tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 8, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
republican senator lindsey graham about the russian ukraine situation and china. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that he was it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. the pants are a little much as i look back at the video. >> jesse: with pants like that you have got to hit bombs, bret. bombs. >> bret: see you, buddy. >> jesse: thank you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: have you ever been betrayed. most of us have. maybe you have had a best friend run away with your girl or had a co-worker steal an idea that you wanted to pitch to your boss? or maybe your partner narked on you to the feds. [phone ringing] >> you are an fbi informant. are you [bleep] kidding me. >> jesse: being betrayed is poor anguish. you packers fans know what i
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policies and who benefits. and, as always, follow the money. because it certainly seems like both the cartels and the democratic party are mutually benefiting from what's unfolding along the border. i'm never one to pass up a chance to say i was right. but here we are. we have real reporting now that joe biden's administration is actually coordinating with the cartels. this is no conspiracy. this is a human smuggling operation. so low illegal minors literal babies being dropped over the border fence like sacks of dirt. left to waste away in the burns texas sun, hungry, thirsty and crying out for help. but biden won't protect him, instead he chooses to work with people like this. >> door stay right there. >> hey, hey. [growling]
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>> calm down. calm down. back up. >> get your foot back in there get your foot back in there. >> ma'am. >> we will have to tase you. >> jesse: that wasn't a demon singling the end times, although i wouldn't judge you for thinking that. no, that was a member of the flesh trade. a human smuggler just cashing in. birnd biden has effectively partnered with cartel coyote like that screaming demon. border patrol has been forced to make a deal with the devil. left having to work with the coyotes to coordinate dropoffs. dropoffs of insane people like this guy. >> ho ho ho. >> jesse: is he possessed? is he tweaking out? we have no idea.
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this is who border patrol is stuck with. this is who america can end up with. so the only way they can ensure the safety of the border crossers and themselves is this way. the biden administration has decided it must work with cartel coyotes, according to former cbp commissioner mark morgan, theyed to avoid scenes like the ones of children being dropped over walls in remote areas. it may be safer safer but makes the cartel's job easier and lucrative. the cartels are have taken control of our border and were negotiating with the hostage takers. the border patrol won't let innocent children die in the dessert because they are good, moral people, but the cartel will. biden's new business partners are evil. there is the sin nola cartel, one of the most oldest and most established of the crime syndicates once led by, you know, chapo.
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they thrive on violence, using it to protect their exploding drug trade. happening rivals prosecute bridges to scare away any challengers. the gull cartel. each group more violent than the next. and thanks to biden our border patrol has been handcuffed biden turned our border patrol into crossing guards. look how they are forced to spend their day. >> you guys are a shuttle service now, huh? really? what's that. >> no one is on the border. we show up and start grabbing people. >> really how many like this a day? >> over a thousand. >> over 1,000 per day? so just totally open?
