tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News January 26, 2022 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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a welcome to tucker carlson fauci. >> here'sr: a weird story. so many of those these days if you were anywhere nearan the supreme court in washington this past spring, you may have seen a black box truck withat new jersey plates and a billboard on the side parked by the side of the road. here's's a truck keys. you can't read the message. it says breyer retire. it's time for a black woman supreme court justice. there's no time to waste. those billboards were funded by a group of progressive
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democratsth demand justice whico weirdly enough is run by an extremely white guyug called brian fallon, which isch a little strange if you think about it. ififink brian fallon is soin passionate about giving leadership roles to black women, whyol isn't he resigned from his job and given it to one ? you wonder j about a lot of people joe biden for example. in any case, you've got a t to to brian fallon. either he is remarkably prescient or someone in power was listening to him is justt this morning was announced. stephen breyer is indeedye retiring from the supreme court and another cpac ofas construction there. it was announced because breyer himself did not announce n his retirement. it's not even clear breyer knew the announcement was going to happen. someone leaked that news with or without justice breyer's f consent. they didn't wait for himor to dt it himself. why? because democrats understand they're likely to lose the congress this november. ol they want to control breyer's. seat while they still can. so we're not going to do with that seat. we don't need to guess. joe biden was very clear about his plans nearly two years ago
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as he was running for president. he didn't tell us he's going to do about covid or foreign policy the economy, but he was very precise about the supremesu prcourt. here's biden in march of 2020eb on the debate stage at cnn. i committed that if i'm elected president, have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts will be appoint the first black woman tomy the courts in my cabinet. my administration will look like c l a country and i commit that i will in fact appoint f a pick a woman to be vice president. i will appoint a black woman, the supreme court. that was biden's promise. all right. p robut which black woman exactly biden didn't tell biden didn't mention the supreme court nominees legal qualifications or judicial philosophy or ability to perform one of the most important jobs in the country. he didn't even tell us she wasng a nice person. all he said was she's going to t be black and she's going to be female because to him that's all that mattered. you almostatte got the impressie that joe biden believes all black women are the same. they're identicalve. it was certainly the assumption
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the delaware of joe biden's youth sixty years go. biden t doesn't seem to have changed much. you wonder if anyone sitting there has seen an audience that might even notice this . it's possible we've all marinated for so long in the casual racism of affirmative action that it seems normal now to reduce human beings toanir their race. t but imagine if this was happening to you. how would you feel you go tol, law school, you win a clerkship, you get a seat on some lower court c one day you're nominated to be one ofan the top nine judges in thed country and you're proud of b that . why wouldn't you be your parents? your friends are proud, but joe biden all joe biden can talk about is your skin colorat patronizing. it d doesn't even begin to describe what this is. this is exactlybe why decent americans hated segregation. it dehumanized peoplean. nowis biden claims that his race county is essential so that the court and the rest of his administration, quote, looks like america. of all the lies that joe biden tells, this could be the easiest to check c. we have the latest censusan numbers and we can promise you with deadd certainty that joe l
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biden's nominees look nothing like america, not evenoo close. is that a problem? well, the problem for biden is that once he starts saying things like this , once he begins to promise heeg to represent every possible ethnic voting bloc equally like some boss in nineteen fifty chicago people are going to start to wonder about their representation. songs were divvying up the spoils like carrot cakee. where's my slice? so biden will nominate a black woman great to represent about seven percent of the population . butbu where's biden's pacific islander nominee mazie is probably writing an outraged letter about that right now. no doubt she is. me and whyri isn't there an americn indian on the court or ora genderqueer or someone from the chronic fatigue syndrome community or a justice with cognitive disabilitiess? why isn't there an afghan refugee under consideration? ca youn can laugh, but suddenly these are entirely fair questions and by ss joe biden, u claim that tranz lives matter. really? do you really mean that then k prove it. what kind of woman is
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this anyway? >> you plan to nominate one of her pronouns. you can see where this is going. it always goes identity politics alwayss ends with tribal warfare. it's funny the biden people can see that maybe they can seeha it and don't care orr maybe it's the entire point of the exercise. whatever the explanation, the white house has no choiceena at this point to make good on joe biden's promise. usual race mongers spend all day demanding it. >> your cnndg it is a history making moment. it willlnt change the way the court looks and i think we t cannot understate that for p this particular president where he is today with a need to give something that is of greath importance toat his supporters, people who put him into office, especially black women. this is a really important moment. i neverrim had the luxury ofny leaving any part of my identity at the door before i walked into a courtroom, walked into a boardroom, walked on to thesee very steps on cnn.
