tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 15, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
the time we have left this evening. as always, we thank you for being with us. you makee.we this possible. we can't thank you enough. please remember set your dvr so you never miss an episode. l in the meantime, let nothe your heart be troubled. s, laura ingraham freedom matters. takeay it away. so h i got i got i got it's a hoodie which i love is a great for this is great for working out in octoberr but we got a little problem here. you got l the pink hat okay i gt the pink hat. it's really cool.hat. >> laura: isn't that cool? >> sean: i'm giving this to i'm giving this to my daughter because i'm not sure what do you want me to wear a pink hat when i work out i do it. you know, elbows hitting kicking . okay, how about this ?el i , i'd love to have to wait another three weeks to get that one . that's actually okayayone? thiss to my daughter and i'll take that one and i'll even get video of me working out and throwing some punches and elbows knees right.
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i'm laura ingraham. the ingraham angle from washington tonight . we have a a lot to get to, so let's dove right in . speaking of freedom matters, the freedom problem that's the focus of tonight's @ngel now back in may of 2020 just a few months into the pandemic o ,the u.n. highf commissioner of human rights delivered d what ws actually a surprising warning when weac the 60% human rights because it seemed like n a natural course of a pandemic like this one. it has to be first of all, it has to be a clear need. it has to be proportionate toee the need and it has to have a time, but it cannot be forever. we have seen that some arego using it tove shrink to make evn more shrink their feeding space and the possibility of civil society expert and that is unacceptable. >> how prescientin she was two years later with freedom convoys inspiring millions around the world, officials who thought they would never be heldth accountable are growing more desperate. the emergence act will be used
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to strengthen and support law enforcement agencies at all levels across the country. this is about keeping canadians safe. de these tools include strengthening their ability to imposese fines or imprisonment. will bel institutions authorized or directed to render essentialenia services to help address the situation by regulating and prohibiting the use of property to fund or support illegal blockades. what would such a soft pretty, man ever know about keeping anyone safe? not much. we can ineffective leaders don't change course even when covid recedes because i've said for almost two years now this was never abouthe the viru. it was about creating a compliant public a public k that was kind of primed to obey the next lock down order. o
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no questions asked. the assaults on our basic liberties have been wide ranging. school closures denied children quality education that was the freedom to learn vacs and max vaccin mask mandates deprived us of our freedom to decide what we put into our own bodies. stay at home orders destroy small businesses whilege large corporations thrived that is our freedom to work. then big tech censorship where youtube, twitter, facebook they acted as proxy speech, police for the government. as our freedom of expression. anyone who didn't hold the foul line even treating physicians. renowned researchers were threatened. they were suspended, maligned a and even banned completely. some lost their jobs calling something covid misinformation gave the government carte blanche through their proxies to trample on free expression. now who will ever forget how democrat governors let you shop together but not pray
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together? churches shuttered our freedom to worship halted. the experts never thought that faithug was essential, but somehow they deemed that liquor stores were so this anti freedom coalition on the left even deployed intimidation squads and corporate and school settings a with the goal of silencing employees and parents who spoke out. now take this fascinating case ofng jennifer say she was an elizabeth warren supporter from the bay area who was forced out of her high profilele job merely for speaking out against schoolb closures and lockdowns. noww more say then president of levi strauss felt passionately about the need for in-person schooling. she wrote, i kept calling out hypocritical and unproven policyut. i met with the mayor's office and eventually uprooted my entire my life in californiao that my kindergartner could finally experience inthe real
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school. well, back in march twenty eight twenty one jennifer appeared on the angle whether services or not i got to see something good and i want to help all kids because i realize i'm very lucky that i can pick and come here and i know not everyone has that that opportunity. but i will tell you, you know families i know we're scraping together everything they have to either go to private or move to a district or state that's open because at the end of the day our kids need to be in school now she's a liberal. >> i'm a conservativeativ her comments were entirely reasonable. but then she writeserva that appearance on this show was the last strawtht. the headve of diversity equity inclusion at the company asked that i do an apology tour, w i was told that the main i complaint against me was that i was not a friend ofot a black community at levi's. i was told to say that i am an imperfect ally.
