tv Hannity FOX News March 14, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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find out if your policy qualifies or call one eight hundred ninety three sixty two hundred coventry direct redefine insurance plus the following through with what is a threat to the entire country is consumed by war. the number of refugees fleeing the country is exploding. get preliminary reports from the eu. i welcome to hannity. this iss a fox news alert tonight amid stiff resistance, a the russian army is attemptingrm to encircle ukraine's e capital city of kyiv inch by inch. and tonight it does appear they are making progress, albeit slow progress. now president solinsky says t that russia can only takehe the city if it raises kiv to the ground. i buts that is exactly probably what putin is planning. this is now an extraordinarily dangerous time for ukraine and the entire world. and toto make things dramaticaly worse, the world does not have
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a strong and a decisive us president for us vice president. just taker a look ats your screen. this is drone footage fromai southern ukraine wherene multipe cities are being utterlyti destroyed by indiscriminate russian artillery and bombing and what is being described as a medieval siege. there. is no power, there is no food. there are no medical ao supplie and just miles and miles of smoldering apartment complexes, thousandsmo of innocent men,d women and children now dead, including this pregnant woman and her unborn baby .qu putin's plan to quickly capture ukraine and install a puppet regime didn't work well and now a very angry vladimir with his back against the wall and the world watching is bentth on blowing up everything and everyin one in his path. and that includes innocent women and children .
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their credit, the ukrainian people, they are fighting hard c for their country but they are severely outmatched, outmanned and outgunned and as bad as it is now, all indications tonight are things will deteriorate quickly, very quickly on the groundaret. ukraine, they need weapons, ammunition, anti-aircraft systemssrcra, the two dozen mig9 fighter jets to poland to offer. them that proposal, joe bidenat personally vetoed a blocked p joe is worried that the deal would upset and anger putin and russiaa . itit shows nothing but weakness. it reveals how easily joe was intimidated by vladimir putin. maybe he should bete reminding him of the weaponry we have.e as we all know, weakness invites aggression. d just look at what happened over the weekend. iran nearly destroyed our us consulate building in iraq list missileamic attack. america needs tos to be asking tonight of their president.. joe , what are you going to do now? pathetically goi it looks like he may be handing over billions
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in frozen iranian assets while negotiating to import oil fromum the number one state sponsor ofe terror and make iran and the mullahs of iran richard it. and the worst part is as of nowi it is russia and china. they are the ones brokering this deal with the mullahs because joe biden is so desperate for a nuclear e deal with iran. even worsean in the first one with obama and biden and the mullahs in iran they're pretending is attack all. it's nothing to worry about bo really. the administration claiming the u.s. wasn't even the real target that i called out as total. adam schiff, i believe that's at why joe biden is the modern day neville chamberlain. ir iran was targeting israel, they claim. clai upsetm,. o be our number one ally in the middle east, no big deal , just irann, being iran really.e the administration claims the u.s. wasn't even the real target again. so now it's oh , no reason to be upset. meanwhile, as bad as all of this is and it's bad china is "
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now openly threatening, quote, the worst consequences for any country that supports taiwan's military. s. here's a problem. we currently have a us military presence right there in taiwan and we also equip taiwan with weapons and training. so again, we asked joe biden what are you going to do about this overt threat, joe ? t areovert thr you going to do ang anywhere at all? china is reportedly ready and willing to ship weapons and other aid to russia too help resupply putin's bloody invasion of ukraine. so it's kind of official now, joe , we've been telling you it's happening and occurring for some time. in china, russia, iran, they're all threatening the u.s. in the world at the same time. and joe biden is doingjo absolutely nothing to counteron all of o this aggression on the world stage. and it's pathetic, feckless weakness. it is causing all of this . there is no president in our lifetime weaker than joe biden now with a world crumblingft around him after major failuresr at home and abroad.
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joe , of course he's not taking any responsibility. he's not owningta up to any of his screw ups and he's not changing course, which is worsee instead, joe . oh , i believe everythingg i screw up is vladimir putin's fault. he is lying to you, the american people. >> take a youdecide second big reason for inflation is vladimir putin a and gas prices not a joke. make no mistake occurs spiking gas prices is largely the fault of vladimir putin. there'sla nothing to do with the american rescue plan or simply embarrassing and humiliating is now beyond dangerous. joe biden'ser poll numbers are p in the tank.eo the american people see that he's lying. no one respectso him. no one believes him. and maybe it's time that joeid biden, kamala harris, jen psaki stop lying to you.rican the american people. putin is not to blame for the record high gas prices, economic and energy policies are putin didn't block the keystone xl pipeline.
