tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 16, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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first shot scoring six points in the game she nailed the first post game interview thanking fans for their support. no that's not patrick swayze and jennifer gray two basketball teammates hold off acrobatic finish during a game might not be how the coach drew it up but nice work. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. jesse watters under the wire. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: remember how great high school was? full of funny people. good time, maybe a few parties. you learn some important things about yourself. you're incredibly immature and you know next to nothing. you insist you are always right no matter what and refuse to listen to anybody else's opinion. in reality, you are an idiot. it's not the wonder years. it's the blunder years. you wear obnoxious clothing even though it looks terrible.
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but you can't see it at the time. strange things. i sure did. and you end with friends like these trouble makers. buehrle, buehrle. buehrle. >> bret: but when you grow up and become an adult you look back on those days and laugh at how foolish you were. your clothes, your hair, your friends, you realize you were completely wrong about everything. that's what the democratic party is going through right now for the last few years acted like children. pushing asinine policies hurt the american people. pretending like they know best when their foolishness was completely obvious. they supported riots. worshipped wokeness. the squad democratic hood ornament. recognizing their mistakes and when i say adults, i really mean
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pollsters. according to a report from politico, internal polling by house democrats showed them what we have been saying all along. they are unlikeable and out of touch. with the report highlighting the fact that some battleground voters think the party is preachy. judgmental, and focused on culture wars, who could have guessed that the average american doesn't want to see their representative auditioning to be a social lite on the red carpet or that voters didn't want to be judged for backing the blue during a crime wave. but don't worry, the democrats have an answer for that, too. the politico piece goes on to say that when faced with a defund the police attack for instance reiterate support for police. on immigration they said democrats should deny support for open borders or amnesty. and talk about their efforts to keep the border safe. democrats actually need polling
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to tell them the obvious american people support police and open borders. deny the lie and pretend like that's been their position all along. we are not stupid. we know they spent the last two years slandering police, calling them racist. defunding them, bailing out their attackers and making their jobs harder with these soft on crime d.a.s. just listen to them say it for themselves. >> not only do we need to defund but we need to dismantle and start anew. >> talking about the reduction of our budget and defunding the nypd budget. >> yes, i support the defund movement because this is about the investment in our communities which have historically been divested. >> i am for defunding the police. >> jesse: pro-crime messages like this filled the streets with blood. democrats were willing to sacrifice you and your safety to push their culture wars.
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and they want to know why the people are rejecting their message? isn't it obvious? people are getting hurt. financially and physically now democrats cooking up alibi midterms even though fingerprints are all over the wounds. rather than focus on real issues like the chaos at the border or out of control inflation. they wanted to make your child feel like a racist and call you a racist. for just caring about. >> i'm not schools and take out and make their own decisions. i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. >> i don't think we would think we believe that educating the youth and next leaders -- the future leaders of the country on systemic racism is indoctrination. >> republicans are using these words like critical race theory, which, again, is a law school curricula that is not even taught in schools. and their argument is well some
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teachers may be exposed to it oh, wow, so your child's teacher is not -- is anti-racist and is actually fluent in how to dismantle racism in the dynamics of racism in a classroom. >> yeah. >> that is something that teacher should know how to do. >> jesse: critical race theory, defund the police, this is what the democrats have stood for. it's a losing message. ask terry mcauliffe in virginia. democrats rejected at the ballot box. all across america in 2021. so what's their plan for the midterms. push more lies. the politico report goes on to say this. democrats need to demonstrate they fully understand and care about stressors in people's lives. and focus on the issues without stoking divisive cultural debates. got it democrats need to ignore all their failures on crime, covid inflation and immigration and do a better job pretending like they actually care about
