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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 15, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. you make this show possible, you know, when you think of well, what is america's role in the world? we're not going to be the world's policeman. no boots on the ground under any condition. but the ukrainian people have shown a desire to fight and i think helping them is the right thing to do but not your troubles or ingrams next year. >> tomorrow night. this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. just before dawn, about three hours ago, loud explosions rang out in the ukrainian capital of kyiv. air strikes again apparently hitting that city. and you can see the aftermath of one of those here. an apartment building apparently hit once more . we understand there are casualties. we do not have confirmation at this point of how many people
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were killed and injured in this strike. we can also take a live look at tev. the building still smoldering. we believe that this was an air strike as most of the strikes against kyiv have been. there is the possibility, of course, it was a ground based missile. the keep obviously the center of the russian offensive ground troops, russian ground troops have been stalled on the outskirts of the capital for some time now. that appears to have led to president vladimir putin of russia to order his forces to carry out more of these kind of air strikes. and as we have seen over recent days, they are hitting civilian targets. ukrainian air defense systems are in operation as well. they have been shooting down some of the missiles aimed at kyiv. sometimes those two can fall in the center of the city, but
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the bombardment of the capital city goes on the bombard of other cities around ukraine goes on all of this happening as the two sides prepare for further peace talks today those talks appear to have made a little bit of progress yesterday. the two sides saying they were breaking up for a pause in the talk to work on some details. that gives a glimmer of hope that when they resume today there could be some progress. but in the meantime, as you plainly see, the russian bombardment of the capital kyiv continues. this has been a fox news alert.n i'm jonathan huntd in lviv, ukraine. now back to our regular programing positively with such important commitments as that the u.s. does not seek a newes n coldld war or to change china's system, nor will it oppose china through strengthening alliances, support taiwan independence or seeka. confrontation with china. chinaa then reference ukraine at
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the end of this as an afterthought. nowte in washington, when a high level meeting fizzles and yields no deliverables as they call them, you send a spokesman out to spin the atmospherics. and over at the state department it was more words signifying nothing. now listen for the passive verbs connoting america as an. observer. watching very closely the extent to which the prc or any other countryan for that matter provides any form of support, any such support from anywhere in the world would be of great concern to us .. this is nakeded aggression.f this is a war of choice. this is a country a oneco individual at the top ofun that country violating in a brazen manner what have beenad the cardinal rules of
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the international order for the past 70 yearsse. okay, first, russia doesn't care about our watching what's happening. they care about what we're doing. and right now we're doing. nothing but making china richer by the day nearly what ?od $50 billion worth of goods we buy from them each month. russia is watching that two second. why are we actingwh as if theres any question about whether china is even helping russia even ifwe they're not selling weapons directly to russia, china is giving them crucial help by buying their agricultural products and of course their oilltur. so this is a total end runte around western sanctions. we'vern been saying this now fr what , two plus weeks and third, as i said for years, china does not care about the rules of the international community. neither does russia. so invoking them very piously p doesn't get you anywhere. itio doesn'tn't get you any rest . now this was as far as the state department got when itba came to accountability for putin's bankers in beijingnk.
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>> we have been very clear the privately with beijing, publicly with beijing that there would bet consequences. so we will not allow any country to compensate russia.en >> there is a lot for them to explain. okay, nice try, but none of these threats add up to anything other than a hugeth bluff. the real power brokers in the administration aren't on board with this. china has the higheststis paid lobbyists inside the beltwayand and they know that john kerryryh he is a guy who really countsch here. he puts climate change ahead of every other issue facing america and they knowy that kerry is desperate forsu china's help on the issue. as stupid as that is. the ccp also knows that it has a friend in biden, treasury secretary janet yellen, who has said that trump's trump's old china tariffs arere n contributing to inflation nowow well,, this is great news for china which of course wants them drop the tariffs.
