tv FOX Friends First FOX News February 17, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST
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>> carley: the u.s. is dismissing russia's claim of troop withdrawal from the border as propaganda. they say they are deplaying 7000 troops into position sdmrchlt we have seen the opposite in recent days, more russian forces issue not fewer, are at the border. they are moving into fighting position. this is cause for profound concern. >> todd: ukrainians coming together on wednesday for national day of unity. officials fear it would have been the date of that russian invasion, turns out not to be. vice president kamala harris and anthony blinken will travel to munich ahead of talks with
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president zelenskyy and with joe biden heading to ohio, literally nobody will be in washington if russia strikes. think about that for a moment. you are watching "fox and friends first." i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. watch for troop movement, lee zeldon fears the kremlin may try to legitimize an invasion. >> something to keep close eye on is misinformation campaign for russia to establish legitimacy for attack, which does not exist right now. we do not want troops engaged in foreign hostility. dime diplomacy information, military should be the last possible option with anyone. we seek to use bilateral diplomacy, economic pressure and information operation as other instruments of national power.
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>> todd: oil prices rapidly approach the $100 barrel per mark, white house is reiterating call for help from foreign producers. >> press sect. psaki: we have been in touch with suppliers out there on the global stage for weeks in anticipation of an invasion or actually impact of an invasion for natural gas and oil prices on the market. >> todd: 11 gop senators pressuring jennifer grantholm to say how many jobs were lost to cancel the keystone pipeline. she is required to report total jobs lost and projected impact on energy costs. carley, of all things this administration has done that are infuriating, that are self-imposed disasters, i think this one very well -- >> carley: keystone decision? >> todd: could be the worst. it is simple. we stymied domestic energy
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production and now the white house is talking about how we need to have more foreign oil. think about that for a moment. we had it, got rid television and now we need to import it at higher cost, makes no sense. >> carley: wild and one of the first things president biden did when sworn into office. a lot of people have been wondering why care about the russia-ukraine situation, this is why. average price of gas in the united states a year ago was $2.51 and now $1 more expensive, $3.51, biden administration is warning, if this invasion does happen, that number could go higher, closer to $4. it doesn't have to be this way. it is not just the keystone pipeline, it is a lot of decisions biden administration does that targets oil and gas industry and makes them worried to expand, to innovate, a lot of
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oil and gas producers are pulling back right now because they know if they start a project the biden administration will likely kill it. we had marc moreno on and he said we were independent under trump administration and could be again other thanning it is the president's policy standing in the way. >> todd: i know this administration is hell bent on putting forward climate change agenda. news flash to the biden white house, we will not drive less, we can't drive less. my drive to work didn't shorten because you destroyed domestic oil production, it just got more expensive, it makes no sense. i'm not the only one, people didn't all of a sudden not to have drive because they raised price of oil. it is unconscionable and american people are suffering. >> carley: have you to innovate first. everybody wants a clean planet, we have to do it on a global scale first before we
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jump to pulling back on oil and gas because it is just not feasible. >> todd: let china and india know we're onboard with this, too, wake them up. president biden heading to battleground ohio today, parts of the effort to revive the tax and spending plan. >> carley: is he reading the room? new poll shows inflation is voter's top concern. griff jenkins is joining us. >> griff: the president will hit the road today hoping to sell that stalled spending agenda. the american people are not buying it. a quinnipiac poll, biden's ark proval is 35% with 55% disapproving in the top issue driving americans dark mood, you guessed it, inflation followed by immigration and the pandemic, as the president takes to twitter ahead of today's trip putting positive spin on things. build pack better will combat
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climate change and help meet the moment on climates, create good-paying jobs and lower energy cost for americans. let's get it done. inflation continues to rise and americans are feeling more pain at the pump, republicans are cranking up the criticism. >> joe biden is the president of high prices. one of the defining failures of the biden presidency is inflation. >> our families have to eat. it is real and it is hurting families and the president still tries to spin it as the economy is doing good? mississippians are not buying that. >> griff: fox news releasing power rankings for midterms giving republicans edge to take back the senate. 14 states in the red and nine solid blue with handful of toss-upstates making it competitive in arizona and georgia. over in the house, you see more democrats heading for the door,
