tv Gutfeld FOX News February 4, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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hashtag not one minute. follow us on twitter tell us if you agree and hashtag not one p one minute. hope you're doing something else with your family and friends and enjoy yourself. america now and every freedom matters on the web site the shady growth center gets all the proceeds this month and greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> greg: put it up there and it's true, i'm not picky except around scabs. that's pretty good. i like that one. clap it's friday. clap away! stop clapping. clap again! all right. happy friday, everyone. what an amazing week we've had. for one the legacy media is dying. what is the legacy media, you ask? exactly my point.
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in another year or two it will be a distant memory a relic part of a by gone era like silent films eight track tachs and the late show with colbert. in short it's the monster that manufactures sob soyed narratives from the thing called life. sound like i'm describing a bette midler 1-woman show but it's worse. unlike me and my staff the legacy meadey writes creates and producers not for you but for their ego. it's self preservation but like a hospital powered by wind misthey operate only in darkness. i don't know why i'm doing that. but when the lights go on, they die like ants under a magnifying glass at high noon. you're seeing it now the manipulation bubble in all its nakedness like that two-way mirror i sin stalled in that guest bathroom it's a bubble they can see out of but won't see you in. but you've seen it before in dribs and drabs, sometimes the
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news is so orchestrated it makes the ohio state marching band look spontaneous. take the holidays or the last week of summer. the news stopped. not like life stopped or life suffering stopped or crime went away. no the faucet got turned off because the people that run the news are at the hammonton's. you notice how nothing happens during the super bowl. you would think that would be the best time for something newsy to occur. but no. it's like even al qaeda low street thugs and hurricanes and tornados have money on the big games and beside from some bottle rocket injuries, nothing happens on july 4th. and yet the world is still turning but there's no one there to create it. meanwhile throughout the year actual news is avoided in favor of click bait making people angry is their business model.
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they prefer we be angry with each other. that throws their authority into question. how can you tell the legacy media is truly dying? well, they're turning their fire not towards people who want to limit speech but towards those who create more speech, meaning the people whipping their ass. turns out democracy dies when you get ten times their best audience. what do you say, joe boy. >> not often a credit equal. you this i about major news rooms like cnn that have health departments and deaths and organizations that work hard on covid-19 and then you have talk show stars like joe rogen who winning it and make it up because they go along and because figures like rogen on are trusted by people that don't trust news rooms we have a problem that's much bigger than spotify. >> you should ask why they don't trust you. you can tell by his sweat his dome shinier than a christmas ornament. he shouldn't worry when cnn goes away he can work directly for
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the dnc and they have great donuts in the break room. the truth is it's in danger and we need action right now which is how legacy media protects itself by silenting the compensation. they did it with trump and now rogen. but it's too late, cnn is in a death spiral and why is this important? because for the longest time they had us. there was no alternative, credit, nnfrment was up there with death and taxes, viewers were sockers paying for a proceed made ham and sandwich at the airport. where else are you going to go. but that's changed. here's a fact. liberals and democrats now watch fox more than they watch cnn or msnbc. new nielsen ratings showed tucker was the number one watched home in democrats across all networks. rachel mad ow and the five tied for second and something named gutfeld rounded out the top five.
