tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 4, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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a special shout out to a great american friend of the program ,helen giancola. today she turned 100 years old . she's a loyal viewer. was so happy to have you as always. happy birthday, helen. hand we wish you so many more . god bless you. that's all the time we have for this evening. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, take it away. b i thought smuckers dam was going to come off any moment. it's going to be a willard scott. i love that weny should do that every day. eve i think i like that those are great americans. you watch as you relaxium as ame loyalri fox viewer and i love i. i'm not going to make it to one hundred . you mightx x you're a tiger. you love it. but heart attacks. all right.ut awesome show as always., i'll take it away. i'm laura ingraham and we have a jam packed show for youho tonight from beginning to end. so be sure to stick around to the end of the show for one of the most revealing moments
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in washington that we've seen in some time and it confirms our worst fears about the biden team. but first, beijing silent screams that's the focus ofed tonight's @ngel now. right now it's safe to concludea that most elites in the united states believe joe rogan is a bigger threat to their way of life thann the chinese dictator xi they go to great lengths, after all, to avoid the uncomfortable facts about china's torture and subjugation of the and of course all the political dissidents they'll say something like, well, it's a complex situation in china. it's's a different history, a different culture. and if you know we weren't making money there, someone else woulde. but our joe rogan, they never pull their punches and how dangerous he is and how dangerous his podcast some aging musicians will stop their gnarly feet pushing
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and pushing to get him bannedng from spotify. others will demand red flag warnings are required wherever he's heard. and of course, the radicals in the west wing, they nod right along. >> disclaimer it's a positive step but we want every platform to continue doing more to calll out misinformation and disinformation while also uplifting accurate informationup . solira claims the woman who exhs misinformation and props up narratives for a living that are false. of course, now as the leftou continues to press forrsd censorshipas of independent voices across media outlets are fine with the chinese communiste party having full accessfi to hockey's propaganda across day long the ccp tweet through state run mediahr dummy accounts. they write opinion pieces and some of our biggestun newspapersie. they fund chinese studies programs across academia.
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and starting tomorrow night, s nbc is going to bless this despotic regime with two weeks of nonstop propaganda. but did the queen of disinformation, misaki call out the coming mis and disinformation by biden plan to watch the olympics? usa athletess competing? yes, absolutely. we all do. i'm not going to rule out an olympics outfit here. i would encourage all of you to do the same. yes, we are looking forward to it giddy beaming. but for all her up, soki got a kick in the teeth from the chinese state run mediadi with one outlet saying considering that biden claimed so-called diplomatic boycott ofr beijing 2020 twoin he seems to have a bad memory again. now obviously the diplomatic boycott meant no officialsga would be traveling to beijing b but you get the china sees the biden white house as weak and stupid if the global stage is filled
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with useful idiots eager to stay china's good graces either for money, for power or for both people such as thomas bok, the president of the ioc have made their deal with the devil . we are very grateful for all the efforts having been to undertake by the organizing committee by the chinese people . i must say i'm really touched to see when you look around a and when you speak with the people this is a really the olympic spirit and the welcome culture here. this isn't just embarrassing, it's repugnant, mr bok said those wordsem knowing full well that president xi can make any critic of the ccp or his leadership disappear at any time he can threaten them.
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their families take their jobs ,their homes, even its world famous athletes can be crushed by the regime by china's top female tennis player peng tway ,who back in november made sexual assault allegationsul against a top party official within 30 minutes a, the ccp silenced her . she emerged weeks later and recanted her earlier allegations it was allre kind of the equivalent of a hostage greenlitur government sending our athletes there like nothing happened. and the ioc is helping, of h course, smooth out anyel bad pr for the monster. >>y gee, we really for everything from a very so great for you to enjoy. >> what do you plan to do about the assault allegation and do you planla to ask or seek an investigation? it must be her decision. it's her life.
