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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  January 27, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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that you are fighting for our paralyzed veterans. i just don't thinkwi my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from our veterans. but for us let's fight the call or donate online at pva hero dot org today our veterans need you. >> good evening and welcome to"t tucker carlson . son tonight think back .r you may remember joe biden'sur infrastructure bill this falle.o that bill emerged from congress in november with the price tag of one point two dollars trillion dollars at so many to zeros it's hard to imagine how much is itin? >> it's more than the entire gdp of the nation of mexico. oone of the world's biggest oil producers, by the way, that's a ton of money. so for. a bill of that size you'd expect well, big results.
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youu certainly want better roads they've got in so we're getting those. what are we getting exactlyil from that bill? well, today the transportation department, which is now the run by mayor pete but a judge ofg south bend finally told us theos answer. effective immediately we learned this country will undergo a quoted paradigm shift in the way we think about infrastructure. now hold on a minute. as you probably noticed by thiss point, the moment paradigmt starts shifting, you can be certain a whole lot of people are about to get shafted, nothing personal. it's just the nature paradigms . they don't just shift. they tend t to topple over and crush innocent bystanders in this paradigm, of course, is no different. according to the new paradigm we learned about today, infrastructure is nore longer about roads and bridges and airports and train stations and things you might actually use in the course of your life. we could fix those things, but why bother? >> mayor pete has better ideas . here's mr. douglas imhoff.f, the profoundly unemployed t
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husband of kamala harris to explain. so we talk about transportation. we're not just talking about building roads and bridges, all that important stuff as well , but we're talking about the safety of our children, the safety of our families and this is you know, it's p something that president biden, vice president harris, rececesecretary reject this ente department of transportationnt, this administration deeply understands. we understand that when they kind of grin and go liketh that , you know, you're aboutut to get screwed. we're not just talking about things you care about anymore. mr. mrs. america, those stupid buildings and roads and bridges, things that you can touch age that we're talking about bigger things now we're talking about vast structural problems, problems so big that unemployed doug imhoff even really describelv them, much less solve theme things like quote the safety of
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our children and our families. turns out big problems areus a lot safer to talk about in speeches because you can't actually do anything aboutec them. so there are no expectations. roads and bridges and buildings are very different from that . they need concrete and asphalt and rebar stuff. it'st expensive and hard to do and that may be why are buildings, roads and bridges are falling apart according to the american society of civil engineers, which keeps track off these things, there are more than six hundred and seventeen t thousand bridget in this country. that's tonight more thanryof 40 6000 of those bridges are considered structurally deficient. that means they're in terrible shape. kind of a big deal for a bridge . as for our roads, fully 43% of all public roadways in this country are quote in poor oror mediocre condition. in other words, we actually areu mexico though a lot richer. so a what are we going to do about this ? what is the one point two trillion dollar plan going to do for our crumbling infrastructure? well, people that just has a plan here it is more speed cameras according toer the associated press.
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but a judge would like to quote promote greater use of speed cameras which the department says could providede c more equitable enforcement than police traffic stops. not that so because of equity, m you're about to get a lotet more speeding tickets from e robots. see how that works. shop races pay the fine. the government does needon the money for infrastructure even after one point two trillion. recent new york times piece put it this way quote when california voters approved a bond in thousand eight for a high speed rail system from l.a. to san francisco,supp the project was supposed to cost thirty three billion 2 and be completed by 2020. 02ow that job is now projected tosh finish in twenty thirty three for one hundred billion, though those estimates are dated and there is an 80 billion dollar funding gap. >> so infrastructure is expensive. actually no one really knows exu how much infrastructure costs because infrastructure never gets completed. t therehe are still working trains in the state of california. unfortunately they're nowfo
