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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 28, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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paid by law enforcement to keep us safe. try to think somebody in blue this weekend. try to thank somebody in blue this weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: life is funny, isn't it? sometimes, you don't know what to believe. when something strange happens, people start searching for answers. they don't find the answers they like, they start making things up. that's how we ended up with conspiracy theories. i'm sure you heard plenty of them. bigfoot, who i kind of believe
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believe in but need to see better video. did the moon landing really happen in 1969, or was it faked? that's crazy. loch ness monster. >> what he want from us, monster? the monster said "i need about $3.50." >> jesse: don't get me started on the martians. i'm open to believing those. i just want to see proof besides james carville. we are just looking for the truth. >> the truth is out there. >> jesse: conspiracy theories can be fun, crazy, but sometimes true. many times, theories are about things the media might lose money over. what starts as a crazy idea isn't crazy at all. what's going on with joe biden and the cartels? i'm not saying joe biden's actively colluding with the cartels, although there is more
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evidence of this thing and there was colluding with russia, but just look at his policies and who benefits. as always, follow the money. it certainly sounds like both the cartels and the democratic party are mutually benefiting from what's unfolding along the border, and so are the chinese. since troy took over took over, nearly 2 million migrants have been caught crossing the country. hundreds of thousands more we just missed. >> president biden: i would in fact make sure that we immediately surged to the border. all those people are seeking asylum. they deserve to be heard. >> jesse: that was only the start. biden to construct a policies, because pride, vanity, fear mostly, fear that the far left would revolt against him. who has benefited from these
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open border policy? that would be the cartels. drug and human trafficking are fattening the bank accounts of mexico's most dangerous syndicate. last year, kansas senator roger marshall estimated that cartels are charging central american families anywhere from $3,000 -$9,000 to get people into the u.s. with over 2 million people crossing and about $9,000 per person, you can see why the cartels got involved. drugs are flooding in at a nasty clip, bringing in another 19-$20 billion for the cartels. back cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl killed hundreds of thousands of americans. addicts are shipped to mexican courts, cartels drive inland and then move towards our border,
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north. profits are sent back south. then, they get washed. a congressional committee that chinese brokers are plundering mexican drug money through china's financial system. why are we letting this happen to mark biden was caught cold flying single adult male migrants into new york in the dead of night, president biden. >> don't want to be in the spotlight. >> i get it. we don't even know where we are going with this. >> jesse: i have children. they act sneaky when they know they are up to no good. >> i guess the secret --
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[bleep] -- you know what i mean? >> why? >> you know why. >> i know, but why smart >> everybody gets the secret. >> jesse: why is vitamin training us to mark these migrants can invoke the new york city elections. they want citizens from other countries voting in american elections. 800,000 new voters here. they have also had consensus or depressed. they could go to college on my dime. we rack up college debt, but biden traffics dreamers who get tuition breaks? not only that, i migrants can hold up a liquor store in manhattan with a handgun and he's only charged with a misdemeanor. and, he can't get deported because we are a sanctuary city.
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joe biden's running a human smuggling operation. the cartels hand in to biden at the border, and then buy it and put them in buses and planes, and then sprinkles them all over the country. it's happening right in front of our own eyes. the legals come in and help businesses keep wages down -- just what the donors want. i guess they got what they paid for. biden takes cash so you can top taxes too. then, they wire the money back south so other families can pay cartel coyotes and boom, another caravan, another batch of democrat voters. isn't this foreign interference in our elections? [laughs] biden's soft on china and cartels while his family make money there, but americans get hurt. the donors make a profit. maybe, this is why the democrats don't care about border security. maybe, this is just one big conspiracy theory.
