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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 14, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> todd: a fox news alert. top lawmakers set to receive a briefing on the russia and ukraine situation as it hits a boiling point. president biden had a saturday phone call with president poout. i'm todd piro. >> i'm ashley strohmier. demanding a meeting with russia as airlines begin suspended flights over fear of invasion
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that the white house says will like lee come within days. >> the u.s. military will not be aiding in departures, here is advisor, jake sullivan. >> the united states of america, diplomacy is open and available. we are trying to dispel any notion the united states will deploy thousands of forces to ukraine to fight in order to evacuate americans. >> sullivan will brief leaders on the situation today, along with ranking house and senate committee members. republican lawmakers weighed in on the threat of the invasion in the next coming days, here they are. >> the only clarity we've had in this whole thing is that american citizens are on their own in a potential war zone. >> i think we're at the point now, we'll have to try to deal with the aftermath.
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the concern i have, this is symptomatic, larger situation with this administration. >> this looks like crema 2.0. >> according to the white house, the leaders agree on importance to continuing to pursue diplomacy in response to russia's build up on ukraine's border. they believe russia amassed 130,000 troops on the border that seems unswayed by the saturday call with president biden and president putin. carley and todd. >> carley: thank you. first ukrainian born in congress weigh nothing on all this. >> the conflict started when putin understood ukraine is going away from his control and
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people want democracy. people don't want communist dictatorship, they are tired of it. the government killed people. guess what, million show up next day. it happened with russia and belarus. it is a threat to his regime. >> todd: 11 people randomly stabbed by knife-wielding bmx rider in albuquerque. no information on his identity has been released. two victims are in critical condition, the rest are stable. police say they do not know the motive for the attack. >> carley: house speaker nancy pelosi rejected cori bush's push to defund the police. >> that is not the position of the democratic party. community safety to protect and
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defend in every way is our oath of office. >> carley: nancy pelosi's words signal a turnaround for those who agree with bush and called for slashing police budgets for the riots in 2020. >> todd: it is too late to distance democrats from the defund police policies, listen. >> their policies are anti-police. that montage represents the heart and soul of the democratic party. they do not believe in supporting the police and nancy pelosi's comments, i can take her statements and convict her of purgery, they supported defunding the police, every since the george floyd case. it is straight up lying, lies. the public will not forget this in the midterm. >> todd: leo is 100% right. where was nancy pelosi and the
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democratic party establishment in the summer of 2020, when the riots were happening? they were shutting up and said nothing and were quiet. crime is now overtaking the nation, what do democrats do? we don't want to defund police. >> carley: 13 officers shot across four states on friday alone in arizona, nine police officers were shot. two died in maryland. police officers shot in new mexico, one state trooper shot. pennsylvania, one swat officer was shot. also 59% increase in officers intentionally killed in 2021. contribute that to defunding the police, criminals feel embolden. look at the numbers, two dead in arizona. >> todd: and demonizing police, this is what happens.
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>> carley: nation's former top official says -- could hillary clinton be on that list? former fbi director is breaking down everything we know coming up next. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's my 3:10, no-exit-in-sight, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am.
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>> carley: to this breaking news, the plot thickens after special council john durham's file og russia gate, spying on president trump. >> todd: brooke singman is live with exclusive report og this story. brooke. >> brooke: good morning, todd and carley, an exclusive report to kickoff the day. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe told john durham there is enough evidence to indict multiple peep nel his investigation into the origin of the trump russia probe, following the stunning revelation from durham's file whering he alleges campaign to establish a narrative linking trump to russia. some republicans are already
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making plans to hold clinton accountable in the midterm, ohio congressman mike turner was asked directly if he would move to hold hearings on capitol hill if he was in charge of the house intelligence committee. here is what he had to say . >> absolutely. this is a threat to our democracy itself. this is so wrong. >> brooke: and a new poll shows 66% of democrats wants clinton questioned in an attempt to tie him to the kremlin, the former president responding to the filing say whatting hillary clinton and what left democrats did with respect to spying on the president of the united states is far bigger crime than watergate. this is insult to the republican party and far greater insult to the nation. clinton is facing more questions over 2016 tweets from the
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campaign trail promoteing that intrusion into trump servers. one reading, computer scientists have uncovered covert server linking the trump organization to russia-based bank and another saying it is time for trump to answer serious questions about his ties to russia there have been three indictments and some think there could be more on the way. >> todd: great reporting. thank you. bring in chris swegger, former fbi director. at his core, chris, isn't this equivalent of somebody planting evidence on an innocent person? >> well, i liken it to watergate in the sense that he got his hands on information he wasn't entitled to, rather than get the information, the night watch man let him in, the keepers of this tech information gave that
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information to them. our assessment was not entitled to the information, then he turned it on its head, cast it in a very different light, in a false light and passed to two intelligence agencies, fbi and c.i.a. this information they were not entitled to and provided false information, doctored information and pumped to the fbi to predicate an investigation on an opponent. not only that, they used government contractors, people in the private sector at a university, who were working on a government contract, to analyze the information, that is fraud against the government. >> carley: yeah, the allegation is that the clinton campaign and tech company were spy og a sitting president in the white house. where does this go from here? who will be held accountable? i think everybody watching is wondering will hillary clinton be held accountable?
