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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 22, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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critics. arthel: nypd officers killed another and clinging to life after gunmen opened fire on them during a domestic disturbance call in harlan. such an attack this week on new york city's police officers. we are also following closely at this hour the tension at ukraine's border were over 100,000 russian troops are still mask a strip searching washington and moscow stall in geneva. the u.s. delivering's first shipment of promised security
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assistance to ukraine last night including lethal aid. the state department is ordering families with embassy personnel to start leaving ukraine as soon as monday. hello welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville, hi eric. sue had trent. eric: . thank you for joining us i am eric shawn. we'll have more on the aggression is a been reporting to you sadly one of new york's finest killed in that line of duty. a sea of blue lights could be seen in the city streets last night as a police procession filed an ambulance carrying one of those officers to the hospital. investigators now say the suspect shot and killed a police officer jason rivera who was only 22 years old. a rookie cop he joined the force in 2020. his partner 27-year-old officer wilbert remains in critical condition right now. a third officer was not injured and he shot the suspect. he's also told he's in the hospital fighting for his life. and mama will hear from former city police commissioner ray
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kelly on the shooting which many say is a reaction to progressive policies and being blamed for creating a city under siege. but first we fox news team coverage for you, alexandria and the washington. the present about the mayors yesterday time of the crime issue prelates are with alexis mcadam she is live the 32nd precinct in harlem. the home precinct of those officers, alexis. >> erika, a lot of grief out here for is a tragic day for the city of new york. this all happened according to police sources in a matter of seconds for this officers walking inside the apartment in harlem trying to help when they were met with gunfire. two officers were shot as you mentioned 22-year-old officer lost his life. we are learning more about that rookie officer as nypd is grieving the loss of one of their own. take a look at this video parts where it all unfolded here in harlem just last night three nypd arguments with 32nd precinct responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son. the officers walked into the back room to talk to the man,
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that woman did not tell any investigators there any weapons inside of the home. that is when the investigators said they got kicked open the door and started shooting the ambush left one officer dead and another in critical part nypd knowledge and find the article killed 22-year-old jason rivera you see him on the screen. rivera joined the department in november of 2020 he was the husband, a father, dedicated officer. he was met with so much of violence just last night. we are learning more about that the mayor of new york calling for federal help to stop the flow of illegal guns, listen. >> we have witnessed the failure on a federal level to stop the sale of guns to the city. were not going to live under the gun dangerous people in new york city. >> police say this was the gunman on your screen now identified as 47-year-old lashawn mcneil. mcneil shot critically wounded by a third officer try to run out of the apartment last
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night. investigators tell us mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge in new york. also arrested nearly half a dozen times. in other states for a variety of other fences over the last several years. the second officer shot 27-year-old wilbert, he was in critical condition. moore had both nypd for four years and remains in the hospital this afternoon surrounded by family and friends. we also talked a short time ago to the mayor very briefly he was here to visit the 32nd precinct were all these three officers involved work in there the loss of the 22-year-old officer just this afternoon for just this month five nypd officers have been shot. the tragedy shining a light on d.a. alvin braggs which some say or stop crime policies braggs had the same after the shooting that violence against police here new york city will not be tolerated by the mayor speaking at a roundtable event in the bronx to hear that suspect.