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never heard of him. poor cnn not only are we eating their lunch we're doing it in their kitchen with stuff from their fridge. you can grow some amazing conclusions first the fox audience isn't as easy to define as the bitter left would have us be so when they insult our viewers often they insult themselves. our viewers are, what's that word? diverse. this is what happens when you betray your viewers when you claim something's true and turns out to be a lie over and over and over again. roll that montage marvin. >> show me where a protest is supposed to be plight and peaceful. >> what does putin have on trump? has trump been compromised? >> this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face. >> we are not fake news, we are real news. >> if you watch a certain fake tv and you listen to conservative media, you would
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think entire cities are just inthrilled and fights and fires and whatever. we went out and had a great dinner. >> the biggest threat in this country comes from radicals on the far right primarily white men. >> much of the dossier have been corroborated. >> some rioters were planning to murder lawmakers. >> but it looks like that young man to me is taunting the native american vietnam vet and he's in his face. >> no wonder cnn is trying to build a censorship version of the berlin wall. i wouldn't want anyone to point out that crap either. seeing it makes everything else look better, especially rogen. when he's wrong at least he didn't have an entire news room to blame. so like the drifter clawing his way out of my trunk, legacy media needed to die. they ignore crime and inflation and the border, things that affect you but not them. they created russian collusion to help hillary. they laughed off the crime wave to protect positivingives, lied
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and said hunter's laptop wasn't real. they talk climate matter which shouldn't marry ball' we're dead in eight years. cnn is like a stripper who says she loves you during a lap dance to mack a profit. i wouldn't know. now there's the wounded gazelle and we're the wounded pack of lions doing the be joe. nature playing out the way it's supposed to where the strong survive and the weak get eaten and man does cnn taste delicious. >> let's welcome tonight's guest. she's a triple threat in the sense that she threatened me times today. mtv's hottest v j aside from matt pinfield, host of kennedy, kennedy. she's never exercised her right to remain silent. outnumbered host emily compagno! >> she's like an alarm clock,
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will not stop making noise until you pay attention to her. fox's contributor kat timpf. >> and they did his tattoos with the seattle space needing my massive side kick in the nwa world, cyrus. >> emily so many things to talk about with you. i guess i should start with your -- we haven't talked about what happened with cnn have we this week you and i? >> emily: no. >> greg: we haven't had a conversation. maybe we should. let's go somewhere. what do you think's going on? what's happening? >> emily: i think this is the consequence of everything you laid out perfectly which is them existing in an echo chamber and the fallout is real. if you mean in part the sort of chris zucker thing fall out that's born out of chris claiming that he is owed millions. it's all about money. he says the reasons you
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terminated me is zucker and he encouraged my brother andrew to come on encouraged me to do these things. >> greg: it's the lady, right? >> allison. >> greg: thank you. >> emily: yes. there's uproar where does she get to hold her job. ironically under the state law chris's borrow helped. so there's a lot going on. on the joe rogen thing, when you see the amount of public figures that have come out in support of joe rogen that's pretty diverse, everyone from the rock to williamson to jewel a diverse representation athletes alike and that tiny group of basically crosby stills nash and young who are cancelling themselves. they're all the same, right? >> greg:. >> greg: cnn uses the same clump of consultants and experts for their network and all rogen does is look for other people.
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by the way, barbara streisand has also joined the boycott of spotify which makes her part, kennedy, of the streisand effect. >> oh, right. >> greg: barbara streisand is fulfilling the streisand affect by drawing attention to the very thing she's criticizing. that could make my brain explode. >> and now because of that everyone has access to the beach in malibu. thank you so much, barbara. but it's really interesting because joe rogen at least is being honest about what he's doing. he's like, yeah, i'm just a guy who has questions who's talking to eat person. and sometimes we do it for three hours. and people go, oh, i want to listen to that because i didn't even think have that question, that's great. so he's being very honest about what he's offering. cnn is full of hot wind because they're saying, we're a trusted news network we have a health department and a news room and we're newsy news people and you should trust us to get your
