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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 6, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST

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arthel: as rush-- if russia invades ukraine, 50000 civilians could die. that's what joint chief german mark millie told congress in a recent closed-door briefing according to multiple fox news sources. we are learning president vladimir putin has emplaced nearly three quarters of the troops he would need to launch a full-scale invasion. hello and welcome to "fox news live". i'm arthel neville. eric: hello and thank you for joining us. i'm eric shawn. in word of dire warning
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about it invasion, us troops arrived, the first appointment of us troops in support of nato are in poland with more expected to arrive in romania in the coming days to beef up a wall against vladimir putin. president biden warning russia and its president will face heavy sanctions if putin invades ukraine and while the administration continues to look for a diplomatic offramp senior officials admit the country is prepared if putin pulls the trigger. >> we are in the window. any day now russia could take military action against ukraine or it could be a couple of weeks from now or russia could choose to take the diplomatic path. the key thing is that the united states needs to be and is prepared for any of those contingencies in lockstep with our allies. eric: we have coverage throughout the hour. steve is alive in ukraine's capital. first let's go to alexandra who is at the white house.
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reporter: eric, it's a grim-- grim prediction on top of civilian loss of life general millie estimates 15000 ukrainian troops and 50000 russian forces with sources telling fox last week in a court-- closed-door meeting that if russia were to launch a full-scale invasion it could fall within 72 hours. national security adviser jake sullivan waited saying it is not his job to predict, but prepare contingency plans. >> including a contingency where russian forces drive down the ukrainian capital. we are working hard with allies and partners on that. we are providing, as i said before, material support to the ukrainians and trying to get them to make sure they are in the best position possible to defend themselves. reporter: fox news has been told some lawmakers expressed concern over the level of defense applies to-- supplied to ukraine. sending $200 million of you-- us aid to ukraine
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since december. the white house still believes there is a bargaining chip. >> we have been absolutely clear that if russia invades ukraine, one way or the other nord stream 2 will not move forward. that's leverage for us that we have right now, so we intend to use that leverage and vladimir putin has a choice to make. if he chooses to move on ukraine. reporter: nord stream 2 pipeline offers a easier route for russia to send fuel. eric: lots of questions about germany and its role of nato since it's lost some of the defensive lethal weapons going to ukraine. for more on the possible russian invasion of ukraine we will talk more with fox news born analyst karen skinner on what she thinks vladimir putin will do.
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arthel: meanwhile with tensions already high along the russia ukraine border the kremlin has been moving thousands more troops there in recent weeks and military seems to be underway with russian bombers flying over belarus in a so-called practice exercise just yesterday. meantime, ukrainian forces are conducting drills of their own near chernobyl preparing for a possible war as us troops are now on the ground near poland border with ukraine. steve harrigan is live in ukraine's capital, kiev, with the latest. reporter: russia has been making a public display of their power on three sides of ukraine over the past several days with more than 100,000 russian forces along the border as well as a number of weapon systems and the numbers grow especially in the north. ukraine's northern border with belarus joint exercises have begun with russia and belarus, more than 30000
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russian troops involved. that pathway for potential invasion, should it come from the north is a two hour ride to the capital here. we spoke to ukrainians along that pathway who are just north of the capital here about what they say, they are under no illusions about what they could face from a russian invasion. >> we will fight. we will shower our blocks if the guard decides, we will die, but we will defend our country. >> i was in the military, but i need to refresh my training because the enemy at our borders is well-trained with lots of troops. reporter: you can see that civil training going on at different places around the city every weekend. keep in mind, russia's defense budget, more than 10 times of ukraine. back to you. arthel: steve harrigan in kiev, ukraine.
