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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 4, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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never miss an episode of "hannity." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. the "the ingraham angle" is up next. have a great weekend. see you back here on monday. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." nbc is trying to shamelessly white wash the genocidal epic. raymond arroyo has the details in friday's follies and the most powerful 2 minutes i have seen of a parent confronting a school board this time on the issue of masking kids. but first, michelle to the rescue? that's the focus of tonight's
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"angle." you might ask yourself, how much trouble are the democrats really in? this much. >> the most popular democrat on the planet. former first lady michelle obama. >> joe biden's approval rating below 50%. the draft michelle 2024 movement will be popular. >> laura: they might try to convince michelle obama to run for president. even joe rogan got in on that act. >> she is great. intelligent and the wife of the best president in our lifetime. >> laura: no matter how smart and glamorous and popular michelle obama is, she has zero relevant experience except for being first.
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trump had run a major american company and used that experience and a keen sense of the political undercurrent to galvanize a popule us conservative movement. he offered a set of ideas his party had not embraced to stricter border enforcement and less military intervention abroad. the point of a michelle obama movement would be to take her fame and celebrity and then tie them to the same failed ideas that destroyed the democrat party over the last year and destroyed american cities. democrat office holders are not failing because they are not charming. they are failing because their policy do not work. look at the state of blue america right now. >> shocking crime shakes residents in big cities like new
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york and los angeles. >> in chicago where school was cancelled due to teachers not wanting to go in. >> laura: sky rocketing crime and homelessness and a never ending covid mandate. have we heard anything from michelle on what she thinks about these problems or what she would do to fix them? what new idea would michelle put forward to stop the border mess and tackle inflation and covid in the schools? a strategy to challenge the rise of china. the fact that the democrats are even considering a michelle obama candidacy is proof that they think their problem is a branding problem. the truth is their ideas don't make work. their policies don't make the
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lives of people better. in contrast they make them worse. putting michelle's glamour and celebrity on campaign posters, it will win praise from the celebrities and the media but didn't solve a single problem facing america today. in the gop concludeed to take down obama they had to convince laura bush to run? she was popular and good with kids and smart. this would have been ridiculous and people would have said it was ridiculous. normally you say they are doing a great job as governor, so we are looking forward to running him in year x for president. we have a deep bench of successful governors. that's what republicans can say right now.
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but democrats don't have anyone who can do the job. in illinois he is a nightmare. and whitler in michigan. >> after a pandemic and national recession and kidnapping and murder plot, i have been asked why do i keep doing this? my answer is simple. i am -- show up for every michigan family. >> laura: and governor wolf of pennsylvania. he keeps losing court cases and the love-gov andrew cuomo he crashed and burned. >> there is a difference between alleged improper conduct and concluding sexual harassment.
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>> laura: it is hard to see any scenario under which michelle obama would agree to this nonsense. she is intelligent enough to realize a lot of her popularity stems from the fact that her husband was beloved and usually she tends to stay above politics. no one would blame her for blue states disasters with the crime, schools and rising prices. her husband kept the far left at bay. middle-class americans didn't like radicalism when he was president and he knew it. and that's the "angle." joining me now is ari fleischer. this latest michelle effort brings up the fact that kamala harris is not considered white house material by most democrats in the know. we didn't talk about her because
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it's so obvious. they are trying to put her on the court so she is not in line to run for president. what does that say about the party? >> joe biden is not white house material. it's a stinging and well written editorial. i think michelle obama has no interest in running. it's fill in the blank to replace biden. this will hit the boiling point the day after the november election just 9 months from now. that's when democrat leaders who want to run in 2024 will say joe biden should not run especially if they have a blow out loss. that's going to open up the pandera box. michelle obama might be in that box but i doubt it. >> laura: the republicans have a deep bench of people to look
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at. interesting governors on a bunch of issues. nobody talks about pete from nebraska. they ran their states well. rickets has a surplus in his state. this is stunning. the party of all of the youth movement and the young people. yet the young people are saying this is not what we bargained for here. >> well, the democrats got wiped out during the obama years. you pointed this out in your "angle." the obama years were a disaster for every democrat except for barack obama who got lucky and reelected in 2012. 2010 and 2014 were blow out losses in the mid-term. it it went down to the state
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legislatures. the strongest person on the bench is pete buttigieg. he can't run as long as he is the secretary of transportation. if he leaves transportation that's a sign he wants to get in. you start running early. barack obama declared his candidacy in february of 2009. that is coming up in terms of this election cycle. one year from now presidential contenders need to declare. >> laura: if pete buttigieg is their great hope republicans are dancing across the country. that's their hope. okay. >> i could see him having a bicycle lane to winning the democratic primary.