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buck sexton, cohost of the "clay travis and buck sexton's show, because courts and former cia analyst, joins me now. am i crazy? >> buck: no, especially doing the comparison that trump's russian collusion was real. somehow, russia might invade ukraine. under joe biden's presidency of course. they were quiet for the most part on those issues under the trump presidency. when you look at what joe biden, right now, he was doing, the decisions he has made -- cross the board, he has made it easier for cartels to smuggle people in the united states lucrative for them, by the way. he has made sure that they are all over the country, with people coming into this country illegally. he has make sure that, at a number of levels, the american people are not aware what's going on. if he was there, if he was an
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agent of influence, he is doing a fantastic job -- [laughter] -- making sure people think the border is secure, but it's not. >> jesse: what i said during the trump administration, trump would say "let's see if we can work together, putin." they would say "but he is a traitor." biden is effectively working with cartels, helping them smuggle people into the country to the benefit of his donors, to the benefit of the democratic party. the prophets get washed, and biden's soft on china covers up the lab leak there. it does not take a genius to put this together, but buck, if i can put this together, anybody can. is anybody looking into this? >> you have to wonder, at one point, it's too much for the american people, the dishonesty of the border and the federal government under joe biden. the biden regime's refusal to do anything about it.
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when you say the way this could provide a some of benefit, you have to wonder: do they have some code name for biden?" [laughter] this is a guy who, if the cartels were being pulled, he would be the favorite they've had. remember, trump shut it down. he shut down the illegal crossings in this country. biden comes in, says he will halt deportations, kick the door is wide open. i've got to tell you: i don't know, jesse. it is his favorite liquor tequila? >> jesse: el presidente numero uno. when you mentioned trump, that's a good point. he locks down the border, threatened to designate the cartels as terrorist organizations, started a trade war with the chinese, went after fentanyl pretty hard, and all of a sudden, all these other powerful forces throughout the country conspired to get that guy out of there lickety-split. it makes you think "was he on to something"?
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there's a lot of money trafficking through our southern borders. does have to do with the fact that mexico is our biggest trading partner besides canada? there's just too much money at stake to go after the cartels? >> buck: if we are using the standards set in the trump years, you had the president accused constantly by the democratic media apparatus of collusion with russia. in reality-land, there were a couple of hundred russian paramilitaries loan out by the u.s. in the syrian desert. we had the trump administration sent over sniper rifles and javelin antitank missiles to ukrainians, which the obama administration which joe biden was a part of was too afraid to do because it would anger russia. on the cartel collusion -- what you were putting out there, he could not be much more helpful to them. if it were more obvious that he
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were doing things in the interest of drug cartels, and might be consequent this. no, it is the worst of all possible situations where biden makes the border wide open, makes sure cartels are richer, more powerful and influential than they've ever been. we had the worst year of drug overdoses in this country last year, and biden looks in the camera and starts whispering something, and people say "i guess he's on it." he's not, and he doesn't care. >> jesse: i want to be clear: i'm not accusing him of conspiring with drug cartels and the chinese. i'm saying i'm connecting the dots. there's a lot of questions that don't add up, or maybe they do. if i were president, i would launch drone strikes against the cartels and special forces operators and would do something about it. >> he's not on the payroll of the cartels. it's not a ukrainian energy company. [laughter] >> jesse: may become a hunter is working for -- [laughter] kidding, but you never know. buck sexton. >> buck: seen all of it though. it's be one of the cia was
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involved with some stuff in the '80s, but we don't like to talk about it. buck my thanks so much. check out buck's radio show. joining me tonight, house minority leader kevin mccarthy, soon to be speaker of the house, we like to say. kevin, you saw what we just put out there. are you seeing seeing? is this happening at the southern border? >> rep. mccarthy: it's happening, but it's even worse. what's going on goes even further. people are coming here illegally with unbelievable numbers. i took a group of republican congressmen down there a year ago last february. what we discovered -- when you talk to individuals coming across and asked them why they came, they said "because joe biden advised me." they believed that based upon what he said. it's not just that. if you talk to mayors of those cities, they have closed schools for more than 41 days because the cartels are having shoot-outs coming across the
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border. the fentanyl is coming from china. i have a senator who told me before covid, they were on a task to china. there is a general and the chinese army that said "america is weak, because you believe in god and take fentanyl." you know what's happening? there are no longer any border cities. every city is a border city. there is an affront to not to kill every american seven times over. the article in my hometown paper today is a mother inviting people to come to her son's funeral to hear about how he died from a fentanyl, not knowing he was taking it. it's happening in every city. you are missing one point about this too. people are coming from 160 different countries. we are catching people on terrorist watch lists. at the press conference -- democrats said "i was lying when we broke up that we had caught to go people from yemen on different dates. why are they coming here?
