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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 10, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> basically the bottom half of the workforce is doing better than the top half. it is the highly paid who are seeing a big lag behind prices. >> oh, yeah issue the federal reserve bank in new york, cleveland, both found lower income folks are hit hardest, paul. wrong again. that's it for us tonight. gutfeld next. >> here we go, president biden approval rating dive intoing uncharted territory, abysmal 39% in the real clear politics average of polls. you're watching "fox and friends first" on this thursday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. this embarrassing number as one dem warns members of their own party to come up with a new strategy and fast or they will be completely wiped off the map. griff jenkins joins us with the latest. good morning.
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>> griff: good morning todd and carley. all presidents claim they pay no attention to the polls, the folks at 1600 pennsylvania avenue are taking note. clear politics average, you see the president's approval rating slumping into the 30s for the first time. hard pill to swallow, the last three presidents, trump, obama and george w. bush were above 40%. it comes as biden struggles with the yaushgian conflict, inflation, out of control crime and crisis at the southern border. republican critics are calling for a cognitive test. >> it is on full display for everyone to see right now, president biden does not have the cognitive ability to do right now. he had a physical exam done, there was no mention of cognitive testing. we did this with president trump. >> another problem plague thanksgiving white house, the president's stalled aupon genda
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on big-ticket items like build back better which press secretary jen psaki says needs rebranding. >> our objective is working with democrats, republicans if they decide they are for lowering the cost of prescription drugs that can be moved forward. >> griff: biden is not the only one feeling heat, more democratic lawmakers heading for the door. 21 democrats are not seeking re-election. one of them, representative jim cooper saying this, "democrats are not alert to future dangers, the biggest danger after winning the white house, 100-year trend toward the other party. democratic party in tennessee is basically facing extinction. hosts upon senate judiciary democrats today.
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todd and carley. >> todd: that scotus nomination. president biden is not even running the country anymore. >> i doubt biden knows what day it is, but he has made the decision to hand the agenda over to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and aoc's. they keep nominating people who are radical and will abuse their power, whether nominating two of the leading advocates for abolishing the police in department of justice, biden did that and every democrat voted to confirm them. >> todd: it seems obvious to you and me and most of america, no one wants the current policies the biden administration is espousing. people want strong borders, shocker. people want safe streets, productos store shelves and at a
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normal price. everything biden has done is the exact opposite. jim cooper, the tennessee democrats issue hits a key point. the woke biden agenda centers on liberal elites not democrats in rural areas. the democrats in rural areas may be more fiscally and socially liberal, but they want the same basic things we want and joe biden is not delivering to them. >> carley: one of the biggest things dog thanksgiving administration, they are behind the eight ball in terms of what americans care about. voting rights legislation during a crime and economic crisis, whose idea was that and they have been pushing build back better, they still are. when you look at what polling says, majority doesn't think build back better would help financially. one of the biggest differences between president biden and president trump is their ability to read the room.
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say what you want about trump's rhetoric, his style, he knew what the american peep and he will his party care body and the biden administration is struggling with that. >> todd: that is the key takeaway. we've both been traveling doing stories the last couple days for work and you talk to people in the middle of the country, montana and texas, they were talking about, we need more information on january 6, voting rights election? no, nobody is talking about that, to your point, people are talking about, my god, how expensive is meat, i can't get supplies to run business and my life. they have all the information and see the polling numbers and hear the words of the american people. they are laser focused on this wokeness nobody cares about. >> carley: if you look at clear politics average, 39%, but the month-by-month breakdown,
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president trump was low 52s up until august and his approval rating plummeted and he hasn't been able to recover. record lows he's see suggest in part reflection on his press conference. the only headlines were yelling at a reporter and giving putin green light for minor incursion. >> todd: important you bring up afghanistan and you often do, that debacle showed the american people, does this guy know what he's doing? i'm concerned he has no idea what he's doing and nothing since that point engendered confidence. >> todd: 10 democrat led finally lifting mask mandates after two years. >> carley: biden administration is feeling pressure after return to normalcy. jackie ibanez joins us, good morning. >> jackie: 10 states are giving
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citizens the green light to pull masks down after two years of mandates. now the white house facing scrutiny for falling behind on nationwide return to normalcy. >> why are we not hearing the same messaging criticizing states making moves like we heard previously with for instance ron desantis. >> press sect. psaki: there is difference in assistanting in the way of it and allowing local school districts to make choices, which is what a number of states are doing. >> carley: cdc is not letting up on mask mandates either despite the bluest of states saying enough is enough. >> hospitalizations are high, death rates are still high, as we work toward that and are encouraged by current trends, we're not there yet. >> carley: republicans are pleasantly surprised by the sudden backtrack, mandates divided the country since 2020.
