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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair balanced and unafraid. and, again we are thinking and praying for our colleagues in the region specifically benjamin hall and all the spokes on the ground in ukraine. it's a tough, tough time jesse watters is up next. jesse, i will turn it over to you. >> jesse: thanks, bret. it is tough. ♪ >> jesse: vladimir putin came dangerously close to attacking a nato country. russian long range bombers flying in russian airspace fired a flurry of missiles at a military base in deep west ukraine. just 11 miles from the polish border. that's about this close to triggering a larger war with the united states. the airstrike killed 35 and wounded more than 100. the base, believed to be a staging area for foreign fighters.
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the european vest came to ukraine to fight alongside the resistance. the west is worried this symbolizes a significant shift in putin's war path. russia warning that besides foreign fighters any shipment of arms to ukraine could be considered a target. this is setting off alarm bells in estonia, a nato ally, wedged right next to russia on the far eastern flank. today became the first nato country to call for a no-fly zone over ukraine. something that prime time believes will drag america into a direct war with russia. as with the debate about the mig fighter jettle, nato members publicly disagreeing with other nato members doesn't present a united front. meanwhile the u.n. chief is warning a nuclear war is, quote within the realm of possibility. >> the prospect of nuclear
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conflict once unthinkable is now back within the realm of possibility. it's time to stop the unleashed on the people of ukraine and get on the path of diplomacy and peace. >> jesse: meanwhile innocent civilians in u.k. are running out of food, water and medicine as russian forces turn their once beautiful cities into rubble and ash. [explosion] [crying] putin will spare no life. capturing the moment a missile hit a bus from kyiv, killing one person and leaving six wounded.
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and tonight we are learning the fate of a pregnant woman who was being rushed out of rubble out of russian forces bombed a maternity hospital where she was expected to give birth. she was sped off to another hospital on the front lines of the war. where doctors discovered she had a crushed pelvis and a detached hip. when she realized she was likely losing her baby, she cried out kill me now. doctors attempted to deliver the child. but it showed no signs of life. and 30 minutes later, that mother also died. these are the casualties of vladimir putin's war foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live from lviv with the latest. greg? >> jesse, you are absolutely right. the war grinds on here in ukraine. russia pounding the country with little care for civil i can't be lives. this main force is just nine
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miles outside of the capital of kyiv. russian artillery rounds hit a variety of locations in the city and the suburbs. two civilians were killed when an apartment building was hit. another when a check point was struck. overall some 900 russian missiles have been fired and the under siege port city of mariupol a caravan of 160 cars made it out. but a humanitarian convoy blocked going in over 400,000 people are trapped there under intense fire yes with no water, no heated, no electricity. here in the western part of the country, there was another deadly russian missile strike overnight and that has got a lot of people here nervous. take a look. >> i never work for many hours. i don't have time to be worried about war. >> words of a manager of a very busy military supply store in the western ukraine city of lviv, people come in to supplement what they need in the field plus an assortment of patriotic extras. this man is a combat medic who
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deals up close with the horrors of wanchts horrible situation. war is horrible for. >> everybody this girl's military friend simply needs clothes. all of his were winter up when russian missiles hit a nearby base. >> the most important thing that he is alive. >> not seen the full force of the war but batoning down the hatches. nightly air raid sirens are the reminders of the dangers. >> please close the sky over ukraine. >> close the sky basically a no-fly zone. that is a demand that we have been hearing over and over again, jesse from the people here. finally, yes, as we have been reporting, our colleague and good friend benjamin hall was injured covering fighting outside of kyiv today. my thoughts and prayers go out to him, his family and all the folks covering the fighting here, especially over in kyiv. in harm's way. back to you. >> jesse: thank you very much.
