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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 17, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST

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the time we have left u this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. yo you make this show possible. we thank you for that . please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. the ingraham angle is up next . you i didn't get my hat. no one coming on friday. it's coming up tomorrow mmwr. yes,'s it's coming up. a great guest tonight . you have the member of parliament in canada that oh, that trudeau the little wannabe dictator. so you're supporting a people with swastikas. what is he talking about? l aummwr? well, when you a when you're losing the argument, hannity, you have to respond with pure pejoratives and unfortunately it's gotten caught. he's gotten caught in a trapng now and he can't get out of it. but we're going to we're goingm to pick it up where you left off. this is the hatte that sean's about to get . freedom matters ammo. >> you've got it made in the usa. all right, hannity awesome show.m ah i'm laura ingram . this isam this ingram from washn
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tonight . and as sean just said, the blowback continues to buildj against justin trudeau and hisus dictatorial moves and todaygu his disgusting description will playing a little bit of the freedom convoy and its supporterspo. i am a strong jewish woman and a member of this house and a descendant m of holocaust survivors that have never been made to feel less except foren today when the prime minister accused me of standing with swastikas. i think he owes me an that member of parliament melissa lensmenbe joins us exclusively in moments. you don't want to i miss it, but first, payback time. that's the focus of tonight'sle @ngel now watching joe biden'spp plummeting approval ratings continue to slip keeps going down. it's like watching a game of limbo. to yourselfderingng how low can joe go? g a newo political morning consult poll gives us a snapshot in time and it's ugly for the white house. 43% approve now of biden's job
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performance. 53% disapprove. now among key demographics, he's underwater women. they're running away from him a suburbanites they are too. and independents forget about them. look at those numbers now on the pandemic. just 39% approve of the job biden is doing and 57 percent disapprove of that support mask' mandates, vaccine mandates. it's also dropping and localities across the country are following suit . r so todayig in the parents rights hotspot of loudoun county, virginia, they just announced that mass would bee optional starting next week. now this came just hours after gov. glenn youngkin signed a new law requiring schools to go mask optional by march 1st. >> so everywhere you look, there are bad omen for democrats. even their political heavyweights are feeling a the heat like illinois billionaire gov. jay pritzker.
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he was just slapped down by a bipartisan legislative committee which voted nine to zero to suspend his emergencyon covid rules. now they obviously saw the writing the law after a state judge had already granted a true ensay of parentst from one hundred school districts that oppose schoolsc mandates. what's amazing about this though is pritzker seems totally unfazed. he's still weighing his options . doctorsas say that masks are the best way to preserve in-person learning and keep children and staff safe. everyone should feel comfortable wearing their masks and either way the nextis step s to hear from the appellate court and go from there next . perhaps more shocking, though, is the realization that even over left wing san franciscansns can they could be pushed too far. outraged parents there successfully voted to recalled three radical school board members just last night.
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so the warning signs for the democrats are flashing red . >> people want change. the sports and entertainment industry has moved on as well from the mascot super bowl to spring time live music events. m two of the most populary festivals announced today they were ditching all covid roles novac means no masks, not even negative tests are going to be required forgo entry. good for them but bad for p the democrat party that banked on these rules to k keep them in power by keeping you scared. the handling of covid isn't the only thing that's dragging him down. politico is reporting tonight that private polling from the dcc shows a gopsu attacks using issues suche as critical race theory defundf the police and open borders or amnesty are alarmed, potentep and if democrats don't respondn to republican attacks on these g issues, the gop's leaden on the generic ballot jumps from four to 14 points in swing
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districts. okay, let me just say this for points that would mean a complete wipeoutut for the democrats in november. but get readyea. i promise you that one by one vulnerable democrats will attempt to pivot or to turn the page or reframe the narrative. they're going to say things like, oh , we were always planning to drop the masks or we were never really for defunding of police or we think some prosecutors are too soft. on crime. ct and of p course they're going to say we respect parents rightsin to speak out at school board meetings. i'm telling you tonight believe none of this they're lying. every key democrat on the hill except maybe joe manchin and kirsten sinema, they line up with the left on mostst major issues. se so don't believe these so-called moderates will only speak outmo against the radicals when they're backed into a political cornere. le
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people likect montana's jon tester who's up for reelection this year, the national democratic brand in i think in rural america generally is doxxed honestly, i don't think the democratic party can be a majority party unless we start feelingng a little more. >> a lot more . oh , what a phony so-called moderate mark kelly and arizona both tester are just as responsible for their party's lurch to the left ach as chuck schumer and durbin.y like where were they when the schools issue really blew up? where werewe they when blm was terrorizing our cities? you hear him speak outit that so this summer when democrats return to their home statesar and they're arguing that their areon sense policies what got us through the pandemic and back to normal life, just laugh in their faces respectfully. of courseecour they have literay nothing to do with freeing america. we freed ourselves and you should be proud of that and be