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who are they talking to? what do they have planned?" this administration "will not tell us the numbers of who they are catching going forward. i reached out to the cia and fbi, and they denied those numbers, which is wrong." they should give them to us. >> jesse: you have to hold these guys accountable when you take power back next year. i want to see that, and i will be pissed if it doesn't happen. >> rep. mccarthy: we can't wait until that day. >> jesse: that is good. >> rep. mccarthy: congratulations on your show. well done. >> jesse: thank you. i love people congratulating me. [laughter] media has designated sarah palin america's biggest public health threat. more dangerous than smoking, cancer, and heroin.
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>> jesse: we just told you all the ways our open borders huge a threat to the country: cartels trafficking people and fentanyl into this country, a deadly drug epidemic. if you ask the liberal media, the biggest threat to america's public health right now is sarah palin eating outdoors after testing positive for covid. >> we hope anybody who has covid as i silting for their own safety and the safety of new yorkers. i find it irresponsible that sarah palin refuses. >> she doesn't care. she's part of a big segment of the republican party that is deliberately downplaying the virus, endangering people who admire her. >> in new york, you're supposed to isolate for five days after a positive test, but that is not how alaska's top hockey mom doesn't. here is typhoid mary. [laughter] >> jesse: don't worry about
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kamala's border policy, letting drugs and gangs into america. it's sarah palin that's going to kill you! joining me now, former presidential candidate aunt -- important title the robertson government, michelle bachmann. has anybody understood the omicron -- you get dismissals, that the country does not quarantine the basement for five days? do they think she's going to be on a ventilator? >> rep. bachmann: [laughs] exactly. 991-year-old mom just got omicron. my 91-year-old mom just got omicron. she had sniffles and was done. everyone has different reactions, but sarah palin is to be commended. she's trying to act like a normal human being in the greatest city in america: new york city. she's going out to eat at a wonderful boutique italian restaurant.
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if anybody remembers, 2.5 years ago, that's what we were all doing. we are acting like a normal human beings going out to each. i think one thing we have seen is, unfortunately, too many people in responsible positions of power have misused their power. we have been like to come to the american people. at this point, i think it is time we start resuming normal american life, like going out to eat at a restaurant and acting like normal human beings rather than cowering in our basements. >> i think the open borders policy that, is pushing, she is a czar. [laughter] that's bringing in a lot more death and destruction than pay death and destruction than sarah palin's droplets outside. as a woman, you are looking at the first female vice president. as a woman, do you think that she has represented women well in her bowl?
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generally speaking? >> i don't necessarily look at her as a woman or as a man. i look at her as the vice president of the united states. i think it's very clear: the american people have voted in poll after poll. they find her wanting. she is seemingly incompetent, doesn't seem well read on her topics, and she hasn't done anything about america's biggest problem in america today. we opened with the fact that nearly 2 million people have come into our nation. sarah palin may have been asked for a vaccination card when she went up to the restaurant. joe biden does not ask anyone illegally coming into our country for a vaccination card. let's face it: this was the democrats voter registration drive. that's all we are seeing. it is crass. that's what it is. the problem is kamala harris and
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joe biden are effectively the junior partners of the cartel, though junior partners, because they take over at the border. they are taking bus tickets, carrier pigeon tickets to an ever illegal aliens want to go. plus, in some cases, they are giving them precharge credit cards. it's like nothing we've seen. the biggest branding enterprise that drove at joe biden and kamala harris did was this farce to say they were going to pay people a $450,000 per illegal separated from their child. >> jesse: it is crazy, they can fly unvaccinated migrants to new york and go out to dinner, but sarah palin, a former governor cannot go out to dinner! [laughter] >> rep. bachmann: that's right. iris is hopeless. >> jesse: thank you so much, michelle bachmann. major update on the infected monkeys that escaped by biden's hometown.