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greg. is. >> let's turn to general keith kellogg national security adviser to president trump and vice president mike pence. so that was some music the russians threw high and tight 1s border. i can walk 11 miles. what do you think that represents? >> good to be with you. i know what he is doing trying to shut down the supply lines and western part of ukraine. that's reason why no-fly zone is going go. that's why a new no-fly zone would be good. that's why the migs would have been good. 29 migs the polish air force wanted to give to ukrainians those are good fourth generation fighters. mig 29 great airplane. we have increased capacity. they didn't want to do that things they should do go to bull delawareia, slovakia and greece, which are three nato nations. they have a system called s 300 which is a russian system that shoots down ballistic missiles and aircraft as well and put them around those targets and
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defend it and be kind of nice to have the russian system shut down russian aircraft move those systems in rapidly and defend point targets. that's what he is trying to do is shut down the resupply. there is an ability to do it. the s-300 has a slant range of 100 miles distance from washington to richmond virginia to contract and lock on 8 target simultaneously. easy system to operate. i have no idea why we are not pushing it always seems to be, jesse, we are one step behind on trying to help ukraine out. we keep talking about it but we are not doing anything about it. >> jesse: i can understand giving surface-to-air missiles to the ukrainians. it's a lot different than fighter jets. but i am hearing from our defense department. they said that missile strike against this camp for foreign fighters, close to poland, those missiles were fired from russian bombers in russian airspace. so how would a no-fly zone
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neutralize that? >> well, they are probably using long range standoff weapons which they're, but at least when those missiles come close, those air defense systems will pick up on them. shoot the bombers down. whether you have a sight range of 100 miles it picks up missiles inbound and it hits the missiles as they are inbound to the target it doesn't make a difference they shoot the missiles 500 or 600, or 700 miles away. engage them as they get closer to the target. that's what the value of those systems are. it's sort of like our patriot air defense system which is the same way. and i think there is a lot of other things we can do creatively. there are things we can do internally the united states of america. you know, and what i'm talking about is i have no idea why president biden hasn't picked up the phone, brought in his cia director and said, look, i'm going to give you presidential finding. that comes because the first two words say i find on this memorandum of notification and say i want you to prepare for some type of covert activities in western ukraine. maybe on the eastern ukraine. and can you do that with your special activities division.
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we can vet u.s. army special forces. there is a whole special forces group that's oriented on the eastern and western europe special force group. i was part of that group years ago. i was also expand and special ops in europe. say okay. you tell the russian general's if you want come into western ukraine real problems. if you thought afghanistan was bad. you haven't seen anything yet. it's sort of like the old shakespearian term. cry havoc and lose the dogs of war. we should be thinking out of the box, jesse. we are just not doing it we seem to be reactive to everything going on. >> jesse: the missile interpretation system seems to be pretty effective. i would support giving that the ukrainians and it does make a little bit sweeter that they are russian manufactured. absolutely. you are saying that you don't think cia is in ukraine right now? >> well, you know, jesse, no, i don't. >> jesse: really? >> i watched the track record of this administration.
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i hope to god they're. they should be there. i hope they are there in full strength. i hope the special activities division is working right now. i have got my fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed they were doing it i look at the track record of this administration think about doing that a week from he is ties. they should have been doing that earlier. i hope they are but hope is not a method and i don't know if think are or not. >> jesse: biden has pretty slow bat speed. i think everybody sees that by now. all right, thank you very much colonel keith kellogg. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: despite the incredible carnage putin's invasion isn't going as planned. ukrainian people are putting up a bigger fight than he expected. and western countries are crippled russia's economy with blistering sanctions. so he is reportedly turning to his pals in china for help. begging for military and economic assistance. but the biden team says they are not going to let china help out
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the russian friends. >> we are communicating directly, privately to beijing that there will absolutely be consequences for large scale sages invasion efforts, or support to russia to backfill them. >> jesse: anthony tata is a retired army brigadier general. if we find out that the chinese are fighting a proxy war on the european continent, you know, a supplying a war criminal with weapons on nato's borders? that's pretty much game over. what would you expect biden administration's response to be there. >> hey, jesse, good to be with you. i will tell you the sanctions that we saw or see against russia we would expect similar sanctions against china which haven't really been effective. so, really what i think is happening here as far as putin's
