tv Hannity FOX News February 12, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PST
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shady grove pregnancy center so you will love that as well, helping a good cause. everyone have a great weekend, fly your flag, be with your friends and family, smile. we are blessed to be in this country and let's keep our freedom. "gutfeld!." ♪ ♪ >> greg: it becomes like a billboard, right? it's true, i hate the ocean but i do love the beach, i love the beach. happy friday, my friday fellows. i saw something weird last night and for once, it wasn't in the mirror above my bed after a night of heavy drinking. i turned on cnn and i saw john king going through some pretty bad numbers for the president. and none of them even involved his iq.
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look at how bad these numbers are. 41% at the moment approve of his job performance, nearly six and ten, 58% disapprove. that's a tough number in a midterm election year for the president of the united states. why is this happening? we asked people what has president biden done for you that you approve of? 56% of americans, that means a decent amount of democrats said nothing, they disapprove of everything so that's amazing. you are quiet enough, you can hear jimmy carter letting out a sigh of relief because that's a lot of people who say joe has done nothing for them and that's coming from cnn so i would double it, take everything i get and doublet including brian stelter's bmi. they defended joe pointing out that he passed that infrastructure plan, worries of the good stuff he did isn't really sinking in may be because like our olympic athletes, we can't name one. also plagued by random crime,
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hopeless violence and a disintegrating border. where is this good stuff we were promised? in the same poll about covid, another 60% said they were angry and 75% were burned out. it's like joe has turned us all into the vp's former staffers. no wonder biden's minions are desperately trying to pretend he's been leading us all along. >> it is in retreat and that's not by accident, that's because under president biden's leadership, a public health infrastructure was put into place to ensure that we can do everything possible to crush the virus. >> whether there should be blanket mandates for businesses and other public areas is a step here in new york we feel comfortable taking because of the success of the president's policies. >> greg: nice try. you see what's happening has the pandemic comes to a close, they want credit for closing it.
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it's like when you help push a car that is out of gas and there's always one guy who was just pretending to grunt. that is this administration all noise, no pushing, but you know it's bad when even the kari cellars says it is bad. >> one can they expect relief? >> a number of corporate leaders, it starts to taper off as we go through this year. >> i would tell them if they were looking them in the face, the fact is nobody wants to hear what nobel laureates actually say about the problem. in that answer, we would hear more about pollution. >> greg: hate to say it, but he is right. a sighting nobel while prices stores like jerry nadler and skinny jeans. when you asked the cashier where you are paying the 60 bucks for two pork chops and she says don't worry, says prices will be back to normal next year.
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and it makes you wonder why this almost only happens under democrats because things to some of the disciples in the media, they can. check out this npr headline that reads inflation hits another 40 year high. it is bad, but older folks say they've seen worse. technically, they could be right if they were talking about pearl harbor were scrunchies imagine if you use the excuse about climate change or racism, they use it on crime and inflation, the things that affect the poor and working-class and minorities that they claim to protect. look on the bright side, it is not an all-time high for murder, just a 25 year high. as inflation rises, closing closing stores and forcing businesses to lock up their goods and raise more prices. prices are so high i was in a cvs at times square and i saw jesse watters stuffing three boxes of rogaine into his pants. it's no wonder there's another
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horrible poll for joe. only one in five americans believe he will ever be successful but this doesn't even register with joe who is busy competing for who wants to be seen less. so the reason why americans think joe is doing nothing for them is because he is doing nothing for them. his own loony left and he relies on now for everything thinks that public concerns are laughable. al sharpton said they must end the crime wave and got mocked for it by the left. he was complaining how drugstores had to lock up toothpaste now in the last thing we want is someone with a mouth as big as his not to brush his teeth. nicole jones says who cares? also coming out again shoplifting only encourages. and here i thought the left was okay with china. so we are at weird times when suddenly al sharpton sounds like william f buckley. i wonder what joe has to say. >> going to talk about this on a friday?
