tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News January 21, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PST
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can and tough on tv he was a school kid giggling. meat loaf is in the crowd. it was -- i'm glad we got that memory. rest in peace, meat loaf. >> dana: good weekend to you, tyrus and bill. good luck to the bengals. harris "the faulkner focus". >> i don't know about all the bengals stuff. >> dana: here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. ukraine bracing for a possible russian invasion but instead of showing leadership ahead of an international crisis, president biden is lashing out at reporters when he can't quite get his own story straight. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". the white house working hard forclean up the president's messy remarks at wednesday's press conference. he suggested a so-called minor incursion, those were his words, between russia and ukraine with russia moving into
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ukraine would not get the same response from the united states as a full blown invasion. in other words, he gave russian president putin a green light to take ukraine. and that got the entire world's attention. this is what emergency damage control mode looks like. >> president putin was no misunderstanding. >> i can assure you our allies and partners know exactly what the president's position is and knew what it was yesterday during the press conference. >> we have been very clear throughout. if any russian military forces move across the ukrainian border, that will be met with a swift, severe united response. >> the president has been very clear. >> less than clear. >> i'm being clear with you right now. if you are interested i will continue to be clear. >> harris: here is how the president reacted when our own correspondent jackie heinrich
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asked him for more clarity, please. [inaudible question] >> harris: jackie is with me from the white house. the press is on because the press for answers is on because it doesn't matter what everybody else says. the president of the united states is commander-in-chief and those were the words that we were wanting to get from him directly. can he clear up aisle seven jackie? >> you know, hope to god that you don't see a russian invasion before he takes action and we roll back that tape. the president's comments on that hot mic come as members of congress are increasingly concerned about the risks of inaction with the signal, satellite and human intelligence indicating an invasion could be imminent. some are calling for level one sanctions as proactively deterrents to be removed if russia de-escalates saying the threat of the invasion should
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carry economic consequences. reports this morning the u.s. is weighing whether to evacuate family members of diplomats stationed in ukraine in case the situation deteriorates something joni ernst called for last night. she is privy to classified briefings. >> one thing we need to think about and what president biden hasn't made clear is what are we going to do with the 10 to 15,000 americans that reside within the ukraine? we need to make sure that we're communicating with those individuals and their families so that if something does happen, we can get them out of the country safely. >> minority leader mitch mcconnell said the president needs to be prepared to use and to use if necessary the economic sanctions that are at his disposal. >> i think all this needs to be done before the invasion because once they are in there, it's very, very difficult to get them out. >> the president did not appear
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interested in this discussion saying my question was stupid. former obama officials pushed back tweeting it isn't a stupid que, it is a really important one. we continue to allow putin to dictate the crisis. it is time we started to create some of our own conditions. it was a bit of an unusual remark from a president who places such a high premium on respect when he was sworn into office. >> president biden: have you ever working with me and i hear you treat a colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. no if, ands, or buts. everybody -- everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity. >> we're scheduled to see the president here shortly for an event and maybe he will answer this time, harris. >> harris: we'll see. it wasn't about the answer but the mic he forgot or didn't know or care was on. we got the real deal.
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jackie, thank you. general jack keane fox news senior strategic analyst, retired four star general and chairman at the institute for the study of war is in "focus" now. i want to unpack this. the opening statements at the news conference wednesday and why it was more than problematic for the foreign minister of ukraine. he called it a green light. >> is that to me? i got you. i thought you were playing the tape. i'm sorry. so listen, certainly that was a huge mistake. despite the fact that the president has tried to recover that and walk it back the problem we have is we are relying on a high-risk policy to deter aggression. most of us believe if we're going to deter putin from invading ukraine we had to take preemptive action.
