tv Outnumbered FOX News February 14, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> emily: the media from atlas he covered the russian investigation reporting on every twist and turn. when it comes to the origins of that investigation, a very different story is emerging. the mainstream media is largely ignoring a bombshell court filing about the clinton campaign's role in the trump russian hoax. i'm emily compagno and this is "outnumbered." i'm joined by harris faulkner, host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy, senior editor of the federalist, mollie hemingway,
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and william colonist for the whole hill and fox news contributor, joe concha. the filing claims that hillary clinton workers infiltrated trump tower and white house servers in an attempt to link the former president to russia fighting quote executive one by mining traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about donald trump." you think a story of this bag would be all over the media, but no. many of these damaging accusations, borders downplayed. speak of the biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. they spied on my campaign. speak out there is no evidence of that. >> their heads. all of the place. >> they spied on my campaign.
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>> huge corruption, but he is not done that. >> there is an ongoing republican and pro-trump project to turn the investigation of the russian scandal into a scandal themselves itself. >> it is never going to end. guess what? people who want to believe that are going to believe it. >> emily: joe concha, do you think we can expect any apologies or accountability walking back from any of those reporters anytime soon? >> joe: it's not valentine's day. it is rhetorical monday. we all know the answer to that. emily, i love the earrings, by the way. i have not gotten the wife of president so let's talk after the show. >> harris: are you trying to steal my cohost geared to give it to your wife? >> joe: i want to imitate. it's a form of flattery!
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i'm going on a tangent, go figure. i can't wait for carl bernstein to: cnn and stay something to the effect that this is what stem watergate. this is worse than watergate. like simon and garfunkel in the 70s, since woodward is now playing the role of simon, that makes simon and garfunkel. no one wants to garfunkel. they dealt with unnamed sources or people close to the president. this is a meticulous and unbiased criminal investigation conducted by somebody with impeccable integrity. before i came on today, i look at's home page and there is not one mention of this bombshell. there is not one mention on the home page. >> harris: what would they say? >> joe: dozens upon dozens of stories. >> harris: they're not going to put that on there. >> joe: they should.
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this is a story. you want a journalism award last year and that should be your lead story. it's as if they are pretending it does not exist. they are in screens minute-by-minute basis saying that our democracy is in peril. it is and this is exhibit a. >> emily: lets carry the ball a bit further. glenn greenwald treated earlier at that they flooded the zone every time robert mueller scratched his gnome stomach notes. they decides or his indictments of hillary's lawyer or fbi operatives. they barely merit an article and contrast. molly, your thoughts. >> exactly right. you would unsubstantiated sources who were making anonymously based claims. when you have an actual indictment and court filing with proof and evidence of how bad
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this scandal is, the corrupt media are silent. they are silent because they are complicit. they were part of this hoax. they were part of the refusal to accept the 2016 election results, to refuse to accept who the republican nominee was. they caused so much damage in the continue to cause damage to the country by that refusal to deal with the reality that people had elected donald trump. we already knew there was spying and we already knew that stuff was used to spy on people chose to the trump campaign and that confidential people were sent undercover to spy on the campaign. emails and other things had been surveilled by the government against the trump people. we thought that mostly happened prior to when he was elected or it was people close to him. this latest shows that it was continuing through the clinton campaign and through corrupt relationships while he was
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president. that is undoubtedly not just a massive scandal, but the biggest political story we have had in a generation. the failure of these other media outlets to cover it is only a reflection of their complicity in the corruption of the regime and how they will do whatever it takes to control and keep power. >> emily: and the democrat party similarly with so much chattering and yammering in the beginning and now it simply crickets. here's another example. in october of 2016, we remember your best friend taylor a tweeting computer scientists have uncovered a covert server linking the trump organization to a russian-based bank. >> kennedy: this was the manufactured story and it was what hillary clinton and the campaign wanted people to believe. this was not a misdirect. this was not just about conference. it was about essentially breaking in and placing all of these flags that were then
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presented to the government as being incredibly problematic. look at the traffic. there is clearly a back channel server between donald trump and a kremlin run russian bank. that is where all of this started. hillary clinton is essentially disseminating the talking points that were created for her by the people who were manufacturing this. this is not just a scandal. these are people who are committing crimes. why do you think she wanted to have her own server where she had control over the content, where she could delete everything? she might have been the architect, we don't know that yet. i want them to keep pushing. the fact that's only jake sullivan still has a very prominent role in foreign policy in this administration should it give every buddy pause. he may have committed some criminal offensive as well. i went to see all of the emails between him and hillary clinton.