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it's her allegations. repellent schill this man is for the ccp. it was fewer than two years ago that the people of hong kong were marching in the streets waving american flags, by the way, urging the world to pay attention to what china was doing doing there to crush dissent and freedom. the video of chinese security thugs throwing protesters in vans, dragging them away. it was heartbreaking. but even after president xi crushed the people of hong kong ,after two secretaries ofet state said china is committing against the weaker people and after she began the massivet military buildup in the south china sea, nbc still decided to stick with the plan to celebrate this brutal regimee by paying to broadcast the winter games and just like that , the most oppressive, most powerful communistde
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dictatorship in the world gets a two week promotional push from the network. so this morning the wait is over . we've been talking aboutor for a long time.ou the winter olympics are here if you can believe it. some competition already underway ahead of tomorrow's opening ceremony. if only the reality of the situation, though, reflected nbc's getting our journey from the united. they started with an approval process that took weeks to be fully vaccinated. ho shochu negative pcr tests require a green health qr code and so i've just been so strict lately and definitely make things like going to the olympics not as enjoyable the covid test upon arrival it's been called the brain w scraperhi and let's just say its thorough. no tickets being sold to fans here. athletes are being asked to maska and not even cheer foror their teammates out loud. it's unsettling if there's any doubt about how strict chinese authorities are in regard to preventinghe the spread of the virus. these heavily branded chain
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link walls say it all looks like a blast doesn't on .au the fact is every chance they get our athletes always look for ways to cover for and even celebrate china and by the same token attack the united statesev. it happens at the u.n. it happens at davos, of course, as a whl and top figures in american politics, business and education repeatedly accuse us of systemic b racism. and of course the america first earth is just a bunch of fascist. they follow in the footsteps though of chairman mao by tearing down our historyn and openly questioning whetheran democracy will evend survive. just d like president xi himselu ,they define democracy as a system where only they are in charge. no wonder they don't have a problem with participating in these gamesh. >> democrats and corporations love accusing republicans of
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being on the wrong side of history. how many times have heard that usually they'reim trying to rewrite the constitution or advance some kind of radical agendae? yet as the games in china kick off, they are the oneshe who are on the wrong side of history. they have no problem summoning self righteous indignationo, words of moral condemnation against joe rogan or fox or anti mandate donald trump. do they but china not so much. the angle will never ignore screams of the voiceless. we cannot pretend not to see what's happening in china and to that endn we again urge you to join our not one minute campaign during the next two weeks we can celebrate the olympians when they get home. but don't give nbc or presidentx xi a minute ofi your time and that's the angle. joining us now is cancer
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freedom, nba player for the boston celtics and outspoken critic of china's abuses. and it's great to c see you tonight . how hard is it for these athletes to be put into p a situation by basically the iocut and greedy broadcasters? >> vaxxer giambolo. i mean, first of all, people need to understand this and i say this over and over again . the chinese communist party does not represent all tricorp values of excellence or respect or friendship. the whole world knows no, they're a brutal dictatorship and they engage in censorship. they threaten freedom. they dodi not respect human rights and they hide the truth. and while we're talking right now, there's a happening and you know, we keep talking about ioc, but the ioc is complicit and according to sb54 propaganda and also, you know, people need to understand this , you know, especially the athletes have a huge platform. so i feeltf like, you know,
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i wish one of them came out and said enough is enough and i am not going. but it is what it is like like you said, like everyone said, i'm not going to give one minute of my time to t watch anything. but over the next two weeks well, speaker of the house nancy pelosi, she made a comment about the athletes watch. comment about the athletes. watch. i would say to athletes you're there to compete. do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they are ruthless. i know there is a temptation on the part of somee to speak t out while they are there. i respect that . but i also worry about what the chinese government might do isn't is quite something she admits that they t couldn't put themselveshe in danger by speaking about