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well then sheheec said she refud to do any of that . now this woman was on track to be the ceo of a major company, a liberal with biracial children canceled a by the corporate mob. think about that . s so the left is so freaked out now because they're covered fortress of rules and edicts is collapsing before they had a chance, ofof the course, to me their new normal permanent. they're so frantic that they're trying to stigmatize the word freedom. in other words, your freedom kills people evens, y when theye vaccinated. i love how people talk about personal freedom. if you're exercising personal freedom, put someone else in jeopardy. their health in jeopardy. jeop i don't consider that being very human freedom now the mocking of freedom has been a thing of biden's for a while now. two things concern me. one areus those who just try to make this a political issue
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freedom. i have the freedom to kill with my soviet army. come on , freedom. heard a president never thoughtt i would hear a president say something like that and the media picks it up and then repeats it with their own lame flourish. now t the message is to be afrad of those who want freedom. what you've seen in canada is others are fearful of thesepr protesters who are arguing for freedom now it's sort of generically anti-government, all wrapped in this sort of notion or the guise of freedom ,whatever that means to these individualss. but freedom for the rest of you to do and speak your mind. no, no, they don't want that . here's the way the progs at the cbc described the word. it's malleable and a term that thrives among far right groupsps. say it no matter the rubbishub they say or publish about f this freedom spreading across
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the globe. now the truth about t what the powerfulhe did these past two years is coming to the fore. it can't be that we live in a country where freedom only exists for the connected and wealthy who can go masklessh at the super bowl as third grader, sweat it out in ninety five masks and class in l.a. but they'll always feel justified when they take away your freedom or when they skirt the rules. it's goingng to be that the roas are dangerous climates warming, the variants are coming and almost six years ago it was that trump was running. they had to stop him. rules be. the left didn't think twice when they lost the children c of schools and the clinton campaign didn't think twice when they deployed internet spies in an effort to destroynd trump and nullify your vote even though the ends for them justify the means. we know what was going on and the press they did too.
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but they didn't cover the stories that mattered. they covered them up.d but here's the good news the anti freedom coalition is unraveling and that'sav the angle. we'll have more one the potential criminal indictments coming from the durham bombshell later on in the show. but firste, check out this videh of the freedom convoys in protest over the weekendst from across the world, liberté while spectacular sights to seeu how significant is this given the sustained attacks on freedom here and abroad? the word a a freedom under assa. joining me now is steven miller, america first legal founder, forme senior white house adviser. also with me, dineshas d'souza, conservative commentator and filmmaker. dinesh m, china's rising
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and america is faltering under biden. so free speech is under attack here. canada is moving toward martialn law, but is the tide turning? ur >> i think it is and the reason it's turning is because what people are looking for when they when they think about freedom is nothing more than the scopen or the space to normalize their life. we're life not talking about soe exotic exercise of freedom. we're talkingng about things lie going to work, getting your kid to school. your kid and so these are this is freedom and the normal sense ofm the term in the same commonsensical sensee that i am free to move my arm. now biden and the left have stigmatized freedom in such a way that they're making the they're presenting the idea that somehow it's not freedom affects somebody else. but allll freedom affects. somebody else. if a woman takes a job
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as opposed to staying home, that affects the workforce, that affects a a husband that affects our children. so i it's not as if the normalsn exercise of freedom doesn't have an impact on others. the realal question is does it hurt the rights of other people? obviously if i swing my arm it makes contact with your jaw. that is an t t unaccept abuse of freedom. but if i'm going to a grocery store or a mall and somebody else goes, oh , by you showing up here without a mask unvaccinated, you're increasing my risk of kurpin. well, nobody's asking you to go to the mall. you can stay home. so this idea that somehow one group of people getsme to. live their life and they can force other people not to.hi this iss the essence of the issue. i thinkse, steven, this was a chilling message. speaking of freedom crushing i from trudeau's deputy prime minister today. >> watch this . as ofde today, a bank or other service provider will be able to immediately freeze
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or suspend an account without a court order if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades. so corporate accounts will beil frozen. the insurance on your vehicle will be suspended stephen . is this what canada does now? because i thought it wasug what dictatorships do?ht well, i don't think was any of a few years ago would have guessed that trudeau would be doing his best impersonationve f mussolini. but that's where we arees right now. the reality is and i think a lot ofav us who have beenng paying attention have been concerned about this for a while is that modern leftism is only a hair's breath away from fascism.fa if you look at cancer culture,sc that'sism. left using corporate power to punish dissent and it's a very short road v frm that to using state power to punish dissent, to punish political enemies. and so everywhere you look, you
