tv Hannity FOX News February 14, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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2020 two the day canada abandoned democracy and became . dictatorship regulating everyone's cryptocurrency among many other things willlve our leaders noti? willll anybody say anything abot it or just of course it's now a dictatorship. no problem. we'll w be watching grippy of the best night. we'll be back tomorrow and every weeknight. in the meantime, sean hannity takes over now. ou all right, tucker , and thank a you and welcome to a busy news night tonight on "hannity". there is w breaking news all over the world in a moment weca will check in on canada where the countries want to be socialistic or justin trudeau just invoke the emergency powers act. this is the illegal all in an effort to stomp out peaceful protests are taking placeot in ottawa. so isesakin a wimpy, cowardly, gutless justin planning what are you planning just sending in the police or the military to hurt the heroes of the pandemic because that ist not your plan. apparentlyha he now wants to
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treat freedom loving truckers like terroristsdo, freeze their bank accounts, seize their property, put them in jail sme u i, take their rig. and with justin trudeau, j i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? also tonight , anthony weiner out of jail. he will join us straight ahead. first, it appears to be the biggest election and presidential spying scandal in the history big of this great country. i'm going to go through this slowly because without a doubtm ,unequivocally the trump campaign, their campaign, their transition team, even the trump white house meaning the president was spied on by the clinton campaign. it is far worse than what we have known until now and we'veor reported on this now for three years now thanks to a brand new filing from the special counsel john durham. we now know that the clintonn campaign paid a tech firm to t infiltrate the servers at trump tower and then later infiltrate the servers at the trump white house.
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in other words, illegally spying on a presidential candidate and later a president of the unitedside states. they were ingold fabricate evidence that president trump was a russian asset or a russian stooge of some kind. but make no mistake, this is far worse than watergate. le so let's go through this step by step. let me refresh many people's memories. maybe you don't have a reference point of watergateve . the watergate scandal involved associates that were linked to the 1972 nixon reelection campaign. these associates, they broke into dnc headquarters ats washington s watergate office building. they stole campaign documentsce. they attempted to bug phones. in the end, 69 people were indicted. 48 people were convicted and richard nixon ended up resigning in disgrace for his part in the cover upsg of this , of course, business hasnt conducted a little differently in 1970 two versus, you know, 2016 when this all went down
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in the age of the internet, you don't need to break into a building to stealat your opponent's information. you just need access toiot their server. and that is exactly what the clinton campaign did. but here's where this is even worse than watergate. not only do they hack into the posing campaign and steal material like in the t case of watergate, but then they hacked into the office of the president of this great country. according to dorm's blockbuster filing late friday. this is something maybe we would expect from russia, china, iran, north korea, not an american political campaign . and clearly the clinton machine was willing togn do.. anything and everything legal and illegal to win an election and when that didn't work, to then smear and destroy the guy s that legitimately wonon that election. it's this filing is accurate. it e is all illegal. everyone involved should go toho jail just like watergate except this is far worse. don't take my word for it. take a look at what nancy pelosi once had to say after
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the democratic congressional campaign committee was hacked in a similar fashionesac by forn government, not by republicans in twenty sixteenca. take a look. in terms of the presidential campaign, this is an electronicn watergate. this is an electronic weathertech this is a break in . this is a break in . and i think that we have to recognize what is happening here now who the russians broke in , who did they giveia the information to? i don't know who dumped it. i don't know. butt. i do know that this is a watergate like electronic break in . oh , nancy's right that hillary clinton's campaign was involvedt all like i electronic watergate. but now surprise, surprise, nancy is totally, completely, utterly silent about durham's revelationplpl. son. is the biden administration now the executive office ofti the presidentve surveilled, buto the white house can't be bothered to answer one singleust
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question about it.? because maybe that's because biden's national security adviser guy right there, jake sullivan, he is at the center of this entire scandal. ak and here's where the story takes yet another turn. stayot with us. after infiltrating the servers at the trump tower and the executive office off the president and spying on our opponentop and then the presidet ,the clinton campaign foundnd no evidenceou in any form or fashit that trump was a russian asset. so they just fabricate all of this out of thin air. jake sullivan was a senior policy adviser for hillary clinton in 2016, propagated bogus story about trump's secret lying to russia naturaliste sullivan's wife w just to make it evenma more interesting works for the attorneyke general oftt the united states, merrick garland, who oversees the durhamor probe.nd she would need to recuse herself. he would need toer recuse immediately. she should have done this on day one republican need to demand that the ag in this case case takes her off.
