tv Hannity FOX News February 15, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
right thing. he loved his wife, children, northern new england, his spaniels, bird hunting, having lunch with his friends, tobacco. he was a man in full, a great man. it is with deep sadness we tell you that he passed away today at 74. that's it for us tonight. we'll be back every night 8 p.m. have a great evening. >> hannity: great tribute to pj o'rourke. tonight the struggle for civil liberties in canada continues, as the country's wanna be dictator justin trudeau attempting to squash peaceful protests and force covid mandates in perpituity. also tonight we'll check in on the white house where, in the midst of a crisis at home and abroad, multiple crises, well, joe biden spent precious time today telling a really weird
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on behalf of hillary clinton. according to the filing, sussman was, quote, a lawyer at large at a large international law firm that was then serving as council to the clinton campaign. the document continues, the defendants billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the clinton campaign for his work and, quote, the defendant had assembled amid allegations about donald trump to the fbi on behalf of at least two specific clients including a technology executive at a u.s. based internet company and the clinton campaign. stay with me here. durham then goes on to explain how these allegations were exploited from internet data mined at, quote, a particular health care provider, trump tower, donald trump central park west apartment building and the executive office of the president of the united states. those are his exact words. in other words, they were mining
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and exploiting data from the white house and likely after trump was inaugurated, and in the filing, it continues, quote, the defendant further claimed that these lookups demonstrated that trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare russian made wireless phones in the vicinity of the white house and other locations. now, those claims about trump and russia turned out to be bogus, but when you mine any unauthorized information from any computer, any device whatsoever, in any form, that would be, by definition, at least according to the dictionary i read, spying. assuming durham is correct and we believe in the presumption of innocence, by the way. we always do. we always make that caveat. in the allegations detailed in this filing are true, then this would be what nancy pelosi called electronic watergate.
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in other words, maybe the word she used was right in the first place. she was talking about 2016 ironically. this is not from the mind of sean hannity or the imagination of conservative media. this is according to a federal court filing from a respected federal prosecutor as part of an investigation now overseen by merritt garland, biden's attorney general. through sussman and this tech company, the clinton campaign was mining and exploiting internet traffic from the white house of a sitting president. as the wall street journal put it, quote, trump really was spied on. to be clear, now this is separate and apart from the dirty clinton bought and paid for russian disinformation dossier that was used to get warrants to spy on then candidate trump, trump's transition team and then later president trump. remember clinton and the dnc funneled money to a law firm. they hired fusion gps, former m6
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former spy himself christopher steele and then top officials took clinton's dirty dossier and the disinformation in the dossier and presented it to the fiza court as verified because it says at the top of an application verified. the facts are, none of it was verified. it was all unverifiable. it was all full of lies or, as christopher steele's subsource referred to it -- that was just bar talk. now in a six page response, in fairness, sussman's attorney responded to durham and his legal team is claiming that these allegations are irrelevant to the charged offense and are plainlily intended to politicize this case in media coverage and taint the jury pool. keep in mind this isn't the only spying allegation that the clinton campaign is facing. now remember, it was michael sussman's law firm that hired christopher steele on behalf of the clinton campaign to dig up russian dirt on donald trump.
