tv Hannity FOX News February 9, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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no federal funding will be usede directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put piped in state smoking kits with the missing. of course, that what's unsafe about smoking crack is the pipe. it's the crack. so p maybe you shouldn't encourage it as they are, don't believe the lies or the fake fact checking. they're encouraging drug use tragedy wrong. hannity right now i'm shocked you're giving away o free crack pipes. that's outrageous, tucker . that's outrageous. oposition. it's going to be all over the news. all right. i think it is an. ot welcome to "hannity". we do have a lot of news tonight . sarah carter is live with truckers in ottawa. the clueless crowd and looks like that . t good to see everybody. serotypes. say hello. anyway, we have the very lateste on the freedom convoy. that's straight straight ahead.n first tonight , the mass are finally coming off. finally even in far left states like new york and illinois. but while the mandates are finally coming to an end,
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there's one weird bizarre, puzzling exception. and many blue states children you know, the ones that have a zero percent statistical covid-19 death rate that aren't impacted like older people and people with comorbidities, people obese people with preexisting conditions compromised immune systems, yet the least likely people to get seriously ill from covid they're still forcing your children to wear masks in school and other public settings. this isn'tbl about science. this is about health. it's not about health or safety. or the spread of covid democrats, teachers unions. they are playing politics with the well-being of o your children. and the last thing these people want to do is what they keepte tellingll us to do. follow the science according to multiple studies, face masks are harming the development of our kids are important. usa today details how first graders are way behind in reading. kids are also having a harder
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time making friends and recognizing faces speaking a motor skillsiz apparently also are impaired. one three year old in new jersey was kicked out of speech therapy but not wearing the mask. others are forced out of school altogether. you have twenty nine studentssco at loudoun county in virginia suspended for mask violations despite governor youngkin order making maskless optionals. you'll join us in a meanwhile, in thenx bronx, in n yorkyo and new york city, twors high schoolers were suspended. they weren't wearingnded their masks. but here is the idiotic fill in new york governor kathy hochul making zero sense in the, bronx, no mass surrounded by mass children. and this week she ended the mass mandate for adults but not for the people that are the least vulnerable. you know, not the people that are least impacted by this. the kids now here is want to be governor of georgia or in her mind still governor of georgia,
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stacey abrams. and she fully supports all the masked mandates for kids. but she can't be bothered to be a good example of where on herself because of her age alone. never mind maybe any comorbidities she may have. abrams's att a much higher risk for covid-19 and any one ofny those kids with their maskhe on in that room and yet she's the only one not wearing the mask. here is a 70 year old lady jill biden. also no mask surrounded by kids all wearing masks. and here is sixty four year old teachers union boss randi weingarten maskless on msnbc demanding your kids continuec o wear masks. take a look with dr. maga hat just told about masks not particularly being effective for children. what's the argument against taking off masks in schools? well, the argumenthe is that you . me just say this . t i am in favor of an off ramp on math. right? the real issue becomes are is this is is the spread low
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enough so that there's no t disseminationha or transmission in schools? i don't forget randi weingarten was advocate of virtual learning and has been for a while four months she tried to keep schools closed. randi weingarten doesn't't give a rip g about the well-beig of your kids. and meanwhile, the always honest always t trustworthy, always consistent. you know, i knew all about the funding of the wuhan virology lab, but i'm lying about it. dr.nt anthony fauci and dr. rochelle walensky also want to t make sure that your kids stay masked at all times. forget the science. takens look, we understand what governors are saying. we also want to make sureaf that people are safe and that the cdc has not amended our guidance. right now we continue to recommend masking schools for everyone. we continue to recommend masking in public endorseoas settings in areas of higher substantial transmission. and that right now isnt everywhere in the country. what are your thoughts on children? first of all, needing to wear