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got wealthy for dubious woknows that joe biden himself, whose son got wealthy for dubiousrk work in china, has said that china's growth is not a threat to the united states. china is going to eat our lunchn commodities. they're not bad folks,ot folks. but guess what ? they're not a competition for us now what are the actual chances that a feeble mindedry, biden is going to stand up to john kerry, janet yellen,of the myriad of business and find financial interests doing china's bidding? what about the oddshe he'll take on the media establishment that loves and protects china? twenty four sevents c. the answer is zero. no chance. and understanding how she views the united states at this point is also critical in any interaction or crisis dealing with china now right now she sees us as a power in decline. this as weak and self-loathing, a country
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that is culturally depraved and politically divided. but he sees his communist system as superiors in every he's a nationalist and he's short ofr nothing global domination and to his priorities range from the substantive the belt and road initiative type stuff to the frivolous like his banning effeminate male characters on tv. remember that ?reme oh ,mbery and by the way, when he did that thingth with the effeminate male characters, he knew that thee american film industry would never protest orr that was discriminatory or anti lgbtq. they wouldn't complain one bit. heckler was the last time youin saw a chinese villaines on the big screen and genos, by the way, that gop establishment figures they don't lose sleep about china's monopolization monopolization of key industries. of course not a's . ot the only thing that motivates them is money and a lot ofin
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money buys china a lot of political cover in congress. he knows all of this because he's watched it unfold over the past twenty five years. which brings us back to the current nightmare in ukraine now i could demand that john kerry go out and say that the administration is puttings climate change goals on hold at least as longre as china remainsma a destabilizing force on the world. he could also sayco that as lonu as the ccp is trying to by proxy overthrows zelenskyy in ukraine, we're not going to abandon our oil and gaser industriese. st but of course the biden people would never do something so sensible and as a result wemi might as well justgh have an beverage because we have zero leverage. fo >> countries formerly helpful to the u.s. are looking. eastward. thinkou about saudi arabia which just invited for a visit amidst another blunder by the united states and the us is either ate this point looking t
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all the things that have happened. they're eitherey'r'r eith going to get stronger by getting its own economic house in order and begin decoupling from these despotic regimes like chinaom or the world is going to get morech dangerous and more chaotic. men in the meantime, the onlyti ukraine negotiations are goings to happen in this scenario are the types of negotiations that let's say go on betweene a cat and a mouse. the cat's going to toy around with the mouse, then pounce when the time is right because it knows it can. and that's the angle. in joining me now is steven mosher ,president ofti the population research institute, author ofof bully of asia. steven, the readouts from this meeting today were quite q something to behold. the u.s. sends jake sullivan, who's thought to be one of the hawks in the bidenra administration to deal with this top chinese diplomat. from your sense, what came out
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of that meeting? well, i think the bushon administration w was a day late and a dollar short in approaching china for help. i mean, russia went to china four months ago and signed a new shipping agreement to help them avoid any future sanctions or embargo. so anyone who says that china doesn't have russia's back just has to look at the new shipping agreement which says that anything shipped from russian ports to china belongs to chinas as soon as it's put on the ship. so we can't seize the ship, we can't seize the cargo that happened four months ago. y and ofou course, as you mentioned, putin went to beijing right before the olympics, signed the five thousand wordan agreement pledging eternal friendship. five thousand word agreements don't get negotiated overnight., so this collusion this is the real russian collusion law between russia and chinaru and l claim now as jakeli sullivan did that well, we're going to enlist china in the effort toin help contain russia a and stop
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the carnage in ukraine is just is just nonsense because that ship has sailed. now the ccp keeps twistingif the knife on biden. stephen , this is the editorialr from the chinese basically media oregon globalba times. it's's brutal judging fromst the posture it is the u.s. that needs to ask china forth help in the context of russiae ukraine conflict. and it went on to say variousar otherio things about how this whole thing unfolded, saying the united states essentially how dare you think that you can swing around your influence in the world like what gives states this idea that you're this strong power? now it was it was super humiliating to have that kind of commentary come out of this meeting. >> so what's the point of this meeting if it ended up just being another moment for china to humiliatehu us ? there's been tt a whole series of meetings like that between china and thehe united states since the biden