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eric: critics say the impact of progressive prosecutors, they blame those policies for an increase in crime in our country , in a new your city of 38% last month alone. across the city line there was another brazen high end smash and grab robbery. police say a thief casually walked out a storage in washington dc with carjacking on the rise and in chicago 12 people shot. so far just this weekend alone. charles watson live in atlanta with more. reporter: there is video showing the brazen robberies at the louis vuitton store in the burberry store at the westchester mall in white plains new york. the first video posted to twitter you can see three men in bright reflective coats running out of burberry. they get on the escalator and you can see at least two of them have what appears to be arms full of coats and then at louis vuitton same shopping center by the way, have a scary
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situation with two guys snatching what they can pick the first guy gets away pretty easily with some purses. not so easy for the second as you can see presumably employees and maybe customers before the guy ultimately gets away. police say the incident actually happened in january, but because of the recent public outcry over these videos they address it on the social media saying they are actively investigating these incidents in meantime in dc metropolitan area is dealing with an explosive uptick in armed carjackings. one of the latest called on neighborhood ring camera as a man runs up to a woman with a baby in her back seat and demands she give up her white mercedes-benz. you can hear screams as he forces his way into the car and takes off with her and the child. fortunately, the two were able to escape. at a press conference to combat this crime, the dc mayor said juveniles were driving the uptick making as much as 60% of
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arrests for carjackings in dc and neighboring prince george county in 2021. officials say they are working together to not only rehabilitate these offenders, but to hold them accountable. >> if it calls for commitment, that it calls for commitment. commitment in the form of sending some of these young people down. they are back out in communities the next day was the motivation for their friend not to do what they do? playtime is over. reporter: of course, police accountability is in the hands of local district attorneys in the courts. it will be interesting to see if they will get on board with the new initiatives. eric? eric: person was shot to death in chicago. charles watson, thank you for the latest. criminals take advantage of the so-called reforms , we will talk with former new york city commissioner ray kelly in a few moments
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on how to fix it. arthel: local book-- go find me is backtracking on its decision to redistribute donations to canada's truckers protest against covid mandates. the platform took down the freedom convoy page friday saying reports of violence in the protests in canada's capital of ottawa violates its terms of service. it said it would send the funds to other charities and changed that position to say go go fund me would offer refunds on requests. that is now changing after major blowback. brian is live from the new york city newsroom with the latest on where this stands. reporter: will come after shutting down the fundraising page go fund me will now refund every single donor who made a donation to the so-called freedom convoy, which had raised over $10 million, but that is still not sitting well particularly with republican attorney general in at least five states, florida, texas,
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west virginia, louisiana and ohio. the ag's say they have opened investigations into go fund me for potential fraud and deception because they believe companies should allow the money to go where donors intended it to go. canadian truckers protesting covid-19 mandates. >> they take a percentage, not only a percentage of the donation, but money per donation so they make money when folks raise money through their platform and then without any notice to anyone and no donor notices before they make a contribution, they are going to make some political judgment? reporter: critics say they are engaging in double standard by shutting down the freedom convoy putting 282020 and which go fund me promoted a fund raiser for the seattle occupation. go fund may shut down the freedom convoy because they say the protests violates its terms of service by promoting violence and harassment.
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they point to evidence provided by the ottawa police which treated quote police have responded to over 400 calls for service related to the demonstration since they began. in total, over 50 criminal offenses are being investigated, 11 of those were hate crimes which resulted in charges against four people. republican senator ted cruz sent a letter to the federal trade commission to open an investigation into go fund me and whether the company deceives its consumers. arthel: brian live in new york city, thank you. eric: vladimir putin is daring the world adding more forces at the ukrainian border and now surrounding the country that is tilted towards the west on three sides. what could it mean for the us and our nato allies of russian troops are moving? next steps right after this.