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masks at school and what do you think about the possibility we're going to be able to. well,ly certainly they will come a time hopefully later when we will be able to lift the mask mandate in general, including to schools. ean: >> but we're not there i am sog sick of hearing his voice seeing him on tv. he's been wrong t the entire tie and again, children are the least likely to get seriously ill or die from covid-19. it doesn't matter to the so-called experts because the experts, don't really care about real science, only convenient science or risken analysis or common sense. none of that applies. they only careab about optics. w my prediction in a few days, maybe a few weeks they will suddenly recommend masks are no longer needed. itence will say the science has magically changed whenng in reality it's going t to be public opinion that changes in an election year and their power is the only thing that will changey their mind and clinging on to that power now we are alreadynt seeing
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this fake news cnn they have a so-called medical expert. her nameme is dr. leana wen and she is the former president of planned parenthood, former health commissioner for the city of baltimore. so obviously she's extremely trustworthy and competentd doctor one recently said that she now favors lifting mask mandateshe because science has changed. arguingnas ago she was that unvaccinated americans should not be allowed to leaveca their homes in america. now, of course, in just five months the science hasn't changed, but the polls have and a new republican governor was elected in the commonwealth of virginia after promising to end draconian covid-19 mandates and empowering parents and letting them decide afterth he was sworn in as governor,be governor youngkin began implementing his campaign promises and for the simple act of fulfilling his popular proposalsg that got him elected in a purple to blue state
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that is virginia. many on the left are vilifying youngkin now the washington post, you can check it almost every day. they smear him now nearly on aea daily basis for no logical reason except they hate anybody that'sep conservative. jim acosta quivered as he announced that glenn youngkin was turning virginia into a soviet style police state by making masks optional liberal school board in northern virginia to find youngkin executive order on masks spending maskless maskless students apparently home and trying to stick it to the new republican governor. these democrats are playing political football, but the people they're playing football with are your kids. thankfully they're losing the virginia senate, by the way, controlled los by democrat they just voted to end the mess mandates in schools by a whopping margin of twenty nine to nine. as youngkin stated quote, this vote shows that school boards are attackingng their owu
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students. they're suddenly detached from stunningly detacheddst from reality. and it's time to put kids first and get back to normal. joining us now with more is the virginia governor glen youngkin. i think your win is a preview of comingg attractions. you made a campaign promise. the issue of children's schools was a huge issues in your campaign. youmpai kept your promise then n school districts decided not to listen to you and now you apparently got democrats in the legislatureot going along with you. yes, this is a defining moment for parents i and kids in virginia and we have a bipartisan movementav to get parents back in charge ofnt their kids lives because remember, parents matter and that's what voters said loudly in november. and so all of a sudden now where virginia has been leadingf ,we're seeing the rest ofe the country also come around this because it's time to get back to normal. it's time to i empower parents.
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and i am so excited that virginia is leading in a bipartisan way to give parents the power to choose whether a their child wears a mask or not in school. the question is you're given the option if parents wantir their kids to still wear the mask, the parentsa can instruct their kids to wear the mask then that's . i thought i thought democrats fromde pro-choice. >> well, this is this is the reality of i think the theio misperceptions that the media is trying to drive . if you want to wear a mask, m wear a mask is if you don't want your child to wear a mask, then they shouldn't wear a maskc . and this isha a decision that parents should make. we've been talking about v this for a year in virginia. this is one of the major factors that led to our win o in november. we went to work on day one driving forward our agenda 11 executive actions. ndfifty nine bills in our house and our senate. twenty five budget amendments to put ourse day one game plan o
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work. and part of that is empowering parents. and i'm so excited to see a bipartisan group come together and recognize that virginia voters are the ones we all work v o for, nc the education unions or the school boards. we workatoard for parents and ks and teachers and we're going to allow parentslo to make a decision for their kids. you know, in virginia we arewe going to get taxes down. m we're going to make our schools great again. we in fact are going to make our community we're going to get our economy moving again in order to create jobs for everybodyo and guess what ? we're going to stand up for ourc constitutional rights. these areon republican values. theses, are virginia values. these aree american values. and i'm so excited to see our senate work on a bipartisan basis to deliver part of the agenda. you know, i want to read to a tweet he's not the brightest knife in the drawer. but too betest k honest, joe lot ,former press secretary,ta he tweeted what does you do first talking about you?st he encourages kids to go togo school without a mask. kids will die the same w old republican and others