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i don't care what she destroyed, and he has his emails at the other end. i want those to be made public. >> harris: it's interesting, you are hearing republicans say if they take a majority in the house and possibly the senate, but the house specifically, they will do an investigation to go deeper and further into this. this is something that touches every political party. this concerns all of the american people, not just the ones that vote for a certainty. to joe's point, the reason that is so important is because this could happen on the other side. i don't expect democrats to jump on board and say we will help you out republicans with your investigation. to your point, i do expect the wider media to do their job. i do expect for them to do the digging and ask the right questions on behalf of the american people so that we can find out exactly who was spying on whom and who the third tech execs work and a third party tech exact word can they be trusted with the entrails of
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getting into servers in the white house? what does that mean legally west to mark if enemies did that, ifr enemies do that, we would consider that to be maybe an act of war. i'm not a lawyer, emily, you are, but it is certainly more than just a little problematic if people are infiltrating servers of a sitting president. >> emily: absolutely right. and that is why former president donald trump came out with a statement so strongly saying that under a separate time this could have been punishable by quite a severe consequence. it's worth underlining for viewers to points. number one, what he said it, essentially that talking points were created. fake talking points were created out of infiltrating his computer service and on the other side we have other criminal indictments and criminal investigations that have resulted in pleadings. that is a high standard of evidence required. the difference of the two cannot be overemphasized and yet again,
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crickets by the media. that's not going to be appreciated by the wider public unless they dive in. secondly, to the conspiracy allegations. it takes more than one person for conspiracies. expect a lot more indictments in the future. >> harris: one thing i would add is while everybody was focused on the shiny object of the computer server which hillary clearly -- didn't she drive over one of them in the forest or something? i don't want to add to whatever is going on. we have enough to work with. nobody paid attention to the social media. that shows you where we have generated time gone forward. they are now looking at tweets closer. it is all there. you do not have to foyer that appeared tweets don't go away. even if you try to delete them. >> emily: coming up, the white house's warnings about russia possibly invading ukraine getting more and more dire and efforts to de-escalate the situation seemed to have no effect on vladimir putin.
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>> harris: ukraine is now calling for an urgent meeting with russia. as president zelensky tries to downplay concerns of a full-scale invasion, more than 100,000 russian troops and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles amassed along the border with ukraine. they've been there for a while. president biden has promised a swift and decisive response if a single russian troop crosses that line. white house national security advisor jake sullivan warns that a full-scale invasion could be imminent. >> we have seen over the course of the past ten days dramatic acceleration and the buildup of russian forces in the disposition of those forces in
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such a way that they could launch a military action essentially at any time. they could do so this coming week. >> harris: to make a mat since sites are not the same page. >> kennedy: they are not. no one's on the same page. i don't trust a word that comes out of jake sullivan's mouth. to take that on to what we were talking about just a little bit ago, he is crafting this administration's foreign policy. he was crafting the talking points about trump and it russia and the collusion during the 2016 campaign and when donald trump became president. i don't trust what he is saying now. i don't believe when he says it is imminent and all signs point to this. i don't trust him. i think you still have a great deal of wag the dog going on. i think it is incredibly dangerous to have this kind of talk with a nuclear power and i don't trust the biden administration was sanctions. they will screw that up to it. they all over the map.
