tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News January 20, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PST
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come down. a german guy helped him get down. peter is no longer afraid of heights. something happened. >> bill: the good news is you lived happily ever after. >> dana: 23, 24 years. i think i'm okay to tell the story. i'll find out when i get home. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is harris. >> harris: the reviews are in and critics agree president biden's rare solo news conference created more problems for him and democrats. and news coming from across the world, ukraine's foreign minister said president biden just invited a russian invasion. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". president biden getting a taste of a hungryer than normal white house press corps. reporters asking him if he overpromised on the campaign trail. biden bit back saying he
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accomplished more in his first year than any other president. they asked about the 2024 white house race. biden insisted he would seek reelection with vice president kamala harris as his running mate and at one point who has failed to unite his own political party? the president blamed republicans for his legislative failures. >> president biden: i did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done. >> harris: really? democrats infighting is not getting in the way? here is the cover of the "new york post" mocking the president's quote confused disastrous q and a writing now we know why they keep him hidden. the post editorial board called it an utter disaster. republican lawmakers didn't hold back. >> the president is completely detached from reality and the
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kitchen table issues that matter to americans. >> is he unfit for office. democrats are for an agenda that is out of touch with the hard working american people. we have crisis after crisis one year into joe biden's presidency. >> these kinds of blunders can have catastrophic consequences and the american people deserve more and should expect better. >> harris: republican nebraska senator ben sasse says those two hours were an absolute train wreck. will cain co-host of "fox & friends" weekend is in "focus" now. will. what stood out to you? >> what stood out to me i think is the phrase uttered by senator tom cotton in the clips. the president is detached from reality but as a reflection of reality. when he says he has overperformed in his first year i don't think you will find a single american who would agree with that assessment of his first year and the mid-term
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report cards will come back positive for democrats and his administration he shows he has no grasp on what is happening in the real world and makes somewhat sense, harris. president biden and the democrats for that matter have done a good job of warping reality and shaping reality for the past couple of years and painted the prior administration as the reinvention of the ku klux klan and painted all their political opponents as racist and they've been rewarded with political power. pumped the american public full of fear over covid and they have been rewarded with yet more power. they have shaped reality but reality is now rudely interrupting this delusion. whether it not in comes in the form of russia, inflation, bad poll numbers reality has a way of waking you up. his delusion and detachment from reality is becoming obvious, i think, to the american people. >> harris: look, i described the press corps inside the white house yesterday as
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hungyier than formal. there were a few soft balls but a lot of tough questions, too. >> did you overpromise what you could achieve in your first year in office? >> do you need more realistic and scale down the priorities now that legislation appears to be hopelessly called can you lay out your strategy? i spoke to a number of black voters who fought to get you elected and now they feel you are not fighting hard enough for them. >> why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left? >> now i do want to note this, will. not one question on the violent crime crisis in this country and immigration was brought up only two times. your take. >> my take is that is a performance which i guess in the same way we should say president biden did a good job of fielding questions for two hours, that should be commended.