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grateful for the leadership of president trump who knew early on that we had to reopen and we had to all go back to work and get back to normal. and what would would any of us have done withoutveve the republican governors who fought themselves for the people and they thought for themselves they didn't feel boundl by the guidance of unelected bureaucrats like tony fauci like trump and they were relentlessly attacked for it. so this is a time to be proud of who we are a parents, mothers ,working class people, new citizens of all b backgrounds, professionals. we're americans and we know our rights and we expect results from the people who swore to uphold the constitutionn and we'll give people the benefit of the doubt for sure. but our patiences has its limits. we're not going to be played by charlatans. . so stop insulting our intelligence. we know what you did and we
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know what you're planning to doy if you really get a stranglehold on power and we will stop you at the ballot box because november is payback time and that's the angle. jo now joining me now is someonea who fought for her citizens throughout the pandemic, iowa governor kim reynolds. governor, should biden and the democrats have any running room victory over covid after what they've done? no, absolutely not. and thanks for for having me on tonight. i appreciate it. youey know, a little bit too lav .e you know, we've seen the democrats and the biden administration's n start to change their strategy when it comes to kovik and you can be rest assured that it's based on polling and not science nwe in iowa. we let p west put our trust in iowans to do the right thing and we're better off because of itf get. we were one of the first states to get our kids back in
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the classroom and that was august of 2020. we banned mask mandates and we said parents should be the ones making that choice, not government. we kept our businesses open and our economy moving and we're better off because of it. you know, as a former governor ,my responsibility is to keep iowans safe while not infringing the rights of iowans. but you were present governor romney controllede you because i had you on the show. we had that big governor's town hall. t you were so nice to appear that you were trasheded as were the other republican governors . you're killing people. you don't care about the kids yy . you don't care about the teachers. but i have to ask you what kept you, you know, on the straight path to freedomfr and to respectingng the truth about what was happening just just believing in iowa and putting my faith in iowans and personal choice versus mandates and where they came through at every turn they didd what they needed to do and we're better off from it. yeah, i was i was challenged
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as welcome to iowa, the state that where the governor is going to kill you because i lifted mandates because we put the kids back in school. we did it safely and responsibly. we base the decisions on data that we had in iowa. and you know, another reason iowa supplies 10% ofwe the nation's food supply. and so we had an obligation topl keep the food supply chain moving and to keep the grocery stores and food on the table. and iowans stepped up and did it and ie really time and time again put your faith in iowans and they'll do what you need tou do. is well, nancy pelosi is trying to come up some new talking points for all these disastrous policies and effects of the democrats policies like skyrocketing inflation. talk watch. let me just talk a about inflation because we're saying, well, what we're spending is causingon the fact that people have jobs always contributes to increase in inflation and that's a good thing.
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governor, now the midwest is particularly hit hard by these inflationary pressures. your response to her explanation for inflation? well, it's ridiculous. we've seen over in the small state of iowa we've seen over nine point two billion dollars of federal mon money ths come into the state. it's driving the cost of goods. it's ridiculous the way that they are approaching that we kept our businesses open. we kept our economy moving, record tax cuts, record investments and in public education and workforce and housing and daycare and broadband. and weed still ended our fiscal year with a one point four dollars billion surplus and all billion dollars in cash reserves. and so we'reh r going back and we're cutting taxes again. we're empowering iowans. he we're helping them get the skills they need to fill the jobs and we're moving forwarderd. that's despite what we're facing from the federal government. that's despite increasing pe inflation at a 40 year high. well, i want people toun understand straightde, governor,
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you're like on the stump here tonight . i love that . but here's what i want. you know, i'm going to pay you. i want to know what it does work. but i want gh i want people to know that you your policies worked because you're pretty w popularop in the state. i think your approval ratings around 50 1%. but the des moines register, i'm sure they don't like any b f these developments because they wish your political opponentol, this woman, deirdre dodgier, who is going to runat against you that she shared according to the des moines register that her campaign had just eight thousand five hundred dollars in the bank at the end of the year,an a number so smally that many wondered how the campaign could even continue to operate as democrats grapple with the wide ranging implications for the governor's race for downbelow gal candidates and for iowa voters in twenty two and beyond. governor corvalan, i mean you don't want to go down but you have to take anything for. granted. well,n i know that .
