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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 15, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: evacuations are now underway in the besieged city of mariupol. conditions are more dire than they have been. that's almost hard to believe. russia's bombardment rages on throughout ukraine and evers so closely to the central part of kyiv, you know, the government, the democracy. while vladimir putin, dictator, ramps up his attacks against civilians unleashing one of the worst humanitarian crises we've
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ever seen. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. this is emily, kayleigh and joey jones. russian shelling has been unstopping in kharkiv for two weeks now. it's the 20th night. the relentless assault has reduced entire blocks to dust and rubble. the russian invasion now war has driven out more than three million ukrainians from their country. now there's word putin's forces may only be able to keep fighting at full capacity for another 10-14 days after meeting up with much stronger resistance than they had anticipated. ukrainian's artillery fights are hard. they're fierce. firing missile after missile toward russian targets. mike tobin is live in western
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ukraine with the latest. a lot has happened since you and i last saw each other not even an hour ago. >> we're still trying to keep an eye on this e.u. delegation as we're making this remarkable trip to the capitol city of kyiv. with the idea of appearing with president zelensky to really take a photo open and show unity. in fact, what the czech prime minister said, the goal is to express unequivocal support of the european union for ukraine. the train traffic is going slow with the refugee traffic. we're waiting to see this deligation arrive. the mayor says the city is on lock down. the curfew begins at 8:00 p.m. people can move around only if they're headed to bomb shelters.
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the mayor says kyiv is a forward-operating base for freedom and the ukrainian people will not give it up. the fact that people are trying to leave the city of mariupol is not new. the fact that they're getting out is new. good news is that the city has been besieged for ten days and pounded with artillery. they've been pounded without food, water. humanitarian attempts have foiled. a convoy of 166 vehicles got out of the city of mariupol. they're adding now to the refugees heading for ukrainian's borders. the last check, 2.96 million people have fled the fighting here. harris? >> harris: you mentioned mariupol. when we were watching what they were doing, the russian forces earlier on and the corridors kept collapsing because putin wouldn't keep his word to led people out. they're living now. talk to us if we can about what
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changed to allow that to happen. is it a curfew situation? what is happening? >> it's hard to say. seems that the difference is simply that the cease fire is being respected long enough for what appears to be an obvious convoy of civilian vehicles. everybody can relax and let them out. cease fire seemed to fall apart quickly. it seems from what we're hearing on the ground, they fall apart due to the russian fire almost every time. >> harris: thank you for that update. we'll continue to keep focused on the news and report it as it comes. joey jones, i follow you as must of half the world on twitter, i would imagine. you've had a lot to say the last few days. your thoughts. >> it's heart breaking to see what is happening. that's for sure. as miles per hours, we try to look at this from a moral standpoint. morally we owe it to the people of ukraine in defense of democracy and against our foe as well to help them.
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we take a step back and say what have we said the last several years? what i've said is we just ended in a very bad way a 20-year war and we should ask more questions before we let our government go into another one. that is really the perplexing situation most americans sit in. if lindsey graham or tom cotton, we would probably be in direct conflict with russia. with the current president, many feel like we're not doing enough. where is that moment that we can feel that we're morally fulfilling our obligation, what we want to do but not getting in conflict with russia. it comes back to an anecdote that's said many times. when you're benevolent, you don't get to choose when you go to war. it could be president putin's choice when we're in conflict. >> harris: senator lindsey graham joined me last hour. one of the things he said speaks to what you're talking about.
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so many things that we could be doing so we don't have to be in that conflict directly with russia. it was impressive to hear him talk about this new resolution that he's working on. we both acknowledge, time is running out. i don't know if all of us on the panel got to watch what we carried live. zelensky talking with the canadian parliament, kayleigh. he was different today. we see him every day. we know that ten was different. >> kayleigh: thanks. that was more than a minute. the european commission, more than a minute when he spokes to the european parliament. he speaks to congress tomorrow, i believe he will get more than a minute. i wonder if zelensky looks at this and says, i'm done with applause. i need supplies. i don't think he's looking for applause. i don't think he's looking for the praise of the world.