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news. >> greg: right. >> kennedy: but that's not true this is actually a very powerful guy that failed upwards to several media companies who thought andrew cuomo was going to be president hitched his wagon to the older cuomo star's and kept the dumb dumb meat head applied to apiece the older cuomo and i want to apologize. last night on my fox business show i called jeff zucker. i said he was jab a the hut's foreskin and i want to a positively. >> kat: is because i wish i had saved it for you show. >> greg: wow. that's quite an image. and i had such a good point to make on your point but now you have a like a pool cue went poop, knocked my idea out of my head with that thought. kat, is the legacy media dead? >> kat:. >> kat: not yet. but i think also if people only saw cnn from watching clips on
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this show which i think a lot of people do, they would be shocked at, those are actually really well produced clips. like most of it doesn't even look that good. it's like some guy on a zoom call in a basement somewhere cutting in and out. nobody would ever want to watch that no matter what they're talking about. and again when seltzer says joe rogen wings it that's what people like. he goes i don't know, i want to talk to this guy see what he thinks and have a conversation. you don't need to watch brian stelter's show to know what he's going to say. you already know. >> greg: true. i like to watch with the sound off >> tyrus: me too. before we get to the whole setter thing with you i always thought java had the same problem with mermen had since the bottom half was the fish >> greg: you are fact checking a did you say gusting joke >> tyrus: it was a great joke because i thought. and i thought he had the same problem but apparently i was
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wrong. listen, i know how much brian stelter means to you and i know deep down in places where you don't want to bring up unless we're sitting around you that you're worried about him not being on tv. >> greg: yes >> tyrus: and you won't see him anymore. so last night i believe we have the transcript or the tape, however you want to put it where i asked the question. if there's any artist watching the show tonight if you could please draw me a picture of baby gutfeld resting in seltzer's bus op, that would be so amazing. and, greg? >> greg: yes >> tyrus: your wish was your physician's command. and someone named clutch has provided us with a dream. >> greg: that is so adorable >> tyrus: so you'll always be together. of. >> greg: that is beautiful. >> tyrus: we'll get it framed keep it in your cabinet and drink wine to it.
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>> greg: i think that is almost exactly the proportions, right? >> tyrus: yes, yes, yes. so there you go. you'll be together forever. >> greg: yes. we should try to hire him if they get rid of him just to have him around here and have him on the show. >> greg: so the picture's not enough >> tyrus: i never can get enough tyrus. >> greg: all right. back to emily. >> greg: all right. i've made him uncomfortable. >> up next teens abandon silence to fight the covid tie rants. ♪♪
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walkout to protest state mask mandates and the footage has been shared more times than a needle in skid row. >> we want this to be a peaceful respectful movement. we are just trying to gain back our rights as citizens. the teachers in the end are just doing their job. it doesn't come from them. it comes from the state. everybody is going to meet at the back row of the senior parking lot and we're all walking into the school with no mask on. you can get me in trouble, they can suspend me. i don't care. we're done with this >> greg: there you go what brave thoughtful young people. they could have done what young politicians do and tell everyone to wear masks and do what you want anyway. too bad washington state officials will only listen if they smash windows and started fires. remember, this is a state that let rioters make up their own country. but the students didn't do that. they were peaceful. >> take a mask, if you don't
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take a mask you have to head back out. put it on. >> greg: meanwhile, at a prince william county school board meeting in virginia, a mother called out the mask bs coming from school officials noting that up until recently virginia had a mask mandate for students but only under governor ralph northam. >> on november 15th of last year i had the privilege of speaking with doctor macdade for ten minutes following the crt town hall meeting. during that discussion which was friendly and cordial i asked what he as superintendent could do to get kids out of masks. dr. macdade told me she would if she could but that her hands were tied by then governor northam's mandate with face coverings and if it weren't for that things would be different. well, tonight, things are different and i would like to ask you dr. macdade, tonight what has changed and what do you plan on doing now that your hands are untied. i'm asking all of you to step up the way other leaders who have
