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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 14, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> fox news alert, we're learning one person is dead from the russian attack on a residential apartment building in kyiv overnight. it comes as russia ramps up pressure on the ukrainian capital ahead of diplomatic talks between the two. the kremlin bombing a plant on the edge of the city a short time ago. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. we are covering the heartbreaking story of the first american life claimed by the
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war. brent renaud killed while on assign nment kyiv. >> carley: we are following praking developments and begin with jonathan hunt who has more incredible reporting from the ground in lviv. jonathan. >> the talks were due to get underway 30 minutes ago. we are awaiting confirmation that the two sides are indeed talking again, ahead of the talks russian forces were very busy overnight and into the early hours of this morning here in ukraine, striking targets across the country. just on the edges of the capital kyiv, they hit an apartment building in the suburb of obolonskyi, we saw pictures of them trying to get out the wounded. they hit an aircraft plant on the edges of kyiv. to the east of kyiv, they struck
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at transportation hub in the city of giet giets /* gitoma. take a look at pictures of the aftermath of that kind of attack. this is the defense ministry putting out pictures whaf they say are russian tanks destroyed where they sat on the road. on the question of talks, the deputy secretary of state was on fox news sunday with bret baier over the weekend and said there are signs of some progress. listen here. >> that pressure is beginning to have some effect, we are seeing some signs of willingness to have real serious negotiations, as your reporter said, it appears vladamir putin is intent on destroying ukraine.
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>> and todd and carley, we should mention for viewers who may have miss today over the weekend, that deadly strike by the russians on military base just a dozen or so miles from the border with poland, the deadliest single strike as far as we are aware of this war so far. 35 people killed at that military base and it was a base, by the way, that had hosted u.s. troops training ukrainian forces as recently as early february, just about three weeks before the war started. todd and carley. >> carley: the aircraft plant bombed on the edge of kyiv, it sounds very important, international cargo airport 11 miles from the city. what can you tell us about this? >> yeah, it is cargo airport, also a plant where they build antissuing inov aircraft. the russians would consider that
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a military target and say that ukrainian forces were using that location from which to launch strikes from russian forces and in the eyes of the russians that would be legitimate target. they claim the military base just outside of lviv and dozen miles from the polish border over the weekend. that site, we believe may have been one of the conduits for some of those u.s. and european weapons, javelin and stinger missiles we talked about being brought into ukraine and funneled to ukrainian forces. that is one reason why the base near the polish border was hit over the weekend, todd and carley? >> todd: we've been highlighting the civilian attacks by russia, it does seem we've highlighted a lot of what i like to call
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smothering the supply chain attacks, the one you and carley were discussing seems like a prominent example when you are talking about cargo and on the ground they are trying to encircle the cities and prevent goods and services from getting to them. they thought the war would be done in a few days, it is now multippel -- multiple weeks. do you think they are -- off the ukrainian peep snel >> that is what they appear to be trying to do. we heard of them hitting supply convoys headed toward the southern city of mariupol, which has been subject to intense bombardment over the last week or so. they want to put pressure on the ukrainian government to capitulate, surrender here and part of that is crushing the civilian population, they hope that will lead to the ukrainian
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government saying, okay, we've had enough, our people cannot take it anymore. there are no signs of that happening. president zelenskyy again and again has said that the ukrainian people will fight for every inch of territory and they are certainly living up to that, whatever atrocities russia visits upon them at the moment, todd and carley. >> carley: russia and ukrainian are entering peace talks and on the other hand, russia is ramping up. thank you. to another fox news alert. russia is seeking -- invasion of ukraine continues. >> todd: top white house national security advisor will meet with chinese counterpart today to discuss concerns. brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: today chief national security advisor jake sullivan will meet with china, plans to
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hold them accountable. >> made it clear not to just beijing, but every country in the world, if they think they can bail russia out, they can give russia workaround to sanctions we pose, we will ensure neither china nor anyone else can compensate china for the losses. >> brooke: u.s. officials not sharing many specifics, but russia asked china for help, according to officials, kremlin asked for equipment and economic support, the thought of russia and china and other totalitarian state system concerning for the west. listen. >> we are seeing alignment of the world ato being rasies, russia, chien ark both involved in the negotiations with iran.