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he was out there for two hours and do it more often and much less scripted. we can give faint praise to the press for finally pushing back a little, harris. and look at the response, by the way, from president biden. i think the minute his reality by the way is interrupted, then he lashes out. he blames others for his problems. we know he has done that with the unvaccinated for a year and blamed fox news. i watched two hours. he blamed fox news in particular and anyone who disagrees with him for not shaping the american public to his delusions. he blames everyone who steps in his way, republicans as you pointed out. he has a problems with democrat. republicans aren't his problems. he wouldn't mention his party. he did skip that part. sinema and manchin, two people with ds beside the names. not republicans. he lashes out over and over at anyone who dares step up to
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challenge here. the media gave him the slightest bit of pushback illustrated where one reporter said why are you calling your opponents bull connor or george wallace and he got angry. i didn't say that. read what i said. he said in correction i said they stand on the side of bull connor and george wallace. you are not literally george wallace or bull connor but not them. it showed his anger at anyone who dare challenge him. >> harris: that part felt a little like let's rehearse this part. he was ready to go. we'll see how it works out for him with communities of color because as you heard kristin welker from nbc pressed him how the numbers have come down for people who support him who are people of color and they were a primary reason why he got into the white house. i want to move to this. you mentioned the mid-terms a moment ago and president biden insisted he will do what he can
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to help fellow democrat lawmakers in the upcoming election. >> president biden: i will be deeply involved in these off-year elections. we'll be raising a lot of money and out there making sure we are helping all of those candidates. >> harris: i don't know with his poll numbers i don't know if that's good news for them. even cnn reporting that biden has not made himself available to talk with democrat campaign committee chairs about the mid-terms despite their requests. biden's low approval rating and the wave of democrat retirements has the party worried about november 8th. 292 days from today. yes, we're counting. >> since you bring up cnn i want to tie this back into our last conversation about lashing out at those that disagree with you and who you blame for your problems. there was a cnn pundit the other day high level "politico" that ran several administration communications said democrats have bad followers. not blaming the media or
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unvaccinated we blame democratic voters for not following along with this administration's delusions. it's remarkable. if i'm a democrat i don't want president biden campaigning for me. you brought up minority voters. those polls, the most stark thing is the quinnipiac poll he is 33% with the american public. he is 25% with independents. he is 24% with young people and 28% with latinos, not someone you want campaigning for you if you are a democrat across this country. i'll say this, because of all of these reasons, it is just unforgivable the president now steps up to the podium and begins to question the election integrity. how many days out did you say? >> harris: that was stark. >> the democrats have spent years coming after president trump for questioning election results and when the shoe is on the other foot before the election takes place by a
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measure of seven or eight months calling into question the mid-term election. >> harris: that was stark opposition to anything that democrats have been saying including him up until this point. but i guess they are looking -- it may not go their way. and so by the way the white house press secretary jen psaki was asked about that last hour on "america's newsroom" and so it is something that the white house is going to have to deal with him saying that because the election, as i said, is november 8th and coming up. does the president believe it will be fair or not if he doesn't get the legislation he wants? if he doesn't get his way will he say it didn't happen the way it should have? we have to cover the news as it happens. will cain, great to have you in "focus." at the bottom of the hour we'll keep a promise i made to break through the monolithicly messyed ikts from the biden administration on coronavirus with "the faulkner focus" covid confusion. where are we right now in the pandemic? are our bodies capable of doing
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more than they're telling us? also, we'll unpack the president's comments on covid during his news conference yesterday. admiral brett giroir and dr. robert redfield. did the president give russia's putin a green light to invade ukraine? what he said sending shock waves around the rules has the white house cleaning it up on aisle 7 but they listen to the president, not the people who work for him and they have this. >> he earnestly believes in his heart that he is trying to be bipartisan that is really is a man who can reach across the aisle as he sits there and insults the very people he says he is trying to reach across the aisle with. >> harris: more reaction to the president blaming republicans for his stalled agenda and his suggestion that the mid-term elections won't be legitimate if his voting bills are not passed. we'll touch back on the topic with senator tom cotton of
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a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call... for fifteen hundred dollars off your kohler walk-in bath. visit for more info. >> >> president biden: no matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote they will stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote. >> harris: yes, that's the united states president straight up saying republicans are trying to stop minorities from voting. the president also cast doubt on the legitimacy of the mid-term elections if his voting bills are not passed and going off on a reporter on the divisiveness of his atlanta speech. >> you dispute the characterization that you
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called folks who would oppose those voting bills as being bull connor or george wallace? in the same camp. >> president biden: no i didn't say that. look what i said. go back and read what i said and tell me if you think i called anyone who voted on the side of the position taken by bull connor that they were bull connor. that is an interesting reading of english. i assume you got into journalism because you like to write. >> harris: wow. earlier today on fox white house press secretary jen psaki insisting the president was not casting doubt on the mid-terms. >> he absolutely is not predicting that the 2022 elections would be illegitimate. the point he was raising was both that in 2020 even amongst challenging circumstances efforts to suppress the vote and the midst of a pandemic there was record turnout.