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total of 30 announcing they will not run for re-election, the president has a tall task with sales pitch from lo rain, ohio, hoping for field of dreams magic in his speech rather than sililoquey. >> carley: we love that so much. my mom grew up in lorain. this is a story about you. >> todd: all about you. >> carley: love lorain. it is neat. going to cleveland, too. if hito pick the two, cleveland clinic, mom text me, i don't know. one person aoc will not go toe to toe with, pelosi's reign as leader of the party. >> todd: 30 house democrats are bail og re-election ahead of the midterms, we're running out of room on this thing. our next guest is new republican who says he did not leave the
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>> ripping alexandria ocasio-cortez nonanswer when asked whether house speaker nancy pelosi should leave the party. aoc told the new yorker pelosi's future as leader is "really all about a specific moment that we're in," and williamson responded saying, "what was such bs," that was double speak. naughty issue naughty. >> todd: williamson, gronk and condoleeza rice were in the green room. this party is preachy, judgmental and focused on culture war. jim neil, former sheriff in cincinnati joins me live. jim, apologies on the loss of your bengals, not losing the team, losing the game. great run. is that description part of the reason you left the democratic
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party? >> i agree with the description. it could have, my situation was in 2020. they stripped me of my endorsement in the primary. since then it's gotten worse. >> todd: why did they strip you of the endorsement? >> two reasons is they lobbied me in the office on a couple of issues that were important to them. one was sanctuary city and isis. i'm a law enforcement officer, i follow the rule of law. the county jail is not a sanct your jail. the new bail reform. the county jail held 1500 offenders who are there for a reason tochlt merely put people
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out on to the streets to recommit, reoffend, it didn't make sense. >> todd: it doesn't make sense. >> jim: i did what i could, you see offenders being released while their case is being processed and they are reoffending. many are dangerous and violent defenders. >> todd: what i don't understand, jim, focusing on crime. democrats see they are a problem f. they do see it is a problem, then why are they keeping up with the same ridiculous policies that as we've seen over and over again, the people, the majority of americans do not want? >> jim: they are. and however they wrap it, package it, you can't believe it.
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and when i speak, i'm speaking of the party issue not the people. they don't tell the whole truth and i'm seeing it locally. the local party is looking more and more like washington everyday. >> todd: talk about washington for a moment. >> democrats are getting out of their lane, do not support law enforcement, do not support us. an example, we have newly elected mayor, cincinnati police department was on an operation in the nation's largest city park, over 1400 acres. it is a great place for families to go and individuals to go, but we have a problem with gay men soliciting gay men in these parts. >> todd: there is a lot going on
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in communities throughout our country. the latest quinnipiac poll showing the president 30% approval with the job he's doing. you have to think if he doesn't wake up and do something with regard to the crime in america and other issues that party will get shellacked in the midterm, because people like you will switch from democrat to republican. jim neil, thank you, sir. >> carley: a wake-up call for woke politicians everywhere. san francisco voter just recalled three school board members for putting politics over education. are we seeing ripples of a red wave in america's bluest city? two organizers of the recall effort join us next. before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment
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(judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right? (judith) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money? only when your clients make more money? (judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. >> todd: we're back with a big win for parents in virginia. governor glenn youngkin signing bill into lawmaking school mask
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mandate illegal. >> carley: recalls view the recall of three school board members as sign we'll see a red wave in november. brooke singman is live with details. good morning. >> brooke: good morning, guys. virginia governor glenn youngkin is empowering parents with the swipe of a pen, signing a bill into lawmaking masks optional in public schools. listen to this. >> now is our chance to give all parents the right to make decisions we know they have. >> we are reestablishing and restoring power back to parents. >> youngkin says legislation will bring normalcy back to the classroom. the bill gives parents the right to choose in the events of future mandate. >> any authority, local school board or board of supervisors or by the way, the state government wants to mandate masks, parents have ability to opt out if they think that is best for their
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child. >> brooke: a win for parents in loudoun county, judge granting temporary injunction filed by three parents requiring public schools to make masks optional immediately. the school board set to roll out the new policy next week issue but starting today students can decide whether or not to mask up. any students who face disciplinary action will have repercussions removed from their records. republicans say recent school board recall election in san francisco could be seen as precursor to a red wave in november. frustrated voters overwhelmingly recalling three school board members for focusing on woke politics instead of children's education. north carolina congresswoman virginia fox telling fox news digital democrats are in trouble politically because they have ignored parents. san francisco school board recall election is loss for democrats.