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it's all been debunked. there's a nexus between both separate instances. now the obvious question is, what did hillary clinton know? when did she know it? when did a lot of people know and when did they know it? according to former president trump, this durham pose is exposing the crime of the century and predicting this is just the beginning. i agree with them and i'll add, this makes watergate look like child's play. remember in watergate, 69 people were indicted, 48 people were convicted and a u.s. president had to resign in disgrace. now here with more is a former chairman of the house intel committee devin nunes. there are two separate instances here. as you read the filing, devin, i think to me it's very clear what durham is saying. your thoughts? >> well, clearly, anyone able to get into the white house, no matter who the president is, is
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something that is unprecedented. those should be the most guarded communications in this country. so this is gonna take -- hopefully durham gets more and more information out. hopefully, he can bring more indictments. look, sean, it's gonna take my old buddies in congress are going to have to spend years looking into this and just how did this happen? how can contractors have communications of americans all over the country? it's frightening. in the trump tower, in president trump's apartment. and then when he's in the white house. it's really, really a dark, dark chapter of american history. >> hannity: greg, some might say this isn't really spying, all they're doing is checking where -- it's not an infiltration of the server but it's a device that's capable, my understanding, and i'm the least technically knowledgeable person you'll ever meet. i need my kids to download an app, that's how bad i am. but my understanding is it would check all the ip addresses that,
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in fact, were being searched from computers in the white house or in trump tower or any of the other locations. that, to me, is still a form of spying, is it not? >> it is. and spying or surveillance, they're pretty much interchangeable. surveillance is more technical. but the good old fashion common usage is spying. they're the same thing. in this particular case, a tech company being paid by the hillary clinton campaign is using cyber sleuth to penetrate in an unauthorized way the servers to collect data without permission, without knowledge of donald trump, the trump organization, the trump transition and allegedly the trump white house. i mean, it is absolutely breathtaking and stunning. you know, what's so shocking about this is, as i read the
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court filings, i was jotting down all the different felonies that appear to have been committed. it's a crime to lie to the fbi. it's called defrauding the government. if two or more people are involved, it's a conspiracy to defraud the government. clearly, there was more than one person involved here. and then you've got computer fraud and abuse, just what i described. penetrating the server in an unauthorized way without permission or knowledge. that's 18usc 1030. finally you've got the racketeering statute. what durham is describing here sounds very much to me like a criminal enterprise for the purpose of committing illegal acts such as fraud and obstruction of justice. lying and perjury and the list goes on and on. these are all things that i
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think durham is likely considering. i wrote a column today for fox news saying it is unlikely in my judgment that hillary clinton, the architect of it all, who funded it, financed it, directed it and disseminated the information through her cadre of cronies. i doubt she will ever be held accountable because she did it through so many levels of people. >> and her campaign paying for it. unbelievable. let me go back to the document, if i may, and read this to you. and this is back to durham's filing. he said in connection with these efforts, you know, he says the purpose was for them to assemble details about dubious trump russia ties. he says in his filing what is called a factual background which now sussmann's team wants stricken from the record. anyway, in connection with these
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efforts tech executive exploited his access to nonpublic proprietary internet data the filing reads. then it says tech executive one also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a u.s. based university who are receiving and analyzing large amounts of internet data in connection with a pending cyber security research contract. then tech executive one tasked these researchers to mine internet data to establish an inference and a narrative tying then candidate trump to russia. durham reportedly added, in doing so, tech executive one indicated that he was seeking to please certain vip's, referring to the individual's law firm, that would be perkins i assume and the clinton campaign. that seems to be a direct link that durham is making there about what actually happened here. >> yeah. so, sean, let me just simplify this. what they did, they spied on a
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presidential candidate and then the president of the united states. when they didn't find anything, they made it up. and they framed a sit lg president of the united states and got the whole mueller investigation. that's really what happened here. it's really that simple. but i want to take you back to a filing back a few months ago on tech executive one. this is also someone who clearly was working with highly sensitive government contracts and had bragged about supposedly going to get a top cyber security job in the incoming clinton administration. i think that kind of sums up everything that people need to know about this. >> hannity: i'll give you the last word. we have two different paths of spying, do we not? if you believe the filing of durham and what he's saying.
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i'll read that last paragraph once again. in doing so, they did it to please certain vip's, individuals, law firm and the clinton campaign and mine internet dta to maintain an inference that candidate trump was tied to russia. is that a tie to the dossier that we now know is debunked? >> it's nearly identical in so many different ways. i agree with devin nunes whole heartedly. they didn't find any evidence of trump russia collusion. why? because it never existed. what they did, they took innocuous information and tried to pedal it as nefarious connections between trump and the kremlin and then they went to the fbi, they went to the cia and they presented this
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information. it's a crime to present phoney information. but even worse, they sold it to the gullible trump hating media that, of course, reported it for the better part of two to three years. >> hannity: all right. thank you. congratulations on your new job. and gregg jarrett, thank you. tonight the mob media are avoiding this story like the plague. why? because trump was right and they were wrong. >> the central conspiracy theory that an mates president trump's entire presidency that she was spied on. >> mr. trump is alleged he's the victim tweeting, they spied on my campaign. we will never forget. >> the president using the document to renew his unfounded campaign the trump campaign was spied on. >> why do you think the president keeps pushing this? what is his angle for this deception? >> wow. by the way, there was no spying, of course. i think spying did occur, yes.
