tv The Big Saturday Show FOX News February 5, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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and mount pleasant, south carolina, austin westfall fox news ports are right on us for that report. that does it for us, arthel is phenomenal to be with you today precooked loved having you, quick answer if i say would you like to be stuck in a room a cabin with your fiancé for 58 hours? you say yes. enthusiastic. next time rich. ♪ ♪ six hi everyone boy do we have a show for you. i am tammy bruce along with alicia acuna, sean duffy, and joe concha it. welcome to the big giant saudi show here's what's on cast tonight. sean. cracks yes china's censorship control revealed the olympics that reporter is literally pulled away from live tv. the message, do not anger china. >> alicia. >> soft on policies as crime
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runs rampant across the country. a message for biden's a push for gun control as it rattled district attorney make the change to one of his soft on crime policies. is it just to silence the outrage? andro? >> trucker convoys fighting for freedom, gofundme is trying to stop it. the company shutting down its multimillion dollar fundraiser. how they did it has people outraged. cracks already. now first new concerns for parents whose kids are being forced to wear masks in schools from a washington state to california, students are fed up and are staging walkouts in protest. and in virginian students in several districts will have to continue wearing masks after a judge temporarily blocked at governor young ken's executive order to make schools masked optional. tweeting in part this is not a pro master anti- masked
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debate. this is about parents noting what's best for child health. backlash growing over california substitute teacher who paraded a student or wearing a thin blue line mask to honor his father who is a police officer. here is what happened in that classroom. >> atkins in battersea like that's what you're doing. we can't do that. red, white and blue know it is black or white with some blue line in it. >> is a thin blue line. cracks at mike what is going on there? let me go right to you actually on this, alicia this is a very good example of the madness that we very rarely see in classrooms but not everybody thank goodness has her phone and their camera. what is your take on this? >> that god the kids have their phone and were able to record on this otherwise it would just be their word against the substitute teacher. i find it infuriating. i should note the substitute
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teacher there, according to the mom of that kid he was wearing the mask, the principal site is no longer going to be working at that school which brings to mind the question will he be working at other schools? that's sad and achy timing because you think about the members of a law enforcement who laid to rest this past week produce sound of a law enforcement member who is trying to honor his father only to be prorated and embarrassed by his substitute teacher in front of everyone, that teacher seem to not even know what he was talking about but that is also nothing new. i want you guys to hear this is from the student who wasn't prorated by that teacher and his mom on what unfolded in the classroom. >> was sitting down, doing my work and he sat in the desk behind me. told me it was not a real american flag. kept saying it is un-american.
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>> everyone is extremely shocked. obviously angry. pretty heartbroken this is even an issue that he had to deal with this. but at the same time, proud that he reacted the way he did and he stood up for what he is so passionate about and what he believes them. >> that is excellent. sean, we talk about parents getting radicalized. looks like students are getting radicalized. i love they were both comfortable in front of a camera. this kid was a proud. want to get you a few more details about what is happening on the west coast as well as student stepping out on this. is this good news? i think it is across the country. >> it is good news. first we have parents who actually teaching their kids to stand up and fight for freedom. which by the way it's interesting we're having a lot of americans ask their government to give them their freedom back. god actually gave us our freedom. god made us free. we should not ask our government to give it to his
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number one. why think it's interesting you have this scenario you have a leftist teacher who is an idiot i don't know how graduated from a teacher's college. these art leftist beast and think back in the 70s, 80s, 90s when some of us went to high school these are not the same teachers. these have been a radicalized teachers and the teachers colleges and has now come into the classroom they are espousing these radical marxist beliefs to our kids. listen, i don't know how you deal with this. i think it's going to take generations to deal with the school system and the teachers. if you have the funding, resources and the school there you go to a classical education forget your kids out of the public school. ask your parents, aunts, uncles to help out and save your kids by getting them out of this garbage. it is penetrating the minds of young kids and destroying a thinker future. >> the good news is, joe i want everybody to watch this. got video of kids who were blocked in a gym because they refuse to wear a mask.