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right there, just through that one hole? >> sometimes that way. >> wow! thousand per day? holy [bleep] >> not people the ones coming across. sometimes they are waiting out there a long time and they get tired of waiting. >> because i was just sitting here and they came up to me asking me for help. what do you want me to do. do people call in all the time with groups coming up to people and asking for help? gosh. >> jesse: migrants are given folders and signs asking for help to illegally sneak into our country. don't worry though, the signs have a smiley face at the end so you know it's only good people coming across. and once these migrants are here they're given money by us and father idea in planes and buses landing in your backyard. the cost of being smuggled not cheap. so these illegals owe the cartel
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thousands they work off their debt like indentured service worse muling drugs, drops, hard labor a really tough job. the money, they get to keep, is then sent back south to their families who pay the cartels more fees for more migrants coming north who biden lets. in and the trafficking rages straight up the hemisphere, drugs, cheap labor, violence and suffering, making cartels billions. biden is their partner in crime. "primetime" is here to expose these criminals and this alliance but it's up to you to make your voices heard to your congressman and your senator because this is what real collusion actually looks like here now angie wong, freelance journalist and black pac haven't. and alli bradley independent journalist who has been at the border for a month appearing guy
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you have been embedded you have seen this firsthand. is there an actual coordination between the border patrol and biden and the cartels? >> that's right. our border patrol agents are working at 400 percent capacity. they are limited staffing due to vaccine mandates. retirements and firings. so they are working day and night with very limited resources. that has forced them to essentially cartels. migrants crossing. it's not a perfect situation but it's the only way they can do it given their shortage of staff. >> when you say coordinated what do you mean by that? what kind of coordination is going on across the border to arrange what is cartel handoffs. the cartels hand off the
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illegals. border patrol takes them, gives them cash and sends them on trains, planes and automobiles. >> well, so it wasn't said exactly how it was communicated but it seemed as though it was a gon call that is made from the border agent to the cartels. what time coming off. what time is dropoff. which gate are they coming through. after the dropoff. the allegation will then close down that gate and move on to another site where another group of migrants come through. >> jesse: i mean, that's incredible that's that's happening that phone calls are going across the border to cartels to arrange the human smuggling. >> alli you have seen this firsthand. you have been down at the border. what have you seen and heard? is it really this bad? >> yeah, jesse. she talked specifically about just how much these border patrol agents are taxed and
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maxed out not just because of those things but you have that many people coming in. how can they doing doo their job and patrol the border. when he they're stuck these people the border is unmanned. wide open. border agents are telling me, jesse. that they feel like they are the middleman and the biggest human smuggling operation in the world. this is a very coordinated effort these people don't show up. 400 people each night at eagle pass alone. that doesn't happen just by chance. there has to be a coordinated effort for this to be they know. just as the cartel and coyotes have their kind of trucker, you know, route where they know and they can communicate with each other. that's exactly how this is all going on. everybody knows what's going on except for apparently the people at the top. >> jesse: what's the profile of a coyote?
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>> it? >> can be anybody. right now seeing a lot more people that are young. seeing a lot more people getting into the smuggling game being recruited off of tiktok and what's app. and snapchat. young people. some college kids. you saw the woman that was arrested by border patrol who a lot of people were shocked at that video of how she was acting. and you know there are a lot of women that are now getting into the smuggling game so to speak. there are a lot of they have used grandmothers and used people to to kind of allude law enforcement to try to make sure that they can continue their operation without being caught. but at this juncture we see, you know, border patrol check point after border patrol check point closed unmanned. so do they even really need to be stepping outside of those comfort zones. and finding people that aren't necessarily looking like the typical coyote that we would think if they don't even have really am ramifications?
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>> jesse: grandmothers and college students that's astounding. angie alli thank you so much excellent reporting from both of you. we appreciate it? >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: well, our southern border is wide open to smugglers, tweakers and demons aberrantly. our northern border has been shut down by truckers protesting vax mandates. canada's prime minister justin trudeau knows is he wrong but instead of debating the policies his boys are plays the race card. the canadian race card. >> problematic, mr. speaker, however, is when speech demonstrations and protests veers into hatred we have scene swastikas and confederate flags more like a occupation than a protest. >> it is well past the time to bring this protest to an end. we do not tolerate individuals though wave flags littered with symbols of hate and discrimination. >> jesse: these truckers may be
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making their way down to d.c. next month to crash joe biden's state of the union address. this won't be the first time working americans brought their equipment to the capitol. in 197 9, as newt mentioned last night. hundreds of farmers drove across the country from as far as california at 15 miles per hour until they reached washington. president jimmy carter's policies were hurting farmers. so they demanded more pay for crops and a bigger say in agricultural policy. and they were called hostile and greedy by, you know, same politicians in the senate and the white house. but, they stayed for weeks longer and eventually got their way. then went home. but once carter saw the national mall that's cleared out. he reversed his decision. and farmers were left to fend for themselves. and so reagan crop dusted carter back to little peanut farm in georgia. here now is freedom convoy
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trucker shava. you heard the canadians call you racist. a confederate. an insurrectionist, a nazi even. what's your reaction to that. >> good evening. they are completely wrong. we are not racist. we have nothing to do with that -- somebody just tried to do something bad to turn this protest into something, yes, but it was only one guy. we are not racist. i have all types of friends, finish, chinese. we have great people. there is no harassment here. >> and you are from romania originally. and you have been in canada for decades and you think this one confederate flag that i guess everyone has pointerred to is a
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plant and that's it? one guy a plant? >> correct, sir. >> a guy show up with a flag, with a full face mask, you know, trying to make us look bad. but i can tell you he everybody -- they are wonderful people. he is a part of a this convoy, you know. the whole movement, what is happening here, he left huge mark in me for thest are of my life. you should see people in the street. they don't know each other. they hug each other. people everybody is just giving things away to anybody approached by somebody offering $50 and i said thank you very much. i don't need your money.
