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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 15, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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this administration. tulsi gabbard, we are out of time. thank you. thanks for joining us. that's all we have time for today. be sure to catch me tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. on "america reports" with john roberts. i'm sandra smith. in new york, "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm dana perino, let's start it off. 5:00 in new york city, this is." ♪ ♪ justin trudeau being accused of tyranny for his heavy-handed approach to the crackdown on trucker protests. the prime minister invoking a never before used emergency power to try and stop the freedom convoy after being pressured by president biden. >> we are not limiting people's
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freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, not preventing people from exercising their right to protest. wewe are reinforcing the principles, values, and institutions that keep all canadians free. >> dan the canadian government also going after the trucker's money by threatening to freeze bank accounts if they do not comply. >> this is about following the money. this is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades. if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. the insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. send your semitrailers home. >> dana: justin trudeau is saying money laundering and "terrorism financing" also deals
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with online fund-raising. protesters -- trudeau is not backing off. there is an alternative. they could talk to the trucker's, maybe come to some sort of agreement. >> jesse: they don't negotiate with terrorists. >> dana: provinces are peeling back mandates. >> jesse: they said trump had a thing for dictators. what does trudeau have? he's got more than all thing. a thing. they discover these emergency powers during the pandemic that were tucked away into the constitution, so now, they declare everything an emergency, and voila, emergency powers. compared to a threat or say anybody is racist, boom: anti-terror laws. that's the problem. this is a sad day for north america. we've had many sad days in north america. we are not subjects. you can't relist by force. trudeau was doing the right thing until this point, in terms of action, not language. he was letting us play out peacefully, and that was going someplace, i think, until biden got on the horn and pressured
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him to throw down against his own citizens. congrats, dustin: you are the first congrats, justin: you are the first world leader to listen to biden. [laughter] can you imagine you are a client of a bank and they freeze your assets because you are participating in civil disobedience? i would not be surprised if i saw a run on some of these banks, would not be surprised of people look at date their assets and put it into another depository. imagine as a bank president how nauseous you would feel, taking in order politician from your own clientele, your neighbors. you are supposed to treat them like terrorists? they are your countrymen. it's horrible arid this isn't, this is what this is an jihad, this this is what we want people to do when they have a beef with
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the government, this peaceful protest. i wish a hex on canada. i hope they have a terrible maple syrup season, and i hope their hockey team loses the rest of their games. [laughter] >> dana: you might want to check in with greg about how that goes in canada. [laughter] justin trudeau's not a very talented politician rated if i were justin trudeau and biden told me to pressure them i would say "fine, can we have a keystone pipeline back?" that was the first day, and he didn't do it. >> greg: i'm going to back to my initial point. when this started -- i am proud trucker, love the semis, pro-canada, but as an outside observer, i should always respect of the country. i don't want a canadian greg gutfeld demanding change in my country, even though like me, he is 100% right and devilishly handsome. i -- it's easy for us because we are here. there might be some things we don't know about. this is not a trucker problem. it's not even a canadian
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problem. it's a one-person problem. the one person is trudeau. he got off on the wrong foot. he chose the deplorable play. he denigrated and dug a hole for himself. i don't think he has the gumption to admit that he should start over. looking at him -- i was making jokes while we were watching him. his stature as a trunk. he's not a prime minister. he's like a bass player and a cruise ship wedding band. he's a teacher's assistant and gender studies at a local college. [laughter] he's a tour guide at universal studios. he is the prime minister of canada, then so is shaggy from scooby doo. this guy is done. i think he is done. he is responding to a cry for freedom. it could have been easy, like "mandates are done," but he went full-deplorable.