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>> the released a letter officer moore wrote to the commander of the new york police academy in which officer, the deceased officer said he wanted to become a cop to help people here in the greatest city in the world, alexis thank you. >> eric and alexis the shooting of the two nypd officers came just hours after president biden told a meeting of u.s. mayors he not only opposes it defunding police department but isn't proposing to increase their funding. a group of senate republicans say they are concerned about a proposed executive order by the administration that would limit law enforcement access to certain lifesaving resources. live in washington with details records what does that mean alex? >> first of all the president did send out a tweet offering sadness and prayer for the two new york officers officers put on the badge and had to harm's way we are grateful to them
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and their family for their extraordinary sacrifice the present personal messaging towards law enforcement has remained consistent closing out the conference of mayors with this. we are helping her for the president for. >> cutting funding for police departments i increasing funding. look, we as cops do everything. >> everything indeed, that of the president said to the u.s. conference of mayors this weekend. flies in the face and according to several senate republicans runs counter to new action. just yesterday the group led by chuck grassley released a letter condemning executive order that would limit non- like armored vehicles and flash bang devices writing this, police officers will
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face a grim reality of this executive order is enacted and lifesaving equipment is restricted from them. violent crime will continue to skyrocket by the white house did respond to the letter beginning with this, the president longs the overwhelming majority of americans knows we can and must have a criminal justice system that protects the public safety and upholds our founding ideals of equal treatment under the law. as for executive action on police reform, white house press secretary jen psaki said the administration previously held back on it in the hopes of negotiating turning up a bipartisan agreement which we know ended without a deal, arthel. arthel: thanks alex, eric. eric: democrats and free all the criminals. that is the astounding call from the new york council member who represents the district. where the police ambush occurred last night. newly elected kristen
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richardson jordan picture represents the ninth district of harlem she has been an outspoken advocate calling to police racist and the legacy of slavery. she has long wanted the nypd to be abolished. last night she tweeted this was a tragic death and claimed calling for the abolition of the police department though does not mean the deaths of officers but let's bring in ray former new york city and seal of the group. he served on the beat for years. commission assessment in this horrible shooting was in the system he was on probation he got a rap sheet from assault to an officer to weapons possession. i now are city changes the standard of american society are under siege, your thoughts about what happened last night? >> think what happened last night underscores first of all the danger of policing. a somewhat ordinary call we have hundreds of thousands of those calls a year, turned violent so quickly, death, shootings happened.
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cops have to be alert at all times. secondly, i think the demonization of police officers that we have seen with a great vengeance since ferguson in 2014 have to play a role in the shooting. if you look at this suspect intonation on his facebook page, it is very much anti- police. he has that terrible uncle mirta video on their give a cop with two guns to his head being shown. something went in his head to kill police officers. it is incredible how much hate has been spewed on cop since ferguson and certainly since the death of george floyd it has been absently incredible.
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cops have been put back on their heels because of the dangerous talk. eric: the fourth police shooting and just this year. the mind of some these criminals and others, they see the police as the enemy and they think it's okay to open fire legacy as part of the discourse is part of the social media, as part of the political some of the progressive political issues we seen on the streets. >> absolutely. we see i've gone even further to the left. even further with their progressive ideas. what this needs is a first of all cops take less action and what it means more people, particularly people of color will be victimized. an braggs memo gives no reason no rationale for doing what he is doing. he is taking it upon himself
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to change it to law. it's a law that was written by the state legislature. we are still in for tough times for the city council's going to present a big problem to mayor adams to get his agenda going forward. eric: mayor adams a former member of the force captain of nypd let's read some of the tweets during the campaign. here's part of what she says. let's make harlem and bite defining the police and funding the people. she also wrote in june, always remember the police and prison systems are created to preserve slavery. to break the chains you must fight for total abolition. last june she also wrote you cannot reform a system of policing that was so firmly rooted in racism. defund and abolish nypd paid the service of never serving our communities, they don't prevent crime there an occupying force creator terrorized poor people at racial hierarchy and finally
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she says we demand immediate end of racist and cash bell system and immediate release of all new yorkers at rikers island and new york city jails. she sang let's free all the criminals and let's not have any cops. what is your answer to the new council member? >> how ludicrous is it to abolish the police. the police have needed more than ever by communities of color they represent. we have seen new york had one 100% increase in shootings in 2020 over 2019. it has remained at that level. the nypd lost about 15500 police officers to retirement and to just leaving in the last year end a half almost two years. so we are in bad shape in the
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city. memos of tweets like this absently do not help at all. i do not know what constituency she is playing too. it's not any sane same constituency i will tell you that. eric: it's her district. twenty platforms of progressive policies there is a need for this for social intervention the sort of thing for troubled homeless. she talks about social workers and here's the final tweet for your consideration quote, she says a pilot program in harlem which replaces police with social workers for mental health, 911 calls have shown social workers are better prepared to provide assistance to those in crisis. lesson cops, more social workers. so commissioner, social work through that an apartment last night and the guy comes out the glock, when you going to have? dead social workers and a guy running out on the street with a glock? >> of course, we have studied these things to the years the
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nypd. handling emotionally disturbed peoples done so well by the service unit of the nypd. psychological technician the emergency medical technicians, all sorts of training. w think you can replace them with social workers as been tried before it's not going to work. they do not want to expose themselves to the danger that would entail. in the very least they want the police there is no saving there. it is just ridiculous ideas that people who are familiar with going on can make these silly allegations. eric: we pray for the police officers involved in pray for all of the law enforcement or country protecting us and all the communities. they put their life on the line as we saw so tragically last night. police commissioner ray kelly thank you, and thank you for
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your service to our city. >> thank you eric. arthel: i second that eric, thank you. fears of an imminent attack on ukraine for growing as russia stations more troops around ukraine border and orders more military drills in the region. how the u.s. is responding in a live report from the ukraine capitol up next living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes.