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monkey see monkey do, saying "i'd love to see what democratic polling went around the democratic party last week, democrat-run states are dropping mandates as fast as they can," and glenn youngkin is seeing hope with washington as they begin dropping mask mandate mandates and opt for giving people power of choice. >> we're seeing the country come around, it is time to get back to normal and empower parents. i'm excited virginia is lead nothing a bipartisan way to give parents the power to choose whether their child wears a mask or not in school. >> carley: in new york, we can take off our masks today, schools must continue to mask up. todd and carley. >> carley: jackie ibanez, thank you so much, here is tucker
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carlson's left change of heart. >> covid restrictions, it must have been awful, apocalyptic because something spooked them bad. same people who systematically turned america into a quarantine camp suddenly out of nowhere started call nothing unison for medical freedom. meanwhile, the cdc requires negative covid test to return to their own country. the cdc has the power to bar you from their own country? where did they get that power? anyone elected? no, they are incompetent public health administrators. >> carley: cdc said cloth masks don't prevent the spread of omicron so for rochelle walensky yesterday to say that, she is not following her own science.
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cdc has been damaged, used to be a respected organization now it is totally political. >> todd: cdc, you had one job and failed to do it, you became politicized and provided so many mixed messaging, i don't know where they stand. i've read, i have no idea, it changes by the hour and the biggest issue, some point covid will become indemic, how can we trust going forward on noncovid issues, cancer, things like that? it does raise the question, i think you and i probably both trusted them prior to march of 2020. >> carley: i didn't think of them really. >> todd: the cdc says something, i shouldn't have as many eggs or cut down on bacon, i don't know if i can trust them. never cut down on bacon, i apologize. >> carley: or eggs either,
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absolutely. >> todd: something i should pay attention to. >> carley: one thing i disagree with and this came up in the press conference with jen psaki yesterday. americans are confused by what is going on because of this conflicting reporting? i don't think americans are confused, i think americans made up their mind how they feel about the pandemic and are following their own rules about if they have had omicron, if they want to mask or don't and not listening to the cdc or government anymore. >> todd: i think what she meant and i agree with her, we are confused what state of play we are in at one particular time. i am a guy, and guys operate in binary, yes or no. so much from public health experts, i don't know what to believe. some point you say, i'm done, i don't care, i don't want to wear
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a mask, let's go. >> carley: i think the approval rating and the fact the biden administration has said is endemic, not pandemic. how fast do you think he will change his tune on that one? >> todd: i don't know. he's had horrible poll numbers, he upon hasn't been like solve inflation or close the border, he continued with ridiculous policies. one qualification, i want to apologize to bacon, i shouldn't have called them out on the show. >> carley: we support bacon on "fox and friends first," that will never change. it is trying to get ahead of trucker convoy in america similar to the ones we are see nothing ottawa. this as tensions heighten with canadian prime minister justin trudea calling it unacceptable and upping the stakes, a ontario
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judge has a fine for protesters and police are warning an arrest could cost protesters their jobs. despite the punishment, truckers in france are following suit. hundreds of french protesters are assembling and planning march from paris to brussels to demand the understand of covid restrictions. could lose your job? >> todd: how can a police officer get you fire friday your job in canada, i don't know, i'm no lawyer. >> carley: he's a lawyer. >> todd: data showing deportations last year plummeted 70% under president biden, coincide withing policies that restrict ice agents from arresting illegal immigrants. 2000 illegal border crossers in just 48 hours. chief patrol agent tweeting,
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that's life in del rio. >> carley: and biden administration reporting american tax dollars being used to fund pipes for hard drug addicts. >> todd: brooke singman live, there is outrage to inaccurate reporting. brooke. >> brooke: good morning. the biden administration says it is not planning to hand out crack pipes to using american dollars. we are focused on using resources to reduce harm. no federal funding will be used to put pipes and safe smoking kits and jen psaki echoing a similar message. listen. >> press sect. psaki: may contain alcohol, lip balm, reduce transmission of diseases like hiv and help --00 hepatiti.