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called you even worse names. what's interesting to me now isw how you've got new jersey governor of nearly lost . if we would have paidio a little more attention, i think that governorship could have been won by republicans.s. then you've goty republica dela. you've got the beginning of ending the mass mandates in new york. they haven't done it for kids yet, but i think it will soon follow. y now all those very same people are quiet and i have noticed a pattern that it seems the washington post has a hit piece on youos every single day. and if they get it wrong, sue them. well, sean, when you're makinghe change, there arere peoplee that are going to disagree with you. as i said, virginians sent us here to do a job and i'm going to do it and i'm not going to make everybody happy along the way. but you know what ? in inn the campaign, folks actually said that we weren't going to deliver and we've w delivered and we in fact are pressing forward. and i know that those people that disagree with me are going
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to continue to do everything they can to stop us . but you knowto what ? virginians sent us here to get something done. we are going to t deliver this , as i said, is a absolute bign moment for virginia's families, for virginia parents, for virginia kids. and i can't wait to go to work tomorrow to get the next thing done. we're looking forward to that . looks like you have a fewgr battles ahead. governor youngkin, congrats on your victory and thank yououw for taking time to be with us. now we turn to the white house. joe biden called the lead at three thirty this afternoon. without a doubt biden a is in a precipitous decline. this is where it gets serious. we have three new polls from politico rasmussen. the economists all show him underwater by ten points or more . now listen to this forr the first time ever, real clear politics average biden'sin approval rating is below 40 inel the 30s. that's the conglomerate accumulation of all the polls that are out there t. a polls are also showing americans deeply worried about biden'sried mental fitnessod
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calling on biden to take a cognitive test just like his predecessor donald trump took donald trump to the test. my guess is biden will never take that test because everybody knows the results will not be any good.r he was more the author of holding the line congressman and former white house doctor ronnie jackson and fox news wks contributor miranda devine, doxxed jackson, we've talked about this before. now when i pointed his cognitive issues out during the campaign, they were very few people that were willing to go t there with me and i was kid of hanging out on a limb as is often my position in life doing my job. i see in the year that he'sn been president and even more dramatic decline. now if i'm right and readingif the science, this is somethingso if somebody has a is in a cognitive decline, it usually never gets better but it does get worse. t dohe you see a change in the one years since he's been in office in terms of
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his cognitive abilities? well, absolutely. shonnait definitely see a change and i'm not the only one you can look at the polls. there's been a nineteen point drop in people who think t he's cognitively fit to be ouro president. over 50 percent of the population thinks that he's not n and this is a seriousnt issue. sean, i tookss care of three presidents. you know, i took care o, bush and obama and trump. i was in the t white house for 14 years as the white house physician. i know this is a serious accusation at this particular point, but you i've been saying it since he was candidate joe biden and he isoe the leader of the free world. he has to be able to this job cognitively and mentally, mentally and physically is very demanding. and he's proven to us every single day that he's not upin fr the job. sean, this is on full displayjo for the whole world right now and we need to address this issue before before something bad happens. so i think that this is something that we need to talk about, something that needs to be addressed by the white. house, by his medical team and we need to do something on . what's goingee it's not going well for us . and that cognitive test, my understanding you've