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play is he knows that our national defense strategy calls for russia and china as our main competitors and north korea and iran as major threats as well and so i think what putin is trying to do is get the allusion of an alliance between russia and china to put his finger in the eye of the west, and in particular the united states. no doubt his economy is hurting. no doubt he needs the help, china's economy is roaring and russia's economy is floundering even before the sanctions. so he needs the help, but i think it's a bigger information operation that he is going for with china, russia, alliance with iran and north korea. and as keith kellogg said a few minutes ago. the administration has really been behind on all of this. i don't see any diplomacy going on. i was glad to see sullivan in
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rome talking to his chinese counterpart. that's a step in the right direction. but, as far as the information operation, diplomatic efforts, i will tell you, the united states is really struggling right now. i think that the department of defense sending over the forces to europe, to act as a deterrence and reinforce nato that's a good move and of course the economic sanctions are a good move. right now, you know, putin is trying to create that allusion of a major alliance in a major world war, two nuclear powers are main competitors. >> they are not even taking joe biden's phone calls in moscow so i don't know what kind of diplomacy we expect. and that's a pretty sad situation. all right, general, thank you so much for your expertise, we appreciate it. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: all right. so, joe wants you to buy a tesla. but we have some information about that next.
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americans keep telling democrats eating them alive. biden's guys just point the finger at putin and don't do anything about it why? because these rich politicians they just get chauffeured everywhere and do you think pete buttigieg is struggling to afford baby formula? probably not. biden doesn't even understand basic economics. that's hunter's line of work. maybe we could restart the keystone pipeline if we promise hunter a board seat. but, until then, oil prices are dominoing everything from groceries to freedom. fox news digital spoke to americans who are in over their
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head. our economy is based on energy and we cut the pipeline when president biden came in make gas prices go upen make everything else go up. >> i noticed it six months ago. >> eat less, drive less. >> jesse: people definitely know who is to blame. i'm sure you have seen some of these stickers at the gas stations across the country "did i that" with joe pointing at the price. biden is doing everything he can to blame vlad. the white house even has tiktok influencers whatever they are pushing their talking points. >> why is gas so expensive and why is the united states inflation rate at a four time decades high? i had the opportunity to ask the white house why gas down the street is $7 and here's what they said. russia is one of the top three producers of oil and it's actually their number one revenue source. now with putin starting horrific
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fight between ukraine and russia nobody wants to work with him international displayed aren't you guys influenced now in the biden team can't dance their way out of this. we are seeing real world effects. uber in a first is now going to charge customers more than 50 cents a ride for gas because drivers just can't keep up with the cost diswrifers are starting to reach their breaking point. >> it's killing us. >> it's so bad i can't even describe how i have never seen something like this. >> why are we driving? i'm looking for cheaper gas station if we don't do something about it survive. can't iewker a taxy. going to get stabbed. just going to walk. when things get this bad. people take matters into their own hands all across the country from california to texas. we're now seeing thieves steal
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from gas station tanks. it's like something out of oceans 11. little band of crooks were caught just last week in houston stealing over 1,000 gallons of fuel in broad daylight. pull their car up over the gas well. they open a trap door in their van and just suck the gas up like milk through a strawvment family owned gas station, and now they're out 5gs because of it. 70% of disprove of the gas prices. the way the administration is handling it is telling us to buy a tesla. >> the president wants to grow the electric vehicle industry. he wants more people to buy electric vehicles. >> loosening environmental regulations and pulling back clean investment won't, let me repeat will not lower energy prices for families. but transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles powered
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by clean energy with tax credits to help american families winterize their homes and use less energy that will. that will help. >> jesse: most americans are living paycheck to paycheck but you want them to drop 50 grand on a new car? we don't even have a place to charge an electric car. here is mayor pete just last night. >> what if you live in a multi-family dwelling and especially for some of the urban lower income people who stand the most to gain by having an electric car and saving that gas money but only if they have a place to charge it and then rural folks who could gain a whole lot because they drive long distance and they are going to save a lot of gas money. >> a multi-family quelling? do you mean an apartment complex? speak english. suspending more mope on a car we can't afford and ten turn the garages we don't have into a charging station. okay. here is three month long wait lines to buy electric cars because there is no inventory because of the supply chain