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there were tables up at the doors. you are going to see this. also they have alleged that then an adult that teacher or member of staff turned off the heat to freeze them out. i think we have that video, can we see that? it is all over the internet i guess we do not have the actual video there. there are pictures up and i guess the thermostat issue is being debated whether or not that occurred. but joe here you've got videos like that. you have got accusations like that. we have video of some of the kids storming out of one of those classrooms of the school on the west coast? can we see that? that would be great. cracks were walking into the school with no mask on. they can get me in trouble they can suspend me i don't care we are done with this. and obviously all of you are
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too. we want this to be a peaceful respectful movement. we are just trying to gain back our rights as citizens for. >> now you see joe this is what we're talking about. that kid very, very good kind of a radicalized but isn't this the american spirit? >> outside that video it was worth waiting for them going to press forward. it is the american spirit it's also the american sentiments. there's a poll out today 70% of american seven and tens and we are done with covid. we just need to learn to live with that that's a drastically different number than we were a couple of months ago. it seems like every day i got to see a photo or photos of some democratic politician or some member of a teacher's union or members of a school board or state senator who's out with their friends there at the double dues or the peachpit they're socializing without a mask. rules for the not for me as and the democrats for the next day they're demanding your kid, my kid have to wear a mask for hours on end premier in our third year of this all
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public safety. my kindergartners does not remember a time from preschool on up until now he is not worn a mask at school. think about that. this is happening by the way this is the data and the science as it covered cases are plummeting across the country in loudoun county, virginia along the epicenter of this mask fight there's a population of more than 40000 people are averaging about 200 cases per day. i asked alexa to figure it out for me. 0.06 of the population, public health protecting teachers and kids? right. >> alecia i will get you the last word on this. with all of these kids pushing back now they are seeing it on tiktok. they are seeing it on social media. this is giving permission to the kids to take a stand against what they think is unfair. >> also keep in mind three weeks ago their kids who are protesting in cities thing they did not feel protected and from covid. you have kids also protesting the masked rates of the message i am hearing the kids don't trust the adults to take
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care of business and they are frustrated regardless of the side they are on. >> there you go for it of course it's about the influence of the parents which is about the teachers union seem to be upset about as well-paid coming up next, a reporter wasn't literally pushed off the air by china. [inaudible] >> yes so what would nancy pelosi say? remember she warned olympic athletes not to anger china we discussed on the big saturday show returns. and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪
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[inaudible] what would nancy pelosi say? memberships olympic athletes repeatedly not to anger china. so alicia come into your first. that video is really shocking but should be shocked his communist chinese party they're all about censorship, right? we should not be shocked. >> exactly we still can be furious. when this hit the wire, it was in the evening and i saw the headline and thought do i want to go to bed angry, do i really want to watch this? it is going to be infuriating and it is. sadly does what you we should expect you are right, sean this is not a surprise. and it is very concerning. i also have to wonder what about all the corporate
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sponsors? what do they have to say about this? what do they have to say about the evidence, right here the silencing of reporters who are in china. it is infuriating. >> you talk of the corporate sponsor think it's also important talk about american politicians. we have video emily mentioned in the intro nancy pelosi actually warning u.s. athletes not to actually push back on china because they are actually ruthless, take a look. >> i would say to our athletes, you are there to compete. do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they are ruthless. i know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there. i respect that. but i also worry about what the chinese and government might do. i wish the athletes well. do not encourage them to speak out against the chinese government there because i fear for their safety if they
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do. >> tammy, nancy pelosi sink don't speak out against the communist party? they are ruthless. is that the right message? >> might be a federal government's plan seems like everyone is afraid to speak out against china. this is effectively a message in china but went to send. she delivered in the chinese communist party message? the fact is telegraphed to everyone around the world that american leadership she is third in line for the white house if something were to happen. this is a message from of the most powerful american politicians that we are afraid of china and that we are telling our people to be afraid and to obey and to say nothing for it we should also obviously not even be there. so we are in a place where we should not be. and she has to say don't get them mad because they are ruthless at. that sounds like it's a mirror