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something. we know they only care about one thing, actually. and it's this. >> today democracy faces a new threat, the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol was one of the darkest days in the history of our country. >> in the aftermath of the january 6th violent insurrection and attack object citadel of our democracy. >> when an angry violent mob staged an insurrection on january 6th and desecrated our capitol the temple of our democracy it was not just an attack on the building. it was an attack on our republic itself. >> democrats know more about january 6th than they know about the price of gas. ask them how many people stormed the capitol that day and they will tell you. ask them how many illegal aliens crossed the border? they don't know. they know more about that date, january 6th than america's murder rate. so, the new message about compassion and how they support
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this and that. this isn't because they have done some soul searching. this isn't them reckoning with dangerous policies. just a prepackaged focus group tested message that they're using to hide their radical agenda. just until after the election. then they turn back into karl marx. democrats treat voters like children. they are the sneaky ones. we'll can't take our eyes off them for a second or they will get us all in trouble. the democrats are playing dress-up. because they know they are about to be punished for who they really are even voters in san francisco have had enough of the woke b.s., which is a pretty encouraging sign for us. if they can't win with a home field advantage like that, how can they expect to take people down in battleground states? but they have nobody to blame but themselves. children across the city were trapped in their homes during the pandemic. as classroom doors remain shuttered thanks to the stupid school board. rather than try to mitigate the
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exploding adolescent mental health crisis. the board decided this was a great time to rename some schools. they attacked schools named for george washington and abe lincoln. half of the faces on mount rushmore. and arguably america's two greatest presidents. while their students were glued to a computer screen instead of learning in also a throughout chickens have come home to roost. last night the overwhelmingly liberal city of san francisco voted to recall three board members including the board's president and vice president. parents and voters there sent a clear message to those in power. we will not stay quiet as you put progressive politics ahead of our children. >> there has been a change in the equillibrum in the landscape of who is being heard, who is at the table. this has shown that parents can't be ignored any longer.
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>> channel frustration something that lead [inaudible] >> there were so many people who are upset at the board because they are not listening. >> >> jesse: the people of san francisco have spoken up. and now it's time for the rest of america. the midterms will be here sooner than you think. we need you to stand up and make sure your voice is heard. get involved in your local race, volunteer, do a phoneback, some canvassing, whatever it takes. because, like the saying goes, you can't fix stupid. can you only beat it. here now dan bongino, host of unfiltered and fox nation's canceled in the u.s.a. funny how they are trying to play dress up dan. they will go out and hug some police officers, you know, maybe go to a grocery store. oh my god, these empty shelves. you think they are going to fool people or what? >> put a party costume on sharing is caring.
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all good. forget about all of that stuff. i was listening to your monologue there. i really enjoyed it taking some notes there too. you are right. what kind of an agenda is this? you must think people are stupid. i took a few notes. here is the liberal agenda. arrest warrants are good for illegal immigrants i.d. to get on planes. but you want to go into applebee's even if you are singing this song applebee's you can't even get in there without a vaccine passport. maybe if you had an arrest warrant. now, here's the question if you are illegal immigrant with arrest warrant but no vaccine passport can you get into a restaurant in new york city? liberals right now jesse are scratching their heads i don't know what to do. this is chaos. mensa person next to me to figure it out. all the great stuff you had. the government is perfectly okay to spy on donald trump. let's enhance its police powers. let's spy on every single person who is a political opponent. don't put a cop in new york city. there is a guy with a machete with a squeegee hacking people
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no, no. let him go. as long as he is spying on trump. maybe we should recruit him into the cia. one more. and i thought to myself, okay. here is another one. so you definitely can't go into canada. freedom body sovereignty, who believes in nil of that stuff, right? you can't cross that border. but illegal immigrants on the southern border. don't you worry. here's the thing illegal immigrants on the southern border. if you get -- don't get in a truck. if you get in a truck and put freedom on the truck you will be turned around and sent back definitely to central or south america. no question about it. what kind of an agenda is this? they must think people are stupid, really. >> jesse: dan, they are going to come across on the southern border. they are going to give a plane ticket. they will fly them to new york. and then they are going to send them here and let them vote in new york. they will pay for their college tuition. you could go hold up a liquor store with handgun. they will let you walk with no bail. and then you just get to send home cash untaxed to your