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i brought with myselfty the entirety of being a black woman. the lived experience of what that's like in a country like this . and i think it's incumbent upon our country to recognize all offwe do not bring america and the holistic views of people, including a black women, then we are doingo a disservice to any objet evaluation of laws in this country. oh , this is so great that lady especially here, youou have the most privileged people in the united states of america telling you at high volume witht total certainty their victims that could describe most have seen its programing actually . but today was especially hysterical in the music. that oppressed woman you justt saw is called laura cote's or coach into an expensive private school in minnesota. then she headed off to princeton and then she went to law school. >> now she's on tv all because h of how victimizedow she has beea it's almost enough to make you like america knowing that someone that completely marginalized is nowetel so powel
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. sounds like a success story but no explain for cotes. in fact, it's still more evidence that america is evilt a and racist place. >> what would it be like for somebody? the supreme court finally who looks like you? ye i would be overjoyed and thrilled was the john king himself let me die to write on some level. thanks, but what would it be like to finally see some of the supreme court? it looks like you, thank god finally g it's going to have soe justice in this country at long last. someone will send her to princeton for free again just to make it official. shshe's liberated. but wait a second. colort wa counters. what aboutut clarence thomas? he's sort ofly vaguely looks lie laura coach the lady is on tv. same race anyway. does he count? no, we don't count. clarence thomas isn't a race m monger. he believes in the constitution. i supreme court justice. therefore he's not really r black. see how that works? he doesn't count. so who what are the potential nominees that cnn has declared
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are authentically black and therefore eligible for this jobhaible? let's see there.yn sherrilyn ifill is not even a judge. she's some kind of political activist who works for the naacp, her primaryen credential and she listed this prominently in her online biographys herself is that she was one of glamor magazine's women of the year in twenty twenty laugh if you will. but i mean, why is that not a qualification? glamor magazine's women ofca the year 2020 send her forth to the supreme court. a twitter page. my twitter pagee is full of racist attacks against white people. here's one example from july of 2018 quote truthli and reconciliation efforts have little chance in many placesatha because whites view truthtelling as an act of violence relief. they do all whites. yes, sherrilyn ifill they're all the same same skin color, same belief. now that's a common attitude on the left. it's not a reassuring attitude for a supreme court justice. we'll see how she does.
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meanwhile, cnn is also recommending a woman called younus lee. niceay be a perfectly act person. we don't know, but she first became a judge in august of 2020 one . that was let's do the math less than six months ago, candacees jackson actually has even lessen experience and that she may be nice as well, but she reached the bench for the first time in july of last year.s the other nominees on cnn'sti list have more judicialil experience. we'll give you three guesses tor how they got that experience. they get their wilhemina mimi, a right, became an associate justice of minnesota's supreme court back in 2012. now the sad thing about what we're aboutab to tell you s mimi wright may be the best judge ever, the smartest personm ever. but as always, the media minimized her , dehumanized her in its coverage. the media celebratedr her nomination not because of her legal ability which they barely describe, but ecbecause the way she looks her skin color. and that is a big part of why gov. mark dayton appointednt her in the first place. he said that here's how the star fs tribune covered her appointment quote dayton's historic choice first black female supreme court justice
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that was the headline unmentioned is how she might do on the supreme court. again, nobody wins in identityty politics. the people it's designed to help are completely dehumanized and patronized, reduced to colors rather than human beings and in some cases the rest of us get really service because the best people aren't being chosen. that's just true . ability ist the only criterion that matters. skin color is relevant. ketanji brown jackson got the same treatment to be fair was that unlike other candidates cnn is putting forward brown , jackson has lyauthentically suffered in her life. she's not joking. she literally went to harvardin with joyoy reid. i happen to know ketanji brown jackson potentially brown , but we were in college so i think she's wonderful. ke imagine what that was like.t you went to college with joyen reid. i was in fallujah. you went to college and joy reid, who suffered more well after leaving the rough and tumble of cambridge with joy reid brown jackson wound up on the d.c. circuit court of appeals last summer.