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>> laura: you get the sense that the con shop in the white house is trying to figure out how to turn the page on covid and get our mojo back. biden came out and talked about the jobs reports feeling good. >> this past month we mailed out tens of millions of home tests to deliver to your home. now we are seeing a difference. just in the past 3 weeks, today's extraordinary job report data was collected. the covid crisis has been cut in half in 3 weeks. >> laura: he is now trying to declare victory on covid with the public health sector not caught up to him yet. >> oh my goodness. he said he would shut it down and now he is taking credit for
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something he has nothing to do with. i ordered my free covid test and i have not gotten yet. too little too late just like everything joe biden has done. the problem joe biden has despite today's good news on the job front, he botched everything he touched. he can't take credit for things he is not responsible for. from the southern border to afghanistan to covid and inflation. and especially crime. there is no getting around that for joe biden. >> john: it's 9-11. michelle we need your help -- you are the perfect guest to talk about this. have a great weekend. rise in crime or prices, nothing is going the democrat's way. we forget it was just yesterday when they were riding high. trump was on his heels with the
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pandemic and they were surfing the wave of excitement generated by the black lives matter movement. after the killing of george floyd liberals will glomming on to the blm brand. and huge donations came pouring in. there were celebrities. >> set an example of the kind of country we want to live in. that might mean going to a protest or make a donation. >> you picked black lives matter, a great charity to give to. >> laura: they were woke ceo's. >> companies must become allies to the black lives matter movement. >> i joined the team and 5,000
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people in milwaukee where we march madness to support black lives matter. >> giving is not enough. >> laura: of course the press gave blm non-stop promotion. >> not just the slogan that black lives matter but the importance of it. >> black lives matter is a movement to acknowledge there are many americans who don't believe that black lives matter. >> laura: and even mitt romney jumped on the blm bandwagon. >> to make sure people understand that black lives matter. >> laura: but 18 months later the truth is trickling out about the group behind this movement and the tens of million dollars they raised. a washington investigation revealed that no one appears to have been in charge of black lives matter for months.
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the charity two board members won't say who controls the 60 million dollars bankroll. now the authorities might catch up to them, barring the group from doing any fund-raising in their states. for all of you who felt morally superior pumping good money into black lives matter, don't say we didn't warn you want. they are bilking americans of hundreds of thousands of dollars -- where is all of the money going? we knew this would not end well. we knew few deserving people would be helped by all of that corporate cash that flowed in. the wokesters didn't want to listen. the cities where the police
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involved shootings occurred are being run into the ground by the same democrats waving the blm banners in 2020. in the coming months and years we will learn in about the blm leaders and the cushy lifestyles to where they are accustomed. my next guest slammed blm as a scam. joining me is an attorney general. you have news to break on this front. explain. >> well, we are starting an investigation. we will find out if this black lives matter organization which in indiana he defind as a political organization so there are first amendment implications. seeing this house of cards is coming down, we want to know if
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black lives matter has solicited funds from indiana residents, if they have real property here. that would evoke our ability under our nonprofit laws to see if they are being wasteful and to see if they are a scam not unlike the one we unravelled last week. someone selling overly valued silver coins to the elderly. a scam is a scam. we will go where the facts lead us. if they don't lead us anywhere, we will stop. we suspect this is a house of cards. >> laura: this is a huge amount of money raised. last month the "l.a. times" profiled the blm co founder and her split from blm. she said what i am trying to
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figure out right now -- trying to figure out where she would go. she walked away from running a charity with enough cash to buy 4 homes and she said she never got a salary from black lives matter. and money before 2019 but not enough to buy multi-million dollars homes. when you have upwards of $100-million in total raised by a hashtag doesn't have the government have a duty to find out how that money was spent? >> absolutely. it falls to the states. we will pick up this mantle and get to the bottom of it. some say the money is from woke corporations and get what they deserve. even the woke corporations have shareholders like me and you and regular people and pension
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funds. they have to be focussed on making a return for us and not this social stuff that leads us nowhere. and what about the person who wants to support black lives matter for equality and gives them $10. they are scamming that person. we will get to the bottom of it. listen, i am not saying i agree with the california attorney general on a lot of things, but he gets credit. for looking into this as well. other states need to look into it. >> laura: they are say figure they don't turn over the records in california they will hold the leaders of this organization liable -- and it's $60-million.