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described it to me before isfo not easy. it's extraordinaryreot. really hard. thirty questions if i rememberem correctly and donald trump got all of them right. that's right. absolutely. you've gott? to get a twenty six on it to be t considered normal. i don't think joe biden coulden get anywhere close to that .hat i mean not even anywhere close to that at this point. and that's what concerns me about this right now. so they need to do something to address this issue because he's inspiring confidence i in our adversaries. he's not inspiring anyot confidence in our allies. he's destroying this country right now domestically and internationallyst in something bad is going to happen if he stays in office for another three years. this man is not mentally fit, not cognitively fit to be our commander in chief and our head of state. we need to do something abouttoi we needt to do something about it before something bad happens. you know, miranda, there's no way that every single person that is around him that there'sh no way they don't know. and it's to me it's obvious they're covering for him, which
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is whyhi we rarely see him. and inin the lead up to any big event he needs days of practice. i used to joke about it. i used to talk about sippy cup joe and warm milk joe . i'm not joking about it. now my question to you is, is this country headed towards a crisis where there's a possibility that we may needha to invoke that twenty fifth amendment that the liberal mediahe talked about so often as it related to donald trump? >> hi, sean. look, it's obvious to everybody joe biden has gott cognitive problemsit and it's obvious most obviously to his wife joe biden. so that's the question why did she allow him to run and why does she continue to put him t in this position? buthi i do think there's also a problem with continually harping on this issue because the democrats are notra going tm allow him to do a cognitive
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test just because republicans are urging them they're not going to do it until they're ready to get rid of him. now that may come sooner rather than later. but atla a moment he's convenient. while he's useful to them,t, they keep him. h the other problem is i thinkt that by just attributing all b his incompetence, all the disasters in his first year simply to his cognitiveve unfitness is not correct and it's really not fair to the american people. he knows what he's been he knows that he signed all those executive orders to open t the southern border and so on on day one , he, he was not completely gaga yet. and yes, you can i guess and i know that people who have satm in meetings with him say that he can follow an agenda to control meetings and that his staff people like
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anthony blinken defer to him. and i think the republicans need to t have a strategy. so they're calling for this cognitive testey. ge what if he does it? and what if he fails? then we have kamala harris is going to be better or worse for the country. i can't really answer that question, miranda. it's a brilliant question, which is why you're such a brilliant writer. here's a question i just showede the republicanre party they put out joe biden afterft that disastrous pressre conference with his question iff somebody showed you a tape ofap somebody that was going to drive your children and you saw that a similar tape of t that person, would you feel comfortable allowing that person to drive your children? i don't know. some event maybe an hour away. ronnie? >> no, absolutely not. sean and i agree with some of what was said.
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i don't agree with everything was what i said. w that he doesn't knowit what's going on because to be honest with you, i don't thinkay that he's engaged for the vast majority of the day. t. i think they roll him out for specific things. they haven't read a teleprompter that they queue up just enough that i don't think he's and i don't thinki he's in the loop on what's going on in this country day to day. and i don't know what he didn't know that his administration was offering four hundred and fifty thousand dollar payouts for fauci families separated at the border and then he embraced it, which t, i don't know which is worse,ni but i'm running out of time. myranda, real quick on the car question, we have about 20 seconds. if you saw that tape and somebody is going to come over and that was the person that was going to drive your kids to an y or one direction and our home, would you feel comfortable? ofmf course not. if that was your grandfather, you would take away his license. se and you know, dr. jackson isck completely rightso. t it's really worrying that someone like that is in the oval office. he but still what is the nextme game? i actually personally think
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having kamala harris in this chair would be better for republicans because at the moment there's still a third of the country that believes that joe biden isl honest and decent and honorable and modest and humble and a guyh who is a moderate who wants to bring the country together when the opposite is the truth. and it's not just the cognitive . oblem all right. this will be interesting how it plays out. it is notin good for the country . it's not good for the world and we're taking it seriously. thank go straight ahead, as usual, more confusion circulating around biden's latest radical policy. is the government now going to provide crack pipes to users? senator kennedy, his unique way will weigh in . and then we're going to head to ottawa wherewh our own sarah carter oh , she's in the middlet of what looks like a block party of truckers. we'll tell you about it. we'll showt you straight .