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>> well, first, it is clear indication that john durham is still working very hard at this. i think he's been delayed somewhat by trying to get his hands on international evidence, which is electronics, etcetera. it is hard to tell how high this will go. he's in this for not just indict low-level peep fell they are responsible, the idea is to work his way up the ladder. like in any investigation, i'm not sure where it gallon from here, i suspect mid-level people will be targeted next and try to flip. we'll see where that goes. what disturbs me most is the way the two agencies gobbel third degree information up and didn't question it or the source of the information, surely they could source this information better than they did and we had idearklogs at that time. >> todd: chris, there is an ancillary issue here, how did
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this company, albeit with granted access to a degree, penetrate the white house, which i would imagine from cyber security perspective, should be the most secure in the world, if not our entire country? >> chris: they had the help of this tech company, even the most secure tech systems still have some third party involvement and in this case, i will not say the name of the coany, a tech company that was the keeper of the dns domain names. they analyzed and got data dump or several on that information and again, used government contractors to analyze it. a lot of things wrong here, i see a lot of potential charges, mail fraud, wire fraud, depending how the information was communicated. this is going somewhere. >> carley: yeah, and john ratcliffe saying there is enough evidence to indict multiple
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people. thank you for joining us. >> chris: thank you. >> carley: all right. remember when white house press secretary jen psaki tried to down play report of u.s. commander frustration over the afghanistan withdrawal? >> press sect. psaki: it is important, there was no after action report. >> carley: turns out that was a lie. >> todd: and the l.a. rams win against bengals in epic super bowl showdown. the game would not be the same without hollywood hypocrisy and double standards, we are breaking it down for you next. ♪
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♪ (delivery man) that's for you. (mail recipient 1) these are opened. (mail recipient 2) and it came like this? (delivery man) i don't know they're all open. this one's open too. privacy is important to you? (mail recipient 4) yeah. privacy is really important to me. (mail recipient 5) it is! to everybody! (mail recipient 6) privacy is everything! (mail recipient 7) whose been reading our mail? (delivery man) i don't know whose been reading it, i just deliver it. (mail recipient 5) this is my family here! (mail recipient 8) this is a picture of me and my wife. (mail recipient 4) this has all my information on it! (delivery man) i know. i saw them. (mail recipient 1) do you wanna pay a bill since you went through them? >> todd: the rams winning first super bowl in 22 year necessary front of an l.a. crowd in a hollywood finish. >> pass.
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caught. got it. touchdown. burrow going to keep it going. gets it away and incomplete. >> todd: rams receiver cooper kupp scoring before aaron donald and l.a. d steal the win. circumstance upp taking home m.v.p. and aaron donald could retire after making good on his super bowl promise. >> i am in the moment, i promised my daughter when he was five years old to play in the confetti. >> todd: awesome. and millennial hip hop fans with appearances from dr. dre, snoop dogg, mary j. blige and eminem. ♪
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eminem taking a knee in a controversial tribute to colin kaepernick. and in this jewelry store, this is how they celebrate championships in the city of angels. >> carley: ridiculous. masks also making news, politician celebrities living it up at the game without face coverings, despite california mask mandate. garcetti was seen mask less at the nfc championship game two weeks ago. he said he was masked entire game, but when people ask for photographs. performance by l.a. youth orchestra stunning many with kids wearing masks while the adult performers did not. schoolchildren in california are still required to mask up in classrooms, none makes sense.