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issues. obviously it's covid's fault. most democrats don't even own their own electric cars. have you ever seen pelosi in a prius? and what about the president himself? >> you guys are pushing electric vehicles today. this is the president who always talks about the power of our example. >> um. >>um does he own an electric vehicle? >> i think the president's record on this is clear, peter, presidents of the united states current and when they are no longer typically are not doing a lot of driving. >> jesse: we have been reaching out to the white house to see if the biden team owns prius or teslas or anybody, mayor pete, kerry, kamala, do any of them own an ev radio silence, no response. one thing i know people with teslas they can't stop flaunting it. so if biden owned an electric car, wouldn't his team be showcasing that? i mean they sure did with his
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little corvette. kellyanne is the former counselor to president trump. they don't own any of these cars do they kellyanne? >> you are disappointing me. are you telling me that the second gentleman of the united states does not have an electric vehicle? pete buttigieg speaks 8 languages, and i don't understand any of them when he talks about apartment buildings, needing to save gas money. these are mass transit commuters by and large save money with electric charging station. i want buttigieg to go first. he hooks up president biden to electric charging stations and i will consider getting one myself this guy has completely ruined himself. this is a smart guy now saying dumb things in the service of the hard left. the service of not admitting that these people have created the inflation problems, the gas price problems. the supply chain crisis. they created that instead of just admitting that, he is lying on "60 minutes." i actually think the entire
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interview was inappropriate, the timing of it was inappropriate given everything that's going on. this is the same pete buttigieg, don't forget, jesse, roll the tape tomorrow on your show, do you remember the time he had his two suvs drive up to the white house entrance gate and he rode his bike from the entrance to where his suv was parked. that's in full view of all the cameras including the fox news cameras. i know that area of the white house well. so,. >> jesse: everybody is going to be riding a bike now with gas over like 4.30 a gallon, kellyanne. >> they would like. to say "wall street journal" today really caught my eye. it said 35% of nonwhite americans say that they are struggling because inflation and among hispanic men and black women the numbers were 44%. now, you can't deny those numbers. these are people reporting to you what is affecting them. and they simply can't afford this statistically speaking 64% of americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck. bigger bite at the grocery store
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at the gas pump really effects them. instantly and deeply. another thing, roughly 1% of the cars on the road right now, about 250 million cars and suvs are electric. about 4% of the sales in 2021 were electric cars. and that's a personal choice. you want to go get one, get one. let's stop pretending that that instead of looking inward and depending on ourselves again and our energy sources is the way to get us out of this crisis. >> jesse: even the media isn't buying this whole putin price hike thing. listen to bill maher and trevor noah over the weekend. >> apparently saudi arabia won't even pick up the phone for the president of the united states you can say what you want with t this would have never happened to donald trump. never. no one was ever ignoring donald trump's calls. yeah, because if you ignored donald trump's calls you didn't know how he would respond. maybe he would send angry tweet or maybe he would just like ban
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your country from everything. >> if putin thought trump was really that supportive of him, why didn't he invade when trump was in office? it's at least worth asking that question if you are not locked into one thought. >> jesse: starting to see cracks in the propaganda arm of the democratic party. i'm speaking of the media. what do you think that signifies, kellyanne? >> it signifies that they feel no compulsion whatsoever, jesse, to defend the indefensible. look, the biden administration is coming up with impractical, if not impossible solutions, to every day problems. i think you see it reflected in the democratic party. you had not one but two democratic responses to joe biden and the democratic president state of the union two weeks ago. and have you about 31, 32 democrats already retiring. you will see more of them, why the? not because they're afraid they are going to lose but because they don't want to go home to these town halls right here right now and defend the indefensible. trevor noah, bill maher, that's
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reflected in the democratic rank and file as well. >> jesse: sure is kellyanne conway, thanks a lot and be on the lookout for her new book. >> thank you. >> jesse: it's going to be a big one. >> thank you. >> jesse: covid-19, you ready? has mutated again. senator rand paul on that. plus, his plan for dr. fauci. ♪ when you're driving a lincoln, stress seems to evaporate into thin air. which leaves us to wonder, where does it go? does it shoot off like a rocket? or float off into the clouds? daddy! or maybe it takes on a life all its own. perhaps you'll come up with your own theory of where the stress goes. behind the wheel of a lincoln is a mighty fine place to start.