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>> brooke: it is part of a harm reduction program to the tune of $30 million. outrage, including from the mother of a drug addict in san francisco. listen to this. >> policies give him everything he needs to stay addicted. the way they have been supporting my son is keeping him chained to his addiction. makes me feel hopeless the city doesn't do anything to mandate triement or encourage treatment tis normalizeing and enabling. >> brooke: despite the chaos, justice department says it is considering opening safe injection sites in the name of public safety. >> todd: louisiana senator john kennedy says this is case of misplaced priorities. listen. >> why wouldn't we take this
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money, the american people are asking themselves, and use to stop the drugs in the first place by securing the border? what does any of this have to do with racial justice? crack cocaine and meth, whether you smoke it or inject it, will kill you. it didn't matter what color you are or what your gender is. now look, stupidity is a lot like pornography, it is very hard to define, but you know it when you see it. this is stupidity. >> todd: he got to a john kennedy line toward the end there. happening now in san francisco tender loin district, new linkage centers open. supposed to provide resources for drug addicts and the homeless. community members and advocates tell fox news it is being used as open-air drug music. >> carley: bob saget's family
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says he died of head trauma. saget accidentally hit the back of his head on something, thought nothing of it and went to sleep. no drugs or alcohol were involved. saget was found dead in his orlando hotel room just hours after posting about a show in jacksonville. i think that cause of death came as a surprise. >> todd: if you hit your head and think you have a concussion, don't go to bed immediately. san francisco is one of the most expensive countries. people who pay rent want to open up rooms for people. >> carley: joe rogan is done apologizing and has -- talking about it with jimmy failla coming up. ♪
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>> carley: a minneapolis bus drooifr driver is recovering after being shot in the head. the driver's injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.
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three children, all under the age of 10, were on the bus at the time. they were not hurt. investigators are searching for suspects, no arrests have been made. it is unclear if the shooter was on foot or in a car. >> todd: a woman accused of defacing a -- a photo of french and throwing it in the trash just days after the officer's murder. police arresting that woman using the handcuff of french's partner, who was badly injured. this was a moment of justice for ellark, her family and those who knew and loved ella. two brothers charged in the shooting. >> carley: locals are being asked to house vagrants in their own home. >> todd: city residents want to
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be part of this. is that actually the case? richie, thanks for being here. do you know anyone that says open my home, come on in? >> first of all, thank you for having me todd and carley, thank you. no, i don't know anyone that would be agreeable to this. listen, san francisco over the decades is famous, the city here for all this time has been known to be open arms for hippies, flower children, summer of love and going all the way back to this kind of welcoming peep toll your home. these are different times and different people. vast majority of people who are homeless are known to be mentally ill or addicted to drugs. >> carley: i'm glad you said that, a lot of progressive lawmakers say they are doing the right thing because homeless
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people are in bad situations by no fault of their own. take a listen to this homeless person, why he's choosing to be in the situation he's in. listen to this. >> how long you been in san francisco? >> since june. >> you will be homeless pretty easy here. >> if we're going to be realistic, it pays to be homeless here. >> michael shellenburger said he is not cherrypicking people he's talking to, he went up and down the street and majority of the people say they are homeless because they are addicted to drugs and it is easy to be home unless san francisco. it seems the policies are enabling this kind of behavior. >> absolutely, that is correct. that is the biggest challenge in san francisco, how to deal with this, it is a large number. the whole bay area, 30,000 homeless. if you look at percentages,
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enormous amount of drug addicts on the street can't help themselves, they can't work, can't hold a job and how do they pay rent? they can't and a lot of them become violent. >> todd: why put peep nel places that don't provide resources they need to get mental help and drug help they need? why not get them mental help and drug help they need to start? >> that would be great. but there is no political will. the political will is not here. the city hall leaders, elected officials, most of them are in denial and don't want to talk about mental illness and drug addiction, they talk about skwaler in the streets. this year many city council members are up for election and pretend it is not a problem here, pretend we don't have the