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anything involving the durham investigation immediately. jake sullivan, he needs to nowst answer questions about his role in the clinton campaign'sli illicit activities as of now. in other words, what did d he know? what did hillary know?id when did they know it? mitch mcconnell, by the way, where are you? and alle this is spying on a president and presidential candidates. is it okay with everybody ? washington a think about what we knew beforew this filing of john durham and what we've known for a long time and what we spent nearly three years investigating right here on this show. we knew about christopher steele's debunked dirty russian missive formation dossier b bought and paid fory by hillarye clinton and of course, the money was funneled a through a law firm, perkins couhy and fusion gps and they hire christopher steele. wele told you that story a million times. the fbi then used that material as the basis of the russia witch and by the way, to do that atf the top of a fisa warrant hasan verified. we now know it's totally debunked.
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none of it was true . it was all unverifiable when w they found outas was unverified. they still continue c to use hillary's dirty russian dossiera ,the fisa warrants against the trump campaign. associate carter page. guess what ? they did it all. this is even worse thanhan all r that . according to andrew mccabe, iff there's no dossier, there would be no fisa granted. now we know that hillary clinton and her campaign was spying on donald trump's internet activity. as a matter of's i fact,tivi the trump tower, the entire whitewh house as a candidateit, by the way, now is president. that too was bought and paid for by hillary clinton's attorneys. and when they came up empty, jake sullivan u is more than happy to disseminate unverified rumors and conspiracy theories as fact. in otherer words, president trut is right the whole time this might remind you so biggest scandal wasca when they spied on my campaign, they spied on my campaign. there's no real evidence ofn. that because there is all
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over the place. leslie spied on my y campaign. can i say something?on you know, this is 60 minutes and we can't put on things we can't put it on because it's bad for guys. we can't do the things we can't. orleslie, they spied on my camp when we came back . it's been totally verified. it's been just go down and get the papers they spied my campaign. they got caught. no. and thenen they went much furthr than that and they got caught and you will see that , leslie and you know that . but you just don't want them. as a matteri of fact, i don't know that leslie now you so now you can go on 60 minutes on sunday and issue an apology. we'll be w waiting for that . i doubt they even cover the story. and by the way, the same goes for fake news. cnn they spent three years lying to the american people msnbc, by the way, probablyve a very convenient time for the conspiracy theorist of all time, rachel maddow to be on , quote, leave.. you knowyo what ?ve they gave more time to
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this than any other story. three years of the trump presidency and you think they would spend a minute and inform their viewers that they were wrong the entire time and update them on thisis new development. where's bob woodward? where's bernstein? carl bernstein. anyway, remember, they oncenc cared about, quote, journalism through their top secret source, deep throat. they broke the watergate story wide open. now they are nowhere to be found and apparently for them politics is much more important than quote journalism. now the reason the media will ignore this story that is bigger t than watergate is because they are accomplices the entirear time they have lie, the entire time they advanced their propaganda almost twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and they did it for over three years. and they know the dossier was a lie.hatred but their hatred of donaldor trump is more important thanth the truth. they have never set the record straight. they never made a correction. ec
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they neverti admitted that they were wrong. the new york times, the washington post. oh , they got pulitzers fory false stories maga hats time to return it. and by the way, what about the congenital liar adam schiffs ?anuary 6 he sits on the january six committee and they said campaign rhetoric and talk about elections has brought us to this point. okay, adam poi schiff or you kn, whatever we want to call you the congenital liar if you really care about election interference, is it okay when hillary clinton does it? because adam schiff on that january six committee is the biggest purveyor ofpu election fraud lies ever. he's going to be critical off donald trump. we need an eed investigation to him. and thankfully durham doesn'thi take orders from schiff or fake news cnn or anyone else in the media mob john has been taken forever, but he's supposedly lookingre for the truth and he'n given us a windowg into what he's finding. and to that end, according to, his probe is