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this is concerning. >> brooke: the ukraine invasion potentially creating a dangerous precedent as mike pompeo believes it could set the stage for china to take similar action in taiwan. >> the time suggest difficult to know. only know this, it is not predetermined he'll be successful at that. >> brooke: china is denying russia requested aid when asked about reports, a spokesperson in washington said, "i've never heard of that," carley and todd. >> todd: thank you. chaing joined us and said this about the relationship between russia and china. >> jake sullivan could not meet china in rome.
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we don't need to talk to china, all we need to do is impose sanctions to give china incentive to do the right thing. we believe we need to try to engage china, talk to them, we can reason with them, we can get them to see their interest is the same as ours, that is ridiculous, we've been trying for three decades. >> carley: claiming responsibility for the missile attack that struck near a u.s. consulate in iraq. they say they targeted a secret israelis spy center adding that the attack was retaliation for israelis strike in syria that killed two iranian members of the group. no video shows impact of the overnight attack from inside a kurdish news room. the iraqi government condemning the attack. >> todd: under scrutiny from members of his own
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administration, listen to this. >> it is hard to understand, but here is the deal. if iran has nuclear weapon, ability to protect power to middle east and deter us is enormous, we need to make sure iran never obtains a nuclear weapon. >> carley: turning to this, americans are reacting to tragic death of journalist brent renaud, the first american killed in ukraine. >> todd: two of his friends and colleagues will join us to tell us more about his life that has been lost. let's go on the open road with a safe stay! now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at
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as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ why is guy fieri in the neighbors' kitchen? it's slider sunday! sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! these chicken parm sliders on king's hawaiian rolls are fire! slider sunday! i want that. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. mmm!
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>> brooke: an american journalist is dead after his car was caught in the cross-fire at a checkpoint outside of kyiv. brent renaud was in ukraine to film refugees as they fled the country. joining me now is shawn tuwey jr. and bo mattingley a journalist who worked with brent. so sorry for your loss. bo, tell us how you knew brent and what would you like people to know about him? >> this is exactly who brent
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was, showing injustice, getting in place most of us can't get access, he figured out how to bring in the middle of it and bring it to life and show to us so we could have perspective. i found out he was there, i said, of course you are. it is next day or couple days later, you get up and shocking to learn we've lost one of the best there ever was. >> listening to another colleague describe who he was, they received an award and he said, the only thing bigger than brent's courage is his heart. shawn, how did you know him? how did you find out about his death and what would you like people to know about his life? >> sure. same thing that bo said. we knew him through, he directed for our football team this past season.
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shoot, i texted bo, i saw it on social media, first thing that popped up was an article about him. man, he died and this was one of ours, we know this guy. i think bo had the line of the day, this is what he does. to your question, what would you want to know, he was the best there was at it. >> carley: bo, have you heard from his family? was he married? did he have children? >> no, brent was guy who was single and had a mission and it was to be in places like this. when we asked him if he would direct the show with university of central florida football team, i joked, i'm not sure this is dangerous enough for you. he loved telling stories, whether an athlete or showing child immigrants or the immigrant story he was working on. what made brent special was his
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heart and ability to put on a screen where we could all understand it, that is a gift. >> carley: you are talking about a show that is going to air about usc football. >> yes, it is airing now. >> carley: what is it called? i am sure people will want to watch it. bo? >> you will see brent at time necessary that film, you will also see his work and you can find a lot of work brent has done if you sit down for a week and go through his shows, your mouth will be open at the end, you will be in aweof different ways he has impacted people and given a different perspective. >> carley: jake sulvan said the
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u.s. would consult with officials about what to do next. this may be difficult question for tou answer, should something be done? should more action be taken by the u.s. than just a statement? >> you know, that is such a hard question for us to answer in the morning. from our end, all we can do is appreciate who he was and what he did for our players and our kids and our staff and the relationships he built in such a short time, i can't imagine the relationships he had a longer time n. terms of national response, it is a quick reaction to guess at one. in terms of relational response, we are just appreciative. >> carley: he was a decorated journalist and told stories many wouldn't because it was so dangerous to do that. we certainly honor his life today. sean tuohy jr. and bo mattingly,
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thank you for joining us. >> carley: so many journalists are putting their life on the line. americans begging for relief, one democrat says instead of lowering prices, one says we should lower our expectations. >> you always blame the party in power, we're shocked because we got used to $2 gas. >> todd: joe concha responds to that income. e. e. . n e xt .