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>> todd: i tried holding my breath, i couldn't. super bowl socialism. dems pushing their progressive agenda. ashley strohmier joins us with more. >> ashley: good morning. bern berns, -- bernie sanders used super bowl to push his agenda, tweeting "how does it happen that sofi, student loan refinancing company could spend their 625 million to put his name on the super bowl when many are drown nothing student debt. today would be a great day for the president to cancel student debt. alexandria ocasio-cortez telling san antonio it was inevitable texas would turn to a blue state, flipping the entire country. >> texas turning blue is inevitable. inevitable. it will happen. the only question is when,
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texas. >> ashley: texas lieutenant governor dan patrick said she may be able to sell nonsense in nyc, not in this land. in aoc thinks texans will fall for her whacked out idiocy, she doesn't know texas. aoc has been campaigning in the lone star state against members of her own party trying to flip two seats for the midterm despite growing number of hispanic voters taking a hard right turn to the gop, which could mean trouble for democrats. according to "wall street journal" poll, if election held today, 44% would vote for biden and 43 said they would vote for trump. 61% of hispanic men said they disapprove of the job joe biden is doing and hispanic women are
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dead split at 46 each approving and disapproving. >> carley: thank you. bring in wesley hunt, army veteran running for congress in texas. wesley, you heard aoc say texas turning blue is inevitable, what do you think, is it? >> aoc's dream of turning texas blue is no more real than santa anna's dream of conquering texas. she loves freedom, but doesn't want texans to have freedom. she on out of touch with texas. what is happening at southern border, enough fentanyl to kill every american in this country, supply chain issues, assault on oil and gas industry, this is not how we roll down in texas. >> carley: all great points, some conservatives worry about texas turning blue because
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people are leaving high tax areas and moving to texas and could be bringing politics with them. it is happening, how do you fight back against that? >> you look at where joe biden is and biden administration, how poorly they are doing amongst independents, we are not concerned about that. it is up to republicans to get our message out, we are the party of freedom and liberty, no mask or vaccine mandates, if you have a business and want to grow your business, texas is the best place. don't bring your politics with you, here and in florida, we have to keep our state red. >> carley: a lot happened to your military experience, this after action report shows military leaders are frustrated with the white house and state department during the disastrous afghanistan withdrawal and the "washington post" sums up this report saying declassified
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military analysis of the exit from afghanistan detailed repeated instances of friksz between american troops and diplomats before and during the evacuation concludeing that indecisiveness among biden administration officials and initial reluctance to shutter the embassy in kabul put overall mission at increased risk. pentagon press secretary john kirby was asked about this yesterday, listen to what he had to say. >> we need to keep the documents necessary perspective, didn't think the documents would become public. they were talking about appropriately what they saw at the airport and experienced there in kabul and in afghanistan in real time. >> carley: he says we need to keep document necessary perspective, what is your perspective on them? >> we watch third degree unfold in realtime. when we take back the house in
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2022, we need to have a complete investigation into what happened. i am shocked jen psaki didn't know aar had been conducted. this is weakness on a world scale. look at russia and ukraine and china and taiwan and iran having a path to nuclear weapon yet again, this would have never happened during the four years under the trump administration and right now joe biden is making jimmy carter look strong f. we can't defend our southern border and putin knows this, how can we defend the ukraine border? we look weak, the weakest we've looked for 40 years, we have to do something about this. this report shows how haphazardly the exit from afghanistan was and it cost 13 american lives and it is unacceptable. >> carley: biggest concern now is danger afghanistan poses without military presence there,
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i hope that doesn't come back to bite us. thank you for joining us this morning. >> of course. good bless you. vavalentine's day. >> carley: happy valentine's day. todd. >> todd: former president trump claimed the state -- >> carley: big names could be answering for that, will the media ever answer for this? >> donald trump and william barb promised huge corruption, he hasn't done that. >> there is ongoing concerted republican and pro-trump project to try to turn the investigation of the russia scandal into some kind of scandal itself. >> carley: joe concha is here next.