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and are ended covid restrictions by the date. when will you? what will it take? you are on the losing side of history and it's time to make that right before these children now. [cheers and applause] >> greg: for those school board members sponsored by swiffer? because she just mopped the floor with them. kennedy i think it's on right? this is the movement, the parents and kids on the same side and they realize they have the power because if the kids leave the schools they lose their fundings. >> kennedy: yes, they've just passed overwhelmingly in georgia and they have been going state by state talking to governors and state legislatures crafting legislation so the money follows students so when the students are not learning or being served in public schools they can leave and it's people like this, domestic terrorists calling out the utter hypocrisies they're
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the ones that will change the system but i love seeing the students. dave smith had a great comment about the kid on twitter, i hope one day i'm the kind of father this kid did because he was raised well respectful and articulate. she was right. the people holding on to these march 2020 mandates and restrictions, they are on the losing side of history and they are hurting children. >> greg: isn't it crazy, tyrus, that we can never predict the things that will create something. i go back to tom said we got in this huge fight, you know tom >> tyrus: yeah. white guy. >> greg: very skinny white guy. >> he's white? >> greg: yes. very white. whiter than biden's dentures >> tyrus: whiter like you can almost see through him. transparent. >> greg: we got into a tiff, a brouhaha where i was saying wear a mask and he was saying greg,
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you don't understand this is going to be a huge deal, mark my words >> tyrus: you were super mask guy, you 100%, mr. cdc. speaking of crazyville i've seen foot loose and the movies from the 80s where the evil school board was worried about safety and facts and dancing was dangerous and they had the facts to prove it. i never thought in my entire lifetime that it would be children against adults but the childrens were the ones using science for the arguments and the adults are using feelings. like it's completely bizarre 0 world. and that voice in the hallway, i'm starting to think now, and as a former teacher and student who was in detention a lot, that voice is like santa claus when he dies it passes on to somebody else. because that voice was in my school in the hallways and i feel like it's one thing where one mean teacher with the last name crab apple develops that
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voice overtime and to that mom's credit they said you can't talk unless you wear a mask and she held her breath and got it all out at the same time. >> greg: that was funny. kat, this is an opportunity where the crowd, power in a crowd matters. like it's like the more people that do this, politely, cordially, you can't stop them. like if ten people walk into wal-mart without masks it's going to be really hard for, you know, you can't just try to stop one person and then everybody just walks by. like that's the way this is going to end. >> everyone should be as brave as you were in the dwayne read yesterday. >> greg: when i went to pick up the ointment. and the ointment has been working kat. >> kat: i'm glad >> tyrus: i think she was bringing up the mask not the ointment. >> kat: yes but i'm glad the ointment's working because you got two. >> greg: i got two tubes of ointment and we will have an ointment update all through the weekend. >> kat: i'm glad i'm sure that's
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what the people want. >> you have to pay for it. >> greg: that's why they let me go through. >>. >> kat: i think it's great these kids are doing it respectfully and think of all the democratic politicians speak for them, every second jen psaki can say i'm a mother, she loves it, you know, she thinks it's great, the mask -- it's like, okay. even if that's true, that doesn't mean anything. so i think it's really amazing and important the kids are like, no, i actually hate this >> tyrus: my son loves sword. >> greg: emily i don't have children but i might identify as a parent just to get involved. what do you think? >> emily: or identify as a child i feel like in this. >> greg: is that a crack at my height. >> emily: in a good way. >> greg: we've had that these jokes are getting old emily you have to go away.
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>> emily: foot looks remember dancing off and she was like there is a time to dance and it worked, that was amazing. but also about the lawsuit raising around in virginia, so the state is arguing, well, look, in our constitution, we hold that the school board is involved with all decision making that impacts children at school and they say in the last two years we passed state laws that says we have to follow cdc guidelines in our schools. so they're essentially saying because we said xyz here then you ever been to follow what we're saying, but the fact that they are holding to a constitution that says school boards make decisions, they are in no way acknowledging the import of the parent. the parent should be deciding what's best for their kids. why are you looking at me. >> greg: what does the ave. bit have to do with it >> tyrus: i'm looking at because i want to know what it's like
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when you log onto netflix and they say you have no more movies >> greg: that was a great point you said. yeah, x, y, z. up next, will the red, white and blue make a civil war part two? ♪♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy.