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drugs and infiltrating our city here. that is a big problem, as well. >> carley: new york city is home to the first safe injection site the doj is thinking about going national with this idea. one big news item is biden administration spending $30 million taxpayer dollars on safe smoking kits at a time when drug deaths, overdose deaths, are at all-time high. is this a direction we should be going in? scombl >> absolutely not, this is crazy. fentanyl is what we're having a problem with here, you wouldn't use a crack pipe for fentanyl, that will not really help. these are dangerous drugs and we've known for years, when you have addiction, last thing you do is feed that addiction. you don't want taxpayer
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sponsored money or if these are nonprofit organizations or phil an tlo pifts throwing money at this situation and it will not be out of taxpayer pockets, why do this? the 12-step program, aa, you never think of giving drugs and alcohol, that is not part of rofrly. we need recovery, treatment. >> todd: from that point to the point of this segment, putting individuals in homes. how does one person think this is a good idea. thank you very much. >> pleasure to be here, thank you so much. >> todd: nancy pelosi said congress has right to trade stocks then we found out about her millions she and her husband has been rake nothing through the market. now the speaker is changing her tune. >> carley: something you will love to hear, if you haven't ordered flowers yet, you might be out of luck. one flower shop says the crisis
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is to blame two crises. >> todd: i'm in trouble. ♪ that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. b- look, this isn'tt of evemy first rodeo, you.
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get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again >> carley: welcome back, house speaker nancy pelosi is backing down and pushing bill to ban stock trading, but she has demands to go along with it. >> has to be government, the court system, third branch of government, judiciary, has no reporting. >> carley: that comes after we learned her husband paul raked in millions from the stock exchange. pelosi previously shot down the idea claiming it is unfair to excludelawmakers from the market. some republican lawmakers say it is ironic the speaker is pushing for this bill now. >> never wanted to be accountable and now her record has caught up with her and she
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can't deny it, the facts are plain for everybody to see. let's end stock trading in congress. call it the pelosi act, she made it clear this was necessary. >> todd: hoping to meet valentine's day demand, business owners says this is not the year to procrastinate. head designer at the flower lady in virginia beach joins me now. jenny, thanks for being here, make this segment all about me, vinot purchased my flowers, how in trouble am i? >> you're still okay. you still have time. but definitely don't wait until monday. >> todd: understood, joking around off the top. this is a serious situation, how bad has it gotten? >> it's been a nightmare from supplies to flowers, we never know what we're going to get. we order -- >> todd: please continue. >> we order everything in
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advance. weeks, and the flower world, what we need changes everyday. availability is limited for us to get last minute things in. >> todd: we've been talking about other industries affected by the supply chain crisis and they explained how it impacts individual businesses. how does it impact the flower business? you make an order, you get an order, how long does it take? things along lines. >> special funeral foams that you order and have the next day, they were on back order for at least four weeks. >> todd: wow. >> we have to adapt and overcome and figure out how to give the customer what they would like with what we have. >> todd: yeah, usually to be morbid, the need for flowers oftentimes has passed in a few days, much less four weeks and
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the focus is on monday, valentine's day. that is coming up around the corner. prices you are well familiar with and these shocked me. i don't know why, roses up 25%, dove dills and tu lips up 9%, have you ever seen anything like this in your time in the flower business? >> never. no. i mean, holidays typically roses do go up, flowers do go up for valentine's and mother's day. they do not go up this drastically. >> todd: those are typically demand issues driving it up. everybody wants roses, the price goes high. this is bigger issue involving inflation and supply chain. should the white house be doing more with regard to the supply chain and inflation? >> absolutely. smallments that were able to stay open through the lockdown,
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we're looking at having to close our doors. prices increased so much, flowers used to be affordable luxury and right now they are really not. they have gone up so much and everybody is paying so much for everything else, there is no room for that luxury. >> todd: with that in mind, based upon the factors, are you worried this valentine's day could be your last? >> we are. if things don't get better soon, we don't know if we'll be around. >> todd: meat industry and the flower industry impacts everyone. jenny flynn we hope this administration step necessary and helps you. good luck over the next couple days, we appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us. >> carley: don't wait until monday. biden administration latest solution on the border crisis
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created sending single adult migrants to baltimore and houston. our next guest is angel mom whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant. she shares her thoughts on that plan coming up next.