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>> jesse: black lives matter broke onto the scene after the death of george floyd in 2020. that year alone, raised more than $90 million, and more money at the next year. you thought a lot of the money would go to the families of those people whose deaths they are fund-raising off of: tamir rice, george floyd, michael brown. you would be wrong. tamir rice's mom has bashed black lives matter, saying they have not sent them a dime. where is the money going? we know that blm cofounder patrice colors got busted for going on a real estate spending spree, splashing $3.2 million down on upscale properties all over the country. thanks to an investigation by the "washington examiner," we know that $60 million of blm's
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work chest is currently missing. just like that, it's gone. maybe, we should send somebody to their headquarters to investigate. wait, there is no headquarters. that address is gone. it doesn't check out. we don't know who's running their whole operation or their cash flow right now. they are not answering anyone's questions. we are going to have to ask them, and will be paying them a visit, whoever they are, and wherever they are. here now, sarah westwood, "washington examiner"'s investigative reporter. you are saying "we don't know who runs it, whether headquarters are, and don't know where the money went." is this true? >> this is a skillful reporting from my colleague, who found this stunning lack of -- nonprofit group, a group that took -- dollars out of the dash good intentions -- 2020-2021.
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when patrice -- last spring, she said two activists were going to be taking over for her in an acting capacity. both said they never took the job at the blm nonprofits, and had no idea if anyone ever did. the two remaining board members would not say who is in charge. like you mentioned, the address that the blm nonprofit listed on its tax forms, the location of its books -- we sent our reporter there to check it out. the security guard said there has never been, at any point, a blm office at that location. a lot of unanswered questions about who is in charge and where that money is going. >> fake charity address. no one knows where the money went. it was like a smash and grab. they did off the backs of people they were trying to save. it's really disgraceful. i want everybody to know, when they donate to charity, you got
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to vent these people. you can't do it over the internet, especially when these pop up organically. grace reporting by you and your colleague. we appreciate it. as you know, i've been reading your texts all week, and the two biggest items are this: you are fired up about correction, which we have covered, and you want to know what happened to that truck full of infected monkeys in pennsylvania. here is a little refresher in case you missed it. >> i go to see, check the cats out, and i am sticking my finger in because i see. i hear a monkey doing a hissing noise. i back away. i told the guy that they were not cats, they were monkeys. speak of at good samaritan got pink eye. here's what we know. the four potentially infected
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monkeys were put down, but the 96 -- that survived may be destined for an even darker fate. they are headed for a lab where they may be subjected to painful end of the experiment. we decided to bring on the animal organization peta to see if they can help us get to the bottom of what is going on. here now, kathy gary medel, senior vice president of pito. my understanding they come from africa, an island off the coast near madagascar. they bring them here, jfk probably. i don't know. they get loose during this crash, and they are all infected with, some wicked diseases. they were headed to florida for some experiments. number one, i would a putdown? number two, what kind of experiments were taking place? >> that's a good question. they did to come into jfk. they were going from there to a quarantine facility in missouri without having been checked over
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or vented. we believe there were three monkeys. they said four originally were shot. i think that's probably because they are a danger to human beings. they are primates like us. they have their families, their loved ones. they can also carry deadly viruses. that's why the monkeys were shot, and we would like to know where the rest are going. the kinds of experiments done in this country are a waste of time, money. incredibly cruel disease research and psychological drug addiction. nothing that's going to help us as people. >> they are doing research to find out about cocaine addiction, heroin addiction, and think we can gain knowledge from that. what other kind of experiments are we doing? what kind of diseases do they have that humans need to be worried about? >> we know, aside from these monkeys coming in, who may very well harbor viruses come up monkey colonies, laboratories in california and arizona, texas,
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louisiana, washington state, have infectious agents like cholera and a salmonella. these are a huge problem for the people inside of laboratories, but also for the rest of us. the monkeys are crisscrossing from lab to lab across this country all the time. the kinds of experiment we are seeing are huge in failures. we know the 95% of new medications that test safe and effective in animals are failing in humans. a lot of these monkeys are being used for hiv and aids experimentation, which monkeys don't contract. that's why we don't have a vaccine against aids right now. >> we are potentially risking another lab leak. 18-wheeler leak. hopefully, not doing more gain of function. thank you so much for coming on and enlightening us. the audience has been asking a lot about the monkeys. i appreciate you coming on.
