tv FOX Friends First FOX News March 9, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST
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poland. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. crews across ukraine are working to bolster key cities after sirens in kyiv sent men, women and children rushing to bomb shelters this morning. we have live team coverage with jonathan hunt on the ground in western ukraine. brooke singman is following america's energy crisis as gas prices hit brand-new record high today. we begin with griff jenkins in washington. griff. >> griff: good morning, carl and he todd. vice president harris will say we stand firmly with the ukrainian people. and two, assistance to ukraine will continue and two, putin made mistake that will result in resounding defeat for russia, according to senior official who shot down poland's offer to transfer mig 29 fighter jets to germany saying issue it is our
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judgment this one is not a tenable one. we want and are encouraging our allies to pring ideas forward and to stay in close coordination across the board. that rejection is drawing criticism. president biden should explain why he vetoed fighter jets for ukraine, administration is not leading from behind, they are not leading period. progressive democrats are plasting military aid. ilhan omar tweeting flooding ukraine with billion dollars in weapons likely not limited to just military specific equipment, including small arms and ammo are unpredictable and likely disastrous. this as top u.s. officials painting a grim picture of the ongoing war. >> putin is angry and frustrated right now, hiez -- he's likely
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to double down with no regard for civilian casualties. >> putin's current posturing is intended to deter the west from providing support to ukraine. >> griff: congressional leaders yesterday reached bipartisan deal to provide $14 billion to help ukraine and european allies as part of the government funding bill. one note about support, depending on announcing sending two batteries to poland to bolster nato defenses. todd and carley. >> carley: gas prices surging to record high, $4.25. >> todd: president biden passing the blame to russia. brooke singman is live. brooke. >> brooke: good morning, guys. gas prices in the united states are at record high. president biden says they
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haven't peaked just yet and there isn't much he can do to lower them. >> president biden: going to go up. can't do much right now, russia is responsible. >> brooke: south carolina senator tim scott notes surge in gas prices didn't happen overnight. average gas price skyrocketing, it is now more than $4 per gallon for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis with people in california paying as much as $7 per gallon at the pump. lawmakers haven't addressed the issue yet and suggest u.s. lean on middle east for oil imports. listen to this. >> that issue hasn't come up, increasing global oil supply at the moment is important discussion. particularly with traditional allies in the gulf states, such
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as saudi arabia, the uae, and others. >> brooke: in a statement house republican conference chair stefanek saying the comments that the issue didn't come up in today's caucus meeting shows how out of touch they are with the crisis facing the american people and according to "wall street journal," president biden tried to arrange calls with the united arab emirates, both nations declined. >> todd: they won't take our calls, thank you. if you needed further evidence this administration is being held hostage by green energy i'd log yesterday's speech was it. he's catering to the green energy zealots, biggest point i took away, oil companies have leases and are fine and do whatever they want when it comes
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to domestic energy production, it is on them. don't 11 to democrats when they say that, it is not about leases, it is about regulation. if you are energy company with regulations in place, you could put millions of dollars into drilling, into developing energy and in a few years biden administration could say, we are turning off the spigot, you lost the money. they are not getting -- >> carley: during the president's speech, i picked up on the same thing you did, he said to protect our country, we need to be energy independent and then he said through clean energy. then he went on to say loose inning environmental regulation won't lower energy prices which is mind blowing to say, it is such a lie. he says transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles will. he talked about tax credits to winterize homes. biden administration suggestion
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is to buy $60,000 electric car when you are having trouble paying for $4.25 gas. it is just completely unrealistic. ramp up wind and solar, ramp up hydro, as long as country runs on oil and gas, might as well be using american gas. >> todd: many experts say market opinion tragz on electric vehicles is less than 3% of cars on the road, some say less than 10, some say less than 3. experts say the number will jump to 20%. to think this will go away, it is not. we need oil and gas, biden has to stop dealing with this. >> carley: major news, death toll in cities like kharkiv is soaring as cold weather sweeps in, live on the ground in ukraine, plus -- >> [indiscernible] --
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>> carley: the war in europe raging for two weeks as russian airstrikes on residential neighborhoods today. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy receiving standing ovation from the u.k. parliament. >> todd: jonathan. >> jonathan: todd and carley, good morning. a glimmer of hope today for some of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ukrainians who have been under constant bombardment for the last 14 days from russian forces. we understand from officials, they have agreed with the russians for humanitarian corridors to be set up from a number of cities. they went into place three hours ago, they will be in effect for
