about this. can i ask you? you saw me party in nashville on new year's eve, did you bring me a prison story as a way to remind me to get my act straight? >> a little bit. >> let's have this talk because this is the desperation of avenatti in this moment. we don't know he was given the art of the deal but we know he's going to claim he was because trump has always been the safe word with the media. he's thinking the media will take his side and you know that. if he gets in trouble, you try to trump it out to. what happened was, michael avenatti is a full-time idiot but the media was only hiring part-time. let's be clear, they were higher written. i want everybody to go back to a time when the media was telling us michael avenatti was going to be a presidential contender, do you remember that? come on.
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you know it's bad when stormy daniels says your movie has a terrible plot. [laughter] >> it's so true, i have to say i believe those prison guards were probably conservative and probably did that -- it seems like there's a new purpose for face masks. this is the conclusion of the study, actually make people look more attractive. my guess is this study was conducted by a bunch of beta males. >> this doesn't even pertain to you because you are married to tb super hunk sean duffy. who is just a dreamboat and all four seasons, let's get that out of the way. i agree with this study, why? when it comes to finding people attractive, the face mask is the wonderbra of false advertising.
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with it on you are like wow. with it off you were like there's a little fine print, i think i got ripped off here. i'm not surprised because it's concealing two of the three things that can go wrong. you get the eyes but you only need to be one-third of a pretty face to be hot in a face mask and of course the one-third is the part people find attractive. think of famous songs like debbie gibson i get lost in your eyes or peter gabriel, no one has a song called in your mouth, that sounds weird. the only people who ever say mouths are attractive is deliverance -- you got to pretty mouth. >> i know this for a fact, i know women who are single who look at men in masks and decided that so i don't want to date because they seem like a beta males like they are weak. >> you're the best. >> i think they are rapping me.
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thank you for watching fox news prime time, i'm rachel campos duffy. don't forget to catch my podcast with my husband sean, we'll have a fascinating conversation. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," the california gold rush is long over. and yet they are still robbing trains in the state, lots of trains, they are doing it on video we will show what he was just a minute to. last night we interviewed one of the people the biden administration charged yesterday with sedition, the man is named thomas caldwell. the justice department claims he was inside the capitol building


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