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the winter olympics on nbc and peacocke. there is a very small radical group in our society trying to browbeat and bully our fellowha citizen into their control. why is this happening? what are they really trying to do? i share my findings in a brand new book so for this present crisis, get your copy today. arm yourself against the misguided and destructive in this present crisis. dr. michael s, a seven part plan about practical steps on how to be a h3n2 in our society and take a stand for our and take a stand for our the truth. but is this present crisis if
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their values to make communities stronger. what's your puritt learn more about americorps zarkov in just a few moments. surakarta apparently isn: having a big party with the truckers in . we'll go live to the scene now. the biden administration is on defense yet again o tonight amid outrage over their reported schemed to use grant money to hand out free crack pipes now claiming no pipes will not be included in these smoking kits for drug users. now circle back propagandist jen psaki saying, well, it will be things like alcohol wipes and lip balm. that's what every crack addict need, every meth user needs. >> n every heroin addict needs his lip balm. take a look 80% to put out a a statement clarifying s around some reports that crack pipeses are not part of a safe smoking kit that are funded by the
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administration. but can you clarify for us where they never support the kids or were they removed in response to the reporting push back ? they were never part ofar the kid. it was inaccurate reportinghe and we wanted to putut out information to make that clear. what is in the statement? the sameit smoking skin may contain alcohol swabs, lip balm, other materials tor promote hygiene and reduce the transmission of diseases like hiv and hepatitissmis 30 million dollars for lip balm. there was reaction. louisiana senator john kennedy you know the original free beacon article, senator ? you know, i don't maybe i've been doing this job for way too long. thirty three years and radio twenty six years here on fox. but call me suspicious. i suspect that the crack pipein was included from meth and crack users. but push back maybe made them t think twice your thoughts once again, intelligence is chasing
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the biden administration a off bad administration is managing to beat itat this entire controversy in my judgment, sean, why millions of americans tonight are thinking, you know, republicans aren't perfect and god knowswst we're not. but the other side is crazy. now think about this . the president has decided to take thirty million dollars of taxpayer money from his emergency covid bill that he passed with democratic support last march and he wants to use it to facilitate the smoking of crack cocaine and meth in the name of racialf justice, racial equity. he says his people say they can
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make the smoking of crack cocaine and meth safe why are they using covid money ? numberne two, whyy? are they usg any money at all? there's no safe way to smoke crack or meth. sooner or later it kills and that's just a fact. why do we want to facilitate why americans are asking themselves? wouldn't we we take this money and use it to help people get off get off the illicit drugs? why wouldn't we take this money? the american people were asking themselves and use it to stop the drugs from coming in our country c in the first place by securing the border. and what is what does any of this have to do with racial justice, crack cocaine and meth for smoke it or inject it or w kill you? it doesn't matter what color
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you are, what your gender is now, what stupidity is a lot like. it's very hard to define. but you know what ? when you seeee it, this is stupidity. you know, senator , how would he spend 30 million dollars? i don't know. d i'm justoi doing simple math hee and all you're buying is lip balm and let's see alcohol wipes or whatever clean wipes, whatever they're going to buy 30 million dollars would probably be a lifetime orou decade supply for the entire country. so i don't believe them. do you think as i do that they're lying because i think the original plan isd what was reported in the washington free beacon i? well, you know, maybe maybe george washington couldn't tell them that . but just about every politician since then has mastered the art. i suspect they're notot being s candid. you're right, ridgeley, the theg
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administration said they would include crack pipes. now jen psaki said today, nope, we're going tohe leave out the crack pipes, but they're still sending out kids illicit drugs, smoking kids that aree designed to facilitatedemo the smoking of crack cocaine and meth and i say if you use our kids, it's safer and it promotes racial equity. there's no safe way to usee crack cocaine w and meth. sooner or later it kills you. why aren't we spending this money to get people off the illicit drugs? why are we spending this money to stop the drugs from coming into our country? and what does any of this have to do with covid in what does any ofav this have to do with, with racial equity or racial justice? aci mean this is this is there aren't words in english. i swear to god they just the biden administration justnd
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keeps kicking its own rear end. and i don't understand what andn i don't want to stop them from't doing it because we really need new leadership quickly. senator , welw always love havig you. thank you for being with us. ththank you . all right. and coming up, y there you are. see that ? a live shot from ottawa. very our very own sarah carter, investigative reporter, livee on the ground with the truckers as they continue their protest p against draconian vaccine mandates. alsoai, governor christie noem will join us live. stay with us. w tonight on my unicorn on talk sort of friendly with my buddy. i'm driving her across the country to see you down and maybe we can have some fun