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that is sanctions before the invasion, military action in terms of significant increased lethal capability and offensive weapon capability to the ukrainians and nato forces in poland and romania. the president biden said no to that. no, we'll have tough consequences administered after the invasion and the threat and rhetoric of those tough consequences will deter putin from conducting the invasion. that is high risk. if the invasion is conducted, obviously, harris, that policy of this kind of rhetoric and threatening tough consequences has failed miserably and that's why the question jackie asked went to the heart of that issue. and that's the concern that we all have. here is the other problem. yes, his response creates doubt but there is already doubt there. the russians know full well
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that the europeans are not united on tough measures dealing with the sanctions. what am i talking about? the germans sending mixed signals stopping the in order stream 2. france and germany unwilling to talk to european counterparts about what are the specific tough sanctions you are talking about. lay that out for us. they refuse to do it. the other back drop is we know that if the european nations begin to suffer economically as a result of the sanctions, they will likely back off on the sanctions. so putin already knows all of that. and then we add this. match to the fire. >> harris: excuse me general, biden decided he would give us a professor's lecture on that from the lectern at that news conference. we know it, too. the bottom line is did that give a green light to putin. you say yes. i don't know anybody who
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actually comes to a full stop at a green light. i want to get to this quickly because i know you have to go. secretary blinken said this earlier this morning. let's watch. >> this is part of an ongoing effort to de-escalate tensions and to prevent further russian aggression against ukraine. we are all of us equally committed to the path of diplomacy and dialogue to try to resolve our differences but we're also committed if that proves impossible, and russia decides to pursue aggression against ukraine, to a united, swift, and severe response. >> harris: your reaction to that. >> well blinken gave one of the best speeches on this dealing with russia's threat of going into ukraine. he pinned the rose on putin and he is trying to unravel the false narrative that the reason why putin and the troops are
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there is to help stabilize the situation in ukraine. that's a bold faced lie by putin and that's what the president should have been attacking this false narrative weeks and months ago. finally we get a company hereent speech out of the secretary of state likely on the cusp of a potential invasion. it was well done but much too late. this should have been a pattern of policy for weeks and months now. >> harris: look, you heard from senator mitch mcconnell and it was the first thing we heard from you today, general. there should have been something previous to this point in terms of sanctions or whatever was going to roll out against russia and its economy is what we would assume the sanctions would put so much pressure on they would capitulate. they don't have to do that. they can, in fact, make the first move. that's what jackie heinrich was asking. we're still waiting for the answer. it is not a stupid question. it is not one the white house wants to answer. it is not just ukrainian troops
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whose lives could be on the line if putin invades. a unit of some 165 florida national guardsmen and women are there helping to train ukraine's military. a commander tells an outlet that if war breaks out, they are not allowed to go into battle. why not? >> they have no authority to do that. they are there to train. that would take an order from the president of the united states. >> harris: you can't shoot back? >> of course they can defend themselves. but to actually go into battle is what you were saying. listen, the policy of the united states is we won't put any troops in to a non-nato country to defend it. they are there to train and assist. i'm confident we can get those troops out of there if there is
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a provocation and military invasion by putin. we don't have large number. i'm more concerned about the civilians in ukraine if there is an invasion. they number in the thousands. >> harris: 10 to 15,000 people reportedly there, american citizens. we need to get them out. we saw afghanistan and i don't want to compare one thing to the next in any other way, shape or form other than getting our americans out. >> i think we'll wait to see what's really transpiring here. i don't think the administration is convinced as to what type of military invasion putin is most likely to do. i think the least likely one is the all-out invasion where he tries to occupy and seize the country. because the consequences of that is a protracted war with the ukrainian population for years to come and certainly that would precipitate an international outcry as a result of it.
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>> harris: would nato get involved. >> limited military operation is the most likely one and that i would imagine not endanger that many of our american citizens but some would have to be evacuated. >> harris: my question would nato get involved. we'll bring you back on another day. i appreciate you navigating the breaking news with me on this. we know as we saw from secretary blinken, the clock is ticking in the favor of the russians right now. what planet are they living on? despite the massive cleanup from the white house that general keane and i were just talking about and the mess we have gotten ourselves into via the president the liberal media is gushing over president biden's combative news conference. >> the president's only solution is to pass another $5 trillion bill, the reckless tax and spending bill. if you aren't for him on those things you are a racist, traitor, or probably both.
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learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> harris: republicans are outraged as democrats and president biden keep claiming those opposed to their vetting bills are racist and biden accused the gop of trying to prevent minorities from voting. a democrat congressman from georgia is getting in on the act saying this after the democrats' plans to change the filibuster failed. >> it's not going away even though the senate last night failed to do what it should have done and in some respects
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we can call it a racist senate. when you mention about how much of racism still exists in the soil of america, they want to plant their heads in that soil and refuse to acknowledge what is in the soil. >> harris: how do republican senators feel about that? senator john kennedy a member of the judiciary committee is in "focus" now. thank you for joining us today. first of all, what is your immediate reaction to what he just said? >> disgust. but first i want to say something positive, harris. you know, rest in peace meat loaf. he was one of the greatest vocalists and rock-n-rollers of all times. one of his best songs was paradise by the dashboard lights and i hope he is in paradise right now. i think he is. let me answer your question.
