tv FOX Friends First FOX News February 21, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST
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>> a fox news alert, president biden accepting conditions-based meeting with russian president vladamir putin as early as this week, but only if the kremlin holds off on what the u.s. believes is an eminent assault on ukraine. you are watching "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for todd piro. proceeding with an invasion, we
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are learning russian sources have lists. here is breaking news from washington. alex. >> this meeting between president biden and president putin is efforted by french president emmanuel macron. the white house is confirming president biden's potential participation in this, saying diplomacy will be pursued until the moment an invasion begins. >> until the tanks are actually moving, planes are flying, bombs are actually dropping, we will do everything we can with dimroemace and he deterrence and persuasion to get president putin to reverse the decision we believe he's made. >> the u.s. has intelligence russian commanders will proceed with invasion of ukraine. video shows troops move intoing new ark tack positions.
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in a letter published by the "washington post," a u.s. ambassador warned we have credible information that says russian officials are creating lists following the military occupation. president biden cancelled his president's day trip to delaware, he met with national security council members yesterday n. europe, vice president kamala harris met with ukrainian president zelenskyy who criticized them for holding back, here is the vice president. >> vivek: vehicles /* >> we're talking about the real possibility. >> russia is claiming they do not plan to invade ukraine, the u.s. embassy in moscow is warning of possible attacks and advicing anyone there to be ready to flee without help.
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>> carley: thanks, alex. growing number of republicans say u.s. should hit putin with sanctions now to deter aggression. >> certainly access to the u.s. dollar would be the most crippling economic sanction, that is the grease, the oil, the fuel that drives so much of russia's economy in the world, as well, that would probably be number one on the list. but again, sanctions only work if there are a lot of countries engaging seriously on that, nord stream 2 would be another one of those. again, whether the president, seen now as more of a weak leader on the global front can bring our allies together, serious sanctions are targeted and work, that just remains to be seen. >> carley: we spoke with a former marine embassy guard
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living in kyiv about what life is like on the ground after he safely evacuated his family from the city. >> people are getting more nervous, myself included, by moves they made. the groups, actions they have made in the east, as well. >> carley: the u.s. urged american citizens in ukraine to use commercial air travel to leave the country as soon as other. other western powers quickly followeded suit. a bloody weekend in democrat-led cities like chicago and new york, spike in shootings and stabings. marianne rafferty has more. >> marianne: spree of subway stabings in new york despite increased patrol. the suspect wanted in this video is wanted for stabbing a woman at a subway stop n. busy time
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square, popular with tourists, a four-year-old boy is hit by this man. his mother tackling and holding him down until police arrived. the suspect was arrested for the attack. many occur in the city subways and crime is up 38% since this time last year. in chicago, a mother turns her 18-month-old son in after spotting him in surveillance video after train conductor was robbed at gunpoint. this weekend 19 were injuried in shootings and five killed. gop push for prop 47, which reduced many felonies to misdemeanor in effort to "make crime illegal again," one state lawmaker discussed prop 47. >> in 2014, they called this the
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safe neighborhood when what happened was most predictable thing in the world, we removed consequence for stealing and what do you know, it caused a lot more stealing. crime rates surge, gavin newsom approval rating down near all-time low. newsom says best way to solve this is going after the guns, not the criminals. >> carley: of course he said that. there was recent horrific murder that happened in new york city, young woman followed from her uber up to her apartment building and was stabbed to death, murdered by a career criminal. i spoke to the landlord of that building and he said his family owned this building since the '70s, '80s, '90s, nothing like this has happened on his property differ. he said politicians who push soft-on-crime policies prove they are disconnected from their constituents, from the