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administration took office. who could forgetmik office the a meeting at which our secretary of state was harangued for minutes on end about all ofpr the problems of america and how americaob should try to dictatew to the rest of the world how it behaves? makestak no mistake, xi jinpingh a china dream and his chinais dream is to dominate the world by twenty nine and to do it in stages. ea and he's already taken hong kong. he's looking at taiwan but he won't stop there. he will move on other countries near china as well. and what he would like to do i think how he sees this whole ukrainian thingn unfolding is o get russia into china's orbit permanently, to make russia with all of its vast mineral and natural resources, oil stateva a kind of vassal of china, thus uniting eurasia in pursuit of his china dream. so i think we need to step back and i pray that the carnage in ukraine ends right now. but we need top step back andrl
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think about what the world isin going to look like afterg that happens. and if we have created a eurasian empire dominated by china, then then we're going to face a formidable opponent in the decades to come. >> yeah, i mean, again, going, back to this again this is a state media organ of china. this is their their spin on this. but they say the u.s. is the instigatoris of the ukrained crisis, yet it wants to exploit the whole world to expand its own strategic interests. well, you you can flip that on china. you're the instigator. you're funding russia youa wite oil and the agricultural exports. the agreement that you just . idth but this is what china always does. but just back to my point about diplomacy and why we need realvv diplomats to deal with these these savvy negotiators and its people. are you with a knife in china? you cannot set up a meeting where the upshot of it is that our national security adviser gets mockedon for asking china for help.s s
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that's what they're doing here. and this communique, it'sth mocking the united states on the world stage. itworl is an embarrassment for . >> absolutely. >> absolutely. these should thin kthe u.s. should have beensh hammered out ahead of time and when it was clear as it should have been clearay that china wasn't going to play ball because it wants to draw russiain into its orbit, it's happy to let vladimir putin to offit a little bloody piece ofth ukraine if that will bring russia into china's orbit permanently. and make no mistake, the wheat is already being shipped from russia to china. oil the oil and gas are flowingnt as well and this will onlyin s continue. so toee the extent that we see, you know, a tectonic shift w in the world today, we'rere looking at another sino russian empire kind of like the sino soviet. you collusion that we had during the 1950s. well, we can't way america has a got to get our economic house in order. we're no good to anyone else. that's what we're saying n with all this . we are not negotiatingeg fromtr
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a position of trump understood that . stephen , great to see you tonight . between russia and ukraine are said to and peace talks between russia ukraine are set to resume.n tomorrowon. but where's biden on this? so is this administration support piece or do they want this war to drag on ? some people are wondering that tonight. now, right now what's best for ukraine is a cease fire within russia as piece from the carnegie endowment for international peace argues the u.s.u. and allies should support zelenskyy in any diplomatic course he pursuesy and they must bee prepared too lift sanctions if russia and ukraine negotiate and implement a settlement agreement. joining me now is mollie hemingway, editoraing in chieff the federalist fox news contributor. mollie, my breath is still taken away by what happened at this meeting today in rome. it was this ends up being a nightmare for us in so many ways. but why does it seem like people aren't talking about getting to yes. on a deal , getting to yes in ukraine i to stop the horrors that we're seeing unfolding? it's absolutely shocking given the reality of the situationle
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in ukraine that we haven't had more people talking about. how to end this war. you know, it is up to ukraine to decide how much they want to fight and whether they want to negotiate here. absolutelyld support them specifically, including, you know, if they decide on neutrality as they discuss with russiaiacu war is a terrible tragedy and there are not very many good options for ukraine and having to see the portion of the donbas is not good. it's an awful situation but fare better than havingtt their entie country destroyed. sost it's important that sober voices bert encouraging them as they work to end this .. wonder if people decide that they would like a prolonged actionpr. pe you'veop had prominent people on both sides of the aisle talk about extending the situation, escalating the situation, using this asaski a means to engage in regime change in russia, a policy that has failed many of the times we've tried it recently but that some people
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seem to want to extend here. but that is not in ukraine's best interest and that's not in our best interest. be namingay you're not names tonight really on a monday. come on .? let's just name names here. i mean, mitt romney is callingic his big focus is toal basically have what tulsi gabbard tried for treason. i mean, that's his that'su his focus right i mean, you can't you can't make up how stupid this is. by the way, the media's main concern right now i'm talking about the media back inhe washington about the war in ukrainetch.. >> watch. so far, button hasn't received any of the politicalen capital that president zelenskyy has offered him. i don't understandd the white house's view of not getting these jets or shooting planesou out oft the sky with americansk help. >> we are in this i think that he's he's i guess a nominal republican , our former republican model. they they see this conflict some as a ticket out of low approval ratings for biden. but i don't think that's a good bet. so that's exactly right.