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i think spying did occur. >> spying did not occur. >> hillary clinton, who gregg jarrett referred to as the master mind behind the trump russia collusion hoax is also avoiding these new allegations in the durham probe. today she managed to duck questions from the daily mail reporter who caught up with hillary clinton on the streets of new york city. >> hillary, laura collins, did you pay to spy on the trump campaign. >> john solomon who was also obtained classified fbi documents related to informant stefan halper, attempting to get a look inside the trump campaign. let me get your look on this. this is the 36 paeupbls you got ahold of. there we go. we'll center it for everybody to
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see. cover my face pip look better this way. the question is, what is the headline you're getting out of this and why is this document important? what does it tell us? >> the president of the kwraoupbd, donald trump, declassified this document just before he left office. it's the tasking orders. the fbi sitting with an informant telling us this is how we want you to spy on the trump campaign. here's a scenario. if you don't get something from carter page, move on to mike flinn. every reporter that sits here, looks into the camera and says there was no spying, just read this document. every person i sent it to, is this a spy document? absolutely. it's the road map for surveillance. just throw that out the window. >> hannity: but these documents that donald trump declassified, aren't they the tasking orders for fbi informant stefen halper to infiltrate the trump campaign? is that your interpretation of this? >> it's actually what they say.
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they say it flat out. his job is to get inside the trump campaign and find out if they're colluding with russia. start with carter paige, move on to flynn and end up with george popodopolous. he goes to make recordings of people like carter paige and george popodopolous. they show they're innocent. the investigation continues on anyways. it's really remarkable. now the clinton campaign are doing the same thing. >> hannity: you make the comparisons to watergate, joe. break in. break in was to steal confidential information at the dnc and to plant bugs. okay. they take the information out. the bugs don't work. they get caught when they go back to try and make the bugs effective. and it ends up with, what, 48 people convicted of crimes and one president resigning in disgrace. this is more electronic watergate except at a much higher level. the media was wrong for three long years. they missed the entire trump
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russia collusion story. they missed the fiza court being lied to on four separate occasion. they never classified the hillary clinton dirty disinformation dossier. now you have this new story and they're trying to throw waet blanket on it without even looking into what exactly it is that john durham is communicating here. >> and let's put the shoe on the other foot. with all that said, sean. let's say a prosecutor with impeccable bipartisan credibility found donald trump's campaign had spied on his democratic opponent and then a tech executive exploited his access to computer data at the white house to find derogatory information on a democratic president. do you think the new york times, washington post, cnn, nbc, cbs, abc would mostly ignore or dismiss that story? it's rhetorical tuesday, sean, so you don't have to answer that. we all know the answer. it would be wall to wall. we've already seen this movie except that movie wasn't nonfiction, it was fiction.
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trump russia collusion was presented as gospel instead of dossier gossip. the big question to ask, what did the heads of our intelligence know and when did they know it? let's look at where the heads of these intel general heads are. he's a partisan pundit on msnbc. director of national intelligence now on cnn. andrew mccabe signed by cnn after being fired from the agency for leaking to the press. james comby, two anti-trump books and a show time movie. are we really supposed to believe now that when they were in a position of power, that they acted in an apolitical manner and without an agenda? again, it's rhetorical tuesday, sean. you don't need to answer that. >> hannity: let's talk about the media narrative and that there's no spying. you said to me in a private call it's simply laughable. but the effort of countries well after the election or parties the first month into trump's
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presidency. so he's got four fiza applications approved. once when he's a candidate and two when he's a president. we're dealing with that as an under current. then all of this is going on. then the question is, they're literally saying, or durham is saying here to exploit for political purposes and create a phoney narrative about a relationship that never existed except, ironically, it really did exist. and that is that the only collusion with russia was hillary clinton paying for dirty russian misinformation dossier, or a series of intel put together by christopher steele who eventually disavowed a lot of it himself and his subsource laughed at, said it was never meant to be used for any type of fiza application. they got away with all of that up to this point. the media not only got it wrong,
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they blamed donald trump and accused him of something that he was never guilty of. >> yeah. you can't say it any better than that. if john durham proves this case, this is a simple headline. the clinton campaign spied and the clinton campaign lied and the american public suffered for three, four years of it. donald trump needlessly suffered and many around him. this is more than a political dirty trick. what john durham lays out is the early outlines of a conspiracy to try to feed false information to the fbi to enlist them into the political dirty trick. that's what these new documents are starting to hint at. let's see if he can make the case. if he does the headline one day in the history books will be clinton spied and clinton lied. >> hannity: when are the new york times going to give back those fake pulitzers?