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arthel: as the iran nuclear deal talks stalled the biden administration is waiving sanctions on iranian civilians nuclear activities allowing companies and other countries to participate in certain nuclear projects in iran without facing us sanctions. yesterday iran's foreign minister said the waiver is not enough to bring
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to ron back to compliance of the 2015 nuclear deal. eric: if vladimir putin invades ukraine the death toll could be nothing like we have seen since it was ravaged by war 80 years ago. us officials tell fox news as many as 50000 ukrainians civilians could be killed and what would be the largest military land operation in europe since world war ii. casualties among ukrainian troops up to 25000 killed in action and russian troops 10000 dead. moscow the speediness of blaming us, russia's deputy investor to the knighted nations tweeting: badness and scaremongering continues, but if we would say that osgood sees london in the us could sees london in a week and because 300,000 civilian deaths all this based on our intelligent sources. it's wrong for russians
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as ukrainians, but the ukrainian military is preparing to defend its homeland. is still training for the possibility of a russian invasion in the government in kyiv calling out more than 100,000 new troops to base putin's threat. fox news quorum-- born policy-- foreign policy expert is here. what is the resolve of the ukrainians and is it enough to deter putin from giving the orders? >> taking on your first point, that it resolve is clear, the real ukrainians are something like 44 million strong. they are committed to their country. they have a lot of war vets in the country given that they have been in war of attrition with russia since 2014 and they are prepared to take up arms and defend themselves to the last man. they said that repeatedly. those aren't my words, but it's not enough as we know. russia is amassing more and more troops along
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the border. its coordinating new with bella rouge and-- a couple of days ago vladimir putin with met with the leader of triana-- china to plan their broader political strategy issuing a communiqué about the problems of nato from their point of view and the need for asia-pacific security. this is actually a global move on the global chessboard by putin, whether he invades or not he's trying to shift the conversation, shifted the narrative and shift the geopolitical reality about russia's role in europe and other parts of the world. eric: is so you are seeing basically beijing and moscow, now basically joining up against us, against western interests trying to form a new world order that dismantles the success and what we have lived under and
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lived through defending democracy and independence and human values coming out of world war ii. >> yes, and i'm not saying they are in a love fast, russia and china, but for a long time we took comfort in the view that they weren't natural allies. in fact, they had reasons to be adversaries. those reasons still hold, but what is different about the last few years is that they have been finding mutual interests that gives them mutual advantage against the west. you are so correct, eric , this idea of a different world order not based on democracy, sovereignty, freedom, respect for human rights , that's what they want because it plays to their authoritarian advantage in their larger ambitions outside of their own borders. i think we have missed that for a long time and i have said on air and in writing for a number
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of years, look at the shanghai communication, shanghai cooperation organization. it's not nato. it's not the eu, but it is a gathering place for russia and china to pick up countries from around the world, not just in europe, but in other parts of the middle east and asia in a broad sphere of influence that plays to their advantage so, ukraine crisis isn't just about ukraine. it's about russia's role in the world and we better take notice. eric: what do you think putin will do? will he pick off one third of ukraine, the russian speaking region or will he basically cut in half at the river or will he just sit there and can he amassing 130,000 troops surrounding the country, is there any way for him
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to back away from this and save face? >> so, every alternative that you have just outlined is being debated right now in washington and in european capitals and while washington in the last couple of days has a said new intelligence show that there is a potential for a major attack based on troop movement, the coordination with other countries and someone, at the same time, the white house is saying it does not have authoritative incredible evidence that putin is about to make a move. then, others say that he won't make a move before the end of the olympics on february 20. i think the larger issue is the fact that we are debating what's going on in putin's head suggests that we don't have a larger strategy for dealing with, not just ukraine, but the very
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conflicts that we say we care about and the principles that we hold. at the biden administration has made declarative statements about its commitment to democracy and what does that actually mean, it's a great commitment. i believe in it, most people do, but what is it mean in detail and that's what we aren't clear about. does it mean we have to be a lot more aggressive so far what i'm hearing is that we are going to use punishing unprecedented sanctions against ukraine, but we are not willing to even do those now. president belinsky has said use the sanction lever right now. it seems that we want to wait for russia to do something. that's not strong deterrence and i have also been concerned about the fact that even if these are qualitatively different sanctions, the reality is that there are very few times in world history when a determined great power
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stops its behavior because of threat of sanction and in this case those distinctions could be fairly weak if the germans don't come along. now, they talked a lot about nord stream 2 and putting it in a sanction category if russia does something, but again, it's after the fact. eric: in the german chancellor coming to the white house to talk about this. on the threat beyond ukraine, but russia and china threatening democracy in the world order across the globe. thank you. arthel: thank you. president biden distancing himself from the defunded the police movement as cities across the country struggle to get a handle on rising crime pick up next, former new york city police commissioner ray kelly weighs in on what needs to be done on the local and federal level to get this crime spree under control.