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getting robbed just like they were in the 1870 return to the future. union pacific is now contemplating abandoning the statec em after more than one hundred and fifty years there kind of a big deal. what is mayor pete think of this ? he's the transportation secretary hasn't said a single word about it oft t nothing tos with equity. so it's beneath his radar, by the way. it's is not just trains that are in trouble in this country. we're also short eddie thousandr truck drivers and that could be part of the reason that thee shelveses of your local groceryi store are getting and it's not just trucks either . by next year airlines areor expected to be shorte more than 10,000 pilots. and that's why between christmas eve and new year'san eve, airlines canceled more than 10,000 flights. that was this year.go good luck getting to floridari next year. now there are other causes of the cancelations, none of which may repeat is doing anything to fix these four vax mandates. of course, that was a huge cause of the shortage this year and then there are others. sososo the president of emirate, probably the best airline in the world, a man called tim
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clark recently slammed mayorli pete and the administration for the disastrous rollout of 5g 5 technology near airports that led to a total suspensiongt of emirates flight. o clark said it was quote one of the most delinquent, utterlyg irresponsible decisions he's ever seen in his long careerca. ed fox's casey stiegel discovered the collapse of the transportation network in this nation. >> here's an overview. more chaos for folks trying to get home after the holidays. i've been here since last night. yeah, so they canceled and nowed i'm getting a flight with united hopefully leaving this afternoon airline canceling thousands of flights on tuesday and delaying thousands more , leavingxi anxious passengers stranded and frustrated at airportssst around the country. the widespread groundings and delays due to a combination of winter weather o and covid-19 staffing disruptions on flights and also around airports.d airpt the winter weathers. not only t affecting air travel drivers also facing trafficra snags due
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to snow and icy roads. hundreds stranded overnight on a 50 mile stretch of i-95 near fredericksburg, virginia. well, things were bads in virginia, but it's not just virginiarg officials in connecticut raceland reported two hundrededre eighty five car crashes because of icy weather. oh , forgot to salt the roads. same in new york state. es westchester county people forgot to salt the roadste. the fed doesn't solve the roads. people died. what doesleat that do with equi? so here you have roads you can't drive , airportsrk that don't work, planes, that don't take offak and traing that are getting robbed. these are not small things when you're transporting network falls apart in a continental country, things grinds to a halt. everything depends upon moving objects and people from one place to another because it's a huge country. e, so if you have problems like these which are central to our economy and the way we live to a
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the country itself, it might be a good idea to hire a competent transportation secretary. but that's not what the biden thadministration did. they had a more progressive idea. joero biden hired a kid, by contrast, who had never had a real job outside mckinsey and no grounding of any kind in physical reality. we know this because he was the mayor of south bend. so s the infrastructure life lie in south bend. well, when the judge was mayor, the city had him we're quoting now the worst pothole situation in the state according to local paper. huge potholes. so big that mayor pete, notld a tall man, could have disappeared into one pictures, h little legs up in the air eighti years as mayorgh and he was nevr able to fix it with just enough resources to replenish the paving of every lane mileou the street in our city only every one hundred years or so
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i faced a constant battle with that natural enemymy of all mayors. >> the pothole, the guy who literally couldn't some potholes in south bend, indiana is now the transportation secretary putting breastfeeds so its equity is unbelievable. pretty amusing. this is a guy who wouldn't know a car transmission from h a bridge abutment. what are the chances he can rune his own espresso machine? the mindset is the problem herep . and it's not just mayor pete. he's easy to mock becausese he's a ludicrous figure, but it's all the people like him who believe that our economy is based on social media apps d and h.r. departments. l people like that really believe that by sociall engineering you can make m the trains run on tii and you can create a robust economy because they're. forr example, last week mayor pete explained that the number
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one priority of the transportation department in the middle, the massive shortage of transportation workers trains are getting planes that won't take off is equity. so you don't need to do we need to work extra hard to screen out anybody who might be working in our transportation industryra who happens to have the wrong skin color watch. youu look at something like the investment in transit. you know, it's americans of color commuters mos of color t who are most likely toha depend on that. you look at the jobs we're going to createlot d. they have been traditionally white and male, but it doesn't have to t stay that way. we are working with a lot ofec focus at the direction of the president to make sureeop that everything from the contracting opportunities for smallpo business to labor opportunities for workers, fixing the bridges, installing h electric vehicle charging stations are more likely to be workers of color are sta more likely to be women. soom that's kind of the problemw and that's been the problem with our trainsitit and planesod and automobiles for a century now.