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anything other than maybe their competition. and yet we're all supposed to just say isn't this great that everyone's over in beijing ? it's a it's g a confident dissidents. it doesn't make any sense. thosea two points i mean actually this sort of review of just 30 minutes ago when it broke my heart because, you know, athletes do like needs to use their platform to bring awareness of what's going on around the world. and obviously china right nowob is the biggest human rights abuses in the and sost i feel like told at ap my message is, you know, while you're there, take it one , take it one one or two a day and visit the concentration camps if you can, youe know, se what tibetans or hong kong arese going through . take another trip to taiwan, seeko what democracy means. so when i saw that video, it definitely did break my heart. d >> and if a friend of mine is actually in the official
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delegation as a physician and he told me that their entire day consists of going to their residence, their hotel, whatever it's called, and then going to the competition or practiceca and then going back , there is no traveling outside of the of the you know, of the facilities. u there'skn no sightseeing. there's no nothing. so there is no opportunity to talk to chinese people or none. not nothing. that's their experience in china. >> propaganda. pa that'sga all i'm saying propaganda. and obviously, you know, i feel like athletes need to push it, but i don't have haven't seen know brave athletes that came out and said enough and i'm going to just make it through the show the whole world that real china. but all i'm saying is that they're going to usehe
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the propaganda now chinese basketball star, you know, a former nba player, yao ming, he led the olympic torch relay in beijing which was shortened due to covidics restrictions. so you called him out on this on twitter. >> what did you say? but i will say his big body, small heart and kind of brain actually he invited me over china. he invited me over to china and wanted me to visit and i was like, okay, i was actually considering and going. but unfortunately is the puppet of china. i'm actually just like a little kid. he blocked me on instagram and just didn't respond because i wanted to go visit a concentration camp. i wanted to visit hong kongra and tibet and whyti when we are done with china, i wanted too
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take you to taiwan. but t obviously he was too scard to answer me. it's just a shame we just chose one more time though. what kind of puppet is and whata kind of dictatorship that is happening in china. >> it just clearly showso that the whole world a.f. you tried to talk to lebron james about this issue and try to pull him over to the right side on this. not really. i wish you know, not of him, but like you know, there are many nba players and not just in nba but many of the associations that organizations, companiesan and you know, corporate sponsors. i feel like people used to wake up on the right side of history . but obviously when it's too much money involved, it's too much business for more people and also endorsement deals are involved. people are scared to saylso a word. but you know what it is we just acted like we just need to be on the right side of history and keep those people accountable. >> and i want to say you're
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speaking out consistently forthrighto plainly about what this is. >> it's awesome. and i want to thank you very much for doing that . >> thank you for being with us and speaking of evil, it doesn't just reside in china, of course, but right here in our own backyard, i give you paul koh, the assistant superintendent of the wake county public school districtsu in north carolina. he was recently caught revealing the real goal behind forcing toddlers to mask up full mass compliance later downm the growthpl students rights. so when they're it's like if you're a two year old trying to help them practice for age three and then four when they're going to pre-k p classrooms and then from there trying to help them get into situation, wearing masks potentially in a kindergarten classroom and so forth. right. soze that's what we're trying to do. and it's it is with a developmental lenso.
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they're never to question anything the ruler says you get you get it. you know, you get what they're doing now we invited that superintended on to explain his comments, but he declined. but as media director didec respond with the following, taco's role is to liaison with our local and state health departments and share the information that they provided to our local board of education. if you have any questions about the medical recommendations provided, nancy health department, it would be best to ask them directly so c we did that and asked if they agreed with the messaging that we should program kids to get used to macs for years and years to come math forever. well, you won't be shocked to learn they didn't respond directly to our question and instead responded with boilerplate nothing. now this all isn't justus antiscience. it's child abuse. we're robbing children of basic human interaction. it's severely detrimental to
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them and we all must resistt this . it's conditioning themon and frankly it's just evil. coming up, the big biden gun grab that we've been telling you about this week just took another ominous turn. plus, why does he want the rest of the country to be like new york city? we're going to explain next . amer i working on friday? see for yourself. who are you? she's from clover clover. is that so i can do this . i didn't know you had dolly is my favorite. they just came in . thank you . i should do a marketing campaign. clover does. you're like a mind. reader. you like it to the receipts from the other store. cool thanks.