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eric: gun violence claiming another life, this time a college basketball hall of famer jean ranson was shot and killed friday while driving on a california freeway. he was a renowned point guard for the uc berkeley golden bears in the late 1970s. we have more on this yet another murder by gunfire. christina. reporter: it's so tragic, another victim to gun violence, this time a beloved basketball star from the bay area, california highway patrol said jean ranson was driving on 880 in oakland friday afternoon during rush hour and he was shot causing him to crash his honda sedan into a guardrail. authority said say the suspect took off immediately after several leads officers were able to make an arrest identifying the suspect as juan garcia of san francisco. detectives are investigating a motive
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for the shooting. meantime, family and friends are mourning the loss of this basketball legend. ransom dominated the court for berkeley high school in the 70s and was nothing but net in college ranking in the top standings as a leading career score with a whopping 1185 points within three years at uc berkeley between 1975 and 1978. he was inducted into the cow athletic hall of fame in 2001. they released a statement saying in part jean was one of the greatest players in our men's basketball program history and he will great-- be greatly missed turkey was a coach work berkeley high school in 2001. listen to one of his former players. >> basically like the big brother and then to some of us father figures and during that year it was always love. love to give us a big hug and he would just wrap his arms around you and he is small in
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stature, but he's a strong man with big hands. his hands were humongous and when he wrapped his arms around you and you knew it was love. reporter: ransom shooting is one of three deadly shootings in oakland over the past three months. in november, 23 -month-old toddler was killed by a stray bullet while in the car with his family on the freeway. as for ransom accused killer, his arraignment is scheduled for february 9. eric. eric: just another tragedy, really just so sad. thank you. "fox news live". arthel: there is brand-new video of thieves fleeing a mall outside of new york city after ransacking a burberry store similar to incidents we have seen at stores nationwide and this comes as 2022 has gotten off to a dangerous and deadly start for police in america. at least a 38 officers had been shot and six killed just five weeks into the new year. president biden traveled to new york city
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thursday to meet with state and local leaders on his plan to combat violent crime. the president's message delivered a blow to the controversial defunded the police movement. >> the answer is not to defunded the police, it's to give you the tools of training, funding to be partners, to be protectors and the community needs you. [applause]. police need to treat everyone with respect and dignity and that's why i called on congress to pass a budget later this year provides a cities like new york and others with initial $300 million for community policing. arthel: let's bring in ray kelly, former new york city police commissioner and ceo of guardian group. i have lots of things to get with including community policing. should police commissioners meet with local das to devise ways
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to correct the criminal justice system to address needs in their local communities? >> sure, and i think that happens regularly. i can speak to new york city and certainly in the past the police commissioner and district attorneys had a very good relationship. now, we have alvin bragg who obviously has a different game plan. we know what he wants to do. we know he wants to decriminalize an awful lot of things, and the police commissioner-- the new police commissioner i think asked to sit down and communicate that it's bad for the city, bad for the police department, bad for alvin bragg, quite frankly. i can't believe he actually rolled this plan out during a major crime wave in new york city, but sure, that communication goes on all the time. arthel: in this case and that specifically why i asked actually, is he listening? is he listening to the
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police and commissioners? >> we will see. he came out with a new message and that was only because he was forced to do it with some of the things he said in his initial memo, but we will have to see what happens in the trenches. the assistant district attorneys-- we have to see down the road if in fact, you know, his desires at least those in that first memo are carried out. we have a new police commissioner and again, a new da so they will have to work that out. arthel: okay. moving onto the next if you wouldn't mind, defunding the police is not the answer yet to invest in police departments, you heard president biden say that that is the way to go so i ask you this new money that will go into these departments and what areas can police departments and policing stand improvement?
