tv Gutfeld FOX News February 15, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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all in what i do. it's unfortunate that i became a target of political messages. i have never have nor ever will have anything to do with politics. >> laura: wasn't he like best friends with the cuomo's. anthony fauci mandate freedom. see you tomorrow. >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: i didn't read this by the way. >> [applauding]. >> greg: clap like you are an audience and not some employees i dragged in here. how was your valentine's day day. kat spent the night in cuff. we could have spent it in jail as well. the bureau of alcohol, tobacco
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and firearms and explosives tweeted a plea it share information about a former partner involved in illegal activity. we will make sure it's a valentine's day to remember. you know i am a law and order guy. not the show. that sucks. i mean the real thing. this creeped me out. you never want to rely on bitter exes for anything. they could called 9-11 and say you be hold up in a basement. with really you are just eating pizza in your underwear. we obtained the first few phone calls to the atf.
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>> [phone ringing]. >> what is your emergency? >> my wife is eh rattic. drunk and doing arts and crafts. >> does she have a gun? >> yes, she is using it to stick rhinestones everywhere. >> that's a hot glue gun. >> she has a van full of ammon ium nitrate. >> we are on our way. >> my husband is acting crazy. >> alcohol or tobacco involved? >> no. >> firearms? >> we just watched all of the dirty harry movies. >> we will be right there. >> my boyfriend left for work and he is being such a jerk. there are weapons in the house? >> no, i am by myself. just me and my bikini. >> you called the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms? >> oh, i love a man in uniform. i am so lonely.
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are you lonely. >> so there is no gun present? >> i thought maybe you could bring yours. i need the long arm of the law. >> oh, boy. i will be right over. >> greg: there you go. it won't catch criminals. what is next starting a fight at thanksgiving to see which relative is strapped? we know snitches gets stitches. martha has that tattooed on her ankle. it was a cute idea. but it helped no one. especially kristena who was murdered by a homeless thief who stabbed her 40 times in her apartment. the killer living in a shelter because there is no place for the crimminally deraged. they should have gotten him a job as a cnn producer.
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he was freed on supervised release. how does that work. unless that means a cop following the cycle around i don't want to hear about it. it didn't work. this guy is locked up and figured out how to stay arrested. murder someone. that's the bar for inclusion which is the thing used by gangs. it only one of the killer's exes saw the atf tweet we could have tricked him and slapped the cuffs on him. you don't even lock up the people you already busted. it's the cart before the police horse. maybe figure out how to keep these monsters behind bars before you figure out clever
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ways to grab more. look at what we did 5 years ago before democrats screwed this [bleep] up. heinous criminals roam like free range chickens. these crimes keep happening. outrage on fox and then it's forgotten. many victims are asian. when will the asian leaders do something big. homeless thugs don't read tweets from the mayor's office. there is no asian lives matter fighting on your behalf. don't expect help from the dems. they literally doubt that women
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exist. aoc just blamed the crime surge on the expired child tax credit. >> we don't want to say things that are obvious. the child tax credit just ran out on 31st and now people are stealing baby formula. we don't want to have that discussion. we want to say these people are criminals or talk about people that are violent instead of environments of violence. and what we are doing to contribute or to dismantle that. >> greg: my god. that's causing all of the smash and grab and carjackings and stabbing. what an ignorant statement. these environments of violent were not so violent before loons like her got into power. planning trips to florida.
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we talked to the victim's families and poured over the stats and not one person was beaten to death for baby formula. the people struggling are not stealing baby formula. they are not safe on their way home. aoc these are women who bleed to death when they are stabbed. aoc claimed her life was in danger because of a riot in a building she was not in. dismisses murder as a problem over taxes? what is next. this woman was not butchered to death over baby formula. she was a young asian woman followed to her home. with they dusted the murder scene for prints they may
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haven't found your aoc but your bad ideas were an accessory. hosted of the "story" martha maccallum. she's been in more locker rooms than athlete's foot. michelle. and kat timpf. and he uses a leaf blower to make a salad. tires! michelle, welcome to the show. . >> i am excited to be here. >> greg: we are golden bears. >> i sent my diploma back.