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where is the money? >> and the facts could lead to a criminal refereral. >> laura: thank you very much. in moments the return of worse than media. with a special nod to cnn. >> hunter biden is the most protected person in the country. >> he was given jobs well beyond hissy credentials. >> it's astounding. >> you can't find any business that doesn't evolve around political power.
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the most egregious press biases of the week. joining me are fox news contributors. big news from cnn the resignation of jeff zucker over an office romance. the reaction from personalities at cnn. >> i feel it deeply and speak for all of us, this is an increddic loss.
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these are two consenting adults -- they can't have a private relationship feels wrong. >> laura: more embarrassing is what we are hearing behind closed doors when cnn's washington bureau met with the ceo of their parent company. jamie spoke up saying: >> the first calls i got were from four members of the january 6th committee who felt devastated for our democracy because jeff would not be around to make sure that cnn is able to do its job. lisa, democracy, it's so fragile, it's on the line with zucker out at cnn. that's what the framers intended. >> exactly. obviously they are worried about losing a reliable propaganda arm of the democratic party.
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at least jeffrey toobin kept his hands to himself. i don't know if things can get worse for cnn. if this is not rock bottom what is? two former producers being investigated for crimes against juveniles and chris cuomo out and jeff zucker out and on top of all of it the ratings are abysmal. if this is not the bottom, what is? >> laura: i don't know how much lower you can go but there is always tomorrow. jason, jim acosta credited zucker with a lot turning cnn into a left wing mouthpiece and said if we didn't have jeff here during the trump administration we would have been taken out and you would have something like fox news lite on the air right now. they are acting like if we have
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any credible conservatives on their air it it would be an abomination. a little balance is bad? >> yes, they don't want any balance. what ted turner started at cnn was needed and new. then jeff zucker showed up and drove it right into the dirt and down into the ground to the point the only people watching this are the poor people that cnn paid those airports to run them there. that's the only people watching cnn at this point. their numbers are so abysmal. for allison to suggest what is wrong with two consenting adults? you can't manipulate someone who works for you. it's not complicated. >> laura: from zucker to covid hysteria. here is the msnbc medical contributor with the usual fear longering.
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>> with the omicron variant kids will get the vaccine or will get a serious condition of omicron. i am confused about the parent's attitude. 5 and above is a no brainer. >> laura: lisa, your thoughts on the insane push for the jab for these little kids. >> he is always on pfizer's payroll. why push vaccines on children who don't need them? kids have a near 100% survival against covid. even my age has 97% chance of survival against covid. it's bizarre. you are allowed to push misinformation if you are pushing fear into getting people to submit to your will which is what these people issue doing.
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it's wrong and insane. people should call that out. i am glad you are. >> laura: he said children are going to get a serious condition of omicron. that is misinformation. jason, another one from msnbc. the redskins name is gone. washington football team changed its name. the left has its sights set on other teams. >> it took a lot of pressure to make this happen. now they have an opportunity to be a leader. an opportunity to turn our gaze to the kansas city chiefs and atlanta braves and teams that carry native-american mascots.