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>> carley: president biden is pivoting back to massive economic agenda, pushing more spending. >> carley: alexandria hoff joins us with the latest on the democratic spending plan. >> alexandria: president biden will address a conference today talking about covid relief, infrastructure and economic recovery and last part is likely
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where local leaders will be paying attention especially after having to deal with fuel cost to get to washington. nationwide orange for gallon of gas is $4.33, it hit $4.33 on friday, setting record high. just a year ago $2.85. is that last number affordable or luxury the american people never should have expected to last? here is what heidi heitkamp had to say. >> that is artificially low price you are starting from, this is not the highest price we've had, we are shocked because we got used to $2 gas. >> alexandria: global squeeze on oil due to the war in ukraine, republicans say cost of living increases were expected to rise alongside the administration and the green push. >> president biden did cancel the keystone pipeline project
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and we saw 71,000 jobs across the energy sector go away because of president biden's deranged climate policies. >> alexandria: there is divide over how to deal with oil companies amid a crisis, bill impose profit above a certain price. critics worry this will lead to decrease in production and that is departure from what jennifer graham did this week, call on the oil and gas industry to help out by increasing production. >> todd: let us bring in joe concha, you heard alexandria hoff's piece, there is a receive heidi heitkamp is former north dakota senator, she is from north dakota, where the oil comes from. jennifer rubin of the "washington post" tweeting, voters in a stupid nut shell,
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70% disapprove of biden handles of gas prices. banning russian oil means paying more at the pump. common theme from both statements, it is our faults, not the fault of the administration, why is middle class always to blame when it comes to elites? >> joe: middle class and obviously folks poorer than that, who can't afford these sort of price increases at the pump because then they are making decision between gas and food, right? inflation is hitting that sector, as well, or home heating costs have gone up in some cases 50%. this is obviously somebody who lives in the ivory towers of the "washington post" or near there in washington, eshg litist is gen rubin. she calls for rules that would
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prevent media outlets -- she called trump supporters a basket of deplorables. president biden promised no more drilling off shore or drilling for the oil industry to drill. he killed drill nothing alaska and expansion of the keystone xl pipeline and continued rhetorical war on u.s. oil companies accusing them of price gouging, but can you help us out before we destroy your industry? it is amazing. jen rubin, "washington post," defending joe biden and making a fool of herself. >> carley: kamala harris's trip to poland, where she laughed while discussing ukrainian refugees, here is how a panel described that moment, watch
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this. >> she was strong and ark certive and this woman in the senate had senators shook. >> this is somebody used to taking on bad guys for a living. >> carley: it is like they were watching something totally different than the rest of america. >> joe: interesting analysis, one point they said kamala harris shook senators or shook william barr. the implication is vladamir putin is now shaking, why because the vice president awkwardly said a friend in need and a friend indeed, the third part of the song, a friend with weed is better and proceeds to cackle after that. she read notes about serious consequences for syria and russia and evil action says otherwise in the shaking department and he targeting civilians and mothers,
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journalists and doesn't appear to be stopping, only increasing despite how strong kamala harris looks. >> carley: thank you for joining us, we'll see you tomorrow. >> joe: that song is by placebo from 1998, play it when you are working out later carley and todd, it is excellent. todd knows it. >> carley: i'm sure america was wondering. tom brady is back, star quarterback sent shockwaves announcing his return for a 23rd nfl season on social media. been a month since retirement but he said he realized his place is still on the field and he posted photos thanking his teammate and family for support. he lid the nfl and passing yesterdays and completions last season.