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>> you know, the reality is that cities are washed with money now. they don't need more money. the money is there as a result of the covid funding. one of the problems is that a lot of cops are voting with their feet. they have either retired or resigned and departments are having a difficult time hiring, recruiting. it's not an issue of money. it's an issue of a row, an issue of the restraints and restrictions that have been put on cops after the george floyd killing , so money is not the answer to the immediate problem, unfortunately. arthel: that brings me too the next point here, not to same-- they crime only happens in black neighborhoods, but i'm going to specifically ask you, how do you address the distrust between police and the black community? community-based policing seems to work and just
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look at camden new jersey, why isn't that the the template for all police departments? >> well, i think it is the template. i think there's a lot of communication that goes on. police officers, captains, commanders of precincts, they are always communicating with the community. is there some distress there? yes, and it's something that has to be worked on every day, but it is in fact being done every day and just have to keep working at it. it's not going to change overnight. arthel: what do you think about the notion of jailing the parents of juveniles who commit major crimes or somehow holding the parents responsible? is not an option? >> well, i don't think it's probably legally doable, but it certainly has an appeal to it particularly when we have seen some of these
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terrible crimes with the shooting we saw in michigan where the parents knew he had a gun, didn't inform the school that he had a gun and the young man came back to the school and killed several people. that's such an egregious incident and you could argue that parents should be held responsible in some way shape or form for that, but in general that's a pretty dicey difficult thing to do in the law. arthel: to get them engaged though somehow because as you well know and we are running out here, but as you well know unfortunately a lot of juveniles are recruited to commit crimes or they choose to on their own for whatever reason and they do it because their charges will be lesser so they are right back out on the streets, i mean, so that is plaguing a lot of communities. how do you get parents engaged work culpable on some level? >> well, it's difficult. we have a bot of two-parent families with
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both of them working. they don't know about the activities of their children. you are absolutely right, recruiting efforts particularly in the new york where age of responsibility and adults have been raised from 16 to 18. if the people who organize car theft rings are looking for young people, 16, 17 to do the car thefts because the consequences will be much less if there are consequences of these days, but much less for a young person. arthel: i want to keep talking, but i'm out of time and of course you will not acknowledge that there are parents from two working families, two working parents or single parents who actually do care and are trying to set their kids on the right course. >> of course. arthel: and they do turn them in when they need to, so want to be clear about that but why don't we continue this conversation. will you come back?
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>> absolutely. great to be with you. arthel: thank you. eric? eric: commissioner of the us border patrol, get this, made 1.9 million arrests in 2021, 1.9 million of migrants and that is a new record. officials say they are seeing more coming in from beyond mexico, from other nations around the globe. you are looking live at the border, part of the border wall that has been built. william is an-- is on the border on the rio grande river. reporter: eric, those from outside central america are a challenge for the biden administration and let me show you images that help explain why. early friday rio grande city texas dps chasing several runners in camouflage forced to tackle some. dps had the manpower but border agents a it's concerning when you head into the fields alone outnumbered 10 to one
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and they are stretched thin. smugglers have no problem moving people in the middle of the day or these large groups and of course someone to get caught, but these two agents identified coyotes did not and had to be tackled. about the incidents reflect a surge in illegal trafficking since president biden was elected and his failure to rebuild and reform the immigration system as promised. >> this is the first president in the history of the net united states of america that any seeking asylum have to do it in another country. that's never happened before in america. that's never happened before. you come to the united states and you make your case that i seek asylum based on the following premise, why i deserve it under american law. they are sitting in squalor on the other side of the river. reporter: they are not getting that chance and if you look at the numbers president biden has deported twice as many migrants as president trump and take a look at where they are living, some of the same overcrowded
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camps. thousands denied the right to claim asylum which he vowed to protect for title 42 and also expanded trump's remaining mexico policy to include haitians and others from countries in the western hemisphere, not just those of speaking spanish, but-- if you on the left criticized president biden for some of the same policy choices as trump. migrants have threatened to start a new caravan allowing them to cross the border and father asylum claim. >> the only thing we ask is for them to give us free passage, humanitarian visa, give us opportunities to the united states so i can tell them why don't you let me in if i wanted to enter your country legally. reporter: so, whether it's policy or messaging, eric, president biden promised to solve the problem and is only made it worse under democrat control, presidency, house and
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the senate. eric: thank you. arthel: a leaked document shedding new light on my chaotic and deadly us withdraw from afghanistan and what was happening behind the scenes at the white house just hours before coppola fell. those details for you straightahead. in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. how bout sushi? i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood?