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accelerating more people are cooperating and testifying before a grand jury. i can't b predict what durham will ultimately find. nobody's been held accountable forbody the lies they made to the fisa court that we knowhe they made lies. ylithey knew they were lying. but i do know that as of now a all roads lead back to one person and one campaign. that's hillary clinton and her campaign. and i hope one day very soon her campaign will be heldti accountable for the worst political spying scandal in thea history of this country. i that's how important it is here with more from the trumpo organization is eric trump. i want to just go through this here. so what we have lawyers for the clinton campaign paid a technology firm to infiltratee servers in where you work and when you workedk, in trump tower when your dad was running and then later in the white house when your dadin was the president and they did it to establish an inference and false narrative to bringve government agencies to link
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donald trump to russia. that to me would be the biggestb scandal in the history of modern politics if notti the presidency. but yet this crickets in the media. why, sean? it is a big scandal. it really is the biggest scandal. and by the way, lesley stahl owes my father an apology. the new york times it was m my other apology. the washington post hogues my father an apologyypolo. what they did is absolutely atrocious. and by the way, hillary almost by default created another cold war . she pitted america against russia, two of the biggest nuclear superpowers in the world. she pitted them againstttm eachg other to hopefully get a couple extra greedy votes for herself a and now it's all backfiring. and john, i remember the day i rememberr like it was yesterday when we got that call from first the new york times the second wall , the wall street journal and they asked what we had a information sayinp that the trump organization has hidden servers that link directly with a kremlin bank. w and i'm saying they're saying what do you peopleha talking
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about? we don't have we have nothing to do with russia. we have new servers. ea and it wasn't until years later it wasn't until the indictment, you know, a month or twoat ago we figured out who this guy michael sussmann was and what exactly was happening. ul sean, this is awful, awfulra stuff. i mean, literally twoll b of the biggest countries in the world get pitted against each other, you know, for f the benefit of one candidate's greed. right? i mean, how many millions of hours of testimony on capitol hill, how many tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars were wasted? three years ofas my father's invested administration was spent dealing with this hoguesme all for that woman on the screen right there. what she did to this country was atrocious and somebody has to pay for it. you know, sean, everything day they come after us new york prosecutors come after us every single day on these political witch hunts trying too find anything they possibly can. and that's allth this is. this is the weaponization of politics in this country a and it's third world and it has to stop and it has to stop now.a
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so they paid people to infiltratete the servers at trup tower when your dad's a candidate than the white house, which is unbelievable to me when your dad's the presidentre and this is separate and apart, this is on top of hillary clinton paying for the dirty russian misinformation dossie that we know in fact was full of lies but yet was presented to a fisa court on four separate occasions. they warned by bruce in august of 2016 not to use that document that it's unverifiable. nv oflearned in december 2016 that they shouldn't have used it and then the sub source of christopher steele said it'sb nothing but bogus. it was barog talk none. that'st true . but yet they continue to go before the fisa courtly and purposely put forward false information that they know is unverified and unverifiable. to betae people have yet held accountable, eric, and we've now known this for years. so i don't really have a lot of hope that there's equal
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justice. an applicationrequal of our lawy longer in the united states of americaf. but look at the slanderous statements sean at . fa lookth at the things he said my father was doing. look at these statements that they made up theseen allegations they lied and then they find out that hillary paide for the entire thing nont different than they found out that when michael whe sussmann t in to lie to the fbi about the fact that trump reportedly had secret servers allve over trump organization that was talking to russiaet banks, he was getting paidti by the hillary campaign. and byha the way, at what point is it acceptable to break intorv the servers at the white house? that'sic the most cherishedry building in this country. that has the most top secret. everything in this country that runs our government and it's okay just to break into servers. why? because you're a democrat. coulddau youse imagine my father broke into servers and the obama administration. eric, it's simple s punishment. sean, if the trump campaign didl this to hillary, that's alllyb anybody in the mob in the media
