tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 21, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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but i think that for the last ten seconds because i knew you were not going to answerd that question and i knew i'd waste time asking youou that question. we appreciate you taking the time and very articulately going over the issues of the day. we appreciatehe the 40 foot president. thank you very much. thank you . s dvr never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. why she's up. she's next. she's great. or ingram . how are you? did you actually waited for the very end to ask that question because did he do that . yeah he thought for a moment. okay, tonight's the night i'm going to trigger all the federal election all all the federal election restrictions that i'm going to announce on "hannity" but i'm going to announce in the last fifteen seconds. yeah, i'm running goodbye, laura . and then you then you would have taken up the next five minutes of my show. so i'm personally i was excited but i'm excited to hear, you know, the conversation. but i just wanted to take a little bit of my time. okay, so anyway, go fascinating
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hannity as always and i'll have a good show as always. i will. i'm laura ingraham. this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . we're going to get right to it. he goes hello and we go hi. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now when we were kids we all played that game hot potato so someone throws the ball and you have to get rid of it as fast as possible. the last one holding a ball loses. now it's funny to watch kids play maybe third second grade during recess, but it's pathetic to watch an american president play the grown up equivalent, i call it when asked tough questions. >> throw the question to the other guy this afternoon the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said that the midterm elections are going to be a report card. >> how do you think that report card looks right now? i think that the fundamental question which mitch is
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i wonder what would be the republican platform? what do you think? i mean, i just i honest to god, i don't know what are for honest to god is this really the gamelab to play now what's scary is that some staffer who's getting paid tax dollars, you know, to work every week actually thought, wow, this line will show america that joe's really on top of his game. but what republican most support here are trump's pre pandemic policies. you just heard him recount some of them with hannity. well, why is trump still talking about them? well, they delivered record unemployment rising wages, a tight border, better trade deals, strong investor optimism and consumer confidence and even joe in his addled state, he knows all this so his rhetorical question about the gop was just another
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exercise in deflection and distraction. but none. this is landing with the voters. two new polls out just today tell the bleak story for joe biden. his approval rating has dropped ten points since april and the new nbc survey and the ap tracks closely with just 43% approving. but what should be most alarming for the dnc and biden is that a staggering 70% of americans said they did not want biden to run for reelection. now contrast this to how things are booming for republican governors. they're gaining population in most states for a reason. people like their policies, the policies of lower taxes, lower crime rates, freedom from stupid covid rules and keeping kids in school. now this isn't rocket science. it's common sense. >> we must maintain a robust law enforcement presence and properly fund the police.
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i will continue to oppose president biden's covid vaccine mandate for health workers tax relief that puts this money back into the pockets of the people. we reject the notion that parents shouldn't have a say in what their kids are learning in school. we are focused on expanding opportunities and liberty, not regulating it away. now the four states with the lowest unemployment rates are all led by republican governors and they also have gop controlled legislatures. the four states with the highest unemployment rates are all led, you guessed it by democrats. now back in the early summer of 2020, the angle predicted that states that drag their feet on reopening that refuse to reopen quickly and prolong their lockdown's would fall behind and end up inflicting terrible damage on their people. well, we were right sadly now
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the blue states are struggling to revive their economies and also even to get their schools back on track. it could be years before any of them get back to normal if they ever get back to normal. so as we look back on the past two years, we should never forget how journalists failed and their proper roles to question the proclaimed orthodoxy of the lockdown rather than questioning those who were so quick to rob us of our freedom they jumped into bed with them. meanwhile, prominent media figures launched relentless attacks on the courageous leaders like governors, santas abbott and nobe governor christie no trying to rewrite the history of covid in her state a state with one of the ten worst mortality rates. abbott addressing large maskell's crowd at a republican club outside dallas. the news about abbott comes as texas is seeing a surge covid cases to believe procopio too. he's doing everything he can to help the virus.