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>> todd: biggest scandal when they spyod my campaign, they spied on my campaign. >> there is no real evidence of that? >> yes, there is. >> sir -- >> donald trump and william barb promised to expose huge krupgsz and he hasn't done that. >> the project to turn the russia scandal into a scandal
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itself. >> todd: the media losing it during the peak of the collusion of russia. >> carley: hillary clinton was promoting claims of trump's russia ties as her campaign is accused of paying to infiltrate the trump white house and trump tower. fox news contributor joe concha joins us live. joe, the media went all in on the trump-russia collusion narrative, will they cover this latest development? >> joe: wow, carley, great question. right before i came on during the commercial break, i looked at cnn.comand new york times and "washington post" home page, you can't find one story on this explosive development as far as the durham report or at least what we're going to see in the durham report in writing. a guy who has been investigating
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this for sometime now and you want to go attack mr. durham, go ahead, as far as his credibility, that is not a place you want to be. i can't find one story as far as clinton campaign hiring peep toll access servers. this is worse than watergate, i hate to quote carl bernstein, who has said that on cnn air. the fact there is media blackout tells us where media is at this point. you say they were all in on russia collusion and trump, carley, not for a couple weeks, we're talking three years of presidency and now it looks like this could be turned on its head completely, no one wants to touch this story, they know they are culpable in push thanksgiving narrative that drown the country for three
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years and presidency for three years and it is just incredible, not incredibility, not surprising the fact no one is touch thanksgiving story at major news organizations tells you where we are now as far as trust in media. i don't use hyperbole often, it is corrupt. >> todd: they are an arm of the dnc, you can't say it any other way. and a host suggesting expanding supreme court as part of fighting covid. keep mask mandate especially in schools, keep vaccine mandates where possible, bring in a dam vaccine for air travel via executive order, send out rapid tests and masks, expand the supreme court. joe, aside from this guy wildly misreading the room -- >> carley: no one wants that. >> todd: covid is on third base right now, what do the number of
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justices have to do with covid? >> joe: that's a great question, right? amazing what you can fit in 280 characters on the twitter. yeah, expand supreme court, absolutely no sane american wants to do that at this point. i'm sure this msnbc host wants to expand senate and add so democrats have greater majority. cases in the united states as far as covid are down 70% at this point. hospitalizations are down. there will be variants in the future, but right now third base, exactly right. that is where democratic governors in massachusetts, in new jersey, in delaware and oregn and delaware, they are dropping mask mandate.
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if hassan goes without a mask, he should do his program with mask on the entire time if he believes my kids should be masked for seven or eight hours, practice what you preach, my friend. >> carley: bingo, democrats c a problem with that. police moving freedom convoy protesters from the ambassador bridge between windsor and detroit, allowing it to reopen late sunday. the ambassador bridge is fully open allowing free flow of commerce between canada and u.s. economies once again. canada remain necessary gridlock as demonstrators against covid restrictions condition. trudea holding emergency meeting with his cabinet as the protests continue in the capital city. >> noah: brooklyn, a substitute teacher who was fired join us
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with a message for mayor adams, listen. >> in terms of the vaccine, one size doesn't fit all smchlt have side effects. bring back the option of weekly covid testing. >> todd: cassie mcfadden is helping as a substitute, before being fired over the vaccine. speaking to meteorologist janice dean live in the studio with the fox weather forecast. >> janice: you will not complain about the snow you got? >> todd: i didn't complain. i was not mad at you, i had not heard much from any meteorologists. >> janice: those are fighting words, you could have texted me. parts of the northeast got more snow than expected, sometimes it happens. we did tell you there was going to be a coastal storm. look at it. it is cold in the northeast, 14
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in chicago across great lakes, as well. we set records over the west for the last two weeks and yesterday was not exception across california. look at the record highs, the weather might have affected the super bowl yesterday, they said the rams probably played better because they are used to warmer temperatures. there you go. l.a. tied record. san jose and san francisco, tied, as well. changes coming in the west. not a bad forecast in terms of storm systems, that is about to change over the next couple days. big trough in the west. goodbye to record-setting temperatures and we will see potential for snow in the west, as well as severe weather wednesday and thursday for the plains, risk for tornados. that means snow for parts of the rockies and plain states and great lakes, potential through friday. we will watch that over the next
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couple days and severe threat is wednesday. hail, damaging winds and tornados. there is your valentine's day forecast, we have valentine nebraska and heart arkansas, love lady, flowers, new york, romance, wisconsin. >> todd: romeo, colorado. >> janice: look at that, thanks to fox weather for doing this research. hard to find love titles. >> carley: props to them. >> janice: roseville, california. >> todd: date, arizona. >> janice: loveland, washington. look at that, sunny for all of us. >> carley: happy v day. if you can't afford to put food on your table or gas in your tank because of inflation. here is nancy pelosi's explanation. >> consequences of that investment in infrastructure is that more people have jobs and therefore inflation goes up.