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would talk about if it was if if hunter's last name was trump ,that's all anybody would talk about. that's a big problem forju this country moving forward if we have a two tiered justice system. sure. and sean, where are the prosecutors right now? you know, the same prosecutors ,they'll go after my father every single day for nothing, right? just because they want t w disqualify him because he's clearly the front runner for 2020 four. right. wheree are you? hillary rodham clinton is a new york resident. let me just kind i of, you know, break that down for you. in chappaqua, new york and guess where trump tower is located located on fifth avenue in new york. where areteve these prosecutors whereto is the d.a.? isn'te' that a federal official? isn't you know, is that fraud? isn't that all sorts of s offenses? i'll predict where is letitiaer james in this whole thing? is she just goinge to ignore this because hillary happens to be in her political party? we don't equal justice. and you know what ? we'll>> lose the country. it's over . but i got a roll. but this is the biggest scandal
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,spying scandal ever. scandal ee and whether or not we get to the bottom of this is going to it will speak volumes about what we can expects this country to turn intour. we appreciate you being with us.s. thank you . hermosillo sean carmello . >> it will happen., all right. here now with the author of here's the deal, former senior counselor to president trump, kellyanne conway on authorea of political prisoner, former trump campaign manager paul manafort, formerr white houseul chief of staff mark m meadows,f mark, let me start with you, paul, because what you went through and you now hear this and and all the things that you got caught up in in a case that had been long put, you know, in mothballs, they dragged it outut and put ya in jail and said if you say this , we'll let you out of jail, which you didn't do. i mean, it's as as eric just said congress because payback time, the whole moral predicate
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was the fake steele dossier, the fake black ledger, the the fake ties with the banks between the servers of trumpse and russia. that was the basis which mueller was appointed and found nothing yet he kept going and what you see now with what durham is doing is he's not finding the facts that mueller couldn't find. he's got the evidence that mueller couldn'tll get it. he's proving the case that what the democrats accuse republicans is a good forecast of what they're doing and that's what you see and it's outrageous. it's outrageous and mark, one of the things whygs why i don't have a lot of confidence tonight . all the while all of this is now derwyn to put it in his findings because that'ss the evidence he's saying s is going to present before a courtr if it wasn't true . but i don't have a lot of confidence because we already knew about the dirty russian dossierr that hillary paid for that was unverifiable.
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they knew it was unverifiable and they still used it to spy on donald trump, the candidaten ,the transition team and then donald trump, the president. soso that was spying on every which way and sideways. well, we know that when donald trump said that they were h spying on his campaignis, he got all kinds of pushback when jim jordan and myself said that they were spying on his campaign, we were ridiculed. e but here's what we do know. this particular allegation and the filings that have been made by the special prosecutor is really starting to connect the dots for the first timeir. m know we've had john durham out there and i know a lot of people have said where's john durham? but but nobody has had really much ofof an insight, if any insight into the investigationny he's been conducting.i i can remember i had asked jim baker, you know, i'm tryingo to figure out, youut know, jim , if you're a good guy or a bad guy and he said, well, i'm a
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good guy. well, we're starting to see the allegations that it was literally everybody, clinton operatives putting it together. there is one other thing that will come out is that dossier that you're talking about. it's not just the fact that hillary clinton's campaign had paid for it. it was that there are other clinton operatives that were shopping around parts of the dossier. john durham, kudos to him for bringing it all together. but shame on the media for not covering it. you've covered it. we've talked about it for years. but boy, you're right, there's crickets everywhere else. you know, kelly and we've been through a few political wars together. we've known each other for twenty five years and i've never seen anything this bad in my entire life i i politically. this makesic watergate look like kindergarten to mete it's really bad. >>ad i was there for all of it but on the campaign and trump tower and certainly in the white house and my new book that you just talked about here's the deal has brand new details about january and january six .