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he didn't ban exploration and auctions on federal lands. now the keystone xl pipeline, for example, would have beene finished. now according to the premier of alberta and canada, and we'd,0 have nine hundred thousand barrels of canadian oil flowingi through that pipeline into the u.s. every single day. that oil we could use. now that was joe biden in the new green deal socialist s democrats, they stop this .to putin didn't spend trillions's and cause america's 40 year record high of inflation 4 and joe, stop lying. putin didn't cause that becausee long before putin invaded ukraine we had month after month after monthra. forty year highig after forty year high inflation that was you, joe biden. and just like putin didn't a abandon ourba fellow americansaf in afghanistan case you're counting like we are itghe stay two hundred and twelve. joe biden did that not vladimir putin. putin didou not pull out of o the countryf the most dangerous and chaotic way possible and wait to the very end too doh
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it, leading to the deaths of 13 u.s. servicemen and women aband our fellow americans, green card holders, our allies on eighty some odd billion dollars worth of military equipment. that was all joe biden, just like joe biden ran out of covid tests and monoclonal antibodies over christmas. unforgivable, inexcusable. just like joe gave up energy independence and gave up america being a a net exporter of energy just like joe biden's disaster at the southernst l. are you going to blame putin for that too, joe ?ha stop blaming putin.t joey, you have created one preventable disaster after another. . b let's be clear. putin is an evil murdering. this is a regime that is looking for as much territory as they can get . but all of america's problems did not originate five thousand miles away in moscow there m your policies don't expect joe bidenos to have a right to ship or take responsibility.
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dat would mean he'd have to admiton that donald trump was b right on the border, right on energy. right. that an afghanor ori stand right on the economy. but that's never going to happen n. biden has never been b particularly competent, but nowa he is also weak, frail and a cognitive mess. i'm not even sure he knows today's monday or what day ofr the week is on any given day. and on friday before jetting off for his weekend of ice cream at camp davidre for some rest and relaxation, biden t delivered this truly even foror him bizarre speech. sident biden >> take: a look at the moment t opens it will be spent, jeremy . it will b blow up for mom tote get the kid on the internet to be able to do her homework has to pull in a mcdonald's parking lot. i mean for for real as it was happening, this was going toth put an end to all of that couldc have put people in a much different position to be able to determine their own their own judgments about when
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to sell their cattle, when they should. but i'm just going to change things on track to be the first president history to lower the deficit over one trilliony dollars in one year. >> i'm sick of this stuff really. okay, mcdonald's forat internets and selling cattle and this guy doesn'tn' have a clue. ic here's a serious question every american needs to ask tonight . do you feel safe and secure with that man? o isf your president at the helm of your country? do youry reallyy think he has the mental strength and stamina and acuity to make sound decisions? does he even havee the courage to do what is obviously right for you? f we the american people and while america's president is struggling every day mightily w,, there are so many people all over the world they are now risking w it all to do what is rightus in russia, fr example, look at this employee of a tv channel rushed ontoin the set during a liveg propaganda broadcast with a
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sign that reads stop the war. no to war . she will probably be thrown in prison and faceses a 15 yeara russian prison sentence. let this ber an importanter reminder. never take your freedoms for granted. as ronald reagan said y do, freedom is but one generation away fromi extinctionon. ri it was more florida senator marco rubio's with a senator . thank you for u being here. i don't have all the answers, but i do know this , senator , that if we ukrainian people have shown the willingness to courageously fight back , if we give them the javelins, we give them intelligence, we give them stinger missiles and i would argueissi give them the migs and give them the jets that they want. i'm confident i'm that they coud do a good enough job with their insurgency back against putin. what are your thoughts? yeah, i think we're seeing that play out. look, i mean, the russians arere bringing to bear 65% sixty sixty five percent of
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their entire conventional forces are now inside 6 the country of ukraine afterea twenty years of massive increases in defense spending, e i think you're seeing a couple of things bad planning, no doubt about it. i think you're also seeing that some of the russian equipment isn't as good as advertised. s but the last thing you're seeing is probably the most important is that will to fight and that's notis something thats easily measured. you know, youre can't i don't think putin, the russian military thought that ukrainians would fight the way they have right fow now and they're playing defense. they're in a defensive position which is allowedch, for example, for weeks to build up defenses around kyiv. so i don't thinknkound the russt will be able to go in and takehe any of the cities they may be able to level them like you were just saying. butm hakem, that's that's going to be a tough task, especially kiv. so we have afghanistan.fg we know the disaster thatth became we had over the weekend t of ballistic missiles from iran slamming intoti our base in iraq . but they'reth saying, oh , we weren't the target. i'm not suree by that china isin warning of the worst consequencesa of any country that supports taiwan militarily. senator , you know as well as i
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this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. we are getting new video in to fox news headquarters now on the latest strike against kyiv. a russian missile or air strike hitting today. again, the target appears to have been a residential building. we are also told that this is closer to this city center of kyiv and that, of course, would be of dramatic significance if the missiles are beginning to rain down on key city center, which we have not at this point seen widely targeted by the russians. this all seems to be a continuing part of what is essentially a scorched earth policy by russian president vladimir putin destroying city after city, town after town throughout ukraine. we have seen terrible pictures coming out from volnovakha, for
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instance. that is a southern city apartment after apartment destroyed there. as you look at these new pictures live from the ukrainian capital of kyiv, that apartment building badly hurt today. we do not have any word on casualties, but as i say, this is happening in cities right across ukraine, mariupol. we have also seen obviously bombarded intensely but the ukrainians continue to fight back . we are also getting video in which given to us by ukrainian officials and appears to show video from the inside of ukrainian fighting vehicles as they fire on russian tanks. you can see them lining up the tanks in their sights and according to the ukrainian officials, destroying those tanks. so the battle goes on . ukrainians continue to fight for every inch of that territory from the president on down, we are told by those officials they will not give up.