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that's right for you at trust. and will .com want to crack down on the floor for relaxium advisors that includes taking on and shutting down rogue gun dealers at is about doing background checks for any of the press, any the press. see, this doesn't violate anybody's second amendment right. we talk like there's no amendment. it's absolute. in other words, the whole bill of rights thing, it's kind of more of a suggestion. obama's comments today were yet another big reveal about what the real goal is cutting your right to bear arms. joining me now is eric pratt, senior vice president of gun owners of america. eric, there was a lot and what he said we have to pick through , but new york has one of the most restrictive gun laws in the countryas. what does biden hope to change
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their . but what's amazing, you're right, the most restrictive gun laws among the most restrictive and it's certainly not making them any safergs, is it?s yeah. biden is basically trying to gut the second amendment. you know, in addition to everything he talked about today, ahis atf has registeredf nearly one billion gun ownerss. records. you talked about that earlier this week. i mean, that's a list that canan always be a prelude to gun confiscation. his atf has proposed a ban on 40 million pistols and by the way, those one million one billion records can show the administered operation. ad who's not complying with that ban? truly, there's a long list of things the biden administration is doing to gun owners, but he needs them as his scapegoat because democrat citiess are setting homicide records and that's embarrassing toth the left. so guessra what biden didn't tak about today? there was nothing about stopping soft on crime policies that are w throwing criminalsow
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back on the street. you know, the lefts has been eliminating bail, reducing penalties demonized and i'm going to get that out of he's not going to do that because that would be yeah, that's admitting. i want to get to some biden fact checks that i think reveal why the democrats would never, you know, have a say in guny regulations. >> here's another momentin from his address. when the amendment was passed, he didn't say anybody can own a gun in any kind of gun kind of weapon. you couldn't buy a cannon and then when this amendment was passed saw no reason why it should be able to buy certain assault weapons. now, erica , they shouldn't have anything to do with gun regulations because even the media fact checkers who agree with biden on all the second amendment nonsense had to flag that one is false. i mean, does he not know the history of american firearms and what people had when he did? butin he's already been called
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on that once and he was given the four pinocchio's on it and he repeated again, forget much of that's apparently a problem with him and quite frankly, he's just absolutely wrong when he talks about t the second amendment not being absolute. alali he obviously hasn't read the second amendment. it said the right oflu people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. that's pretty absolute and that's very important because that amendment really is consistent with the declaration of independence where our founders said that our rights comeende from g. i mean, they're not privileges granted by joe biden. you hear that , joe ? so he likes it when you whisper that gets his attention. but look what our founders said in the declaration is exactly why our rights can't bear compromised becauseat our rights come from a higher authority and no government even joe biden can infringe on those rights. and so biden and his team of federal gun spies hands off our freedoms.
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eric, great to see you tonight . thank you . and another reason we know biden is not serious about reducing crime was this comment . >> you want to help every major city follow new york's lead, put together partnerships like this one you put together a daily basis. just look around. this was a partnership. >> looks like a look around. okay, it was the deadliest year in a decade last year. but we're going to follow their example this year. overall crime is already up. 39% shootings. 32% increase transit crimes. it includes theft, assault, even murderin are up joining me now is vince ellison is the author of the new book called twenty five . vince, why is the default democrat position to pushit the rest of the country toio become places of more suffering and despair like new york city ? well,e the democrat party ,
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they formed an unholy alliance with this group called triangle . most black preachers, moste. black politicians and most black civic organizers. they have always used terror toh keep the black community under control and crime is a type of terror. now all of caring about crimeg is a ruse. they know that the american people don't. p they know the american people are afraid of it. so they're going to tell themra we're going to stop it if w they get in power, you're going to see this type of crime in every city in america because this is how they maintainin i control. they've always used terror. they've always used murder. they've always used intimidation. this is their stick. they are not u going to change it. so they want to tell you, hey, you know, everything's going to be fine. you guys just join us and everything will be cool. no, it never has been cool. it never will be cool. new york , chicago, detroit, you name. they've always been bastions of crime and they've always kept control through terror. and this a terror is another mechanism and another to for them to maintain control
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because as you see, they still have control events when when they're talking about the problems in the inner city, it's always the government has to do more . the government has to step in . but it's never to empower individuals black, white, brown , whatever to be self-sufficient and be able to protect themselves, including single moms instead of putting roadblocks in front of them. so they have to be dependent on the government. and if you're against that , they say you're against black people and that refrain you hear sometimesre during black history month, you say to that , well, you know, in my book twenty five laws talk about the law. joe biden tells you know, you stood in front of his home to say that if you don't vote for v a bill that would allow him to steal elections, you are racist. that is a lie. he said that if you're black and don't vote for him, you're not black. that is a lie.