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i want to upset you. i ask that you take your ear piece off, and do not watch the next segments, because i'm going to eat an alligator.
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>> jesse: we are worried about what our kids are learning in school, but we should also worried about what they are eating. new york parents -- has been documenting his children's disgusting school lunches. look at these things! weird mush, little breadsticks, scaly chicken nuggets. this is lunch from a new york
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middle school. here is a meal from an idaho prison. tell me what you think looks better. [laughter] prison food looks better than what we are giving children, and they have not committed any crimes yet. the latest number shows that american taxpayers pay about $17 billion on two federal unch school programs combined. is this the best we can do? l we should be able to afford surf and turf. what's going on with this food, and what is it doing to the minds, bodies, and souls of our kids? what can we do about it? join in and out to break it down is dr. kate shanahan, abc metabolic health center medical director, "new york times" best-selling author of deep nutrition, a book i love. that looked horrible, was not even real food. what would that do to a child's body if they are eating that every day.
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>> it's not real food. that's what junk food looks like. i want to break down why i say it's junk food. we talked about junk food, we are not scientific about why it is bad for us. there are two horrible things that -- there is a main ingredient in that meal. one is a whole bunch of empty calorie carbohydrates, the sugar in their mother rice. that is fattening. the other thing that people talk about is the fact that the defining ingredient junk food, the thing that makes it beyond fattening but toxic, are the seed oils. i'm talking about refined factory products that are squeezed out of corn, canola,
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soy, sunflower. these seed oils are toxic, in the sense that they contain toxins that are known carcinogens, known neurotoxins, at levels that exceed thresholds of acceptability. >> jesse: oh, my god. >> dr. shanahan: that's before you cook with them. >> jesse: it's so horrible, when i saw these lunches and the prisoners were getting better lunches, prisoners that had raped and murdered people were getting healthier diets and seven among school children, after $17 billion went to the lunch program. you could give them caviar it with salmon. thank you so much, i love the book. parents need to rise up and do something about that. like you said, it's toxic. thank you. now, we venture into uncharted waters.
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if items record high inflation is giving business holders an ultimatum: raise your prices or die. >> you are forced to go up or out of business. you have to pick and choose which one you want to do. $200 each case. if i buy 20 cases of ribs, $400. spending extra. >> jesse: of course, that means you have to do more. the folks at "the today show" suggest going to ethnic markets to buy cheaper meets. >> shop international and ethnic markets. a lot of times, they will have cuts of meat that are cheaper than a normal. >> jesse: in thailand, they are a step ahead: high pork prices and -- forced them to each crocodile meets. will we be doing this soon in america? we are experiencing a train robberies in 2022, so anything is possible. we tracked down an expert with delicious recipes, larry burke,
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ceo of big pots seafood, and he joins us now. all right, larry. i had i have alligator meat righthere. i believe we have some sausage, and this is nicely seasoned. i'm going to try some. tell me why you think alligator meat might be the new chicken, per se, in this country. >> [laughs] thank you for having us, jesse, from the south. we appreciate it. all you are looking to eat is alligator meat and alligator sausage jambalaya. i hope it's good to. >> jesse: really good. >> do you have the whole alligator? >> jesse: i do. do you want me to cut some? >> you can if you want! right by the tail, warmed it up for you. >> jesse: i'm going to cut it up by the tail. oh, yeah, that's nice.