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the speaker of the house, john kirby, jake sullivan, they are all over the map when it comes to what they are going to do to russia if, in fact, they do and they do great. >> harris: i don't know if you caught that, but i think we discovered president biden's redline. he did not have a before because he was willing to met a minor incursion happen which is old-school for a little invasion. we don't know if that is. but he said if one troop is across the border in ukraine, then we will respond. if that's the redline, does that mean that we go to war on behalf of ukraine? he said we weren't going to do that. i'm so confused but it's because he's confusing us. >> mollie: biden for policy has been extremely confusing. it has also been really weak. it's this return to neocon foreign policy that has
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afflicted members of both parties in recent decades. really, the big exception here was donald trump who the poor insolvency consensus in d.c. hated and yet he was the president who managed to be strong enough to keep problems like this from arising. you might remember that putin took advantage of barack obama's weakness to take crimea and he took advantage of president george w. bush's weakness to make moves when he was president as well. once again, people are concerned about the moves he is going to make. the bigger issue is that americans tend to perform a foreign policy laser focused on national interests. they are far more problems in asia then that the sea consensus is focused on ukraine right now. with these types of of approaches that the d.c. crowd takes, they are taking their eyes off of the ball is really important things happening in the rest of the world while it
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seemingly trying to get involved in a war with russia which a lot of americans are not feeling great about. really, biden is sending a lot of confusing messages. he versus his administration which seems to be agitating for war. >> harris: i try not to think of it as dire as the white house who would be thirsty for war. but i do know what they are thirsty for. they have to get those poll numbers are for the president otherwise they can't help anybody in their party. you think 60 seats for a former democratic president was bad, it could be a real, real crimson red wave. but then there's creating a shiny object away from all the other crises. you don't want to stumble yourself into war because you didn't have another place to pivot two. >> joe: 63 seats in 2010. barack obama who is more popular
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than joe biden. >> harris: everyone has been. >> joe: a red tsunami is what we are looking up because joe biden is in the 30s. when the president said he's going to response within decisively furnish a dozen vague, i don't think that vladimir putin is doing concerned because that does notn any military response. since day one, he no longer wanted to be energy independent. now russia is the one with leverage because they were the one with the big pipeline and we are not with keystone shelved. this is a very serious situation. we saw 30,000 americans in ukraine and if russia were to carry out a full skill invasion, 50,000 civilian deaths in this country. kennedy touched on this but we can't trust this administration, particularly jake sullivan, because this is the team that brought us afghanistan and that withdrawal. you saw how unprepared they were there. the president is not looking good right now.
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>> harris: thought is such an interesting point because critics will say you cannot conflate the two. around a singular issue, you can. americans behind enemy lines. afghanistan and now potentially in ukraine if russia moves in. i surrounded country on all three sides and on a couple of border you have nato nations. while ukraine is not, we are committed to the safety of the other nato partners. that's complicated. you have to get our people out and you can't leave them the way that you did in afghanistan. we have 3,000 troops in poland to help with that. i don't know what kind of relationship we has after afghanistan with our allies. we did not tell them that we weren't going to get our own people out and that we were pulling out which forced their special forces to go in. other european countries went in to get their people. i'm curious what those phone calls went like. >> emily: was there an apology to each one? >> harris: pretty please, would you help us out again?
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>> emily: not only were relationships with our allies stressed, but i want to emphasize the relationships or lack thereof with those who are threatening our interests. your point about ukraine having wider ramifications, and that's exactly right. a "wall street journal" op-ed writes essentially that what biden needs to do is outline what the threats are, why these threats are happening, and what is our response going to be to it? they point out that it's much broader than ukraine. it also is implications for iran and she had in china and taiwan. the buddy buddy session between. we need a president responding to the world now and not how is campaign said. they bring back the theme of democracy and human rights but what we need right now is a president that bolsters national security and that says to her american people here is your economic interests are threatened and here's why a cyber attack could do untold
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damage. here's why this matters and here's what i'm going to do in response. they argue that he needs to bring and come like result in a 1940, g.o.p. hock advisors into his administration. have a full range. crying out what certain people and states need some that's not what we need right now. we need security, safety, in the ability to have faith that our commander in chief has our best interest. >> harris: you said the word twice. commander. we know he does not listen to his generals because of the 2,000 page report on afghanistan and he did not listen to them about how to safely pull out. >> kennedy: anyone involved with those negotiations will tell you that he was advised soundly to not withdraw in this manner and the president himself ignored all of that advice. >> harris: why that matters now is because you mention commander in chief. a commander brings into the situation room people who are informed about the situation.
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you need all ideas and all hands on deck. who do what you can to come up with the best answer if you know you are not generating them successfully. how do we know that? we have gone from russia could have a minor incursion to the going to invade at any second so where's the egg timer so we can know when it's going to happen. i'm paraphrasing, but that is generally the message. when has this president ever done anything swiftly? when is he taking quick action except for undoing from policies like those at the border. title 42, that was quick. there've been some swift moves, but with things like this, we did not get a swift move action plan on afghanistan. we did not get on inflation. apparently, hackers have taken on a website that has raised millions of dollars for those canada truckers as some of them face fines of up to $100,000 for what they are doing.