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you never go full-deplorable. ask hillary. >> dana: you never do, judge. >> jeanine: the idea that trudeau came out and said "i want to keep canadians safe, and they are harming the economy, endangering public safety." no, they are sitting there protesting. the amazing part is trudeau is going to listen to biden. biden as the final word on what he should do with some of his protesting peacefully, biden, the same guy who, in the summer of 2020, decided he would allow people to burn down streets and businesses and create all kinds of problems and arson and criminal acts and police injured, so biden is going to call this guy who was dumb enough to listen to him. as sad as it is, when they start going after people's money, understand: these truckers work very hard. they are the salt of the earth. they are not people who have a lot of money. they can't afford to protest, but they are all about freedom. they are the heroes we love when
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we needed all those things delivered to us. now, you are marginalizing them, really teeing them off. they haven't done anything. there wasn't any kind of problem event. maybe, someone had a flag. that's going to happen at any group. i think this is going to get worse before it gets better. >> dana: one thing i was also thinking about, i want to get your take on the financial peace, but also, the fact that these truckers and all the other essential employees were east central, while everybody else got to work from home, waited for their deliveries. they were able to go to the grocery store. all of a sudden, january 15th, with the stroke of a pen, they were nonessential, and all these other rules applied it to them. i think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. also, do you have thoughts on the fact that -- going after their money? >> harold: i'm not bothered bythis like you guys are for ths reason. you have every right to express
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yourself, engage in civil does obedience come about when you break the law, you are going to get arrested. when dr. king broke the law, he went to jail. his second most important document was written from the birmingham jail, not the birmingham convenience store. i don't necessarily agree with them not wanting to give vaccines. they have every right to protest, but when you disrupt commerce, it's called tortuous interference. >> jesse: arrest them, you can't freeze their bank accounts. >> harold: some people don't want to arrest them. i'm just saying, follow the law. i'm a rule of law guide. if you believe the vaccine mandate stuff should be reversed, alleging new people to the parliament or whatever you call it tear and on-elect justin trudeau. when people were protesting george floyd's death, i was on this network when people were looting and burning building saying "they should be
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arrested." this here, you can't be partial about the law because you like what they are doing. >> jesse: shouting about bank accounts being frozen. that's what this is about. you don't do that. arrest the people. you can't freeze accounts. >> harold: it's their law in canada. >> dana: enough with the law. >> harold: -- terrorism for the first time ever. >> jesse: they are not terrorists. >> jeanine: they are not terrorists. >> jesse: . >> jesse: cabbage. >> greg: terrorism after you eat it. [laughter] >> harold: they have cost $100 billion a day. i'm not saying -- you can disagree with me on that, but justin trudeau decided to act. anyone that breaks the law, no matter how legitimate or genuine they think they are being about fighting a law, if you break the law, you've got to pay, period! >> dana: if they get arrested and go to jail, i wonder if somebody on the opposing side of justin trudeau will offer to pay their bail. >> harold: that was wrong too. >> jesse: maybe, the canadian
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greg gutfeld. [laughter] >> dana: coming up, alexandria ocasio-cortez makes a wild claim about what it is to blame for the crime surge. judges have had it -- haven't even gotten started. [laughter] ♪ ♪
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1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217 ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the radical left coming up with the most ridiculous excuse yet for the surge in crime: baby formula. jesse jr.'s drink of choice is apparently causing people to steal like crazy and murder people without remorse. aoc making that asinine claim. >> because we run away from substantive discussions about this, we don't want to say some of the things that are obvious, like" the child tax credit just ran out on december 31st, and
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now people are stealing baby formula." >> jesse: aoc says that. we are learning the punk who got busted for this brutal attack on an asian model has been arrested -- ready -- 44 times before: 44. maybe, it's bail reform to blame, not the formula. just as with judge jeanine. do you buy this baby formula excuse? [laughter] >> jeanine: these woke democrats are storytellers. i think that they should have a section in congress called "the fiction section," where everyone whose woke sits in that section of congress. >> jesse: adam schiff? >> jeanine: adam schiff, ilhan omar, all of them. they make stuff up. the amazing part is people are not shooting, stabbing, beating, assaulting, throwing people in front of trains because they are out of baby formula. that's so simple a stick, so juvenile, that it's stupid,
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stoopid. anyone who says that should be embarrassed. this guy has 44 arrests, 16 and one day apparently. he assaulted a model. this woman did nothing to him. she didn't do anything, she didn't ask for it. his job is to assault her and beat her, lucky he didn't kill her, but they are killing women in new york city, they are raping women in new york city as well. judges and prosecutors are letting them out. our job is to identify the judges, prosecutors, and starts taking the side of the victim. aoc, stop with your nonsense. no one is listening to you, because you are plain stupid. >> jesse: they steal baby formula, because it's called liquid gold. you sell it on the black market. criminal syndicates have made a killing. the feds i'm going after these people because it's a huge problem, harold, but that's not -- it's not moms because
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they need to feed their infants. [laughter] its people trying to make a quick buck on the side. >> harold: no doubt. i am left without words here. [laughter] >> jesse: greg, your thoughts. >> harold: i will say this, wendy congresswoman won, there were those in my party who wondered "are we that progressive?" i read a piece saying "we've got to listen to her and figure out if there is something that she's doing that week, the country, needs to learn." i think she is showing sauerness i think she is showing sourness. here we are now, and the candidate for mayor did not win, but says that he doesn't represent the majority of new yorkers on crime. he does. then, she endorses candidates that don't win. when you lose, you have to step back and say "what am i doing wrong? what are my views? what are we not doing right?"