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they are confident they will ultimately win this war. meantime, in the next you hours, we expect peace talks to resume. they wrapped up yesterday with both sides, the russians and ukrainian delegations saying they were going away to work on details that provides at least a glimmer of hope. those talks due to resume in a few hours. this has been a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. now back to "hannity"y" ba already in progress that's destroying the environment. t i mean, it's just lunacy. it's nonsense. it's left us vulnerable. the american people see what common sense decisions are, but these guys can't't maki that decision because they've got radicals in charge ofcrat the democratic party . why are you against the no fly zone? well, i just think the no fly zone frankly iss not what people think it is. it's not it would require going to war with russia. weou wouldld have to go after al of their anti aircraft surface to air missile, not just in ukraine would have to go
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after them in russia would havet to go after them in belarus. you have to bedown willing to st down any airplanes that flyai over the the air in ukraine. so i just i don't think that a lot of people fully understand no fly zones are not some faa rule that's put out there. they have to be enforced. you have to actually go outho and be willing to shoot people down. and in the case of russia, you're going to have to knock r out surface to air missiles isis not syria. this is not iraq. e these guys have real surface toi air missiles. and i just think before we gos to world war three, which is what that would be, we have to be prepared too and we have to be prepared to understand clearly what we're talking about doing here. all he right, senator , this is b very fluid all around the world. thank you for being with us,i senator marco rubio.wi now, i almost nevert agree. i don't even like late night liberal host bill maher but asked on friday he asked a really good question. take a listen. you decide if putin thoughtly trump was really that supportive of whye didn't he invade when trump was in office? at least worth asking that question.
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if you're not locked into one intransigent thought here now to answer that questionmp from the trump organization, eric trump is with us.c ith i think it's a legitimate question. i had your dad on this program thursday of last week. he was very clear this would h never happen if he was president. >> why would mr. putin was with the kgb. >> he can read people and hewa could tell you that donald trump was a very strong person. right. tested. ther p was i mean, kim jong un tried to do it as you remember very well. and what did my father say? you know, kim, you mess around with us, you will be met t with fire and fury, the likes r of which you have never seen before. right. and he talked t about the button on his desk actually working, et cetera, et cetera.y and thenen a couple of months later they're shaking handsan in north korea and thes relationship was perfect after that . bute he was tested. he showed backbone. he showed strength. right. he represented what america should be. biden does the exact d opposite of that every single day. i mean, remember, biden wasaseng the same guy that turned awayle three different shipments of
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missiles that were going to ukraines er my father had sent over there. my father spent a lot of javelin missiles over theree years ago, but there were more shipments that were going over there. biden literally turned those missiles around and sent them back . i mean, he's gotten everygn foreign policy decision wrong, you know, and the guy's weak. and then you look at komala who goes over to polando and she's sitting there saying, yes, you know, the ukraine is a country in europe and russia next door.hiuntry i mean,nk you really think that anyis world leader is takis this nonsense seriously? sean is a laughing stock. i mean, neither of these guys made the you know, the varsity football teamm how much i can tell you they're not you know, these guys didn't make the, theu dodgeball team in school that much i can tell you. soch i talk to you, dad and ih confirmed with other sources before i asked you that the question about the conversation when he was goingwi to negotiate with the taliban before that ever happened. your father said that i want you to hear me clearly. i will obliterate you
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and apparently sent the exact location of the leader of the taliban where he was during the phone conversation. soso he basically was saying i know where you are right now. and i can take you out the second. and for the last 18 months of his administration, he we didn't have americans dyingme in afghanistan. it seems to me that if vladimiro putin mentions the word nukes or you read all these reports, t all they might use chemical c weapons or bio weapons oryb cyber warfare, et cetera, et cetera, rather than say we'll do that to you if you ever dare touch us , it just you know, itk seems like joe gets afraid poland was willing to give the fighter jets joe is the one that vetoed the fighter jets. why j would he veto that ? >> so my father would call up and he would have said,d, vladimir, don't even think about it. don't even try us . i'm telling you it's not going to work out very well for you.pu and then when putin is watching literally drone you know, generals i saw lomani whenn
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he's watching him drop moab, bombs on top of mountains on top of terrorist camps, p people knew that donald trump was very, very seriousum and donald trump is very unpredictable and donald trump was incredibly strong and he would fight for this country.y. and by the way, my father had p a great relationship with putint . all the while he's sending thousands of javelin missiles to the ukrainesandnd. is that really amazing? i mean, biden has no relationship with putin and literally sending blankets to ukraine. it's you know, again, john, it's about strength. it's about how a message is delivered. and my father was very, very good at delivering that message. i think that's exactly whyst bill maher said and listen, bill moyers no fan of my father, she's no fan of our families o. sa but that's why he's saying h this would have never happened under donald trump. and frankly,an he's right. and i you know, i applaud the courage too say that . let me pick your economic brain for a minute because joe biden inherited energy independence and for the for the first time in seventy five years we achieve that and we wereev a nef exporter of energy.