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fox says republicans are committed to standing up to parents and for students. >> carley: thank you. joining us is leslie wong, and rob cutner, petition organizer. rob, it wasn't even close, 70% of people voted to recall the three school board members. what kind of message does this send? >> yeah, no, we crushed it. it was great. great day in san francisco today. the message is loud and clear. we will not put up with this from the school board. whoever the mayor wants to appoint, watch out when holding kids out of school and prioritizing things like renaming schools or overly woke politics instead of helping people learn. that is what they are there for to begin with. >> carley: what kind of changes would you like to see made? >> that's a good question.
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we are going to see the mayor is going to appoint two people for two spots and about six hours ago, commissioner molega resigned immediately. that means instead of staying another month in office issue the mayor will be able to point to someone much sooner, which is being respectful to the voters. >> carley: are you saying now four school board members are out? >> no, three have been recalled, because of the process, it takes about a month to certify everything. normally those three would be replaced at that time, commissioner molega resigned six hours ago, that is being respectful for the voters. >> carley: interesting development there. rob, the big headline, if three liberal school board members can be recalled in liberal san francisco, it can happen anywhere, is that how you feel?
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>> yeah, yeah. we're all in san francisco, we're worry body job number one, here. this is i'm pretty conservative, i'm one in a million in san francisco. if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. these were hyper leftist, radical, woke. their actions had nothing to do with racial equity, poor kids, the black and brown kids suffered most, they lost 20% of math proficiency. those are kids that suffered most and getting rid of school like lowell, last public school in san francisco with merit-based admission locks them out of any -- successful life in the city. >> carley: there are so many
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examples of why this school board was going in the wrong direction, hurts kidding. the l.a. times wrote school board recall is a three-ark larm warning for democrats and go to say, it is good bet parents won't be forgiving or forgetting what has taken place over the last two plague years and san francisco recall election may be shakeup to come. do you agree with this? >> i certainly do. what we, the recall election showed, more people getting involved in the government process. we registered first-time voters, saw people voteing that normally would not be voting. we saw people getting involved in activism, going to rallys and encouraging friends and family to vote and seeing ordinary people looking to run for local positions. thomas jefferson said in
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america, we don't have a democracy by majority. we have a democracy by the majority that participate. >> carley: great way to end the segment. thank you for joining us, congratulations. 70% of peep nel san francisco agreed with you. todd. >> todd: insane number. canada house of commons erupting as justin trudeau makes accusations about conservatives supporting peacefully protesting truckers. >> conservative party members with stand with people who wave stauft staufts, peep whole wave the confederate flag. >> carley: trudea is getting help -- freedom convoy donors. joe concha reacts to the shocking allegation coming up next.