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come on. greg gutfeld, he's a wise guy, but that's his job we've got to live with it. i agree with anna nicole smith, she's a smart gal. al sharpton, he knows crime has been around forever, it's part of the whole deal. late '70s, new york, that's when he got his start. did you see that movie, taxi driver? talking to me? he was looking in the mirror, not the whole thing, talking to himself. those guys were great. >> greg: they were. attitudes towards crime and inflation are racist because both affect nonwhite minorities more than anyone comest was close, prices rise, who can handle that while also rich whites who order off of amazon or send their assistance to another store. the democrats are screwed and they deserve it. here's why. you can't obsess over work concerns. the hard left priorities are
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picking up all the shelf space in joe's limited brain so there's an opportunity cost of this and ironically affecting the identity of the left claims to defend. the only person wants to go to vacation in winter. you have a party trying to salvage a dying administration when you have an invalid and left two crime is what you deserve. remember when the press said this was going to be so much better than trump? who knew they meant better for thugs, murderers, thieves, and republican candidates. >> tonight's guest, i call her atm because she is always talking monday, host of the evening edit on fox business. he is an inspiration to the nation and frankly i'd like if he joined me on vacation, retired u.s. marine.
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this weekend, she will be smoking a super bowl, fox news contributor kat timpf. and his high school senior picture is a google earth photo, tyrus. almost fainted there. it hyperventilated, it's kind of fun for a while, get a little dizzy and hot and sweaty. >> you know the safe word if he does that again? >> my safe word is more. >> okay. >> which is why no one is safe in my bedroom. >> i am sitting right near you. >> greg: did you see much of this lester holt video, what did you make of it? >> he was giving biden a softball question using his own words so it's going to be
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transitory made a mild inflation sticking around for seven months but then i feel like i'm back in the 1930s movie like you're a wise guy. eastside comedy are like president jimmy cagney. when i saw it, i thought when they going to put the president back on the campaign trail to talk more and now he is yelling still, still yelling at people and now he's got obama, obama is talking to house democrats and ran out of headlines, it is breaking norms for him to be politicking so it feels like what variant got into the mainstream media to pick up what we've been saying for a while about how weird and off-the-wall the democrat party has been. >> greg: that's a great analogy, he is like the 1940s gangster president. remember when he called that guy fat at the town hall.
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would you think you are, smart guy? he does that to peter doocy. >> poll numbers are dropping, so what brings you back. >> greg: looks like he's in a vacuum, good to see you as always, he look like you're letting yourself go. >> is a long sleeve shirt and i heard tyrus was going to be on tonight so i cut the sleeves off. given seen the guys stand up. >> greg: put your tongue back in your mouth. i've never seen a match of public sentiment or an actual leader that actually fits perfectly. generally, too hard on this person the right was too hard on obama and i think the left was too hard on trump but is this goldilocks? this seat is perfect. i think the people actually get this guy, does that make sense at all? >> i guess, i just what his
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response would be if lester holt had said it is your still smoking crack? was anything on the laptop true, how much money is in your bank account from foreign investors? there are hard-hitting questions and he literally asked the man inflation is still here, what does transitory mean and he was befuddled, all upset about it. it president of the united states, you wanted this job. people die under your command. as a matter of fact, barely you don't trust the people who will go to war under your command anymore. people care about you answering questions and you want to talk about a wise guy. it's repulsive. >> greg: any plans for the super bowl? >> i'm going to sit there and watch it. >> greg: what time should i be there and what do you want me to bring? >> it will be at jfk at 6:00 a.m. >> greg: nobody invites me
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anymore. >> you don't go. first of all, we live in different states of the commute and you barely like driving home. he will say you are going and then you go i've got this thing, i'm writing this stuff, got a monologue, got that thing with russia, but in defense of. >> greg: i don't know what that means. >> yes, you do. the nerve, i'm going to defend the president on this, who do you think you are asking me stuff that i said before? i don't remember what i said, and say a lot of stuff. come on, man. i can be asked to remember what i said recently. but i told you this was going to happen. i said they only wanted him to get in an end the knives would
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come out for the chosen one who is sitting beside him not doing anything and hiding so now they agree with us, now suddenly the jokes are in the comments are messed up were before they were heartfelt when he had a gaffe in a small stutter and now it's he is unfit and he shouldn't be here and he is a disgrace. so we need to go the opposite way and go he meant well. his heart was in it. >> greg: you are right, we should start defending him, we should start saying there's nothing wrong with him, he is doing a great job so they keep him as the nominee. >> sure, he's doing a great job. you didn't put any emotion into that. >> i do have that problem across the board in my life but because it's bare minimum he could do, no one actually thinks that inflation is going to have any real impact on the most powerful person in the world, he can at