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2017 j remember january six is the day the intelligence officers clapper, brennan, comey go to trump tower and there's comey in the middle of a 10 year fbi term and he s wants to stay on as director. but he didn't make his way to trump tower until january six to four monthsua afteron the election. but it wasaf the day before seah that i was at the white house, the obama white house for a transition lunch and while i was down maybe mess upstairs, they were cooking this up comey, brennan, susan rice, joe biden, barack obama. they were all being clapper. of course they were all being briefed about what was going to happen at trump tower the next day. that's number one . number two, guess what i learned today yet again, the clinton people have no faith in her. there's no confidence oror competence. they have to cut corners. they have to cheat. they have toey lie. ve to make they have the perfume, t the pin they have to make the candidate something she's not. we had had tremendous faith in r candidate to get the job done toto go out there and connect with people. you know, the washington post as the 2016ll during campaign said that 62 percent
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of americans said hillary was neither honest trustworthy.t no. her campaign knew that wasn't her campaign knew that was the case. so they hadth to they had todo hurry up and do other things to try to get her over the finish line. and then when she failedov to wl in twenty sixteen, they were still trying to get her t i in there very quickly. kleinsmith sussmann you got to look at these namesou everybody didn't chanko these are folksho who either in the case of kleinsmith pled guilty. he was charged with altering anh email that led to the lisa page you know fisa warrant mess and then of course sussmanny, t and the other guy shinko, they've been charged with lies. they'rees lying to the fbi. l and whatie what sussmann lied about was that he went to fbi counsel james bakerer and lied and said he wasn't thereai on behalfd of any candidate like he was a do gooder, just a public servant when of course the clinton people had paid for him. so all those who investigated the screaming he runsse the hous and hours of coverage. let's at least have her do digak a little bit deeper and let's see where this takes us .ay you know, maybe they'll have a committee on this. . kellyanne, we're looking
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forward to your book. paul, in your book you will describe that you were pretty much given a wink and nod ifou you tell us what we t want to hear about trump, whether it'ser true or not, you walk out the door, you won't be in prison anymore. is that true? you will not you pri willl tell that story in your book. i'll be talking about the wayki the special prosecutor tried to get meng except the narrative that they were weaving, which a correct narrative and which now you can start toca see the dots coming out as toga what the game was all i mean, they shouldn't have been appointed in the first place now. yeah, we are. all right, mark. thank you , paul. thank you , kelly, and thankn: you. we're looking forwardnk to both of your books.e, all coming up, canadiang truckers continue to take a stand against draconian vaccine mandates, but the coward of the north, justin trudeau is moving to shut them down. what will he do to the heroes of the pandemic? well, it appears it might be severe straight ahead. all right.. so called if you can watchs
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the freedom convoy is standingvo strong tonight standing against one size fits all medicine, they're getting resultsta as ontariai cryos the latest canadian province now to scrap their vaccine mandate, bringing the total to five provinces who have gotten rid ofrovi the mandate. big win for the truckers. and by the way, the truckers, they sayaytr they are not going anywhere. but you got a spineless coward, gutlesss biden of the north, justin trudeau and now he says he's invoking so-called emergences act, invoking powers that canada has never invokedre before in the country's history and is trying to attack what has been a peaceful gathering of truckers and others. an attack the civil liberties. noww let me be clear what trudeau is signaling is an all out authoritarian dictatorial crackdown against an overwhelmingly peaceful
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protest rather than meetoe with the heroes of the pandemicc that kept canada alive and their worst moments rather than negotiate a settlement rather than listening to their legitimate concerns, he is acting like an authoritarian and crackingrn down with the full force of government on the heroes of the pandemic. now taking orders from what joe biden, a us president, has done nothing to secure his own borders to the south. truckers a the truckers are allowing commerce. they have been peacefulre. so what is justin going to do either send in the military? are you going to send him police, crack a few c heads, arrest people, imprison people, confiscate their livelihood,wi their rigs, put them in jail,l, find them one hundred grand as they're talking about and it gets worse? because as partep the crackdown, the deputy prime minister is saying they areut broadening the country's terrorist financing rules to prevent the truckers from accessing the donations. the crowdfunding platforms and from even using cryptocurrency. wow. talk about authoritative
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authoritarianism. >> take a look. weuthom. are broadening the scof canada's anti money laundering laundering and terroristnt financing rules so that theyne cover crowd funding platforms and the payment servicece providersow they use. we are making these changes because we knowat that these platforms are being used to a support illegalre blockades and illegal activity which is damaging the canadian economy, broadening the terrorist financing rules.ules the guys that helped keep canada alive during the pandemic. here with more on the ground in ottawa, fox news correspondent alexis mcadams. alexis, what's going on tonight? oxwhhigh hold still tonight youa see behind me no matter what the prime minister says, according to these directors in his convoy, they're i goingy anywhere and the more threats against they're saying they're going to give them one hundred thousand canadian dollars worth of finesth that could send them to jail. they're going to take their trucking license, you i