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now your father i played tape of himim lecturing, getting rige in the face of the head of nato telling them how stupid b they were to bee to be importing all ofin their energy from russia. he told they sent a white flag. he told me on thursday night to angela merkel saying youou might as well surrender now because you'rer giving you're basicallyv handing over your destiny to vladimirer putin by doing these multibillion dollar deals. how big a factor is that in all of this ? because i think it weakens all of nato,eu all of our western a european allies and there's no american or american president that's strong enough to leave ttght now. my father has always had greatht intuition. he was 100% right with this.s. and listen, at forty dollars oil russia's not a great e economic force. right. they're actually very small economic are force. right. m oilak and gas make up the majority of their economy. you it's awfully makes russia awfully strong when gas is at oil's at one hundred thirty dollars a barrel, john, it was a forty my father was a forty
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dollars. so you're weakening russia by doing that . you're also strengtheningen america by havinggt low oil and gas because effectively like a tax, it's like you know, it's like getting rid of a tax in this country. and my fathert. realized as one of the reasons he wantedea this country to be energy independence, one of the reasons that he was so insistent on taking oil and gasf from america and exporting it to europe because it is just that much less oil h and gas that they had to buy off of russia who was otherwise an adversary. he had the foresight too think of this . he had the foresight to send missiles, you know, well before putin never put troops on the ukrainian border, he had the foresight to put javelins in ukraine. my father was soo f far ahead of this whole situation with nord stream two.rd he goes, this is insane. he wantedns a pipeline to be built because that benefited america and he didn't want the nato to be built because all that did was benefit, youad know, russia. i mean, he wasese very ahead ofs all these issues he called it,
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right? exactly right. also predicted gasoline would go through the roof and we're setting a record . most dailyet eric trump, always appreciate having a thank you for being with us. now remember china presidenttc xi, they're watching all of this very closely. everything that is unfolding in ukraine, they're watching the biden administration continued weakness, continued chaos. joe biden personally made the decision to prevent poland. he gave the veto from preventing poland from giving the mig jets to ukraine so they could fight back . joey is clearly being bullied and is fearful of vladimir putin. and president joe biden was late. the one sanction that would have mattered stopping the importation of russian oil and had our western european and nato allies listen to donald trump a couple of years ago, they wouldn't be in the position they are because they're still importing the lifeblood of their economy from putin and making putin and russia rich again. now you can thank the green new deal climate alarmists cult that joeew biden answers to for
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pushing western european countries right into putin's arms. now joey was late and ignoredd confronting putin on his troopk buildup from the start. so ask yourself what happens if beijing starts providing russia with key military assistance i like they're asking for? will it be time tot level sanctions on china to their economy is mostly about exports so far, china has refused to call out putin for this destructive evil invasionf killing of men, womenme and children. you knowwo and, we've seen the s we've shown shown them to you on this program of mass graves,o one body being tossed on top off another. h they haveave the their own terrl ambitions in china, namely taiwan. it n react to that much c more south carolina senator lindsey graham. i keep reading reading that you want the u.s. to put boots on the ground and you told mee because i do not w want that and i asked you and i said under no circumstances we get that clear
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tonight . >> yeah. i do not want american bootsic on the ground in the ukraine. i don't wantt a nouk fly zone. but if there's the use of chemical weapons by putin against the ukrainian people, i would support a no fly zone because that would be breakingre every war crime rule in thein book. the ban a on chemical weapons would be nothing if we did that with a no fly butw right now no boots on the ground, no fly zone. china china is trying to bail out putin if putin loses, chinas loses. soo to the biden administration, don't make the same mistaketi with china. you did russia if you believe the chinese are going to help putin survive. but providing military equipment, economic assistanceby ,by the t way they feel the credit card problem that happened when mastercard and visa pulled out of russia, china's credit card system took over , put on the table foror china to read the sanctions that will come your way if youou help, i will help you as a republican , mr president.
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president. but if you will write down sanctions secondary sanctionsto against china, what will happen to the chinese economy if they bail out this war criminal putin? i will ben. your best ally in te united states senate. write it down now soit china can read it because nobody believes you unless you write itob down.n i'm not sure if he remembers your name. now we watch launch ballistic i missiles slam into our base in iraq fired by iran.his weekend we've got a warning this weekend from china that the worst consequences fort any country that supports a taiwan military. and it seems and correct me ifll i'm wrong, senator , all that all that vladimir putin mention nuclear weapons, biological chemical weapons and go back soft to veto the migs from poland p himself.ol he made that decision according to all the reports. so my question is what is biden willing to do against all of
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it? every one of b these cases? because i don't see a decisive president that has any type ofe doctrine, if you will.l. we always ask, well, what is the reagan doctrine, the trump doctrine, the bush doctrine? what is the biden doctrine bowed down and pray and hello and hope for the best. yeah, apparently slowy. and indecisive is his reaction . but here's an idea. if you believe zelenskyy knows what he's doingyy and the ukrainian people are heroic in their efforts to protect t their country from the russian invasion, give them what they say they need. n,sai'm not asking for boots on the ground. i'm not asking for a no fly zone. but i spoke to the ukrainian ambassador at length todayy an and here's what he told me. they can fight on the ground. they're holdingth their ownel on the ground. they desperately need some help to control their skiespp. they want the mig twenty nine . they believe that they had the migs. c they could really push back against the air power of russiaia. they're letting her hang on a second. s one hundred . two hundred and three.