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friends and family. and then that's how they treat these people but us, you know, if you don't wear a mask, you could go to prison. that's where we are right now. >> you are right. i did -- i have done monologues on this a couple times on my show about how, listen, you know, remember john edwards the prell guy remember him with the hair cut? >> jesse: never forget that. >> $400 hair. it's free i cut my own with a razor. that's why my head is so ugly. i have a face for radio. this guy used to give a speech about two americans. a liberal giving a speech. he was right just for the wrong reason. liberals created the two americas. you just totally -- come here illegally, violate all of our lays. you get a free plane ticket. just tell someone have you got family anywhere in the country. if jesse watters crossing back vacation van vancouver. if they don't know it's waters and this is your world you could
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find yourself handcuffed in the country illegally can i get a plane ticket back to new york i don't want to miss my fox show on monday. no problem, go ahead. two two america liberals created it. >> jesse: this is my world. that does not work. that actually slowed things down. i wanted -- >> i won't replicate that. >> jesse: how important do you think what happened in san francisco was? it seems pretty important to me that this is where the left has kind of hit a limit. i didn't know they had a limit. i thought they said yes to everything. finally they said no to something in san francisco. this seems like a pretty big deal. is it a big deal to you? >> yeah, it is a big deal. the problem with the left long time. they don't know how to talk to people. a great article written a while ago, i think town hall. forgive me exactly what it was. it said the thing that stops large scale smoking in the united states everybody knew how to talk a smoker their mom and dad.
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mom that's nod good good for you, bad for your lungs. the left don't know how to talk about people about racism and don't know how to talk to people about guns and keep losing this argument. if you believe in the right to self-protection. you are a mass murderer and you want kids dead that's disgusting. if you believe in treating people equally not the color of their skin wait you are a white supremacist or ally to white supremacists you are like are you guys crazy? the left has not figured out to talk to americans. it's really convenient. you send a leftist to a cpac convention or trump peal, you know, nothing happens to. they outlines of some isolated incidents. people will welcome you. maybe you will get a little jeering. you go to some of these leftist antifa rallies you are lucky to make it out off this without getting a bottle across your head. ask andy ngo. they have lost their ability to talk to people. in san francisco you see the ram ramifications for that it wasn't close, jesse. they were kicked out in a route. >> jesse: they don't know how to talk to people because they
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♪ ♪ >> did you phi trump campaign. when you are going to comment on the trump campaign. did you phi have him spied on. >> jesse: bombshell durham report hillary clinton finally broke her silence with a tweet. big surprise. she is calling it fake news. spun up by fox and the guy who beat her in 2016. this gives hillary's fans in the media permission to finally
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cover the story. as long as they follow the talking points she sent out. these were written by a left wing hack in the gossip rag vanity fair. you know the magazine that killed an expose on jeffrey epstein at the request of some very powerful people? and instead opted to plush a puff piece called the talented mr. epstein. at the end of the day, nothing hillary's media mob can say will change the fact that the dnc's lawyer was criminally indicted by durham for lying to the fbi trump's computer systems were inappropriately accessed. multiple trump associates were wiretapped. under cover fbi agents were used against his campaign. evidence was doctored. they used foreign agents against the campaign. and hillary paid for the dossier which was filled with russian disinformation. here now senator josh hawley of
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missouri. i just think hillary clinton doesn't even know what she is doing. she points to vanity fair? to show how to cover something? they covered up the epstein deal. senator hawley, do you think she is aware of that. >> what i think is happening now there is was collusion after all in the 2016 campaign. the collusion was between hillary clinton and some tech executives who did, in fact, spy on donald trump who did, access his email servers. and worse than that, who went on, according to special counsel, went on to try and infiltrate that is spy on the executive office of the president of the united states. i mean, this is some crazy, crazy stuff that hillary has been involved in and now it turns out the clinton campaign was really just a criminal enterprise which is what we have known all along. somebody should go to jail for this and i hope the special counsel is pretty soon going to be talking to hillary clinton. >> jesse: can you do anything