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see the strong armed againstst the weak administrators against helpless students, powerful ceos against wage and now you see the leaders ofco countries against peaceful protestersun. i think anybody who cherishes liberty and freedom and western civilization should be profoundly alarmed by what we are seeing unfold right now. dinesh, this attack on the wordl freedom i think is a fascinating development. i mean, it's kind of a desperate play now from the left. i think he. well, asking for freedom. you know, this is a far right tactic. e what i w mean, these people were the free speech people that so long they believed they were about free love, free speech, free expression, artistic expression, teachers expression and classroom. you couldn't touchrs you couldnt regulate it. now they've turned the whole concept upside down because they're on the losing side of l the argument. how long can this lastf? well, we see that the left is attacking freedom at both
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prongs and we've talked about one which is the idea of individual rights or individual liberties. and so that would be things likeke w free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of conscience and so on . butt we haven't spoken abouthe the other type of freedom. the left is also attacking and this is the freedom of l local communities to be able to makeke decisions for themselves. and so if you're looking, for example, at covid, obviously covid may be spiking in certain places, not spiking in others. circumstances vary from one place to the other. so why m shouldn't people living in their own local communities be able to make rules that ared adapted to their own particularr situation? have to hav biden seems to imply that you have to have a federal or a central approach to the problem, whereas a second form of freedom would be the freedom of local self-government. well, thank god right. steve, that we had founders who understood the power of overreaching power of a federal government. so we have state governors who are able tole show the way for a reopening. imagine if we didn't have those
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. well, our founding fathers very wisely understood human nature and they understood how dangerous it was when leaders accrue powerea to rule over you now they do not lightly let it go. and so the fact that we habituated that we've normalized forcing toddlers todl wear mass all day long and we've normalized firing people for not getting vaccinatedg and normalized canceling people for having conservative thoughts, it's all in a very dark road and the americans must reclaim our heritage d as a free nation. and quickly, gentlemen,ic thank you . great to see you.. great to see and just miles from our nation's capital , the petty tyrant running emery county, maryland is ramping up the war on freedom to county executiveco mark elrich is still pushing for vaccine passports despite the county council refusing to vote on them. and despite covid positivity rates falling below to metricsw he set on top of that , he's openly defying governor
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larry hogan's call to endl faucis masking and schools made movements throughout the state where lighten things upeo and other lightening things up. but i will say almost every time he did that , our numbers s stack up. i think he would serve us all better if he was a little bit more patient about it and got us at least into the moderate transmission range. >> here now is a montgomery county parent who's been calling out elrich from the beginning on this phil kurpin, president of the committee to unleash prosperity. phil, you know, there are a lot of county execs across the country who've abuse o their powers over the last two years, but this character, marks elrich really takes the cake. why does someone like him continue to get elected given what's happened to that community? >> well, he was sort of an accidental county executive w in that he won his primary by an handful of votes in a multi candidate field. i think that's
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a really good example of people not necessarily paying as much attention to local races as they should in our county like montgomery county'sike ovea million people, it's bigger b than six or seven states. so it'sr an enormous jurisdiction. and you know, a race likeeormous that ought to be viewed like a governor's race, like a very, very high stakes race. but it's typically notly especially in a place like this where people are much more concerned about nationalla politics generally have a broader focus on what's happening locallyad. and so this guy kind of squeaked in and he becameov one of the worst covidian petty tyrants in the entire country as you pointed out, he's got his deputies saying they still want to do the vaccine passport restaurant mandate thing and they said, well, shelve it for now, but next variant, we're going to bring it right back down. there's going to be ready to b c on that. he's been horrendous every step of the way and he no curiosityrs to actually understand what any of these numbers mean. h and so he says, well, we should have cdc moderate transmissions. you know what that means 50 cases per 100,000 population