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too many white people in them get a lot of white airline pilots. that's the problem. if you just said that doesn't have to be this way, that's equity. so this is wherere you're one point two trillion dollars is going to what is not technical in a legal campaign to hire workers on the basis of their skin color. so may pete, you may have noticed is the wrong skin color . and as l long as you want to diversify and equip by transportationn, why is he running the department? because he's too importantep to give up his job to an unqualified haitian migrant. that's because mayor pete can. see the big picture. he understands every transportation decision is in fact something so much bigger. take 50 seconds to walk through our top priorities and then let's just jump in the conversation. so our focus conat is on safety. ofof course that's why our department exists. it is on economic development and the ways of good infrastructure create jobs. it is on equity in theth knowledge that we can either do
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harm or do enormous good in terms of who getsat the opportunities we create and where they go. it iss about recognizing that every transportation decision. is a climate decision. whether we acknowledge that or not couldn't understand s everything he said because forai some reason he had a freakin' somask on his face. maybe he was robbing a train. not clear. we've got a reporter getting to the bottom of that , but we think we heard him say that hism job is to work on climate. it's funny when the country applauded one point two trillion going to fixing the roads, bridges and buildings, a lot of us were dumb enough to a t think that's what might actually happen. brian kilmeade is co-host of h fox friends. we're always grateful to have h him on our show. brian cooley, great toimea see. so we're not going to fix any b of the things that need to be fixedth. george washington bridge, which you probably use in new york seems to be kind of teetering, i notice not goings to fix it. what is this ? >> well, it's kind of
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interesting. i thought we got away from the black roads and white roads and white water fountains and blackwaterer fountains and black bathrooms and white bathrooms. but now we'rebu down to that again. we're going to fix the roads for minorities are going to make it make sure the roads aree equal. unbelievable the way this administrationayees sees re and green climate in just about everything almost comical if we are forced to live in it. and a couple of things he should not be secretary of transportation. what amm i ? affiliates on the radio show iss from south bend and they said this guy was handling everything. he was having traffic going the wrong direction. one time he had a town hall. he got yelled at.e they had to shut down on top of that today he promised next week to announce a plan to get down to zero traffic deaths. i'm an optimism. i'm an optimist, but i don'tn believe there's any human beinge that can get us down to zero traffic deaths. if so, so, i can take out my seatbelt and empty my dashboard of the airbag. ty i'm going to have to look into that . but if you think about the whole administration, tucker , what is more valuable right now than have an expert
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energy when it comes to energy secretary? does anybody think that secretaryny granholm has ay experience? did you look at her resume, what this john kerry know about climate? no, weno don't need the position . e? he's tall and has a yacht that qualifies him. i don'tw know if you heard, but we're in a pandemic. you saw the secretary of transportation really smartly wearing that mask alone on aach stage which i really recommend for everyone giving a speech. it's great to communicate. do you know the hhs secretary , alth and human services according to reports, we're in a pandemic. it would be nice to see mr. baschiera once in a while, but he has no experience and no o interest in doingf a job like the vice president who was asked to take care of votingid reform and the border and said i'm a little busy. i really don't want to do that and didn't we all just in one sentence, a man who can't fix the potholes in south bend should beti automatically disqualified from overseeingcaed the nation's
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infrastructure or am i crazy? >> well, i do think you're a little crazy, but that's for another time. but i would add this i consider myself i read a lot relatively smart. but you don't want me giving you directions at a home depot . you also don't want me fixing your car. you don't want me doing your taxes. we have to stay in our lane. i don't understand what's happening because we're in control of a bunch of people who are at the wheel who don't know where they're going.ic case in point, mr. zero traffic deaths for one a week. i mean they will get to zero traffic deaths by eliminating cars. so i think he actually mean michael good on that. >> finally, brian, kill i have one confession, a confession. i took a train and i'm white, so i don't know if that's what he wants to change his speech. i takevery a train every day so i'm going to put it we're going that .an end to brianrian kilmeade now no longer allowed by the way, congratulations our friend brian kilmeade now the host of a new show on fox saturdays, 8:00 p.m. it's a one nation with brian kilmeade, which is
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a great name and ideaa. and let's get back to that. thank you . congratulations. all right.r. thank you . appreciate it. soso joe biden confirms what we already knew. our next supreme court justice will not be chosen on the basis of legal acumen, intelligence wise judgment or fealty tonc the constitution of the united states. biden believes those are outdated eurocentrics criteria in this country. equity trumps competence. bi what matters? joe biden explained his and skin color. what i've made no decision except one person i will nominate will be someone with extruding qualifications, character, experience . d integrityy and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the united states supreme court. >> okay, soes he said it's going to be a black woman, but that's a pretty big category in this country that is over twenty million people spans from oprah to candace owens.. but thankfully the media are working hard to narrow the field for joe bidenenrr. cs