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least pretend to understand it's a big deal for some people rather than just say it is academic that he discusses with his other rich or famous friends, you don't even have to care, just acknowledge. >> greg: bare minimum. i don't know. >> if that mad whisper going. >> greg: why do you always have to do this thing at the super bowl anyway? since when did this become a tradition? i don't know. it's the last thing i want to do is watch an interview with the president went as a person who loves football, you know me. and you would know if you would invite me to your super bowl party. >> i don't have parties come i the game alone. and people always ask me questions i don't want to answer. >> you taught him how to capture when he was crying and upset when he didn't get drafted in the first round, it was you and said i know a guy and we will
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figure something out. >> greg: is that girls are pretty and maybe you should talk to them. >> did you call him up after the game and said it's time? >> greg: i should call him after the show, maybe he will watch the game with me. up next, should you believe the dhs that truckers will create super bowl
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so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ yep, it's go time on the most reliable network. you get unlimited for just $30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. yep, even these guys get it. and the icing on the cake? saving up to $400 bucks? exactly! xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. get the new samsung galaxy s22 series on xfinity mobile. and right now, save big with up to $750 off a new samsung device. switch today. >> greg: is the truckers goal to crash the super bowl? the department of homeland security want you to believe that. they are warning and law enforcement that a group of truckers is planning a protest
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that could start this weekend at the super bowl. in alejandro mayorkas already said at least 500 of its personnel will assist with security for the big game although that's not evidence for the bengals defensive line might need their assistance, a little football aside, i know my stuff. thank you, whoever wrote that. they said the convoy could then head east perhaps reaching d.c. for the state of the union address on march 1st. gridlock on the ambassador bridge, the largest bridge linking the u.s. and canada. it's how they deliver the prime minister shoe polish. on thursday, the biden administration urged justin trudeau to use federal power to end the blockade but his office says there's a willingness to respond with whatever it takes to end it. it seems like what it would take is to end the mandates. others like cnn analyst advocated saying slashed the
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tires, arrest the drivers and move the trucks. we'd love to know how to move the trucks after you/their tires. typical woman. it is a sexist would say. she later backtracked saying she wasn't promoting that adding people have the freedom to protest. governments have the responsibility to protect public safety. that's what i intended to say of course, someone wants to keep that cushy cnn contributors job from abc and enter just fire her and give this a shot. tyrus, what kind of frog is that? >> is like a big mouth frog, sits all day and eat stuff that doesn't move, but they wind, they whine a lot. >> that wasn't a video of brian stelter? >> you just made a bff right
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there. >> speaking of which, doesn't it sound like the same there were warnings he would get before major events like having to do with isis and stuff like that, they just basically did the terror alert, grabbed it, and aimed it at the truckers who have yet to ever commit any act of terror or even get arrested except for honking the horn? >> those two words around, don't mess with truckers, any group of people that can drive side-by-side at 60 miles an hour just to ruin your day for as long as you need have more patience than you do. also, i grew up and over the top was my favorite movies on my mind, every trucker can arm wrestle you to death because when they stopped, back there doing the tables. they are road hardened warriors like mad max waiting on the apocalypse. they can survive when nobody
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survives, don't mess with them. >> unless you can make them run because that diet. >> they are not all hefty. he was jacked in that movie. >> greg: he wasn't a real truck driver, you realize that? >> it wasn't a documentary? >> i'm pretty sure most of the people in that movie were real. >> the guys who make oil don't make that up. >> greg: anyway, i think this is a great protest but it's only a great protest if they don't go too far here they've got to know what a certain point that they've made their point, right? >> they would say it's a great protest until it slows down their traffic, then it's a problem. but to go back to what she said, that apology did not match at even a little bit. and got a phone call and that's not enough, what is a trucker
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going to do if you try to slash. and who's going to tell her that? it's funny you said that because usually don't respond on twitter to stuff but i couldn't resist. i say if you slash the tires, how are you going to tow the trucks? rethink your hate. but that in itself was about the worst thing you can say to a group of people, take trucker out of it, put african-americans in there, women in their, throw water on them and drag them out of there. their excuse was this was what i met? you don't get to do that. especially when you're supposed to be reporting news and giving an educated opinion, we could have got that from any jerk on the street. >> kind of acknowledging how successful and how well, it's going because nobody suggests slashing tires when things are going well.