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>> todd: huh? because more people are work something if you're confused, you're not alone, cheryl casone is hear to help us understand what she said. ♪ we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses.
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there are some days that nothing can prepare you for. but being ready— it's about how you react. so when new challenges come up, you find a new way forward. when you meet other people facing what you faced, you start a business dedicated to helping them. and after you've achieved all that, you take on what's next.
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>> carley: horrific story, police say a homeless man cut a utah woman's throat after she let him in her home to take a shower. the suspect was arrestd and charged with one count of aggravated assault. the victim was rushed into emergency surgery and is now in stable condition n. new york, a woman is found dead in her apartment after being stabbed to death by a homeless man out on bail. that career criminal was arrested for the murder, police believe he followed her up from her cab to her apartment and attacked her. >> todd: horrific. absolutely horrible. crime spikes, small business owners are forced to take drastic measures. >> carley: steak is under lock and key at one grocery store chain. cheryl casone is here with more, my goodness.
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>> cheryl: steak under lock and key and ice cream and other products. good morning. we have the story of a new york business owner fed up with out of control crime. the owner john catsimatidis hiring dozens of security guards after seeing shop lifting go up 50%, costing him millions. >> we have a new da in town, he's a nice man. he believes these people don't deserve to get arrested, which is wrong. they are just stealing for the purpose of not that they are hungry. they are stealing for the purpose to sell to somebody else. >> cheryl: many blame manhattan's new woke d.a. and his soft on crime policies for emboldening these criminals. they can just steal. this video going viral, appearing to show walmart steaks being sold wrapped in wire mesh
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covering. i can't believe i'm saying this out loud. here is colorado governor jared polis. >> many police chiefs and sheriffs are supportive of our plan. we need invest nment behavioral health and diversion and prevent crimes before they occur. >> cheryl: denver seeing increase in drug related crime, 75% increase in robberies. >> todd: nancy making weird excuses. >> cheryl: yeah, nancy pelosi blaming inflation on low unemployment, not massive amount of stimulus the biden administration released last year. >> consequences of that investment and infrastructure bill is that more people have jobs and therefore inflation goes up. >> cheryl: she says that senator joe manchin is wrong to say more stimulus from build back better would worsen inflation.
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she might want to talk to wall street economists, one voice say that stimulus caused inflation to spike last year. >> carley: bingo. chicago makes news, what is going on? >> cheryl: group of students want the school to give $1 billion in reparation to the city's south side. they say it puts south siders at risk of displace frment their homes. this is not going back 200 years to the days of slavery, this is now they are pointing their finger at their own university. >> carley: yes, absolutely, a topic that keeps coming up every now and then, it is not going anywhere. thank you. if you are a student in los angeles, you better bring your mask to class. if you're a celebrity or the mayor at the super bowl, apparently those rules don't apply to you.
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>> todd: he is holding his breath. hopefully not. let's check in with brian kilmeade see what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: the next three hours, starting in 11 minutes. russia, russia, russia, prior to this president taking over. now the probe uncovered clinton campaign paid to donald trump and russia, they trump today up cyberly. k.t. mcfarland will join us live and hillary clinton's unearthed tweets put this together. aoc, were you looking for her in queens? you came up empty. she was in texas. she says turning texas blue is inevitable. george p bush says hold your horses aoc, he shares his plan to keep the state red. then what makes a woman want to
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marry a murderer? i know you are thinking that, nancy grace gets to the bottom of it and does not believe love stinks, nor do dan bongino, an unfiltered take on love. rachel campos-duffy really loves sean, got inside scoop from the dan bongino household with sean. i hope we can fit it in, if not, dana and bill, we'll need 15 extra minutes. get dressed, even though it is the day after the super bowl and you were drinking all night. you heard me. makes my heart be? having everything i want in the place i love. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go!