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being sauer and making up things is dominic being i am a believer that we've got to cut down on childhood poverty in america, but the child tax credit being cut -- this is not a serious answer propose here. what's interesting is congress -- she used an expletive -- show. you have been elected to the greatest club in america, one of the great clubs in the world: the club that legislates, that spends money. you don't inspire confidence amongst people to support you, even if i don't agree with your ideas, if this answer is "this place is nothing, it's a joke." it's not a joke. this is the united states congress. if you think it's a joke, make it serious. comments like this don't make it serious. >> jesse: i guess the national is a little bit better of a club band congress, but it's close. >> harold: it's way better. [laughter] >> jesse: want to grace us with your aoc impression? >> dana: i will say that.
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>> jesse: it's so good! >> greg: it's pretty good. >> dana: i can go along with it. she drives me insane. this makes me so mad. [laughter] john molchon out there stealing bread why is aoc commenting about the women being targeted in new york city? where are you on that? the woman who was murdered in her room with the homeless guy with three prior's living in a homeless shelter is not waiting on the child tax credit. that's not why he followed her into her room, stabbed her death, and hid under her breath. alexandra cayo cortez could do a lot more good the thing alexandria ocasio-cortez dude could do a lot more good. she's not serious. she thinks she's too good for congress. maybe, she will figure out a way where she wants to do something else. charity says that she does not make enough money there. it's hard when you have a tesla, $174,000 a year. she said democracy would end back in ten years, but three
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years ago, so the world was going to end due to climate change, meaning we have nine years left. thankfully, according to her math, the world will not exist by the time democracy runs out. [laughter] >> jesse: you are good, dana. >> dana: she makes me mad. >> greg: you are not going to find her finger prints and that murder scene, but you are going to find the ideas, right? how that happens. those are the consequent is of people like her being elected to office. what you see is what you get: unprotected women. i was coming up sixth and 36, where it splits for broadway. when they show movies in the '70s, it's always gangs. it's not like that now. it alone, unstable men wandering around. the only people terrified in that area are women. i'm watching these guys. there's one guy yelling at an asian woman. another guy had a whip, whipping
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at people. that's on broadway as it splits, me sitting in a car going up seeing juco things going on. i'm thinking to myself "i thought aoc was streetwise. i didn't realize that she never leaves her apartment or get out of her tesla and walks, or has never been to a pharmacy and a seen shoplifting." go to a pharmacy in new york. you will witness shoplifting, and you have to make a decision "do i say anything customer disguise pretty big and they don't care? i don't care." that's how it works. that one statement about the baby formula should in rage and a victim of a hate crime, any crime, that family. you are right, she doesn't give a damn about these women, or she would be doing something rather than talking about this infantile opinion on baby formula. >> jeanine: do think she doesn't give a damn, or she can't even empathize? >> greg: i think she lives in the abstract. she's the worst kind of radical
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student. all of her ideas have no practical bearing on life, so it's easy for her to talk about this stuff while there is an asian woman being stabbed to death. that's not in her abstract world. she deals with semantics, ideas, ideologies. meanwhile, people are dying around her around her. >> dana: also, no one asks per those questions. she's allowed to talk like she has an economics degree from the university of -- [laughter] >> harold: i did not see her around constituents. you never see her with an audience. you see her speaking to audiences. i never see her with constituents. i would love to see -- just that adam's line bothered me a little bit. just because >> jesse: just because we are criticizing or does not mean we want to sleep with you, aoc. >> dana: believe me. [laughter] >> jesse: hillary clinton confronted over the latest durham bombshell. what she's saying, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hillary clinton under fire over explosive allocations from john durham explosive allegations from john durham, but will she talk? the investigation is accelerating, after accusing the clinton campaign of paying a tech company to link donald trump to russia. a daily mail reporter confronting hillary over the details, but she -- not the only top democrat getting caught up in this growing scandal. >> briefed president obama, vice president biden.