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i don't even know who that person is, but without facts on their side, democrats and their press pals only had insults and ultimately censorship of critics to fall back on doctors who found success with therapeutics were villainize governors who questioned school closures were menaces to public health politicians who didn't want to ditch the filibuster. well, they're racists. people who more than a thousand yards of the capitol on january six , they're insurrectionist. what we're seeing is a far left carousel of false accusations and it's all breaking down. but the democrats cling to these hollow tactics, whether uncovered or any of these other issues because it's all they have. there are no successors to crow about. there's only disappointment. high prices and empty shelves on foreign policy. the white house just stumbles from one crisis to the next. it's embarrassing at this point the nation is just eager to return to some semblance of
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clarity and pragmatism. they know that trump conservatives in office, while not perfect, are far better at avoiding economic turmoil and foreign wars. first and foremost, they stand for america. democrats seem eager for a radical change away from the american system of government to one that supports a new internation order. now most of us know by now that that's just a recipe for less prosperity and less freedom for the average person . and what we say to that , no thanks so as you go low, we're going to go high and that's the angle. all right. joining me now is former speaker of the house newt gingrich and fox news contributor newt. it's great to see you tonight . it has been reported that you are working with some members of the gop on what is perhaps a new contract with america. can you tell us about it?
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>> well, first of all, i want to say i think everything you just said was powerful and accurate and one of the best openings i've ever seen you give . so i want to commend you for that . i think we're at a historic turning point. you know the truth is biden set us up for an easy victory, said, gee, i don't know what they stand for. kevin mccarthy this morning, the next speaker of the house promptly issued a list of things we stand for. i am working with a lot of different people, including kevin, on what we could do. there's huge potential for a republican contract this year much like we had in 94. i have not particularly been in favor of one in the recent past, but i think this is the year where we ought to come out and say here are 10 big things will do. this is what you can count on . and frankly, a number of them can be done no matter what biden does. so you can design it in a way that it has a huge impact. i do think we have to run
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a positive alternative. it's not enough just to be anti biden. that's why my most recent book was called beyond biden because i think the country is worried . the biggest thing i would bring to bear, particularly after this last press conference by vice president biden is this is not just political. this is historic. we have the weakest president in modern times who openly said it was okay for the russians to take a piece of ukraine and then had to spend the next twenty four hours backtrack, he tells lies. and what i think is troubling and he may actually believe his own lies. he may live in a world where he makes things up and then he believes whatever he makes up which in a president the united states is really dangerous. so i think we as republicans have an obligation not just to reach out to our base but to broaden that base dramatically by offering solutions. you just showed a picture of glenn young and the new governor of virginia who's
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doing a great job of reaching out to independents, to democrats, to minorities, to creating a vision of a better virginia that brings people together. all those governors you showed who are doing great jobs, same thing they're positive. they're solution oriented. and as a result, not only are the states doing better but the governors are doing pretty darn well. it's a hopeful message, newt. and i think that people are desperate for what obama said. remember, he was all about hope and change and it was a new beginning and was a brighter day in america. but they've kind of ditched all that and now it's all about america. you know, the racist founders and the racist documents. it's so dark and so it's so dower that i think most people are just that's i love this country like we're we're incredibly blessed to live here and into that point. newt at dnc town hall tonight , biden found a new deflection tactic for his many failures.