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>> the hind legs. >> jesse: that's delicious. >> that is a blooding mary alligator. it's made with vodka. if you infuse it with vodka, coat it with blood he marries bloody marys. >> jesse: i knew i tasted something they are. [laughter] >> the alligator is so liam mchugh can cook it and what you want. the nutritional value of the alligator, because i heard you talking about nutritional value earlier, it is great for people like me that are recovering from throat cancer. it allows us, for example, the calories in the alligator meat, it's 232 calories per 3.2 ounces serving. >> larry, it sounds like we should be serving this in school lunches. speak on telling you! the thing about it is, it is great for us who are recovering
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from cancer, and for people that want to be healthy. the protein alone, 46 grams from alligator meat. chicken, pork, meat. it's only 23 grams. >> i love it. larry, my first time eating eater, and it's delicious. thank you for coming on "jesse watters primetime." we might have to eat this at every meal if prices keep going to the sky. thank you, larry. we love it. >> we are here for you. >> go check them out. big pops. west virginia has a special message: dwarfs are very upset, and we are going to have to feed carly some gator. [laughter] yes. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium.
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>> jesse: joined by the lovely and talented carley shimkus, the cohost of "fox & friends first." hope she brought her appetite. we will make her eat leftovers. >> carley: shared at! i have never had alligator before, so this is new for me. >> jesse: and neither have i. it's very good. >> carley: as he gave me a
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knife. >> jesse: i am nervous. >> carley: never. >> jesse: go for the tail. look at you get in there. >> carley: if we are going to do it, we are going to do it. >> jesse: you've done this before. it's a little smoky, and then it settles on your palette nicely. >> carley: it's great! >> jesse: it's like chicken. >> carley: i got a fight he's too. >> jesse: carly carley approves, and forthe ladies outa lot. i would in anything. >> carley: how much would it take for you to eat a claw? >> jesse: this is prime time, we can't. [laughter] the american people are tired of being disrespected. we have documented it, but we are going to lose -- remember when actress bette midler attacked west virginia, calling
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it poor, illiterate, and shut out? jim justice had a little message for her, a little help from baby dog. >> too many people doubted us. never believed in west virginia. baby dog -- bette midler, all the others out there mike has her heinie. [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> jesse: west virginia! >> carley: that is hilarious. also, i think there is a legitimate lesson on how you feel with twitter trolls. we do not legitimize them. kemper buys them so little, you left them off, show a baby doll, and you move on into your life. every time you think of bette midler, you see her face in your mind's eye. he will see the tush tip. >> jesse: no offense, we will keep it clean, but she deserves it.
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>> carley: she said something mean on twitter, not good for a grown adult. >> carley: she gets baby dolls bought. >> jesse: finally, big backlash against actor peter denglish peter he said that the new includes the seven doors" " movie -- seven little people are out of a job after he criticized the "seven dwarves" movie. >> carley: do you remember when quaker oats got rid of him jemima, and the family of one of the women who betrayed her were heartbroken, because they got 0x treatment. they did not see it as racist. there are several people who could've had a job, could've been their dreams. hopefully, disney take that into consideration. >> jesse: did you know that they marinated this in vodka?
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it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time.
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>> it is time for the comeback great winter storm expected to hit the east coast this weekend and experts predict anywhere between 2 inches and 3 feet of snow. very accurate. for new york-based media is freaking out calling it a bomb cyclone. >> developing this morning, there is a bomb coming, a weather bomb, a snow bomb, a bomb cyclone. >> breaking news, a bomb cyclon headed for the east coast. >> good luck with the bomb cyclone. >> is going to be the bomb, and not in a good way. >> if you're out there shovelin your walk this weekend and they blame the weather on climate change or global warming, here is your comeback.
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>> it's january. it snows a lot in january. and don't worry, we're going to update you all about the storm next week because we're sending out donnie and he is going to b our bomb cycling correspondent to write he's going to find the root causes of the snow. this is from my mom cannot remember how hard michelle obam tried to improve school lunches? good point, mom. you're catching on. kelly, from st. louis, missouri i like you, jessica might but eating that alligator wasn't right. for alligator. >> what are you talking about? he would have eaten me pretty. >> melissa, where is the call transcript. why were the covid test and mas
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being sent to americans not being made in america? disgrace. they are made in china, but everything is. who ties your ties, if it's you great job. i'm not hannity, i can tie my own ties. that's our folk tonight, tucker carlson is up next, remember, i'm waters, and this is my world . ♪ >> tucker: welcome to tucker carlson. happy friday. if you've been following the news at all recently you know vladimir putin is just seconds away from invading our closest friend in the world. first the ru


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