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cabinet. let's dig deep coming on cycads the number one post shortening brandsds highly recommend that since last night you need to msnbc formula a short code i can think that pulls the supreme court of alexander hamilton called it the least dangerous range. three justices were to uphold the constitution to be taught by secret from liberals, the president and the waffen by the advisors never record amount of over in on some bill . nothing liberal a biden rubber-stamp a huge sum, a huge payback vallentine day is just around the corner and we have the perfect gift for that special someone with a gift schlump naturally newt pajamagram available exclusive pajamagram she'll love the feeling of wearing next to
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it's spreading all over the world. europe, new zealand, here in the th us building support, gaining momentum, standing upni against one size fits allre medicine even amid relentless baseless attacks from the biden of the north, the gutless the cowardly justin trudeaure who continues to refuse tofu met with the truckers and hear their valid concerns. and we're continuing to learn more about the convoy disrupting a us canada border crossing isa essential. workers now continue to make t their voices heard by that's about 300 million dollars a commerce daily that's stoppedh . so what are you going to do, justin? joey, i know you're asleep whenl you wake up. maybe somebody can ask you in the morning what are you going to do? and to our friends in canada, i can tell you with a high degree of certainty that joe biden is asleep. he's had his cup of warm milkbl and probably won't even know ore remember the story in the morning here on the ground in ottawa with the very latest investigative reporter, fox
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news contributor sarah carnicero. first thing, please tell fhi the truckers that they the american working tru people in this peope in this country stand in solidarity with what they're doing and for the freedom movement that they're leading. that's absolutely right, sean. i can't e even begin to tell you how warm a welcome was here for me and how open everyone's been . you can hear them singing the national anthem, the american national anthemth in the background. they were singing the canadiandi national anthem. they're here for freedom and they are frustrated and they are bitternd, angry at the way prime minister justin trudeau is describedpr and what they say is fake news aboutut them. t takeo a listen to this . there's been a lot of talk about people here on this record not being kai, that there's a lot of violence,e that they're racist.
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are you what do you think? i would say that that's baloney. they're not showing the truth s so they're not showing the whole picture. >> how frustrated are you with that? and i that's what i've been i getting from every'v here becaue you only see one side of the story. they're only painting the pictureses of that one, thoe few bad apples out ofne the bunch. so just leave us alone. let us be open it up. what do you have to say toto prime minister? he should'v he should be out. he should have came outlk and talked to everybody at e the very beginning instead of calling people and there's nobody like that here. y he's got l to listen. does it surprise you that the prime minister and others are trying to frighten people who are helping youe are not surprised by that when you don't have anything on anybody and call names or make things up, that's what they doing. youth feel it's the governments that are really is inviting the fauci 100%. yeah, p the one h thing trudeaus really, really done is united the people against him and what he's notoriety of this country, what he has
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pride, unity with this convoy here in unity and against him. this is global now the entire world is watching. we've got support from the european parliament, from everywhere,ns everywhere it's globalit and people are waking up and we're trying to to show that to the world that this is a unified front . it's all of the people and there's no stopping this now, sean, i got to tell you, the people here in canada, the truckers say they are tired of living like prisoners in their own homes for the last two years. they say nobody is going to be able to make them move until the prime minister lifts the mandates and lifts the mask mandates and the vaccine mandates and they you can hear it. yeah, they love you. they love your son. they love you before you go on my own, please, please tell them that me and many of
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the viewers of this show about the vast, overwhelming majority, we supportt what they're doing. we thank him for being peaceful and standing up to their gutless and cowardlyi prime minister and i hope they stay there till they win. >> you can tell them always. y i got to tell you guys sean sends a message. he sends a message. he says we are standing beside you. he is standing beside you and he wants you and is grateful that you are standing standing message to your gutless prime minister bashar al-assad to say, okay, t but by the way, lastly, don't tell them i'm in new york . don't tell them i'm in new york rangers fan that may not go over as well. oh, no, that won't go over wellt . don'tha go t over well on sunda. sarah, thank . all right. of course the corrupt media mob, they're following the lead of the spineless, gutless
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trudeau and claiming the truckers are insurrectionistd. >> take a look. we know that this autocratic movement is a is a cult ofwe personality. we know it's fueledva by grievance and conspiracy theories. it's all part ofyy this toxic stew. and when you look at it, this movement possesses all ofmo the markersve that any expert on the field would would would r require to say that yes, this is an autocratic movement. it's metastasize north of the border and you have an insurrection underway in the capital of a very important country. our neighbor amporor to the norh canada or steve, what happens now blaming republicans and everywhere everything is an insurrection except the riots in twenty twenty in the summer. five hundred and seventy four now these are the same essential workers. yeah, they're the ones they that stepped up during covid and we're diving unkovic grenades throughout 2020.