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>> laura: my high school we were called the tomahawks in connecticut. i never saw anyone do anything derogatory. there was never a discussion about any negative consequences of that at all. i think that's gone now. you are a former football player. everyone should be called the commanders or the chairs or the tables? >> when i saw that big w for washington, i thought they were going to be the washington woks. that's what they should have been. >> laura: that's good. >> commanders the lame name they came up with. when you are using the name of a native-american tribe or that heritage. it's an honor and privilege. the kansas city chiefs one of the most revered teams. you buy your kids those clothes and you cheer with them on and feel good about your team.
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the atlanta braves. in utah there they are the running-utes and that tribe loves them and they give them a payment every year. there is nothing but pride. it's just this woke crowd trying to create mayhem where there is not any. >> laura: the choice between the washingtoncrats or the washington lobbyist which would be the better team title. >> the redskins committed suicide. i can't like them anymore. before they change their name, 90% of native-americans said we are not offended by this. liberals try to play the victim
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and get everyone else to submit to what they want. it's crazy. >> laura: it never ends. jason, what position did you play in football? >> i was the placekicker. if they touch you they throw a flag. that was the position for me. >> laura: now i can tease you although the placekickers, amazing. say special teams. from embarrassing media moments, raymond arroyo joins in moments. a special friday's follies that takes aim at nbc's dangerous propaganda at the beijing games. stay there.
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>> laura: it's friday and time for friday's follies. oh, yeah. we go to fox news contributor
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raymond arroyo. the president, he had a few rough moments that got scant attention this week. how can that be? >> biden went to new york for the big anti-crime event. his focus was getting rid of guns. during a meeting with community activists, biden fired this blank. >> i tell you what man. that man has some guns. >> no more guns. >> i mean these guns. a poor choice of words. >> the man can't even keep his greetings on message. this would be like a white house anti-fat shaming and biden comes out and says you are a big, sloppy guy. if there is a message count on joe biden to step all over it.
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>> laura: what is it with his need to reach out and touch people? he is very handsy. the shoulders and patting on the head. >> this is nothing new for joe biden. he long bungled introductions. he recognized a disabled veteran in a wheelchair. >> stand up. good to see you. you are making everybody else stand up. >> what is he talking about? now that he is president. >> laura: amazing to see biden then and how many steps he lost. that was 13 years ago. he looks like a different person. >> biden is doing dramatic
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reenactments during speeches recreting memories from the past. this from the national prayer breakfast yesterday. this is the man who promised to appoint the first black woman to the supreme court. >> why are all of those colored kids in that bus? they were not allowed to go to school with us here in delaware. >> why is he tell it -- tell itting this story during black history month? >> laura: he was quoting what people used to say. anyone other than biden they would have been crucified. >> yep. laura, i know you have your not one minute campaign to discourage people from watching the olympic games this beijing.
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i cut myself a little slack to not 5 minutes, because i had to see how nbc would deal with the atrocities coming out of the host country. they featured china experts on the one hand and other hand discussion about the charges of genocide. during the opening ceremonies, xi had a muslim athlete light the olympic torch. this was nbc. listen. >> the chinese president xi chose an athlete from a weaker minority. >> countries styles itself as a champion of the developing
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world and support if countries from africa. >> which was bought by paying off those countries. what does that have to do with their human rights record? >> laura: nothing. we know that xi is smart. really, really smart guy. of course he was going to have the weiger to say i had him light the torch. nbc says this is wonderful. some people are upset but look at the beauty. this is a repugnant travesty we are at the olympic with what china does on a daily basis to our country and the minority sects in china. >> $7 billion nbc paid for rights to the olympic game.