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per week. but that was invented in the spring 20 tpaoeu when there was almost no testing. you know, i say that this so all you business owners and liberal montgomery county, all you parents and your kids, all the fancy schools there. a how's working out for you? i mean, is this is this what you want?i i guess that's what they want. i but i got to say i talked to so many parentsts from that community that are just they're horrified. so i mean, this is where we've got to get local people to steph up and challenge him and run against him. whether you're a democrat oret republican , just moderatehe moderate common sense policies.k i think that's what people are asking for. finally, yeah, i think that i hope we see a turnover in that position and turnover in all the county council seats as well which areil up. . i think that it's you know, just the casualness with which they turn people's lives upside ye forike, you know, a while last yearr sports were exempt from the maskless then a suddenly they weren't no reason, no explanation logic,
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no science. somebody felt like so then kids were running around playing games with it.e just they make these decisions based on nothing. un they told us wema were going to be on the math that 80 percent vaccinated, more than 85%na h3n2 go. i don't know. i yeah, well we got to go but i don't think elrich is out there playing a lot of touch football. th pla. y sense good to see a fail. now it turns out that the obamat administration wasn't alone in spying on the trump campaign. n tmer director of national intelligence john radcliff is j here in moments on the shocking filing filing in the johnro durham probe. >> staybeay there. elvis 2000. yup, we have elvis's bible along with bibles from a number of other kings, but that's just the beginning of the bible.
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ready always er visit national guard .com to find out more . there's been no transition from when i won i won that election and if you look crooked hillary clinton if you look at all of the different people there was no transition because they came after me trying to do a coup. they came after me spying on my campaign.. they started from the day i won and even before i won, he was right before he won. absolutely a bombshell new court filing from special counsel john durham alleges that the clinton campaign hadpa a tech company tony surreptitiously monitor for trumpervers tower and even in the executiven office of the president, the goal was toin mineve
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the servers for dirt and then use itrs to peddle the phony russia collusion narrative. and that's of course, exactly what theyd. did. the clinton campaign attorney mark michael sussmann fed his garbage to the fbi in twenty sixteen. an unnamed secondn agency. in twenty seventeen. so joining me now is john ratcliff, former director oft national intel. the john, a lot of the documents that you declassified point to what we learned in this durham filing. >> explain. >> well, laura , when i becamest the director of national intelligence t, the first thing i said was, look, i'd like to see all of the intelligence we have on trump russia collusion . and the answers, was, well, we don't have any not a little bit, but we don't have any. don't and that's why, you know, jim comey and john brennan and james clapper, when all thereidunder oath is evidence of trump russia collusion? they all said no, there isn't. i
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but what i found was interesting that i didn't know as a member of congress is that we had a lot of intelligence of fake trump russia collusion. what do you mean? we had intelligence that hillary clinton had a plan to create this narrative, this false trump russiary connection and that is the the notes that i declassified, john brennan's handwritten noteses that showed that he briefed president obama and vice president biden and their national security p team about that plan. but in addition to those declassified documentsts, i gavh john durham thousands of other documents that are still classified that detail what that plan was w and these public filings are starting to be john durham is starting to reveal to the public what some d of the details of that plan specifically were. >> and john, did they alsoo withhold that briefing? are thosese details, if you can say this from then candidate trump in august of 2016? if my memory serves me correct,
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your memory is absolutely correcty as as a candidate, donald trump received a briefing and in fact the agents that were investigating him under this false trump russia narrative didn't disclose that they were investigating him and none of this information was shared. the public foundsh f out about this when i declassified in september of 2020 johnen brennan, john brennan's handwritten notes. so think about t that , laura . i was on the judiciary committee. i was on the intelligence committee. no member of congress was itte aware of this intelligence until i declassified. and then when i didnt , they said, well, no, it's russian disinformation. but nowt john durham is putting it in federal criminal pleadings and charging people. it's very real. this was very real. and the public is starting to find out what the details are john. just very quickly, when we can't trust our nationale intelligence agencies to look
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out for our interests without political gainsmanship trickery, cheating, criminalitya ,where does that leave us as a country today? y i set aside trump i mean, if you can from just on that. >> well, i think that's whys this is so important is when you have the right people in and you know, folks are willing to declassify the information to hold agencies accountable, the people can have that trust. unfortunately, what you have is a lot bureaucrats that protect the institutions like the cia and the fbi for the sake of protecting them even when they don't stand up for't the values that they're supposed to represent instead of when they when they do fall and when they do falter, coming out clean and being honest with the american people. and that's what we should do. that's what it i didat's and ths what good leadership demands. and we don't't have that right now and we didn't have it in 2016. john, thank you for declassifying what you>> did and we really appreciate your insights tonight .