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secrecy jess there was delta and omicron. now it looks like those two vashts got together and had a baby delta chron. new strain detected in parts of europe and the united states. for the fear-mongering
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throughout perfect excuse to hunker down and panic all over again. how deadly is deltacron? sounds like a good question for dr. fauci. he would usually be the one rushing to the mics to answer. but no one has seen him for weeks. well, unless you count random youtube podcasts with guys named carlos and chico bean. maybe is he hiding from my next guest who has been on a mission to hold him accountable. senator rand paul, the doctor himself who serves on the help committee. so he has been laying low since russia invaded. where do you think dr. fauci has been, dr. paul? >> you know, i think he is afraid of the truth, which is that for the most part, our society and basically the world now has immunity to most of the strains of coronavirus. so, for example, if you do a test of the antibodies of people who live in america. about 95% of people have antibodies either to the vaccine or to the disease and that's why it's not affecting us as much as
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it used. to say and i don't think we should get hysterical about a new variant. i think we should be patient and see how big a deal it is and whether or not it's deadly or not. >> jesse: they didn't crush covid. basically everybody got vaxxed or they caught covid. herd immunity actually was something that worked to that extent. so, do you think that dr. fauci is going to escape justice after all of this carnage that we have seen in this country and what do you have in store for him? >> well, tomorrow we will have a help committee meeting and there will be a bill presented i will present an amendment get a vote on eliminating anthony fauci's position. i think we should eliminate his position. divide it into three and appoint three new directors that will be approvable by the senate. the problem with having only one person and having everything go before him for like 40 years is that has monopolized power and created a culture not conducive to scientific inquiry. you need people who question. that's what science is about
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questioning and putting forth your hypothesis and trying to prove it with experiments. he has shown, dr. fauci and dr. collins, have both shown that they will get into the mud. if you don't agree with their political opinions, they will go after you. that's why the last time i had an exchange with dr. fauci, we asked him about some emails between him and dr. collins. in the emails he says let's do a dramatic takedown of three scientists who they disagreed with politically. well, when a person like dr. fauci controls $5 billion worth of money. it's not good that we have a really petty tyrant who wants to take down the beam he disagrees with. and that's not conducive to scientific inquires. it's long past time that we remove him from government. i think really the power should be split up into three different positions and then one person wouldn't have a monopoly of so much power this they could use against their enemies. >> jesse: you are effectively firing him by eliminating his position and then dividing it into three different titles. and do you think the democrats are going to go along with that?
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we thought we could do delay it or do it immediately. i was pulled toward immediate. i think immediate is the best thing. this will eliminate his position. i don't think we will get any democrats. i think the dam is breaking on the democrat side. you see that they have extended the mask mandate for travel another month. i'm going to force a vote on the senate floor getting rid of the mask mandates on airplanes. did it for a month. they are starting to believe nobody believes these masks work. when you see old guys in the senate. old democrats finally listening to biden without their masks on but they want your 4-year-old to wear a mask. people aren't believing this anymore. why are you making my 4-year-old who is not very likely at all to die from covid and an 80-year-old man who has all these risks thinks he is safe enough now not to wear a mask. why in the world are you making my kids wear a of course that. the public is smarter than these people and it's starting to show. i think it's starting to break their will towards authoritarianism. i think it's only a matter of time. we can't give up on trying to get our freedom back.