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they keptad the world running. they kept all of the medical supplies and medicines coming and oh and now this is how you e talk about them was with reaction south dakotaot governor christie noem. you know governor without farmers farminga and packers packing and truckers trucking would havenk we survived especially that first year culvert. they were the heroes then what happened? yeah, they absolutely were shot . and in fact, we've had thousands of people take refuge in south dakota in the last two years. they picked upil their whole families and moved to a our stae because they recognized a government that wanted to respectgo their freedoms. they wanted to let them useet personal responsibility in these types of decisions. and the media, the left used fear to t control people and they're still doing it today on last night, cnn wrote and did a terrible story on south dakota saying that our hospitalization rates were 60% above normal, that we had another hot increase and spike
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in cases that hospitalizations here in south dakota wasas a complete and utter lie. in fact, our cases and hospitalizations had dropped dramatically the last several weeks. the amazing amount of of dishonesty in the national i media that is happening supporting leaders like trudeaus and others who are taking away people's personal freedoms. to me is still unbelievable to watch and it's more important than ever that the people have fortitude that they stand up. and continue to demand that they be respected and that we continueed to fight to makeer sure that the next generation gets them, gets the chance to actually live in a free country anymore. governor, you got clé in thela beginning because you said i trust the people of my state to make the right decisions and you never waver. so when i when you're three you didn't waver once i saw. >> no, we never did. we we never did a mandate.
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we never once shut anything down. i didn't even define what an essential business is in south dakota because i don't have the authority to tellbu businesses that they're not essential. but it's still happening today.i and last night this story that cnn did was unbelievable to me filled with lies and dishonesty that wasn't even close to the truth. amazing iswhat's for two years they've keptth this drumbeat up and it's so inspiring to watch people saynd enough is enough and we're going to move our family somewhere ag where we can be respected and have freedom. we're going to show up and make sure these leaders can't forget about us where we are and ensure that they understand that they don't have the authority to do what they're doing. governor, i have some goodoha ns the segment.ut you keep referring to the cnn segment. on't nobody saw it so you don't havet to worry about it. well, here's the thing is there are a bunch of liars and we need to remind people that theyg shouldn't believe something just because they saw it on tv only show on show.
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that's what they show exactly back then and that'sts right. governor, great to see you. thank you as always and thanks for standing strong freedom straight ahead for president donald trump has some advice to joe rogan and free speech eric trump reacts next . hunter biden is the most protected person in the country . he was given race and favor jobs well beyond his credentials. it just is astounding. you really can't find any business venture that is not revolve around his father's political power. tens of millions from the ukraine shine on russian entities. hunter is fairly functional, human and a roaring sex addiction, obsessively videotaping every aspect of his life. you got a problem here and walked in a customer clutching three macbook pros. it's not stuff you would ever
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three, two, one three, two, one . as we have shown on this program, censorship is now a key tenet of the left wing agenda and it's being used as a political weapon to attack smear, slander, besmirch anyone who questions the ever changing proclamation a of failed democrats and bureaucrats and anyone who questionsns a the cult of vaccinesns and vaccines only and get this while feigned outrage is being directed always at joe rogan's podcast on spotify . well, radical antisemite r like you got it.