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thank you . siand joining me now is sol weisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and formerat assistant u.s. attorney. soto great to see you. , why was the filing this filing in particular legally significant in your. >> well, the reason why one of the reasons why it's a bombshell is because durham hasn't been leaking unlike some other famous prosecutor. and so there's been no hint that this was their . soso that's number one . number two, it shows why sussmann was lyingng or allegedy lying according to according to mr. durham. remember, the argument has been in the press by the defenders of michael sussmann oh , this was a mistake or how everybody knew that sussmann and perkins couhy had done work for the clinton campaign. but this was a very specific question he was asked.
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he was there at the fbi talking to the general counsel about supposedly a crime committed by the trump campaign and hed, was asked who are you here for? or you hear as a good citizen or are youou here representing a particular client? and he said no and he said no a couple of months later to the to agency to i think we know who that is and the the bombshell that durham laid out b shows why it gives a motie for why sussmann is doing it, as john says, is john ratcliff just said because if he didn't lie, it would reveal the wide ranging conspiracy going on . i don't know if it's a criminal conspiracy, but it's a conspiracy going on involving the clinton campaign to both number one , feed lies to the fbi about trump and then number two, leaked to the pressb that the fbi is investigating this . that's exactlyid what they did with the alpha bank server allegations which were notru
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true . and that is and that is what sussmann was there at the fbi that day saw of really, really quickly a few a second ae are we running into a statute of limitations issue here in the current and a possibleof criminal l probe given the time frame and how much time has lapsed? that's a great question. it would look like on the surface that we might be, but sussmann has. but durham has been working very, very hard and there's a wealth of things he's doing that we don't know anything about. so there could be lie further lc that were told to clean up the mess that you talked about when when clinton didn'tcl win,o when trump won. c oh , my god. ther we've got a mess to clean up. so there could be all kinds ofng things that went on that durham is still looking at. so it's hard to tell when all you have is what's on the surface there and you've got a good prosecutor who isn't leakingr . so that is an excellent point. we don't want leaking prosecutors but we often haveav
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them. great to see it's all and the super bowl, the bidens go back to the future and an established trip by design. >> raymond arroyo tells us why seen and unseen is next friday and let you have a little bit of fun on this trip, some bottles and all that . but no, i'm here for a comedy about a couple of rescue. you know, you've never had a lugo's we don't exactly hogues denuke team. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life i wasted at least two hours a day of my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years ago. that's when i saw an ad on tv for relaxium sleep. i decided to order and it literally changed my life. developed by renowned neurology and sleep expert dr eric
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and rap take center stage literally music's biggest stage getting set as i stand right next to snoop dogg and dr. dre. we've seentand mary j. blige and eminem already walk h in here. kendrick lamar as well and will likely be the greatest halftime performance of all timeli. >> oh , come on , laura . everybody from prince to michael jackson to ella fitzgerald, even bruno marsfi have done this halftime show. i mean totz m say the greatest whatever it was, it was not the greatest halftime show of all time. please.w they had a a cool set. >> laura i like that set. >> but remember small did it feel small? do you compare it to other katy perry and bruno mars? raymond, i know you're a big naughty by nature fan so you really dug the whole deal. you dug the dog at all. you thought it was pretty cool. compton, i are like this every weekend. i mean what can i say to kids like it, you know? but it's you know, the older kids like the rolling stones are more right now.