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even a girl does that to her boyfriend, she's not doing that because she thinks she is going to get what she wants out of a relationship. >> also, you remove the valve and let the air out and they go by another tire when the tire is completely fine, it's a fast way to get revenge. >> is it true that it's better to have/3 of them because of it's not all of them, they can't claim insurance? i heard that somewhere. >> it's the slow knife. >> greg: the underground railroad for angry exes. >> you put some sugar. >> put an egg in their sweater box. >> greg: a really good strategy is just to move on. if the game in l.a.? by the way, the oscars, you don't have to have a covid passport, this is a major culture clash.
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by the way, can we go to the truckers tailgate party. you know what they are now? they are treating them like the school board parents are domestic terrorist kind of thing, that's what they are doing with the truckers and the majority of us are vaccinated. we don't want to have to quarantine and lose our paychecks. that's all they are saying. you know that q-tip that chris cuomo held up? they should take that and put in the ears of everybody at cnn and just sit down and listen to what they are saying. what they are saying is common sense. >> they are trying to incite. they will stay mostly peaceful. they need incitement, they need an act to get a trucker to react and do something and they win. they can count on that. they never saw strange brew. >> where the celebrity ceos? makes a lot of money off of truckers. you have to get those brown
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boxes there somewhere. >> they are essential workers and i like how his yacht is ramming through, colliding, gigantic in europe. >> they have to remove bridges, that's different though. it's a different bridge. >> moving bridges. >> so big a bridge can't handle it. >> we have to move on. up next, a coach who says talking about skin tone is totally
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♪music ♪you fill up my senses ♪like a sleepy blue ocean ♪you fill up my senses ♪come fill me again >> greg: he was hired to win but they won't stop talking about his skin. mike mcdaniels the new head coach of the miami dolphins at the hyperfocus on his race is weird. the team announced their new hire yesterday and made controversy surrounding the termination of previous head coach brian florez, a black man suing the nfl for racial
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discrimination. tell the truth, has it been very odd? >> very odd, to tell you the truth, this idea is identifying as something, i identify a human being. and my dad is black. it's weird that it comes up because i've just tried to be a good person. i don't have any real experience with racism. i know my mom experienced it when she married my dad. i know my dad experienced it and that's my family, but i guess that makes me a human being that can identify with other people's problems. >> greg: identifies as a human being, where do you get off? you can do that today, we have to take off a box and join the team or like the devault thumbs-up emoji. back in january, their lazy writers published a hippies referring to him as just another
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young white guy not qualified to be a head coach. they argue the nfl should focus on let candidates more deserving of the job. after learning that he was biracial, they were forced to update the story days later. so good for mike for not playing the identity politics game but here's an idea, hire him and let him prove he's qualified or not. not saying coaching football is an easy job but i've seen 12-year-olds who are amazing at playing madden. and chances are there's always going to be someone more deserving of a job than the person hired especially if you're the president of the united states. see how i worked some anti-bite and stuff into there ? thank you, that's why i make the big bucks around here. i go to you first only because you played football. >> listen, i get it, it's confusing into some people i am confusing, light skin is uncomfortable to some people and i feel for the brother because
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he's about as light-skinned as you get. he said he wasn't, probably were going to argue with him but that's not the point, he just got the job and he is trying to say dude, i just got hired mike and you ask me about that black stuff and like a month, i just got here. can you ask me how does it feel to get my first giant opportunity like this or what my plan is? that's what he planned for and he tried to do the best thing he could and it probably hurt him more but he's the last guy that i thought would be a head coach, to be honest. i can't wait to see how big that headset is on him but i will support the brother. he comes from a good family and he comes from an affluent family so he didn't go through a lot of the things and there's a lot of brothers and sisters who come from good homes we don't always go through this stuff so when they finally are appalled like
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white people who grew up dirt poor and is not always about the color of your skin, it's where you grew up and what your environment was and that goes against the woke thing they want to discredit him because he is smart and doesn't have a beanie on because the sound of your voice is from your neighborhood. >> with the great point. is it cultural or racial? its cultural, right? when they talk about black representation, it's about bringing up the cultural side versus the racial side and this guy is being attacked because he doesn't present himself a certain way. >> you could see he was struggling to stretch it and just to talk to them. he was stretching, trying to push for an answer to give them but why do we have to cave to the paranoid race mongers in the crowd were just always looking
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to have a fight about something and basically racial bullies, right? we get it, we get that it's an issue but this guy is said can we just move on, can the whole country move on? >> that article, you really thought you had something there and just reading it with the corrections, you think about what does that mean about the authors point? that he hath deserves it? if you follow the premise, it sounds ridiculous but that's exactly what he is saying. >> greg: you identify as a half veteran. be mike i do. you get married to a veteran, you become half a veteran, it's math. >> for different reasons. >> greg: you work for that half. >> you saved that half. >> oh, my god. >> isn't it funny when the media doesn't like you, they take your blackness away because they
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would never take barack obama's away or mine but if he didn't fit what they needed with the argument, they took it away from him. >> greg: canceling. we met just the black part. >> greg: more people pretend they are hulk hogan while trying lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living.