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but you have millions of dollars in the bankto going inth this election cycle. she has eighte thousand five hundred is already blown through a couple of hundred thousand dollars. is this a blueprint for other governors races across the country? i thinkoi you're going to see that in state after state. we have great opportunities to flip a lot of states that are led by democratic governors that the gov narratives my narrative is the same that you see in republican s states across this country that are there in states acrosso this country that are led by republican governors. we've got the right message. we've put the right policies in place. we believed in our people. we kept ourwe states open and wi are seeing a significant difference because that's where i'm all over the state. 'm the ti talk to iowans all th. i spend a lot of time at our state fair. you're familiar w with that. and i can't even begin to tell you the number of moms and students and families that came up and just saidr b thank you for being with us. thank you for protecting our freedoms while they see what's happening in new york and chicagopp and all these othr cities and states and they don't want that . governor runnelsee, great to see
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you tonight . thank you . and the politico morning council pollls also found that nearly half of americans want mask mandates s to end. but don't expect biden to listen, at least not yet. he remains committed to the advice of the vaunted cdc. so instead of moving with the public, be out of stepow directn doubled down today. >>e if and when we update ouric guidance, we will communicate clearly and it will be based on the data and the science as we consider future metrics which will be updated soon. whi we recognize the importance of not just cases which continuech to result in substantial orco high community transmission and over 90%mm seven percent of our counties in the country. but critically, medicallyri severe disease. >> joining me now is dr. marty makary, professor at johns hopkins school of medicine, author of price we pay the price we pay dr. macquarrie. now it seems like a fairs a fa questionir to ask at this point. why would anyone listen to the cdc c? aw
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well, some of the most flawedho and misleading studies of the entire pandemic have come s from our own cdc. the two studies on natural immunity which went against i one hundred and fifty other studies showing that it's s effective the maricopa based study, the kansas math study, all t of these studies would not have passed any muster in a respected medical journal. but the cdc has its own journal called memoires, which is notje subject to independent peer review. so what they do is they hoard hs the data. they don't release the underlying raw data to researchers around the countryow and in their own timen they publish in their own journal with their own conclusionss which often are not derived from the data presented itself. have is tu this unprecedented trend of using scientific research for political propaganda. and if i were advising the administration right now, i'd say make all the data available to the public. so researchersro around the country can doo their own independent analysis. people just want honesty. t they just want the data straight. they want honestyit with their l with the covid data and theab story.