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you have you've seen in the democrat party and in the bidena administration in particular, their domestic agenda could not be goingge worse. we have a failed economy. we have border problems. we have, border these surging gs prices. inflation is out of controld o and i think they look to this situation with ukraine as a way to avoidas having to take responsibility for some of what they've done. but even the situation in ukraine is a product, as you know, from what was in earlierea in the show of the weakness of the biden administration in how it's handling its foreign policy portfolio as well. but there are a lot of people who look for short term gains and don't think about the long term consequenceslo of getting embroiled in literally world war three. and yes, mittge romney has not covered himself in glory, but so you know, unfortunately so have many other senators on both sides of the aisle. nowof there are a lot ofwa different waysys i think we coud describe the way biden has handled these recentt but here's how politico chose to describe them. biden's presidency has never
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been so hectic. a here's why he's at ease. okay, hectic molly. this is what it looks like. i hates to see what chaos looks like. . it's just unbelievable, particularly considering what we endured evab for the foh years of the trump administration where we had peace breaking out all over the world. we had a strong economy and thee media coverage was hysterical. now we have everything going horribly and you get pieces like this about how how ablen biden is to handle this because he once servedhand on the senate foreign affairs committee and the judiciary committee neglecting to mention that he was really bad on those committees when he was on those , he oversaw some ofse the worst moments of those committees. they did not prepareit him well. and if someone is calm at this time while everything is in a handbasket domestically and globally, that's a signal of some major problem whether it's senility or something else that's very bad about the biden administration. but you canbi administrat alwayr
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corrupt corporate media to lift up any democrattmocr agenda and administration no matter how bad they are. mp imagine if trump was laughing when they were ushering reporters out who wanted to get questions answered as they did last week.o answer and biden had that weird laugh or carmela's laugh. imagine what they would have done with either pence or trump laughing at a time like this . i mean, it's bizarre and disconnected. molly, great analysis. and let's go to ukraine now. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot standing by with the latest developments in the war there. greg, prelaw. yeah, the war is grinding on here. russia basically pounding ukraine with no regard for civil life with its main forcesu just nine miles outside of the capital , kyiv. russian artillery rounds areat hitting a variety of locations in the very center of the city as well as the suburbs. two civilians were killed when an apartmentan building was hit, another when a checkpoint was struck. yet another one , a bus slammed now in the under siege port
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city of mariupol. a caravan of about one hundred and sixty cars made it out todayt, but a humanitarian convoy still was blocked going in . remember, there are aboutre four hundred and twenty thousand people trapped in there without electricity, without water, without heat and withict wa rusa just pounding it very, very heavily here in lviv. it's quietet right now. we heard air raid sirens just a few hours go. people here are on edge. take a look. take a look. that wasso the worst of us . i i never worked for many hours. i don't have time to be worried about for the words of the manager of a very busy military supply store in western ukraine city of lviv, people come in to supplement what they need in the field plus an assortment of patriotic extrasplusme. this manco is a combat medic who deals up close with the war . of horrible situation, horrible situation. war is horrible for everybody. and this girl's military friend simply needs clothes. all of his work burnt up when russian missiles hit a nearby base.
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the most important thing that he's alive leave is not getting the full force of this war, but it's battening down the hatches nightly air raid sirens a reminder of the dangers because everybody is have please close the sky over ukraine national close the sky, laura . that'sth what wewe keep hearing over and over again. basically that thee no fly zone enforced by theu. us , nato is something that the us does not want to do.bu but with the missiles the flying over this country day after day after day with planes also out there, it's something that people here feel like they desperately need. back to you for the expansion of this campaign and this brutal, brutal, brutal, just shelling of innocent people on the ground. the concern is that this moves ever westward. what is your sense tonight that is a concern. , certainly over the weekend we saw that strike againstba the military base not far from poland and we saw another
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strike the day before the day after. n is yes, th so the concern is,at yes, that one missile goes astray, one missile lands in poland and you've got natopo, you've gt article five , you've gotot a real conflict. so people want to try to avoid that in some way. but russia's going fullway but d ahead. back to you and my friends in sweden are telling me that swedish people, fans, s everyone's freaking out like the nordic countries are all freaking out there. next i mean, they're terrified of what's going to happen next in this and we appreciate you, greg.. thank you .. and two years after lockingyou. down, you covered the u.s. capitol building. it's still closed to the public despite d.c. not reporting a single covid case in days. so will it ever reopen? oh , we got our answer today. fox told the capitol will be reopened to the public on march twenty eighth. use. oh , hold your applause.
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this is just phase one . only groups of fifteen or fewer people will be allowed to visit members offices or go on staff led tours. there will be public tours but only for school groups of fifty or fewer students. joining me now is houseoi minority whip steveusno galavis, ohio congressman jim jordan, ranking member of the house judiciary committeenkciar. and this is not the most important issue of the day, but emblematic of how this covid crisis is stillbe being moved toin keep the people out ofp their own house, which is the capital . congressman scalise, i said at they would they would close the capitol forever iff they could. >> and this is just kind of more nonsense. yeah. laura , it's good to be with you. and think about this .. th i mean, they still can't lete g of the power they want to control people's lives. weeks ago the united states senate unanimously passed a resolution tosl say open upl. the capital . imagine that's everyim
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republican , everyaginep democre in the senate saying let's open up the capital . pelosi doesn't want, to let go of the power and so she is still held it shut down even in a few weeks. they're only going to haveg a staggered opening when everybody's reopeningng. look at all the football games leading up to the super bowl. you over 70000 people in arenas ,by the way, republican state ,democrat state without masks and yet they still want to keep. things closed in d.c. it's time to open up the people's house, let the public back in time to get rid of the mass plans that keep extending that as well. they just want to keep a state of emergency. now they're saying, well,l, people aren't going to get their medicaid checks and the answer to that , g congressman jordan, is right. it's time to go back to work.isr i mean, there's a big article in the washington post tonight about, well, people 16 million people are going toic lose their pandemic medicaid checks. but it was it was only m supposed to be during the pandemic, correct? right. right. rinow this is just one more example of how out of touch with middles are america.they i mean, think about laura . .ol they they defunded the police. they'veic openedrd a border.