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arthel: the first shipment of $200 million for assistance in ukraine arrive there last night. fears of a russian invasion keep growing as moscow strengthens its military buildup along the border. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg live in ukraine's capitol city of kiev with more, greg. >> hi arthel. tensions growing all over the region that military aid might be coming in just in time. yes, it came in overnight the first portion of the major allotment of a military aid given by the u.s. into the ukrainian military. they call it lethal aid. it's ammunition destine for front line ukrainian troops facing off against russian and eastern ukraine. and now, outside of the
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ukraine borders, buildup continues 125,000 russian troops, tanks, and other hardware including the deployment today to nearby belarus. while posing the threat of a possible invasion. which is got a lot of folks here concerned. take a look at what we saw on her today. >> in the ukrainian military has improved a lot since it was using these soviet air tanks a place here now in this kiev. but if it's going to go update against a state of the art russian foe that needs a whole lot more help. >> we need the international community to help us. i'm scared we cannot defend the country by ourselves. >> not only men but women and children are ready to stay for our country brick works were also at a spirited rally in the center marking with occult unity day here in this country on paper at least was brought together in the last century.
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a lot of the patriotic speeches, flags, banners and a lot of hopes arthel this country does not get disintegrated again but moscow, back to you. >> indeed. greg i'm sorry, senior foreign correspondent there live in kyiv, greg thank you so much. eric. eric: arthel, more than 100,000 russian troops position across ukraine's board up at state department is ordered the families of embassy to begin evacuating as soon as monday. official cell fox news and the state department is also expected to encourage americans to begin leaving ukraine. commercial flights as soon as they can. it's a topic they will likely be discussed the meeting between president biden and his national security team happening at camp david this weekend. lucas tomlinson live at the lighthouse with more than increasing tensions between the president, the administration and vladimir putin, lucas. >> good afternoon eric.
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u.s. officials tell fox the announcement is expected to company state department as early as monday ordering some families of u.s. diplomats at the u.s. embassy to begin a vacuum in the country it could begin as soon monday. now, over the weekend in geneva secretary of state tony blinked and met with his russian counterparts. >> this is not negotiations but a candid exchange of concerns and ideas. i made clear to the administer they are certain issues and fundamental principles that the united states and our partners and allies are committed to defend. >> the state department says no official order has been given yet for families to take part in addition to the weapons shipped into greg mentioned arrive less than kyiv. u.s. officials tell fox, javelin antitank admission of our nato allies and u.s. military stockpiles will begin arriving early next week as well. the defense minister saying has portable stingray antiaircraft two-part u.s. javelins have been shipped to the ukraine in the past of the trump administration the
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folder file missiles to destroy armor back in the day parade they are expected to arrive any day now and they are expected for any potential ground invasion. back in early december president biden ruled out deploying any u.s. troops ukraine, now the russian forces officials here concerned ukraine capitol city is now on the quote crosshairs. here the white house president biden refused to answer questions about russia before leaving for camp david were as you mention, he will huddle with his national security and this weekend to discuss situation in ukraine. >> arrays are not going to time for questions now as these guys ask about russia not anything to chips. >> this week marked the end of president biden's first year in office and now it's looking like more in year two oversees the tensions the highest they have been since the cold war, eric ricketts aren't lucas thanks so much, arthel. arthel: in hopes of preventing
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a ukraine invasion secretary state anthony blanket yesterday held a 90 minute bilateral meeting while there were no breakthroughs on ukraine, the u.s. and russia are on a quote clearer path to understanding each other's concerns. rebecca grant, doctor rebecca grant joins us now pay she's a national security military analyst and president of independent research. i want to get to diplomacy and a moment pray first lemming to set the stage, nato is the largest military alliance putin is obsessed with nato. ukraine is not a member of nato, ukraine is still the last standing sizable land a barrier between the nato countries and russia. but putin also wants it in