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>> greg: you have regrets too? it wasn't good for me either. aoc, tax credit, baby formula. murder. i mean it's so simple. >> she might have learned that at cal. that's so bizarre. i grabble with every time she speaks. i ask myself: why do we pay attention to this woman? she gets tons of publicity because she is a master at that. people need to respond to the insanity she interviews. -- spews. she said the most important thing joe biden can do is por55 student debt? this was one of the headlines if the new yorker. -- she is very off and said that
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congress is in deep [bleep]. it's been that way for a long time. she did not help. >> greg: she makes it worse. she thinks he is above congress and lives in an abstract world. all of these practical things don't affect her. it's definitely baby formula. >> it's so twisted. in what world does this woman who represents new york not bend over backwards to talk about this woman who was followed 6 flights up by this man who is deranged and arrested 12 times in the past several years? why isn't she screaming that this man should be in jail and protect this beautiful young woman like herself that she has no sympathy.
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blaming it on baby formula. they were wiping it off the shelves and selling it on the black market. she said we ignore the reasons behind things. she is ignoring all of the reasons behind things. she doesn't know what is going on. >> greg: no. tyrus how do you feel about the ex's narcing story. >> i had 3 visits from the sheriff this weekend. >> [laughing]>> a lot of stuff. there were no weapons of mass destruction. that was nice. the idea to promote not letting it go and promote stalking in the name of the law is about as normal as someone saying to aoc
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when she said let's have that it conversation, go. you are walking out of that drooling and wealth yourself at the ridiculousness of her comments. they make no sense. i think it's by design. how are you are a socialist when you are complaining about how much money but get paid. either she was is an evil genius doing this for some other crazy reason or nobody bothered to read the row assume at the bottom. -- resume. people who voted will have to look in the mirror going she had a future. she had 2 vowels in her nickname. you thought that meant she had stuff behind it. >> greg: [laughing]. let's have that conversation. nobody talks about crime. >> nobody talks about baby powder. >> greg: no baby formula. >> no one knows better than me, greg. [laughing].
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>> i confused the two. was that embarrassing. don't put on leather pants with baby formula. right, kat? >> oh! >> greg: excellent voice work today on the skits. >> thank you. >> greg: the press secretary said that the rise in violence is because of height hate filled rhetoric around the pandemic. the homeless dudes are upset about asian people over the pandemic. >> i never see them reading -- i don't think that's true. aoc, not only did she say should go that ridiculous but she is like nobody is talking about and sometimes it's because it's
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dump. he is not a socialist. she has a french bull dog. that's not a rescue -- it's an expensive dog. they don't have sex with each other. they have to be genetically injured. >> greg: i believe everything she gets is from another person. >> i am not in a position of power. >> greg: you kind of. >> books for kids that don't read good. no one is talking about. >> [laughing]. >> greg: up next the road is blocked by a crater or canada needs a dictator.
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>> greg: peaceful protestors won't withdraw, trudeau is banking on marshall law. justin trudeau the most famous person ever color announced for the first time that his country invoked the emergencies act to crackdown on the trucker protests. the bouncy castles won't deflate themselves. heeding the measures will be time murder. here's prime miniature showing off his mom hairstyle. >> [laughing]. >> the federal government invoked the emergencies act to
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supplement the capacity to address the blockades and occupations. we are entering the third week of illegal blockades disrupting the lives of too many canadians. in our capt city families with small businesses have been enduring illegal obstruction of their neighborhood. occupying streets and harassing people. this is about keeping canadians safe. >> greg: the emergencies act grants the government more power. lawful protests don't qualify. it allows banks to freeze personal accounts.