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communities they represent f. you're talking about abolishing ice, bail reform, criminals are back out on the streets, businesses leave the areas. quality of life goes down. murders rise. rinse, repeat issue the cycle continues that is happening in cities across the country right now. >> ashley: i got myself walking into work this morning doing a double and triple take. i do not feel safe. i will not get on subways. it is just insane here right now. when i interviewed that assemblyman in california, he was trying to repeal prop 47, basically in 2014, the voters were tricked -- tricked, i use that term loosely, they thought it was going to be this crime reform bill. when really it is just let people back out on the streets after they commit a crime. they say issue these are not bad crimes $950 you steal, you go
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back out on the street. the problem is, it is opening the tunnel, i guess you could say to worse crime and things that happen. people in california are getting tired of it. we saw that poll many people want to reform this law w. that prop 47 and this is just one indication and one situation, it was praised by people like jay-z, brat pitt. i'm a fan of brad pittt, not people who live the securities. >> carley: of course, the other thing, the guest you interviewed mentioned people doing smash-and-grabs are bringing calculators with them and tallying up how much they steal, they are very aware of the law and incentives to steal and you feel so bad for business owners
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who just went through a pan dem and i can having to pay for private security and fact merchandise is getting stolen, no wonder people are fleeing the cities faster than ever before. >> defending police is taking devastating toll. key figure is teaming up with students to defund campus cops in one of the most crime-ravaged cities. we're continuing coverage of breaking developments in russia, our next guest was on the frontline of diplomacy during the regan administration. we'll ask robert charles if there is anything the current white house can do to prevent a war. [inspirational soul music] [inspirational soul music]
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>> fox news alert, anthony blinken says russia appears to be going to invade ukraine. >> what are chances vladamir putin is bluffing? >> every indication that we've seen, every move that he's made, that has followed the play that we laid out everything we're seeing suggest this is dead serious, that we are on the
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brink of an invasion. we will do everything we can to prevent it before it happens. >> joining me now is former ark cystant secretary of state and former intel officer. good morning. u.s. position is that diplomacy is not off the table. president biden wants to talk this out. what is your take on that? is that an option? >> diplomacia sulz an option and war is always a product of failed diplomacy. i'm reminded of colin powell who said, tell me what you know, what you don't know, what you think and make sure you know the difference. the reason is that then you know what we are working with. only consistency in this administration's reaction to the build-up over the last six, nine, 12 months, they have been inconsist nent messages. there are inconsistent messages that have emboldened russia.
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this hype, it is hype, troops have been there a long time and growing in numbers, but they've been there. inconsistent messaging is provocative. diplomacy is still on the table until the moment war begins and it still on the table. this has been a bobbled, putin is playing chess and biden is playing checkers, it is obvious to most people there is a lot of heming and hawing instead of direct conversations, if you don't go to the source and be more quiet so you can listen to what is go og with motivation, then you don't get to the solution. we're not at a solution, more noise than quiet. >> if putin chooses full scale invasion and we have information that suggests that is where his head is at right now, what does that look like? >> nobody is defined invasion
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yet. we may be seeing a degree of very intimidating behavior, roughly 175, i read this morning 190,000 troops on the border. you have them in belarus looking down. if it begins, it will look ugly, greater refugee crisis. half of the people may be empathetic to the russian approach, a lot of them will try to leave. there will be bloodshed and the united states failed diplomacy, as in afghanistan and other locations will be transparent. my hope is everybody is redoubling. europeans could be persuaded to say, this is a bad choice, whatever the outcome you are looking for, reevaluate the net-net will be a real negative
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for you. >> carley: i'm glad you mention that, one thing missing from this conversation is the question, could this backfire on putin? if he does choose to invade, that could strengthen nato ties more than we've seen in a long time, unleash sanctions like putin has never seen before, maybe get germany to stop buying oil and gas from russia, cripple their economy so much it affects putin politically. what are the chances of that happening? >> you know, carley, isn't point and one that is not being made. putin has most of what he should want. he knows nato is not going to move in through ukraine, may be interested in ukraine as a one-day member, they will not attack russia. he has nord stream 2, their society is premised on oil.