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democrats and republicans record turnout. he wasn't making a prediction. he has confidence in the american people and we'll do everything we can to protect people's rights. >> harris: in "focus" now republican senator tom cotton of arkansas a member of the senate judiciary and armed services committees. what is your reaction or what was your reaction initially hearing the president say oh no, i didn't say that? >> well harris, he can get angry and shout and shake his fist at the clouds as much as he wants. he said what he said in atlanta a couple weeks ago and widely recognized by democrats it was beyond the pale and alienated senators whose votes he needed who he compared to the segregationists who would point out are all democrats by the way. no amount of spin is going to change what he said. like no amount of spin from his
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underlings that he gave vladimir putin the green light to invade ukraine and why the president's staff doesn't let him go out and "meet the press." >> harris: he looked at his watch and looked back. he made the decision to stay there and then threw his press people under the bus and said thanks a lot for helping me out up here. those are interesting moments. they were trying to clean up on aisle 7 what you are talking about. critics tore into the president's comments and they were rather bizarre on russia as he went on and on and on about an imminent invasion by the russians into ukraine. >> president biden: i think what you are going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades. it depend on what it does. one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, etc. he has to do something. >> harris: like i said it was hard during the press conference to even hear the rest of what he had to say
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because you are unpacking that. his critics were quick and pouncing on the shift arguing the president gave russia a green light to invade and that no incursion is permissible or impermissible. even ukraine president weighed in tweeting earlier today there are no minor incursions and small nations just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. white house press secretary jen psaki clarified the president's comments last hour on "america's newsroom" zbloo. the president has conveyed directly to president putin if there is a movement of any military droops across the border it is an invasion. if they go in that's an invasion and there will be severe economic consequences. >> harris: look, senator, she said it. the president didn't say that, though. it wasn't like he misspoke he dissected exactly what he was
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anticipating and what we should brace for. what do you say about that? >> he did and he spoke at greater length about ukraine as well and what really matters is not what his underlings think he said but what the ukraine onpresident heard. what vladimir putin heard. what vladimir putin heard he has a green light to invade ukraine. remember, these troops more than 100,000 russian troops and sailors didn't show up on ukraine's border in a vacuum. it is happening in the aftermath of the catastrophic weakness and haplessness that president biden displayed last august getting our own people out of afghanistan. vladimir putin saw that and he saw how president biden has appeased him for the last year and he has concluded that now is the time to go for the jugular in ukraine because joe biden cannot lead a unified and strong response from the united
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states and our european allies. >> harris: he couldn't make it clear what a red line is. we're always looking for that. what's the tipping point of getting us to lean in with those epic-sized sanctions he is talking about? what exactly is a minor incursion? now we're left to watch the people who would be invaded to tell us on twitter how they feel as targets right now. it is heartbreaking and i would say based on what you just said really, really bad policy going forward. i want to get to this. vice president kamala harris this morning was asked to clarify biden remarks on russia and ukraine. >> i will tell you that the president has been very clear and we in the united states are very clear if putin takes aggressive action we are prepared to levy serious and severe costs. >> it's less than clear. 30 minutes after the news conference the white house
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press secretary had to actually clarify the president's remarks. >> i'm being clear with you right now. if you're interested i'll continue to be clear. >> harris: they are angry and combative. >> the vice president and the press secretary and all the other white house underlings going on every tv show. doesn't change the fact that joe biden got into a debate what level of invasion into ukraine might cause a western response. into some kind of academic debate about why vladimir putin is doing what he is doing. he is doing it because joe biden is weak and thinks he can take advantage of him. the last time we had a democratic president vladimir putin invaded ukraine as well. under former president trump putin didn't invade ukraine it's because putin understood
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that donald trump like republicans are strong and we stand by our allies and partners around the world. >> harris: it's interesting. i don't think we talked this much about russia since that time, right? and it was all over the place that they went after trump and so on and so forth. now all eyes are on this president and what is at the center of it today? russia. what does russia think? give you 10 seconds. >> russia thinks that joe biden is willing to stand idly by and slap a long list of sanctions if they invade and annex ukraine. >> harris: senator, thank you very much for being in "focus." >> thank you, harris. >> harris: 2022 kicking off with record high covid cases and president biden is trying to reassure americans despite uncertainty about what is coming next. >> president biden: a lot of frustration and fatigue in this country, omicron has now been challenging us in a way that it's the new enemy.