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writing that nato will not expand it to the east it. this will some nato countries are out there ready. if putin does invade ukraine. however all 30 nations are not united on how to respond if putin proceeds. my question to you, what option of consequences atlee president biden? >> what a great question for you are right, arthel, putin really is obsessed with nato. make no mistake, ukraine is not a nato member but officials go to the nato meeting, ukraine is in the cyber early warning system. we have forces there helping train ukraine. that means basically we have to defend ukraine's existence as a sovereign state. biden's option they are at camp david they were looking first of all at what is the
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real posture of russian forces. are they getting ready to move? are they all sitting around drinking tea? now we have to see a lot more military maneuver by nato to reinforce ukraine to work. >> there's a bipartisan group in congress to impose sanctions on working on natural gas pipeline to russia. ukraine is practically begging for the sanctions. germany those supports the pipeline if it putin ukraine, does president biden have a choice on closing sanctions on those countries? working with putin on his pipeline? has an option to impose sanctions earlier to try to help deter right now the
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norton stream to pipeline cosa from russia and pops up in germany is not turned on and the officials say he might be willing to hold off sanctions are one of the u.s.'s best options. one would be do them right now pray that all's legacy president biden come out of camp david ready to have the pentagon it's the no kidding military situation with russia what's really going on with the forces surrounding ukraine he would have to let congress and hey listen we will take strong military action for. >> exactly. putin has turned this into military confrontation
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continuing to talk it. we need to see more military resolve it order to divert her potent progress right to the question what is the u.s. ready to do? we see the security systems antitank missiles going in. remember, arthel, we have about 150 soldiers to look barney national guard the teams that are in ukraine right now on a training mission. there may be some others. we also have a lot of nato aircraft and u.s. forces in that area. we are involved in this already. we need to see what's the next military options be to help defend ukraine and try to deter putin and convince him it's just not worth it. >> that is the thing, president putin is provocative, he shrewd, he's pompous. he is not unintelligent. doesn't putin know invading ukraine and invoking a strong allied military response is just not a good idea? >> i hope he is getting that
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picture of the remarks this week were biden made some plugs and talks about minor incursions really did not help. there's still time to turn that around. putin has got to look at that situation and say it's just not worth it. right now, following on the debacle in afghanistan, he is gambling the u.s. is a week and nato cannot get it together. i think he is wrong on that. nato has been pretty firm they demand ukraine sovereignty be respected. we see them making quiet moves to reinforce that. the key now is to use diplomacy and military reinforcement that's not worth they should not step across. if he does it does not go well for him. european commanders do not think he could hold ukraine over the long term but we want to use just enough military force to deter him now. >> the fact that germany is last signaling. if we need to impose sanctions
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on the company's work on the pipeline directly to us, we might be okay with that. before it was a hard fast no don't do it. maybe there is hope. doctor rebecca grant i always thank you for breaking down these complicated issues, thank you very much for your expertise. >> thank you. >> the u.s. marines are identifying two corpsmen who were killed in a military truck that happened on north carolina highway. lance corporal jonathan of lawrenceville, georgia there on the left, atrial private first class zachary of kingwood west virginia. they both died at the scene of the crash that happened on wednesday. had happened near camp where they were stationed at investigator said they were in a truck that lost control, overturned and then ejected at least 17 people while the truck was trying to merge onto a highway. north carolina governor ray cooper tweeting we sent our deepest condolences to the family and friends of u.s. marines who lost their lives and they tragic accident
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today. we are so proud of our military heroes and across north carolina. our prayers go out to them. both earned last month are in the national defense and terrorism metals. our thanks and prayers are with them and their families. [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste,
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arthel: the biden administration's expend the controversial trump error remain in mexico policy. the busy rio grande valley sector in texas, this as we learn agents encountered more than 178,000 migrants at the southern border in december alone. that raises a total number of illegal crossings they are to over 2 million in the last calendar year. his life of the border in la