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i said it's not my money it's for somebody give give me to help me out to give money to the people. you know. people weak food. let me show you something. look, i got hundreds and hundreds of little notes from kyiv from, older people, basically for everyone. >> jesse: sounds like you have more support up there than the media makes it out to be. if you could do us a favor. since you are able to shut down the northern border. could you head down maybe to texas and shut that border down. we could use your help down south. thank you very much. we will follow this however it plays out. and we appreciate you joining beings "jesse watters primetime." >> thank you. >> jesse: we are winning. they are trying to cheat but we are still winning, that's next. ♪
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be. >> jesse: tonight seeing a major series of reports of something scary. allegations that capitol hill police officers have been caught illegally spies on members of congress. a formal investigation has just been opened up and these spies charges will be immediately looked into. for more on this, fox news correspondent matt finn joins me now. >> jesse, this investigation by the capitol police inspector general will look at whether its officers have conducted inappropriate surveillance which over 30 g.o.p. members of congress allege in a letter to speaker nancy pelosi. in one instance texas congressman said a texas police officer entered his office on january 209 and took white board give body armor to law
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enforcement. according to nehls that photo was given to the capitol police intelligence analyst and a report was filed saying the material contained suspicious writings. nehls said the writings were quote a veiled threat to nehls life. he believes he was targeted for other reasons maybe it is because i have a vocal critic of nancy pelosi and january 6th committee and leadership about their handling of january 6th. death of ashley babbitt and subsequent sham investigation. chief major stands by his department saying since nehls doors were open and the office was empty, officers are directed to document what's inside to ensure nobody can wander in and steal anything and his officers determined no further action was needed or conducted a spokesperson for the capitol police say the department does not conduct surveillance on members, staff or offices. the inspector general now determine if its officers handled the incident properly. keep you updated jesse.
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>> jesse: thanks a lot, matt. crooked school administrators are hell bent on strapping stuff to your kids' face. in virginia, governor youngkin is giving parents the choice to mask their own children in school. but, a sneaky superintendent in fairfax county is going to war. this crafty little critter is saying okay, youngkin, you are going to let parents decide whether they can mask their kids? i'm going to make masks a part of the dress code. so if they don't wear one, they will be punish you had with demerits for dress code infraction. same story in loudoun county where students are getting suspended for masking up. they should just claim they're holding their breath or if they are black say it's black history month like stacey and then you can't criticize them. after last week's interview with the brave high school mask protester cade something got sparked. more students staging walkouts across the country.
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[chanting] >> i'm not encouraging anything but what a way to skip class for a righteous cause. when i was in school we would skip class for no research. sergeant andrew who was suspended for following the law. and removing his mask at school. all right, jared, you are in big trouble now. what are they going to do to you? >> i mean they suspended us for 10 days and they are looking at extending that even more the designee of the superintendent signs something about it. >> jesse: 10 days? i mean, you get suspended less than 10 days for fist fights or for alcohol. 10 days? i mean, sergeant, you must be blowing your lid. have you confronted these
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administrators? >> yes, sir. i actually went with my son to his first day of suspension and i had a nice long talk his actions and i thought it was disgraceful. >> jesse: nice long talk, sounds maybe not as friendly as you described it. how did that talk go? >> well, it was civil. i mean as civil as civil can be. i told him that i -- you know, obviously didn't believe the suspension should be enforced. i mean, you have a kid who was from another school district, school itself. he was actually moved over from -- moved to another school after a sex assault. they didn't suspend him. they just moved from one school to another school. >> jesse: you get transferred if you sexually assault one. but if you don't wear a mask, which is allowed under the law. you are suspended for 10 days.