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another lie is that he says that racism is a problem here in america. that's not the problem i. the problem is. black male cowardice, white men and racists are not destroying the black neighborhoods in america. they're not doing the crime. they're not doing the and grabs. cr it's black men and doing slavery and jim crow. they were also the ones that allowed the to comend in and destroy their neighborhoods, destroy their town and now they're doing it themselves. this has to be addressed. john adams when we made our constitution, john adams this constitution is designed for more than upright people is wholly inadequate for any other. they destroyed the family. they destroyed the churches. they destroyed the economic system. they destroyed the educational system. they want control. they they they made themselves another plantation in inner cities and they're not going to let go. our freedoms come from god. they're irrevocable noninterest unsettable according to johnra lott, i am a free man. i'm an american. i don't ask permission in my own house. i got two things that will
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get you off of me if you come try to t take my freedom. i got my i got jesus christ and i got my thirty eight comes right up preach i love it. twenty five lies go out and get this book then you got me going. this is how is great. we love having you come back . i thought you like that look you had me you got me there. l i'm like i'm in church. i' good. all right. thank you . and the federal reserve vice chair isn't supposed to be a glamorous job but you worryab about stable prices and unemployment, right? so why did biden nominate a woman who wants to totally do away with fossil fuels and remake the entire u.s. economy? that's all. well,th you won't want to miss our exposé on congressman jamie raskin's wife. >> who is she next ? biden is the most protected person in the country.
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she was given rights and favor jobs. well, beyond his credentials. but just as founding, you really can't find any business venture that does not revolve around his father's political power. tens of millions from the ukraine, china, washington entities hunter valley functional human categories, sex addiction obsessively video taping every aspect of his life . me you got a problem and walked in a customer clutching three malphrus it's not stuff you would ever see the light of day offering to pay some big guy joe biden himself. this is american power to do business and joe biden was resisting at every judge jeanine pirro host who is countered by streaming now only on fox nation. so your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home. so experience with a network of
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it's usually kind of a tedious affair but not this one. now to understand why all you need to do is listen to the past statements of biden's nominee sarah bloom raskin at today's hearing she tried to come out of a nonideological technocrat, but she's really a climate fanatic who wants to obliterate the entire fossil fuel industry. and last spring she made clear m it's the job of unelected bureaucrats to do just that in order to maximize the speed and safety of a move into a sustainable durable net zero economy and away from climate change disaster. we need to use the financial regulatory apparatus to engage financial markets and financial institutions in effecting both directs and pace. she's already proposed a number of what she calls tools to
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drive up energy prices and starve the oil and gas industry and make life miserable. now these include climate disclosures for banks and higher capital requirements to green theires portfolios. now not that i'd recommend taking investmentt advice from her of all the one hundred and fifty some sectors in the economy oil and gas drilling are declining the fastest and there's no indication that the value of fossil fuel assets is ever going to return. it's one of the worst investments there is, of course . and she made those remarks.rk the price of a barrel of oil has climbed nearly one hundred and 22%. do you really want her in the federal reserve's holdings now she cares more about remaking the country the great reset than about keeping inflation down and unemployment low. back in september, shend wrote financial regulators must remain in their own roles so they can play their role. their partth in the broader
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reimagining of the economy. now she doesn't mean reimagining it for herself. she's gamed the system just fine. just before today's hearingng we learn that raskin's husband, impeachment hero congressman jamie raskin, failed to report the fact that she gotot a huge payout from a company that she w was on the board of and that her past federal reserve connections might have helped senator cynthia loomis of wyoming drill down on that revolving door deal. >> reserved trusties night. you go on their board, then they get a master account. >> who did you communicate with ? first of all, i want to be very clear here. the federal reserve has has has approved plenty of master accounts but not but not in fintech if you value cheap gas being able to turn on the lights and a federal reserve supervisor without