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-- >> to falsely accuse and vilify donald trump with a scandal. >> jeanine: big surprise, after hardly covering the story last night, the media, dismissing the durham investigation as no big deal, and the clinton campaign lawyers caught up in all of this is calling the accusations false. i will start with you, dana. if the accusations are false, why when hillary clinton was confronted by the daily mail, why did she not even answer the question? >> dana: i think they know that the durham investigation is serious peer he is methodical. all of this coverage we have had over the last few days is because of a filing, the routine filing, but everybody reads it and goes "there is a little nuggets." we don't know the details about all of it, but it's enough to
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say "there's something happening." then, we have our own reporting that says more people are cooperating. if i were hillary clinton, i wouldn't want to answer those questions either. it would be a distraction from her plan come back to her that she is getting ready for. i am surprised about the media not covering it at all. one of the best things that happened to the media is donald trump became president, and i got all these ratings. we benefited too. trump is a great show. all of a sudden, this story gets no coverage. it's like the hunter laptop story. the media saying "we are correlated"? is it like that, or does it just come naturally? it's weird to me, because it's obviously a story. it >> jeanine: the media was obsessed with russian interference for four years. we talked about this yesterday. everybody it was not a real system approach. there was a revelation in a filing where, and i have the
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filing right here where they say tech executive one tasked researchers to mayan internet data to establish a narrative and tying them candidate trump to russia, and yet, these newspapers will talk about anonymous sources, and impeach a president, but will not discuss something in a legal filing. they don't even make believe they are being impartial. >> if they report that is, all of reporting blows up, because they were complicit in this. if they say anything, they are saying "it's a conspiracy." if you are an audience member, you do you believe the media, who was wrong from day one on russian collusion, or do you believe fox who was right from day one? you believe fox. if you put all the other things from the filing aside -- we already know the fbi illegally wiretapped members of the trump campaign. we know the fbi fabricated
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evidence, we know that they used undercover agents, they infiltrated trump's briefcase. we know that this dossiers filled with information. that's been proven, and is verifiable. if you look at the filing, it leads you to believe that hillary paid a lawyer to smear trump. they have a guy, they always have a guy. the guy happens to have the contract to get access to trump computer networks and white house computer networks, and the guy also wanted to smear trump as a traitor. this guy's measures of the data to make trump look like he was colluding, and it's a crooked lawyer, and she shops it to the fbi and cia. we arty know what the fbi did, but what is the cia doing taking a meeting with the dnc lawyer? they can't operate like that on u.s. soil. that's a crazy >> that's exactly right. what about john brennan? we all remember john brennan,
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when he's sitting there before congress, under oath, and is asked about surveilling americans and says "no," and says "not willingly." apparently, john durham has notes that apparently, he briefed obama, approval by hillary clinton of a proposal to vilify donald trump with a russian scandal. brennan is back in the picture. >> it seems like there might be a lot of people back in the picture. i don't like to prejudge what grand juries are going to do. some things have been weeks. we've seen some of these filings. i said yesterday, before, let the chips fall where they made, and we will let the evidence direct us where we need to go. if any of us were the subject of a grand jury investigation, we would not want things to leak. i would imagine that the question you asked about hillary clinton, if i were her lawyer, i would advise her not to say anything, certainly to a reporter grade this is not at all the severity of the story,
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the bigness of the story, but the facts fall where they may, let's follow them, and we shall see in due time. >> greg, how far up does this go? >> it goes way to the top, judge, write to the top. >> jeanine: of what? >> greg: i don't know, a lot of things are tall for me. [laughter] the media got "the new york times," the top of the food chain, to do what i call a prebunk, which is a pretend debunking. if they get a group of stroman together and go "nobody said hillary was spying." yeah, you. she was not in a black cat suit with a giant magnifying glass scaling trump tower. there were lawyers involved, middlemen. we get it. if they watched the show today, they would go "jesse, her name is hillary clinton, not crooked. her name is not actually crooked." the great thing is, what they do
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is create this thing and nobody else has to cover it. "did you see the fact-check"? we don't have to cover the story anymore, but i read this part, and i'm paraphrasing. this is what charlie savage said. "the narratives about hillary involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires a lot of significant mental energy." that raises questions. should the news be covering it at all? it's so complicated. that didn't seem to bother them when they were flushing out conspiracies left and right! nobody can keep up. they didn't think that was a problem. >> jeanine: canceled over covid. the top levi's exact of claims she was forced out for speaking out against enforced mandates.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: the judge turned me onto that music. [laughter] an executive from levis says she was forced out due to speaking on on school mandates. she claims the company offered her $1 million of severance to keep quiet, but she turned it down, and expense her decision this way, saying "free speech and kids are not right wing issues, and should not be considered beyond the pale to stand up for these things, or be right wing." it should not make one unemployable. harold editing may, thank you. [laughter] the company says she was not fired, but resigned. the former levis executive will