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the democratic congressman, he takes his cues from his leader, president biden. i don't hate anybody. i look for grace wherever i can find it. i have spent time with him. president biden is a nice guy. he is. is president biden a perfect person? no. does he try to do better every day? also no. there lies the problem. he keeps trying to stuff more diapers down the toilet. he goes down to georgia two weeks ago and demonstrated raw gut racial demagoguery. that's what the congressman is parroting, the clip you just showed. president biden basically said to tens of millions of americans who don't want to have an election month. they want to have an election day. who believe that if you vote,
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you ought to have to prove you are who you say you are. he basically told all the tens of millions of americans who believe that that they are bull connor, george wallace racist. now, it offended me, it offended tens of millions of americans. i was offended when vice president harris, when she was running against president biden in the primaries, i was offended when she all but called president biden a racist for not supporting getting 10-year-old kids up at 4:30 in the morning and busing them for two hours. lots of americans oppose, black and white oppose the busing. she called him a racist for it. i thought that was racial demagoguery. it is not helping our country at all. i will say this. the american people are getting pretty tired of being called a racist or a traitor or a nazi because they don't agree with
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the president's woke neosocialist agenda. and that is why his poll numbers are on a journey to the center of the earth. and he needs to stop it. >> harris: senator, i want to bring in now the minority leader in the senate mitch mcconnell hitting back on president biden's claim that republicans don't stand for anything. let's watch. >> my good friend the president got it wrong once again. if the president starts acting like a moderate like he campaigned, we can do business. the reason we've not been speaking recently this year is because he adopted the bernie sanders prescription for america. >> harris: what is your reaction to that? >> i think mcconnell is right. the american people who voted for president biden thought they were getting the second coming of president obama. they got the second cousin of
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bernie sanders. that's not what they wanted. i like bernie but he tested negative for president. he lost. and president biden or whoever is advising him have told him i don't care what the president says he has adopted bernie sanders' agenda and it's not what the american people want and he also said, president biden said, if you don't agree with me you are a bull connor, george wallace racist. have we sunk that low? >> harris: when he was asked about that he said i didn't say that. the exchange was pretty nasty in terms of attitude from the president because he was trying to correct the reporter for asking him the question correctly. the reporter said, you know, are they in the same lane? do they have the same sort of tinge than that i'm paraphrasing the reporter now. the president said i didn't say that. he said that.
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they would be just like that person. i guess a shade of difference there but he is more concerned about the question and answer period on that than actually what is happening it would seem. i want to get to you on this. massive backlash against former clinton labor secretary robert reich. he tweeted democratic senators should have given senator kyrsten sinema quote, the backs of their hands after she refused to vote in favor of blowing up the filibuster. one tweet says feminists sure got quiet on this one. friend of the show jason rantz wrote well this is robert reich saying democrats should assault a female senator because the democrat party is the champion of women. oh oh. and some high snark from robert reich himself -- not from him but about him. robert reich is 411. if he wanted to backhand
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sinema, he would be the set of doggy stairs. he deleted and clarified the tweet and claimed the conservative media distorted his words. senator kennedy. your response to all this. >> here is my response to former secretary reich. i would say you can only be young once but you can always be immaterial. i think he just demonstrated that. nobody pays attention to him and i'm sorry he said it. let me say a word about senator sinema. we agree on some things but not others. she is whip smart. she is very independent. she is charming. she loves her people. and she is tough as a boot. and they can beat on her and hit her with everything but a chair and she is going to do
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what she thinks is right and that's what she did. >> harris: wow. >> if it wasn't for double standards among my woke friends, there wouldn't be any standards at all. >> harris: senator, there is a violent tinge to this, though. i guess in looking at this from the party in particular and both parties do this, they say that everybody should be treated the same and there should be non-violence and non-violent protesting and so fort. there might be hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle on this one. your quick take. >> i think there is probably hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle on that but i also believe my democratic colleagues are wrong to call everybody in the mill beingy way a racist who doesn't agree with them. >> harris: liberal media gushing over president biden's wednesday news conference. they apparently missed the messy part when he took on russia and ukraine and the questioning on that about the
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legitimacy of the mid-terms and at one point yelled at a reporter. here is just a taste from an msnbc analyst. let's watch together. >> to go for an hour and 45 minutes and not screw up really at all. really hard to do that. the best answer was hey, if you think i'm senile and i'm doddering, you get up here and try to do an hour and 45 minutes if front of you and your colleagues and not screw up. it was the best demonstration of the fact the president's mind is perfectly fine. >> harris: okay. what do you say, senator? >> well, the author there must have missed the part about ukraine. what the president said about ukraine was dangerous and stupid. he basically -- i think this is what putin heard. he said if you go in and it's a
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minor incursion, the penalties won't be as bad. now the white house will deny he said that but that's what he said. i heard it. everybody heard it. you know, weakness invites the wolves. you have to be armed for peace and the biden administration for a month has just sat here like a bump on a log sucking on their teeth. here is what president biden should have said to putin right away as soon as he saw the first troops on the border. he should have called him and said vp, i don't want to mess in your country's affairs but at some point we're thinking about allowing our friends in ukraine to join nato, they're allies and don't go in. i'm taking all -- no options off the table and if you go in, you will regret it. i will -- if you go in i and all my allies will teach you about time travel and knock you
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into next week. now, do i support sending troops into the ukraine? no. but why did the president take that off the table? and now putin thinks we're weak. i can't see anything that president biden has done to put together a coalition to stand with us. where is france, where is germany? where is canada and japan and south korea? secretary blinken should have put together this coalition, all of our freedom-loving allies and we need to hold a joint press conference held by president biden saying mr. putin, we're together. don't do this. and if you do do it, you are going to regret it. take no options off the table. >> harris: that would be remarkable and i'm wondering if the president would listen to you on that one. if it's too late.