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♪ >> greg: the states supposed to be united are feeling less and less delighted. so is a civil warnocking at our door? a new poll from georgetown university, a trade school for brochure models, finds that americans agree on one thing, that i'm getting hotter as i get older. god i'm so sick of being this network's eye candy but also united in our worries of political division voters asked division one to a hundred with 100 being on the edge of civil
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war. that's 100 and the average response was a 70. that's high. almost as high as blah, blah, blah, blah, kat timpf. but i guess someone should tell all the civil war reenactors to load their mus kets for real. respondents also said politics got and a halfier since the pandemic started and civility has declined since joe biden took office. our so-called uniter in chief our country has the sa psychiatryity of a golden corral after they ran out of steak. we went to the president to ask why. >> hey, hey, hey, look, look, look. joe is a uniter. >> i bring people together, all right? seven out of ten people agree. what was the question? it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter. they all agree. that's how i do it. that's how we build back better. does that make sense to you? me neither. see what i'm saying, we agree.
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everyone agrees, that's how i do it. everyone's confused when i whisper. and when everyone's confused then no one is not confused. you see? i'm the uniter. >> greg: he's just getting creepier and creepier, kat. i know we said this before we have to say it again. this guy was elected to be a calmer influence on america than trump and instead he tried to undo everything trump did, which he has in every basically favorable metric. so he's actually made the whole world worse. >> kat: yeah and the thing is if you look at all the things on this list, it would be great for him because all he has to do is just less >> greg: yes. >> kat: like cost of living, you know, flood the economy in creating inflation, okay, or, you know, the division, how about instead of saying, you know, half the country is segregationists, just don't say that, and then everything would not be so bad.
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>> greg: yeah. do less. >> kat: do less. people get into politics not because they want to solve things, they say i'm going to solve this and really they should just do less. >> greg: i think the problem is is he's not doing anything and he doesn't care and he's basically a vessel for wokism which is one of the most polarizing phenomenon since 23 ad. >> i totally agree. >> greg: explain 23 ad because i don't understand. >> i'm from them. it's obvious he's an absolute puppet we know this but the worst part is the deterioration throughout the decades so the one that has finally landed on our lap right now, president biden, it's like cocoon part 10 but it's the shriveled decayed mess, one tenth of the brain matter he has now that he can actually speak for himself. because back then in 23 ad when he was around he made a little bit more sense because i think he stood for something and you
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could respect the fact he was articulating policy he stood behind even if you didn't gray with the policy. i think this is the two halves of the country where there was a plurality where the number one thing i'm worried about is inflation putting food on the table and the economy and the other is climate change and civil war. so i think it's obvious half were 25 and under and the other half were 45. >> greg:. >> greg: what say you, tyrus? >> tyrus: you know how i feel about studies and polls. i can't stand them and i hate when we do them. but when you push division, because that's the magic word on the left, it takes the heat off of you. so of course they want everyone to say it's division in this country that's the problem, not that our progressive leadership just doesn't get it. i feel like dr. evil, you just don't get it. you don't come out and say, hey, everyone's pay went up five percent and then the republican in the back says yeah but
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inflation's seven percent. racist. he's causing division. no we're talking in the real world. you don't go to new york and talk about helping the police and make jokes about guys trying to help the police. the old joe biden when he wasn't trying to be progressive -- he's like having a midlife crisis a. the end because now he wants to be cool in the car and go to the club. it's sad when you're 40, it's even worse when you're 108. but he just, he doesn't get it. he went to police officers's funerals. he had passion when he was the vice-president. now he won't even mention their names. he won't say anything. i never said i didn't defund the police. we wanted a president that should have been mad, like, and show us how the american people feel about how our policemen are being treated and how our citizens and women are being treated and instead he's making jokes about schumer calling and asking for more money that fell flat. but it's division. no. it's really poor leadership.