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cnn continues to paint the protestors as something else. >> this devolved from vaccine mandate concerns to anger about just too many government restrictions. they want their freedom back whatever that means. >> greg: it's weird to have to tell a journalist what beaver that means. maybe he is not one. martha? my theory the prime minority got off to a really bad and won't admit he should start that means. >> let's meet in the middle. right. i blame pete buttigieg whom we don't hear a lot from. he go on the phone and said use your federal powers.
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they used their federal powers and truckers are send pictures of the texts they are getting saying we cancelled your insurance and no longer have a job. it reminds me of when prince charles was engaged to dianna and a reporter said are you very much this love. he said whatever that means. >> greg: martha was able to work in a royal reference. >> if you don't know what love and freedom are you better start at square 1. >> greg: i want to know what love is. >> exactly. someone should show you. >> greg: yes. kat, you love truckers. some think too much. why do you think that trudeau is clinging so tightly to the covid
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mandates? >> because he can't admit he was wrong. >> greg: thank you. >> this is crazy. it's not just the people who are there. but if you donated any money, they can freeze your bank accounts. there is a lot of ways to win an argument proving the other side was correct issont that list. -- not on that list. that's what he is doing. >> greg: he doesn't look like a prime minister anymore. he looks like a male baby-sitter. >> yes, there is something going on. launching laughing. it's funny. he comes out, i heard him say we need to be more feminine in our government. i have no problem with that. but there is a ying and a yang
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here. you are right about that haircut. >> he has the ear truck. >> here's the thing. i love these truckers. they were remind me of the boston tea party protests. they believe in this. people are calling them anti-vaxxers forgetting how many for vaccinated. it's about mands. -- mandates. they are not saying you should not be vaccinated. they are saying let us do our job. we were doing it very vaccines. let us keep doing it. i support these guys. you think you said earlier today we are not there. we don't feel the real 59 of
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this. trudeau should have sat down with them from day 1 and had it out directly across the table. hasn't done and it will end ugly. >> greg: what do you make of this mess, tyrus? >> maybe it's my month. black lives matter, that made me reflect and look back. it looks like the civil rights movement. when a group of people stand up the government devalues the people so it's easier when they force the police to it hit them with with hire hoses. this is not about skin color; it's about class. he will make speeches. he is saying that these lower classes have the gall to tell us what is good for them am we tell them what is good for them. they are ungrateful.
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>> greg: that's the reason why the media ends up on the wrong side here. >> they were in the civil rights movement and now. history repeating itself. this has nothing to do with skin color but the level of money and where they are in society. >> greg: freedom now is a like a dog whistle for vaccination. the media down plays the hillary scandal. we do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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you would not hear a peep about it. neither network dedicated prime-time coverage to it instead folks on trump's finances and the january 6th submit. this is a big story but inconvenient for the left wing media. it it's like a social degree. they wasted 4 years of your life and dismissed trump's claims there and dismiss this latest report now. it makes the democrats look bad which they don't like and makes us look better which they don't like even more. according to fox digital, durham's investigation accelerated and more people are cooperate. either the walls are closing in or i am really, really growing. >> both. >> i knew you were going to say that. tyrus. your thoughts on this?
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>> i don't want to have any thoughts on this. we know they spied on trump's administration. everybody did. it was nonstop. someone was telling something. had it no big surprise. my concern is that this becomes everyone's talking point instead of the same day your economy is worse than it's ever been and inflation is going higher. this is taking the heat off the biden administration. we know she did that. hit us with the indictments come but stay focussed on the fact the truckers situation, the covid mandates. don't chase this bone. keep the heat on him. >> greg: what does it say when a late night host like me does more news than a so-called news
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network? doesn't that make me the hero? >> yes. the story is complicated. that was the defense of some people for not covering because it's hard. if you are not a lawyer it could be difficult to know what to think. but what you can do is just report what happened. you always have that option. i don't think it's an excuse. you can read a little bit and say what happened rather than not say anything at all. >> greg: that was the strategy when the "new york times" said the pretend rebuttal. this is complicated. wee should want waste too much time. >> that's infuriating to me. there are a lot of tough things in life. you have to handle them. if you are a journalist i have to dig through it or hire a legal analyst to make it
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simple for everybody. i am with tyrus on had it point: i want someone held accountable. if no one is, you can get away with anything in this country. there's been so much that has gone wrong and laws broken and no one gets held accountable. the rest of us go, we feel helpless. it's insane. >> greg: the reason for the unaccountability you need an objective media. they only hold a certain side accountable. yesterday they said we will do a nothing to see here assumption and get the "new york times" to do this rebuttal and everybody will point to that.