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cnn and msnbc tell us that a woman called sherrilyn ifill would be a fantastic choice for the supreme court. apparently the white house is considering her right now i feel is not a judge. she's a political activist who spends a lot of, time on social media. you may be wonderingt what are her views in the constitution a well, here's her carefully reasoned legal analysis of voter id laws congress has to deal with and state legislatures have to deal with the reality of white supremacy in their own policies. white supremacy is individuals denying the civil rights of others, texas and north carolina that those federal courts said deliberately created voter id laws for the purpose of discriminating against african-american and latino voters. when we see that when we see state legislatures convening to pass voter suppression laws, that is white supremacy with white supremacy. if nothing else, sherrilyn ifill is succinct. voter id is i white supremacy kind of rhymes, which is probably the appeal of it. you can imagine those words on a bumper sticker, on a signat
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in a rally and that's the kind of legal scholarshipho that sherrilyn ifill is famous for. its got a whole lot more on our twitter feed, but you ought to check out let's say, for example, you're wondering why white people lie soth much as they so clearly do. shonai find an answer for young quote whites view truthtelling as an act of violence. she wrote that makes sense and we're not going to make funi of sherrilyn ifill. we're afraid to do that onced she getss a supreme court, shesh might pull this show off the air last august ifill wrote that quote fox news should not be part of the basic cable at this point. michael added that she thinks the fccc should regulate fox and wrote another tweet that she was upset h this show p was allowed, quote,ub on the public airwaves that belong to us ands are licensed by our government. we're not on the public t airwaves. but now some might sayay that anyone who writes p a sentence that ignorant probably has a pretty low iq, but we're not going to say that about sherrilyn ifill. we're going to assumey she's just highly self-conscious, confident.
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she n has no idea the fcc doesnt actually license t cable news networks like fox news. on the other hand , she t doesn't carean to a scholar like sherrilyn ifill. what agency does what thing? according toos what law, those are just minor details. they're just background noise. and sherrilyn ifill is not going to let any of it standay in her way. she's gott glass ceilings to shatter. we very much look forward tohrd her confirmation hearings. there's more chaos at the border. divided administration continues to allow massive numbers. id foreign nationals incidentally we don't know to enter our country permanently t. ry one person w at least in this country was on a terror watch list. brand new story broken by charlie leduff who joins . now tucker carlson is tackling the tough topics on his exclusive fox nation series. tucker carlson originals go inside the real story behind gang violence. green energy scams, illegal immigration, lawlessness in our
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cities and so much for now. in an all new episode of tucker carlson originals globalist open borders soros is the man stands for all that . george soros is the billionaire currency trader who has spent decades waging a kind of war spending billions trying to eliminate national borders to oust a democratically elected leaders. one unlikely country is fighting back . that country is hungry. watch as tucker goes one on one with prime minister viktor orban and exposes the truth behind the less globalist ideals. so your success is a challenge to their will. tucker carlson originalsocide tt hungary versus soros streaming now exclusively on fox nation. now exclusively on fox nation. sign up today and unthinkable took the lives of six million and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering poverty. called on people who believe to act on his word
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comfort comforting my people. when i come here and i sit with lilli, i realize what she needs right now. wh these elderlyic are new six million dollars a day which iso impossible. all this nowserv is how god's children are living this timeri to sendst a survival food back to these forgotten. the international fellowship of christians and urgently need your gift of twenty five dollarsca to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials the critically needed water diet for one month with no vitamins, no questioning. th so my legs and some very weak boy make sure we bring back a
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little bit of hope and bringing them a little bit of food to become part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. just twenty five dollars you the essential foods they desperately need ford one month. t that's less than a dollar a day. and i just want to encourage all of you to join with me. i'll explain the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and . god tells us to take care of them to feed the hungry and i pray holocaust survivors will be given basic needs that they so desperately pray for it to survive reporting on the issues you care about. there's a lot to cover, a lot there's a lot to cover, a lot of headlines it's been nearly two years
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since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. instead of helping students get back in the classroom, the school boards spend their time renaming schools and playing politics. schools that weren't even open. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and maliga. our kids cannot wait any longer for new start.