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jared, what would you like to say to the principal, the school officials, now is your chance. >> i would like to say that we should follow the executive order of youngkin and we should allow people to make their own decisions about these things. >> jesse: you sound like you are a lot smarter than some of these people running these schools. good luck with the suspension. just watch "primetime" the whole time. the miss lers, thank you guys so much. do you remember the war on drugs? >> >> this is your brain. this is drugs this is your brain on drugs. >> ronald reagan must be rolling over in his grave after what joe biden just did. a major report ahead. ♪
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. >> remember when seattle was is a reason. movie. >> i saw you in the street. >> jesse: then it got weird as big tech moved in and the wto riots exploded anarchists popped up. and then grunge. ♪ recently the city went buck wild with chaz or chops whatever they are calling it crime spread like a disease. we have officially entered crazy town now where wackos roam the streets free as can be. shooting up heroin, carjacking grannies and knocking women out in the middle of the day. take what happened to this one seattle woman. she was viciously whacked in the head with basic bat.
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cracked her skull ended up in the hospital. remorseless mobster must are worked up a real appetite. he beat this woman within an inch of her life and went out for a slice of pizza. shouldn't have been a surprise though this guy has a hefty rap sheet. jason rantz has been reporting on this story and is here with more. jason? >> is he a 41-year-old criminal. he has two felony and nine misdemeanor convictions to his name including first degree robbery, theft, assault. three violations notify contact orders connected to domestic violence and as you can see from his face tattoos on his mugshot he has not made a lot of great life decisions. so since 2012 i can tell you he has faced 11 separate warrants in washington state. in fact, at the time of this arrest, he had an outstanding warrant for third degree theft. now, what's missing in pretty much all of the local reporting thanks to seattle wokeness is that police documents say he
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actually lives at a housing complex run by plymouth housing. this is an important detail explains in part the crime surge that we are seeing in seattle. plymouth offers permanent supportive housing services for the homeless. and it follows what's called a housing first strategy which basically means you get a housing unit with no conditions on behavior like say drug use. now, if it also used a harm reduction approach where they basically say that they provide a nonjudgmental state in order to, quote, make changes if and when they are ready. a lot of these housing programs offenders there that are just ruining seattle instead of being in jail when they break laws. >> jesse: yeah, well, if someone took a baseball bat to a woman's skull, i would cast some judgment. i think that's-what most people would do. unbelievable story. jason, we'll follow that up. thank you very much. >> thank. >> jesse: biden looks around from oval office perch every morning, surveys the country.
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some sectors succeed, others struggling. biden never known for his good instincts points west and says i will have another helping of seattle. the administration is about to spend $30 million on crack pipes. we're not kidding. his plan gives crack pipes to drug addicts. why? for racial equity. whatever that means. we are not sure if this was hunter's idea or joe's way of getting cartel partners to trust him. but seattle actually tried this before because, of course they did and it failed. it just got more people hooked on crack. here is what being hooked on crack looks like. here now michael shellen berger, the author of san fransicko.
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thought only did try it already and going to double down and do it for 30 million. you can't be serious. >> yeah, it's pretty amazing. i didn't believe it which i first saw it i had to read through it again. made some phone calls. it's actually true. it's shocking. i can't believe federal budget proposal. this is going to have to come out of it. but, you have to understand. larger context. san francisco also did this by the way and this is coming at a time when we have opened. when new york and san francisco are now both operating supervised taxpayer funded drug addiction sites in their downtowns one is in harlem and one is in downtown san francisco. mostly black and latino neighborhoods. this is the worst of coddling culture combined with victim i'd on combined with a hatred of civilization. it's resulted in basically foreign drug cartels controlling a public plaza in san francisco.