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ethical conflicts tell your senator especially if you have one of those supposedly moderate democrats to vote no on raskin. joining me now, chuck, former vice president of the texas public policy foundation. chuck, we wouldn't usually d get in this kind of a arkana with confirmation of vice chair of anything but this onen strikes me as very important to defeat. >> explain. it's usually important to defeat because the vice chair forau supervision of things has an enormous amount of power s. s you have to understand that the federal reserve has trillions and trillions of dollarso underf its control and it can tell you what to do and what this nominee has proposed to n o more is to end the oil and gastr industry at a time when americans are suffering from the highest inflationns in 40 years. and if she follows through withh threats, she's going to starve the oil and gas industry. the domestic american energy
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industry of the cash it needs to supply plentiful and affordable oil and gas energy to americans to put americans out of work is going to increase our expenses. it's's going to make it more expensive to fill up your car and to keep your house warm. there's another huge should go to law and that was brought out by senator pat toomey of a pennsylvania who pointed out that she's proposing to usends o the awesome power of regulatory rules ofme unelected bureaucrats to do things that the congress hasn't even wanted to do itself. so taking under herself the sort of power that the members of the house in the senate don't even want to take on themselves. and lastly, the issue here as well, she promised the senators to pass statements that she wouldn't really follow through on those. but i don'tte think we can trust her at all. >> you pointed to a sweet deal one and a half million dollars that she got for three years of>
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work with this financial technology company. it can't it can't trust her . chuck and jon tester, his constituents in montana martelli's in arizona. if you're watching this , you've got to urge your so-called democrat u senators manchin and all the rest of them to vote no on raskin. this is a nightmare nominationbe and should be pulled. chuck, thank you . now this man spends all day on cnn and msnbc crowing about how democracy is crumbling. but it turns out that not only is he a money siphoning charlatan, he's behind some of the most destructive efforts in the country. >> marc elias in moments by mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life. i wasted at least two hours
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ive four nine nine one again that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . if the republicans want less marc elias litigation engaged in less voter suppression i'll make them a deal if they stop suppressing the vote. i will stop suing them for suppressing the vote. >> we are one maybe two election cycles away from a real constitutional crisis because you now have one of the two major parties in thisst country that is noit longer committed to free and fair elections. i larry curly or moe that he
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looks like a the election fixer for hire marc elias. now you'll often see him whining about gop voter integrity laws and how they're killing democracy. >> but his latest pet cause is gerrymandering. peopleau don't realize that this this will set the course of american politics and state legislatures and inam the u.s. house for the next decade we're the states draw the districts and republicans engage in gerrymandering in a way s that's really problematic and that is happening now. >> well, that's interesting because elias is getting ready w ,spearheading the democrats gerrymandering efforts. according to the washington free beacon, democratic and progressive groupspsin paid elias's forak more than a million dollars in the last most recent quarter to aid in their gerrymandering efforts. and it turns out that democrats are just fine with voter suppression as long their republican voters now add up all elias's gaslighting
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and the millions he's made off undermining our election and he appears to be a one man lincoln project. in fact, the lincoln projectct gave him forty five thousand dollars. they kind of deserve each other. joining me now is shawn davis, co-founder of the federalist. now shawn, republicans gerrymander too for people who don't really get what that is, it's kind ofer redrawig congressional districts and there's some limitations on how you can do it. but by the looks of it, the democrats actually kind of were more clever than the republicans and their recent gerrymandering efforts, e correct? >>nd they were it helps that thy end upwe doing their i'd say mot dastardly redistricting in states where the courts are fairly on their side. they don't seem to have many federal restrictions on it. but yeah, i would say they are playing the dirty trick redistricting game pretty good right now. i want to show what jerry r nadler's district looks likeed and elias helped with this.