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zero seven eight six to get a special introductory offer or go to sixty up .com to learn for you the border is out of control, has been for a full year and getting more dangerous by the day. >>n, bill melungeon, one of the only reporters tracking is following several developments for us tonight live from the border. he joins us now. ig hey, bill tucker . good evening to you. so tni body cam video that you first aired on your show last night has now gone completely viral and it's raising someus serious questions about the lack of transparency from the federal government when it comes to the moving of illegal immigrants around the country.
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just take a look at that video one more time. this is out of westchester county , new york .wh this isat in august. and what you're looking at isca police body camm video ofde a chartered government flight landing in the middle of the night at the airport there withdig t that flight full of illegal immigrants who get off and go on busses. well,us that police officer is supposed to be security there and he starts talking to these tsfederal contractors asking essentially what the heck is going on here and those t contractors tell them they're basically trying to sweepth this under the rug and keep it out of the spotlight o. >> take a listen. you don't want to be somewhere where like no, i get you said that we don't know what we don't want to do to distract attention like we don't even know where we're going. and speaking of releases of illegal immigrants, take a look at this video we shot at sanni antonio airport this morning where we got a tip that ice wasn going to be dropping off a busg load of single adult male
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illegal immigrants. that's exactly what we saw you can see dozens of those men being released by ice. they'reelea no families, no lite children, no women, all men. there was an ngo there waiting to greet them. that ngo thenm took them intoor the airport in a single file line and they are now free to travel across the country wherever they want to go. an ice source tells me theseou discrete mass releases have been happening since last year and that source also told meea that ice is releasing criminal is releasing illegal immigrantse who have criminal records for misdemeanors. some of those misdemeanorsau include assault, drunk driving,t illegal reentry and drug possession. i reached out to icece this morning to ask if that's true . they did not deny it. they only told me they release these migrants on a case r by case basis that i sourceel went on to tell me they feel the agency has been turned intoe a travel booking agency rather than an immigration enforcement agency. send it back to you
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on the border. amazing story. thank you .. ifwh you think about it, what ae the two great crises of the last 20 years? the two things the u.s. government spent more time and money on than anything else and those of course,te would be terrorism and covid. so if you want toan fight terrorism, you probably should keep track of who's coming into your country and just not let millions of random people whosee identities you can't confirm come and stay. who are these people? we don't know. o here's one thing we know one of the peopleg who's been let into this country by the biden administration, according to a brand new blockbuster story in dublin, detroit is on the terror watchet. his name is sam bozie. he's from venezuela. gittings reportedly on the fbiat terror watch list forch affiliation with some unspecified terror group. he's nowon wie awaiting an asylm hearing in detroit. forhe further details this week, we want to go to the man who broke the story. charlie leduff won a pulitzer prize at the new york timesze and host of the news hours
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and he broke this . he joins us tonight. charlie, thanks so muchh for coming on . who is this guy? how to w you get here? what do we know about the guym? is a lebanese born venezuelanve national who gets word that the biden administrationrr is giving asylum to venezuelans. he , his daughter and his wife fly to monterrey, mexico, hire a smugglersm, get rafted over into brownsville, texas, wants asylum. they pick them up, run him. n he's not on the terror watch list they hit comes back . hi. derogatory information affiliated with an unspecified group classified information. important thing here, tucker , is we're all wondering who got in the terrorist get in . we now know the government has a known terrorist that they let go. why? because he's a high covid risk. why? because overweight. so now in my community we get this guy nobody i know in the
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federal government probably nobody youer know has ever hearb of letting somebody high up on the terror watch list into the interior of this country. it's ridiculous. so. how so? he is in the state of michigan, which is an officer weekly presumably that last word he was in your state, which is a very long way from brownsville, texas.u >> how did he get from there to where you are? hello. i thank you for the ticket. important to say the fbi interrogated this guy right? w they didan not want him release. lo local ice said he's a flight risk but the great wisdom of washington this is the new normal is just an unbelievable story and we're great at about thank you for bringing that to us . well,eat does appreciate an enormous historically large convoy of truckers is driving across canada. the protestsro, municipal