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>> jesse: i heard a rumor that fauci is writing a book. have you heard that rumor? >> he must be doing something. because is he not on tv every day telling us what we ought to do. if is he writing a book that means he will leave us alone. maybe that will be a good idea. >> jesse: dr. rand paul, thank you for coming on "primetime" and announcing that will be following how that shakes out. thank you. >> thank you. >> jesse: which politicians are getting rich off the war in ukraine? the "primetime" investigation next. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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posters here across the neighborhood. investigators hoping someone recognizes him. that manhunt that you mentioned that was underway. police right now in new york and d.c. say they are looking for a person who is targeting and murdering homeless people. this is who investigators are looking for. that's the guy right there on your screen. is he wanted right now in two different cities suspected of shooting at least five homeless men, killing two of those men. the attack happened in new york and d.c. just this month. take a look here. this is new surveillance video obtained by the "new york post" which shows that suspect standing over this yellow sleeping bag in the soho neighborhood. can you see him there. is he armed with a gun. he kicks the sleeping bag a little bit to see if anyone is inside. then locks around to make sure no one is watching, and opens fire. but he didn't see the surveillance cameras that were rolling. we paused that video just before the shooting there. now, new york's mayor eric adams says this was an intentional attack and says it was unintentional murder. he says they are working right now to find this guy before he does it again. these are also new photos released by authorities of that
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suspect that just came in a short time ago. investigators tell us he attacked at least three homeless people in d.c. this month. killing one of those. right now the fbi and atf offering $70,000 for information that leads to an arrest in this case. right now police investigating this string of shootings and crime in both of these major cities is up, jesse. here in new york city, total crime up 47%. and in washington, d.c., violent crime up 20% compared to last year those same rates. tonight, back out here live in soho, can i tell you that the gunman is still on the loose. investigator are hoping somebody comes forward with information. that leads to an arrest in this case. jesse? >> jesse: thanks he alexis. come forward and get that reward. so last week we told you about the latest get rich quick scheme coming out of d.c. where these politicians just gobble up thousands of dollars in defense and energy stocks. right before the war in ukraine was about to break out. well, we have an update on. that was it turns out at least
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18 members of congress own shares in two defense contractors that mass produce javelin and stinger missiles. aid packages negotiated by congress. one one of those people diana harsh barger of tennessee. she made 15 gs trading raytheon stock all throughout the month of january. and democrat congresswoman lois frankel made at least 15,000 from trading lockheed martin in january right before putin's invasion. according to disclosures, she is still sitting on a lot of shares of that company. it's a pretty good investment. that stock is up over 10% in just three weeks. since russia ini had have ad. now, those two made trades in the lead-up to putin's invasion. but other lawmakers who have influence over military contracts and appropriations have owned stock in defense companies for a very long time.
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like democratic senator john hickenlooper who owns a big position in raytheon. according to his latest financial disclosure he owns anywhere between 100,000 and $250,000 in the stock. and here's a real conflict of interest. democratic senator gary peters, who just happens to sit on the homeland security committee has about $15,000 in raytheon shares and right now raytheon and lockheed doing big business. and once biden signs that $6.5 billion defense deal, those companies and the members of congress who own stock in them they are going it carb in ned ryunhas been following them for years. one thing if you are defense contractors for many, many
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years. you are profiting off of arms deals that you sign off on and the military industrial come pleasure and then it's the other thing to just start trading into these stocks right before putin invades when you have access to intelligence and sanctions packages. is this ever going to change, ned? >> first of all, jesse, this is insider trading for congress and still three which is a shame. they are privy to information that the public is not that allows them to buy these stocks in very advantageous way. even worse again as you have alluded, to how are we to say without being -- i don't think it's cynical to say that they're voting in a certain way to enrich themselves because they know that the funding will actually enrich the stocks that they control. you mentioned raytheon and lockheed. you know, look it, senator carper out of delaware, he bought stocks in mosaic that supplies phosphate and potash for fertilizers just as we sanctioned russian and bella rugs phosphate and potash oh, by