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yeah,ng i said we're giving them javelins. we're giving them stinger missiles. why can't we give an approval for fighter jets? why notwhy? >> well, here's what president biden says. that's's an offensive weapon. my god, how many americans are worried about giving the ukrainians the ability to go on offense? takeidea they will a squadron of mig-29s and invade russia. ukraine would do that is stupid and crazy and it's just a reason tond deny them the help that they want because videses afraid ofen here's what happened it w it was okay foras poland tove give the migs we were going to greenlight it.ligh i'm confident that the putin administrationt government called up biden said if you do that , all bets are off and we're folded like a cheap, super cheap suit. you tonds what i want understand. do helpuld we the ukrainians with a reasonable request,re give the migs, give them air defense capability they don't have and if you can neutralize or atr
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least level outal the air power that russia has against ukraine, i think ukraine can win on the ground. victory for ukraine is my message here tonight . let's help theme achieve victory. all right. senator lindsey graham, thank you . we, appreciate you beings. with us. all right. now also developing tonight , the nato country of estonia. c they're actually calling for that no fly zone over ukraine c butan u.s. and u.n. officials continue to urge caution arguing that such a move would essentially usher in world war three. soi. i guess the world's positin is let's's kiss vladimir task. don't make him mad . cower like a first grader in front of a bully. i would argue that would be more likely to usher in world war three. get this, a new report says putin is looking import now syrian mercenaries too do the quote, dirty tricks againstt the innocent civilians in ukraine. it was reactiony instocent . fox news senior strategic analyst retired general jack general. it seems that all putin has to
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do is is threaten or push back a little bit and shows like, okay, i'm not going to do that . that's what it seems like to me. >> what does it seem like y to you? well, he's trying tohi internationalize this as best he can. he's he wanted to get the belarus military involved, but they don't have much. they got six brigades and then lower performance than what we've been seeingee the russians two, three brigadesin and three parachute brigades. but lukashenko, despite being in his orbit, is probably does not want to lose his military out there tore the ukrainians. now he's gone to the syrians and he has gone to them. he's going to he's asked assad for some of his syrian militia, which assad has said yesn to and also an organization called the 5th corps which they putch together. thesee are syrian rebels who converted to support assad versus rebel against assad. what remains to be seen?
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areer they coming as personal replacements or are they going to come as coherent units? noww listen, the syrian fighters are purported to be experts att urban warfare nonsense. that is not the case at all. they do some of that . yes. are they experts far from it. it's an act of desperation. there's noth way that whether they have 10,000 of them or 20000 of them, this is going to be decisive. the putin's problem is is his army that he's got deployedg on the battlefield in front of the ukrainians is having a difficult time gaining territorial control due toolto their poor performance, morale, poor discipline and thean ukrainian general just the opposite tough disciplineder fighters. but they buts. they have made progress. now i give a lot of credit to the ukrainians fightingk back valiantly with, with the weapons that we've been t giving them and other countries have been giving them.
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do you think america ifhe hink we really want them to bend successful and defeat putin's russia, that we should and we ought to not only allow poland m to give them the migs bute maybs give them fighter jets ourselves? >> yeah, i definitely agree with the fighter jets and listen to the basic thing. why i don't like the president talks about what are you doings? what's the issue in ukraine?or well, i'm trying to preventot world war three. that's not the issue. the issue is we're trying to save ukraineai and ukraine as a country, as a sovereign independent nationin. that's the mission and we should be all in so yes, i totally agree with, with sending fighters this lame thing wrs it went on with polans i think it's very embarrassing . the second thingngt that i know for a fact that they need these the mission that was run against them this weekend, sean ,where the russians dropped 30 missiles, eight of them got
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to the target in western ukraine all fired from outside the country. but those missiles can be defeated by integrated air defenses as you three hundred thousand four hundred, which are the soviet system and nato countries have them. they are asking for those missile defense systems. they can defeat these these cruise missiles that are coming in on those targets and the russians are firing them not in ukraine airspace, define them from their own airspace because of the range that they havespac, the air power interdiction that we can accomplish without establishing a no fly zone is very with the additions, of the fighters, as you a suggest. and in additionsu of the sophisticated air defense systems to deal with missiles and airplanes at altitude which is something the stingers can'tg do, testing it cano only go out about three thousand three thousand meters and that's verys limited. powerful weapon but only good against aircraft that are