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scum policy doesn't it? it reinforces idea there's no american power. but the american government is a week. that americans should be afraid and they are effectively abandoned to the ruthless chinese, rate job nancy. >> yes great job nancy. i want to play this for you because the director of the sports journalism an school of journalism compares voting right laws to genocide in china, take a listen. >> i think it's standard in sports right now you have to have a cognitive you need to cartman department is who are we to criticize china's human rights records we have ongoing attacks by the agents of the state against unarmed citizens. got assaults on the voting rights of our people of color in various states in this country. so sports, i do think it's possible to necessary more than ever to shut everything out if you are to enjoy the
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actual games themselves. >> alright what say you joe? >> here's a newsflash for ja. three and four americans support voter id requirements including the majority of african-american voters. you want to enter any espn building you need id but you want to enter a storm at northwestern for ja works or any university that you need your id badge. but of course nothing is going to happen to a donde he's making a liberal argument not a conservative one we have seen at espn if you hold conservative views and share those views on air most of those people get eliminated in a hurry. this is why so many people i won't say so many people but more and more people cannot just watch sports anymore and have that separation you long for on a weekend after you have worked a long week or a weeknight after you've worked a long day. the escapism. and i've got to hear that on the show that supposed be talking about sports and
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instead of getting a political argument as if i'm watching msnbc or read the editorial pages of mother jones. that is a big, big problem for espn they have had for quite some time not even sports journalism unfortunately has become awoke, sean. >> this guy's an idiot. voting rights comparing that to concentration camps in china? tammy before we go on and what's your take on this resolve the video of the journals being shot to the side. must a likely saying how is that different in america were conservatives are pushed aside on twitter and facebook and youtube? we are censored no different than what he saw the video. we are just as bad and big tech as a chinese communist party, isn't that true? >> we have to admit americans are smoother when it comes to whatever they do for that was just crass. they didn't they are physically pushing him off. big tech is able to do these things quietly or don't see it. that's when the big differences. what television has offered americans and people around
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the world expect to see is the visual of something occurring. we are used to that most of the time. that is why it resonates. when you're able to do something not seen us makes a difference been. >> the philosophy is still the same for people they don't agree if they don't like this it's just like china great discussion but still ahead, joe biden was to crackdown on guns but somehow ignoring actual crimes but sheriffs are angry. plus new york city soft on crime days make a small change to his policy. was it just as silent as the outrage? that is coming up next. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪
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as crime spirals out of control democrat run cities the president of the national sheriffs association is slamming present biden's push to target guns while ignoring criminals, listen. >> so the guns are not the issue. it is the violent acts being committed by these people whether using a car, whether it's using their hands to choke somebody. those are our daughters, our wives, our mothers, our children the biden administration needs to start listening to our communities. lisa start listening to law enforcement. there people who know how to make this work. and know how to protect us. they have a hidden agenda they are sending out there and they are following that is not the agenda for the american people's not keeping the american people safe. >> new york city radical district attorney alvin bragg is doing an about-face and changing a part of his soft on crime policies amid intensive backlash. on his third day in bragg office prosecutors not to seek
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prison sentence for a slew of charts and downgrade for robberies and commercial burglary spirit and a new called for commercial armed robberies to be charged as felonies. so tammy i'm going to come to first for the president of the detective endowment association made a point i think it's pretty obvious to all of us. the fact it had to be put into a memo that armed robbery is now a felony is pretty scary. >> it is. remember it's only commercial armed robberies. that sets out a whole different dynamic when it comes to you on the street, the other environment that it's done. there's still this very strange dynamic or you have to ask why? if this is about equity improving the quality of lives of people of color, these are in the city and commercial areas and neighborhoods, people of color. so you are allowing the victims, more victims in your community to be created whose lives are changed or ruined. you don't get over having a
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gun held at your throat or a knife held at your throat when you are robbed or whether you are in a store of your clerk, or if you are walking freely along the street. it is a very strange a message that creates more fear. he makes everyone unsure about what's possible except the bad guys. this is like a green light to commit more crimes as though they are entitled to it. or this is some kind of retribution or revenge for something. and of course the governor can fire this individual, she won't do it. i think after biden's visit this is one of the compromises. i don't think it's going to make a big difference in this city, it's a great american city but it is a raging dumpster fire right now and very dangerous. >> very dangerous. you hear the sheriff say the lawmakers need to listen to law enforcement. however of the course of the past two years we have seen so many progressives on their base make law enforcement the bad guy.