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perfect timing for rachel maddow, the biggest conspiracy theorist in the country to be on leave. anyway, thank you for being with us. straight ahead the freedom convoy holding strong in ottawa. we'll speak with a spokes person for the truckers convoy. now, my friend geraldo has been villifying the truckers. we'll go one on one. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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history is only making the convoy stronger. a new poll finds a whopping 59% of likely u.s. voters support the trucker convoy. only 33% oppose. even some in the far left media mob are defending their right to peacefully protest. take a look at this new editorial from, of all places, the new york times, which i rarely read and rarely quote. protests are a necessary form of expression particularly for those who continue to demand nonpopular support. even the canadian civil liberties association are slamming this bizarre unprecedented and frankly dangerous reckless power grab, yet trudeau wants to launch an all out authoritarian crackdown on what has been a peaceful protest the whole time. what's justin gonna do? send in the police? crack some heads? arrest these truckers? imprison them? confiscate their rigs, fine them
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$100,000 as some reports have it? remember the same justin trudeau, that guy right there, who was kneeling with black lives matter and antifah. he's the guy that was saying he'd protect the rights of canadians to peaceful assemble. when it comes to an actual peaceful protest, he's calling these guys every name in the book. racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic. no evidence to back up any of these claims. now the provinces are pushing back against all of this and the extreme use of the emergencies act and these truckers are the heroes remember of the pandemic. they kept the world running. they stepped on covid grenades every day. they kept trucking. farmers kept farming. packers packed. nursers were nursing. hospital workers worked diving on covid grenades and working in a covid petri dish every day. trudeau wants to label them
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terrorists and destroy their livelihoods. here with reaction is the freedom convoy 2022 spokes person and board member benjamin decker. they're talking about arresting you, time in jail, fines, revoking your licenses and destroying your life because you're peacefully protesting? >> that's basically it. when i say peacefully protesting, i would call it more of a demonstration. what are we guilty of? some trucks parked illegally? okay. i'm not sure that warrants a response from the government. one of the things that they did include in this emergency act is it forces tow truck companies, under duress, to come in and tow the trucks. if they refuse to tow the trucks, then the government can say, fine, we're canceling your business license and fining you $100,000 or some obscene number
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like that. >> hannity: but the bottom line is, i'm reading that the tow truck operators, all of a sudden their equipment isn't working too well and they're not going to cooperate with the administration. cops are winking nodding saying we support you. i got to imagine military members don't want any part of going after brave canadians that are just expressing views. >> well, he said in his press conference that he's not going to call in the military. we were all laughing because our response was, yeah, you tried that last week and the military said, thanks but no thanks. we don't -- this is not within our privy. many of us have families in military and policing. that's how we found out. so you know what they say? a general without an army is a fool. a justin trudeau just hasn't
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realized that yet. >> hannity: the question is, what i think is very critical for the truckers is that they stay peaceful, as they have been. almost been a block party atmosphere, from what i can see. and that you hold the line. 'cause now you have five provinces that are supporting the truckers and eliminating the mandate. so you're racking up wins all around the country. you have the people's support. the only way that could be broken is if, say, some outsiders try to disrupt what has been a peaceful protest. do you agree? >> i agree. and that has been attempt for the past two weeks. there has been agents that have come in. but there's so many truckers that are either ex-military or from military families. they saw what happened in january 6. they're aware of not taking the bait that people will try to an
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tag tphaoeuz them. that's why, part of how it became such a friendly and peaceful atmosphere and everybody brought out their barbecues and they're cooking and feeding everybody. these are guys who live so much of their life on the road alone. and this thirst for interaction with people and to engage and meet their friends from across the country has been some of our biggest leverage. it's allowed so many of them to establish new friendships. it's really a beautiful thing. >> hannity: just keep it up and i think you're going to win in the end. all around the world all of these mandates are being lifted. maybe justin needs to follow the science and, for example, look at the john hopkins study. he might learn something. benjamin, good to see you. keep up the good work. unfortunately not everybody understands the power and importance of the freedom convoy. here's what our very own geraldo rivera has been saying about the truckers.