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flying low. let me ask you about you know, we now see every hostile regime, every hostile act towards the u.s.. obviouslye, putin invadingte ukraine also threatening the u.s.. you saw that president xi and china is threateningdeid anybody that offers any aid to taiwan, which they are an ally of ours. you saw what happened with ake ballistic missile this weekend. iran firing at our facilityui in iraq, although joe is quick t to say, oh , no, they didn't really mean to hit us . i would tend to believe the opposite. even north t korea is now saber rattling with more icbm tests than they ever have since donald trump was president before he was president. it looks like they see a weak president and that this is going to get worsese before it ever gets better. >> i hope i'm wrong, general. >> well, this is a very complicated front that we're dealing with . the trump administration set. the news strategic frameworkwe
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that we're in a big power competition against russia, chinaar, but also are beingte threatened by iran and north northne korea and that set a new stage, a ignored the policies of the past where we were in about appeasement and accommodation and said these are our adversariesccthes and we have got to have coherent plans to deterla themhe and confront them when necessary. mthis administration came in ane i think because they believe it would be much like the obama administration right from the beginningadmi we saw their aggressiveness in testing the biden administration. heck, putin put 70000 troopsma on the ukrainian border in march, 19 days into the administrationrc and what dd this administration do? they delayed the shipment of arms and ammunition that was going to ukraine. whyhi the stated reason publicly was because we did not want to provoke putin into invading. they did the same thing t when
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was one hundred and fifty thousand there in the fall of last t year. reason same reason given.iven. yes. other countries look at that . and what did they see? they sees an unwillingness tokn confront and they see weakness and encourages them. sean and emboldens them. this is just common sense that is taking place out. i mean there's no substitute for strength if you're going to give in to these threatsha and not remind them that there are consequences to them too, then there's no there's no- territorial t ambition that theo can just make w the threat and o what they want to. we love having thank you for being with us. also, we t continue to follow major developments on the ground involving rescue operations in ukraine as the russian invasion has caused millions to flee. many others are still desperate to get out as putin's forces get closer and closer to the capital kyiv. brettge kovik is with us, a former u.s. army intelligence
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and special ops soldier. he is of part of the team conducting these lifesavingsa operations. he joins us live from ukrainee tonight . brett, tellm uk us your group it involved in and what you've seen on the ground. they would like to see you again. sean, i just came out of the capital kyiv for ann operation that we just successfully completed. i mean, in ukraine right nowowpl supportinget an organization mae up of ex intelligence special operations personnel that are extracting stranded americans and allies in ukrainian women, children and elderly project dinamo dog. there are thousands e. of americans who are still trapped in ukraine who don't know what to do orha how to get out the country. so i feltco compelled to come ot and do something. it's'sco really been a while lat week the situation on the ground is changing rapidly. the humanitariann g crisis from the ground perspective is so haveworse than i could imagined and you can't fully begin to grasp it until you'reri on the ground and are actually staring at these refugees in the eyes and you get a glimpse of the horrorstht that they've witnessed just even getting getting to us .o it's terrible in many cases
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there's no electricity, there's no heating, food or water o and some off these locations people are literally melting snow to drink or drinking water. . the sewer you've got gasas stations, not open stores with limited homes are being looted by russian troops. hospitals destroyeded t and dynamo's trying to get as many people as we can out. but it's getting harder and harder because russia is exacerbating this humanitarian astrobee all around the country. they're targeting civilians. they're targeting c evacuation routes. . the russians are trying to tell people they've created thesele green humanitarian corridors but they're still shooting civilians in it. and as a result c c, a team ofpe dinamo is having to go deeper and deeper into the country as russia takes more terrainti and it's just frankly gettingro more and more dangerous for us . so we've gott se a case right nv that's very serious. that's very personal loss. have someone literally surrounded by the they've got a russian tank a on one end of the street and on the other end and they're driving past trying to get into their house. and we've got individuals that are trapped even atti
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this moment. >> so it's just only getting worse. and you've seen w you've done multiple tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan yourself. we've seen the images of women and children out in the streetve . we saw that one mass grave b being dug and one body beingei thrown on top of the other. we know the maternity hospital was hit. reports some forty schools are hit and i'm told that entire neighborhoods have been leveled. >> have you seen that ? absolutely. i mean, look, i just i was just in the capital and you're already seeing strikes there as well. but these smaller towns are getting crushed re right now by the russians. i mean, they're they're pretending that they're not striking civilian targetsia and they absolutely are. we'ven ut heardel that firsthanm some of the individuals we rescued and putin and russian troops there. their war criminal shelling t plain and simple. they insist they're not targeting civilians, but they absolutely b are. n they're bombing these evacuation routes and we're seeing it firsthand from the men and women that we've helped to get out and you know,o look, this overall this is a war of logistics in my opinion.