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he's looking for migs. the last time he spoke to congress, there was a bipartisan call for migs. senator graham said 42 senators had signed on to giving zelensky the planes. i agree, we don't need to send the military. send the supplies, this is a test with will and russian supplies that outnumber those of ukraine. >> harris: here's the south carolina senator on the focus. >> i hear you, president zelensky. i promise you i will make the senate vote on whether or not we should send you more help. i believe that there will be an overwhelming vote in the united states senate to help ukraine gain control of their skies. >> harris: leslie marshall, as you hear senator graham talk about the bipartisan nature and the unity now and the white house not on board with what they're talking about. poland almost went alone. the white house tried to deny that they even had knowledge
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that the migs with potentially on their way from poland and we knew of the deal. what is your reaction to it all? >> you know, i have to agree with joey. as americans, we know our history. we know vietnam. we know korea. we know afghanistan and the list goes on. do we want to be a part of a catastrophic conflict. when we talk about sending equipment, i agree whole heartedly. i also am not a military expert. i defer to military experts. some say it would take too long to train those individuals with that particular aircraft. >> harris: that's not true. they're asking for f-100, more vintage-like migs compared to what we fly know. they're some of the best flyers in the world of those particular planes. that's not true. they the bring them in on train cars, bring them in across the polish border. they don't have to fly in the
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airspace. there's so many things we could be doing, leslie, that are short of what we agree on. nobody wants world war iii. lindsey graham says he doesn't want it either. what do we do in a short order of time? and they do know how to fly those planes. >> i defer to military experts. i look at this. i think many americans do as a modern election day -- day david and goliath. many people say this was going to be 72 hours. some people are saying this could be a couple more weeks. this could go into may when you look at russia, the troops, the defections. there's talk about united states offering asylum to russian soldiers that want to defect from the army and want to defect from russia completely.
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you can see president zelensky speaking to that as well. i'm one of many people in the world that looks at the underdog, not saying that president zelensky and ukraine are an underdog but that's how it's perceived. what we're seeing here is that vladimir putin, and i think he knows he's losing. look at the tone of the latest talks that they had. president zelensky came out and said there was a change of tone from russia. vladimir putin said there was some positive things, positive aspects. the world knows. certainly vladimir putin knows that his demands of ukraine to demilitarize, to give control over parts of their nation. those things aren't going to happen. this fight is long from over. there's a battle and a war. >> harris: you don't realize a lot of people will die when you say he's not winning? that's the point. we're watching this in real
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time. i understand the politics of what you're saying. i haven't seen the report that you're talking about. i've seen that ukraine is offering an olive branch for russian soldiers. i hadn't heard the american part. >> i can post it after the show. >> harris: the president just told the canadian parliament that they're taking our flags down. they're taking the ukrainian flags down. how would you feel if they're killing your people, destroying your cities and they're claiming their mark. >> emily: the more this develops, the more tragic it is. the more helpless we feel. this is an absolute preventible tragedy. it was preventible months ago with the deterrence a our commander-in-chief should have exhibited and it has been preventible with ukraine seeking help from anyone.
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we know this administration has just announced that they've been adding 11 armsfigures to its sanctions list. that won't do anything. they're moving to the u.s. any time soon. they have no plans to leave russia. so all of these things that we're doing, in name only provide pressure on putin, is the last thing that ukraine cares about. now ukraine's strategy is to buy time so the rest of the world can increase the pressures. the pressures don't do anything while ukraine continues to see their citizens due in brutal, horrible ways. we know british intelligence is reporting that moscow may seek to stage a referendum in person. bidding other break-away republics like what we saw in crimea and the like. that is something that we will be watching unfold as well. >> harris: what is interesting about that, would that be putin's chief win? if we can claim a couple of republics or regions.
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>> emily: that's a gray -- great way to look at it. going back to mike tobin's introduction of food and water has been there for two weeks. not able to escape the blockade. we're watching people starve to death and freeze to death. it's under this country's watch, nato's watch, president biden's watch. i know we're not nato but nose are humans. i wish that we would give them migs. tomorrow during the address, the standing ovation that i'm sure our congress will give, it means nothing without migs. >> kayleigh: totally. >> harris: leslie, you were right about one thing. the one thing that stood out to be -- everybody is entitled to their opinion, obviously. what you said that stuck in my mind was putin is losing.