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it's attracted an open drug scene both inside and outside of this site. so this proposal toe actually subsidize and spend money on crack or meth pipes in the name of harm reduction is really shocking. i have to say i have to stop being shocked. i wrote a whole book on this but i remain kind of flabbergasted that the administration is pursuing this. >> jesse: biden's son was on crack. he didn't help him smoke crack as his daddy tried to get him to cut out the crack use. why treat his son differently than the rest of the american population. it doesn't make any sense. you want to treat everyone with love and compassion not try to get your son off crack and give crack pipes to addicts in seattle. >> yeah. you are pointing to a very real phenomenon which is that mostly white, mostly left wing political activists as politicians are promoting policies they would never hold with their own kids.
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they are pro-promoting them for black and brown people in communities they claim to care about. double standard people remain addicts and potentially die. >> jesse: not what it sounds like. we looked into it. get little drug kits. guess what's in the kit? a crack pipe. thanks, mike. >> thanks for having me. >> jesse: up next, a psychological investigation into the disturbing trend of girl on girl violence. i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. (vo) what makes my heart beat? having everything i want in the place i love. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go!
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>> did you tell peterman about this. >> i tried. he thought it was some sort of a catfight. >> catfight? [laughter] >> why do guys do this? what is so appealing to men about a catfight? >> catfight. [laughter] >> this is no joke. real girl-on-girl violence is everywhere across the country. >> get off of there huh-uh. huh-uh. fight dirty. >> there you go. whoop her by the clothes, baby. >> whoop that, baby. >> jesse: this week in sin city a girl student was walloped by another girl student more than 30 times in the middle of the klatt room. we should warn you the video is
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graphic. >> stop, stop. get off of her. >> so what's driving this? joining me now to break it down is dr. robbie ludwig psycho therapist and author. i mean, growing up, i never saw anything like this. i mean, if anything, there was a hair pull by accident, doctor. what do you think is driving this right now? >> well, the studies are inconclusive and whenever we see girls acting like this, it's shocking. and it's mystifying because we don't tend to think of women fighting or girls fighting like this. so there is disregulation and we really want to understand what's
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prompting this. we need to look underneath what's the cause? and there could be a cultural component. what people are fed in the media. what we see and what we are exposed to we can get desensitized to. >> so you think maybe they see some stuff in the media, if it's a music video if it's just on youtube and they think, you know what? that's okay. and they just go at each other? >> if there is an idealization of the person who is being physically violent, if it gets row manhattan sized. then someone could say to themselves, you know, it's okay. it's perfectly okay way to defend one's self. >> like the way guys are when there is a warrior. you look up to the guy meaning leave cleaning people's clocks get hits on youtube. some sort of sensation. you are saying that women are involved in that type of thing, too? >> well, we know that when social media getting exposed to
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physical violence can increase physical violence acting out in their realize understanding of standing up for oneself. there is a difference between women standing up and making themselves heard and advocating for themselves. that's never physical violence. so i don't know if it's a misunderstanding of that. there is an archaeologist who found that in society where women compete more in jobs and with partners, they tend to have higher stress levels. and also their testosterone goes up. >> jesse: there is enough testosterone already. >> yes. >> jesse: listen. it's obviously out of control and probably just a fight over men, usually it is, right? probably our fault. >> either way, it's not a good thing. >> jesse: no, it's not. thank you very much, doctor.
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news. most of them are apoured some sinking ships. stacey abrams became a national laughing stock this week after she posted a picture of herself grinning like a grinch surrounded by sad, masked youngsters. she deleted it but it was too late. now she is looking for a new social media director. who would want that job? having to delete tone deaf pictures like this? tiananmen square abrams posing during hurricane katrina or her outside the kabul airport this august. what a p.r. nightmare. and a lot of pressure. but it's working for stacey doesn't work for you fox news contributor raimondo arroyo scoured the classified to find some other job openings. raimondo, what did you find? >> i did, inhigh school for a writer producer for your show.