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>> how is it that we knew about the vitamin d and the zinc benefits two years go and thec cdc would literally not talk aboutou how is that because they have downplayed a therapeutics of all kinds including including repurposed drugs. they've never oncepu mentioned fluvoxamine, which has two strong randomized trials supporting none against people are sick of it. they're sick of the downplaying, of therapeutics pushing the clock masks, the barbariclm hospital visitation policies that we've dealt with for almost two years, the school closures, the so many off the policies now people are recognizing we're not based on science. they were not there. there's no study showingia that six feet was a the appropriate distance and people are sick of things like the fda bypassing their own technical experts and push boosters in young people. now one of the things that i was not surprised to hear today and we don't have to play the sound bite, but i'll just tell you what she said. well, last yearr from the cdc also went on to keep the door
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open for reinstill hutting mass mandates once they're lifted, if the situation should change, saying that we want to give people a break from things like masksk wearing when these metrics are better and then have the ability to reach for them again should things worsen. is there any real evidencet that would support going back to mask masking at all under the circumstances of a variant? what we've never had a randomized controlled trial to get masking works in schools. i mean where most of the kids are wearing cloth map because what we are now learning is that there's significant harm, their psychological cognitive harm. the show is against masks and kids under six so they're not neutral and in kids six through 12 they talk about the psychosocial harm. so the europeans could see kids around this country have been going to school without masks. where's the solid research study looking at the infection fatality rate in those schools
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versus schools that have hads masks? we don't see that data because right now appears to be no different. so that's the study that we need done and we need a randomized control trial w on masks before they push itth with so much fervor. if they wouldd reallocate that energy towards monoclonals, computing's we'd better stop commentariat just yes or no. y do you thinkes the biden administration at some pointil in the near futurel will say that the covid vaccine boosteral will will be an annual requirement for various activities that the federal government would mandate? i think they're already suggesting that . i think they'll probably saye that . so get ready. buckle up for that one. dr. macquarrie, great to see you as always. thank you . and at this hour, canadianhori authorities are preparing their final push against the freedom convoyy. t the latest on that moments. plus, how is the american mediad involved in an intimidation campaign against these truckers? you won't aga believe this next
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of doxxed and heart healthy multi body taxi out at age two three one two three one . and the eyes of the world are on ottawa tonight as freedom convoy protesters prepare for major police action in the coming hours. so you got tow trucks there already on standby. onda and earlier today police began a mass ticketing campaign
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warning protesters you must leave the area now anyone blocking the streets arere committing a criminal offensettn and you may be arrested. police lozano's even told protesters they would be pushed out by tomorrow not meanwhile, trudeau's authoritarian tactics have sparked a massive backlash abroad and at home. in fact, today trudeau was taken to task on the floor of parliament where he led his true colors fly. nm ifen canadians are to trustus their government, their government needs to trust . nadianst those are the words of 2 the prime minister in 2015. these people very often misogynistic, racist women haters, science deniers, the fringe, same primeme ministr six years later as he fanned the flames of an unjustified national emergency, conservative party members can stand with people with swastikas. they can stand with people who have responded well to canadians who deserve to be
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able to get their job to be able to get their lives back .>> >> l now the courageous member f parliament you just saw, melissa landsman joins me now implants. ben, thank you for joiningon us tonight. now tell us tell us what was going through your mind when you heard his reference to swastikas? look, this is not a surprise to me. you justyo said it. this is his true colors. i sit there and watch him divide and wedge and stigmatize canadians every single dayhe and today r the rest of canada saw a g7 prime minister go a jewish member of parliament and then walk away and not apologize. do you think there is an anti-semitic element to this or was it just a slip, a verbal slip? but look, i think that words matter and if you looked at my inbox in my office and you saw what my what my staff was looking, when you accuse
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somebody of standing with a swastika, you get you get an influx of people calling you a and that's not okay. and he is driving that he's been driving division in this country throughout throughout the west since the protests started before the protests started for his political gain . and i think his leadership is in trouble. the country's in trouble and hel lost control of the situation. >> now i would like to find out what happened when you did demand the apology from trudeau . what do you think he owes me ann apology. i'd like an apology and i think he owes an apology to allll members of this house now nrcc lanzmann he actually left after insulting you like that . that was his response kind of hit run and hide is kind of his trademark at this point. your reaction? yeah, look,io he's lost controls and i'll just give your yout