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another six hours. mariupol in the south, 200,000 civilians have been surviving with almost no water or food and no power. they are desperate to get out. today some of them may be able to do so. in the meantime, president zelenskyy of ukraine addressed via zoom both houses of u.k. parliament yesterday and invoked the spirit of winston churchill, listen here. >> we fight until the end. we will continue fighting for our land, whatever the cost. we will fight in the forests, in the fields, on the shores, in the streets. >> jonathan: from every single person standing in the u.k. parliament, president zelenskyy received a standing ovation, he
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will of course be grateful and appreciative of the applause, but he wants more from the west, most of all, a no fly zone, if nato aircraft will not fly it themselves, then he wants more aircraft in the hands of ukrainian pilots to do it. offered to give ukraine their entire fleet of soviet era mig fighter jets issue but don't want them taking off from polish territory. polish government suggested they be sent to u.s. air base in germany, the u.s. knockd that down saying that idea is not tenable. as negotiations between nato members go on, the ukrainians do not have aircraft they so desperately need. as long as they do not have it is extra aircraft, that gives russian forces more time to kill
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more ukrainian civilians. breaking news right now, the establishment, we are told by ukrainian officials of humanitarian corridors around several ukrainian cities, some of the civilians under intense fire may be able to get to moncum of safety today, we'll watch and let you know. >> carley: live on the ground in lviv, thank you, jonathan hunt. the war in horror, ukrainian 1994 olympic gold medal figure skater oksana baiul is raising her voice to help the voiceless, organizing pro-ukraine rally. she joins us now. good morning to you. such an honor to have you on, i know this is a difficult time for you, your family and the world as we watch in horror at what is happening in ukraine. what is your message this
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morning? >> stay strong, people, stay strong, ukrainians, we are here for you. >> carley: you say the united states adopted you when you were 15 years old, but arkansas will always be your home. i understand you have family in ukrainian, have you been able to communicates with them at all? >> in the beginning of the war, two weeks now, i was able to get in touch with them. it is getting harder and harder to get in touch with them because they are trying to find a safe place to be at. they are all trying to hide from the bombing, so when they hear the sirens in my city where i come from, they in the beginning they used to run to back rooms, now they are running to bomb shelters and just staying there.
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>> carley: such a tragedy. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has been called the winston churchill of our time. he spoke to u.k. parliament yesterdays yesterday, received a standing ovation. how critical is his leadership in this moment? >> it is extremely important for us to speak out and i like his sense of humor, he said, i don't -- as much as churchill. >> carley: he's certainly showing incredible leadership and bravery and a lot of people say without him, if he had fled the situation in ukraine would be different right now. ukrainian forces have been able to hold off troops in way that has made vladamir putin angry and they are saying he may double down and use more lethal
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force, it must be a massive concern for you. >> carley, i'm not fearing for my life, i lived through a lot in my life and if god did not take me by now, i don't care if i'm on the black list for ukrainians who are speaking out for my country. we are ukrainians, we want the best for our country. we are fighting for democracy, for liberty, especially the young generation in my country. it is shameful putin even trying to silence people in his country because a lot of young people in his country is trying to speak up and they are being punished for what? for trying to raise their voice
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and trying to do good for the world. i just think it is so wrong what he's doing. >> carley: absolutely. and oksana, you are figure skating icon, everybody remembers the 1994 olympics and how brightly you shined in that moment. you have a large platform, if you could speak to president biden face-to-face or other nato leaders, what would yousay? >> i am a messenger, i am getting in touch with people in ukraine, my friends, just regular people. i have the -- in las vegas, that is where i'm based right now. americans adopted me, i gave a platform to a lot of different people to come to the peace rally and they were screaming, clear the sky.
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clear this sky. that is my message. >> carley: that is a great message and we know that your heart is with the people of ukraine, ours, as well. oksana baiul farina, thank you for joining us. god bless you. >> todd: carley, donating $1 million to the american red cross to support their mission to provide aid and resources to ukraine. red cross is working 24/7 to distribute food, water and first aid equipment, fox is matching employee donations, to donate visit millions on the move across ukraine in europe's biggest refugee crisis since world war ii. one tv host is making news coverage about race. >> let's face it, the world is paying attention because this is happening in europe, if this was
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happening anywhere else, would we see same outpouring of support and compassion? >> carley: joe concha's response to that coming up next. an't keep migraine attacks away? qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks... it can't prevent your next period. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks... it can't prevent stress. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. it works within your body's chemistry... it can't prevent lack of chemistry on the court. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta. certified turbocharger, suspension and fuel injection.