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>> it is common sense. >> harris: my parents taught me it's never too late to do something great. >> i hope it's not too late. these are high stakes. >> harris: they are indeed and you laid it out beautifully. you, general keane telling and showing us what's next potentially because of what happened just a few days ago just a couple of days ago. just in terms of how we might have been able to change it or still could. they could still do all the things you just suggested. senator kennedy of the great state of louisiana, thank you for being in "focus" on this friday. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: president biden is sure to get an earful today when he talks with the country's mayor. violent crime across our cities. many are looking to the white house to do something about it. marc thiessen in "focus" on this and president biden says he doesn't believe the polls at all. and that may be a good thing.
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would have gotten a follow-up question it was going to be about crime. it holds for next time because this problem is not getting any better. >> harris: we watched. he moved on. we're glad you are there every time peter doocy, thank you. marc thiessen fox news contributor former white house speech writer and "washington post" columnist now. marc, you heard from peter's reporting the president will meet with the mayors and where did the money go?
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spend more money. i don't know if that will make a difference. after defunding the police now they try to hire everybody back. who you hire isn't who you lost >> these local mayors have no one to blame but themselves and to some extent they've all defunded the police. president biden has contributed to the lack of police on the streets. in 2020 in summer of 2020 president trump's justice department launched operation legend named for a 4-year-old boy killed in kansas city by a stray bullet while sleeping in his bed. that operation legend deployed federal officers to nine major cities dealing with carjackings and murders and crime rates leading to the arrest of over 6,000 criminals including 467 for homicide. the seizure of 2600 firearms. heroine, fentanyl, cocaine and 11 million in drug and other proceeds from criminal gangs.
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one of president's biden's first acts as president was to end operation legend. he took those federal resources off the streets of american cities and now all of a sudden chicago mayor lightfoot after suffering a record crime wave over the past year saying we need federal support. you had federal support and president biden took it away from you. if someone would ask a question about crime at the press conference ask him why did you end operation legend and do you feel responsible for the increase in crime that has resulted with removal of those federal assets from american cities? >> harris: mayors could do that today, too. anybody could ask that question. what is the answer? why would you do a political fl killing the keystone pipeline. these things were done in the early days based on the foot mark in the sand, the print that the president wanted to make. mainly on the back of former president trump. he wanted to undo all of that. i want to get to this. house speaker nancy pelosi said this yesterday when she was
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asked about the crime crisis. >> community safety is of the highest priority. community safety very important. our first responsibility is to protect and defend whether that's our national security or our community safety. we have to keep the american people safe. >> harris: however, two of the nation's most lenient district attorneys are in her state of california, george gascon in los angeles and in san francisco and the sheriff tore into gascon for the crime hitting his city. >> he believes more cops in jail and more crooks on the street make us safer. a narrow segment of society that as ciebs to his beliefs. in reality it's the people walking the streets every day that are facing increased threat of being killed, robbed,
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raped. there are catalytic converters stolen. that's people's everyday life. the woke wonders think it's the burning priority for them, it's not. >> harris: i don't know nancy pelosi can see it from washington, d.c. i haven't looked at the visiting logs of her going home to california but require she be out with some of the people of the streets and walking and talking and listening to them. living the real life. >> mayor who used to advocate for defunding the police reversed course, the mayor in san francisco. i feel horrible for these police officers. they've been defunded by the politicians. when they do make arrests to keep the city safe the district attorneys throw the criminals back on the streets. the reality is we had homicide rates up in 22 cities last year. 17 american cities broke their annual homicide records in 2021. unprecedented. what the cities have in common in addition to liberal district attorneys is they all defunded
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the police. minneapolis cut $8 million. oakland 14.6 million. portland 15 million. philadelphia 33 million. new york 1 billion cut from its police budget. one of the ways they're doing it. some who say they didn't cut the police budget. they use police retirements and resignations as a back channel way to defund the poils. they so demoralized the police. a 45% increase in retirement for police and hiring dropped 5% nationwide. the cities are doing is they're not filling those positions. so you have cities across the country pocketing the savings every time a police officer retires or resigns. they don't fill his position and as a result they defund the police back channel without having to do it frontally. >> harris: critical information. that's information that every american needs to know about how you can defund.