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know, your viewers i can't call that out. there's rules that say that i can't call that out. but. he is he is not like he was not there. he has not apologized and iu expect an apology. i got to tell you, canada is the best country in the world. my parents chose it. i'm a child of a grandchild ofst holocaust survivors and to watch what is happening and what the prime minister is i driving in this country is frankly egregious. how much hately has been directd at youth and others who just believe in free expression and the right to protest even take away concerns about mandates and the truckers and cross-border traffic set that aside. ut how much hate have you seen out there? just directed at you?y look, i think the divisions of division in this country is growing and it's being it'she growing because of the prime minister's rhetoric on this. we've got an urban rural divide. we've got a east-west divide and that's being wedged by the
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prime minister. i'm the party's transport critic. we have we've been calling to d to these mandates, particularly a cross border trucking mandate since earlier this year. we are one of one of the highest we've got one ofwe the highest vaccination rates and we also have one of the we are the country with the highest, most draconian restrictions. so if you want to end h this todaye, he could have donep that 19 days ago before putting forward a national emergency that is not justified. he could have got out and talk r to people rather than callingat them racistis and misogynist. and wes could a have put an endo this . he can drop the mandates and he can drop the restrictions today. and i thinke w that we will have a much more cohesive country. >> you and plantsman, thank you very much for joining us tonight and being a leader in your country at this point. now the media is no longer content with just vilifying the freedom convoy. ra oh ,is no. they're now using hacked fundraising informationon to nae
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and shame their donors. podcasters soga and geddie"t obtained an email request from the washington post to one of these donors. your name and email address are associated with a forty dollar contribution. could you please tell me if this matches your records and either call or reply to this email to share what motivated youivat to contribute to the campaign? okay, first of all, forty and daughters are evenn being intimidated as well. the ottawa citizen reportswn that a local business owner wasr forced to close today. she began receiving threats monday morning after her donation was posted. on twitter. joining me now is ezra lavonne,l founder and editor of rebel news. ezra n iing , someone's going to get hurt here. yeah, and by the way, these were the names of the donors to a crowdfunding site called gibson go. you remember the first crowd crowdfunding site for truckers' was with gofundme mmwrus and trudeau pressured them to cancel it. so they went to give and go but
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that was hacked and so it was hacked and released just by coincidence c, the day that trudeau announced he was going to through bank accounts, anyone who donated to s the truckers i learned something shocking earlier tonight . the hackeromomonig who takes responsibility for it, who is one of the founders of the anonymous hacking group. he's boasting about it a in public saying he worked with canada's spy agency, sees is now i don't know if that'sst true or him just bragging about something, but it's actually the timing fits because i don't think that weme need a national emergency to handle some parking tickets. these truckers have notny been violent in any way. there was a bridge that was blocked but the local cops moved it. no problem. there was some horn honking. a court said, guys,s, stop the horn honkingng. you don't need the army to clear some trucks from parking . fense what trudeau wanted this for was to go into every bank
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account of his enemies and without a judicial process get an enemies list and in some cases actually seize the bankk accounts of people who were associated with the truckers and started to do that . by the way, wow.ra he seemed to threaten the attorney general by the way he without today seemed to threaten the freedom convoy. a lot of folks just m look, i just don'tan like your vaccine mandates that i donate to this now it's illegal. should i be worried that the bank can freeze my account? t >>ha what's your answer to thaty well, i think if if you arer, a member, you know, a pro trump movement who's donating hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars to t kind of thing, then they ought to be one . h ezra so now you don't have a right to donatee to groups that you support. really?that's what canada is like. >> i say it's not a real emergency, a real emergency about a riot or an invasion. you saw the justice ministeryi
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there, trudeau's justice minister saying if young are a trump supporter, that is a the legal test as to whether or not your bank account will be seized. trump is not a canadian. this is just bigotryn on the part of trudeau's party like trump or not trump. what's that got to do with a legal justification for seizing some andrew azur? i'll tell you this if the leftal could do that here against trump supporters, they would okay, because they think everything is an emergency if they're losing, everything is an emergency. ezra e, great reporting on this. thank you . and a gold medalist laments the passing of the olympic spirit for the wrong reason.n. and the academy awards announced their historic hosts.h will they make any difference? >> raymond arroyo has it seen and unseen is next . you're not going back yes or no?