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well, her credentials here. so abc news covered her confirmation time. they told us that jackson is quote the first black woman confirmed to an appellate court in a decade and she now be one of five black femalely circuit court judges currently serving. but hey, who's counting? you have to wonder, brown jackson we don't know. maybe a super great person, really smart person. how would you feel if you were her ? what about her achieve is irrelevant. the media focused on her race and maybe there is a reason forj that because her actual record as a judge honestly prettyudwf awfulul. she's been overturned unanimously by the d.c. appellate court multiple times in just the past few years. so g you have to wonder at this point since we're going by skin color and gendernd, joe biden is ignoring the obvious choice. what is it? biden strike a real blow for equity and just nominee bridget floyd who's that was george bush's sister. she's not a judge or a lawyer or whatever . but at this stage, who cares?re clearly that's not the point anymore. that'sth lost up as nebraska's roman usca once said in defense
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of richard nixon's dummer judicial nomineess , quote, evenmi if he is mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges, people and lawyers. they're entitled to a little representation, aren't they ? edwell, sure they are.d bridgitte floyd b could be a justice for the rest of us or at least a slice of the rest of us . imatt walsh is host and matt walsh show. he joins us tonight. matt walsh, thanks sonifo much r coming on .d it's hard to believe that at serious country that still leads the world could go about the process in such a nonserious, demeaning, dehumanizing, stupidon, childish way to pick someone and say it out loud on the basis of immutable characteristicf that are, youth know, not a result of that person's effort or accident. yeah, i mean, i got to say i'm glad you brought l it up because i was looking forward to having our first trans nonbinary indigenous frie supreme court justice apparently by does want to makeu the more progressive choice there. but we do seeo the absurdity of
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identity politics, how incoherent it is now it's time for i i a black woman to be supreme court justice. well, is there a waiting listis or something t like that ? who determines this exactly? i guess the mediaet determines the joe biden determinate ahead of time, which only as you point out, it only means m because you said ahead of time i'm going to appoint a black woman to the supreme court. now you could have just done it. you didn't have to say he could have just appointed a black woman and then said that while she was the most qualified for the job and maybe shee would be there'd be no way for us to know what his motivation was. but when you announce it ahead of timere, all you're doing isde declaring that this person did not reallycl earn the position based on their and so it did degrade the very people that you're supposedly trying to help. but think of the greater point is the the people that you're excluding here, which is when when of course they say you want a black woman, what they really mean is what we don't want is a white male just like when they talk about diversity. diversity is code all the timeut for not white, which is how cnn can put up pictures of the diverse potential nominees and they're all black liberal women.
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you know, they're all the same race and they all think exactlye the same thing. that's diversity because m what they really mean is not white. and by the way, i'm no legal scholar myself, but isn't it illegal to rule out candidates based on race, especially in government, the entire u.s. government and the wholet? religion of the left is based on equity, which is the most aggressive hostile form of firm action. i just i juste can't help but t wonder, though, if their argument is that people don't get representationha as someone who looks like them is in power here you have clarence thomas on the court andfor decades but he's hated, loved. how does that work? >> right. because that's that's what they mean when they say diversity. of w course. i mean, i would i would like to join with some peoplee on twitter who said, hey, if you're looking for a black woman, why not my friend candice watts, let's putca her s for for for the nominee as well. but we know that when they say they're representing a certain race, it'sesenti really very spc to what they think of what they believe.