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his team was eliminated by the los angeles rams in their first playoff game. he says he has unfinished business. >> todd: who else is back, it is the fox weather forecast and janice dean. >> janice: i will never retire, youville to push me out. >> todd: nobody would do that. >> janice: i'll retire and come back. it feels cold across the country, parts of southeast in florida, we have freeze alerts for birmingham, atlanta, tallahassee to charleston. temperatures are cold, we set a lot of record low temperatures over the weekend. temperatures 34 in montgomery. the next storm system will bring large hail and tornados across portions of texas and toward louisiana and arkansas, the
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ark-la-tex, there you go, arkansas, texas, louisiana, severe weather alert throughout the day today. know what to do. tomorrow goes across gulf coast and florida, did you know that, ark-la-tex? >> carley: i did not. we introduced you to a new jersey mayor helping ukrainian refugees, he went to poland. >> todd: he's back in the u.s. and this morning he is live in the studio to tell us what he saw first hand, don't go anywhere. mfort? anywhere. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. and join the align healthy gut team up and learn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at
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>> carley: a fox news alert. one person is dead from a russian attack on an apartment build nothing kyiv. the kremlin bombingly an aircraft plant on the edge of the city and levelling an administrative building in the west. >> todd: jonathan hunt. >> it has been a violent monday morning on this, the 19th day of this war. take a look at this map. russian strikes across the country today, at least two hitting suburbs of kyiv. one striking an apartment building. we have seen images of firefighters rushing to the building, trying to take out the wounded in the flames that erupted after the micile hit.
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they hit russians, aircraft factory and airport in surbush of kyiv. a transportation hub was hit, damage there, we are waiting confirmation on any casualties. ukrainian forces striking back over the weekend. there is video of russian tanks, this is the what the defense ministry says isopt maof those attacks, russian tanks crippled on the side of the road. talks are due to be taking place again today. we were told they were getting underway an hour ago, there is always hope, but it seems no one thinks and real significant deal is likely today, todd and carley. >> carley: thank you so much. fatality -- staying in the capital to fight, here is what
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they told us yesterday, watch. >> we need to help. we need political pressure. we need international support. we need defense and weapons. we need any type of support in this very difficult situation because we are fighting right now issue not just for our city and our country. we are fighting right now for our principles, for our -- ready to fight, we need support of our partners. i see people who never had an idea to take the uniform, they are peaceful professions, doctors, actors, mu sigszs but right now prepared for any type of fight. this is our home. vital klitschko.
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k-d >> carley: on the humanitarian front, the mayor of point pleasant beach is back home after helping war refugees. that mayor joins me now. paul, your segment we did last week spoke with so many people, spoke to so many people. what stood out to you the most? >> it is disproportionately and almost exclusively women, elderly and children. that combined with the fact the ukrainian people were living lives similar to ours and that speaks to so many people. they were not expecting to be torn into this and obviously when we were over there, seeing the heartbreak and disbelief in their eyes and a lot of them think they are going back in a week or two, but a lot of towns have been completely destroyed. that concept of packing
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everything you own in one suitcase and have no assets or support tugs at your heart strings. >> todd: your notes focus on the orphan crisis. how bad is it now? >> ukraine had the largest number of orphans by population in europe before this crisis happend and now with thousands of civilians dead and being targeted that is being exacerbated. a lot of them have no place to go, places are filled up in terms of refugees. finding places to restart life is a challenge. >> todd: that is frightening, we pray for the children. americans want to help, based on your experience over there, what is the best way for us to assist the effort? >> everybody knows shipping goods is the best thing, that comes to mind.