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move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could get out of debt sooner — and get your money right. ♪ >> people will feel pain, take a second look at that ford truck and reconsider a tesla, just forces the truth with respect to energy conversation. >> todd: wow, national gas average hit $4.25 this morning. some liberals cheering on the financial hardship americans are going through hoping it will teach them a lesson. >> carley: joe concha joins us now, joe, is that the right message? >> joe: this sounds like stephen colbert saying he would pay more for gas, he drives a six-figure electric car, that makes him a
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better person and we should all follow his lead. this is the wrong time for this message to be pushed when low and middle-class are struggling so much, $4.25 a galon and last year it was $2 a gallon. you can only absorb that money for so long, with paying for food and heating cost and so on. there is narrative that gas price are hunky dory before russia decided to invade ukrainian, now it is going up because of that. gas prices have been going up for more than a year, we are dependent on foreign oil instead of being independent. anybody who is sane and sober knows it and nbc is pushing the narrative because it helps joe biden, wrong place, wrong time.
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>> todd: always the fault of the middle class, i'm sick of that, joe. it has been two weeks since the russian invasion of ukraine. high time it is about race. cue joy reid. listen. >> if this was happening anywhere else, would we see it is same outpouring of compassion if russia unleashed horror on a country that wasn't white and christian. >> todd: how counter productive of notions like that right now? >> joe: nbc brass allows content like this on nightly basis, this person called clarence thomas uncle tom on the air and said ron desantis is rooting for covid deaths of children in his state and said white supremacists elected blinken in a state joe biden won by double
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digits. i could go on, we have finite time here. joy reid makes it about the media being racist, which i guess includes noobs nbc news, i guess this makes them racist, how does comcast stand for this? this is not making her the queen of cable news, she is distant third and gets one-third the audience of jesse watters, but nothing will happen to her. she has no interest in informing people, maybe cut this out, this is irresponsible and reckless. she will continue to be promoted and fail upward. >> carley: this is wrong, story about 44 million innocent people being attacked by a man,
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person with nuclear weapons, live nothing a sovereign nation, has nothing to do with race. devicive comments are not helpful there. thanks, joe. turn to senior meteorologist janice dean with fox weather forecast. >> janice: a lot to cover. snow and potential of stronger storms, you can see where the front is interacting with warm, unstable air and we have tornado-warmed storms now for parts of the -- and southeastern alabama. that is the case today, tomorrow and friday. we have stationary front, area of low pressure bringing a wintry mix for parts of the northeast today. new york city will get a rain event, could see snowflakes and
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measurable amounts and watch this big sorry friday into saturday, it will bring rain and winter to southern plains toward the plain states and ohio valley, mississippi river valley and that will count on saturday in the plain states. winter is not over yet., for the latest details. >> carley: we appreciate it. take a listen to this. >> this is first time in my life, i see like 95. this is regular price. >> it is like $1 up, i might not be able to eat lunch rest of the week. >> there is not a mark, when you need gas, you need gas. >> todd: might not be able to eat lunch. will the energy crisis be another mid-term election
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nightmare for democrats? sean duffy weighing in next. (vo) what makes my heart beat? having everything i want in the place i love. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go! there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems
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we need oil and gas, instead of producing it cleaner and cheaper here, instead of creating american jobs, biden administration plans to turn to iran. >> todd: sean duffy joins us. you heard carl and he jim banks there, his explanation, how mind-numbing a bill like this is even necessary in the first place? >> sean: think, todd, do we have to have a bill to say we're not going to get energy from the iran that want nuclear weapons? of course we shouldn't have to have a bill like that. joe biden should be a patriot and say we exactly home and produce energy in america. that is not where they're at. nancy pelosi won't even bring this bill to the floor. what is happening, you have seen this, the republican party
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represents middle-class american who is getting crushed by increasing gas prices and democrats represent rich elites. i don't care about gas prices, via ton of money. they will not bring a bill like this up and they will try to get oil from venezuela, from iran and now not from russia. >> carley: yesterday president biden's defense, my energy policies are not hurting the oil and gas industry. he ran on platform specifically of wanting to hurt the oil and gas industry, cutting the keystone pipeline, increasing regulation to promote green energy. don't look at me and what we're dog, people are smarter than that. they see gasoline, it could continue and get higher, how does this play into the midterm
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elections? >> sean: i'm looking for networks that call it misinformation or lying, that joe biden. of course he is lying to the american people, your question to the politics of this, i don't think understanding, i think democrats, i thought this would be a big red wave in november, it will be each bigger. you will see democrats who didn't think they were in trouble have a race they lose. i think you will see 30 to 35 republican seats, maybe even 40, coming in this november. it is not until democrats have losses like that, probably will lose the senate. when they lose the house and senate, they will reconsider, there is more middle-class in this country than rich elites.