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take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work
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>> greg: media continues to blast the most successful podcast but just how far will the left go to try to bring down joe? on a recent podcast, had some advice for the media. i wonder if he said the answer is not to silence me, the answer is for you to do better. >> the answer is not to silence me, the answers for you to do better, the answer is for you to have better arguments. you want to do better, just change your model, change the way you do it, stop this editorial perspective with guys like brian stelter and don lemon
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that no one listens to. no one is chiming in saying finally come a week at the voice of reason, nobody thinks that. have people that give out effective news, objective news and i will support you. i will turn around 100% in be one of the people that tells people i saw this on cnn, watch this on cnn. >> greg: has had some defenders including jon stewart saying he himself could have been accused of spreading misinformation for his opposition to the iraq war. it's true, the iraq war was almost as big of a mistake is hiring trevor noah. he took time on his show to call joe rogan racist that despite the fact that he had gone out of his way to defend noel when the comedian was under fire for anti-semitic jokes. way to defend your own, trevor. but who can forget these trevor noah classics? almost bumped the jewish kid crossing the road. he didn't look before crossing but i still would've felt so bad
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in my german car. he doesn't go down easy, just like jewish chicks. so who is right? the guy who supports freedom of speech with a previously racist guy who calls everyone else racist in the hopes that he keeps his job? the people aren't as stupid as you think creative people funnier than you are canceled, that doesn't make you funnier but perhaps i should be thinking trevor. for once, the daily show was arguably the funniest show and now it poses no threat to me whatsoever. so you know what bums me out about this? i defended trevor noah for years on good faith over these previous tweets and stuff because i was operating on this idea that it was a payoff at the end that he would absorb the idea of forgiveness and use it himself but as it turns out, he doesn't give a [bleep]. >> i wrote a column about it because i don't think people should be canceled over jokes.
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to try to cancel other people is obviously terrible but it's all these people that exist in their own bubble and its proof of that because so many people listen to joe rogan and there's a reason for that but these people are only looking into their own bubbles saying he should be canceled. they need to listen a little bit to realize that he is succeeding and you are not, so maybe what this is about is you don't think you can do better at your job because you should just try harder but maybe they don't think they can do better. >> greg: it's true. and trevor noah got super rich because people look to the other way or for gave him or defended him and he has made tons of money and had lousy ratings. he has got a cushy job so it strikes me a real downer to see him do this after everybody gave him the chance.
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>> it's pretty gutsy to test drive really bad jokes on twitter, put out your lousy material on twitter. >> greg: i have done that. >> a little precious, the attitude right now that i just feel like when people climb on the bandwagon and cnn goes after joe rogan, it's because they were afraid of not being liked because if you listen to what joe rogan is saying, he is basically reporting what they've been saying in the national library of medicine has been saying. he is not anti-vaccine. he is saying the drugs have thrombosis and myocarditis side effects but if you phrase that, suddenly your anti-vax when they lose their minds, go berserk and hit the ceiling. when are they going to pull don lemons episode from cnn? by the way, spotify has louis farrakhan and bill cosby and you don't hear any complaining about that. >> greg: it would be so easy
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to pull gary glitter, he only has one song. rock 'n' roll part two, that's what it's called. you don't hear it anymore. who wins this debate in the end? >> and we just talk about the fact that he is being attacked on two things this week, one is the covid stuff, the other is potential racism. getting a lot more grace on being potentially racist then covid. being the skeptical of the covid narrative is twice the egregious end of potentially being racist. that's where we are with this. joe rogan is a dude who used to pay people money to eat bugs and then sit around and talk about other people fighting and now he gets high and ponders questions with people that are perceived by half the people who listen is crazy. why are they so worried about this? because people listen, because they would rather listen to a guy with that prerequisite than the people bringing the news.