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and even this idea ofie representation by i mean the supreme court is not these are notsu elected representativs . they're what they're supposed to represent and stand ford. interpret the constitution notut not not not represent people racially in the united states. of course. i mean, the system only works because you take the supreme court seriously the minute you reveal it as purely political . ureli'm not taking it seriously and neither does anyone else. and that's when things fall apart. i thinkatng. citigroup melosh thank you . thank you . so w she told you our seasone finale of duck dynasty or saphier but the first threeit and a half minutes of it. it's called hungry versus torras the fight for civilization. here it is commercial free. >> i'll tell you to watch the rest after it concludes
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by the influence of influence george soros houting is more powerful than in the more pounited states. so this is his main huntinghuntn area. hungary is a serious and moderna country. itit cares about its own citizens. george soros is around on and frontier hungary . hungary has no desire toes destroy itself. globalismir, liberalism open borders. soros is the man who stands for all that he represents everything which is not goody. for this country. the united states time is proper place in a new world order because he is hungarian, they identify him as their enemy. the world'sson creepiest ngos hate hungary . tambellini christianities you know human dignity in the mind of the hungarians is belonging to the same place.
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are you religious? no. doo you believe in god? no.go george soros is a billionaire currency trader who has spentwa decades waging a kind ofr, war political social and demographic war on the west through sources networkde of non-governmental organizations. he spent billions trying to eliminate h national borders to oust democratically elected leaders and install ideologically aligned puppets into positions of power. or soros his efforts have been remarkably effective. united states. he has installed radical prosecutors who refuse to enforces the law in europe. ri he trieded to topple the democratically electedrn governments in georgia, romania and ukraine. he spent vaxxedme sums of money encouraging europe and the united states to accept millionsed s of foreign migrant. despite soros his best efforts one unlikely country is fighting back . that country is hungary ,
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the very place george soros was born. here's how they're doing it just landed in budapest capital hungary on the danube in central europe about o the size of indiana. o but the population of michigan like the midwest, it's pretty flat here.e. this is an outpost of westernst civilization in the middle of s europe. the first thing you notice when you get tope f budapest, the capitol of hungary , is that it's different from what you're used to. the airport is covered in ads paid for by the government encouraging people to have big families. the architecture is old and well preserved a. t' >>s it's beautiful. there'sth
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oh , they have pretty parchitecture that doesn't degrade people that uplift the human spirit. they hate it when you sayn that . but it's true . so it's the first three and a half minutes the documentary you can stream the entire thing for free on tucker carlson and we hope you will . one of the saddest, most shocking stories in a long time, a thirty one year old father of two being denied a heart transplant. you don't get those unless you need them survive. but he's unvaccinated so he won't survive. then wet 20% tucker carlson is tackling the tough topics on his exclusive vaccination series tucker carlson originals go inside a real story behind gang violence. green energy scams, illegal immigration, lawlessness in our cities and so much for now.
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in an all new episode of tucker carlson originals globalist open borders, torras is the man who stands for all that . george soros is the billionaire currency trader who has spent decades waging a kind of war , spent billions trying to eliminate national borders to oust democratically elected leaders. one unlikely country is fighting back . that country is hungry. watch as tucker goes one on one with prime minister viktor orban and exposes the truth behind the left's globalist ideals. so your success is a challenge to their rule tucker carlson reginald's hungary versus torras streaming now exclusively on fox nation sign up today when it comes to real estate agents experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction and ideal agent. we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed the fact that my