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800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> emily: hackers have apparently knocked the fund-raising site, givesendgo, off-line targeting a campaign that has raised $9 million to support the canadian truckers. they face fines up to $100,000 after being arrested at the ambassador bridge which links the u.s. to canada. sunday nights hack briefly replaced the page with a clip from the movie frozen in a manifesto accusing it of supporting "an insurrection in ottawa." the hackers claimed to have leaked the names of donors to a third-party website which is now offering to share with the media. joe concha, your thoughts. >> joe: insurrection. that word has been watered down lately. sedition. it gets applied to everything
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including protests. the big question is where is prime minister justin trudeau at this point? problem and disputes don't get this stomach resolved by hiding or calling them white supremacist or stomach. they're not on the working class people. it speaks volumes. no one wants to talk about the science or the data on covid and canada. cases are down there compared to one month ago. just 4400 cases yesterday. in a country of 337 million people. if justin trudeau applied logic here, he would simply state like democratic governors have in this case, the virus is declining and maybe it's not needed. it would give him the ability to save face and truckers as well would get what they're looking
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for but he won't do that because he is impossibly and stubbornly stubborn. >> emily: what if justin trudeau met with the truckers on the first day and heard them and listen to them should work with the situation have been defused a long time ago by them simply feeling that they at least had the respect of someone listening to them and taking under advisement what they were arguing? kennedy, there was an interesting sound bite. listen to it and will get your thoughts on the other side. >> you think this is about vaccine mandates or waits of privacy, you're missing the point. this is not left or right issue. this is about an uprising of every day citizens. it's not just canada, not the united states commits western europe as well. rising against the threat to democracy which is the rise of the managerial class and democracies around the world that are crushing the will of everyday people through bureaucracy. we are seeing a fusion of both the left in the right saying that we want our voices heard.
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speech of he's not wrong. and we saw that threat the pandemic with the government using health departments in addition to doj and criminal prosecutions wielding their power against average ordinary americans trying to do their jobs. >> kennedy: and osha being given the job of making sure every company with over 100 employees was making their employees get vaccinated. glenn reynolds wrote a great piece in "the new york post." he's a professor and he has written extensively on education and economics. he says that this is an uprising of the working class. communists and socialists, democratic socialist, said that that's always what they would wanted. it's too much authoritarianism and it's too much mandates and too much taxation. it's too much control and they just assume, to the point about the managerial class, that they will tell workers what to do and they will fall in line.
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these are people who work hard, they think for themselves, and they are not having anymore. a lot of this, we are told they were conspiracy theories and now they have revealed themselves to be fact. people have been lied to and they are sick of it. >> harris: it's interesting and it stands out to meet. if the administration's goal is to try and stay the saw from happening in the united states, it's already happening. on the faulkner focus, we get all in it because the great resignation of 38.6 million people by october of last year was a huge thumb in the face of those mandates. we don't know how high the percentage got of those people simply saying we don't want to be told what to do so were going to stay home and spend the money that the government is giving us for the period of time that it lasts. that was part of it. it's not that we don't want to get a vaccine, edges that we don't want to be mandated. doesn't that sound like an echo
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of what those truckers are saying? with 90% of them vaccinated in the union appeared we got that from our reporters lacks our whose on the ground in ottawa. we have the sense of the school board parents. school board versus parents and how they doj decided to seek the fbi on dissenting parents because their pushback on mandates over masking and classrooms and other restrictions were also something that they wanted to tamp down. it has not been working in this country already, so if the white house thinks they can call justin trudeau and say you better get a handle on that before it spreads here or whatever the phone call was like, that is a ridiculous notion. we are already getting practice at it here. you know what we do in america question work we do it bigger and better. >> emily: it's that's right. mollie, you had a strong reaction to the cdc and canada writing an article and a tweet about the use of the word freedom. >> mollie: yes.