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♪ >> president biden taking a jab at the nfl saying the league is failing in commitment to hire more minority coaches. >> think about it. the whole idea that, a league that is made up of so many athletes of color as well as so
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diverse, it's mott not a requirement of law of just generic decency. >> todd: joining us now jack brewer former nfl player and ceo of the brewer group thank you as always. >> thank you. >> todd: with everything that is facing him as our president should he be getting involved in. this you know he will. he will throw in his two cents especially if it is something-i think he gets pressure from inside of the white house. i agree whim on this one. the first time i actually agree with president biden. the reasoning behind it and the things that are issues to me when it comes to the nfl may be a little bit different though. i don't think you should require any company or have to require any company to just bring in some folks to interview for a job that you have no intention on hiring. i think that's disrespectful. i think it's disgusting what the national football league does when they bring people in just because they are black when they
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know they are not going to hire them. that's inhumane in these opinion. these guys that work their entire life to become head coaches and qualify to be head coaches and you disrespect all of their lifelong work by just bringing them in for some dog and pony show. it's ridiculous. >> todd: there is certainly is a question when you look at the composition of the league and society in general and look at the number of african-american coaches. there is something curious about that so this florida lafayette should give us some information as to that. >> carley: yeah. also, the super bowl yesterday and we knew this was going to happen mayor eric garcetti breaking his own mask rules. he was not wearing the masks. celebrities attended not wearing mask. and then there is this image of kids that were performing in an orchestra. some of them were wearing masks. so, once again, the famous people breaking the rules and kids are forced to follow them. >> it just makes you wonder like what are the people of l.a.
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county and that area, what are they thinking? how they just bow down to classroom. unbelievable. no way i would allow my kids or force my kids to go to schooling and i see although elitists in the actual leaders that are enforcing these policies walking around without masks on. i mean, at what point do you say enough is enough and start a movement within your own community and in your own hometown? it's really disgusting to see the hypocrisy that goes on right in front of us on display, on our tv screens. almost two years instance the coronavirus started crazy we are talking about this and seeing in action. >> todd: what do you tell kids about the two years of life that they have lost. >> you know, i pray for them and pray with them and pray over them. because it's affected so many kids are across our nation. psychologically, you know,
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families that are confused that don't know how to stand up for themselves and kids have really lost a lot. we already had an epidemic going on in our public schools and inreading and math proficiency levels. ridiculous because kids have been forced to learn how to stay on these computer screens. they don't have the support a lot of times in folks that are helping them with their homework and tutoring and those type of things. so this is going to go on for a while. we are not going to just end this entire crisis with our kids by just stopping mask mandates. we are going to need some psychological help. and we need to address these issues really comprehensively through rehabilitation for some of these children to get back to a place of normalcy. >> carley: without a doubt. jack, thank you so much for joining us this morning. after the super bowl, too. woke up early. >> i don't drink though so it's a little bit easier. >> carley: i love that jack. appreciate it? >> god bless you. >> carley: god bless you too.
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>> todd: remember you gave me those shorts that didn't fit your husband pete anymore. to pay him back i took care of his flowers for him. happy valentine's day. >> carley: wow. >> todd: i picked these myself. i went to the farm and snipped them off. >> carley: long stem roses. you didn't buy these, did you? it was definitely sarah. thank you, sarah, our executive producer. "fox & friends" starts now. >> what is your message to people who want to be able to resume the lives that they remember? >> i think they should be careful. if they're not careful. >> stunning revelation from john durham's investigation. >> hillary clinton's campaign paid to spy on donald trump. >> there are people that did go to jail. i think america is fed up with this. >> u.s. warns russia could invade ukraine at any time. >> we believe major military action could be day only days away. >> talking too much and doing


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