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the good news is blood clotser can be prevented knowingom the risk symptomatic on average, one person in the united stateseo dies of a blood clot every six minutes. don't look at me more . someone you know learn more . it's gotten much out of work to spread the viktor orban is the prime minister of hungary .b he's ael nationalist. simply stated, i he believese his job is to take care of the people who live in his country. there are10 about ten million of them. every decisionf he he makes, he says, is designed for their benefit. he thinks in termsnk just hungary . >> soo george soros is the polar opposite of that . a billionaire. he's also like viktor orban, an ideologue. he's got sincere beliefs. but again, they are the opposite of viktor german's beliefs. so the two of them have been atl loggerheads for years now. it's quite a conflict. orban versus soros orr bonn maybe the onlyy world leader who stood up to soros directly. and soug weht thought that was interesting enough. it wasen enough of a metaphor fr the struggle that's going on globally between
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nationalists, people who oppose them. we thought it was worthy of w or season finale documentary for our seriestu tucker carlson originals you can stream for free on tucker carlson acom here's part of it. orbanes party fidesz has used his parliamentary supermajority to crack down on soros backedck ngos in twenty eighteen d they passed something called the stop soros lawhi that made t a felony to aid or abet illegal immigration. that law i infuriated the international media that is growing phenomenonembe of illibl democracy. these measures convince the open society foundation to close its office in budapest. globalist organizations around the world described the law as vicious and quote calculated assault on civil society. the battle between george soros and viktor orban is a contestgy of ideology. and it's far from over . the western liberals cannot taccept that inside the western
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civilization there's a conservativere national alternative which is more successful at everyday life at the level of the then liberal ones. that's the reason why they criticize us . so your success t is a challengw to their wolf in the spring of 2020 two, hungary will hold parliamentary elections despite what you hear in american news outlets. borbon is not an autocrat. in fact he stands a decent chance of losing. so what we have done here in this country, family policy, the national pride and all that kind of and it must be enoh to convince the people that is a reasonable decision to support us and not to give thehe country to george soros. a hungarian elections willti be the defining battle in the war between george soros and viktor orban in the battle between globalism and nationalismtt.
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> george soros isn't justy flexing its muscles in hungary. sources is one of the most political figures in the united states. soares has more influence over the wayni americans live their lives than all the voters in your average congressional district combined. so why is soros so powerful? it's not because his ideas have popular support. they don't source is powerful because he's a billionaireer. n soros buys his power and that is not the way a democracy is supposed to work. what's interesting isli how little you hear about what george soros is doingme right now in american politics. you may have noticed that and there's a reason for it. news organizations that attempt to report honestly on george soros find themselves bombardeda by soros lawyers and alliesct threatening legal action and smear campaigns. askio around the most news organizations were intimidated by this and you can see whyre they are anyone who dares to criticize george soros is denounced as a bigot t. they claimbi that disagreeing with an atheist billionaire is an act of prejudice. it's hate.
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george soros may be one of the richest, most influentialmo men in the world, but he would likeop you to know that he's alo an oppressed victim of your unauthorized pinions. just like if you're not forar going to war in ukraine, you're a tool a. >> putin police we see e this routine a lot. in fact, every day sources, allies are doing it to us right now at maximum volume in response to our documentarytt in haiti. we expected that and we don't care. youor have a right to know exactly what george soros is doing to this country and other countries around the world and we think we've got an obligation to tell you so we're going to continue tond we canads just imposed a vaccine mandate for truckers' i. s this ino addition to so many other lunatic caronna restrictions. na well, finally, they've had enough thousands of truckers assembled in vancouver this weekend to protest. they formed a freedom convoywhe their destination, the canadian capital of ottawa. the convoy c c more than 40 mils long.