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whoever wins this logistics battle between the russians and the ukrainiansba are going o win this war. the ukrainians needdky more weapons. you know, when i came outiv ofh kyiv with a group evacuees, we got stopped at no less than probably 40 checkpoints s on the way out. and you seeee the men and women manning these checkpoints and you see that theymo absolutely need more and more weapons to fight every singlere one of these checkpoing at some point are going to haveo to fight the russians and they're there ready to do so. they're digging in . they're hardening these sites. and soso i see that there's goig to be some logistical challenges going forward and i hopeand that , you know, people within the u.s. government help where they can. butea thanks for being with us. good to have you back . stay safe there. now the biden administration is under increasing pressure tonight to facilitater the transfer of poland's mig 29 fighter jets to ukraine after o reports that in fact it was biden who personally nixed this deal. he put it in the final veto and the question remains why aren't these fighter jets being sent? joining us now, the author of b the book the strategy of denial, former trum defensede
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department official elbridge kolby along with florida congressman michael waltsts, who's one of the 15 lawmakers to send a letter to bidenfa urging him toci facilitate the mek transfer. congressman, why why hasn't he done it? why did he veto that ?in >> what's the difference between javelins, fingers and fighter jets? right. bochan congress as both republican and democrat have been pushing biden all alonghi on this. we pushed him on the stinger's bipartisan group went to ukraine a couple of months ago when when the administration was sitting on the stinger's, they didn't get them until invasion.erer but just last week we almost doubled the amount of lethal aid authorized as part off the budget. we had another 40 billion to our defense budget. we b p pushed them on the oil b. we pushed them on dropping them from the world trade organization and a permanent trade status. all of those things would havepa passed through congress.
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buto, w biden said no, no, we wo to announce it. and sounck pelosi backed off, bt we are the ones pushing them and now we have the pentagon saying, well, the ukrainians really don't needbut aired superiority. they really don't need theseo jets to be able to challenge russian air superiority toro protect their cities, protect their stuff like i'm not buying t' that . it's just. a cover. it's a cover. it's like fighting afraid ofaf putin's escalation. that's like biden blamingca putn for 40 year high of inflation that happened for the lastin five months. putinwiike them blamingng for high gas prices. p it's all one big like, oh , strategically where would youd take this ? w what are what should we be doing? what are we doing? are we doing anything right at this point? and what when you add china and iran to the equation, where does it take you? sean, i think as you pointed out, it's looking bad around the world. and i think t as congressmanhi walsh pointed out,co the congres is leading the way. i thinkk the jets i mean, we
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missed aned opportunity to let the polls kind of seemed like they had it figured out and now it's sortt blown to high heaven diplomatically. but they seem to make sense. the keyey sen here is to help the ukrainians defeat the russian invasion. but at the samet time avoid world war three. i think that'sbl a reasonable goal. and let's be honest, ru the russians have a newer, more modern, more capable nuclear arsenal than we do. so we needdar to take that seriously. and the key here, you mentioned some of president trump's successes. if you you go back to president reagan, president eisenhower, the key is to been strongnh as you've said, to be resolute, not to get pushed around, but also know what you're trying to achieve and stick to it not not go too far like we did in vietnam. and i think i the thing here, sean, is putin i think iss in the martial arts. i'm nott sure which one , buto you know, in martial arts, t if you go too far, i think i think he's in there. youth get pushed. i think i know the answer. i i think it's taekwando. i do an eclectic blend of martial arts. >> okay, starting with krav maga. no, go ahead. right.wo well, it's a tough one , but i think i think it'siun in jujitsu. butto you lean too far forward. you unbalance yourself and youou allow your opponent to take i advantage and we don't want to put ourselves into a pretext. the jets aren't that the jetss
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are relevant to the as your guest just said,st the logistics are going to be key. the chineseiciche are probably e to end up supporting the russians. so we want to help the ukrainians defend themselvesth. we don't need to do that inng a way, senator rubio was talking about the downsides of's no fly zone. senator graham was i think there's a way to thread this needle and again, it goesh back to that model you're talking about president trump, president reagan and going back even farthertr. >> you know, it's funny because donald trump had quoted to t me a number of times i brought itrs up on thursday, sun tzu artda of war . keep your friends close your enemies closer. that was his strategy. interestingly, he doesn't likeve to reveal it. but thank you both elbridge congressman, thank you for joining us . straight ahead, greg palkotgr will join us . he has the very latestai on the ground in ukraine and kamalane harris embarrassed herself yet again. shocker over the weekend say another day of bad poll numbers for biden. kayleigh mceneaney, ari fleischer, they weigh in as we continue hearing what i know
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for a free consultation call 800 five zero four five seven zero seven. right now we turn to more big breaking developments on the ground in ukraine with fox, his own greg palkot is with us tonight . greg, what's going on ? sean, we're hearing lévy where for the moment it's quiet and eerie calm here. there's a curfew in place, but russia continues to pound this country from all corners, especially in the capital kyiv. main forces there about nine miles outside of the city. but artillery rounds are hitting a variety of locationsns across the city even to the center. two civilians were killed whenis their apartment building were is at another when a checkpoint was struck, yet another when a bus was slammedt in the under siegeu port city of mariupol. a caravan ofnd one hundred and sixty cars made it out today, but a humanitarian convoy still was blocked going in over four hundred thousand people there