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family by calling us today or visiting trupanion .com say some hospitals in this country are punishing patients who refuse to take joe biden's's mandatedn injections by denying them lifesaving medical treatment. it's happening in a lot of places. one of those patients is a thirty one year old boston resident called jay ferguson. ferguson needs a heartos transplant immediately. he was about to receive one and then bring them in women's hospital in boston when those famous hospitals in the world said he can't have one becauseid he hasn't gotten the shot now h to be clear, there was no medical justification for this rule at all..t all. he poses this man poses no threat to
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anyone and incidentally, myocarditis inflammation isof a known side effect of the gunshot could be deadly in only his heart problems. butos the point is he poses no threat but t have told him do this or you will die. heather dorsett is dating ferguson. she joins us tonight along withh his mother tracy and his fatherr david. what a sad story. and i know it's hard to believe this is real. first too to the mom if if youvi don't mind, tell us where w this leaves you, where this leaves your son. and i'm so sorryry about this with a sleazy that leaves me just hopeful right now. > he, he he just got out of hutz open heart surgery yesterday. he had to have another vaers and put in place. now he is in need of a transplant. so if i find myself you know,
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you said you were devastated by the news. we're like we're devastated that i can't imagine that he can't he can't get the transplant. david, tell us . right. you expect that brigham and women's was going to treat your son? that was your understanding? absolutely. that made him insanely great reputation. yes. you know, reddam, he got right down a path where he had to start doing procedures where he's anyone is qualified nonetheless, maga hats and he had to get the vaxxed in order to get that transplant. is that area rated so much so so quicklyly that they have to resort to open heart surgery
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and doing the oh that mechanical pump. and soso now my boy has probably been recovering. he went through seven hours off surgery. is that okay? >> it's horrifying. have two children, one on the way is my understanding. i mean, what is correct? t' what is mean what is this like for you and what would you say to brigham and women's if you could speak to them ? it's terrible. i mean, it's because you know, his nurses are amazing. they've been amazing to him. his doctors have beene amazing to him.-- but it's just, you know, having that dangledov over our head at the very last minute after he had been through all the testing, after he receiveded his letter saying he was accepted on the transplant list, it's just soth
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disheartening that they would hang that over his head and you know, right at the last moment you got to wonder, i mean, where are all the decent people in this country who send money to brigham women's or who , yous know, sustain its worldwide reputation as a great hospital that cares about patients? you know, has anyone come tos your aid? this is suchal a moral atrocity. has anyone taken your side in this and not really besides, you know, basic just the fundraising we've done for ourselves. we're both self-employed small business ownerss and aside from that , no, wem haven't gotten a any help. t i'm just i'm so sad to hear this . i think everyone watching feels the same way and we are definitely rooting for you. thank you for telling your story tonight . all three of you.ha thank you . thank you .ha thank you . douglas. that's's a heartbreaking story. there's been a lot of that recently, a lot of depressing newsntnt we told you
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last time we want to highlightap some of the good things that are happening in the united states for a change.ft and after the break, we're going to in an all new episode of tucker carlson originals, george soros, the billionaire currency trader who has spent decades waging a kind of war one unlikely country is fighting back . that country is hungry. watch as tucker goes one on one with prime minister viktor orban and exposes the truth behind the left's globalist ideals. so your success is a challenge to their world tucker carlson originals i hungary versus the world's streaming now exclusively on fox nation lineup todaylife hearing is important to livinga life tobe the fullest. that's why inside every miracle at your story you'll findac a better life. itat all starts with the most innovative technology liket the new miracle ear. many available exclusively. paraphilia the small that no one will see.