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they not show any live coverage of the watch party. what is patched over there no talk of forced sterilization, rape of the women in campus. many in forced labor. this is absurd that they would pass that over. but they lit the torch. isn't this fantastic. >> laura: it's a glorified prin camp. they turned hong kong into a prison camp but the entire olympic village where people can't travel or go to restaurants. go to the room and the competition and back. no spectators and no free press. we love our athletes and don't love this. # not 1 minute. share it on social media. in moments we will show you two of the most powerful minutes
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about masking kids in schools. why it's so wrong and talk to the mom that delivered those remarks. you don't want to miss this next.
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northern virginia appeared
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before the school board and in 2 minutes destroyed their rationale behind masking kids. >> thousands of schools across the country have been open during the entire pandemic without masks and no rise in serious illness. there were not child coffins lined up. in fact things have been going as normal. kids are getting sick just by wearing masks. we are forcing children home for exposure and segregating children by vaccination status and religious exemption status despite wearing masks. if masks work, why don't they. 49,000 children have died of all causes. 331 were covid related but we turned child's lives upside down at school.
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last year fewer kids died of covid than heart decease, suicide and tumors and drownings. have the schools stopped serving hamburgers and put tinfoil on the ceilings to block power lines? no, we play politics can kids faces by placing fabbic over their noses and mouths that the cdc says don't do anything. this is political theatre and it needs to end. i need to bring something out that is bothering me. on november 15th last year i spoke to a doctor for 10 minutes following the town hall meeting. i asked what she as superintendent could do to get the kids out of masks? she told me she would if she could but her hands were tied by
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the governor's order mandating face coverings. tonight things are different. what has changed and what will you do now that your hands are on untieed? you are on the losing side of history and it's time to make that right >> [cheers and applause]. >> laura: that was a mic drop moment. that mom joins me now. my favorite line was you are playing politics with kids faces. have you ever done anything like that before? written anything like that before this big struggle with the schools? >> no. i am not a public speaker but i have so much passion about this, it just came out.
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i don't know how it came out of me but it did. >> laura: multiple school disrirkts districts are taken to court in virginia over mask mandates. you are not alone. i know parents throughout the country and virginia a cornerstone of these fights who are saying like you, i have to get involved now. there is no time to be silent. we should have done more 2 years ago. it seems like people understand they have a stake in this and they are in charge, not the school boards. the parents are in charge if they push it the right way. >> i agree. at this point, i feel like our board doesn't listen to us. we protest and go to rallies and
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do everything we can. i speak for my own county. they can't even send an email back or respond to any of our questions and our concerns. yes, we need to fight. i have been fighting for my children since they got out of school march 2020. we started protesting and going to it rallies with signs: get me back in person. we were a minority then. now we are not a minority. >> laura: i want everyone watching tonight to understand this. you other than a mother who never did anything like this before but your instinct as a mother kicked in. you knew it was wrong to keep the kids home and masked. you inspired a lot of parents across the country for the first time to get involved. the next step for you and people as concerned as you are is to run for school board. maybe it's not something you
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ever wanted to do, but i bet if you ran for school board you can win. take back those boards one by one. >> i agree. who knows? maybe it's in my future. >> laura: congraduate -- congratulations for standing up. up next "the last bite." based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patients like these patches because they work for up to 12 hours, even on moderate pain. salonpas. it's good medicine
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>> laura: when a dutch journalist covers the olympics and reports something the ccp doesn't quite approve of, you might wonder what happens next? [speaking foreign language] >> laura: i ask again, why are our athletes there? they shouldn't be. this is an abomination.
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hashtag not one minute. follow us on twitter tell us if you agree and hashtag not one p one minute. hope you're doing something else with your family and friends and enjoy yourself. america now and every freedom matters on the web site the shady growth center gets all the proceeds this month and greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> greg: put it up there and it's true, i'm not picky except around scabs. that's pretty good. i like that one. clap it's friday. clap away! stop clapping. clap again! all right. happy friday, everyone. what an amazing week we've had. for one the legacy media is dying. what is the legacy media, you ask? exactly my point.


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