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>> their behavior has been nothing short of thuggish. they've kept people awake all night revving their engines, blowing their horns. they've deprived ottawa of businesses of tens of millions of dollars. now they're blockading the bridges. to give them the mantle of freedom fighters is appallingly naive. i am deeply embarrassed by the misguided affection you all are heaping on these people. >> you're embarrassed by us? >> i am embarrassed. >> what a turn around. >> they're hard working people. >> shame on them. shame on anyone who cheers them on. >> hannity: geraldo, you're a friend. i hate to say it, shame on you. they opened the bridges and opened them peacefully. but here you're talking about the heroes of the pandemic along with all medical professionals. these are the people that kept all of canada going in the toughest times of the pandemic. you're calling these guys, who
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don't agree with you, that are protesting peacefully thugs? you're calling them selfish, calling them self-absorbed. with all due respect to our friendship, you owe these guys an apology because they, frankly, deserve our praise for all that they did for, not only their country, but they showed bravery in the toughest moment the country was facing. >> i love you. you're my friend and my brother. i stand by every word i said. i want benjamin to explain why the teamsters union has, quote, denounced the on going freedom convoy that continues to hurt workers and negatively impede the economy. that's the truckers union. >> hannity: they opened up the bridge peacefully. >> sean, you -- you give them credit for opening up the bridge
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when they were facing court orders? no confrontation. what about the truckers who took out the crow bars when the police first tried to move them and hanging the -- banging the crow bars. >> hannity: what do you want? do you want the police to go in there and take -- do you want them to start cracking heads of truckers? for what? >> i notice when you put those surveys up, they were from last thursday. five days, five or six days ago. the latest survey i saw was 70% of the people polled are opposed to what the freedom convoy has been doing. >> hannity: what poll is that? >> i don't have the exact -- look it up. look it up. >> hannity: here's what i don't understand about you. you have made your living -- you have made a good living in your entire life doing amazing work throughout your career.
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you've made it having freedom of expression. you may not like their opinion. you may not agree with their opinion, but in a free society, if we don't allow for protests, peacefully protests like this, you don't have freedom. >> what about the freedom of the business owners? what about the freedom of the people who want to visit their capital city in what about the autoworkers who couldn't work because they have no parts? >> hannity: you're arguing a point from a week ago because the bridge is now open and commerce has continued. they're not in the way of any bridge any more. the question is, why do you go from 0 to 1,000 and how come people that were heroes just a year ago, you're calling thugs and selfish and self-absorbed. in the early days benjamin, your guest, noted how there were
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agents provacators. >> hannity: you're a provacator. that's how you get paid. you say things that are on your mind. you have freedom. >> is this nation now going to be held hostage? for how much longer? it's in his third week. >> hannity: how about as long as they feel it's worth fighting for? how about we believe in a concept that we give lip service to and it's called freedom and they have the freedom to disagree with the government mandate that the rest of the world is eliminating and half of canada is now eliminating. >> how do the teamsters denounce them? the teamsters denounced them. denounced them. >> hannity: i'm praising them and you're calling them thugs. i don't think they're thugs. >> their behavior has been thuggish. >> hannity: they actually are peaceful. they've been doing a great job. but they're standing up for something that they believe in.
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>> what about the group that was arrested in western canada with the heavy weapons and the extended magazines and the body armor? >> hannity: oh my gosh. geraldo, this has been like a block party. i'm telling every one of these truckers. they're trying to set you up to respond. stay peaceful the whole time. if they do that, they're gonna win. that's my prediction. give you the last word. >> what's the impact of the allies in the media of prolonging this agony? what is the impact of all your friendly loving comments? how long are they gonna stay there? how much longer do they cripple canada? >> hannity: do you know what? >> you have to live with that. >> hannity: last point. you have a mandate. mandate is you get a vaccine. you get the second shot. you get the booster. you can still get covid and transmit it. if you have a previous infection, natural immunity, and
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a booster you can still transmit covid. the science doesn't back up any reason to force this upon these guys if they don't want it. >> most of these guys are vaccinated. this has nothing to do with vaccines any more. >> hannity: it has to do with freedom. that's right. i agree with you on that point. thank you. coming up you won't believe the bizarre story that biden, what he told today. he brags about putting a dead dog on some woman's door step. i'm not making that up. then later the family of helena hutchens filed a wrongful death lawsuit against alec baldwin and others. we have the details straight ahead. ve. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go!