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name it. they've tried it. but checkt. it out by me not muh as much as change here in the past fewea weeks. every single weekend it really does pick up. but even p here on monday night you can see the crowds are still pretty thick right here in the middle, right in frontidl parliament. protesters in ottawatawa tell me they are just getting started. a this is the first timet in canadian history that they've used the emergencies acthe here in canada and it's now in effect for 30 days. that means rocks will be towed away and the prime minister has even threatened to freeze the bankk accounts of the truckers if they don't go home. the announcementyy coming as the freedom convoy hasas taken over canada'sfr capital .mi four hundred semi trucks still t lined up in front of parliament tonight even as the canadian government threatens the group with fines and jail times. ontario is now in the processro of rolling back covid restrictionsll, including vaccie passports. but the truckers i've talked to on the ground, sean, say that's not enough. listen, we need too w tighten what is defining as anan emergency and ensure that they can't et just use those powers whenever they feel that there's
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an emergency right now, none ofe us none of us are moving or leaving out here until we get what we want.>> what if they take your truckers by they've been threatening things like that . but like i said, it's been super friendly with us in front of them. i havefr no fears at all and we really haven't seen too many police officers. they've really beenav outnumberd by protesters at this point, although the prime minister has continued to say that he'smi sending in more resources. there has beennit a state of emergency, you name s it, and it really hasn't had much of an impact out here. and then also something to point out that we've been talking to some of the protesters about just how quickly and how much they've passed into this area in front of parliamento th actually move more trucks in there just today. and they're trying to put it a a into an area, john,ve that even if they do try to come in and told them they won't be able to really get in and move thoseil tow trucks around. so there's still a lot more that needs to be done. but another t thing that i thought you'd think was interesting was we talked to some of the convoy earlier, sean, and they toldntlklk they d a police escort by the ottawahe pd to move out of the neighborhoods today and in
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front of parliament. soat no matter what the prime minister is sayinge , there's still more truckers with this convoy and they're not goingare anywhere. all right, alexis mcadams, thank you here with more reaction, rebel news founder ezra levant is with us as so we're serious now he's emergency powers for the first time. they're talking about putting heroes of the pandemic in jail. one hundred thousand dollar fines confiscate their rig, take away their licenses, destroyedse their livelihoods fr what ? when five provinces haveid already gotten rid of the mandate and the rest of the world is getting rid of their mandates even in washington, dc, all across america, all across europe. why won't why won't trudeau budge even a little bit and talk to these guys? el well, i think that trudeau sees an opportunity by the way,ay these emergences acts weren'tme even invoked after 9/11. they weren't invoked when there
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was a terrorist attack on canada's parliament itself. he's deeming these truckers to be terrorists. you heard the deputy prime, minister who by the way, happens to be a governor of the world economic forum. he's using this crisis as a pretext for goingng after the banking information of all of his political opponentsli. o there is no revolution in the streets of canadast. you see for yourself, it's a festival environment. there's no violence. it's happy moms and dads and kids. trudeauuudea is claiming they're dangerous, claiming they're terrorists. so he can seize bank accounts. the most scary thing announced today by the finance minister who's on the world economic forum board is that banks will be directed to seizes your accounts without due process and you can't even sueni them. they're indemnified. he's going after his political opponents to seize p
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their resources. venezuelaolal style. i got to tell you, i never thought i'd see it in canada, he but i see that the truckers are winning. i think these five provinces is and ifficant win i mean, if he wasn't going to this extreme, the truckers have been peaceful. this turns intoo something else because he's sending people in there directly to confront i , i can't guarantee that at that point people won't defend themselves. it's trudeau that's stupid. doesn't seem right to me. i don't think that any canadian police would actually assault a truck or shoot a trucker, god forbid. i mean canadian police seer,d. what's goingca on . s there was some honking in ottawa. so there's a court orders against using air horns in residential areas. they cleared the bridge betweent detroit and windsor find the rest of it is frankly parking offenses.
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they're minor matters. you're not goingng. to see real cops get violent over that. trudeau's not going to get violent. financial, he's going to get financial. he's going to get china's social credit style. he's going to use this as an excuse to get a database of everyone who chipped in for the truckers and put themyo a on the enemies list and seize the bank accounts of his enemies. he's not goingns to go in with fists. go in financiallyly using laws that will terrorists terrorists. o i need to get my name on the list. i just have too donate to a fund that i know will get to the bottom, you know, because i don't really give a damn i what thinks about me, but i do care about these truckers. t a year ago they were heroesof and now all of a sudden everybody else around the world is lifting these draconian mandates. he's unwilling to do it and now he's going to, you know, put g the heavy hand of government downm. on .th we stand with the truckers. please let them know mostt of america stands with them as well. yo thank you . right on . all right.