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>> todd: we are starting to see some of the predictors and we don't go into polling, definitely governor races and house races. between 30 and 35, where are the vulnerabilities for the democratic party right now? they need to say, we need fo focus on these races, these people are vulnerable if gas prices to go $5, $6, $7 a gallon as average. >> sean: take your dart and throw it at an american map, everywhere. when you look at california paying $6 or $7 of gas, they can't afford to pay that much. this will crush them in that
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state. they did a lot of redistricting. california and texas, texas democrats actually wrote a letter to joe biden, we want to produce american energy. democrat necessary texas are joining republicans to push back on joe biden. this is the real point, you will have suburban americans who come over and say, i can't vote for democrats anywhere. i have nine kids, i drive a suburban, this is a war on big families, guys. i buy more food than most people. >> carley: so true. >> joe: there are americans and if you have couple parents that live with you, cost increases are incredible. >> carley: last week there is money for electric charging stations in the bipartisan
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package. >> todd: thank god. >> sean: thank god for that. listen, yeah. let's all go get teslas. >> carley: a big tesla for your family. californiaing 96 murders since beginning of this year, 10% spike from the same time last year, the city is on pace with chicago after the windy city reported 97 homicides as of monday. philly 562 homicides at end of 2021, spike from 499 in 2020. not good numbers. >> todd: border patrol rescuing a family. unable to navigate cold current, those agents got the family into a boat before transferring them to a customs station. performed 45 water rescued in the last five days.
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major players joining corporate mass exodus from russia, not everyone is banning business in the country. cheryl casone will tell us who is standing up and who is standing down. >> carley: did you hear this? [indiscernible] -- >> president biden: going to go up. >> carley: he is right, it went up this morning and brian brenberg will tell us exactly how far it could go. ♪ get up and go with best western rewards! the right place, the right value, right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire you get free nights fast! book now at as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get.
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>> carley: corporate exodus from ukraine continues. >> todd: cheryl casone has the latest. >> cheryl: the list of companies that are exiting business operations in russia continues to grow. mcdonald's's coca-cola, walmart, pepsi-co. hashtag, boycott mcdonalds and coca-cola, put pressure on them to make a choice. phillip morris, john deere, caterpillar, hiatt, mars, hyatt says they are heartbroken over
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the def stagsz in ukraine, but operating five hoilthss in russia and plan to open a sixth. shipping channels in the black sea and cargo vessels are under fire along the coast of ukraine, that threatening the global supply chain. 3500 soldiers are stranded on 200 chips according to winward, they track ships. last week a missile struck a bangladesh cargo ship. the shutdown affecting grain prices and exports, in particular, with wheat up 55% since mid-february, oil roots have been disrupted around the globe, ukrainian cargo ships are stuck. russia detained two merchant ships, as well. >> todd: that box of cereal will get expensive. the oil industry is speaking out. >> cheryl: top energy officials are speaking out over president
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biden's lack of interest in boosting domestic oil production. >> this administration needed to do more. recognize western europe dependency on russian energy has been growing, and discouraging american production is befuddling for us. >> cheryl: in particular, pointing to amount of rigs sitting offshore in the gulf of mexico, producing two million barrels per day before the pandemic, how quickly could rigs get up and running? i would say pretty fast. >> todd: just hours after his announcement, president biden made it clear who will end up paying the price. >> president biden: going to go up. can't do much right now, russia is responsible.
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>> carley: joining us now is brian brenberg. he was right about gas going up. how does he fix it? >> brian: the president of the united states in middle of gas prices rising to highest level ever, goes to texas, of all places and his message is gas prices are going up. the failed leader shep, you can't put words around it. he should be saying, we're going to produce vladamir putin out of world markets and we can do it, i'm in the heart of it, let's go. he won't do that and gas prices have been shooting up. >> todd: the speech itself, when you heard what president biden said, got to go green, people, how frustrating was that? >> you don't have to be an
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economist, think in terms of cause and effects. anybody who thinks logically says this does not make sense, sir, this is not green energy economy. resources cannot take care of what american families need everyday. resources are in this country, we can produce ourselves. owning thing we have to have is political will and you show that by going to texas and oklahoma, north dakota and saying, give us more of what you have. >> carley: he could have met with energy executives yesterday and did a round table, how can i help you help the american peep and he will he chose not to do that. some say if the biden administration goes all in on producing more oil and gas, it would take a while for prices to go down. others say oil runs on futures market, all he has to do is signal and prices will go down.