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unexpected revival of our intellectual. if you look around, it looks like art is dying. i mean,, of course, visual arts, architecture, music, b literature, all of it has beenwo destroyed by weaknesske. re and of course our leaders are getting a whole lot dumber. the bar is falling so low that all of a sudden mouth breathing cliché mongers like jon meachambr, ibrahim kennedy are considered intellectuals super depressing to watch. but here's the good news n and it's not happening in public. it's happening on the edges. what's bubbling up a lot of other people under all this pressure are getting a lotr smarter. they see what's goingng they hae been forced to think abouthe what's happening to the countryt and come to their own conclusion. if we weren'tnd under so muchob stress, they probably wouldn't have thought aboutabab. but they have and some of them are really impressive. now the peopleld in charge would very much like to ban free thinkers from the internet, but it turnsns out a lot of these people are able to make their ideas heard and to communicate with one another. and that tells younica that even
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in the era of big tech, total censorship is really hard to pull off, maybe impossible people inevitably learn what's true and some off them have the ability to explain it and god bless those people. one of them is a student in illinois called addisonge george . what her explained to b her school board why masking children is child abuse. >> i'm here to say thank you . thank you . school board and superintendent bridges for notot using your power to push back the state of illinois about the math mandate. we get to wear masks all day, every day now isn't that great ? thank you for forcing mee s tote wear a mask so i no longer have to brush my teeth or wash my face. thank you for teaching mein that even the most at risk is not worth taking place is best o when you take the path of leastr esresistance with no chance ofit failure and definitely no chance of catching a cold. ou thank you for pushing your irrational fears and anxieties on metes because i didn't already have enough to
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worry about. en i realize now i how easy i had t when i only had to worry abouttt my classes, my grades sat and getting into college. so t obviously covid has been a tragedy for everybody. it's just for an entire ra people. of young the numbers prove that you know young people then you know y it but thereng are also young peope you just saw one of them who become braver and smarter and more focused and in general much more impressive. and god blessbl them. we're glad they exist. they don't make all worth it, but they come close. well, in loudoun county, virginia, one parent cooperative mission is brave not i afraid to tell the truth.o he gave a voice to frustrated parents everywhere when he called outut his school board last year for a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools close. do youus think are some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you were making do not lieajisticss that the vast majority of the population is not at riskorg from this virus? ar the garbage workersrk who pick p
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my freaking trash risk their lives every day more than anyone in the school system. figure it out or get off etthe podium because you know what ? there's people like me and a out therelaer people who will gladly take your seatdr and figure out it's not a highig bar raise a prettyh good bar, >> raise the bar. have t they let you decide for yourself? but the mission is notul gone. t he iste still moving towardht making this a better country. he joins us tonight. brian, thanks so much forsc coming on . thank you for what you said toho . e school board a year ago where are you now in your attempt to make the schools better now we're still fighting for our children and parentsbeit continue to fight for's their children every day. you know, it's funny, i had the opportunity to be in the t room with governor johnson when he signed the executive orders,
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you know, allowing people o and parents to, you know, allowing parents to choose what's best for their childrenhw and it's funny, our county right now is defying thos orders and parents just want toe have a voice and they just want to be heard and that'sy i'm excited to announce on your show, you know, live right now that i am running for the 10thct congressional district of virginia and we're going to let parentss take and have their voice back . people can go to brandon for virginia .com and contribute this you know, the 10th district is the backyard of washington, d.c. you have joe biden and nancy pelosi who you know, they're going toth doo everything they can to keept that control and we're not going to let it happen. and so again, it's brandonon for virginia .com and i'm going to be so excited when i hear let's go brandon everywhere i go. > oh , i hadn't thought of that . i mean, what what it seems like from my perspective we're looking l at is democracy senior citizen. you're a voter, you're a taxpayer and you're a parent and you're raising your voice in public. you're not rewarded for it.
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you're noted celebrated for it. you're attacked as somehow you don't have a right to speak.i i just i just find it so thrilling that it actually seems to have worked. i mean, t you're one of the people who helped change the state. well, first i want to give you thank you . and your team obviously i mean,y if it weren't for you t guysnt highlighting this parentsp movement would not have rocket ship like it has and it's it's people like you and citizens are all there all throughout our country. you know, when they speak up,ow they now know that they have a voice and that voice matters. and i'm so happy to be jumping in this race, so happy to represent so many people who justy may not have the samet opportunity or be in a position to speak up. b and you know, we just want to f raise the bar. we just want what's better for our countryoror, for our kids, r our economy. and this is the best country in the world. and i'm just again, i'm so excited. let's go,ng brandon. we're going to you know, we're going to bring some change and raise the bar in washington