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which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. arthel: folks are calling an illinois bus driver a hero after she rescued five kids before a train hit her bus. according to local fire chief there, the bus had stopped at the tracks, then installed as the driver started to cross and then as the gate came down on the bus she took the kids out of the bus. thankfully, no one was hurt. eric: that's great. we are learning more about the chaotic and deadly withdraw of us forces from afghanistan. asked he is reporting the biden administration's
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preparation or lack of it just hours before kabul fell. national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story. reporter: defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state anthony blinken were grilled during closed-door briefing on the afghanistan withdraw, the mat-- manistee aryan disaster that followed and a resurgence of al qaeda with the leaked notes of a meeting august 14, 1 day before kabul fell indicating the biden administration had not yet finalized where to evacuate thousands of americans and allied afghans, something the pentagon had complained privately for months was held up by state department bureaucracy. the notes read quote state will work to identify as many countries as possible to serve as transit points, transit points need to accommodate us citizens, afghan nationals, third country nationals and other evacuees. >> is that true that at the late stage preparations had not been made as to where to
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evacuate americans and others? >> in the spring, the defense department was already trying to gaming out a noncompetitive evacuation what it would look like and that secretary pre-position forces well before august, within 48 hours we were able to get some 3000 troops on the ground at the kabul airport. reporter: in afghanistan in the past week, seems of near famine and collapsed economy following us withdraw has led to the following warning from aid groups. >> they don't know where their next meal is coming from. this is a race against time. reporter: a message amplified in a recent ox interview with the world buber-- food program. >> hunger that they are living through is worse than any they have lived through. reporter: the world food program says aid can be channeled
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through humanitarian organizations to bypass the taliban, a moral imperative right now it says which is needed to stop the mass starvation. jennifer griffin, fox news. eric: and china athletes are calling out the poor conditions inside the old limbic villages in beijing as critics accuse the chinese government of using the competition to spread propaganda and now there is a growing push to boycott the games. next china's humanitarian record, it is horrible. that's a straightahead. we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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arthel: there is no shortage of controversy at the 2022 beijing winter olympics. german athletes say covid quarantine conditions are dismal with meals inedible, plus a shortage of training equipment amid claims china's communist party is using the games as a propaganda tool. many took notice when china chose a weaker athlete to light the flame at friday's opening ceremony. accusations of genocide of the muslim minority have called for a complete boycott of the game with a viral video showing a chinese official interrupting a live broadcast and pushing a reporter out
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of frame. look at that. really? fox news contributor byron york joins us now. the olympics are problematic on multiple levels but what are some of the biggest problems as you see it? >> he was a problem everyone could see coming, which is you are having the olympics in an authoritarian nation that will do things like pull reporters off of television. it will do things like put people in quarantine hotels that are substandard it's kind of like the thing you know when your personal life, something coming out that you dreaded and when it happens it's just as bad as you thought it was. this is kind of what we are seeing now. what's extraordinary is so many major us-based and worldwide corporations have a huge stake in this that they remain silent about what's going on in china
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and we have even had speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, worn or advise american athletes to be quiets. arthel: let me get back to that. >> to not say anything to anger the chinese. arthel: i will get back to that because that's an important point, but something else you said about all of the businesses engaged because some of this is a moot point because xi jinping already won. the games are in progress in the face of complaint, violations of the rest, so when this decision is reviewed to hold the only bricks there in beijing, how much responsibility, culpability, liability however you want to look at it rests with the ioc >> a huge amount. i think you are right, the ioc is responsible for this and believe me if we have some incident in the games, which are just getting started, if some athlete speaks out, if there is a demonstration, some sort of something, china will
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seek to suppress coverage of that and the ioc will go along. the other problem though , is the corporate support that gives billions of dollars for the rights to advertise and to broadcast these games. truly extraordinary. you have a lot of companies that are not shy about speaking out. the coca-cola company headquartered in atlanta actually made a political statement about the georgia election law, but they have remained silent about the only bricks in beijing. arthel: i have 20 and back your point about the speaker telling the us athletes to keep it down i guess for safety purposes. we have freedom of speech here, but you saw what happened to the dutch reporter. your take? >> i agree with that and there is a concern and you don't want an american ending up in jail in china. i can understand, but on
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the other hand it is something that rubs a lot of americans the wrong way to hear a top american official telling americans to just really be really quiet so they won't anger their host in china. arthel: it's a tricky. listen, by the way the best part of the winter olympics, leslie jones. have you checked her instagram cracks her analysis and commentary on the winter olympics is everything. you need to check it out if you haven't yet. byron york, thank you. eric, you also if you haven't checked it out, you have to. eric: in the spirit of the athletes in the competition, it's amazing and so aspiring, but the communists read chinese and their censorship and covid and what they are doing, no. arthel: we support the athletes, absolutely. ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals.
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪
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arthel: speak through fox news learning top general mark millie believes kyiv could fall within 72 hours of a russian invasion in the us is reporting vladimir putin has in place about 70% of the military needed for the attack. welcome to "fox news live". i'm mike emanuel. we have fox team coverage. let's start with steve harrigan on the ground in kyiv, ukraine where leaders are preparing to defend their country if needed. what is the latest?


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