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so they don't have to the work. >> it's curious how quickly their heads exploded. don't touch had it. what is hilarious they worked so hard to read a storyline into this entire russian collusion narrative and saying on one day when one story drops that everyone else is reading a storyline into it that should not be from. we don't upon that. on morning joe they went to a reporter who said time will tell whether or not payments were made and what those payments are for. take a deep breathe. let's wait. he is working on it. it will come to pass when durham is done. let's see what is there. >> greg: i wonder if this will
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hamper run in 24? >> not a little lit. >> greg: coming up twitter users. for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. >> greg: coming up twitter users. va little lit. >> greg: coming up twitter users. ena little lit. >> greg: coming up twitter users. a little lit. >> greg: coming up twitter users. and daily vicks super c f. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks.
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find new friends. find new roads. chevrolet. >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: hollywood's attention gutons rely on twitter shuttins. the oscar broadcast will include a new way to recognize popular movies by allowing fans to use twitter. users can vote for any movie use the market oscar fan favorite. democrats are calling it the most secured awards show in history. the movie doesn't have to be nominated for an oscar. this is hope for the art film i made in mexico earlier this year. my co-star should be dominated. it's hard to believe that donkey
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was acting. the movie with the most votes will be announced as part of the new unofficial category. the oscars are desperate. their ratings have been abysmal for years. like the olympics. a few people watching a bunch of communist. tyrus and you and i are movie-philes. did you look at the list? >> the move depressing. >> greg: that's the category. >> every movie is depressing. . that the doom was worse than the original. it's over. as an actor you would dream to make a speech at the oscars.
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now are leaving it open to the woke to pick their movies and give recognition to the 10% of 10%. real movie fans won't vote. you have just taken away the art and fed it to the mob. a movie that no one would watch by someone woke will get an award. >> greg: michelle, they have a new movie westside story. >> that sounds fascinating. >> greg: i believe it's a remark. are you a movie freak? >> i used to be. i grew up in l.a. i was a high school actress. we wanted to watch the red carpet. now it's the last thing i want to do is watch the oscars. i saw belfast on the plane and enjoyed it.
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the show lost me. this whole twitter thing is a gimmick to get people involved am it's so little and meaningless. i don't care. >> greg: i don't care but i will tune into watch to see how bad it is. some people do that with this show. [laughing]. it's not that funny. stop laughing. why are they laughing at me? >> i don't know. i used to watch the oscars. the biggest night of the year. i loved movies. i am so glad you printed this list out. i had no idea what was in most of the categories anymore. i think denzel washington was fantastic. that's what i would root for. he was wonderful. isn't it called the people's
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choice awards? >> greg: yes. >> doesn't that still exist. >> the people's choice and the second choice and could have been. >> this means the most to me because the people chose. at the academy people were annoyed about people on trirt doing it. the critics and could were upset. >> greg: i love the fact they are taking it away from the elite but the people who controlling are screaming weirdos. kat. >> right. >> i didn't mean it like that. >> i am a screaming weirdo. >> greg: you have not seen a movie in your life? >> no, it's been a few years. i don't like the oscars because it's not about me. i am serious. i have nothing to do with it. i won't watch it.