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be on a show called "tucker carlson tonight." >> jesse: our very own. of >> greg: jesse, i want to know what's going on. i think you know. >> jesse: if not, i will tell you like i do. [laughter] i remember growing up, fashion and apparel brands were edgy. they were selling sex, were uninhibited. whatever the brand was, it was cutting edge. you would think that corporate culture would be smooth. he would have people walking around in jeans and the office, staying up late, doing crazy stuff. they are not like that. now, in 2022, they are squares. a few people got uncomfortable with something someone said. woman was supposed to be in line to be ceo. as a woman with a family, she said "this is what i want for my children and what i think is healthy for america's children." didn't the left tell us this is
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what they want? didn't they say they want high-powered female corporate executives juggling kids at home, speaking our minds and being outspoken, not being afraid? this is what you've got, and then they canceled the woman. i don't know, she walked away from $1 million. it sounds fishy. >> jeanine: you know why she walked away from the $1 million? >> jesse: you have to have a lot more to walk away from it. >> jeanine: they wanted to shut her up. they said she was sounded like donald trump, called her racist, said she shared views that they did not share, that her views were "untenable with the company," so she left. she said "i don't want to sign this nondisclosure, don't want $1 million severance, keep it. chris quotes she moved from california to colorado keep it." she moved from california to colorado so kids could go to school the way she wanted them to. levi's shut her down, and i
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don't like it. >> jesse: i do like. >> harold: more expressions? [laughter] >> jesse: i am a doordash guy doordash guy. [laughter] >> greg: judge really buttoned that up. >> jesse: wrangler. >> greg: a democrat her entire life, and now feels that she is a woman without a party. >> greg: politically homeless. >> harold: it is hard to believe that levi's pushed her out for her expressing her first amendment rights. i am interested to see her, this evening, express yourself on tucker carlson's show. i am opposed to this stuff. she has a right to refuse. if you don't like her views, debate her. i can't get a straight story. i don't know if she was forced to move to colorado or voluntarily moved. >> jesse: colorado's run by a democratic governor, keeping schools open and masks off kids. isn't that right? [laughter] >> harold: there's something else here we don't have. i'm curious to see more come out come out. >> jeanine: why do you think there's something else?
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she did not fit within the corporate ideology. >> harold: that very well could be, judge, but i would be interested -- >> jeanine: did you call me george? >> harold: my daughter's name is georgia. [laughter] >> greg: you crazy, crazy kids. dana, could republicans say that it's time for them to be the party for parents? speech of the parents are going to war in 2022. dave >> dana: the parents are going to war in 2022. they are willing to leave their jobs for it, people are. i think the corporate communication might have missed their audience. there's enough people wearing levi's fashionably applecare. it's people who wear them for work. it >> greg: i always slap on a pair before i sit down in front of my laptop. >> dana: shrink to fit. >> greg: thankfully, i wouldn't have anything to wear. >> jesse: i want to see you in
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a dress. >> greg: one of these days. we are having cross-dressing the fridays next week. [laughter] up next, the feds want people to write out their exes as a valentine's day surprise. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. [zoom call] ...pivot... work bye. vacation hi! book with priceline. 'cause when you save more, you can “no way!” more. no wayyyy. no waaayyy! no way! [phone ringing] hm. no way! no way! priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> harold: didn't get your partner anything for valentine's day? how about writing them out to the feds? the bureau of firearms, tobacco, alcohol, and explosives, posted this photo in a twitch: giving to plan for people to turn in their current or former lovers. "do you have information about a current or former partner involved in illegal gun activity? we will make sure it is a valentine's day to remember." [laughter] judge, i feel compelled to start with you. >> jesse: why? >> harold: someone of the government, is this some one you thing you think the government should be involved in?
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>> jesse: no. my best friend -- it was talked about having ghost guns in the house. 141 washington. tell him melissa is there. >> dana: nobody under 40 knows who that is. [laughter] >> jesse: how do you do it? how do you mimic -- >> greg: i'm with the kids, man. the kids know i'm edgy. >> jesse: speakerphone. [laughter] you know what i used to do when i was d.a.? we used to send out -- >> greg: i remember those days. [laughter] >> jesse: networks? >> greg: a winnebago. they show up. [laughter] >> jeanine: would be under arrest. >> harold: we are laughing, but jesse raised the point about how people could -- is that illegal?