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event into story time with joey as he reminisced about putting a dead dog on a random lady's door step. we all needed to hear this. take a look. >> i got a call one night. woman said to me, obviously, not of the same persuasion i was politically. called and said, there's a dead dog on my lawn. i said, yes, ma'am. i said have you called the county? yes, they're not here. i said, well, i'll get him in the morning. she said i want it removed now. i pay your salary. so i went over it, i picked it up. she said i want it out of my front yard. i put it on her door step. >> hannity: good job, joey. you made a funny. here with reaction, mike huckabee, former trump white house chief of staff. you also talked about ukraine and russia today. we're looking for diplomatic
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solution. we're looking for a diplomatic solution. we're looking for a diplomatic solution. we can't guarantee the results. all i'm thinking is, if i'm president of the united states and putin wants a diplomatic solution, i'm not talking to putin until he pulls his troops back from the ukrainian border. right now putin has all the leverage. am i wrong? >> well, you're not wrong. you remember biden was the one that called himself a human gaff machine. problem here, sean, is that biden doesn't have a strategy. at least when trump was in office, he had a strategy. it was a carrot and stick strategy. on one hand, he was respectful to putin. he talked to him often. he said things that he was criticized for like, hey, wouldn't it be nice if we got along with russia? but, on the other hand, he sanctioned the daylights out of their energy companies. he sanctioned every company that had anything to do with the
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pipeline, if you recall that. the problem is that weakness abroad and trouble at home is a molotov cocktail of destruction. biden is stumbling and bumbling his way through every day. in the mean time, we need leadership in this country. unfortunately, 20% of the american public, only 20% thinks he's going to be a successful president. last week when cnn polled people around the country and said, can you name something that biden has accomplished, 58% of the people said nothing. >> hannity: they said no. let me ask you, mike huckabee -- >> we have an incurable disease. >> hannity: looks like vladamir has all the leverage here. all the concessions he wants. or he'll just walk into ukraine and nobody's gonna lift a finger to stop him. so he wins either way. >> welsh let's keep in mind that putin is a student of joseph
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stalin. recently, friend of mine, colonel friend of mine said you put your bayonet and you stick it. if it hits mush, you stick it. if it hits steel, you retreat. putin is following that stalin philosophy. he's probably going to find mush. if he does, he keeps going. only if he hits steel does he retreat and stop. so it's a good lesson from history, and there's no doubt that putin would love to see the recreation of the old soviet union. let's not kid ourselves. he's nothing other than a former kgb full blown communist that decided to kind of go along with the new russia. but only to the point that he could try to one day bring back the good old days of the soviet union. >> hannity: so either he gets ukraine or he gets concessions that whatever he wants, and i don't see joey stopping him at
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>> hannity: now tonight a big development in the alec baldwin fatal film set shooting as the family of halyna hutchins has filed a wrongful lawsuit for the death of hutchins. the family's legal team released this re-enactment of the shooting detailing the alleged sequence of events that led up to the fatal tragedy. don't forget, there's still an on going criminal investigation. here to break it all down former
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florida attorney general pam bondi along with brian carpenter back with us. pam, let me start with you. the criminal investigation continues. this is a lawsuit, we can't forget that baldwin waited a month to hand over his phone, which i found very odd. where do you see this going? >> well, sean, i think the lawsuit is very well taken. we often talk about criminal cases on here. but remember, in a wrongful death lawsuit, the standard is much lower. preponderance of the evidence. what do they have to prove? negligence. just by his carelessness or recklessness, in part, caused her death. that's it. and breach of duty, meaning he shouldn't have pointed a gun at her. causation, he shot her. and damages. so it's a much lower standard. i think like you said, he waited to turn in his text messages. also, he said it was a complete accident. if they have experts, sean, to
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say that that gun, the trigger pressure, could not have gone off accidentally and their re-enactment shows they say he pulled the trigger back and fired. was he joking around? probably. but he had a duty to not act that way on set. also, they're saying there were massive standards that were violated as to safety protocol on a set. he knew he was handling a real gun. >> hannity: brian, let's get your take. how did a live round get in that gun and who's responsible? >> it's a duality of responsibility. you have the responsibility to make sure safety is followed on the set and protocols are implemented. the other side is the armor and the props master, which are the studio mechanics side. it's their job as well to make sure that the protocol put in place is followed.
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they're the ones there. between the two of those, there are multiple levels that were in place and that have always been followed on other movie sets to keep anything from making its way into that atmosphere. it would be six to eight levels of protocol having been breached. >> hannity: i think this case gets won by the hutchins family or settled out of court. do you agree? >> i do. frankly, he should have tried to settle out of court immediately. i think his actions after spoke volumes especially if he lied about playing around with a gun. he posted those horrible things with his wife making him out to be a victim. i'm sure the family did not appreciate that. >> hannity: well, i wonder if an insurance policy is in place as well. more "hannity" after this. eds, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working.
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we have. thank for being with us. you make the show possible. set your dvr to never miss an episode of "hannity." don't forget my website. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham's show starts right now. i didn't get my hat in the mail today. >> laura: i fed-exed it today. it will get there tomorrow. now i have gotten you this too. can you read it. mandate freedom. >> sean: people are asking me how do i get my hat? >> laura: every month it's a different charity. 100% of my proceeds go to it a different charity. go to it laura all made in the usa. that's what we love. >> sean: i will put
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