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all right. eminemreyl ise. music. what arebo you going to tell us about that though? that wasn't the only eminem eminem's music was not the only nostalgia trip. he was reenacting protestsas frm years gone by more now the nfl had the black national anthem featured prominently no black or white knelt duringen the actual nationaltl soio what was eminem protesting here exactly?aseni'm i he's like two years late, laura . maybe it was a guilty conscience. you might call it. i've got a couple didn't denial, but i don'tpr knowot it seems like that's really all i thought i'd drop something i say what did he i don't't know what the hell there was soer muh going on there. e i actually no, i actually thought he dropped something. i was there then i realized what he was doing. so it was kind of an ode to k colin kaepernickin. but i don't know, it just seemed like there was a lot ofme backing vocals the in
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the performances, but maybe a lot of i had echo on my screen or something. the most memorable super bowl commercials. raymond, we're also throwbacks.o jim carrey reprises cable guyd role. yeah, and the late 90s were also resurrected by michaels meyers or was it dr. evil caitlyn jenner our takeover of general motors is complete. we're going all electric. look, the horse opened up o and there are cars there aboutgm lauret. >>o gm also produced and keep that image in your mind. but gm also produced the best commercial of the night and it sold a bit of that sopranos final episode mystery. we don't know if tony survived, but itt looks like his children got laura this is all part of
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gm's push to try to get the next generation, the older generation to buy into electric vehicles. but unwittingly, gm has recruited a super villain and a mob family to be their spokespeople on maga hatss go down. well, when this ramadans when they're trying to run away from the police or escape, then they're going to run out of a charge. they have to make sure they're charged. that's the whole problem . you only can go you can youer make it to the the pines where it's to>> dump the bodies and te pines. yeah, exactly. yeah. e.they didn't have duracell in the duffel bags, you know, that's not what he was carrying. laura , happy valentine's day and even the bidens went allen nostalgic today jill posted a valentine for the country on the front lawn of the white house, though whoever painted commander the dog needs a refresher course. this thing looks like a mongoose bred with a rabbit.
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i mean, this is this very sadks looking image that said that . oh , i see. i thought it was contemporary art. i don't knoww what that was. and so joe biden tweet he sent out a tweet to jill that read he yellow over my life and the life of my love jelly.lo yeah, laura even that was a repeat of nostalgia moment. how many times as joe biden said that line many times joe is a of my love and the>> love of my life, the love of my life and the life of my love, the love of my life, the life of my life, the life of my living, loving and loving alaska a little out of alaska. that was a sweet arrangement. i just want to say yes, to all the people. didn't realize that you werebe in beijing. congratulations forla the ice dancing. you got the gold medal this . that's amazing. you know, going well, i can't let jill borrow and tieria get all the bling. laura , this is this is my indemian grand marshal
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medallion that gave it to me the other day. i thought wearme and i'll wear t the friday before my ride in my life. so i don't know what you talking about. well, i blame raymond. first of all, it's a huge honor . i don'tt know what you've talked about. more on the ingram angle. this spider who saved the ed indemian parade. okay, i don't know which i'm a grand marshal that saved mardi gras. we got to go. we got to control. but it's a cute little goldol medal for the ice dancing. ng all right, raymond, thank you . if you're looking for a simple example as to why the health establishment lost so much trust these past two years just to comparet the responses to the blm protests in twenty twenty to the canadian truckers today. that's next . everybody thinks that total three car garage we do a lot we've got about someone in the
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show. but here's me more . obviously there's a lot. but i think the perspective i want to be known was sports . so i think that's the big driver tpeu zalensky nervous right now suffering from severe cases, fire is known as the place where magic can happen. but all this week before the big race only on fox news i got a dog. i tell you we're going to go playing this my unicorn and everyone's running to meet lulu hogues know who am i to lose? we don't exactly hogues tpeu the team are struggling to lose
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atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ their futures. okay, there are a lot of differences between a trucker convoys and the blm riots of 2020. but20 one of the most striking s how the medical establishment is condemning a former despite. embracing the latter, both are really taking an informed and calculated risk and saying that in this case i think the risk is worth it. i can't say i disagree. the good news and the thing that's on the side of the protesters is outdoors and in some cases people have taken the person responsible of wearing a mask.