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>> todd: the pentagon preparing to evacuate from ukraine if russia invades. 1700 paratroopers will set up in
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poland to house americans. they will help with logistics of helps americans escape. jen psaki says the administration will not save americans in ukraine if they are stranded. listen. >> press sect. psaki: the united states does not typically do mass evacuations. we're encouraging american citizens to depart now obviously. >> todd: sounds familiar to something that happened in august. estimated 30,000 americans in ukraine. >> carley: house arrest in houston and baltimore, in an effort to cut detention center costs. joining me now is mother whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant. angel mom agnes gibney. how do you feel about the program? what are your thoughts? >> good morning, carley. i'm dumbfounded. biden has done many foolish
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things, but home curfew is up with within of the dumbest. it is another step to doing away with immigration laws. sending signal they can come in any time, especially those not qualified to come in. laws will not be enforced and if you are apprehended, you will be allowed to stay here. this is crazy as giving free crack pipes. biden has abandoned protection for u.s. citizens. >> carley: biden says it is about cutting costs for taxpayers, are you buying it? >> i am not. you want to cut costs, shut the border down, how is that? it's that simple. >> carley: agnes, what happened to your son? he sdieed in 2002, when he was visiting his girlfriend. what happened? >> he was standing on the driveway, about to leave when he noticed someone approaching from
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the back. his friend turned around and fired and instantly getting shot in the arm and the bullet traveling across his chest, severing main artery and died in surgery 3-1/2 hours later. this is another thing this administration doesn't talk about, family separation. i get to visit my son and celebrate his birthday at the cemetery. he wants to give illegal immigrants 450,000 each, slap in the face for every legal immigrant that has come to this country. >> carley: you are one of them, you immigrated legally from hungary; correct? >> that is correct. >> carley: i was at the border talking to ranchers and property fees, illegal immigrants crossing their ranch every single day. they say the biden administration is showing
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compassion, but to the wrong people. is that how you feel? >> that is exactly how i feel. i feel the biden administration is spitting in the faces of every legal immigrant in this country by opening the door. there is no accountability. he is sending the wrong signal to those who do not qualify illegally. we don't enforce immigration laws. if we don't have secure border, pretty soon we will not have a country. my family fled communism to come here for freedom for protection, we have no protection here, this is incredible. >> carley: yeah, securing the border used to not be a political thing. president biden voted for secure fence act to fund 600 miles of border wall. why is it political now? what changed? >> i think because democrats are no longer democrats, they are
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socialist communist democrats anymore. if you want to cut costs, deport illegal aliens we're supporting, end birth right citizenship, they are clething -- collecting millions. we will save billions it is costing to house, for health services for illegal aliens, to school their children. what about our children? >> carley: yeah -- >> mirn -- american taxpayers are being raked by the government and stolen, taxes keep going up and up and up, for what? to live to illegal aliens? that is not right. >> carley: news stories are coming in every single day how much money taxpayers are spend og this program, whether flights that are happening across the
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country with illegal immigrants. great point, securing the border would be ultimate tax cut for americans. agnes, thank you for sharing your story, we appreciate it. >> todd: bravery, it amazes he. department of home land security. cartels, why include that? they are warning against anyone encouraging mistrust in the government. and across america, jimmy failla weigh necessary nex hi jimmy. k-d mfshg ♪