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nord stream 2 makes europe dependent on russia, gives fresh and clear and permanent market for oil. you have to ask, before you go at this, it is best in negotiation to put yourself in the minds eye, what do you think they want here? we are not asking that question, we have not done it effectively, released intelligence, when you release it, you lose sources and methods. your point is well taken. maybe they ought to back off for their own benefit. >> carley: we need to look into the futures and what it means for the united states down the road. one thing that was telling. putin met with xi jinping ahead of the opening ceremony and released a statement, the two countries russia and china have each other's back, no end to the support they have for once another. you have to wonder, after the olympics played out and drum
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beat of war along the russians and ukrainian border, look at juxtaposition of the two things, this could be the start of a new world order, at least that is what xi jinping and vladamir putin want. what are the chances that could happen and how do we prevent that from happening? that is the big issue here. >> yes, a lot of historical analogys we have to be careful, this looks like 1936 olympics and you had jesse owens, who won so many medals for america. that was short period with three years before world war ii. tensions are high. notion china and russia would have a pact, which they do, suddenly announced to the world, indicating they will redefine human rights and define the future is direct throwdown to
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the western european and entire western values, all of our values and need to throw back by saying this is battle of ideas, free market and free will win issue not communism. >> carley: that is right. so much riding on this moment. we appreciate it. ashley 6789 >> ashley: shocking video of canada shows a woman being trampled by mounted police as 200 protesters are arrested in the freedom convoy. our next guest will tell us what is coming next. [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving
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canadian capital. one woman being trampled by officers on horses during the protest. roads are being blocked and a fence is being put up around the capitol. here is what senator tom cotton has to say about all of this. >> when it was radical environmentalists shutting down pipelines, trudea called for patience and dialogue. now they are protesting his covid-19 mandate, he is using -- the same liberals that marched in the streets and celebrated blm rioters in 2020 that caused billions of damage and resulted in many deaths. the canadian freedom convoy --
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>> carley: bring in one of the truckers involved with the protest. harold, your first-hand account of what happened, was it necessary for police to bring in riot gear and semiautomatic weapons? we have pictures that you sent in. while you are talking about this, i want to take a look at those. was this overkill with what the police did? >> oh, it was huge overkill and very disturbing what the government of canada has done to us citizens. we are peaceful for 3-1/2 weeks and yet he treated us like we were terrorists and dangerous to society. it took me extra 10 minutes just to get into my hotel last night coming from outside the city and right now it is harder for the
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residents of ottawa to move around in the city with his fences and roadblocks up than when we were in the city. it's been a frustrating couple last days, very tiring and pretty sad with how we've been treated. >> ashley: sad to sigh what trudea did and i'm super disappointed with how the police handle said this and i'm very pro-police. 991 arrests made. 57 trucks were towed. you said you're still in ottawa and now it is harder to get around in the city. what are you guys going to do next? anything on deck you have planned? >> we've regrouped outside of ottawa and some trucks have gone home, they have been gone from their family for three weeks. i've been gone for 3-1/2 weeks
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from my family, as well. some have been gone for a month, they came from the far side. we're regrouping, the leadership, some were arrested, we're waiting to see what they decide to do. it is time for the rest of the canadians to stand up, continue to support us and coming here to protest, it has been very tiring, we're still trying to figure out what to do exactly. >> ashley: harold, when you'ring and knowing you have been a part of this and looking at the videos playing on the screen, do you think this will wake up canada as a whole and see how they have treated and how the leadership has treated you guys whenever you are trying, really to put food on your table and support your families? this is what it boils down to,
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you don't want to be told what to do, canadians are very nice people, what is your message to leadership in your country? >> yeah, they need to come to the table, discuss with us what we need, what we wanted and they refuse to and they continue to and we just want to go back to work. we can't. our families cannot be supported by the emergency acts they put into place. people's accounts being seized. who would have expected a government, democracy to treat citizens like this. the support was huge and yet he continued to ignore us and treat us like we were worse than black lives matter, when we were peaceful for 3-1/2 weeks. >> ashley: super unfortunate, you have supporters around the world, especially people in the
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united states. harold jonker, thank you for joining us. >> carley: turn to the fox weather forecast. hey, adam? >> good morning, going to get warm over the next couple days, that does not mean it is not winter. upper tier of the country, really cold air is funnel nothing, canadian arctic air and snow is falling from minneapolis, top third of the country, we're seeing rounds of winter weather today and next couple days. we have a lot of winter weather advisories stretching back to wisconsin, where heavy snow is going to fall. just west of denver, there is heavy snow. how much snow? pink areas are getting well over a foot of new accumulation here in the next couple days.