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what does this reveal? joining me now is dr. jerry battacharya, stanford medical school professor and dr. c peter mccullough, cardiologist, epidemiologist, based in dallas . dr. m battacharya pretty emblematic, don't you think, of how politics infected public health? i mean, i'm laughing because it's so obvious what they did. i mean, i think the right to protest is a fundamental right. i support both the right ofht the blm protesters to protest as well as the truckers to protest. but i do think that it is is very interesting that the medical establishment forward one versus the other and it's not as if people don't notice this has real consequences if the right people on the right think the public health is not not not supporting their basicy civil rights, they're going todi distrust public health. and then i think that's already happened and will have long term negative consequences. dr. mccullough, you've been talking a lot a lot about the public trust waning givenh, the attacks on you. you obviously the entire great
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barrington declaration, all of you have just been trashed morning, noon and night. you've turned out to be right about pretty much everything but we still have people p on television who are involved in the scare mongering. >>e dr. leeanna, when today. watch lifting a government imposed to mask mandate doesn't mean that it's suddenly safe. it doesn't mean that people should go out and rip off their masks because it is gone. well, i do think that there is a level of unfairness in this and that life has now become less safe foror those who are the most vulnerable if they're now going to be surrounded by people who are maybe unvaccinated peo and also unmas, they could be more exposed than before. dr. mccullough, will they ever drop this ?l will they ever relent ever? >> you know, laura , the two super bowls are night and day. you remember last year i was in tampa bay and they let in just a few vaccinated uncertain health care workers. you know, this time it's in l.a. the stadium was packed. i noticed all the interviews afterwards. there was no masks, no no
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cameras on six foot sticks. it's completely changed the emergency phase of the pandemic is over . people know it and it's time to move. and dr. battacharya, i was d talking to one of our mutualas friends the other day and he said by his calculation, pretty good mathematician we could be it like 94%ca zero prevalence. explain what that means and why could be significant when the the disease first arrived, no one was immune, no one had any exposure to it and it could cause severe disease. now what . 94% skwrof prevalence means is that a very large fraction of the population is either recovered from covid or has had some protection to the vaccine. that means that it's no longer an immunity population. the disease is nowhere near as dangerous to the population as it once was simply by dint tb of the fact that the population has protective immunity to it.
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doctor mccullough, biden's former covid adviser, lamented what he thought was the backlash not against people like you but against the controllers. watch. we have to pandemic's going on right now in this country ones caused by covid and it surely is taking a heavy toll on us. the second one is a pandemic, a loss of trust in government and public health and in some cases the media and in allus cases where wet lose the trust of the people to try to get them to comply with recommendations to help save their life and the life t their loved ones becomes very challenging when they don't believe you. that begs the question, doctor mccullough. it's challenging . why why is it challenging to try to get them to believe you next time? >> well, youou know, once there is a series of committed state we lost there we go. god, once there's a series ofre committed statements and they turn out not to be true or misleading, trust is broken
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and it's very difficult to repair. we have always seen teams of doctors working in groups coming to a consensus. it's far safer than what happened over the course of the pandemic with our public health agencies and their communication plan. >> dr. battacharya, should we ever have shut down this country at all? i don't think i do not think a shutdown would ever justified what was justified is focusedwe protection of the vulnerable. we knew from the very earliest days of the epidemic that it was older people and certain f other folks with chronic conditions that were really at high risk. we should have moved heaven and earth to protect them instead of closing schools which did nothing to protect them and hurt our kids. gentlemen, thank you . great to see you both tonight . and when we come back , i received a very special valentine today. so who's it from? stay tuned. i wonder if i take a look at it. oh , this can resist such
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and one chicken salad. anything else? yeah, do you also take orders online? yeah, we do that. yeah, we do. thank you. clover does that. this is really good. secure payments, the tools you need, people who can help, we do that. talk to a clover business consultant today >> i received a very special valentine's day card today from my son nico. so great. i'm going to read it. dear mom, you are the best mom
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ever, everything you do for me is an act of kindness. i could not ask more from anyone. you prieten my day. i love you to the moon and back and 100 dogs. kind of a thing with us. i hope you had a wonderful valentine's day. i hope you wear your freedom gear. greg gutfeld is next. >> todd: the homeless man accused of stalking and stabbing a woman to death inside her new york city apartment being held without bail. we're learning the career criminal rack up a dozen prior arrests and had a rap sheet that involved vandalism and resisting sxraeft harrassment, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the suspect following the victim through her hallway of her building and into her apartment and he stabbed her 40 times.
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