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>> greg: i think you've created a new things, end life crisis. he's got an end life crisis kennedy. is it because -- piggybacking on what tyrus said and that's quite an image. that the politicians are staking positions on issues that are -- that they are unaffected by but hurt everybody else. so they aren't even aware what's going on and that's pissing a lot of people off. >> i think that's most point. really good point because everyone in charge of your life has never lived your life and that's pretty awful. you are being bullied by a bunch of geriatric zombies who have never owned a business, so far removed from having young kids and dependents they have to sacrifice things for and not go on vacations so they can send their kids to college and all the normal choices they have to make they set long term bubbles for themselves they've been dwelling in for 40, 50 years and
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i'm talking about nancy pelosi, anthony fauci and joe biden. these are people with very powerful positions who are taking a lot of money from working americans through their taxes, creating systems that can't be undone, and then, you know, it's all politics for them. politics is very short-term. so they get to leave and they don't have to suffer the repercussions. we do, our kids do, generations do. and that's the long term damage. the only good thing about this, people have caught wise to it. they know that he is the problem and they're not going to put up with it anymore. they're not going to let him ma linger for two terms because you know what happens at end of life, people start making pies they get a big burrs of energy and everyone says grandma's healed and then. that's exactly right. they get a burst of energy so i think that's what's happening. >> greg: that is grim.
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>> tyrus: i'm pretty sure that's the way greg wants to go. >> greg: coming up will kamala still laugh as she loses more staff? ♪♪ i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks.
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get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms including nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin-d. breathe better. >> greg: they'd rather have no job than work for this woke snob. the vp staffers are in short supply as another one says good-bye. they're jumping from the nearest terrace to escape their boss, kamala, kamala harris. whatever. the vp lost her speech writer but the bigger news is, she a speech writer? that's like being michael moore's personal trainer. a white house official tells fox that graham is leaving the office but not the family at the end of the month. family? she's really making the government sound like what it is a bunch of mobsters swindling your tax dollars. so she's not working but she has a family. reminds me of pete buttigieg.
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that's the eighth kamala staffer to resign since the veep took office if she loses one more employee she'll have enough stamps on her make nine employees quit get one free card. who knows maybe her annoying laugh will quit next. maybe it doesn't matter that the speech writer quit she's so good on the fly. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> never let anybody that you are what they think you should be. you tell her you are and who you know you are and what you intend to be. >> well, there are a whole lot of people especially living in rural communities, there's no kink os, there's no office max near them. >> the government, we campaign with the plans. upper case t upper case p, the plans >> greg: i'd tell kamala what we wanted to know but i wondered if
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she would just laugh in our faces. >> [laughter]. >> what do you want to known? >> greg: horrible. kat i'm worried her speeches will suffer now that her speech writer has left >> kat: a weird time for the speech writer to quit because she doesn't really do that, she doesn't really give speeches. easiest stuff every, you don't do anything and then every now and then you compeer stuff to pearl harbor. why would you quit that job. >> greg: exactly. what if she subbedens becomes better, what if it was the speech writer's fault. >> wouldn't that be a twist. what if the speech writer was purposely tanking her, you know, really loves pete buttigieg and is doing whatever this person can to bring kamala harris down. which she's really doing a great job. i wonder what the gossip is like what do people talk about in the office. like i just talked to someone in the white house and she is definitely not on the ticket for 2024. we have to get out of here.