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change the game by changing policies. >> carley: then prices would drop? >> brian: more oil and gas will come online, that changes the way we buy today, that can change the price now. i'm not saying it will be a sea change right away, it doesn't control russia, venezuela, iran issue but controls united states of america and how we ooze resources, he is advocating responsibility bh he says this is putin's problem. no, mr. president, you are president of the united states, there is a heck of a lot you can do, you have to stand up to peep nel this country who says it is about green energy future, it is not here yet. >> todd: biden controls regulation, the leases miss the point. they are not worth the paper they are printed on, need incentive and promises beyond
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just, you have leases. manslaughter >> just to be clear, it is hard to get financing to drill. biden put peep nel regulatory situations to kill fossil fuels. banks know regulators are on top of that. the fed, choice number one, she is there now, folks, this is a total issue from banking to drilling, this administration has been opposed to resources we have. >> carley: green energy is green for a reason, it costs a lot 6789 it is green and finances costing a lot of people money. thank you for joining us. ukrainians facing another round of devastating attacks overnight. >> you can see total destruction. what i want to show you, right
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now i'm standing on a children's playground, this is happening here issue just terrible. >> carley: civilian death toll rises. >> todd: check in with steve doocy. >> steve: on "fox and friends" eight minutes from now, president biden has banned russian oil into this country. will the united states turn to another rogue regime instead to get the stuff? senator ron johnson and pete ricketts react coming up. and hear the latest out of washington and her homeland. and dana perino will join us live and bill barr and tim tebow is here, the former nfl star shares a message of faith for the people of ukraine. we'll be with you in seven and a half minutes, carley and todd,
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>> i'm standing here, hit by russian missile last night. you can see and what i want to show you is that right now i'm standing on a children's playground. what is happening here is terrible. >> todd: smoke rise from the latest round of russian airstrikes in residential neighborhoods in ukraine. sirens blaring over the capital of difficult warning residents to get to bomb shelters immediately. >> carley: president zelz urging the world to do more he evoked winston churchill in front of the british parliament. >> we will fight to the end at sea, in the air, we will continue fighting for our land,
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whatever the cost. we will fight in the forest, in the field, on the shores. in the streets. >> carley: after his speech was over he received a standing ovation from every member of the british parliament. now concerns for refugees as the 2 million people who have fled ukraine to neighboring countries will be facing bitterly cold temperatures across eastern europe this he can would. vice president kamala harris is heading to poland this morning. and earlier in the program we spoke to the mayor of point pleasant beach, new jersey. he is in poland right now helping ukrainian refugees. >> this humanitarian crisis is fully in effect and evident everywhere you are. we have been everywhere from the actual border crossing at madika where we handed hot meals to people who have literally just crossed over the border. dent have anybody waiting for them and are about to get put on buses to the refugee center. we have been in the refugee
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center asking people first hand what their needs are and we have been set up outside with tables doing that but i will tell you it's a heart breaking experience. >> god bless him and whoever is helping the people of ukraine right now. ukraine says there are 20,000 people from 52 different countries who are willing to put their lives on the line to help ukraine. ukrainian refugees. also the fighting as well. and there have been so many people that there aren't enough weapons, even, to give all of these people the stuff that they need to help in the fight. so, you know, this is an incredible situation. a lot of people willing to help and ukraine needs the equipment to continue this war and fight it successfully. >> todd: whether you are picking up a weapon and going to ukraine or doing what that mayor of point pleasant beach is doing. whether you are doing what the folks at project dynamo are doing. we had them on the show earlier rescuing babies that were premature babies. think about all the coordination you need.
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not just moving bodies at that point. you need the nurse and equipment. so many beautiful stories of heroism coming out of this crisis. good to have some silver lining. >> carley: fox corporation is donating a million dollars to the american red cross to support their donation can you donate as well. red and with that "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ [siren] >> it i am on a children's playground. this is definite not a military object. >> death, destruction, with no end in sight. >> we'll fight until the end. >> ukraine's president evoked win son churchill when addressing the british parliament. >> we will defend our land, whatever the cost. >> poland is now toferg hand over soviet ear i can't fighter jet to help bolster the ukrainian air force. >> says that's not
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