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the members of law enforcement are the ones on the streets. they know what needs to be done because they know what works. >> they know it needs to be done just like any good prosecutor knows what should be done. when people walk into a store someone's home and pull a gun or a knife, these are bad people they do not deserve a second chance for those the people you throw the book out in charge of the full extent of law. you put them in prison for a long time because they are dangerous people. bragg had to walk his comments back shows just how radical he is. there's a lot of good men and women in prosecutor's office and are trying to do the right thing. there's a small fee have gotten themselves into the leadership position. exit again the fox getting into the hen house and destroying policies prosecutors have used for a long time to get bad people off the street. one other thing, joe biden and liberals are talking about guns but let's go after guns. the problem is people who use guns. and so this is a diversion tactic to say we can use crime
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and use it to go after guns which is really our political motivation we do not like guns in america. we do not want people to have guns we hate the second amendment we can use crime to go after guns and try to sell people and the fact we are doing something good for the communities to keep them safe. it's all a little loose. think most americans understand this are going to push back on it. you can't fix the problem was to recognize the problem and liberals have not recognize the problem yet. they're not supporting and we have liberal prosecutors guns are not the problem people are the problem. >> joe i've got to get you in your producing an increase in crime. we have not seen an increase the number of guns in the country. they are going after the guns of the crime. >> was a great argument by sean by the way. look, removing a gun from the situation, with that have helped but have been in waukesha, wisconsin or maniac on relatively little bill ran over and murdered grandmothers and children alike. would removing a gun from the situation with that have saved
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breanna, she was ucla student brutally stabbed to death for working in a furniture store in an upscale neighborhood in los angeles. here's the steps in new york right now but you tell me how much of this has to do with guns. major crimes in your group 38% rate rape is up 27%. robbery at 33%. grand larceny is up 57%. grand larceny auto up about 93%. this is what happens when you have a mayor and thank god he is gone, build a blahs show would cut police funds by the tune of a $1 billion, demoralizing his department in the process. we're not just seeing an increase in crime now we are seeing crimes are more fearless even brazen even if police forces are ramped up a c refund the police movement and many cities across a stated they know there is a d.a. on the other side that's just going to make it a revolving door back out onto the street anyway per until we see a two-pronged approach you are right tammy is right not much is going to change. a quick skype at one of the point and are quickly and i got to go. joe made a good point on the
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waukesha christmas parade print member the media call that a car crash they did not call they failed policies of a low bail or diversion program it called in a car crash and set of calling out the policies that allow that individual their own out on bail to go kill wisconsinites. at a christmas parade it's horrendous and that media is complicit in what's happening in the country. >> so next, go fund me putting a stop to a fundraiser for the trucker convoy fighting for freedom in canada. the outrage over this decision runs deep. we will explain straight ahead.
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common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> already everybody welcome back to now, gofundme is in hot water after shutting down a multi- million-dollar fundraiser for the trucker convoy protest in canada claiming the protesters were no longer peaceful. obviously this looks very dangerous right now doesn't question are totally scary, completely scary looks just like buildings on fire in the middle of the night, you know. listen to this. marco ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i understand where the left might be triggered by all of that. can't you? ] initially known keep all the money and distribute to charities, go fund mate responding to the backlash is said by tweeting, to simplify the process for our users we will be refunding alternations to the freedom convoy 2022 fundraiser. while the mob mob because he purchased violent and dangerous, triggered a driver ran his suv into the peaceful protesters in winnipeg. no one thank goodness was fiercely hurt and the police arrested the driver. one of the things that gofundme said it turned into an occupation. we just went past martin luther king day. who really refined the idea of peaceful protest of civil disobedience. that is the american and the
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canadian way if i may say. clearly a peaceful dynamic. and ilana muscat put up a tweet reminding everyone of gofundme's position regarding the seattle chops zone. asking if this in fact was a double standard when it came to what they were supporting for it ultimately, joe they said now they're going to be asking for people to send in a form to get the money refunded. but now they're big changes they're going to do it automatically which is what they should have done in the first place. >> while per think he's asking a rhetorical question on the double standard part literally in seattle chops took over a police station for the police had to abandon it and that maybe it was like this is a peaceful, it is okay everything is fine. >> is a summer of love her. >> her own mayor said that there mayor literally said that at the time. go fund mate should be shortened to go f me at this point. they allow gofundme think i can say that on the air for
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black lives matter at last check those protests were far more violent and costly to the tune of a billions of dollars compared to these truckers in this protest which has been as peaceful as woodstock the first on the other and didn't count. attorney generals should be looking at this and saying wait a minute, there should be lawsuits now here involved with gofundme in terms of the way they are directing this. let's read how the media is covering this, shall we? let's put up a tweet at your wonderful producers habit from the "washington post" were democracy dies in darkness. this is it here. auto embraces for increasingly dangerous and scare quotes covid mandate protests as scare quite freedom convoy, blockades, leave the city on edge freight on edge but how many arrests have happened exactly? that way when i see is that maniac in winnipeg is just trying to run people over and drove into a crowd. that is where we are at at this point, to meet so predictable it scary.