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>> todd: justin trudeau sparking a screaming map defending his declaration to break up the freedom convoy. >> carley: trudea accuses those who do not stand with him stand withing those who wave swastikas. >> ashley: his comments didn't settle well with the other side of the chamber, take a listen. >> he fans the flames of
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unjustified national emergency. mr. speaker, when did the prime minister lose his way? when did it happen? >> conservative party members can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the confederate flag. we will choose to stand with canadas, these illegal protests need to stop and they will. >> ashley: conservative mp said trudea could have ended this weeks ago. >> if he wants to thenned today, he could have done that 19 days ago before putting together a national emergency. gone out and talked to people rather than calling them race sxift misogynist. >> ashley: in the last hour, a trucker spoke to us and called trudea's comments disgusting. >> it is disgusting he is using the tactics to attack families and truck drivers and supporters that have been here, like,
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really, are out of touch with canadians. investigating the hackers who made the name of trucker donors public. even congresswoman ilhan omar called the move unconscionable and police started putting notices on protester trucks saying they would be arrested if they didn't leave now. >> todd: let's bring in joe. this reuters, washington posts, other news outlet is -- leaking names on canadian freedom convoy and don'tar information contains personal information, it would not make that available publicly, but offer to journalists and researchers. how ridiculous and offensive is action by so-called journalists? >> joe: north korea state media says this is going too far for
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us to docks people who are trying to help those out protesting. i am old enough to remember summer of 2020 when the future vice president in kamala harris started a bail fund for those in minneapolis, who were rioting at the time. i don't remember anybody being docked as far of who was donating to that cause. when you call truckers white supremacist or nazi and the fact the american people are on the side of the canadian government when the problem clearly, that debate we saw in parliament, that was factual argument being made. you can agree or disagree with it as far as one member, put to resort to, you are side withing nazis reminds me of it is president of the united states who said if you don't support voting rights, you are for
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jefferson davis. cases of covid in canada are down 90% when compared to a month ago. down to 5000 cases per dame in 37 million people, why is a vaccine mandate given transmission is dropping for a profession isolated for the public. this is about power and nothing to do with science, this is political science. >> carley: trudea is calling people who support the truckers, peep whole wave swastikas, he was making that to a lawmaker who was jewish and whose family suffered during the holocaust. think back, when it comes to reuters reporting, think about the hunter biden situation and twitter went to great lengths to sensor that information. are you seeing the same
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reporting? >> boy, it is disturbing pattern, carley, no question. hunter biden, it wasn't just that the american media in october of 2020, couple weeks before the presidential election, they didn't report the contents of his laptop. if you share, your account got locked. that happened to kayleigh mcenany when she was white house press secretary. not about bias of omission, this is censorship. i brought up new york and now we're seeing it and supposed to be democracys in america and canada more socialist, i think there would be free press, we are going in that sdprekz too many are silent about what is happening here. >> todd: and joe, this ilhan
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omar tweet condemning is astounding. you had ted cruz saying, listen to ilhan omar. i fail to see why any journalist reported on shop owner making such an insignificant donation. what does this say about the state of journalism right now? >> joe: wow, when you have ted cruz and ilhan omar, republicans and democrats coming together and saying this is wrong, boy, the state of journalism, talk about trust in media being all-time low, we are well past bias. taking a side and trying to steer an outcome and i don't know what to say, it is chilling, no other way to describe it. >> todd: leave with a joke, seinfeld fans, cramer said he would go watch canadian parliament. you know what i'm talking about.
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happy belated birthday to you, my friend. >> thank you so much, never opposite day with us, folks, we give the facts. >> carley: now hand over to janice dean with the fox weather forecast. >> janice: you see very cold air and warm air, you know stuff is happening in the atmosphere. cold front moving through, 34 in chicago and temperatures dropping across the central u.s. as this storm system progresss. we have severe storms, ice and snow, very strong winds also. that future track is going to bring this toward the northeast and east coast overnight tonight and into friday. here is severe storm threat. i don't have watches or warnings yet, but we have likely area over mississippi river valley and we have the snow, stripe of five to eight inches, in some
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cases, could get over a foot. and then the ice part is most dangerous, you can't travel on the roads. clash of the seasons, we've got cold air behind this system and warm temperatures. we could flirt with daytime records, we'll get close to 60. and then for new york city for friday, still very warm. temperatures are going to come down as we head into saturday and cold air sneaks across the great lakes. sunday, we warm things up again. we are getting into that time of the year where things are looking up. brighter conditions, warmer temperatures, that also can change quickly. there could be a swing. >> carley: always chance of an april snow storm. >> janice: there is, i'm from canada and there has been snow in may.