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this is spiro agnew on the opposite of steroids. >> greg: i loved spiro, great head of hair emily. you know what i noticed, talking about spiro agnew, you're no spiro agnew though you have nice hair. anyway i forgot my question but i'll come up with a different one. i noticed as incompetent as she is no one's mimicking her on any comedy or late night show and that's tremendous that no one's going to touch you, right? >> why, on all of those late night talk shows it's because they know they'll be called racist. >> true. >> exactly the reason he she's untouchable is because that's a culture that has been created by the far left anyway. so it's not that she is untouchable they just deem she is because they know they have to be careful if they go after a black woman. and for those of us in california who lived under her reign for so long none of this
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surprises us. she never stood for anything politically. her entire campaign and offices has always been inifyinging civil wars and that she wouldn't commit to policies or anything she would just capitulate, the biggest cheerleader for silicon valley but assures victims are still on the list of crimes for cyber crimes. the list goes on but people were constantly abused and intimidated by her and a weak leader and probably a jerk at the same time, too. all of those swing shifts like for those of us from cali we were like, yeah, been happening for decades. >> greg:. >> greg: tyrus, i would hate to have a boss like that. >> tyrus: no, not at all. >> it's different >> tyrus: it's a different kind of -- he talks a lot. you know, i feel bad for the speech writer. just imagine, i'm pretty sure everything that was written was
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not used, but every time the speech writer would come home it would be like, you wrote that? seriously. you know i whipped this out i made a couple notes and you used my first one so i won't use it and unfortunately because i'm on the wrong side of 40 i have to use these now. check this out, this is one of my favorite all time that if the speech writer should have resigned after this one. just because they are illegal, doesn't mean they broke the brah. if i was in the speech writing room, i would have went, that's not what i said. who let her watch chappelle before she went out. and then this one is just phenomenal. it's time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. i would be taking drugs after that if i was the speech writer becauser' going to come home and hear about, you wrote this? you wrote this? no, it wasn't me. >> i love the color of your post-its. >> what's wrong with that?
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>> greg: i said i love them map man gut if he would you have a problem? >> kat: >> laura: i like them >> tyrus: what color should i have? muscle tone? beard range, oh, pink? i have daughters, man. >> greg:. >> greg: up next, are you curious if you could drive like the fast and the furious. ♪♪ seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line.
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♪ >> greg: how do americans feel about who's behind the wheel. when it comes to driving a car, everybody thinks they're a star. a new poll revis 40% of americans think the best driver they know is themselves and that was slightly higher for acquaintenses of billy joel. orderly 61% can't read it said they would only go on a road trip if they didn't have to drive. when you come to what you listen to 40% say the driver gets to pick and the rules for calling shotgun were regional and unclear. 71% say the journey's more important than the destination apparently none of those people actually have to work. bottom line people probably estimate their skills behind the wheel here's kennedy and emily arriving to work today.
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[laughter] >> greg: seniors, tyrus, you're not a road trip guy. >> kennedy: what the hell, yes. i always drive with someone who offers to drive and i end up driving. wav they go from town to town to town, and i know i drive phenomenal because i have to drive other people but i always know someone who says i can drive i'm a great drive. cool, you drive. oh. >> greg:. >> greg: cat you drive. >> kat: no. >> greg: do you know what driving is. >> kat: i've driven before. it's been years but i've driven before but i terrorize people when i do. i don't on road trips and am a bad narrative as well. i offer when ity commentary but have to me a lot, too >> greg: constant narration is the worst kind of passengers. >> it is that's why they need a series of internal external
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vibrating kat ders so you don't have to pull over every 75 seconds >> tyrus: can't break the sale >> greg: true once you break the seal it's all over. >> first of all i'm the best driver i know or any of you know. >> not even close. >> in your car? >> i have a fasled faying a look that up lady. >> not that expression tyrus. >> i will run over your car with mine. >> okay, we'll race. >> this is how people die. >> and also the only thing that i took issue with was that poll where the people who wanted to be the passengers in a road trip because i definitely want to be the driver at all times, for sure the driver. >> oh, no. >> right? then you get to d.j. and navigate and pull over when you have to go to the bathroom every five seconds and then you don't get car sick. >> greg: car sick is terrible >> tyrus: did you just say you like to ride in the trunk? >> greg: yes. i got a lot of rides in that trunk. don't go away, we'll be right
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>> greg: we are out of time i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. ♪ ♪ spent ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> shannon: welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight: the biden administration taking a victory lap over a surprisingly strong jobs report, but with inflation skyrocketing, americans are struggling to purchase items like bags and groceries. we will take a look at what the new numbers mean for your wallet.
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