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that is a lot of cold air, for presidents day, i will leave you with warmer there in the east, colder in the west and those are all president-named cities there. >> carley: we love this, janice did this for valentine's day. i thought it was cute. you do not take credit for this? >> it is a whole team. >> carley: whole team effort. i get it. thank you, appreciate it. we'll switch gears to this. heartbreaking story out of chicago. a teenager shot 24 times while buying snacks at a gas station. >> his aunt pleading for a solution to prevent this from happening to another family. she is here next to share her message. >> please, somebody say something, somebody say something. i don't care where you come from, where you been, somebody knows something, speak up. don't wait for it to happen to you. mahindra is the official tractor of tough. right, chase?
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yep. that's right, tony. this baby's got four thousand pounds of front-end lift capacity, right? it sure does. so who's tougher, kid? me or you? you are, tony. can you put me down, now? what? you want to go higher? okay. i said down, you old goat! i am the g.o.a.t. mahindra - the official tractor of tough and stewart-haas racing. come on, tony. put me down. ♪ (delivery man) that's for you. (mail recipient 1) these are opened. (mail recipient 2) and it came like this? (delivery man) i don't know they're all open. this one's open too. privacy is important to you? (mail recipient 4) yeah. privacy is really important to me. (mail recipient 5) it is! to everybody! (mail recipient 6) privacy is everything! (mail recipient 7) whose been reading our mail? (delivery man) i don't know whose been reading it, i just deliver it. (mail recipient 5) this is my family here! (mail recipient 8) this is a picture of me and my wife. (mail recipient 4) this has all my information on it! (delivery man) i know. i saw them. (mail recipient 1) do you wanna pay a bill since you went through them? age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss.
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and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. "preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies" "and its from the eye experts at bausch and lomb" so, ask your doctor about adding preservision. and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision"
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>> carley: a chicago teen is shot 24 times at a gas station near his home. the 15 year old, sincere cole, was killed when an unidentified gunman opened fire. his aunt and legal guardian brandy martin, join me now. such a tremendous loss for your family, our hearts go out to you. when people hear sincere was
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shot 24 times, they wonder if he was in a gang. you say he was not other thanning had no items -- enemies and he was a good kid. >> that is right. >> if you could tell us everything you know about what happened to sincere, please share that information with us. >> okay, so far as of today, february 21st, we don't have any information as far as the murder of my nephew, sincere cole. there has been no new evidence that has came in or anything. i just actually started to hear from the police maybe three or four days after sincere was killed to identify his body, me and his father. i haven't heard anything new from detectives at all. i keep my eyes out and keep my ears out and see if i can get
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any news from what happened in my area. >> we talk about this crime issue a lot, brandy. out of everybody that i've spoken with, i think you summed it up perfectly, you said, right now we're protecting ourselves from germs with masks and covid, but we can't protect ourselves from each other it does seem like that is the case, huh? >> that is the case and has been since my nephew was killd and many other children were killed. that is just what it is. we are busy worrying about germs and we got senior citizens that can't come out of their homes. that worked all of their lives to purchase their home and now can't enjoy life and children can't walk to the bus stop to go to school. boys can't walk to the store or sits on the porch. it is ridiculous. how is it we can put so many
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guidelines on protecting each other from germs and we can't stop gun violence and protect each other from ourselves. >> carley: what needs to change? >> first off, a lot needs to change in the world period n. alcohol, we need to change by getting a new mayor, we need someone who cares about our city. we need city officials who care and not just receive funding for our areas. i live in what you call a poverty-stricken area and most of the times, those areas are forgot about and cases are not handled in a matter they would be handled if it was up north on the gold coast. a lot needs to happen. it starts in the home and with the communities and that is another thing we've lost. people have given up hope. we've been let down so much for the system. people who are supposed to help
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us stay protected, a lot needs to change. i think right now, we have been started with the change as far as gun violence. now it is a point you got to, we lost our children, i lost my nephew, who was like my son. it is sad that once you lose a child, you have to become the detective, the judge, you know, the private eye and everything like that, including the spokesperson. the dead can't speak for themselves, we have to stand up and do something. i am just a person that cares and i've been affected. i cared before my tragedy, i lost my daughter to gun violence in 2019, the same week i lost sincere cole's mother to the red-line train. i been standing tall for that, it does not work if we don't stand together. we have to come together and work hand in hand.