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it is difficult. there are piles of supplies on the ground and little oergsz. donating to vetted groups is important. we doll charity events. world central kitchen, they were giving out hot meals at the border and have all eight border crossings helping people get warm food in their hands. >> todd: what are you doing? >> april 10th, we're going to have big benefit concert in point pleasant beach at jenkinsons. it is from 4 to 8 p.m., we'll post more information on my mayor paul kanitra facebook page. we think we will be able to raise $100,000 or couple hundred
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thousand. tobing i imagine it will be jersey shore bands, go watch the show, help an amazing cause. we can't thank you enough for doing the work you did over there and continuing it going forward. paul, we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> todd: red cross working around the clock to provide resources to ukraine and help families evacuate to safety. fox donated $1 million to support efforts and we've been asking tou join in the effort by making a donation. thousands have responded, contributions exceeding $6 million issue head to >> carley: the latest on the manhunt for this suspect.
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and russia threatening to -- payback for u.s. aid to ukraine, we'll be talking to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut ukraine, a former nasa engineer about how ukraine, we'll be talking to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut home.u.s. aid to ukraine, we'll talking to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut home.for u.s. aid to be talking to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut home.payback for u.s., we'll be talking to a former nasa engineer about how to bring that astronaut home.
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hour, entering day 19 of russia's war on ukraine. senator and vet lindsey graham will react to the u.s. meeting with china. and from russia to china to iran, veterans in congress will grade president biden and vice president harris' performance on the world stage. we will talk about that, congressman brian mast and runningman meeks and representative zeldin join us. and charles payne is here, soaring gas prices are impacting your wall sxet your stomach. and clay travis will break down tom brady, who has decided to un-retire yesterday. will the greatest of all time be back on the field this fall? it sounds like it, in tampa bay
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buccaneer uniform. 14 minutes and 20 seconds from now on the channel you trust for the news. back to you. >> todd: he could not stay away. this next video is graphic images of violence. nypd releasing video of knife attack showing sub gary cabanna leaping over a desk and stabbing staff members after finding out his membership had been cancelled. both victims are being treated and expected to recover. police are asking the public for any information that could lead to his arrest. and smollett is being held in the psyche warm. his move to protective custody came after the disgraced actor made a scene, he warned he was
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not suicidal and if anything happened to him, he didn't do it to himself. this ward is for high-profile inmates, he has substantial time out of his cell. >> carley: set to return home from space in just weeks, fears are growing as russia space aigence sethreaten to possibly leave the american astronaut in orbit. homer hickum, former nasa engineer joins me now and for those who don't know, home upper, you helped negotiate with russia to establish the international space station, nobody knows this topic better than you. what do you think about this latest development? do you think russia would leave him behind on the international space station? >> good morning, carley. the russians are acting pretty
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irrationally these days, it is difficult to predict what they are going to do, i am not concerned, if they decide to be irrational about this and leave mark up there, not bring him back at the end of the month as per the schedule, we have two dragon flights going up, american dragon flights at the ax-1 mission and middle of april, crew four mission. the dragon will carry as many as six astronauts, we could put extra seat in there and bring mark back. my sources tell me to date, nasa has heard nothing officially to the extent that mark will not be brought back. the russians, there is no up side for the russians pulling this kind of thing f. they bring him back, they will say, we're a
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great space power bringing americans back from orbit. they love to threat sxen that is what they are doing now. >> carley: they love to threaten, head of russian space aigence eg got into it with scott kelly, get off you moron, otherwise death of iss will be on your conscience, he sounds unhinged. >> he's a putin guy sounding off. what is interesting approximate that back and forth, the astronauts, our american astronauts are required to less russian so mark knows enough russian to really kind of stick a knife inside the -- >> carley: i mentioned that you helped negotiate with russia to
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create the international space station, do you feel like it is time to uncouple that partnership and have america pull out of it because of everything going on with ukraine? >> well, i don't think we have to pull out of it, i think the russians may decide to do so, again, it would be an irrational decision. i think we would continue with our other partners, europeans and japanese and canadians and let the russians go. >> carley: sounds like a better idea. >> that would be sill tow do. >> carley: getting them out of the deal sounds better than us leaving? homer, fascinating talking to you. >> thank you, carley. >> todd: one ton of fentanyl taken off it is streets of new york city last year alone. it is a crisis that is getting worse and getting almost no attention from the white house. we're talking about it live with
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new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis, she is next. next. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ why is guy fieri in the neighbors' kitchen? it's slider sunday! sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! these chicken parm sliders on king's hawaiian rolls are fire! slider sunday! i want that. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. mmm! ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles,
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how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are.