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while it is a cause of concern it is not cause for panic. >> harris: but with fully vaccinated americans still waiting for those tests to arrive and waiting in line for hours for covid testing the nation is starting to ask when will we get back to normal and how do we get there? who is going to take us? dr. marc siegel, admiral brett giroir and robert redfield join me for a half hour of "the faulkner focus", covid confusion.
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>> harris: a special half hour now. "the faulkner focus" covid confusion. we're entering year three of the coronavirus pandemic. daily we're hit with confusion over covid testing and immunity and vaccines and keeping children in school and more plus the even bigger picture. where have our leaders succeeded and where have they failed? what do we need to do right now
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and going forward? here to break it down dr. robert redfield former cdc director. admiral brett giroir former white house testing czar and a member of president trump's coronavirus task force. you'll see them together here in "focus." we begin with dr. marc siegel fox news contributor and professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. let's do vaccines. the president addressed the topic at his white house news conference yesterday. here it is. >> president biden: 75% of adults are fully vaccinated. we've gone from 90 million adults with no shots in arms last summer down to 35 million with no shots. so get vaccinated, please. get your booster. >> harris: right now there are three vaccines approved for use in the united states. pfizer and moderna given the
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green light to distribute boosters. a study showing actual immunity is stronger in fighting the delta variant than the vaccines. dr. siegel, this seems groundbreaking and it seems like we haven't been told this. >> absolutely, harris. let me walk you through quickly. he is taking a victory lap on the vaccines but the story is the number of people that haven't been vaccinated with the approach. my way or the highway, making feel uncomfortable with unvaccinated pandemic. it all didn't work. 70 some odd percent of adults isn't enough. countries where 90% of the vaccination is fewer deaths and hospitalizations and the most important point. if you get over covid that's something that gives you a substantial immunity and is not being factored in. i spoke to cdc director walensky yesterday and still not being factored in.
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they think it's too favorable. against delta it provided stronger immunity. >> harris: the thing is true or it's not. science as we learn more cannot shift but it becomes more firm, right? we start to learn more. but either it's true or it is not. >> it's true and as dr. redfield will tell you all immunity is good immunity no matter where you get it. from vaccine and infection. more immunity the better. that's what you want and that's what this shows. if you get over covid i don't want to vaccinate you right away. i wait. >> harris: how long do you wait? >> well, that's a good question. it depends on the patient. what is their underlying risk factors. i wait several weeks. i don't want a school telling somebody it doesn't count, get your booster now. i wait several weeks. if they got the monoclonal antibodies i wait three months. a one-on-one situation involving a doctor and woef to
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factor in immunity from infection. >> harris: there are so many things missing right now. the natural immunity and the true power of it and that talk that you always reinforce it is an individual thing. talk to your doctor. we're forced to listen to schools and sporting clubs and tell us what to do. you are saying they shouldn't have the final say. pfizer and moderna say they have an omicron-specific vaccine by march. research shows a fourth shot can actually reduce our natural immunity. we're going in the wrong direction now. >> i'm more impressed with the israel data shows a fourth shot doesn't seem to add much in terms of protection and the head of the vaccine education center at penn is always telling me we're paying too much attention to antibodies and not enough to real world data. what we know. three shots and it may be a three-shot vaccine offer you a 90% protection against hospitalization. that's a big deal.