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murder is all-time high, not only in chicago, across the globe. until we form actually get proper results and stop talking about it and do something, we will not see any results >> carley: brandy, you are right, your family has been through so much tragedy. we hope your daughter's murder will be solved, that person will be brought to justice. and your nephew's as well. thank you for speaking out on this issue so eloquently. >> thank you for having me, god bless you. and please support got fund me, i'm trying to bury my nephew. >> carley: what is the information? what is website? >> it is sincere's cole go fund me. his name will pop up. i want to make sure my nephew is buried like a king since he was killed like a dog. >> carley: well said, thank you. we appreciate it.
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ashley. >> ashley: democratic house candidates facing ridicule after allegedly getting drunk and verbally deerating a group of children. she was at a girl's sleepover with a girl whose daughter was in attendance. she vomited on one of the girl's shoes. she says the allegations are false. >> storms out of a meeting for mask hypocrisy, listen. >> that makes no sense and makes you hypocrites, here is a picture of you right here on facebook with a crowd of people -- >> that's it. excuse me -- >> this is my time, i don't interrupt you. >> no, here is another picture. >> time is up. >> time is up. >> time's up. >> you can't deal with the truth, you don't need to be a school board member. >> it's not the truth --
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>> rules for thee, not for me. glenn youngkin banned mask mandate in school and allowing children to make the decision for their kids. on president's day, far left project claim -- "new york post" says founder remains role model for all. he carefully cultivated his virtues, self-control, moderation, civility, to become the mostly widely admired president 1st in the 13 colonys and then the new nation. washington created two american institutions, first the army until 1783 and second the u.s. government presiding over the first year necessary 1789 to 1797, tomorrow marks washington's 290th birthday. >> carley: college basketball game eshg rupt intoes chaos when a brawl breaks out on the
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sideline. coaches were throwing punches, we have the wild video, stick around we'll see that income. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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14 minutes from now, with europe on the brink of war president biden agrees in principle to last-minute summit with putin as long as putin stays out of arkansas until thursday. can that happen? can an invasion be stop? ed talk to retired generals, keith kellogg and congressman michael waltz. then dr. nicole sapphire is in, as the cdc lowers speech standards for toddlers for it is first time in two decade? why is that? could mask mandate be part of the reason? plus, dan bongino will join us live from florida and champion of last night's daytona 500, that man, covered in confetti, austin cindric will join us live fresh off his big win in
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daytona. it all start necessary 12 minutes and 40 seconds on the channel you trusts for your morning news. we will trust ashley and carley with 12 minutes in. >> carley: you couldn't trust me to do math on national tv. >> that is why they pay you big bucks, steve. >> kamala harris remarks about the price americans may pay if russia invades ukraine getting attention this morning. cheryl casone has more. good morning. >> cheryl: good morning. americans will pay if russia invades ukraine, that is the message from the vice president. >> when america stands for principles, it requires us to puts ourselves out there and we will incur some cost n. this situation, that may relate to energy cost.
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>> cheryl: harris made the comments after oil prices rising, we will hit $100 per barrel if war does break out in europe. as of friday, $3.51 per gallon. >> carley: let's talk about trump's truth social up and running and fully operational soon. >> cheryl: it is up this morning. former president trump's apps hitting overnight. congressman devin nunes is retiring to become ceo of trump media group. >> we want to value our customers and we want them to tell us what they would like on the app. people are decide whoing can and cannot be on it is platform.