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about this? you must have some sort of subpoena power. you are a powerful senator. you are on a bunch of really important committees, senator. there must be something you can do. at least kick up some dust with these people. >> i think i just discovered a good use for that january 6th committee over there in the house. once republicans take back the house in november if that committee wants to look to interference in presidential elections start there the 2016 presidential election that hillary clinton tried to steal by colluding with big tech, by spying on her opponent and, yes, by lying to the fbi and then lying to federal courts. that looks like something that's worthy of investigation to me. >> jesse: they want to investigate you for a mug that you are selling on a website i don't know what the big deal is a mug. this a scandal in d.c. would you like to issue a statement, senator? >> absolutely. i mean, it's such an outrage they say that i am fearlessly
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and unrepentedly representing my state. you know, people said, jesse, they said that i would -- that i was supporting a riot back on january of of 6th. they said i was stirring up insurrection. all lies what i have been doing and what i will continue to do is to represent the views of the people of my state, stand up for election integrity and fair elections. if you want to buy the mug go to josh >> jesse: you can't do this, you can't put the fist up. you can't do hands up don't shoot. how dare you do the fist. just wrong. thank you, senator. >> thank you. >> jesse: fresh details about the sexual assault allegation this brought down chris cuomo and could bring down cnn. ♪ aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up.
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can is going down in flames. the man with the match is chris cuomo. turns out this was inside job. it all started back in march. when cuomo went on the air and said he would not cover the sexual harassment allegations against his brother. governor andrew cuomo. watch. >> obviously i'm aware of what is going on with my brother. and obviously i cannot cover it it because is he my brother. now, of course cnn has to cover it. i have always cared very deeply about these issues. and profoundly -- >> jesse: turns out that last line was the undoing of his career and maybe cnn, too. a former abc colleague of chris cuomo saw that clip and it enraged her. how dare he say he cares deeply sexual harassment, when shoe knew he had very big skeletons in his own closet.
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when cuomo was at abc he allegedly invited this woman, who is still currently unnamed to his office for lunch. when she got there. there was no lunch. he just badgered her for sex. she turned him down. answered allegedly attacked her. years later at the height of the me too movement, chris reached out to his alleged victim saying he wanted to do a segment to promote her pr firm. maybe he had a guilty conscience. maybe just wanted to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. fast forward to december. the former abc producer's allegations wound up on jeff zucker's desk just after jeff zucker suspended cuomo for the thing with his brother. that was the last straw. the man who turned cuomo into a star. he fired chris that week. cuomo's revenge tour began that day. he went on a war path plotting the demise of his former friend.
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and he succeeded. while cnn investigated cuomo, they uncovered zucker's affair with chief marketing officer allison gollust never disclosed to h.r. despite the fact it was an open secret at the network. zucker resigned last month and gollust was forced out last night. all that's left at cnn is a fiery crater and jeffrey toobin. here now outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany and washington examiner columnist deanna lowe. kayleigh, you were at cnn. you worked with cuomo. you know zucker. this looks like it could blow up even further. you now have three powerful people out on very bad terms. what is next. >> yeah. i think this could go further. clearly we have seen it happen like dominoes. jesse, you are right i was there. i used to sit on 8 on 1 panels,
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8 leftists including the host and myself a trump supporter, a conservative. and i had to listen to them lecture me about president trump and ethics and this and that i got a word an apple is an apple and banana is a banana. we are cnn. it turns out they didn't, jesse. they elevated governor cuomo and chris cuomo with all of this going on behind the scenes. no room for them to be lecturing anyone on ethics. they should have been looking in the mirror. >> jesse: i do too when you compile the ratings disaster. i think they are at seven year low in terms of viewership. tiana, do you think the revenge tour continues? cuomo out. gollust out, zucker out. they might want to burn the place down what are you hearing? >> oh, of course. this is just the beginning. look, cnn spent four or five
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years obsessed with the idea of kompromat. we never figured out what the russians had on trump it looks like we are finding out right now what chris cuomo and who knows how many other cnn staffers have on jeff zucker. the fact is this is why you don't do business like this. maybe it's fine in mafia or organized crime for everybody to be involved by having dirt on each other. in this case all it took was one domino to fall. that was andrew cuomo. it's like a russian nessie doll of scandals, andrew cuomo's sexual harassment issue chris cuomo using his position to help them. and it turned out now jeff zucker and apparently with chris cuomo to help andrew cuomo and now they are all sort of in this three-way firing squad where no one is going to come out alive and talking about millions of millions of dollars gollust isn't going to let this go.