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they've closed schools, they've canceled pipelines. and now that they've made gas five dollars a gallon, what do they do? they tell us all to wer go buy a tesla. i mean, it's this is how out of touch they are with normal americans out here where i'm from and in the midwest. i mean people who work in this plant crops in thesh fields who work third shift to build homes. they drive pickup trucks. they don't drive . i mean, this isof how out of touch they are and steve isal exactly right. it's all political . it was interesting. ting tthey took away the massive mandate for the house of representatives the day before joe bidenve gave the state ofey the union and they're supposed to fully open up wup the capitot on labor day right at the kickoff of the traditional it's'sn season that shows all political . now, gentlemen, i want a toli tn to this issue of proxyt voting which is remote voting in congress. the fact that congress isn't showing up to vote, it's stunning according to the response society, a top abuser's meaning people staying at home and voting. we're all democrats. congresswoman frederica wilson, congressman al lawson didn't vote in person even one time
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last year.g to the "l and according to the l.a. times, california.a congressman roy ocana used proxy voting while sitting in a car in the capitol parking lot doing an online interview aboutw his new i mean,ts he wants remote votin, by the way, to be permanent gentlemen. you votedimes have remotely scali? how many times? >> zero law. we need to end this make congress work again, make everybody show up for work again. as jordan saidid, they're doing it all across the country. congress needs to lead the way, not followw to be the very last to do it.. >> oh , congressman jordan, iff> you voted h by proxy, you lazy thing, you know, no,o, i have the folks i get the privilege of representing. they have to show up for e work o farmers have to get out in the field.rk manufacturers have to go worked first shift, second shift, third shift. this is the part that drives americans crazy. it iszy democrats have closed the capitol allowed proxy voting kick republicans off committee willwon' republicans serve on the select committee for the first time in history trying to end h the electoralis
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college, trying to end the filibuster, trying to pack the court and they have the nerve to say that it'str republicans and donald trump who are who are a threat toumha democracy. give me a stink and break. peoplele are so sick of their baloney. that's why i think a big change is coming this fall. well, vladimir putin's the oneox who caused the proxy voting. you have to understand that congressman. it's putin's fault that no one is voting in person. now i want to shiftfti somethis pelosi said today about ukraine relief watchch. right now our focus is on ukraine. a 13 billion thirteen point six billion dollars for humanitarian defense, military assistance as economic assistance. >> this is really important that we get that out right away. >> it took a matter of weeks to send thirteen point six billion dollars. our money to ukraine but more than four months to agree ofthat second round stimulus checks for americans. also for a billion dollars forw
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that for that border wall . remember how longet it took to get that money? what message does this send to the country about congress'sth priorities? they never seem to be ateem ho and when you want to look at priorities, i mean president biden is still dithering on how to get the relief to the people of ukraineof in the middle of this . i mean, they asked for surface to air missiles months ago e beforeve russia even invaded. that would have saved a lot of lives if they had those missilesk back a few weeks ago before putin invaded.. they're trying to get the tigss right now and biden won't work with poland and other nato countries in eastern europe to help get migs in . for goodness sake,ne so the zelenskyy is going to be on a call with us in two days. you know, look, this has been a hero. the people of ukraine areer heroes, but there's a brutal going on and they're trying to figure out whether or not they're going to offend putin. still food. and yet biden's out there like he could open up the spigots tomorrow for american energy and undermine putin's leverage on oil and gas.. he won't do it. he's begging otherer dictators he loves getting oil from dictators, whether it's putin,
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iran, venezuela, stop dealing with dictators and just look what's beneath our open up american energy. we had lower gas prices tomorrow and take money out of putin's pocket. so ne he won't have the abilityo fund this war. >> well, liz cheney tonight , congressman jordan, how the really big beltway s ndraiser for her housetw and now the ap is reporting that anti trump republicansns ap preparing for a presidential run. maryland governor larry hogan planning trips to iowa and new hampshire. adam kinzinger considering a rough time line up.ering taftt i'm just laughingim through this for a potential presidential announcement. and lollipops grow on trees. all right. and allies of cheney are openly talking her up for white house prospects. well, i don't want to read thea? rest of this . congressman jordan, what what is this ? what what is this ? well, you and i and steve as well that i think donald trump is president trump is going to
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he hasn't announced for sure, but i think he's going toof run and none of those. do you think larry is going to be president trump in a primary? you think liz cheney, adam , you think anybody is going to beat him in the primary? i don't see anyone beatinghi in them republican primary. y more importantly, i don't see anyone beating him in thein general election in twentype twenty four . i want him to run. i hope he runs because he has proven that he can go to the swamp, do what he said he do, get things done for we the people not for the swamp but for the american and he did with everyone in that town againstin him. i want that kind of guy back in the ovalwa office, particularly now when we see that the biden administration hasn't doneebith one thing right in theen 14 months that they've run the government. good to s congressman, so good to see both of you and i thanks foryo joining us andu some progressii comedians have had it with joe biden and we're going to show the latest fashion trend for the presidential set. raymond arroyo has seen and unseen is next month. new media around to bring you this . she's a hero moment.