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>> jeanine: it's up to the police to decide whether the claim they are getting, the report they are getting, is it sufficient for them to make an arrest or open up a file, that's all. >> greg: i think it's implanting about a deal with weird people. "he's in his basement, armed to the hilt." they hang up! >> dana: before they will not go to your basement. what about hunter biden's girlfriend of throwing the gun in the garbage pail? somebody said -- >> greg: "that's not me." before "i'm not going to look into it." >> harold: dana? >> dana: i don't think you have to tweet every day that there is a holiday. if you are the atf, you don't always have to put out a statement about everything. >> greg: i'd rather have tougher doctors and more jails and mental institutions than this. >> jesse: i'm curious what they will put out on easter. [laughter] >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ .
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i will bless those who bless you here in israel and the former soviet union the jewish people are living in very difficult times. there are now thousands of destitute elderly jews who are desperately in need of basic food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground with survival food boxes but the need for food is growing. call or go online now and say, "i will bless these children of abraham." it's the elderly widows who are hurting the most. many of them are also holocaust survivors who are once again crying out for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25
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that will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who doesn't have enough to eat. together, we bring them comfort and love but just as important we bring them this life-saving food box. a gift of $25 will help rush one emergency food box. without your response, their pain and suffering will continue. inside of every box we put a note that says, "this box is donated because of the generosity of christians around the world." this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. call or go online now and say,
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"i will save a life!" "i will bless and comfort the jewish people." ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. greg? >> greg: bummer news. roark passed away today 74. he was quite an inspiration to me. i grew up reading him. he was probably one of the best editors of national lampoon. it you never read the national lampoon school book read it a bunch of nonfiction. republican party reptile was a big influence on me. you don't have to be a liberal to be a punk. you don't have to be a liberal to be -- like to have fun. he showed republicans could actually go out and have a good time. wherever he went, he had a good time. i think national lampoon was probably under his stewardship the best magazine around and pick up any of his books. parliament of whores, peace
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kills. all those books are great. rest in peace, p.j. >> dana: that was sad, sad, news. >> harold: he forced you to think even when you disagreed with him. god rest in peace. somehow a dog in walton county, florida, fell down a 15-foot hole in the ground. watch this dramatic rescue video firefighters descend into the hole with the ladder. >> judge jeanine: oh, that poor baby. >> harold: thankfully the dog was okay. firefighter is okay. >> judge jeanine: wow. harold harltd the town is going to close that hole. >> judge jeanine: i hope so. >> harold: give them a hug. these guys went above and beyond. glad that pooch is well. animals are great. >> dana: animals are great. jesse? >> jesse: we have been checking in on the goings on in russia and goings on in germany. a lot of wild stuff happening. this is in india.
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regular afternoon in india crossing the tracks he is fine. protected by the circle. don't have you one in i'm going to need one tonight on "jesse watters primetime," we will be talking about, you know, hillary and our neighbors to the north and our neighbors to the south, we live in a rough neighborhood in north america and going to be talking about that. raymond is really happy. is he just a happy guy. he likes keith kellogg. >> birthday clown for kids. >> dana: great new book come out next tuesday february 22nd. preorder it now. it's getting great early reviews party like a rock star by singer-songwriter j.t. hardy.
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some of the most wonderful country songs. judge you will know a few of them sangria, bar at the end of the world. different for girls. somewhere in my car. somewhere with you. it's a wonderful book. his whole life is crazy town. good advice in there i'm going to interview him on february 26th in nashville on a place greg knows well called the listening room. >> greg: fun place. >> dana: tickets include party like a rock star saturday the 26th and i look forward to being there. judge? >> judge jeanine: okay, now, busch light is looking to create more gender equality on the racetrack. they are going to be spending $10 million over the next three years to elevate women in nascar. the bush light accelerator program will provide more funding, more track time and more training and media exposure to up and coming female racers and there definitely is a need. stop laughing, greg. >> greg: i'm not laughing. >> judge jeanine: more females come beating.
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danica patrick was the last one to do so 2015 to 2017. the program officially launches on february 20th. i can't wait to see it i want to get in on it because i can drive fast. >> dana: we know that judge. we know that very well. that is it for us tonight. "special report" is up next. hey, bret. >> bret: dana, i just want to say that the glamour shot for raymond arroyo so strong. [laughter] >> bret: see you guys. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight russia moving back from the brink or is it? vladimir putin says he is ready for talks with the u.s. and nato on limits for missile deployments and military transparency. the statement comes as russia says it is pulling back some of its troops from exercises that have raised fears of an invasion of ukraine. president biden saying today that would be good. but u.s. intelligence has not verified those moves. in fact, the nato secretary general is openly skeptical.


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