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the fourth shot is pie in the sky, too soon and by the time they get the omicron-specific booster by the way we're probably going to be past omicron. what they should have done is make it way in advance with money from the government up front which they didn't have. >> harris: i mentioned we have three approved vaccines but several others used in other countries that scientists say are quite effective. news broke last month that the united states military developed a single shot to fight all of the variants we've seen so far. let's start with what we are doing in other countries. >> well, india has a vaccine that looks very effective and baylor made a vaccine that uses hepatitis vaccine sold to india. the military. amazing vaccine on this show like a soccer ball full of proteins that causes an immunity against the entire virus. all of these are on the table.
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yale has a vaccine you inhale and may prevent infection from spreading from person to person. we need more efforts on these. mrna vaccines are terrific but a lot more out there that need to be considered and they have to be considered quickly. >> harris: and the inhalation you are talking about of a substance is what they've done with the flu for little ones. get the shot or do the inhaled version of that for the little ones. interesting development. the united states will get working on that. i know you are pushing for it and you know the doctor and see what happens in the next steps. talk to us about the study on marijuana as a preventative. in no way telling people to smoke weed and you won't get covid, or is it? >> one of the things -- it isn't yet. one of the things we've done wrong throughout the pandemic because of the poll itization everything that is strange or different we put to the side. it started with
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hydroxychloroquine and true with a lot of other different substances. in the test tube that marijuana stops the growth of this virus and should be looked at more. we need untraditional treatments as well as the traditional and they shouldn't be thrown to the side. remember, yesterday's treatment is tomorrow's cure. i want more study on this. >> harris: from what i'm reading it is the compound in there, not the thc. there is more to learn. why not talk about it? i don't understand why things become third rail and we canceled if we talk about it. let's move on. researchers have rapidly developed a host of drugs to fight the virus once you get it. this is the place where dr. siegel has pounded it hard. treatments that no one had ever heard of until late 2019 popped. covid vaccines are preventing many hospitalizations and deaths. for those who get sick therapeutics are a very important tool.
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here is the surgeon general this week. >> an untold story about therapeutics, we have more medications the treat covid-19 this month in january than any other month during the pandemic. we increase month-by-month our supply to get those medications to people who are sick or at high risk and ultimately save their lives. >> harris: jonathan serrie is live in atlanta at emory university and you have learned much more to tell us. >> hi there, harris, researchers are working amazingly rapidly combating a virus no one had heard of until late 2019. again, vaccines are doing a great job keeping people out of the hospital but you are always going to have people who are getting sick either through breakthrough infections or people who simply don't want or cannot take the vaccines. for those who do get sick, these new therapeutics are a very important tool. >> early covid treatment such
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as the antiviral drug had to be given intravenously. hospitals are crowded and researchers have found high risk patients do better treated before they become sick enough to be admitted. >> the vast majority of people can't go to a hospital but they can go to their local drugstore with a prescription and get some pills that they can take for five days. >> there is part of a team that created the antiviral pill. like pfizer's pill it can be taken at home but manufacturing these recently authorized treatments takes several months leaving initial supplies scarce at a time when omicron is driving up demand for all covid treatments. >> we are changing our prioritization and our supplies. patients who are at highest risk of getting worse and needing hospitalization will get the medicines. >> when president trump was hospitalized with covid in 2020
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monoclonal antibodies were credited for his speedy recovery. these treatments are less effective against omicron which accounts for 99.5% of covid cases in the u.s. >> we know how to make the new monoclonals that would work against omicron but we have to test them. testing them is a long process. >> we think about gradual improvements. we are going to be able to improve our vaccines and we will have more antiviral drugs in the research pipeline coming along. >> dr. william shafner from vanderbilt university says improved covid treatments will continue to reduce rates of hospitalization and death among covid patients but won't eliminate the need for vaccines. >> prevention and treatment are a one-two punch. the biggest punch comes from prevention. >> supplies of covid treatments are expected to ramp up