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. i'm sorry, i just s with the slogan it's sood awesome, man. thank you . good y luck. thank you so much. wi soll we have exclusive footage o show you in a moment. proving the bush administration has been relocating illegal immigrants a lot overnightin without your knowledge. speaking of an attack on democracy, sophina, every once in a while my heart can feel a little off and even when it doesn't, i like to feel good about my heart health. that's why i have cardio cardio mobility is the only smart device in the world that fda cleared to detect the three most common heart conditions in just thirty seconds. and having one in your pocket not only gives a piece of mind the doctor. well, thank you . now cardium is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. one of the leading causes of stroke. it also detects brady cardiac tachycardia and tells you when your heart rhythm is normal and it's available now for only $79 you can use kardiamobile
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trupanion join the true pinyon family by calling us today or visiting trupanion .com. so we've obtained exclusive body camhe footage fromt the police department in westchester county. istnew york .eg the footage showsal about a hundred apparently illegal immigrants, mostly teenagers getting off a chartergh flighte in the middle of the night in west chester. the migrants and get on busses . someone on the tape describese how quote dhs wants this ondo the low down, in other words secret so you won't know about it despite the fact you'ret a u.s. citizen was paying for it. they're hiding it from you. they're doing this withoute do y your consent. speaking of an attack on democracy in footage, westchester police expressed tionr frustration with what's happening. >> try to figure out what the yeah. we've>> been having you know,
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you're on a secure facility here and we don't really know anything. we're in charge of security. so that's where we're at a problem. and soms hanging out here on the tarmac is that i don't know anybody pick up a basketball 100% and very easily, you know, people could just go that way. so i'm here to see oh yeah. it's slowly coming together but there's no you know, really what's what's happening how to get me or whatever else. now just to be completely clear, what you just saw isle illegalga. that's's a crime. that's why they're keeping itt secret. the u.s. government is notis allowed to abet the breaking of federal law. sorryak. and that's exactly what they're doing in the footage. a government contractor explains that the rights off illegal immigrants arrive at smaller airports to keep them hidden from the public.
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>> don't want to be somewhere where spotlight as possible this stuff. so i get it. lays said that we don't know what we don't want to deal with attention. we don't like and we don't even know where we're going. oh , so it's changing sthe population of your countr, the one you were born in butec keeping it secret from youre and then attacking with some kind of bigot if you notice it, that's the game. we figured it out yet. >> well, different contractor offered his explanation for why the salt secret i guess, of secrecy. but about my yeah. but you know what i mean and why you know what you know. yeah i know but why is it all stick?
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so what's what's the big secret . everybody knows saphier in the white house the government would say the american yeah. ve the government is betraying the american people that it's's true the biden administration is changing this country without your consent. it's a crime and it's immoral. rob astorino is a former westchester county executive. he's running for yor governor of the state of new york . he first obtained this bodyth footage through a foia request.o we're happy to h have him joinyo us tonight. mr. h3n2ch, thanks so much for coming on . that's evidence of a crimeme as far as i can tell. our government is completely out ofe control right now. u they have lied tos, us .me they've liedri to the american people. i saww what bill did last night down on the southern border where men are just getting intoe cabs and being put into t communities. that's what they're doing here. southern border crisis. they're waving themherere in .ng they're putting on planes, sending them to airports closed at night , westchester putting b them on busses. and i saw with my own eyes w
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after they denied it, by the way, that they were put to onto a bus to a costco and then released t to cars into the community. now they keep saying it's just s unaccompanied kidst completely t a lie and that thesehe kids were not going to go into our own area completely a lie they're putting into schools in westchester, long island, the surrounding suburbs. so it is a complete breakdown ofet our system. it is a betrayal, as that gentleman said, a betrayal toou the american people. and ofha course, what i'm asking these questions when i broke this in august, of course what do you think the responseas was, ?tucker ?ac >> you're a realist. you're a bigot. you're a hater. you'reyo mean. answer the question when you're done with that and they won't they deflect and they lie continuously. >> so youd sort bless you for saying that out loud. you're not a racist. most americans are notry the least racist country in thei history of the world. so atof what point do normal t people, democrats and republicans say you're not going to controlhehe me with