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>> sean, one of the things of course desantis had notice or perhaps going to investigate gofundme for product you cannot just take people's money and do it they want with it that might be a crime. too that of course provoke them to make these changes. at the same time, they felt comfortable doing it at first. they thought this would be okay to just take everyone's money and keep it and do what they wanted to with it. what does that say to you about the state of american institutions at this point? >> i think it you are right it's west virginia florida both called out and say we may ask to investigate and prosecute gofundme for deceptive advertising, taking people's money and not giving it to the intended source. but they do this because they've gotten away with it, tammy. this is the way they have done business. the problem is conservatives continue to go on platforms and use products and companies that actually hate them.
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i do not what the alternative is to gofundme over instead of going to youtube, go to rumble. instead of using twitter, use instead of google as your search while for this whole bunch of platforms that are conservative like you reflect your values stop using the left. the last one i'll make this is dangerous but it's dangerous because these truckers are an affront to who is in control of economies and countries. is that the people? or is it the elite? i think it's the elite. >> i think alicia allows you have the last word wrapping this up too. >> how would like to be a trucker right now? like actually would you because there is a shortage of one. and we need them. talk about the ultimate social distancing at work. these are folks who are in their cabs, they are driving the spend a lot of time outside and they go inside. to be treated this way when we have a supply chain trout problem, we have a worker shortage problem.
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things just keep getting stuck. so i understand why there be investigations where there's just one more thing hitting these guys over the head. >> we see the system it seems like nobody wants anybody to challenge the status quo, to say no. but we can keep pushing back. we can get things back on track for it or it up when thank you very much. now aoc does not like america and the best economy in the world. her latest slam on capitalism, next. ♪ ♪ how their world stopped... ...and when they found a way to face it. for some,... ...this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda—a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced melanoma, which is a kind of skin cancer where keytruda may be used when your melanoma has spread or cannot be removed by surgery. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer...
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>> welcome back to the big saturday show. capitalism the bedrock of the american economy for centuries. but apparently the pursuit of prosperity is not good enough for one aoc. the outspoken progressive congresswoman pushing back against said capitalism very. >> to mean capitalism at its core, but we are talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human environmental and social costs. that is what we are really discussing. they dictate and capture
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government that is not a redeemable system for us. >> well, i'm old enough to remember it sean duffy is aoc assayed interview with margaret hoover on pbs. hoover astor hey, can you give president trump some credit for the fact the unemployment rate is somewhere around 4%? and she said well the reason why the unemployment rate is so low because people are working two jobs. and when you're working two jobs that's not how unemployment works, right? if i have three jobs i can really lower the unemployment rate is per person but we all know that. let me read you some the stats here sean as far as favorable opinion of capitalism versus socialism, okay? this is capitalism in this case. genz we cannot and get a majority having a favorable opinion of capitalism millennial's are split even 50%. gen x that's me, 58% that you sean as well. boomers 63% and then silently
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breed leading way at 77%. what do you think is driving younger people to embrace socialism more? >> the same thing they let aoc say something that is so stupid. she studied economics at bu. have a failed education system in america it's teaching this garbage to young people making them believe that marxism or socialism is actually better than capitalism. capitalism american-style capitalism is brought more people out of poverty and into the middle class brought more wealth and generosity and freedom to the world than any other system known to man but i think what's happened years aoc knows she is not going to beat summit ridge entrepreneur. but if she believes in marxism, socialism and can implement that in america that gives her power to actually spend other people's money. it's all about her control not disseminated power to people in america to make decisions for themselves. >> i felt like i was listening to the next jon f. kennedy their parade you should run for office duffy i think you
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would have a shot. i think you've got a future in that business. [laughter] you should be. >> is so much more fun. tammy, another pole to share this is even more disturbing. would you beat somewhat or extremely likely to vote for a socialist candidate? generation z has 64% basically two thirds. millennial sigel all dipped to seven and ten would be extremely likely or somewhat likely to vote for social candidate. generation x, we still continue to represent very saintly at 44% on that one. boomers only about a third and silent as well. is it a matter of younger people simply like to be taken care of, tammy, and therefore socialism is supposed to be the answer to that? hey, forgive my student loans. hey give me a job automatically, hey i want several weeks off work. set the thinking here? >> i don't think there is much