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coming up, the left's covered hypocrisy on full display atn the super bowl last night. wewe watching the game. hardly a mask in sight, but guess what ?n kids in l.a. went to school today fully masked as a matter of law. clay travis, kayleigh mcenany,, they way and later, anthony weiner courteously with team up. straight. you why let's put frequent to bed. it's time bathroom for bedroom with , . i rarely get up and not to go with so i'm not. it's time for the doctor recommended brand 80% prefer reducing . oh , if i take a look at this can resist a simple topper on tlc. check your local listings and don't we know one thing and one thing over and back straight back weekend
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who again was seen withouts a mask after claiming just weeks agose it was okay when he took it off to take a picture because he held his breathth rules for the not for me here with reaction. i'll founder travis along without no co-host, best selling author c kayleigh mcenany. did he hold his breath forol the wholed super ? >> because if he did, that's a miracle. i'd like to know how he did it. kaley yeah. . and eric garcetti, this is the second time he's been caught maskless you think after being caught with calling hypocrisyfter one time you've changed it. but no, i guess he was just holding his breath shot. nothing is more illustrative of the level of hypocrisy here and the fact that all these swanky celebrities have no mask butha the l.a. kids orchestra, they're masked up outside. they've got their cellos, their violins and their maskss, on , a symbol of a generationen that has been forced to . skless my daughter one of her first words was mask. how sad this is what we do to our children. but hey, you're a celebrity. you're ellen degeneres.
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you're eric garcetti. don't wear the mask. you know, i don't have a problem because we know now we're at a point we're fully vaccinated. booster people and even people with natural immunity can get covidian transmit covid. so i that means everybody'sfo capable of it whether you force thembo everybody to get a vaccie and a booster or not. so it's now about freedom of choice, isn't it? yeah, i think it is. now it's important to note that all of those celebritiese that you're flashing on the screen beside us , they're all blatantly violating the sophi stadium super bowl mascot mandate. they were supposeddstadium to . they chose not to be mass and all of us at this point, especially children, should be able to choose not to be mass to sean.n. the people who aree under thankfully the absolute lowest amount of danger in the entirey country from covid our kids. yet we are making them the last people to be able to take their masks off. . it's nonsensical.
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stacey abrams, last weekk youaw saw the pictures. she is an obese adult.adults she is under. significant danger compared to young children who are not in danger. this is a failure. over one hundred million people watched the super bowl and they saw no one wearing a mask and then million of school kids this morning had to put maskso on to go to school, end it all now in the mask mandate if parents want their kids in mask ,they can do it but they shouldn't be forced to have to wear masks. it's a travesty that we continue to make them.y i actually like my mask to be very blunt. i like it gives me a slight biti of anonymity that i've lost over the years and having a mask, a hat and dark glasses i do pretty so i'm going to be wearing my manorama for or two to sean . i look b better and a lot bette. my face covered. thank you both. when c we come back , our friend courteously and former congressman anthony weiner joining forces they both join
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one of the best restaurants on our new show on abc radio in new york, darkspore, t the left right divide and major issues afflicting new york city and beyond. one of the co-hosts is former new york congressman anthony weiner. he spentnt yorongressman 18 mons in confinement for sexting with a 15 year old girl. he was released in twenty nineteen . he says he's ready to01 answer9 tough questions about his owne life, the challenges facing the country. he's joining now our friend curtis sliwa with a new show. d htheir co-host, the left verss the right, anthony weiner. thank you for being with us. curtis sliwa, always good to see you. you,my friend. i guess the first question that i have is you pled guilty ,anthony , to sending obscene
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materials to a young girl, 15 year old girl. you went you pled guilty. you served jail time.ha have youve changed? are you different person? well, i think how do we anyway we can go through that kind of experience and i think this is probablybl true of people who have been h o other types of adversity. i don't think you t goyp toof that type of experience and don't emerge change. that's but wait a minute. i think that that's that's an obscure answer. i think so either, you know, in your heart if you changed ort you know, in your heart if you didn't change or do can you assure people because you're going to now tryyou and draw inn audience and they're going to want to know if you change to not have you changed the way>> they can judge for themselves? i'm sorry i said they can judgee for themselves. i'm not out to persuade you or anyone else that i've changed.