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experience helps the ad says. i guess it's not required if you have ever watched that show. given his recent performance over zucker's departure he might want to seek a grief counselor, jesse. that could be a better job over there. after that special forces strike in syria last week. isis has a new job opening. a leadership position only one catch. any applicant must be comfortable with the appearance of sudden bunker busters and be prepared for death by explosion. good fringe benefits. >> jesse: never want to be the number two guy in isis. >> no. not a good idea. internationally, your pal in north korea kim jong un north korea media saying is he birtherring away from overwork, jesse. >> jesse: like me. >> he has posted a job opening for a massage therapist. you may not want to talk him up on that. i think need a nutrition expert. i guess being a dictator is more stressful than it looks. in fact, hillary clinton, no
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relation to kim jong un, and she is hardly withering away. she has posted new job opening for an assistant. now, the candidate must be comfortable accompanying secretary clinton to high spade speaking engage manies high paid zoom calls and running a political operation in 2024. now, she does need some help seriously with her hillary shop as i think you and i have exchanged some emails about this. >> jesse: isn't she selling now mugs and t-shirts? i mean, she was going to be the president of the united states. she is selling a mug and her emails mug which i guess is better than the hillary falls into the scooby mobile action figures. those weren't selling so well. >> jesse: raymond, what happens when the donations dry up from the clinton foundation because there is no one to greece grease anymore it you have got to start selling mugs and t-shirts.
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raymond arroyo, thank you, my friend. >> thank you my friend. >> peacocks rampaging through a very famous american city. be alert. and i'm going to read some of your texts. that's next. >> ♪ nds or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: [laughs] peacocks are terrorizing the residents of miami, and the backwards laws on the books there are helping people fight back. but that all might be changing soon, so we sent phil keating down to the 305 to see what is going on. >> well, who is running this town? political leaders or peacocks? [laughter] >> that's tough to say. peacocks. [laughter] >> at least they do on his street, a bird sanctuary village, a place peacocks also
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call home. despite their colorful beauty, the birds block traffic and they often foul the cars. >> i think they are cute, sometimes they are pretty... >> of door them or abhor them, for the last 20 years, peacocks in miami-dade county have had the life. vehicle it is against the law to kill them or move them. basically, they cannot be messed with. those rights,'s though, could soon end. miami-dade county and commissioner sponsored the peacock amendment, giving local cities fed up with the fowl to get them away from residents poed about peacocks. >> a lot of people think it is such a beautiful bird, they are polite and move out of the way. they really don't. they are kind of aggressive, especially during mating season. >> but relocating the peacocks
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presents its own ruffles. first, you've got to catch the peacocks, which as you can see here is not exactly easy. then you've got to find a place willing to accept a peacock, and that could be even more challenging. right now in miami-dade county, no one has come forward saying they will take peacocks, meaning it appears that for now at least, these peacocks are staying put. jesse? >> jesse: [laughs] peacocks are very aggressive during mating season. tell me about it. it is time for america's texts. bob from alaska, "jessie, do you take trump wind to dinner with your parents?" no, but that is a great idea. from california: "please do more pieces on the stupidity of aoc, thanks." it's only an hour show. joyce from all of hill kentucky, "jesse, tell me how some people figured up the trucker convoy is terrorists but the blm people
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burning businesses is not." good point. linda from north carolina: "for masked mandate, i -- thanks, everybody. tucker is up next and always remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we've got news for you this evening. joe biden, the president, has announced another piece of highly promoted equity agenda. that is the government wide effort to improve the lives of african-americans. you may recall that on his first day in office more than a year ago, the new president explained that equity will require determination and creativity. this week he proved that is true. joe biden's latest idea is to pay black people to smoke more
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