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thinking for this is my of what they see on six sockets two lines of bernie sanders might say who never gets any critical coverage because the media thanks he doesn't matter. but i think he may be read in the country right now. so it is about wish fantasies. it's about belonging to the club. look, when i was younger i was on the left and there is a reason because americans want things to be better for everyone. and when you were lied to by educators, when your mentors are making things up, with what we saw with the last election it is easy for young people to think oh, things could be better. but they really don't know for they really do not know what capitalism really is for they do not what socialism generally represents because a sean mention the education system deliberately has kept history from being taught. a look you can get into a uc campus known california with no history classes in your high school background. they have an interest. but aoc and people who are socialists who know what's
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going on the left relies on victimhood. they rely on pain, they rely on suffering. they rely on fear, they rely on a population is in retreat. capitalism frees people. it makes people enthusiastic to participate. and of course it is a problem with capitalism. it allows those like us to have a voice. >> and alicia will set up a tammy. i was looking before i got caught looking, aoc has a twitter following of 12.8 million people. okay? that is a big, big following it's a big us in congress but here's my quick question for 30 seconds and she actually have influenced you think on young people are set just a social media garage? >> is probably a little bit of both. i think she probably does have some influence have serious conversation over their coffees. it's really easy i think to
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admire socialism when you live in a capitalist country and have all the benefits of it. i think that is what is being forgotten here. really quickly have to give a shout out to gen x it. we chill in the middle of these polls. we are going to work not making a lot of noise that's all we want to do that's all. >> can i say really quickly, she had no influence on the last election here in new york. some people she campaigned for failed print one case him buffalo to write in candidate. think the answer with boots on the ground, not much. >> classic case of sizzle over 60 has yet to pass anything and congress. anyway, we have some super exciting big saturday flops a big part of the show. it is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition
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for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please.
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>> welcome back to the big saturday show it is time now for big saturday flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the week. i will go first. things have gotten so bad for dominoes and pete said that it will now pay you to pick up your piper yes dominoes it made famous for what's promising their delivery in 30 minutes or it is free, is now telling customers they will pay them a quote 3-dollar tip if they pick it up themselves but the company since staffing shortages have gotten the best of them.
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delivery drivers are hard to come by special because domino's does not use third-party delivery apps. in a new commercial dominoes announces evokes or to their pizzas online that they are no longer just a customer, they are now a delivery driver. things are tough all over, right sean? you are next request completely i think of dominoes i think dominoes deliver sound they don't deliver. before we start on my flop was not a flop that it was her music i think the music flexion today show is fantastic. i just went through that place out there. >> of the small club thank you for that joe. joe biden is claiming that he only uses taxpayer dollars to buy products that are made in america, right question of the big bold statement he made pretty just spent over $1 billion on covid-19 tests from the country no other than china. the place where it covid it came from he is a promising i'm going to buy american but i'm going to get your covid chest from china this is absolute insanity. he said there is a production
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problem in the u.s. they should've been a little insightful in that direction going to look in and ramp up production orders in the u.s. they did not do that. utter failure by joe biden should've bought american, joe. >> wow. and then it covid jazz are going to come in his omicron basically waiting its way out the door at this point. let's take a look back, shall we? he now has been convicted of basically stealing from us old clients torment dennis to go away for something like 22 years, which is tremendous for his number cnn media correspondent who declared a serious contender for the white house when he was the hottest booking and traditional medium by hottest booking i mean he was booked more than 200 times in a span of only a few months on tv including 121 times on cnn. he practically had a cop there we are a long way from 2018.
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22million people tuned in to see stormy daniels, michael avenatti. believe we have a lovely picture of the scout being interviewed by anderson cooper on 60 minutes. boy have the mighty and not so mighty have fallen. but at least now avenatti could be present still i think of his cellblock at riker so congratulations mr. avenatti. >> alrighty, my turn to take it? >> yes tammy take it. >> kamala harris has lost yet another staff member. this time it is her speech writer this is one of over a dozen. i have the right spin for her now because all that have set it's about morale. she could actually say she started a vocational college that people go to her office to learn a job in the medical elsewhere and get another job. that way it could be a big winner. the latest so must a speech writer. and i think maybe it's because she does not how to spell the giggle that the vice president delivers most of the time for that is not a good sign when
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you are dealing with morale for the first woman vice president in this country, what a shame that people cannot really support that and enjoy it. >> is in this cackle? what's odiferous will see back here tomorrow and for jon scott on the fox report which starts now. ♪ ♪ >> expanding trucker convoy expected to roar into more big cities across our neighbor to the north. thousands of drivers and protests in canada as a vaccine mandate. and that government reels in quite a blow for a good evening everyone i am in for jon scott. and this is the fox report. the group known as freedom convoy 2022 has been protesting covered vaccine
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