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>> watch. i got to ask the question i used to ask for. you promised no, i proposed i like ndu. if you say something, the campaign is a promise to get done. i you know, we have basically 15 presidents in the united states senate. >> no, i never heard a president of the united states say we have 50 presidents in the senate ever. well, look, i thought biden did a remarkable job yesterday of talking for almost two hours. and while a lot of what he said was baloney nonetheless he seemed pretty coherent tonight you saw a return to the biden that is frightening if you have a president who's cognitively confused on a regular basis, who refers to kamala harris as president harris, who as you just pointed out, referred tonight to the president's in the senate again and again you have to wonder how how weak is he in terms of his grip on reality
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and how dangerous is remember, our system has a commander in chief as president we require somebody who's strong, coherent, capable. you can like or dislike donald trump. but he certainly was a strong person. he knew what he was saying and he was not confused about whether or not senators or presidents. now i think that when i watched biden my my fear frankly is not political. it's historic that he could potentially get us in the kind of trouble that would shatter the next 20 or 30 years. and i think that's really, really sobering. well, newt, we are heartened by your involvement with what might be a new blueprint for the conservative movement going forward with all the successes that we we already can point to. thank you . it's great to hear it tonight . and joining me now is mollie hemingway, senior editor of the federalist fox news contributor and tom bevan, co-founder and president of real clear politics. tom, i mentioned this in the angle, but how alarming is
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it that , you know, biden, you know, has only 48% of democrats who want him to run again in twenty twenty four and a lot of those were probably just being polite. let's face it, look, the numbers are pretty grim and it's hard for the administration to spin them in any sort of positive way. i think the probably the most alarming numbers for joe biden right now. you know, his approval rating is down. it's a new low in the real clear politics average of under 40 1% forty point nine and it's been trending down. but the most frightening number for democrats should be that he's under 30% 25% in one poll with independents and his support among hispanic voters is less than 30%. those are the kinds of numbers that lead to wipe out a midterm wipeout and biden needs to energize his base, but he can't do it at the expense of alienating moderates, independents and other minority voters. and speaking of spin, molly, the white house chief of staff
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ron klain tried a new one out today. >> the president is right in the middle of where the country is. you look at what's it our build up better plan. i think that's an all american mainstream proposal. somehow republicans are opposing them. what we're trying to do is find the fastest way to pass it because americans need this help. >> somali federalizing elections, that's moderate apparently this administration keeps acting as if claiming to be moderate is the same thing as actually being moderate. now it's true that the democratic party is almost entirely behind biden when it comes to the house supporting what he wants in the senate. almost everybody is supporting what he wants. so he's in a mainstream, i guess, of the democrat party . but those horrible numbers that you're seeing in terms of what people think about how he's handling everything from the economy to covid to foreign policy show that he is not in the mainstream of where most americans are and no matter how much media,
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corporate media types claim that he's moderate or claim that he's a uniter, the reality is that the country just no longer believes that spin at all. >> tom, i have touch on kamala harris because i think they're in a real pickle with her because i think they has some great hopes that she would be really persuasive and powerful, number two. but the more they send her out ,the more trouble she seems to be for them. and this is from democrats. this is from the off the record democrat comments in other news sources. and so they started to reintroduce her to the public in recent days and this was her parents this morning on nbc . is he really concerned that we may not have fair and free elections? the president has been consistent on this issue and the issue at hand that there are two bills that have
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been the solution that has been offered to address the fact that around our country states have put in place laws that are purposely making it more difficult for the american people to vote. >> is this working time i mean, already spinning the next election which they know they're going to lose badly as essentially illegitimate, not the will of the voters, which is what they complained about trumpian and now they're doing it and the election hasn't even happened yet. right. it's fairly rich in irony and hypocrisy. but look at kamala harris. her problem is that she's just not a very good politician and this is not surprising. i mean, this was evident during the campaign where she was had to drop out before the first vote was even taken and the idea that she would somehow generate the political chops to be, you know, a vice president that could handle the kind of media scrutiny that she's getting and the kind of issues that have been put on her plate just wasn't going to happen. and so i think she finds herself in a very difficult spot. she's tried to reboot her image.