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joya, texas with moore, bill. >> arthel, good afternoon to you. we are picking up right where we left off just in the last three months of fiscal year 2022. they've already been more than half a million migrant encounters are the southern border. that is more than double the number was in the first three months of fiscal year 2021. take a look at the video was shot here in la jolla yesterday. we had a winter storm coming to the area. still here now slowing down the family units. still some of them showing up. the few family units we saw yesterday who had small children with them including what little girl about when you're old. did not have any shoes with her. these were a family of hondurans, the mother talked to a said they'd been traveling for 25 days. and that the little girl almost died of hypothermia on the way up here. we see this all the time families will take these risks to get here. none of them were able to cross without paying a smuggling organization or a drug cartel on the mexican side of the river. some families have told us in
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the past they have paid several thousand dollars for the opportunity to cross the rio grande and get here to the united states from utah spoke to retired ice agents about the power these cartels have on the other side of the river, take a listen. >> the cartel not only controls the border of mexico, in mexico they controlled the country for this is the part people do not understand. they run a parallel government in mexico this is how powerful the cartels are. >> and then you take a look at this video we also shot here in la jolla this week a mixture of runners being apprehended as well as folks who showed up to turn themselves in. the numbers are staggering so far this of fiscal year since october 1 the source telling us there been more than one or 57000 apprehensions trust in this sector alone. it's just over three months back out here live we have learned the remain in mexico policy is now being expanded
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here to the rio grande valley. they're going to be taking migrants in that program down to brownsville and bring them back into mexico to the brownsville port of entry. it's unclear how many people they will be doing this with a period at the third location they'll be restarting in el paso and san diego. will send it back to you. arthel: hopefully there is no backup you will in brownsville. i'm sure the people of brownsville would not want that to happen. , right bill? >> right absolutely. arthel: live there in la joya, texas, thank you bill. eric: term on the situation the border now turned to brandon perez of the national border patrol council per he joins us from arizona. what you think that expansion of the remain in mexico policy, the expansion bill just told us, do you think they'll have any meaningful impact? >> it will fits implemented correctly. phones with a handful people like were doing in el paso and san diego, is not going to
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mean anything. when you look at apprehensions for only expelling about 300 people is just not going to be much less as a drop in the bucket is not going to deter anybody. >> you mention a handful the numbers seem overwhelming. >> yes, the numbers we are dealing with we just do not have the resources right now to deal with it. the vast majority of our agents are doing administrative duties rather than out patrolling the border. the problem with that is is creating gaps for cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit. the cartels recognized all they have to do is flood us with illegal border crossers. that ties our hands and they are free to cross the higher value products such as opioids, fentanyl, and other hard narcotics that are making it into our cities and killing so many of our youth.
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that has just got to stop. we have to have border security in order to protect the american public. and right now we just do not have that big. >> were counts in the colon, you are because they. and yet it seems we try to stop it at one place it moves to somewhere else. what should the administration do right now to try to stop at or is it not even possible? >> it is possible. we can work within the parameters this administration gives it. let's go back to the trump administration the did solve this problem they solve that with the protocols. this administration said that is inhumane. this administration within take people into custody and hold them in custody, pending a deportation or asylum hearing rather than release them into the united states with the vast majority disappear and do not show up to the court appearances. then, we are always going have this problem. the president trump recognize he tried to do as he tries to work with congress to solve
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this issue. congress would not do it so he had to implement his own program. president biden can also implement programs but he can implement policies and implement operations. right now unfortunately he just is not doing that. that is why we've seen the explosion we have it. >> finally quickly, why do you think as you say the administration? >> a look right back at his base, his political base is open borders. if you look at the policies we are dealing with right now as far as enforcement goes, that is not just border security enforcement. that his law enforcement nationwide. there's been a huge a breakdown in law enforcement by this many huge breakdown of public safety and public security. i believe that goes right back to his base -- make the base of political people he has big. >> right and thank you for always for all you and the agency present the national border council of arizona thank you for a quick thank you very much eric.