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significantly by next summer so if we have to go through another wave of omicron the u.s. will likely be in a much better position to deal with it or any other variant that comes along, harris, back to you. >> harris: that's helpful, too. not just omicron but what if there is another variant? how long it takes for them to get these things in the pipeline. and then what the possibilities are. that's what it is all about. jonathan serrie, thank you. let's go back to dr. siegel real quick. his thoughts on are these the pills that are pfizer/moderna pills that president biden gave an updated number from 10 to 20 million that they're purchasing? >> that's the paxlovid. that was like getting treatment against hive. this is the game changer here or descendant of it. it interacts with a lot of other drugs. the people who have used it
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can't believe how effective it is. we need a lot more of it. president biden may be saying he is buying more and more but we don't have it. it is still very scarce. the same thing with the monoclonal antibody. that works incredibly effectively but that's intravenous. that is scarce. one other thing i want to mention you don't know about, harris, is convalescent plasma from those who recovered from omicron is making a comeback. johns hopkins is targeting this and it is looking like it has a use. >> harris: that makes total sense. we know that with other medical issues that we face. dr. siegel, excellent. thank you for being in "focus" this hour and we are breaking through the confusion. let's continue our discussion on where america is headed when it comes to the pandemic. president biden yesterday vowed that we will move forward. >> president biden: bottom line on covid-19 is that we are in a better place than we have been and have been thus far.
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clearly better than a year ago. we aren't going to go back to lockdowns. we aren't going back to closing schools. >> harris: hum. we've heard that before. only to be slammed by new variants and the government reactions at all levels. where have we succeeded and where have we failed? dr. robert redfield and admiral brett giroir in "focus" next.
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>> harris: breakings news as the white house again attacks the topic of russia. president biden at a cabinet meeting moments ago trying to clarify his heavily criticized remarks from yesterday on a russian invasion into ukraine. >> president biden: i've been absolutely clear with president putin. no misunderstanding if any assembled russian units move across the ukraine board it's an invasion. it will be met with severe and coordinated economic response that i've discussed in detail with our allies as well as laid out clearly for president putin. but there is no doubt -- let there be no doubt at all if putin makes this choice russia will pay a heavy price. >> harris: there was doubt after that news conference
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yesterday & the president neated today russia has used other methods short of invasion and united states and allies might be ready to respond to that as well. fallout and reaction to this on the topic and bring it to you as the news is made. welcome back now to "the faulkner focus" covid confusion. we've seen the pan emotion dick take a toll on americans in many different ways. when we thought things were getting better omicron hit and cases soared. guidance and restrictions have shifted. cdc numbers show 70 million americans have been infected and more than 850,000 have perished. and while we have made a lot of progress, when you hear the words of both our current president and former president nearly exactly two years apart to the day, it is obvious we have come a long way. >> do you have a plan to contain the coronavirus in the u.s. >> we do have a plan and think
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it will be handled very well. we've already handled it very well and we're in good shape. >> president biden: almost two years of emotional and psychological and physical weight of this pandemic, for many of us it has been too much to bear. we're in a very different place now, though. >> harris: president trump, of course, delivered the vaccine through operation warp speed and we're still using the very vaccines today. how the federal government has done throughout the pandemic. for a look back and now forward dr. robert redfield former cdc director. admiral brett giroir former white house testing czar and member of president trump's coronavirus task force. the first time together in "focus." thank you very much. first of all, admiral giroir i want to start with you on where we are specifically at this moment compared with where we've been. >> thanks for having me on.
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always great to be with dr. redfield. right now the infections are very, very high. we're having about six million infections per day. a lot more that's reported. the good news is that the rates of hospitalization and death are low but still seeing a very bad impact on our people. we are in a different place because vaccines are highly protective and have to be the foundation. we are in a different place because we have oral drugs both merck and pfizer are outstanding drugs. we know how to protect ourselves but what we have to do now is learn how to live with a low-level of coronavirus without sacrificing our children, without actry filesing our economy, national security or public health is the transition we have to make right now. >> harris: you are a pediatrician. the omicron variant may cause less severe damage but deaths are climbing.