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nation of islam leader louis farrakhan, he's got a platform on spotify. nobody's complaining as doesic convicted trafficker singer r. kelly and glam rocker and convicted gary glitter and bill cosby and tv host nick cannon who was embroiled in an anti-semitic controversy cpac in twenty twenty and the 44th president of the united states,c donald trump. he's notha telling rogen not to apologize amid a the never endig outcry from the media mob is saying they're not going to listen anyway. here was reaction. eric trump i've never called for a boycott cancelation firing never this don't people have the choice? eric? av of course they have the choice.k and frankly, i think that's one of the reasons that joe rogan does so well. and by the way, sean, there's no consistencycy in the world. if you're going to do platform joe rogan, you've got a deep platform joe biden because joe biden said far worse things than joe rogan has. i mean, if you want to look at
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all the racial slurs that joe biden has used over theused 50 years that he's been in government, i mean they'll make people blush and soo, you know, at what point does this stop and make no mistake n that the democrats aren't trying to do platform joe rogan because there's certain things he said they're trying to be a platform joe rogan because he doesn't mar their beat. i mean, you saw what happened with wapi goldberg last week . what should she get ? a she gets a slap on the wristr and please come back in another two weeks. you see joy bay'ah, right? i mean she wore blackface and guess what ? she's the host of one of o the most popular shows and no one's boycotting thesett people and they were in fact going to go and no one's boycotting him . the show's notth that popular. just saying that the main thing is here and i think this is a pivotal moment here because even back when bill maher can't stand and he hates me, that's fine. but when he was canceled politically incorrect, there were people like me, rush and other conservatives and nown he shouldn't be fired.o, this has been territory of
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the left and i think the choice now is about freedom and only freedom and they're going to be options for everybody. and i think in the endeo the american people will decide for themselvess what they like and want to watch and don't want to watch or want to listen to no one to listen or sean name a and you know, in history of the world where censorship has helped the country, i mean, look at china, how they've censored the chinese, look at russia. i mean,a a reporter goes out and talks against, you know, the leaders and guess what ? they getto shot the next day. i mean, go around the world, tell me when censorship has never been good. at nazi germany. right. you spoke out against a regime and you were killed and you were i mean, when is censorship ever actually worked? and that's why america was founded on freedom of expression. that's why it's so important. that's why it'ssth a first amendment right in this country to be able to talk. and i think that's why so many americans are actually sick of this cancer culture and there's so many people that are watching joe rogan right, sean?
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there's so many people are watching joe rogan because now they're intrigued. yeah,s as a matter of fact, i'm sure that's the case. he apologized, said he's going to change and i accept that and i even accept i accepte that from whoopi goldberg who i've known over the years as well. but there's a no family in america that's been smeared, slandered, besmirched like your family and that's your brother, your sister that's that's that'sr, your father. that's melania. i mean,th everybody and the poit is they get to say anything they want about you and even make you know, it put you p on defense in every courtroom they possibly can. oh , and nowow all of a sudden e don't treat the biden family that way. c their connection to chinaon, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan. that's right. because we questionedd authority. we'rere on areow, in front of ourwe name. we have an hour in front of ourt political party. it's very different. it's not they're not the sameds playing fields and people don't realize that .
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right. you know, if you don't march, they're banned. they're going to cancel you. they weapons an institution.ti right. and they make they make incognizant effort to put pain and hurt you to make people's lives miserable, to take their businesses out, to ruin their careers, to ruin every aspect of their families. if you don't't believe the same they'vehat they do, weaponizes the system, sean. and it's a deeply troubling thing. and that's why my father said don't apologize, never apologize, fight foror what you believe in because that's a fundamentally american trade and that's what he did every single day for this nation. i'll tell you what we learn to read that we have a dual system of justice and we have nowin criminalized political differences and this is not going to end well if we don't fix it. eric trump, great to have you as always. we appreciate you being with us. take a break. more "hannity" straight ahead, the supreme court in alexandria called it the least dangerous branch to justices were
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with clinically proven relaxium sleep at now you'll be glad you did trust relaxium over denuke something happened in the winter olympics on nbc and peacocke. russia accuses the u.s. of trying to provoke war and they are calling this attack on the city of new york up to a couple of them and they had just crossed illegally in america import. all right. unfortunately, that is all
12:00 am
the time we have for tonight and thank you for making the show possible. thank you for being with us. we hope you'll set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. and if you fell asleep at any point, that's my fault because i didn't do a good enough job because of course you don't want to miss the next show. in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. laura ingraham takes it away apparently mark wahlberg is on the show tonight who by the way, i like a lot and has a really good actor. i always see him when i'm going to mass in l.a. i mean for some reason every time i go to mass he seems to be there. so he's a very devout guy and obviously extremely talented and raymond sat down with him in l.a. and i can't say he is and it was really good. i really good. by the way, you were very mean to joe biden from boston. you were very mean to joe biden tonight . and i'm just that watching thosegh clips, you know, like we play them, you know, it's very i have to take a breath from that .
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