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it's kind of a crazy looking ameba. it doesn't look like well, how is that a district?w it looks like i don't know what that looks some kind of bug or. well, it kind s of looks like woody woodpecker or the roadrunner or something when you turn their head to the side. butrn h this is this is a propod district and it looks likelo that's actually going to be accepted. so is it b that marc elias, you know, makes all these charges but he's actually good is grifting, is grifting gig or is that he makes false charges toward the republicans and that's all kind of being exposed now what he loves to put on this pose is some sort of democrats to where he neverer loses. if you look at his record, he's not a particular great lawyer. in fact, i've got right here the fifth circuit to federal circuit had to sanction him forr violating what they called his duty of candor to the court, which is basically fancy lawyer talk for saying he lied toic the court and tried
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to pull a fast one on him. and i think he's less a super lawyer and more of just a very well compensated democrat nrcc dirty trickster. after all,mo this is the guy who funded the dirty corrupt collusion dossier that led to the russian collusion hoax. >> yeah. so that kind of kicked off for years of tormenting presidentt trump and that wasn't important or anything just completely you know, threw roadblocks in front of trump all the time, you know, the entire way. um now you have president xi getting closer to vladimir putin because you know, we couldn't triangulate that relationship because of the russiaos collusion investigation that had a huge effect on american foreign policy helped by that one guy. that's exactly right. you really can't discount the negative impact he's had. you know, for all his talk about wanting to safeguard democracy, this guy was one of the biggest election deniers in the country for the last five years. and the crux of the matter is
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he's like so many people on the left, they don't actually have any principleson they just want to win. they only care if they win. they only care if they get in office. and that's the only principle that matters. and unfortunately for theman that just doesn't ring the marketing bell so much as pretending you're a democracy freedom fighter like they claim. t i want to play a moment from marc elias about future elections. >> what the fact is republicans didn't find much fraud really any fraud because there wasn't much of any fraud. so what they're trying to do now is to make the voting rulest harder for people to vote particularly harder for young voters and minority voters to vote and essentially magnify irregularities where they don't exist so that they can then use those made up irregularities in twenty twenty two or 2020 four to argue that elections shouldn't be certified and therefore subverted.
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he's a total bloviated. okay, i diagnose him. et it'ss a complete bloviated that gets a gets a lot of people to writeot a big fat chek but he doesn't want stuff like signature verification or voter id. sean i just say up all your time you just want to make you've actually posted atba the federal level. thank you . and i'm russia has syria takes a new what are you recommending for muscle pain based on clinical data? i recommend long agreed my patients like these capsules because they work up to twelve even on moderate pain, so on . but it's good medicine. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm here to tell you about my brand new product, my slippers. what makes my slippers different from those other slippers is my exclusive
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♪ ♪ >> laura: finally someone in the press is getting tired of fentanyl press machine. longtime reporter matt finn exposed how flimsy the entire russian story listen closely. you can hear the states spokesman crying mommy. >> he told you a few weeks ago that we have information and russia has also proved operatives to a false flag eastern ukraine. >> this is like alex jones territory. what evidence do you have to p support the idea that there is some propaganda film in the
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making? >> now this is derived from information known to the u.s. government. intelligent information that we have declassified. >> what is it? where's the i declassified information?e >> i just delivered it. >> no, you made a series of allegations. >> s what would you like, matt? >> i would like to see some proof that you can show --e >> matt, you have been -- >> that shows -- >> matt, we do so in a means, we do so to protect the methods. >> i remember a lot of things. where is the declassified information other than you coming out here and saying? >> matt, i am sorry you don't like the format. >> is not the format, the content. >> laura: that was devastating, and remember what the pentagon asserts that epic
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and would not speed like saigon. the press didn't push enough to ask the hard questions. then the you know what hit the fan. this can't happen again, good for matt lee. it was painful but really, really revealing to watch. and the biden people, they are not on the field. up next, got filled. >> we begin with a fox weather alert, massive winter storm is turning deadly as a tornado ripped through the central alabama killing at least one woman and critically injuring several others. now hundreds of thousands of americans are without power across several states, more than 130,000 homes and businesses in tennessee completely in the dark. speed went the icy conditions causing massive 14 car pile up
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