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jeff zucker. leaving them for ruin. >> jesse: i hate to say we told you so, but we told you so. ladies, thank you guys so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> thank you. >> jesse: how do you know black lives matter is in big trouble? they are calling in the fixer. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair.
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>> jesse: the seattle area school district is bringing back segregation and they are defending it meetings just for black families who were told they feel uncomfortable around white people. jason rantz live in seattle with the latest. this isn't true, is it it? >> unfortunately, it is. apparently that whole concept
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separate but equal is not covered in critical race theory. so this controversy right now is unfolding in the school district just outside of seattle. the school board is replacing a retiring superintendent. they are holding different meetings to get input from parents. kudos to them. segregated. the first meeting is tomorrow night. it was labeled in part meeting for parents/guardians of color. , which of course, the translation is white parents need not show up. go to the other meetings. after hearing an earful from angry and offended parents at this last school board meeting which, by the way include parents of color. separate but equal meeting, watch the school board president justice racism at this meeting. >> it was really an intent from the board to be able to hear from our historically marginalized family. we have heard from those families before and we understand that sometimes the
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environment isn't comfortable. so having them surrounded by other people similar to them makes it easier. so our intent was to create more welcoming an environment and to be more inclusive. >> jesse: so, they are promoting inclusion and diversity by holding segregated meetings. thought board has since changed the language. they are basically explaining why they are doing it this way. necessarily believe they heard from a bunch of marginalized families? i think we would all say it's racist if white families wanted separate meetings because they felt uncomfortable around black families. let's call this what it is. it's racist. >> jesse: it is. i can't believe it's happening. jason rantz, always in the know, thank you. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: another day, another scandal for black lives matter. one of their radical activists, ready? been charged with trying to assassinate a name named greg
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greenberg, democrat running for mayor. of course jumped at the chance to blame the attack on republicans. a former biden campaign staffer tweeting insane. lunatic attempts to aasan sin nate. conspiratorial right wing rhetoric i'm afraid this is going to get much, much worse. of course the shooter wasn't a right wing lunatic he was a left wing lunatic. quinn tez brown is a cop hating anti-gun activists who actually and on joy reid's show in 2018 to talk about guns. listen. >> we won't gun reform. if you are not going to give us that, then we are going to get everyone out here to vote and we're going to vote you out of office. if you want to keep your job. you know, give us whatnot what we want but what we need. >> jesse: that's not all. he posed with al sharpton at an event. i take pictures with people, too. so you never know. but obama, his foundation called
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this shooter a rising face in 2018. they can really pick them. if you thought a little assassination attempt would cause blm to cut ties with brown, you would be wrong. blm louisville sprung 100 gs in bail money to get him out. why didn't they just pull that money from blm's headquarters? they had like 06 million lying around, right? oh, i'm sorry, it's still missing. we have some good news, black lives matter has teamed up with a group of people who are great at working with shady cash. the clintons. minion moore a long time ally and confidante of bill and hillary has been placed on blm's board of directors to oversee the missing money. that's not all. they have called in the fixer. you are jimmy right this is your house. >> i'm mr. wolf i solve problems. >> good. i have got one. >> that's what i heard.