2:40 am, for details. >> todd: the future is now. >> carley: bye. democrats think they have a solution to migrant crisis. more inclusivity, details on the approach to the southern border and house republican calling out coca-cola and the n.b.a. for giving china a pass on human rights abuses. we are bring nothing cheryl casone, she is here next.
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>> good morning, everybody. in exactly 16 minutes on "fox and friends," we'll talk about news of the day, including this. you feel it everyday. inflation is taking a toll on everything that you buy, from furniture to your favorite foods. if you can find them. joe biden, didn't he inherit a strong economy? lara trump says he did and look at what he's done to it. texas congressman chip roy launches fight for religious freedom, he'll tell us about that coming up live. and remember an icon, today
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marks one year since the passing of legend rush limbaugh. we'll speak to his wife, catherine, who reflects on faith, freedom and country. you don't want to miss a minute of it. kicks off 15 minutes from now on the channel you trust for morning news. back to you for 15 minutes. >> carley: your tease was a single minute long, perfect, you get a gold star and gold medal. >> thank you very much. >> todd: you have great rush limbaugh stories you will share throughout the course of three hours, don't miss those. >> carley: honoring him all morning long. new york city mayor eric adams insisting lack of diversity in the media not his performance is causing bad press. listen. >> you use predisposition of your life to interpret what i say. and then when i express
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something based on my observation, it is called a rant. >> carley: adams called out diversity when asked about media coverage of the city's crime and bail reform laws and harris faulkner is hitting back on the mayor's comments saying he denied her request for an interview. >> harris: how black do you have to be? don't make me pull out receipts of how many times i reached out to this mayor. this is cowardly. >> todd: coverage he's been get suggest great, i don't understand why he's upset. moving to biden administration, migrant encounter numbers after being compelled to do so by the court. >> carley: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: the numbers from january, pretty astounding, 153,000 immigrants crossing the southern border, four times what
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we saw in january of 2020. under title 42, remain in america co and 78,000 higrants were expelled. it circumvents humanitarian obligation and needs to be more inclusivity when it comes to our southern border. >> todd: unbelievable. republicans don't control presidency, senate or house, inflation is their fault? >> cheryl: right. staying on the chuck chuck schumer thing, he is accused of not offering solutions to fight inflaion issue which is sitting at four decade high sglchlts many on the other side of the aisle spent time giving floor speeches and upon presenting charts about rising cost. where are proposal? >> less spending was a proposal? yeah, there is a lot.
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yesterday republicans held a news conference pointing out the problem is massive amounts of stimulus spending, president biden pushed for more stimulus. ahead of this, heading into the midmemory, americans are feeling inflation is number one concern when it comes to the country. 27% and 12% say it is immigration. we at this network are more dialled in that are chuck chuck schumer. >> carley: i'm proud of that, absolutely. good stuff. also, some republican lawmakers are upset that companies are chum withing china. >> cheryl: this is georgia congressman buddy carter slamming coke and the n.b.a. over their hypocrisy when it comes to social justice. specifically, their position of condemning georgia voting rights bill, that is coca-cola ceo and supporting black lives matter,
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but for both guys, still doing business in china. >> particularly the n.b.a. and we know they are in bed with the ccpartly cloud -- ccp. other companies are complicit in allowing china and assisting china in doing these things. >> cheryl: coca-cola is top sponsor of the beijing olympics can book $200 million in revenue from china every year, the cause is international uproar. props to the tennis association, the tennis players have stood up. as far as the players, except enes kanter. >> carley: he is without a team, do you continuing is political?