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are trapped for weeks under intense fire with no water,el heat, electricity. all told,d, according toom pentagon, some 900e russian missiles have hit ukraine, including the battered city of ketanji here in the western part of the country. there was another deadly missile strike early monday dean morning. inwe we're now tuesday morning we heard another air raid siren just a couple of hours ago.rackg but we don't have a tracking on on whether something elsee was it. but clearly show on russia is going for all corners. it's going for broke. and remember those refugees just caught in the middle a lot them coming through here, two point eight million out of the country right now. n: back to you. greg, correct me if i'm wrong, but last week there were eighteen miles outside of kyiv. so it's slow, albeit very slow their progress. but they are closing in on kiv ,the capital , is that correct? you're saying nine miles now out at. absolutely. we're saying nine miles nowowg and what they're doing to kyiv is what they've done to mariupol, what they're done to
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kharkivs and what they've done to carstone. they are pounding it now. they basically capital of ukraine is under siege that people there are trapped and there is no there's no military targets that moscow is going for now they're just going for brokego and they're hitting a variety of civilian targets. it's it's uglier and uglier right now, john.n. that was my worst fear realizedi if they get in there sadly s i hope prayad to god i'm wrong. that will be a human massacre. gregg palkot, thank you . now at the defense's winter's retreat this weekend, vice president kamala harris saidra the democrats plan forts the midterms is to t tell voters that they got what theyyre ordered. and in a way she's really right. we played many times on this program. t , for example,ngg we get off of fossil fuels. all right.s. joining us now is our very own kayleigh mcenany and also ari fleischer with us. ari, let's startrt with you.. i play the montage all
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the time. joe biden said he was going toel get us all fossil fuels, i promise you, and then he proceeded to do so and theny some people actsh surprised. why should they be surprised with that? exactly right. and i love kamala harris. she you know, i'll never forget when she went to virginia a week before glenn youngkin election and she saide that promise you that democrats are going to win g virginia, kep her on the road, keepee her talk and keep her making the case for the administration she can't deliver in a favorable c purple state. she certainly is not going to be an assethe to this administration going forward. she hasn't been yet and yet they think she's one of's their strongest spokespeople but one of the people they sent to poland and romania.d soro it's a flawed administratin from top to bottom and the american people have seen that johnha. and unfortunately we're all living it and michali, who could ever forget now ukraine is is a country. it's in europe and it's next to another big a bigger country and the bigger country.
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the smaller country. and i'm sitting there saying i think a first grader couldit. explain it on that level and it's a little frightening. f and then of course, the giggling on the world stage ,all the inappropriate moments i don't know if you're talking about refugees. >> what's so funny about that ? yeah, i mean, sollecito try to use a polish accent when she was standing there giggling about refugees stata as she didn she tried to use a french accent in france. it's a total embarrassment. she went on during that same trip to t seem to implywa that ukraine was a part of nato. it was like at least an implication in the way that she structured her sentence. it's very embarrassing. this woman is a heartbeat away from the presidency and i gotre to tell you, you know, this is number two in line in the democrat party when you look beyond that , you gotre transportation secretary to judge and that's justpe about in now when i look at our party , the republican party , i mean you could sit here and name 20 names of incredible young talentnt that we have that is
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a very deep bench and they got this person, kamala harris. let me ask you, ari, because you work for a wartime president, president bush, thank goodnessh. military technology, weaponry, drones pushing buttons in tampa, florida. now there is a new way to fight and win wars. that's how donald trump beat the caliphate that grew underam biden. obamama at what point do you see a point where we willt militarily have tot get involved? because i don't know the extent of putin's e territorialal ambitions. is itti the baltics? is it estonia with the wanya latvia is it nobodyy knows what we should be s militarily involved. we should be militarily. but building up a fortress called nato, a bulwark against whom that is exactlywh what alliances do and that is what the nato alliance needs to be and that means no hesitation and not being shy about sending armaments, killing armaments, deadly armament.
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you want to deter war , be strong. that is the lesson. s are youea do you see any strengh out of joe biden? >> he won't even give them the migs. he's going to veto t that . no, he's the things i mean, he's done some things ukraine, i mean, he has started to h supply ukraine. u he's helped ukraine in many ways but not enough, not all. w and his weakness in afghanistan was partaf of the problem that sent a signal to putin that he might be able to get away with this. the decision on the migs is a terrible decision. you should be helping ukrainegs with these things. butle very quickly, i want to make one point. you're talking about precisionpn weapons. un the united statesit fights clean and fair. so does israel. we d target civilians. israel doesn't't target civilia, . syrians do the russians. the iranians do the hoodie's in yemen. we've gotit to run. but this is part of america'sat moral fabric and i'm proud of that . proud of our country. ari kelly, thank you both for hannity to straight ahead, why are so many people turning to
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12:00 am
and unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. you make this show possible, you know, when you think of well, what is america's role in the world? we're not going to be the world's policeman. no boots on the ground under any condition. but the ukrainian people have shown a desire to fight and i think helping them is the right thing to do but not your troubles or ingrams next year. >> tomorrow night. this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. just before dawn, about three hours ago, loud explosions rang out in the ukrainian capital of kyiv. air strikes again apparently hitting that city. and you can see the aftermath of one of those here. an apartment building apparently hit once more . we understand there are casualties. we do not have confirmation at this point of how meo
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