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>> the wolf himself hillary clinton's top election lawyer, one of the democrats' dirtest dirtest trickster marc elias. the up washington examiner blm's books are in the care of the organization that's located at the address of the elias law group. and it's not just that one filing, multiple blm reports list his firm as one of their addresses. so, who exactly is marc elias? here is a reminder hillary's top election lawyer, the same guy who pushed the russia hoax. the russians hacked the dnc server but wouldn't let the fbi see it. he has worked to undermine elections by burning for election laws toes loosened right before the 2020 elections. is he deeply tied into soros money. making millions off democrat gerrymandering districts. he knows how to squirm, lie, and get what he wants by any means
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necessary. so he will fit right in at blm. joining me now project 21 co-chair and author horace cooper. horace, there is something just so tacky and pathetic about the clintons swooping in when $60 million is missing from black lives matter. is anybody seeing how terrible this is? >> well, first observation i would make with marc elias is apparently avenatti isn't available. whenever you are trying to take, steal, misrepresent resources, you have got some go to people on the left side in the legal arena. but the real tragedy is even paying attention to this abuse of the charitable legal service was options that's called blm.
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what are they doing bausbying million dollars mansions in canada. out of the north american region. what's going on, why doesn't the "new york times" care? >> jesse: that's interesting. let's look at why do you think the clinton team took over the blm charity, mired in scandal and financial shenanigans? do you think it's to create allies black movement? do you think it's perhaps to. >> ha! >> jesse: you laughing? >> it's cash. >> jesse: that's what i thought. >> cash is king. and their goal and the reason that they bring their powerful influence to bear bear they see a lot of corporations apparently don't care you are willing to
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put 20, 30, 50, $60 million on the table interested. if you are not concerned about where this $60 million can go they certainly have some good ideas. then they can double it. >> jesse: they can. and, you know, this blm story is disappearing about as fast as the waukesha killing. you know? boom. off the front pages like that. >> i just want to say this really quick. i don't understand how so many americans who are concerned about crime are ignoring the fact that nearly a dozen people were killed during the blm promoted riots of 2020. and now we have mr. brown himself, an accused murderer or attempted murderer, and we are bailing him out. why would the clintons or anyone else want to be associated with them if it's not for the cash?
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>> jesse: yeah. i wonder how joy reid feels, you know? one of the guests on her shows is now charged with attempted murder? hopefully no guests on "jesse watters primetime" has been charged with attempted murder. because i would be distancing myself very quickly. real quick. >> jesse, i think she -- i think she is going to hire the fbi to investigate how this guy, an accused killer got invited on her show. that's what she does when she does hate tweets. >> jesse: yeah. that's true. it's a cover-up like always. thank you horace. >> thank you. >> jesse: why are birds falling out of the sky. why are we being forced to eat insects and why are bulls charging at bicycles? we have the answer in a must see mystery tour next. ♪
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long day, huh? [sfx: beer can opening] hey buddy! you want a sam adams? your cousin. from boston. ♪ ♪ wickeds all around! cheers! get it girl. robots! robots! robots! this is the best night of my life. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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. >> jesse: time for another installment of stories you just have to see it believe. joining me now for the three wildest stories of the day is radio host grace hurley. all right, grace. so, guys, biking and then a bull charges them? what happened here? >> yeah, you have heard with running with bulls this is bike riding with bulls. this man was determined. i mean i think that a lot of
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cyclists are very determined, especially when someone is in the bike lane and this guy just did not stop. i'm going to say bull one bike rider zero. >> and do we know if he is okay. because it would feel pretty awkward if he wasn't and we just showed this video. >> he is okay. he says he has had a little bit of whiplash but he is okay. i think he actually continued the race. so very strong bike rider. >> jesse: that's the attitude just keep on riding. next we have the "new york times" wants us to eat insects. are they trying to punish us or is this a global warming thing? >> they are not trying to punish you, jesse, they are trying to save the planet. okay, maybe save you a few bucks. the price of meat is very expensive right now. put the ribeye aside, go for the lime cricket chili tacos, i don't know what they're. there is a lot of different meal options here. the point is it's going to save you money and going to help the earth which is i know what's most important to you.