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i mean, i i'm been doing a radio show and people can c call and ask meal questions. we did one this past saturday where people had an opportunity to call in and were courteous, ask me a bunch of questionswe and i asked and answeredr the as i can. but in terms of like i'm trying to draw someone to no i'm not trying to make someone like me or someone be persuaded of any particular look on me. e we're going to have some conversations about things new york city and other places and hopefully people will tune to the show. ly but i'm not terribly interested in trying to make them feeltr ay differently about me. curtis. i would saytis, i i between thef us we have anywhere between 60 and 70 years of talk radio experience under our belt and we've been friends for a long time. one of the things about talk radio is it's a hard medium. in other words, you have to connect with somebody on aau visceral level becausese they can't see you and i'm listening to anthony's answer. it doesn't't sound that convincing to me.
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i would think that if it was me, i would want to convince people that i am a different person, that i changed, that i c learned my lesson, that i'mio moving forward in a different direction in my life. how did you did feel about the answers you got? y well, i actually did two weeks of programing with anthony before his life just imploded is a good talk show host. he reveals much of his feelings . he's on solid ground. our own operated john catsimatidis who as you know, saved wibcou from the scrap heat that would never again have been wibc if he hadn't rescued. it believes in giving people a second chance. bill o'reilly i can run through a whole list of people who are michael wibc who he's given a second chance. he believes in that. and let's face it, we need to give people a second chance. we saw that in the trump administration when he cut the jail time of so many people that we didn't realize were
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being incarceratedhat 20 , 30 , 40 years. so i think all of us democrats w ,republicans, we have come toon a conclusion that if you've done your time d, if you paid the price for what you did, it's time did to come back into the fold. and i must tell you,i if anthony weiner had not had his personal problems, we wouldn't have had bill de blasio for eight years who single handedly destroyed our city and then the mayor and i'm telling you he would have done a much better job and we've been friends for a long time. i would just recommend in a sense that if it was something this serious that there's got to be ser let me fall on the swd ,admit and tell people what's different about me att this point. you know, i would think goingld to jail is different and this is what i learned this is the help that i got. this is how i'm going to stay on . if if you want, you can tune into the show and you can hear about his you're on my show now
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is giving you t the chance now o know that you invited you invited i know you invited me to come on and then you say did you change? yes. and i? answer the question. i said i believe that i did. i believe this kind of experience would change any person. and i haveer a conversation with curtis with me sitting here about my answer. all a i can do is give you y the answer, brother. well, that'sou your answer. wou i would have expected a little bit more sincerity, a little more heartfeltce, a little more repentant. the word from the word from latin means to change one's heart. and i agree h with curtis. >> i believe i'm not the guy that calls for calm but not something what i know what i and i appreciate i appreciate having you on the showd. i mean, it's fine and i'm glad i to be here and i'm grateful to to courtesy and i have a good show. you know, i've alwayss in my political life been more concerned about things on brighton beach avenue than brighton, england. we're going to talk aboutou new york city issues. but you know, i'm oft ity the b that the way you demonstrate that you've changed is for other people to perceive it is for other people to seeal
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that you that you are dealing with . the last words would be in the marriage here. let me have the last word. but let me let you just finishe my time. right or prove me wrong if i'm being heartfeltf with you. >> well, you know, i perhaps should perhaps usese had helpeds to prepho for the hannity show for your guests. i'm just give you the answer as best i can, buddy. > okay, and curtis, you'reer asking a lot of curtis never stops working if he's note on the air, he's in the subways. he just never curtis, you're happy with how is the audience responding? i have ten seconds literally. >> oh , great res in listen in onpo you listen to talk radio and then you give me your opinion because we have two full hours and i'll get deep into the mindset of anthony weiner as he is now. i promise you that i'll listen courtesy of friends a longen time. anthony , i hope you changed and that's what if i take a look at this and with this
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the time we have left this evening. as always, we thank you for being with us. you makee.we this possible. we can't thank you enough. please remember set your dvr so you never miss an episode. l in the meantime, let nothe your heart be troubled. s, laura ingraham freedom matters. takeay it away. so h i got i got i got it's a hoodie which i love is a great for this is great for working out in octoberr but we got a little problem here. you got l the pink hat okay i gt the pink hat. it's really cool.hat. >> laura: isn't that cool? >> sean: i'm giving this to i'm giving this to my daughter because i'm not sure what do you want me to wear a pink hat when i work out i do it. you know, elbows hitting kicking . okay, how about this ?el i , i'd love to have to wait another three weeks to get that one . that's actually okayayone? thiss to my daughter and i'll take that one and i'll even get video of me working out and throwing some punches and elbows knees right.
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