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>> cheryl: president trump was banned from several platforms, he had 89 million followers on twitter before he was removed. >> had a big following and now it is not on social media anymore. what is going on with co-founder of black lives matter? >> set to speak to a group of students who want to defund school police. she spent $3.2 million for homes despite calling herself trained marxist. they were -- what happened to $60 million in donations, taking the money in, are you spending on communities that need it? that is what blm is not doing, not helping black and brown communities. what are they doing with the $60 million? >> money questions will follow
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her. >> cheryl: defund police, we still need police. >> unbelievable. thank you so much. transgenderer lia thomas winning her third ivy league title in three days and setting five records. have have alleged thomas is holding back to make her advantage less obvious. a world athlete joined us earlier to discuss this. >> women and girls deserve a fair playing field and the swimmers are not getting that. my daughter ran her first high school race against biological male identifying as female. we predicted this would happen, this is the end of female sports, we are witnessing it right now. >> her daughter says she is worried about whether she will be able to keep competing and receiving scholarships. >> massive brawl breaks out at the michigan and wisconsin men's basketball game. the incident
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erupted after michigan coach juwan howard threw a hand at an assistant coach for calling a timeout with only 15 minutes remaining in the game, even though they had a double-digit lead. no word on what disciplinary action will be taken. howard said he will respect whatever decision is made. a rookie takes home victory at this year's daytona 500. >> cindric will bring them to the line way up high to block ryan blaney and cindric beats by half a car length and they crash going into turn one. >> austin cindric picking up first nascar cup series win. the rookie is the ninth driver to get first career victory at daytona 500 and in the daytona 500 debut, fox nation car
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finished 15th, that is how that shaped up, how about it? >> russian invasion of ukraine could happen at any minute according to u.s. intelligence. russians forces are creating lists of people to be killed -- is it too late to prevent a war? congressman rob wittman is here with his reaction coming up income. .
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these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! car cart white house says president biden will meet with russian president putin as early as this week but only if russia has not launched its assaulted on ukraine. we note kremlin already gave its commanders green light for invasion. >> ashley: ron whitman joins us now. you just heard it from carley. obviously, russia gave the order already. is this supposed meeting with putin is, that enough to deter
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him because what's to say that he is not just going to turn around after that meeting and i invade anyway. >> ashley, i don't think it's enough to deter him. i think he has made up his mind. if you look at the military units that he has deployed there on the border. he now has not removed the troops from belarus. pro-russian separatists bombing railroad stations and schools. you see the cyberattack has begun. listen, i think putin is on his way to invasion he is rest hiewt in what he is going to do in ukraine. i don't think that anything that the biden administration does is going to dissuade him. >> carley: you have to think about the ramifications here from increasing gas prices here at home to long-term ramifications like a potential global shakeup of world order. what kind of impact would a russian invasion have on ukraine for all of us? >> well, i think the world will be watching. and i believe that countries like china and their leader xi
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jinping is watching very intently about what the u.s. reaction is, what the world reaction is, because that sets the stage for what china potentially does with taiwan. i believe this administration abysmal failure in afghanistan has set the stage for where we are today in this potential russian invasion of ukraine. in fact, i would argue it's not potential anymore. it has begun in its early phases. >> now the biden administration position is that sanctions should only be used as a deterrent factor. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy wants sanctions now. what do you think of that. >> i think sanctions should have begun months ago. we have seen things like sanctions the nord stream pipeline should have been incrementally put in place as we have seen china building up. that would be a way to deter. the only thing putin understands is strength.
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doing things after the fact i think are not going to be a way to dissuade him. is he resolute in saying that he is going to take ukraine. he has been saying that for years. >> carley: president biden accepting conditioned based meeting with vladimir putin as early as this week. >> joe biden becoming president is the best thing that ever happened for vladimir putin. >> justin drew dough being slammed as a caucus dictator as police clear out the last of the freedom convoy. >> we were peaceful for three and a half weeks and, yet, he treated us like we were terrorists and dangerous to society. >> a crowd of people, that's it? >> with no mask on. >>
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