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that slur anymore? answer the question.. well, that's it. we kept pressing them and they kept tellingt us nonsense and this is all they do. right. and where's governor kathy hochul? she's complicit in this too because she's turning a whole blind eye to all of this is happening right in our communities. e in her state she's more occupied about masking kids in schools and coddling criminals than she is about this . now the public has a right to know it's a public health issue . we're under our own orders in new york. i can't go into restaurantstsin without showing a vaccinationrd card or masking, you know, indoors and she's refusing to do anything about this as people coming in adults, we have no b idea what their backgrounds are, where they're p going, where they're beingla placed. you know, this is i a public p safety issue. but more than anything, it's our own government not tellings us answers to our questions and we're footing the bill on all of this . that's exactly right. uckewe have so nicely put. i hope you win.go
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you have anve unelected governor . well,ou i hope people go to my twitter account or any of my social media. upre going to put video again right now, somean more video and it's just totally outrageousd what is happening in this country in new york and people and i'm i glad loudon county and just normal people are standing up right now saying enough is enough. take back our country. all weac want normal people, democrats, republicans is foro the law to be enforced, for people to listen to us . it's so nice to hear a republican who could actually explain himself, which you certainly can. thanks for comingou on the show thanks,, tucker .>> so say california is working toi disarm the population, but they're not straightforward enoughghno to do it. they'ree doing it a passive aggressive way of passing a lawv that would require gun owners legal owners to obtain firearm liability insurance and pay an annual fee. soe the national association for gun rights and a have filed a lawsuit against san jose army. dillon represents the plaintiff . she's a ceo for the center for american liberty and one of p
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this country's preeminent civil rights lawyers. thanks so much for comingwyernk so why why you can think of all kinds of people who pose t a potential threat to the public, including people with infectiousness ease's other than corona, none of them are required to buy insurance only on owners, right? >> well, this is a crazy law, tucker . cright.a a few minutes after they finalized it last night, we filed our federal civil rights lawsuit. this law violates the first amendmenthe f, the second amendment. it's void for vagueness undernd the fifth amendment and it also violates several provisions ofaw california law tucker .he what the government g is trying to do c here in san jose and ths promiset case i can you that this is going to happen all over california and all over the country if it's allowed to pass is effectively tax the legal ownership of guns through two forms. no.. one , there's going to be a fee that the city is o going toan impose on gun owners and they're going to take your gun if youo don't pay it and no to the requiring you to get insurance, which by thee way, d they don't know what it's going to cost or whether such
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insurance is available, it's probably not going to be available as a condition of exercising a constitutionalltu right. soso unfortunately, what's goinn to happen here? i feel f pretty confident that we're going to prevail in court and the people who are going to paywh the bill for this are the taxpayers paying the legal fees for this type of a frivolous lawsuit. now,tu tucker , when you see politicians pass laws like this , you've got to wonder what if we required politicians to buy insuranceuiit for the std laws that they passed and makehe them liable ifm they don't do that ? well, they'rere not liable ford anything. you kind of knew they weren't really just o sho to show up at your house when they had tried to get your guns because that wouldn't work. . erybody knows so they're just going to peck you to death with the regulations. . viously and you were one of the few standing up for me. thank you very much . uc thankske so much. more after the break in casece you're playing passports couldrs be hurting you vaers is the first liquid filled aspirin capsule clinically shown cause
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three three right to watch free chef, can we hire another hostess? yeah 5% i confirmation point uncube does that lucroy good secure payments the tools you need people who can help. we do that to a clever business consultant today we want to thank you for watching your show and other shows enjoy sports that we will never do so reportedly zuckerburg pulling on you too ladies and gentlemen . joe biden yeah me i'm alwaysta talking corvette's i don't make quirt or anybody else upset butt
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i might point out your when i went to dearborne drivingas that you know it was up there. i don't know man. it's it i think the press thought i was crazy. i enjoyed so much going up and your new every factory in and that hummer. for clarification on that we go to sean hannity and interpret okay i felt like i was watching joe on saturday night live. tucker , thank you . you can't make it up anyway. welcome all to hannity. breaking tonight . in just a moment, we're going to bring youro the very latest from the commonwealth of virginiaf where young kids are n now being segregated, harassed in some cases blocked from f attending school by vindictive local democrats who are using u masks and your children as a political weapon. we'll tell you all about it. alsout tonight , big news from the u.s. supreme court. liberal justice stephen breyer is apparently being shown
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