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cdc said that freedom is a word used by right-wingers and they tried to explain the whole thing. it sounded positively orwellian and it is exactly what's happening. it is being uncommon amongst far right groups, experts say. you know what they think about everybody that believes in freedom. what's fascinating is that the establishment's only different countries claim that they care so much about democracy and that we are in is really important moment for democracy. at any time there is a democratic uprising that threatens their power, they absolutely crush it. divide and asking it to be crushed indicates he's worried about semi things happening in the u.s. >> emily: as kennedy always said, you can get your freedom right here. i'm not going nancy pelosi trying to claim that defunding the police is not the position of the democratic party. what's behind the sudden shift? stick with us. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: house speaker nancy pelosi seems to be gaslighting americans by claiming that defunding the police is not the position of the democratic party. >> cori bush, congresswoman from missouri, is trying to say that defunding the police she stick by it. how should democrats aggress rising crime? >> that is not the position of the democratic party. there are some issues that we ask police to deal with like until health issues and perhaps we can shuffle some of that money around. those are local decisions. >> i understand that people don't like the sloping. i get it, but i don't like that. i can't care about people's feelings or if you like what i'm
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saying or not. >> i will never stop saying that not only do we need to disinvest and police, but we need to completely dismantle the minneapolis police department. >> harris: you understood that, right? they weren't speaking in terms that we couldn't understand. that was in a reese's pant, but it wasn't today. to say that speaker pelosi didn't know that that was where her party was would be a lie. >> joe: is that for me? >> harris: yes. maybe you didn't hear me say her name. >> joe: democrats could try to put humpty dumpty back together, but you see brazen crime in cities like nancy pelosi said in san francisco or new york where they defunded the police by $1 billion under bill de blasio or los angeles or insert your democratic rents it here. this is on them.
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she's protecting her constituents and it's her top priority and she fully supports the efforts of men and women in blue. hard to find that speech despite the fact that she's 81 years old and has been in politics for decades. bottom line is that 16 cities are now setting homicide records and they did in 2021. murders are to 25 year high according to the fbi and democrats so mostly peaceful riots in 2020 is a point to game trust with the far left voters because it was an election year and no one's buying that they're tough on crime now because they say are not. >> harris: cori bush on defunding the police. "defunding the police is not the problem appeared we dangle occurred in front of people's faces and said we can get it done. democrats deliver when we have not totally delivered." they still want this. >> emily: to >> kennedy: democrats are delivering but unfortunately they are delivering higher crime and inc, homicides are way up in major
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cities. carjackings are through the roof in places like san francisco and even in places like new york. that's what you are delivering. when people don't feel safe, they are not going to keep you empower. there's a lot of things that the government should not be doing. keeping people safe is one of them that they should be doing. how can we make policing better and how can we make communities feel like they are not only protected, but they are listen to. >> harris: but you know the problem with that, right? street is trying to beat up an answer. they were carrying signs and peacefully protesting, but sometimes you have to take the messaging from someone who is emotionally around a subject and come up with strategy. what they are pedaling out there is the hope that things will get better appeared hope is not a strategy. you as an elected official. come up with a switch don't act on solution. >> kennedy: shouldn't someone and st. louis are many apple's be able to pick up a phone and call my mom one and have someone
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respond? yes. unfortunately, this is about politics this is not a long-term solution. get us past the mentors. it's not good enough. >> emily: it's that's right. your point about delivering, they got exactly what they knew they were going to get. people in leadership have supported every single candidate in every single progressive d.a. even ones that claimed without any type of obfuscations that they were going to eradicate, essentially, the prosecution. some went a little broader like in l.a. where he took away sentencing enhancements unbeknownst to the community. by and large, they had exactly what they paid for and they got exactly what they voted for. that's why this is so striking. even though their words are changing, their actions have not. all of our friends and loved ones that live in san francisco and minneapolis and other urban cities who have seen their
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livelihoods destroyed, local markets taken away and crimes skyrocket, loved ones assailed and hurt, the families of the collateral damage of the fecklessness of the democratic party, they'll see exactly what this party has been standing for. one final point. and sharp contrast to the narrative by the democrats as we lead into midterms that the g.o.p. does not stand for anything, it is quite clear that the g.o.p. stands for limited government, safety in the streets, law and order, diminished taxing -- diminished taxes, and secure beyond national borders. at a minimum, all of those things. the democrats have already eroded them or bloated depending on which way you look at it. >> harris: mollie hemingway, we will come to you first. just ahead, rapper eminem took any during the star-studded super bowl performance after rumors of an nfl contribution rate. that is next. ♪ ♪
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plus, feeling our children as a new york city mother is frustrated by mass girls taking matters into her her own hand spiritual tell us about it when she joins us live coming up. america's crime crisis as nancy pelosi plays defense for her party on this issue in a midterm election year. i'm sandra smith live from washington. come join us as america reports at the top of the hour. >> emily: thank you. social lust is not miss out on the super bowl this year. not during the anthem, but he had to show the special. it situated to colin kaepernick's protest about lee's brutality. they tried to stop the display and the league was fully aware that it was going to happen. >> mollie: are not as outraged as everyone else in the world.