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it hasn't worked and it certainly is a problem within the democratic party , especially as they look forward to who might be the leader of the party beyond joe biden and molly. >> very quickly, young congressman spoke on the floor after the filibuster went down in flames. his name is congressman monder jones and his comments about the opposition to doing away with the filibuster were quite stunning. >> watch yesterday almost senate floor white nationalists use the jim crow filibuster to block voting rights legislation . molly, they went from calling republicans greedy in the 80s to, you know, dysfunctional in the 90s and now it's just white nationalists and they're saying that if you have any regard for the security or integrity of elections that are racist, obviously this message isn't working because the vast ,vast majority of the country wants basic security provisions
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like having voter id and no matter how much they use these laws, it's not going to change the fact that we do need to be able to trust our elections in order to have a country going forward. but in general, this use of race baiting and trying to incite racial hatred in order to achieve political goals i think is having a less of a effect for democrats than it had in previous decades. it's just not working as the republican party becomes so much more multiracial working class, it just doesn't work. i have more on a race game and the race baiting coming up next segment. but molly and tom, great to see both of you tonight . thank you . and one of the most alarming aspects of yesterday's press conference was the saber rattling over russia from the d.c. press corps. why do they seem so intent on making biden a wartime president? >> glenn greenwald has some thoughts on that. stay right there. a very slight advantage over we have experience from speaking
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one of best restaurants. i do have a number of domestic policy issues but unrushed russia. very quickly, another question on ukraine. ukraine borders for natoo member countries. how concerned are you and i want to follow up on yoursw answer thereer about russia and ukraine. hasn't the u.s. and the west lost nearly all of its leverage over vladimir putinof? d
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and given how ineffective sanctions have been in deterring putin in the past now during yesterday's press conference, russia was r mentioned thirty four timesme in ukraine. twenty three times now compareco that to china. that only got about seven mentions. immigration got togr neither of which we're actually in a question and crime was mentionedan zero times. so given this obsession over potential conflict in ukraine, would it be too much to assume that the d.c. media wants joe biden to become a wartime president? and given the president's bizarre invitation of a minor incursion from russia, would it be wrong of us to assume the same of biden here now it's still a surprise when an independent journalist glenn greenwald who and nice to see you tonight know today the members of congress fromom both parties are telling fox that they believe russia is likely to invade ukraine. t and ihe do get the sense that te
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d.c. beltway inside the beltway crowd is desperate for another us military engagement. what are your thoughts? yeah, i mean, i think there is often the assumption that the media is leftist or liberald and maybe they are. when it comes to war, they are consistently on the side ofn militaries imperialism and more conflict going all the way back to thousand three when they like nothing about george bush or dick cheney but overwhelminglyly the new york times and abc news were behind the invasion of iraq. they love the nato involvement in libya. they love the regime changeor operation in syria. they were angryg at biden for withdrawing from afghanistan. i a cynical motive is obviously its big ratings and they get to be really important. but i think it's really ideological. these people spend l. all their time in days talking to the cia, the pentagon. they kind of love this liberalis internationalism. obviously going to war over ukraine even as a proxy war won't do anything for
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the american people, the american worker. but it kind of elevates the u.s. on this global stage. and i think that's the ideology of the american media. nowau i was one of those who was lured into the naive ideas about iraq and eveng nationbuilding i finally saw the light, thank goodness. but your favorite tom friedman, glenn was on cnn talking about ukraine tonight and i made a very strange comparison. >> if you think of some of the stories we've covered, you know, think of saddam's invasione t of kuwait, you know, at the time there's an issue here for glaspie. did we make all stupid statements before? did we encourage them? and then and then saddam went in and lo and behold, america got its act together. you know, i mean, you know, we can be slow and messy and knuckleheaded. glenn, what is america quote getting its act together? thatm i mean here what doesli that actually mean in a military conflict with the former soviet union? >> so leave aside the debate
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over the first gulf war. the obvious interest the u.s. had in kuwait was that is a region filled with oil on which we were dependent. what is the u.s. interestre in ukraine? in why do americans care at leaste enough to spend huge sums of money, unlimited money in order to go to war with russia or even by proxy to defend the territorial boundaries of ukraine? and all of these who used to be with george bush and cheney during war are now with the democratic party there on msnbc. bill kristol, david frum, alle of those people, the lincoln project people, they're still doing the same thingsa which is cheering every word. tom friedman being one of the sociopathic but they went to the democratic party because they know that's where the war lies and this comparison the question every american should be asking is why do i care about the borders of ukraine enough to risk americanm treasure when we have so many problems at home and i think if