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i got to take and went back for new teams, try to make it to the playoffs. there's 60 80 yard line. i looked it up on the internet so it has to be true . no pressure for perfection gets in ten. i can see where one off is. it's time to do the surgery. oh , my heart is in my throat. hold your breath for an all new time. a.m. wednesday after the messenger on fox this week to be pretty awesome. 1% live streamed every episode flight 93 . this is how you do zelenskyy watch free. >> it's tim
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it's time for cnne unsane where we explore the cultural stories of the day. and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyoa . >> raymond, there seems to be a political reappraisal happening among some late night hosts. > laura , i think it's just relaxium did i say well reappraised? sorry. i had applied.isal. they understood. but laura , what's happening is reality is settling in among the hosts given the war in ukraine, the gas spikes someo comedians are singing a different tune than they did a year ago. listen. ifif putin thought trump was really that supportive of him, a why didn't he invade when trump was in office? it's at least worth asking that question. apparently saudi arabia won't even pick up the phone for u the president of the united statesni. r this would haveha never happened to donald trump. never no one was ignoring donald trump's calls.
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you know, bill maher made such a great point and it's one that on this what you do show. he saidsaid we should not be involved in this monochromatic thinking where partizanship locks us into one part. you have toyo be original and yu do that all the time. you know, you draw sometimesti outside the lines people expect and i think that makes not only for good leadership but good tv and too many of these shows you flip around the dialyo some of these panels that are supposed thinkers ends upvi looking like visit tohe the enchanted tiki room. everybody's mouths are moving in the same time saying the same thing. so i think you're seeing theseme guys are comedians atdi heart that you need to please anen audience and you can't lie to the audience for too longce and that's what's happening here, i think. well, i also thinkt it's so boring. it's so boring with literally everyone saying the same thing on any given topicg .
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i mean, there's a diverse diversity of views that arews on this network. it's just it's more interesting. it's just an there's nothingy funny about it either if'r they're going to be funny and be funny if you're going to be a pundit, be a pundit. but to do both, you have to work at it.rk but bill maher is actually impressing me. yeah, littl well, look, there's doubt he has talent and credibility here as inches away from his party on things that he still says.s. look, i'm a liberal. th i just can't agree with them on these things. this is a new thing.decritiques now despite the critiques and the plummeting poll numbers, the biden team laura brace yourself, is considering sending the president to europe. now, i'm not sure that's suchno a good idea right now. this is the president fromay friday in earlier today. don't let anybody tell you anything you did supporting the idea that we brought russian oil coming into the country, which is i said at the time prices are going to go up for gasoline. it wasn't anything we did the idea can we pump more oil?