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>> jesse: it is. you know we well. our producers tried like hell to get to you eat some crickets for this segment but the crickets were out of season, apparently. >> we're still going to do it. >> jesse: still going to try to get you to do it. maybe next time. finally the sky is falling. watch this dozens of black birds dropped dead in thin air on to the streets of mexico. are the cartels responsible here? >> this looks like suspecting it out of the alfred hitchcock movie. it's very frightening. but i guess it's not completely uncommon guessing there was some sort of hawk or predator going after them. they all went down at once. this is a good lesson you shouldn't always follow you should lead. >> jesse: okay. all right. thank you very much. grace, and, again, you will be eating bugs. you do not have a choice. thank you. >> oh, boy. >> jesse: cnn fakes the weather for ratings. you have to see this.
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the craziest cnn thing i have ever seen. and i read some of your texts. ♪ ♪ (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. (vo) imbruvica is a prescription medicine for adults with cll or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. imbruvica is not chemotherapy- it's the #1 prescribed oral therapy for cll, proven to help people live longer. imbruvica can cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. bleeding problems are common and may increase with blood thinners. serious infections with symptoms like fevers, chills, weakness or confusion and severe decrease in blood counts can happen. heart rhythm problems and heart failure may occur especially in people with increased risk of heart disease, infection, or past heart rhythm problems. new or worsening high blood pressure, new cancers, and tumor lysis that can result in kidney failure, irregular heartbeat, and seizure can occur. diarrhea commonly occurs. drink plenty of fluids. tell your doctor if you experience signs of bleeding, infection, heart problems, persistent diarrhea
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4:57 pm
♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'd like to end tonight show by taking you back to simpler times. it was september 2019, donald trump as president, and sharpiegate was the media's latest obsession. trump was briefing the american people on what to expect. he said alabama could be one of the states impacted by the storm. many argue that wasn't true, but trump insisted he was right. a few days later, he shot a reporter is a map of the hurricane. the media had a complete meltdown. they said trump was lying about the weather.
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>> trump repeated the law over and over. he faked a map in the oval office. >> this insane sharpiegate ensued. he pushed it so far. you have a president not only ignoring the facts, he's trying to deceive the public. >> the term "sharpie gate." forget about the sharpie, this is line about our hurricanegate. >> jesse: what cnn today puts the sharpie gate thing to shame. cnn pushed the most ridiculous fake news weather simulation i've ever seen. just to scare us into paying more taxes to the government to fight global warming. watch. >> before and after pictures are astonishing. if you look at lady liberty here, less violent, complete inundation. we are looking at some
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worst-case scenarios. the government thinks it's too expensive. if you think it's too expensive to change our policies to get into renewable energy, try moving cities out to the west as well and around the world. >> jesse: they wonder why the ratings are tanking. time now for some texts. barbara from boston, massachusetts, "politicians and diapers must be changed often for the same." "do you change jesse jr's diapers?" i have changed them, i try to avoid it. here's a message from mark, "do you think the jobs numbers are up because retired people, spouses, and kids have to go to work to pay for bidens inflation tax." "how were donations to the
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clinton foundation been going?" how are they doing question what seems like they've been drying up. "how do we fix a completely corrupt government? from the inside out." you can text me anytime. tucker carlson is up next. always number one thing. i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to >> jesse: dome xp 23. if you ever had kids in middle school, you know what sustained emotional drama looks like. everything is really placid up until about seventh grade, than the four horsemen of the adolescent apocalypse arrive. hormones, homework. the
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