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models forecast from 50,000 to 300,000 more americans could die by the time the wave subsides in mid-march. the president yesterday said that covid is not going away but vows things will get better. >> president biden: some people may call what is happening now the new normal. i call it a job not yet finished. it will get better. we're moving toward a time when covid-19 won't disrupt our daily lives. >> harris: dr. redfield, your reaction to that. >> well, i do think that it is important that we begin to transition in a sense to a state of learning how to live with this virus in a safe and responsible way. obviously the way we're going to do that is three-fold. increasing vaccinations, very important. we have to accelerate the development of anti-virals.
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much more aggressive public/partnerships to bring anti-virals to the marketplace faster than in the past and as brett will talk about we need to get to testing capacity to the united states to the level it needs to be. we both have estimated it is between 1 and 2 billion tests a month our nation needs. so those are really three important things as we begin to move forward living with this virus. i will say one last thing on this is we should recognize that the omicron variant is not the last variant. i'm a virologist by training. this virus will continue to evolve. as it evolves the feature that it will manifest, it will evolve to the next variant which will be more transmissible than the omicron variant which is more transmissible than the delta variant. it's possible. and so this will continue until -- that's why we need to stay ahead of it and keep the
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vaccination moving forward. the most important part of it i really do think is aggressive increase in our availability of anti-virals and expanded use of testing to diagnose asymptomatic infection and use it as a public health tool. >> harris: talk to me about the testing where we are. can we deliver 1 to 2 billion tests to people a month? is that possible based on the track we're on? >> well, it was absolutely possible and we expected to be at that level probably in april or may of last year. but what happened is the momentum that we generated -- i was the testing czar and told every manufacturer make as many tests as you can as quickly as you can and we'll buy all of them. by the team we left the administration we delivered 150 million rapid tests ordered another 30 million. 60 million that the biden administration had to push a button for but they failed to
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invest from january to september and we lost nine months but it is possible to have 1 billion tests per month of the rapid variety. i agree with bob completely that's where we need to go. >> harris: all right. a short time left i wish i had more time with you and i'll bring you both back if you'll oblige me. dr. redfield the cdc has struggled to how to give guidance on our children. where are we with schools and where should we be and the toll has been mighty in mental health issues? >> i think it's critical. the cdc director i never advocated closing the schools. the public health damage to students k-12 done by closing schools is substantial in many different directions and we've talked about that before. it is in the public health interest of the k-12 to stay in face-to-face learning. the transmission to these kids is occurring in the community, not schools. many kids get nutritional
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support and mental health services and the ability to understand and see early signs of child abuse not to mention isolation that is occurring and the issue of depression. finally, it is a learning curve. so many kids now are off their learning curve and for some kids it will be hard to get back on that learning curve. so we have to keep these schools open. we can do it in a safe and responsible way and we have to get parents to recognize the idea of test and stay is a great -- embrace that. the idea of test and return, embrace that. >> harris: dr. redfield i want to keep time for this. since leaving the cdc you have taken on a different role still fighting covid. >> well, i continue. i serve as president hogan's senior public health advisor and senior strategy advisor for a group called amllc to help local health departments and state health departments and
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school districts operationalize for measures to learn to move forward and live with this virus. >> harris: thank you very much. we're in it together and i'm glad that you are here to take us forward. appreciate your time and your perspective and expertise today. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus" as always. "outnumbered" after the break.
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>> harris: a president biden under a cloud of crises, growing disapproval rating and rising costs on nearly everything you buy. now, getting panned after he tried to defend this tumultuous first year in office. spitting at all this way during one of his rare solo news conferences from the white house. >> president biden: i didn't overpromise and what i have would probably outperform anything that anyone with thought would happen. the fact of the matter is, we are in a
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