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there are now now five ah my dad was a not my my dad was just a wonderful decent gentleman. back to wall streetet wall street estimated that the and the san francisco federal reserve said, the analyzed andp the rescue plan contributed only zero point three percent to inflation. >> not laura . how is that oratory or this image of leadership going to help stop a war or reassure our allies they won't even take his calls now, probably because after the fifth, you know, my mom used to say joey spread the faith story. these leaders just said forget it and hung up. they need to send someone with real credibility ifes the united states is going tole play any role here. james baker, call your office now. well, i would say that what looks like is going to happena is macron is going to cut a deal with g and talk to talk
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to putin and zelenskyy and that's going to bero presented to europe and biden is just going to gope, okay, w sounds good to me like that's how it's going to work.k. i mean, we are not in control here at all. unfortunately we're at the other end of the leadership spectrumhe. en the ukrainian president vladimir zelenskyy has adopted a wartime look only green zip. up and hoodies. well, now zelenskyy chic is apparently spreadingng to other world leaders. french president emmanuel macron usually appearsy in public wearing one of those shrinky suits and ties. well, now he's shaking up his look this weekend he went all zelenskyy sporting a hoodie and afternoon stubble.nd afternoon stubble. what becomes a president mos what becomes oft president most lura?gues i guess this is the season's new look and i can't wait to see biden's hoodie. laura , how does that look familiar at all?hat lo >> oh ,ok is fam that a freedom hoodie? ha oh , he's he's supporting
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samaritan's purse this month. all of our freedom matters. theres is going to samaritan's purse was doing great work, by the way, in ukraine. they brought a bunch of supply ,a lot of supplies over there and i guess to do it but it's amazing you got biden as a model. yeah, i'm sure is wearing these matters. his his neck seems to be slightly truncated by that photo op. i'm not sure what happenedt there, but that's a little well, beggars can't bes choosers. no, this is your runway. bey happy. we're not going to get , you know, fashion week now finally, laura , even the actors arear trying to capture the zelenskyy vibe. this is michael keaton at the critics choice awards last night. now his comments started offmm fine and then well, he was off script and want to say thank you to fellow actor president zelenskyy and there's only one way to change things environmentally, socially and for some sort of racialus
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justice and social justice to work voting rights and voting rights and voter suppression, voting rights and voter suppression. is he telling us something here or to balance one out? i don't quite know. you know, michael, great great actor, obviously very talented. i always worry when the script t is not there because they wander into areas. he's got a fantastic movie called dope sick about the origin of the opioid crisis . talk about that . talk about something. you know, you've experienced your research when you wander into voting rights. i mean, it's not voting the voting rights act he's talking about, which is the newest one would one get rif ids, ensure mail, mailba in ballots across the country. it would actually , as you said, suppress the vote in many communities by diluting it. so stick to the script and talk about the things you know best. the audience would respond far better. for himi don't care
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as batman. i just i didn't care for that batman. i don't know. it just it didn't i didn't like this tucker lord here that it didn't quite now and didn't land for me but i don't want to go into the movie critic. you know, that's not who i am either. buttbut raymondraym, ondthe whg here though is with the barking seals in the audience of whatever that what was that ? was a critics choice awards or any awards shows on the way>> to the oscars. but b the barking seals voter suppression or voting or no one you know, russian collusionc or this is what they do. it's like you just it's a bumper sticker and then it's you know, the barking isba the barking. laura i predict many green hoodies atic the oscars. v everyone will be wearinga a green zip up or a green hoodien. darity it'll be the bluewi and gold ribbon and that it'll b
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be that will replace its ribbong envy and then all the ribbons are going to trump the other ribbon. so it's like ri a rememberre the seinfeld episode. you can't have that anymore. all right, raymond ribbon's the great to see you as always. i'm glad biden has the hoodie. all right. on the second anniversary of the pandemic lockdown's we're learning more about when coviddw really began circulating worldwide. >> it is shocking and it is next . eliminating gray's is as easy as comb your hair just from an easy comb in color. just twist and comb getting natural looking results. let's get this meeting started has never been easier. the most men trust just women jewelry the perfect gift. well, many jewelers are short on stock. the jewelry exchange makes their own and has everything. diamond barnes just won forty nine one zero two five ninety nine tennis bracelets for ninety nine point one carat studs five ninety nine by five to redirect and save the jewelry exchange. >> parents and grandparents as we wait to see what's
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it was just so difficult getting in and out of the tub. taking a shower was such a challenge. now it's absolutely out of my day because the bathroom remodel combines safety and style. so you don't have to compromise because wherever you're at in life you deserve to start and end your day in a spectacular space designed just for you when you first moved in , the shower was so outdated it had to go jacuzzi bath remodel transformed our space into something we love and put it all within a day you get your own personal designer to help you customize your bath ,your shower and a professional installer who brings your dreams to life with no stress and no match. i couldn't believe we can get the best for our dreams and within our budget and with our busy lives, cleanup has become so easy no more for scrap or scrubbing tile. that's right. no scrubbing each piece especially engineered and perfectly designed to work together for a sunny shower system that just to sleep with one call you effortlessly transform that old ugly eyesore into a beautiful outdoor shower that you'll love for years to