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you did a national poll, i'd be like 1%. i mean, if that actually wanted to spend american treasure and potentially liveser in ukraine as much as you know, we might love the ukrainian people. this is europeans europe's conflict if they want to fight now i want to getnt something yu wrote today you said congress's january six committee plotted with jpmorgan and its lawyer, former obama ag loretta lynch to obtain a citizen's financial records with no possibility of judicial review. ll glenn, a what is that all about? what do we need to know? i think the incredibly abusive behavior of the congressional ethics committee is getting woefully inadequate attention. they're embracing really radical theories that say basically there's no limits on their own power. they targeted a private citizen, someone who never worked for the government, who worked for the trump campaign. they wanted to get his bankco records. they went to jpmorgan chase. usually the bank has too notify
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the customer that someone has served a subpoenato. but knowing that they hadun loretta lynch as their counsel, they said don't telldo him untii the very last second theyt worked it out on purpose of the bank. agree to give the committee his banking records on december 20 , christmas eve when all the courts were closed, they notified them two days before, the date theynge gave them. they gavete the committee the records and he had no judicial review possible. he was only able to go after the fact and obama appointed judge said sorry, you're too late. they already gave them this committee needs a lot of attention to. they are exceedingpe so many of their boundaries come to complete a piece of government authority and we've seen this act before. we know how it ends. glenn, thank you for that reporting. and now everyg night on angle, what do we do? will we aim to inform and entertain you? and you know, i'm a populist conservative. i don't pull any punches. my style. soha over the years i've developed a pretty thick skin. it's a job qualification for anyone in the public eye but especially a strong femaleng
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conservative. although i rarely respond f to pot shots from haters tonight i make an exception because this particular smear is a noxious byproduct of today's floundering democrats. in a q&a with a media website, c the occasional cnn pundit bakari sellers and discussing the cable landscape called me ac an unabashed racist who sells racism. well, this , of course, isca a despicable, disgusting lie and defamatoryblef. yet sadly it's the new go to tactic of the modern left and it's being fed by joe jim crow 2.0. biden. the fact is today's hard core leftists believe much of america is racist to seventy four million trump voters. the constitution in the pledge of allegiance, the star-spangled banner it's all pretty much racist. anyone who believes in voter i.d., racist, anyone who refuse to play their vote games racist, anyone who believes
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in colorblind hiring and school admissions, racistt . anyone who thinks we need to get tough on crime. oh , you bet they're racist. and anyone who believes in building more statues not tearing down old ones. yeah, racist. any parent who opposes racial politics in schools, racist, in other words, disagree with the democrats and you're notor just mistaken or ill informed your racist. of course this reeks ofle the modern left desperation and utter weakness. calling someone a racistak is a surefire way to end a debate. and when everything is racist, real racism gets a free pass. asian-americans have been discriminated against for a while now in collegens admissions and no one on the left really careses why. s r >> and given the horrific polls for biden and dismal ratingshi for cnn, one would think that they'd start to listen to not insult the millions of americans who have already
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a minimally invasive procedure that we opens the channels with no cutting helping men make fewer nighttime bathroom trips, no side effects from serious bleeding and infection events in the u.s. ask your urologist about your role or call 866 sixty six hundred today given how wrong they've been consistently about covid public health experts have a lot to answer l for. so why are so many people still listening to them? well, there's t t a new documentary called planet lockdownet that highlights the roleli language played in perpetrating this mass fraud. >> the pharmaceutical industry pressed whl to change the pandemic. the definition of pandemiccnd and they just wiped outat that there should be many t severe cases and many death. it youio can change a definition and you can change the world. c and we had this change of definition and with this change
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of a definition it was the two how the fear was driven. what's interesting that whl definition of pandemic has always been kind of elusive and never really clearly defined. so the question is why? joining me now is dr. peter mccullough, epidemiologist and cardiologist in dallas, texas, and dr. jay bhattacharya at stanford medical school. professor, dr. mccullogh, why don't they set clear parameters, clear endpoints for what constitutes a pandemic and that what constitutes a virus being endemic so we can say sayonara to all these restrictions? we're clearly on a continuum and boy, does america need senator ron johnson's monday january 24th panel is called a second opinion for america really for the world. the nation's experts will be in washington to help guide america on where to go fromro here. it's clear that the pandemic is