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that's what i was getting at when i was talking about the mayor of kansas city a few months ago on the program. i wouldn't use the word defund. reallocate. when you describe what they are doing, it is fascinating. that's one of the ways they've gotten around having to say they defunded. marc thiessen in "focus" on the friday. thank you so much. is it time for the president to finally ditch covid-19 restrictions? some surprising advice from "the new york times" on how biden could boost his awful polling numbers. and speaking of those polls republicans may have a lot to be happy about when it comes to the mid-terms and 2024. we'll show you why next. ar long. and...through the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated
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>> how do you plan to win back moderates and independents who cast a ballot for you in 2020 but polls indicate aren't happy with the way you're doing your job now. >> president biden: i don't believe the polls. >> harris: his polls are so bad they're hard to believe. in fact no doubt. a new one shows a whopping 70% of people do not want to see president biden run again in 2024. and just as bad only 48% of democrats want to see the president seek reelection. his job disapproval not good. 56%, a lot more people disapprove than approve of him. power panel now. sean duffy fox news contributor, former wisconsin congressman as well. and leslie marshall fox news contributor. leslie, i saw you tweeting about the show and you are coming up and ready for this. i know you say there is so much time.
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291 days between now and november 8 helping you out there. any other ideas for how biden will turn it around other than just waiting it out? >> well, i don't think he is waiting it out. certainly there are things he can't control like what happens with covid and the headlines about covid. >> harris: he said he could. >> if you look at history and my own party. we've seen really bad poll numbers for former presidents obama and clinton. we saw a bloodbath of seats lost to republicans in the house yet both were reelected. we saw during president trump's time many republicans not wanting him to run for reelection. he was a one-term president. poll numbers go up and down. do i like them now, absolutely not. but 291 days is a lifetime. >> harris: you mentioned something in barack obama and bill clinton former presidents and i just want to point out that presidential news conference they did in their
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first calendar of office. 38 with clinton, 27 with barack obama. if there was a chance to turn things around they were talking non-stop. this president got through two hours. give him credit for that. otherwise what happened, sean? >> i think that's a good point. if you want to drive your message to the american people you have to talk to the american people when you have failures. that joe biden won't sit down and speak to people in live covered events is troubling. joe biden doesn't want to recognize these poll numbers because if he did recognize the poll numbers he would have to change course. his policies aren't working. again on inflation, border, covid, crime. everything is a disaster. so i would hope that as my american president -- i'm a republican but i want him to be successful. change course, help our people out. make things better. what you are doing is hurting us. you could make us better if you tried to work with republicans. one last point. if you went to the center i know republicans would work with him. he has the far left agenda and
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complains that republicans don't want to join him in the marxist agenda. they would join if he governed like he campaigned. >> harris: the message you're talking about. he just wrapped up a news conference a few minutes ago. reporters around him. he said he won't take any more questions because you guys will ask me all about russia. my goodness. get out the shoveel, dig deeper. >> i would agree with sean on one of the things. the president needs to get out there more. i think now you need to be seen more and speak to the american people. i feel he was very honest on the timing roll-out of the testing for covid in his two-hour speech. in addition, though, sean, you know i love you but republicans during the obama years mitch mcconnell said it was his job
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to obstruct and stopping and preventing everything that came down the pipe from the president. >> harris: now the president has from the inside of his own party. >> we hear it from people on both sides of the aisle. infrastructure you have to get biden a ding on. >> harris: thank you so much. i don't mean to cut in but i have to because we're four seconds away from the end of the show. have a great weekend. "outnumbered" is next.
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i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again. >> just one year into the biden presidency and it's in turmoil. the pandemic the president promised to shut down is out of control, inflation is at a four decade high, the border is a mess, violent crime continues to climb and many are asking why hasn't anyone been fired yet? this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno. here are my co-hosts, former state department spokesman morgan ortega and in the center seat fox a
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