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olympic games. i understand she is indeed. she's very upset that russian skater camila valiasr was doped for the competition the other night. watch. there's a cloud over the entiren olympics now, not justot figure skating. so you know, it's something that especially this is not i think the spirit ofhi the olympics. >> this is where the olympics spirit is lacking.ta the olympic spirit vanish when the olympic committee agreed to let china host the games. this is the most murderous regime. the liberty. it imprisons its own people and yamaguchi is worried aboutak a russian skater taking dope before her skate. the russians dope all the time. yeah,au i mean the russians have been cheating sincen they doped up the east germans. you know, doing that . w that wasas a hell of a butterfly
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they used to do remember in the 70s, early 80s i was like, whoa, that is fast. well, not the butterfly, laura . they just blandoey took us and i slide across the ice. you'd expect nbc to sell the beijing olympics.t okay, they're on the dole. but now other media is getting on the china bandwagon. this is abcth this morning. re there is another star at the center. yes, the athletes are amazing,nz but there is a fan frenzy around this giant round panda. the only thing hotter than a gold medal of these games. three words dwindling durableli olympic mascot, a panda rescue team getting mobbed. pe evenci our abc crew okay, especially our abc crew is fullo on obsessed with this car usually i never looked so cute, laura , from this morning you'd never know that a millions muslims are in concentration camps, religious practices, bulldozed heroes like jimmy lai
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are rotting in prison. he's the media mogul who was arrested, had all the assets seized for daring to report and support the democracy movement in hong kong. how about obsessing over a s chinese culture nizza? that is who jimmy lee is and that's we should be focusing on not this stupid cartoon panda propaganda. i mean, it looks like a pandaik shoved into a jelly bean. it is the weirdest looking thing. i don't look that i'm just guy kristi yamaguchi has her priorities straight. the thing that russia dops nousp kidding. they'ree, n raymonde. cnn had the gall to post a story that was supposedly sponsored by the chinese state media, but not surprisingly it'o titled a winter sporting event like no other. >> oh yeah, i read that .t i read that piece. it says they provided a safe, sustainable global scale event. i guess it's safe if you're in the ccp and in' don't why cnn would do this .
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they have reported on these atrocities and it's really out of step taking money from the chinese communist regime and moving their propaganda there. but let's move on to something on our own shores. the academy awards law, which i know you've been holding nightly vigils in anticipation the academy awards is announcing they're three historic hosts h including beloved comedian amy schumer. t good morning america. i'm not sure who thought i this was a good idea, but i am hosting the oscars along with my good friendri wanda syks and regina hall. i better watchom some movies. why nobody else is watching them. laura , the academymy aca awardd the lowest rated broadcast ever last year. why dooio they think this trio s going to make it any better? i mean, wanda sykes is funny after that . prospec yeah. you know, it's diminishing prospects. i , i don't think any ofll this ever ends up working out so welll and it invariably becomes political . the issue ofso
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has anyone even seen many ofic the best picture nominated? films? >> i mean well, there was you know, there was a story that after the nominations were announced, none of those bestunt picture nominated movies broke a million dollars. so i mean, i saw it nightmare ali. but spider-man wasn't nominatedm ,so i don't know who'sy watching this . interestingly, will packerke is the producer of the academy awards. he is known for producing girls trip which featured women ziplining over bourbon street on the crowd so maybe we'll seey something similar at the dolby theater. who knows? laura , b it took us a while, bt your unrelenting attacks in the white house today finallyly drew the ire of jen psaki. >> i have to play this for you. there's a range of means that we could respond both seen and unseen. so it's up to to a cyber attack orck any other attack seen and unseen. >> laura , look, as long as she's not the oscar host, at
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i'm fine with whatever her means are. i mean, actually , yous could make the argument that jen psaki show that she putssha on every is better than anything nominated for the oscars. i think i would actually second that nomination because bec shew does a pretty goodea job. i mean, i think we're wearing the same outfit. >> but i mean, she is supporting actress in a continuing tragedy. well, she's trying to sell sand in the desert. raymondin, and for that she's doing an okay job. raymond, thank you . great to. o and lastnl night this show is the only one to bring you disturbing details of books being promoted as stuff subadults don't want you to read at a library in a public high school right outside of dc. but this is actually in the junior high we i have an update in moments as the eyes of the world focus
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six nine three then eight hundred nine zero eight zero six nine three call now and we're on that story we brought you last night about the radical running wild at longway high school outside of washington, dc at an eighth grade open house. the school library set a table of books with a sign reading stuff some adults don't want you to read now money educational offerings was