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involving a virus that it will become endemic. we're on the back end of our omicron curve right now. only have probably about ten more days of the omicron curve. we'll have to see what's coming next . so far no variants are emerging, so that's good news. w dr.ho commentariat , not even the whl at this point is buyinge the idea that everyone needs a booster jab. what the aim is to protect the most vulnerable, to protect those at highest risk of severe disease and dying those elderly populations, the immunocompromised people with underlying conditions but also health care workers because if a lot of health care workers get infected as we see now, they can be out sick and we don't want them getting severely ill. so the reserve boosters for that population, dr. walter, why is our or our leaders soon far behind on i mean, we seem t to be comingo to the conclusions that you, mccullough and some many others came to almost
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a year ago about how this was all going to play out. well, i mean, right now what you just heard was the great britain declaration strategy, protect the vulnerable, use the vaccines to protect the world against severe th because they face such a higher risk of mortality from the timpf than the young don't use the vaccines as a mechanism of social control. the vaccines with mandates to to divide society and get people laid off work. i think our political leaders are epidemiological leaders have had labored underst this illusion they can can stopr the virus from spreading through the wholeom pandemic. they've thought this and that strategy obviously and clearly failed. t the besthe we can do is protect the vulnerable. 's the pandemic ends. n it's not actually a biological question. it's a political question. when we reached a point where we can say enough is enough, we don't we don't longer need all these restrictions. they're not accomplishingng much and actually harming many people instead let's just use the resources we have to
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protect the vulnerable. that's how we reduce the harm from this disease. d we've hadse severe reactions to the vaccine. dr. mcculloh, that have been documented have been discussed yet we're about to interviewiv a young university of chicago football player who's being threateneder a separation from the school because he has notbe been vaccinated, does not want to be vaccinated already had covid probably had omicronal as well, has tons of immunity and the university of chicago is threatening basically to throw this kid out. i can't wait to talkisthre, but that's what we're facing in american universities today. in how insane is that ? well, that young man has made the right medical decision for h himself. the fda warns againstag the riss of myocarditis. weis have, you know, multiple analyzes showing increased risk of someone to take the vaccine has already recovered from covid-19. so we shouldne never penalize a young person for making a correct medical decision. he weighed out the risks
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and benefits a and he came up with the correct decision that is no vaccination. and dr. by nature, the uk's decision to say is that enough is enough. be people say it's political because or johnson some political trouble, whatever mass mandates are g going vax passportsoi are going most other restrictionsat, socil distancing all outt the window. why is this significant? you know, it felt a little like what i imagine someone sitting in the soviet it felt like when a regular person watching the berlin wall fallbe we're seeing the end of this covid regime in the uk, in england especially and it's starting to spread that movement will spread worldwide and i hope someday comes to california that we can be free of of these lockdown related policies havela done so much harm and doesn't and really protect us against covid. gentlemen, you've been voices of reason throughout and january twenty six , the big meeting in washington, dc. doctor , my colleague,e, in
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doctor bhattacharyya, thank you . i just mentioned this at the university of chicagoth usea to be considered a real enlightened place. now it's devolveddw is into a bastion of covid tyranny against unbaked students against unbaked students and staffn hear from one of those students who is fighting back . >> i'm jonathan lawson here toge tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn through the colonial penn program if you're age 50 toth eighty five and looking to buy life insurancere on a fixedsu budget, remember the three p's,a budget, remember the three p's,a the three what the three ps what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price a price you a cn afford a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. i'm sb54 and was a smoker but quit. e? >> what's my price? you can get coverage for nine dollars and ninety five cents a month. and take medications. >> what's my price also nine ninety five a month. i just turned 80 and i'm on a
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instituted a campuswide vaccine mandate last summer. a december email fromov the university's provost to students and staff brag that ninety eight percent of employees and ninety seven percent of students are compliant with the school's vax requirement s. now like many other schools, the university of chicago participates in the covid theater of regular testing forr the unvaccinatedof and universal mask wearing. it actually gets worse. they also join the ignorant heard's by announcing a booster requirement as well because we know that works so well against omicron. the deadline is january 31st. now while we're sure most the student staff will blindly comply despite the conservationt of vaccines and boosters, one student an unvaccinated football player has stood his ground. now he is initially granted a vaccine exemption but suddenly chicago has told him that they will no longer recognize it.