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the way, mosaic stock has gone up 40% in the last three weeks. at a certain point, jesse we would go to jail or get significant fines for insider trading. at some point we have to actually demand of our elected officials and quite frankly anybody involved in government, you have to put any investment into a blind trust. your members can't have insider information. you can't have insider information. but we are basically -- we are asking the fox who is guarding the hen house to actually behave themselves and i don't see it happening any time soon. >> they just say these advisers they are independent, ned, they rs just these independent financial advisers. they never talk to each other they are just i understand. all right, we're requesting to continue to cover who is making money off this war in congress for the rest of the week. thank you so much for your insight. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: coming up, an update on jussie smollett's prison situation. also, lori lightfoot looks like a leprechaun and i will be
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: you heard about all the people who were shot in ukraine over the weekend. but have you heard about the 26 americans who were shot in chicago over the weekend? but if you ask mayor lightfoot, shall say screw it, it's almost time for st. paddy's day. let's grab a guinness and die the river green. she's been wandering the streets of chicago looking like a leprechaun and lost her lucky charms, sporting a traditional irish killed in the hat that bruno mars left at lollapalooza. but hey, at least for st. patrick's day is going to be better than her columbus day. we learned last week lightfoot flipped out over a plan by italian americans to erect a statue of christopher columbus at the annual parade. she didn't want any statues going up. and when their attorneys sued, she said "you are out there
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measuring your blanks with the italians seeing his got the biggest blank. my blank is bigger than yours and the italians. i have the biggest blank in chicago." that's a big statement. discovery in that case ought to be interesting. also in chicago, just a small reportedly now in a psych ward and claiming he would have received a lighter sentence for his hate crime hopes if he wasn't black. here with more on that story is fox news bill delusion. >> jessie, that's exactly right. jussie smollett's brother posted a video to instagram where he claimed he is now in a psych ward in jail and authorities believe he is a potentially a risk of harming himself, something he strongly denies. take a listen. >> it's very concerning is that there was a note attached to the paperwork today and a clip on the front of his jail cells that
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he is at risk for self-harm. i want to make it clear to folks that he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm. he wants to let folks know that that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy and ready to take on the challenge that ultimately has been put up against him. >> last week he was sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months of probation, restitution of $120,000 and a fine of $25,000, this after he was convicted of orchestrating a hate crime hoax. we all saw as he was leaving the courtroom he made this courtroom outburst buried >> i am not suicidal. i am not suicidal! and i am innocent. i could have said that i was guilty a long time ago. >> those statements were seen somewhat as a nod to allegedly committed suicide while incarcerated of course like jeffrey epstein. officials with the cook county jail have not yet commented on claims that smollett is in a psych ward and his attorneys
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have now filed a notice that they intend to appeal his conviction. they are saying they want him to be released on bond while this appeal goes to the process and they say they do have some concerns about smollett's mental health if he is kept in protective custody. we will send it back to you. >> jesse: epstein didn't kill himself, and neither did jussie smollett. thank you very much, bill. sent me or text. lisa from north carolina, jussie smollett will be more famous for being a criminal than he ever was for being an actor. that is true. rick from elgin, illinois, gary jesse, isn't it interesting that biden blames putin for the rising gas prices but refuses to blame china for covid-19? that is a great point. bart from miami, the gas prices are so bad, even tom brady had to on retire. yep, no doubt about that. rick, austin, texas. i miss mean tweets in
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confidence. not a lot of people saying that. i hope zelenskyy doesn't expect actual help or support from biden, he can't even support his own people. that is true. greg from auburn, washington, can you please find out what susan rice is doing for the said administration? i haven't heard a thing. thanks, everybody, for watching. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. here is something we just saw, which we brought it to you earlier, latimer zelenskyy, the president of ukraine, even interview recently that didn't get enough attention in this country. he currently is engaged in a desperate fight for his country, his government, and his life, and he has been since the russian military invaded ukraine. if you can assume there's not zelenskyy thinks about at this point apart from getting


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