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>> todd: people trying to make moves moving forward. >> cheryl: with coca-cola, not just the beijing olympics it is from selling coca-cola. it is dangerous to get on political agendas, more woke you want to do, you take a risk of the corporation. many feel they have to speak out and weigh in on the news story of the week. >> carley: gets them in trouble. >> cheryl: you have shareholders that want you to do business and keep your mouth shut. >> carley: we love having you on. >> todd: staying in the league for a moment, n.b.a. commissioner ark dam silver calling out new york's mask mandate that bans kyrobbering ee -- >> only applies to home players
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if that rule is about protecting people in the arena, it doesn't make sense to me that an away play whore is unvac nat k-d play in barclays but the home team can' >> todd: new york mayor says he also think its is unfair. besides lunacy of that answer from eric adams, i feel sorry for erin, the nets in trouble. aaron, my apology, i hope the season turns around for you. >> carley: she wants to read that right now. >> todd: vladamir putin said ukraine border, he sent 7000 more. the white house warns moscow is moving into fighting position. joey jones is here with what the u.s. needs to do next. get your personalpoints plan!
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♪ >> think that putin could be bluffing. >> about what? >> about his intention. >> to not invade or to invade. >> either way. >> president putin says he doesn't intend to invade. we have also said he is prepared to do that and has lined up troops at the border to invade. >> the white house dismissing, quote, russian propaganda as the kremlin deploys additional troops to its border with ukraine. >> fox news contributor joey jones joins us live right now. good morning, he joy. the latest from the administration is that russia is talking peace but privately preparing for war. so where does that leave us today? >> it leaves us a little bit confused. you see that jen psaki might have been a little bit confused with that question. i think most americans understood that question pretty well. what is putin doing? is he bluffing about going into
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ukraine? is he preparing to go into ukraine? the truth is it depends on the news of the day at this point. i don't think our administration has any better handle on it than most americans do and that's the concern that we have. >> todd: joey for the last month we have been talking about the geopolitical. the upper echelon strategy. what are the troops on the ground. the guys and gals that you served with that may potentially have to go overseas, what are they saying about all of this? >> well, let me preface this by saying i got out of the marine about a decade ago. i do have friends still. in i do know what 18 or 19-year-old marine or soldier, sailor airman has on their mind the gallons and girls joined for a reason they believe they're invincible as they should. if they need to be in conventional war they feel fine that they believe in their leaders and capabilities. guys been in real old like me been in or 20 years. they remember the last two wars and hardest part about winning in iraq and afghanistan was the political will of the american
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people and american political system. the idea that every two years you could change the direction of the war to win an election, they remember being yo-yo'd that way. i think that's the biggest concern here is that we, as american people, are worried that someone like president biden might envelope us into a conflict by telling us how scary he is and what he is doing. next thing you know 20 years later funding a proxy war in ukraine. we just saw that happen to us. i don't know that military conflict is anywhere near a solution for this. but i do understand the administration's posturing. i understand the else in at this to have a super power on the other side of the world not feel like they can do anything they want to do. but, when you listen to democrats like tulsi gabbard or many republicans, they really think that we don't have as strong of a hand to play as perhaps americans want to believe. so it comes down to pride or pragmatism, i guess. >> carley: other issue is russia
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invades ukraine, right now, then that would send a signal to china over taiwan and where does that leave us as a nation? >> our biggest concern honestly is the idea as other countries lose faith in us they get closer to our enemies that effects trade and cyber and ability to maneuver our military. one thing we have in this world right now today no other country has put our military into any hemisphere we want to put it. that's a very big deal. marine corps' promise to america we can fight a war within 72 hours of anywhere. those things why it's important to have allies and nato and grow if ukraine is where it needs to grow. unfortunately, it doesn't help to have your military somewhere if you are only provoking needing to use it that's where diplomacy matters and perhaps where our politicians have let us down. >> todd: you are such an important voice on this. like i said earlier, we have
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heard from the generals and think tank individuals. you have been on the ground and you know what war is that's why it's so important that you share your perspective like did you this morning. we appreciate as it always. thank you for getting up with us. >> carley: thank you, joey, appreciate it. a lot of move on this issue 7,000 more trooped that the ukraine border that russia is saying they're not going to invade. more to come on this. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> inflation topping the list urgent issues facing right now. >> joe biden is the president of high prices. as a result people's dreams being crushed. >> justin trudeau. >> heends wants to end this today rather than talking calling them racist and misogynist. >> glunch passing a line school mask mandates. >> sunny day in virginia. we are seeing a big win for
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