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but here's the truly disturbing part that student says the school forced him to movem into a single room last fall because he hadn't gotten a job and when he didn't immediately do so, this happened. he wrote that i was awakened by three exceedingly officious university housing officials pounding on my dorm door screaming my name. i groggily open the door and each of the three berated me in turn for sleeping in anin unauthorizedg bed.n well, that's when i realized he was being surveilled by the school. now he calls thesese tacticshe authoritarian and has a warning tonight to students and parents across america, we welcome university of chicago sophomore arthur long arthur , it's goodht to see you tonight . now first, you already had co covidvi, i believe and you're positive for the sars-cov-2 t cells in the school did grant a you an exemption last summer. >> so what the heck changed? hi laura . thanks for having me
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on tonight. and that's correct. i received a medical exemption back in june of last year and then when i showed up to football camp in august, i wasth rudely awakened by three university officialsre who bangd on my door and said that i was sleeping in an unauthorized bed and forced me to move to a single which is what all unvaccinated kids need to do now in chicago, this was the first of three shocking events that happened to mesh at the university during midtermun i received an unsigned email from student wellness sayingia that i was not in compliance with the university's mandate and it told me that my wi fi access to university buildings and my dorm room where i sleep were about to be and then during final exams i received an email from the director of student wellness thing yet again that i was not sayi in compliance with the mandate. he cited a bunch of anonymous experts and facts and tried toie override the advice of my own
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personal physician.., >> now i arthur, i can't believe this is all i ever hear about university of chicago and i visited a few times over the years. it'sac such a wonderful place. great professors, incredible institution of higher learning. but this sounds orwellian. apparently it is goingst back to august for a secondth when those school officialsr pounded on your door, what happened? one ofat your friends heard what they were saying in the hallway. >> yes.>> so after this happened, one of my teammates came up to came upn to me and he overheard them in the hall chuckling to themselves and saying let's get this unvaccinated kid is here. >> so what's next for you? isr there a january 31st deadline, that booster deadline that now all the students have to comply with even though itt doesn't work against omicron? obviouslyomic. er so they have to comply. so where does that leave you?
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school begins again for the semester on monday. i understand. that's correct. we resume in-person classes next monday. but the thing is,th laura , i'mn not going to get the vaccine. i'm certainly not going to be coerced by a bunch of anons bureaucrats and so-called experts who think they can make my own personal public health my own personal health decisionss for me. i knowhi this is a fight that's going on across america and it's sad that it's come toat you chicago, which is known as a bastion ofn intellectual freedom and open and vigorous debate. but the only people who don't want to do this are the university administration. and what's the reaction of some , your classmateses your teammates? most of them did i thinkk a lot of people say,al oh , i'll just take the job. it's's not a big deal and that's fine. that'sde they want to do.wh butat what do they say to you? >> are they resentful, angry, supportive of the support so far since the publication of my piece att the chicago thinkwh
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there's been overwhelming lots of my teammates and friends the were in fact coerced to take this shot. they did not want to do it. but with the university threatening all these authoritarian measures, they have nowhere else to go.t' that's why it's important for us all to stand up as students and tell the university that this is not going to stand well. this is countries are droppingts our vaccine requirements like the uk and others. so universities chicago stands firm and the ignorant approach arthure, we wish you the best. we'll be following this case if filingg one against the university. >> but i hope for their sake they relent. thanks so much, arthur. >> thanks a lot. but coming up, one woman's emotional breakdown reveals the devastating fallout ofle covid insanity and all those rules the last fight is next . apologies droplets, just
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>> after u.k. prime minister boris johnson announced the end of most covid one commentator could not hold back. because it literally ruined our lives. nobody spoke about it at all. commentators had union reps come onom the stage but this is the first time i've cried on tv. i watched my entire life fall apart. what the government did the young people and nobody cares. >> the children were collateral damage indeed. it's unforgivable what the control freaks dead, especially to the children. there must be a reckoning to. that's it for us tonight.
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