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they've raised more than6 six million dollars mimi in donations. the government is cracking down trying to stop this . now the prime ministerca so-called of canada justin trudeau says he said a covertnar exposure needs to isolate for five days. that means he cannot meetno witt the convoy with actual votersit when it arrives in the capital city. trudeau also told his country the truckers are just a fringe group. the small fringe minority of people who are on their way to ottawa who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of canadians those so they're not really canadians probably racist too. ? that .'ll hear benjamin dichter is a spokesman for the freedom convoy. he's going to joinn i tomorrow, but he joins us now. mr. blitzer, thanksor so much fr coming on tonight. to tell us why you're doing this . what's the point of this convoy ? well, it's simple.e i mean, we've seen canada go from a country of justin
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trudeau's promises of sunny ways into dark authoritarian oppression and control. yes, we wanton do we want to do things we want to get rid of the vaccine mandates and the passports and the passports. that's really concerningas one . yesterday it was my first time m ever crossing the border in my truck with my digital passport and i held my phone up to t the border agent too give him a qr code. you know what he said to me? oh , it's i okay.t i don't need it. so what do you mean you don't need it? so your truck your phoneoh, already popped up on my screen y and is correlated withou your passport. can you b think of that to believe that's a they know everybody is coming up to the border before they're there and they're trackingnd them now maybe it's outlandish but what's to prevent the governmentat from introducig that across the candidate across canada and not limiting? to just borders?re and you guys are getting it as well and you can thank usca for it because apparently according to our sourcesppar wis
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the media and within government, we have some some close ties. apparently the trudeau government by the new administrationmi had no t interest in it. but the trudeau trudeauhe government lobbied and requested the biden administration to introduce this . wethin don't know why. don't know the terms of goi the deal. are they going to be trading intelligence back and forth between canada, us tracking'sll? cell phones? of c course we have no idea. w but this is where we're goingto if this does not stop. that'sth why this is the line. . this is where it ends. well, i mean two things. one , you know, you drive a truck for a living,ou your country and ours, you know, thousandsnt of multipleal credentialed intellectuals who are paid to think aboutshi this stuffnk. why is it for you to connectct the obvious dots? god bless you for that . and second, do you think that you can stop this with your trucks t? d what is it follow to follow us because we're the ones who actually suffer the repercussions. you know, we often seeussisi and
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talk about alberta being canada's energy sector. i was in alberta a and saskatchewan just before covid and tucker, i spent a lot of time traveling through latin america. i couldn't believe iti. it looked like a third world country. and that was before covid. so now these people have had d their industries crushed, their lives crushed covid comes along and now they're treate like insects by the bureaucracyy . exactly. by insects. then you're a doctor.i i hope you will come back .s i found that really inspiring your bravery and the way that you explained this clearly. thank you very much. you're a hero to all of us ands. don't thank me. thank all thosehe guys were on the road right now fighting for our freedom and menht. thank you . thanks for the well all of a sudden you keep hearing joe rogan is a really scary guy. people are failing. news organizations across the spectrum are calling for joe roganan f to be fired frome his job because he's saying things that peopleay like that are true . more on that we get more good news.
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our announcement on kid rock i was attention business owners general steele, the nation's leader in pre engineered steel buildings for over four decades ,lowering prices for a limited time lead seventy seven forty seven to receive your call today, almost every major company is raising prices as inflation gains a foothold in this great country except for one called general steel and seventy seven forty seven steel general steel is lowering prices until the end of the year. that's right. general steel lowering prices at least 10% of our average sale price. this could save you thousands or tens of thousands depending on your project size eight seven seven forty seven steel to secure your price with a deposit and take delivery in the spring. your business has grown by your hard work and faith. you partner that will help your business grow with a space like this . forty by sixty under forty nine thousand or this fifty by one hundred for just ninety two thousand or this one hundred by one hundred
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we've got some good news for you. one thing we you never see in te entertainment business is anybody thinking for themselves. they're all clusteredod togethe. a terrified little heard hoping not to get picked out and devour by twitter. so when one of them stands alone, we applaud and that'shy why multi platinum artist kid m rock and all on good guy is our focus tonight . he's catching walleye from the dock watching the waves t roll up the rocks. now we know what else the devil without a cause has been doing in his free time in november he dropped a single call. don't tell me how to live and had a lot of t great lyricso in it including quote these minyans, their agendas. every opinion has a millennial offended. my gosh, is that true? this week he releasedre more songs including a four minute screed s against the most deserving of all targetsed the media as well as covid hysteriaid h. the tunes called we the peoplet and it's a hit here it is .
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so that man has agreed to let our documentary producers track him in bed with him on his next tour for a new tucker carlson original tickets for that tour go on sale tomorrow. long hair waving middle finger in the wind will be there. it's going to be great. he's great. sosoat. joe rogan has been b committing a lotee since recently. first he made fun of cnn. then he didn't seem quite sold f on vax mandates. o so obviously we need to kill joe rogan and that would include a surgeon general of the united states was calling for big tech to censor him b. >> watch this . this is not just about entertainment. it's abo not just about garnerig clicks. this is about people's lives.