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>> greg: it is scaring places like cnn. i always say that fox is different because we actually understand. we all have podcasts and we all understood podcasts and we invited those types of guests because we sought but the legacy media is scared death of this stuff. of what is your take on this comedy crisis? >> this is the trump effect and the reason they are going so hard on joe rogan is because it's profitable and if you go after gold, chances are you will get some flakes, may be a book, maybe he will bring you want his show, he elevates you and your bookings go up and you get more money. the other thing is trevor noah is exactly what i talk about when you pass up character to check a box. he's the box. when they have their board meetings and someone says this company is racist, no we don't, we have trevor noah even though his character keeps coming out time and time again that he is a
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narcissist, doesn't care about anybody else, he will bury anybody to benefit him and also part of that trump effect where they attack you if it's good for them. the reason why they are not going after bill cosby's there's no money in it. someone doesn't like him, someone who doesn't like joe rogan, interesting. he wasn't making 100 million, he was making. we can go on there and be like covid is fake and all engineered by liberal russian agents and you can get rid of it by eating an orange and drinking water really fast. i've seen it. let's do that. nobody would challenge us. >> greg: i have never made a dime on that. >> we make $0. >> if you relisten to our podcast, our relationship would be vastly different.
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>> every christmas episode you have no idea exist. maybe you should listen. >> greg: i know what i'm doing this weekend. i purposely wouldn't listen to it for that reason. >> this was the best set up for a podcast promo i've ever seen. >> greg: all right. up next, whether you love or hate the favorite rum, in your home
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>> greg: from the pacific to the atlantic, which movies are considered most romantic? according to research by some company that i don't even know, these are the most popular romcoms by state, most of the favorites are recent films some states love the 80's and 90's. illinois loves "16 candles." "pretty woman" gets the nod from massachusetts. "grease" was chosen by multiple states. finally, the people of colorado picked "40-year-old virgin." around the horn, we don't have
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too much time, liz. do you have a favorite for valentine's day? "train wreck." >> it was all right. jonathan joey jones? >> i'm a big fan of "the notebook." >> you're a weirdo. you have a problem. kat, favorite romcom? >> "wedding singer." >> greg: is that a rom com? >> anything could be a romcom. >> greg: what's your take on romcoms? >> louisiana was great, "coming to america" and "california "was perfect, "clueless." to me, i'm a "braveheart" guy. >> greg: a romantic. i can't remember what it's called -- >> oh no, you're talking
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>> greg: my favorite romantic comedy will always be "deliverance" about love between man and nature. >> he's got a pretty mouth. >> greg: i said that to john and he just looked at me. don't go away. we'll be right back. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold!
1:59 am
[laughter] >> greg: what is with these people? before we go, tyrus, you have something to plug? >> yes, tomorrow, i'll be -- i think it's up on the screen -- i'll be in the great state of kentucky, nwa event where me and my crew will be performing. tickets still available. check it out on fight tv, the app, so exciting weekend. >> greg: next week -- no, the week after that -- when is? >> dallas. >> greg: but what about mardi gras? >> i'll be the monarch of orpheus, harry connick jr.
2:00 am
i get to be on the mayor with the float. >> greg: who is below you on the float? >> everybody. >> greg: i wanted you to say a specific person but that's ok. we're out of time. fox news @ night with evil kevin is next. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. for joinind i'm sandra smith. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: home invasions. jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, geraldo rivera, they do mcdowell, and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city, this is "the 5p "music that this is "the five." ♪ ♪ joe biden looking to crush the trucker protests in canada before it spreads here. the president telling justin trudeau to get tough and cracked down on the freedom convoy. white house officials are urging canadian leaders to use their federal powers tore
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