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arthel: eric, the suspect in the killing of 24-year-old breonna now facing murder charges in los angeles county. love more in his arrest and lengthy criminal history cap next. ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. that
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space explosive charge alleged killer 24 old breonna with the murder. sean smith is accused of stabbing the ucla student to death while she was working at a los angeles furniture store. it's being held on $2 million bail as it turns out he has a long coast-to-coast rap sheet. christina coleman is in los angeles with the latest, christina. >> that is right smith was charged with murder yesterday adding to his lengthy rap sheet he has been able to make it back on the streets over, and over again despite multiple arrests. these and mug shots of smith date back to 2010. police say he is a homeless
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man with an extensive criminal record which includes a theft and assault charge for allegedly biting a police officer while resisting arrest in northern california last year. he has been arrested at least 11 times from coast-to-coast. at the time of the murder he was out on bail pending the trial in south carolina for allegedly firing a flare gun into a moving vehicle with a toddler inside of it. that was back in 2019. that trout was delayed due to covid delays the ability to get out on vacant bail over the years played a role in smith at being able to go for it repeatedly. l.a. county sheriff said things need to change. >> we've got to reassure the public we are doing everything possible with the resources we have at our disposal to make sure these killers are not walking freely. and we have to rely on the prosecution will be due arrest these bad apples they face the full consequences of their
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actions. >> smith's case involving kupfer will be handled by the office of the progressive d.a. critics say he's too soft on crime. but he put out a statement on this murder sent those who show no compassion for human life will face serious consequences. meantime hundreds continue to mourn the tragic loss of kupfer. >> i am just sad and as many people in our city about the tragic murder of breanna, this young lady who was minding her own business and was suspiciously murder. >> at this time smith is still jailed with bail set million dollars for the arraignment is scheduled for february 17th, arthel. arthel: such a very sad story. christina coleman in los angeles thank you, erica. >> he did kill her and admitted that's with the fbi does say about brian. finally providing closure in the death of gabby. was founded last summer during the cross-country camping trip
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with brian, her fiancé. laundry then went missing and his body eventually was found in a florida swamp. laura ingle has more from tampa. >> we now finally know the answer to one of the biggest questions in this case did brian kupfer lee find a confession before he took his own life admitting his response over the death of his fiancée told they were on their cross-country road trip last year. on friday the fbi revealed that answer is yes. this new information was released with the fbi called its final investigative update on the gabrielle petito case for the statement reads in part, investigators found human remains, later confirmed to beat mr. laundrie along with a backpack, notebook and a revolver. a review of the notebook revealed written statements by mr. laundrie claiming responsibility for mrs. petito death for the fa also
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revealing there were several text messages identified between laundrie and petito cell phone after the days of death the time and content of these messages shows laundrie was trying to deceive law enforcement giving the impression that gabby was still alive. of the attorneys for both families will work on dividing gabby and brian's property. the petito tell fox well this wraps up the criminal part of this case, it is not the conclusion for them. at the fbi field office in tampa, florida, laura ingle fox news. arthel: thanks lower the fbi with an update on last saturday's hostage situation at a texas synagogue. the big change in how they are handling the investigation. hand next.he investigation. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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arthel: covered a week ago but that for classifying a hostage situation at texas synagogue as a federal hate crime. targeted the jewish community. >> the fbi director for christopher wray and attorney at merrick garland both coming out forcefully against this alleged act of terrorism and colleyville, texas saying targeted attacks against any faith or unacceptable.
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>> this was and not some random occurrence. it was intentional. it was symbolic, and we are not going to tolerate anti-semitism in this country. >> according to the fbi, 44-year-old stop hostage taker malik faisal akram was a british national flew to texas and took four worshipers hostage inside beth israel congregation in a targeted attack against jews priests killed and hostages were freed after nearly 11 hour standoff. threat the course in which authorities say malik faisal akram set off an international terrorism investigation after demanding the release of convicted al qaeda terrorist. official said they do believe they've identified everyone he may have had interactions with while he was in the colleyville area. however they are not saying whether or not any accomplices will be charged in the future. rabbi was on the fort taken hostage.
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he describes a terrifying moment leading up to the deadly confrontation that would end the standoff and set him free to safety. >> is absolute fear of my life. i was kind of wondering, okay fbi, he went from extremely agitated with the negotiator, to all of the sudden very calm, like he was earlier in the day just asking me for juice. and i was highly, highly concerned in that moment. >> officials say this is a clear example of violent extremist pose not only here at home but around the world, arthel. arthel: absolutely despicable. we are going to be back again at four eastern. we hope you can join us then.
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♪ ♪ welcome to the journal editorial report i am paul gigot. president biden marking his first year in office this week when they closely watch a press conference and sinking poll numbers for the associated press showing just 43% of americans approved of the job he is doing pretty slowest rating in that survey since he entered office. with 74% in the country is headed in the wrong direction. despite those numbers, the president on wednesday denied a course correction is necessary indicating it's full speed ahead


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