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now you can tweet to see if they picked the movie for the category that is not real. no one is going to watch. they don't do any tricks or anything fun. it's not about me. i am not watching. >> greg: i love giving out ideas to viewers at home. the perfect 90. the best movies that are under 90 minutes. all of these movies are 3 hours long. i grew up and went to movie theaters in the '70s. i know it's hard to believe that. >> you were reborn. >> greg: every movie was an hour and 20 minutes. they were 80 minutes. >> that's why you could go to it
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double features. >> greg: you would go in the morning and come out and it was night. we are so old. >> it's want not 90 minutes of good stuff. left on the cutting room floor. >> # stand on it. i will start a campaign to get my comedy an oscar award. >> greg: could pretending to like aoc help you reach date number 3? and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow!
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>> ♪ ♪ greg is your latest fling pretending he is left wing. just to get a quick poke. the latest dating trend is called woke fishing pretending to be progressive to lure patterson. -- partners. that's terrible. death expert alex miller brook told the daily mail that singles can protect themselves by asking their dates to elaborate on
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views or waiting to share your views. you could meet them at a hip downtown cafe and see if they smash the windows. turn on don lemon. if they don't run from the room screaming and throw up you found something who will throw veg an burritos at cops with you. mailing it in today, people. michelle, this is not new. woke fishing is what all guys did to pretend they cared about [bleep] what you were talking about. go to an animal rights concert. climb change rallies in the '80s and 90s. >> let's go to the plaza and protest apartheid because there
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are hot chicks. just sit somewhere with a puppy. the women will flock to you. >> greg: that's worse. what if you are a homicidal maniac. >> take that back. i did not give that pup. >> greg: i should go to a political rally with a puppy. >> you are right. aren't we always manipulating for a quick poke. no one cares. >> greg: i don't know what to ask you. i am afraid. >> i am a proponent of people meeting in person at a bar. the old-fashioned way with a bunch of friends. i don't remember us talking about fem anymore when he first met to get to know each other. that's the way things happen
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online. then the conversation goes on and on before they meet each other? >> i recommend meeting people in person. >> greg: kat when you were dating a guy would memorize a poem and would read a poem to you? >> one guy, now he's dead. >> greg: i don't think that was a joke. >> no, of course not. rest in peace. he is dead now. i didn't kill him. >> i am glad you cleared that up. >> greg: i think yours is a slow death. >> it's like i think the key is just don't care if they like you or not. >> greg: there are 7 billion
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people. >> it's not difficult to find a man who wants to have sex with you. just be yourself. >> greg: that's true. >> well, i can only speak from the guy side and not everyone wants to have sex with us. i have been a lot of things. i have been an astronomer. a poet. a mechanic. with i was 18 in a club someone asked me if i was fat dillion. i said sure. i have worn many hats to get ass. that's what guys do. we lie. the only thing we are not good at is getting out the lie and end up in marriages where we carry the lie and keep going and going and never not knowing the difference between a milky way in the sky or a bar. that's what guys do. that's our peacocking. we don't have true colors so we
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have to [bleep] a lot. >> greg: go to political events because the conversation is regard started. >> i will say this, greg, it will be last thing i say. most the time they don't -- you don't have to say much because they never stop talking. astronomy. >> are you saying they as in the women? >> i can't commit to that yes or no. >> [laughing]. >> you guys talk a lot and fill in the blanks. you are like the game with the blank lines. >> you were using the gender neutral pronoun. i respect you for that. >> thank you. >> them chicks don't shut up. >> oh my! >> greg: we don't like sexists around here. get your sexist butt out of
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here. yeah. >> that was a great save. >> i will add it this to the tape i am compiling. >> greg: we'll be right back. im? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ with ww, i lost 30 lbs and i feel incredible! i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. get started for just $10 a month at hurry, offer ends february 21st! hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business.
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>> we are out of time. thing gilbert shannon bream is next. i love you, america. ♪ >> welcome to fox news at night very time shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, former secretary of state hillary clinton confronted about the latest revelations from the durham investigation that allie do her 2016 presidential bid ma have exploited access to computer service at trump tower to get information on her arrival. we will show you her response i video from the daily mail
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