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so we have seen time and time again that misinformation costs people mis their lives. t so you know, we all have this vision about what government can do. this is about companies t and individuals recognizing that the only way we get pasthe misinformation is if we are careful about what we say and we use the powerer that we have to limit the spread ofai that misinformation. that's going to be a critical partt of having get through thin pandemic. >> sode the fake doctor and the undertaker shoots. if you don't censor this person will die. and what are the time in american history the government officials say something like that and be allowed to say something like that and then be parrotedst by everybody else in the mediaoh on some show called a view, vi which is very limited vision. one host called on spotify too just pull rogan off the podcast . i do think as the podcastst platform you have to have some sort of guidelines. how about a disclaimer on on y that says, you know, this is misinformation about removing
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some of the podcastna that disseminate and they have remained and that's what i think those people are complaining about misinformation. what good would a misinformation all the misinformation in our when the people in power. that's what gets us into wars under false pretenses. that'siv what gives us medicine that doesn't work. that hurts huge numbers of americans that is misinformed comes from the people in charge of a podcast on spotify. victor davis hanson is a senior fellow at the hoover institution ser. he joins us to assess what we're watching now. professor, thanks so much forr, coming. this one, joe? joe rogan all of a sudden needs to be destroyed, says the surgeon general. ct yeah, i think three adjectives describe them. he's uncontrollable., is unpredictable and he's powerful. and as long as he was sort of flirting with the candidacy of bernie sanders or bad he had a smaller t audience, they thought he would be useful in some way and now he's a
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complete maverick. he didn't go through the t traditional avenues to achievehe fame and fortune and influence and they can't control him. f and it's so asymmetrical because i remember remember that petition where a thousand health care workersmb were too us for the mental health off people. they could violate the quarantine v. er they forced everybody else to follow right after the george floyd death d whenhe they greenlighted going out in the street and in a phalanx yelling and screaming against the quarantine that was okay. or anthony falchuk telling us that malik had no efficacy at firstst and then one mask. why not try to so it's it's asymmetrical and this idea that he's doing something wrongh or he's creating bad ripplesci throughout society. i remember the shakespeareet in the park. youpu remember that summer play they put on two years ago of julius caesar where they originally stabbed the united states every nightht on their presentation or game of thrones had a decapitated head of george bush. and i thought that was funny and i remember that kendrick
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lamar to a butterfly album and they had a dead white judge who looked on the white house grounds who looked like j ronald reagan with a lot of african-american youth toasting him with cash and champagne and that earned him an invitation to a white house where barack obama w said he wai his favorite rapper. so it's not symmetrictr and they're angry because they can't control them. he's as i said,ca his own predictable and he has a special demographic. these eighteen to forty year old men, especially of allec different races, ethnicities.ha and i think that's a rising rubric. and when you look around at all the traditional outlets, you know, the conservative or libertarian movement, people are tuned out the drudge report, the sad demise of rush limbaugh. howard stern is sort descending and he's the up and coming. p the problem with the left hand is not that he has 11 million listeners or two hundred million downloads per month, but it's the beginning. it's gettingds bigger and bigger and he's becoming a pop cultha
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figure that they don't know g what he's going to say at any given moment and they're dying. cbs news won't exist in ten years, of course. thank god. thank you . at be right back in are you over the age of 50 and considering buying an annuity in the next 60 days? i have some important news for you. don't buy an annuity until you understand the pros and cons of annuities. all now for this free book on maximizing your income in retirement. annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers from leading financial firm jadi mellberg that's right free this book reveals little known truths about annuities and simple to understand terms. grab a pen right now because we're about to offer you this free book that unlocks
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your show. other shows enjoy sports that we will never do lose again before we go on youtube. >> oh we are out of time but it's a mixed blessing because sean hannity has a fulled s hour plus five seconds starting now. thanks, tucker . we appreciate it. we'll take all the time we can w get. all right. welcome to "hannity"elity.. bige breaking news on multiple fronts tonight . joe biden continues to see his dismal approval numbers crater even more , including in one key battleground state. so how low can joe go? full coverage straight ahead. and far left failures all across the west coast are nower more undeniable than ever. comedian adam carolla will join us to sound off on all of this california craziness. as goes california, so goes the rest of the country. controversy tonight surrounding trans athletes in women's sports are


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