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come with a jacuzzi bath remodel call or go online to jacuzzi baths remodel call no to get up to 50% off installation. plus ask how you may qualify for no interest and no payments for twelve months. and when you call right now we'll give you an additional safety upgrade for free. go to jacuzzi baths, remodel .com or cold eight hundred nine nine zero five one three eight that's eight hundred ninety nine zero five one three eight call now. so russians are now recruiting foreign fighter flow
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kl to three, two, one , three, two, one at covid actually began circulating outside of chinanacovi. remember we were told it was like december january things started circulating wellul a lot of things we learned two plus years ago it turned out not to be true .of it's m a question a lot of media people want to ignore about the real origins, the timing of it. and the question is why? well, two new studies put out in february 2020 one in november. 2020 now shed light on all of these questions, this matter about when it startedrc circulating. now these studiesg. show that covid was actually circulating among the general populationn as early as november 2019 in france and as early as september 2019 in italy. joining me now is dr. jay bhattacharya, a professor at the stanford school of medicine . bhattacharjee, i know you
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tweeted about this over the weekend. i read your tweets like rha religiously as you know, theser studies have both been out for a year or so. why were they ignored?d? i mean, i think they tell. a very inconvenient story, laura . y that covid had already arrived in europe longe before people thought it had m arrived. what that means then isease that all of these policies remember the february the march lockdown's all that was way too late to accomplish much of anything. in ath sense, the, the start being so early means that the policies we followed to flatten the curve well had already been circulating in those populations for a four four four four several months without even knowing it. >> i know one of our mutual friends had a theory that those juhan military games were kind of a small a smaller version of like olympic style games that was a huge, huge stadium events
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and that that kind of does work with that time frame. i mean, i don't know if we'll ever know, but that was an interesting theory i think we talked about at the time. but i want to play something moving to another topic but related of how we dealt with the with the pandemic. this from the ceo of pfizer yesterday.n >> watch what we areg trying to wins. it we are working very diligently right now to make matonga a vaccine to protect againstns all variants including omega, but also something that can protect for at least a year. so you've seen some of that data on a fourth dose, a second booster shot. you think it will be necessary? it is necessary for right now. >> he went on to say, look, the protection you get from the vaccine unfortunately doesn't last long enough. so the fourth shot doctor , your thoughts? >> there's no clinical evidence ,no randomized evidence, no evidence that i've seen whatsoever that indicates that we should have a fourth
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dose. we shouldn't be talking about a fourth dose untilfo a good randomized trial with long term safety and efficacy data produced the evidence we used to to to say yes to the third dose was i mean, some people would say was not enough. i mean me barely enough would be would be charitable. and i think for the fourth dose it's irresponsible to start talking about that this point, especially now we've looked at israel. they had four doses and they still had a massive wave of cases. you know, a lot of people have already had covid, especially with this omicron wave . they actually are fairly well protected. it's not at all clear at this point that we really need further further shots. i think i think it's premature. what you have isny a pharmaceutical company executives selling pharmaceuticals. so youiv should give it all the way you normally would give to billions and billions and billions of dollars made and absolute immunity from lawsuitt for any adverse reactions. now china's zero covid strategy
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is not working out so well. they just put fifty one million people back into lock lockdown and the shenzhen province, a lot of industry there like foxconn, which makes apple computer components and so forth. their case numbers are testing this . there's no tolerance approach they have dr. bhattacharyya. there's no sign of countries w willing to pivot to living with the virus. what does this tell youth about zero covid as a strategy? >> it was a fantasy from the beginning. it was a lie told even to the american people implicitly we get rid of it that lie has had terrible consequences. and you know, it's i'm praying for the people of china. dr. commentariat , thank you . great to see you tonight . and final thoughts when we return back . good back and suddenly be for the bombshell moment no one saw coming. they just walked off the stage with 85% fox.
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the left says christ was radical, but christ is the creator, god in human flesh, and he's the only one who can give you peace, and he wants to give you that peace, eternal peace. will you come to him? - [woman] are you looking for peace that can withstand any hardship that life can bring? visit to find answers. that's >> finally tonight, we ask all of you, please pray for our colleague benjamin hall, who was injured just outside of kyiv and is currently hospitalized.
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pray for his family, as well. we hope to learn more and we'll bring it to you as we get it. please pray for him. greg gutfeld is next. first, another important live update on the situation in ukraine, it continues to unfold and we continue to pray for the people of ukraine, we pray for peace tonight. >> carley: fox news alert, explosionion thundering across ukraine with russia main at ainging scorched earth offensive despite diplomatic talks between the two nations. you are watching "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. president zelenskyy says his country will win the war. we are talking to the ukrainian president deputy chief of staff ahead of zelenskyy's joint address


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