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♪ >> carley: more than a ton of fentanyl seized in new york city last year spiking 256% in just one year. >> todd: is there any hope for addressing the drug crisis the our own border as the overwhelming nicole malliotakis joins us now. congressman, i would say forth last year this was a lost cause based upon who was in the white house. now that those people are distracted by ukraine, is all hope lost? >> well, just like they won't hold china accountable for the virus, they refuse to hold china accountable for trafficking fentanyl over to the united states. whether it be directly or whether it be through mexico and the southern border. the reality is that president biden's open borders have led to record level of fentanyl streaming over our border.
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and also it is leading causes of death among 18 to 45-year-olds. and then here in new york, you have these radical left policies that tie the hands of our police, the bail law that continues to release criminals back on to our streets, including hardened drug dealers. and we have to change it and the only way we are going to do that is if our governor and state legislature decide to do the right thing to protect american citizens. right now what we are see something our leadership making it easier for the drug cartels and drug dealers to sell poison to our children. >> carley: conversation congresswoman on capitol hill regarding fentanyl. seems like there should be bipartisan support in addressing this issue. is there? >> well, we get a lot of lip service from our colleagues on the other side. but at the end of the day, they control the agenda. we have pieces of legislation that would secure our borders. we have piece of legislation that would give our law enforcement the tools to stop this trafficking. and they won't allow it to come to the floor for a vote.
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so they say one thing. but then when did comes to actually taking action, they refuse to bring up those bills that would address the issue. >> todd: along those lines you mentioned the latest heinous attack in new york city 31-year-old repeat criminal assaulting a wagon riding in a toy wagon. as you mentioned you mentioned lip service. i want to draw your attention to new york city mayor eric adams. he has had a few months now to make new york city safer. congress woman, where are the results? >> well, i think the mayor he has been trying, i believe, governor and state legislature refuse to actually change the issue. look the other day what dhevment governor cuomo's appointed parole board released somebody back on to the street and that person ended up assaulting someone who died. he was charged with murder and cuomo's appointed judge then released him back onto the street with no bail despite the fact that she had discretion to hold this guy behind bars and
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the prosecutor was pleading to hold a murderer behind bars. this is what is happening in new york and until our governor appoints better, better judges, until we have prosecutors that are serious about prosecuting crime, and until our state legislature, which is completely controlled by democrats who put in that i will that bail law decide and acknowledge that they made a mistake, we will continue to see crime rise in new york city despite what the mayor says, what i say or anyone else who has been advocating for common sense policing policies. >> carley: congressman, we want to get to the last topic really quickly, eric adams says children under 5 can stop wearing masks if we don't have a spike. what's your reaction to that? >> the youngest children are the ones that shouldn't be wearing masks to begin with i mean, when you think about it he takes it off of the older kids which i agree with you about leaves it on for those smaller kids. it's so critical for their developmental growth for social, for mental, to be able to read their teachers are lips as they are learning to speak.
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this is something that has to be done. he needs to remove these masks from children children set. damaging them and we need to stop this. >> carley: happened so long ago. we are glad it's happening now. you are absolutely right. getting those masks off kids younger than five absolutely critical. we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. >> todd: with that "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ [explosions] >> russian troops continue relentless attacks. >> bret: airstrikes hit a military training center near poland's border. >> if there is a military attack on nato territory, we will bring the full force of the nato alliance to bear. >> the first known american dies in putin's war. a journalist shot and killed by russian forces. >> crossed a check point a journalist has been shot in the neck. >> now u.s. officials say russia is seeking china's help. >> we're seeing an a


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