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i thought what was more important was seeing how everybody stood in solidarity with victims of forced masking mandates. you notice that nobody on stage was wearing a mask and nobody in the stands was wearing a mask. they were holding their breath but showing that the forced masking of children which is still ongoing and california is an important issue. member the problem with the kneeling was never the kneeling or even protesting police brutality, it was the disrespect shown to the national anthem and this, quite clearly, did not happen there. >> kennedy: maybe he was overcome with emotion. to be was tim tebow ng. >> joe: and you can't as colin kaepernick. >> harris: he doesn't know what eminem is going to do. he can barely tell what colin kaepernick is going to do. >> joe: if you truly want to be courageous, he could have
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protested by not performing at the halftime show it out. instead, he took all the free publicity that comes with 100 million people watching and then did his protest. he's from detroit, by the way, which has the dubious distinction of being ranked in the top five as far of one of the most dangerous cities in america. not reading the room, he is insisting that police are the problem. >> harris: i sincerely want to know what was up with him. >> emily: eminem? >> harris: i want to know what was out with him. >> kennedy: am going to call them after the show. >> harris: unit everybody. if anyone can get a word in with anybody, kennedy. >> kennedy: he doesn't take my calls now that i work here. but i love the show. i loved mary jay obliged and dr. dre playing the piano. i couldn't believe that they had all of the couches. i want to be in one of his
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videos. >> harris: make that happen. >> kennedy: really? >> harris: yes, girl! sincerely. i want to know what made him think he could bring about social justice in that moment. what was his strategy? he took amy with a million dollar diamond cut necklace that looked lovely on him. i'm curious to know what sincerely that was. maybe people are miss reading it. >> emily: i think he was outshone by dr. dre and mary oblige and kendrick lamar. should eminem have been in it? >> emily: i feel strongly know. many would disagree but i understand he was dr. day's protege. i get it. as a californian, my heart was
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so full seeing snoop dogg and dr. dre. when queen mary came out, we all started clapping. the only thing i would have changed beside the bar turning the magic up ladder, the car starting. seeing the hydraulics would've been my dream. but i loved everything. look at her. queen mary. i loved everything. she gets a pass. she can do anything. >> harris: she does get a pass. number drawn her stomach don't don't ignore drama. she gave that lyric about pain and it was visceral. >> kennedy: it was nice to see them have so much energy. and snoop dogg was so stoked to be there. >> harris: look at kennedy. she knows these things. >> kennedy: want to know something funny question works for you and i do!
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>> kennedy: he was in prison and he was giving away his and paula. >> harris: mollie, i hear you laughing. i hear you laughing in the background. kennedy roles like that. >> kennedy: i don't know about that. >> harris: i didn't mean literally roles in apollo, but you know these people. >> kennedy: they don't thank me and that's why loved everything about it. i know a lot of people were really mad on social media. use only grandparents. embrace the moment. we have more "outnumbered" in just a moment. >> harris: i love you. >> kennedy: i love you too. ♪ ♪
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>> well, it is valentine's day and let's just go around and say happy. happy valentine's day. joe. >> happy valentine's day day, mollie, where did you get that necklace, i could couple that with emily's earrings and great valentine's day. >> dude, go to the mall. [laughter] >> my car won't start, true story. bye. >> sandra: falling covid cases means fewer mandates but millions of school kids still having to mask up. rules don't even follow the science, critics say. >> some moms are taking matters into their own hands. a fed up mom is running for congress and will join us in moments. >> sandra: but first, this fox alert. u.s. embassy staff in kyiv down to fewer than two dozen staffers as potential russian invasion looms large over ukraine.
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