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a hideous book called genderqueer that contains explicit pictures among other things, of two men engaged in oral , both the principal and the assistant principal. after hearing from parents felt compelled to release. send my apologies. but their main copies didn't address the filthy subject matter being put secretly bed on the kids. they were just sorry for the sign so that was the problem. so who is exactlyxa making these decisions about these course materials or suggested reading the school boards and principals? people have to understandd that school librarians have enormous power in our educational system. now off course there areib wonderful librarians out there . we probably know some, but there are also a lot ofur activistsro burrowing in to shae your kid's thinking and try in some cases to undermine parental values on issues such as , race, american history and so on . now that said, it's
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worth meeting langley's librarian. his name is philip clarke, a who describes himself openly as and prominent author and poet. nothing wrong with that. but he once told the school newspaper that he saw it as part of his job to push his personal worldview through the books that his library highlights. if that's the right role here, is that what parents even want now? not even liberal san francisco parents who just ousted the three school board members want this and parents across the country, well, weg know they're speaking out. figure it out or get off the podiumt? because you know that there's people like me and a lot of otherut people outt there who will gladly take your seats and figure it out. i had to come down here todaye to tell you to your face that we are coming together and we are strong. this is blatant political theater and it needs to end now.nn this is just the beginning because once moms and dads on a
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broader basis see who's making these decisions, what the real goals are. in some cases i think. more parents are going to rise up and perhaps it's time for parents to push their personal world view on some of these renegade edgy cretz and all their minions. joining me now is harry loka. she's a fairfax county parent with two children at langley high school. kerry, you blew the whistle on all of this . what needs to happen now? you know, it is nice, laura .ep you mentioned that there was an apology, but this does go much l deeper thanik that . i feel like parents have lost ai lot of trust. there is a sense that it's not just about one school or one decision, one sign, one book in the library. there really is a sense that it's fairfax county public schools haven't been paying attention to parents haven't wanted to hear from parents or include us in decision making and it's time for that to change. i thinki that's really the message that a lot of parents have been wanting to send. now, kerry, here's what aos school has posted on its core values and beliefs page.
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they say we believe positive relationships can only be achieved through mutual respect between teachers, parents, students, administrators, and the larger community. i think they mean along not between. but that's a bit ironic considering the library sign. is it not an fairfax county the way they treated the parents t throughout this year? absolutely. aand you know, right now one of the things i feel like a lot of people might not know is just how little access parents have to our schools. gl um, i do have two children in langley high school and i've never been in a building and parents aren't allowed inside because of covid restrict even that . my kids i have two other kids in elementary school and i haven't been in that school since covid hit and that's because again, they're preventing parents from coming in for what used to be kind of those normal interactions you'd have with your with your teachers. so even more than ever now we're supposed to put our faith in teachers and the
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administrators and gosh, you know, you look at things like this and you say are you guys really there's no transparency . you don't feel like there's much respect and not much judgment. okay, doesn't it make youy wonder what else they're hiding? i mean, we knew what loudon county was hiding. they were hiding a assault. they didn't want h to admit that happened and they want to vilify the parentsan. and i talked to a number of high school parents. again, this is we're just using this as an example because it's happening all over the country. they're afraid to speak out because and i quote we're worried about what's going to happen to our he's applying to college. he's not going a to get a recommendation from a teacher english or historyis teacher. parents are scared, but i think that's starting to disappear and dissipate somewhat. you are incredibly forthright and courageous. and is this tide beginning to turn? youu know, i do think it's starting to turn. one of the it's interesting.
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i think that one of the once you start speaking out and you start hearing, you do of coursec hear some bad things and you worry about carnival culture and thee consequences. but you also also start hearing from a lot of parents who are cheering you on people in the neighborhood. and you know, i got that picture from a parent who didn't want to go on the record, didn't want to kind be in the public eye. t but i was sent that and was encouraged to share it. so there's all these parents who are out there and startingdi to police the schools for us and that's incredibly helpful and important. and i do think that there's you see so many schools that are starting to have successes like this . at least we got an apology. at least we had the smell victory of that sign being taken down this time. and i think max are coming off so partly because of a lot off parents pushback. we've got a roll, but there n needs to be full transparency, no hiding stuff from the parents. what are they afraid of? carrie, thank you . up next , the last fightupon mi
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misogynist is misogynist is can
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top advisors. swon a folk singer. >> somewhere past the pandemic, masks will come off. no more need for a nose swab every time we cough. >> up next. >> todd: canada's house of commons. >> conserative party members can stand with peep whole wave swastikas, we will choose to stand with canadians who deserve to get to their jobs and deserve to get their lives back. >> todd: did not go well. >> carley: not


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