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took similar chance in recruitment video that was full of woke propaganda. gop lawmakers calling on president biden to take a cognitive test. recent poll says americans are unsure of his ability to -- >> carley: ronny jackson wrote the letter, 37 gop lawmakers signed it. it says the american peep shell have confidence in their american president and know he can perform duties of head of state and commander in-in chief. we urge you to give it to a cognitive test immediately dochlt they have a point or both? >> jimmy: i think everybody that voted for him should take a cognitive test xhchlt on, manning. joe biden quits talking in the
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middle of a sentence because he is done, this is bizarre. he is sending in the punt team on second down. we can't act like it is republican polling effort, polling shows 49% of americans show he is unfit for office. the press conference didn't help. a two-hour press conference took him nine minutes to complete a sentence. any other generation, we would take away this guy's car keys, instead, we gave him nuclear code. not good. before democrats jump in, this is republicans trolling him, this is wreckless. the democrats once accused trump of having alzheimmers because he walked slowly on a step. the elevator goes to the top floor. >> todd: perfect, clip that, roll on every show throughout
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the day. great stuff. jimmy, department of homeland security latest terrorism threat warns against mistrust in the u.s. government. you used football analogy. remember when the season was going down the tank for the giants and the response, give the fans free pepsi, this reminds me of this. instead of fixing the offensive line, why isn't dhs focused on terrorism? >> jimmy: dhs needs to give us something stronger than peps. this memo is why nobody trusts them. misinformation online provoked attacks and they don't list the attacks. i have a hot girlfriend, but she doesn't live around here, you can't meet her. it is absurd. the same dhs that designated
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school board parents as terrorists and people have seen this again and again and again. they don't need to look at our twitter feeds, they need to look in a mirror. their actions are the problem. >> carley: want to get your thoughts on joe rogan's latest comments, he addressed the spotify controversy during a routine in texas and said, i talk bleep for a living, that is why this is baffling to me. if you are taking vaccine advice from me, is that really my fault? if you want my advice, don't take my advice. something tells me you will agree with that statement from joe rogan? >> jimmy: a thousand percent. whole point of being a comedian, you didn't have to take life seriously, that makes this infuriating. this is not the deal any of us signed up for, including joe rogan, who is a comedian and pot head. they are portraying him
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like an anti-vax activist, all he's getting done is getting stoned and speculating about the vaccine. idea comics are being held to the same level as officials, terrifying. we got paid in drink tickets, once we get a career, we spend 22 hours per day smoking weed and watching movies in the laquinta. >> carley: this is good for joe rogan's career. >> todd: if you are taking medical advice from joe rogan, that is on you. >> carley: we will take medical advice from you. naturally. record 1.9 million people illegally crossed the southern border last year. biden administration is focused on another border, in ukraine. >> todd: matt rosendale has a
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new bill to force the white house to address the crisis on our door step before we help anyone else. he is here live to talk about it. stick around, big show. ♪ thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. find new views. find new roads. chevrolet. nothing's tougher than a mahindra tractor. except a bigger with umahindra tractor. views. pound for pound, this one's still tougher. tough. tougher.
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* * >> todd: the white house and the country second largest teacher's union breaking with democratic governors scrapping mask mandates months before the midterm election. this is something to watch. you're watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the government peels back mandates issue the white house and cdc says they are not there. the aft president suggests spread of covid needs to be low enough no transmission before kids and teachers can breathe free. jackie ibanez has the latest.


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