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people become desperate. he's in the latent stages of dictatorship. he's more than desperate. he's a spy, he's a killer, these all of those things. now the concerns about nuclear weapon usage. or chemical weapons. there's so much there. if you could do what you talked about, to give him a faux win. would that do any good? i doubt you could get that done by friday. >> zelensky needs action fast. >> harris: we have more new video to show you. the sun is about to set right now. they're going to start to hit that city. that's one of the reasons you saw zelensky when you did last hour. he's doing that before dark because he knows it's about to get worse. missiles hit an apartment building, sparked a massive fire. destroyed the buildings. fishes have up the death count. it's hard for us to have hard
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numbers on all of the people injured or hurt this early. we know at least three people died. the city's mayor says the attacks are more proof that russian forces are targeting civilians. bringing you these images as we get them. emily? >> emily: president biden is reportedly considering a trip to europe to shore up nato allies after sending vice president kamala harris. jen psaki says nothing has been decided yet. watch. >> well, we are of course closely engaged with our nato partners about the next steps in diplomacy, whether that is providing additional security assistance or humanitarian assistance or mechanics for future conversations. there's no decision about a trip. >> emily: the president's potential tripcomes after heavy criticism and gavecomments like these. >> i'm here standing here on the
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northern flank, the eastern flank. >> how long should we be bracing for this historic inflation and some unprecedented gas prices? >> and for president judah, i wanted to know if you think and if you asked the president to accept more refugees. >> okay. a friend in need is a friend in need. [laughter] joey, how is this decorum in any way fitting the office of the vice president of the united states? >> you know, we say don't go after the low-hanging fruit because it shows itself. that is kamala harris. it's easy to pick her apart. that was not a show of strength.
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a part of me says thank god she took the mask off to say strong words. maybe the mask was holding the cackle at bay. i don't know. maybe that made that worse. to go back to our last conversation, which weaves in to this. poland is taking in refugees and for all intents purposes are the strongest partner for the humanitarian crisis. and then our government makes this deal and backs out because we don't want to perceived as givening planes to ukraine. nato is not on the same page. they're playing a game:hot potato. why are we praising joe biden for uniting nato when that's the biggest problem we have right now, nato can't get on board with how nato is doing to help ukraine with planes that aren't
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u.s. planes? if the honest to god's truth is ukraine could win the war with migs, poland would give them the planes and poland would be reinforced by any number of planes that fly in the air. the u.s. may sit here eating crow with a smear on on face. if we removed ourselves from this, we would be the ones with shame. other countries would make it happen if planes were the only thing at play here. it's my opinion we don't hear any reports on how the planes that ukraine has are being effective. it's my belief that what zelensky wants more than actual planes is a worldwide show of support for not nato but the u.s. and his effort to defeat russia as they invade his country. that is the question that joe biden has to answer for ourselves, the country and the world. >> emily:s that what president zelensky said when talking about the phone call with biden the first one. he said it was great.
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sort of late. it happened after the invasion. i wish it happened sooner. he made that point, the strength -- the strength of every country in the united states is greater than the might of putin. he made that point. that if every other country would show up for them in some way, that if there was somehow some semblance of leadership, that that is what he needs to defeat putin. kayleigh, i want to talk about ney though and the incompetent of our vice president. about comments she made about whether or not ukraine is in nato. watch. >> so i will say what i know we all say and i will say over and over again, the united states stands firmly with the ukrainian people in defense of the nato alliance. >> kayleigh: yeah. that sentence structure seems to suggest ukraine is in nato. i believe 99% of the country knows that's not the case. what is curious, we had the
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sound bite lined up. as we walked the set, she tweets the same thing. we have the receipt. when i was in poland, i met with the u.s. and polish service members thanking them for peace, freedom and security. the united states stands with the ukrainian people and the nato alliance. i thought she had a new team. not sure why she would tweet that. president biden is possibly going to europe. that's window dressing. he's going to go and this is window dressing. he's leading from behind. we went through this united states. united states congress, which doesn't typically do foreign policy other than declaration of war and those kinds of matters, they're leading. they said we need tougher sanctions. biden does it. they seed we needed an embargo on the russian oil. biden does it. they say we need migs. he's not done it. he's behind congress and the
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vice president doesn't know who is in nato. >> kayleigh: it's been clear what we've shown on air that vice president kamala harris does not know history, there's a dirt of leadership, she has inappropriate affect. it's not staffing. a whole host of things that lend her the be ill equipped and frankly undeserving of that position in a crisis that is facing the globe. for some reason, those in mainstream media continue to say that criticism, apt criticism of her ineptitude is based on racism and misogyny. >> i think if she was a guy they wouldn't say. >> kayleigh: i they made fun of hillary's laugh. >> they question the qualifications of black women. that's why people say she's unprepared. >> i disagree. >> you can disagree but that's the truth. this is based in racism, massage any. >> absolutely there's a racial aspect to it.
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>> kayleigh: leslie? >> i'm a white woman in case you didn't notice and a woman of color. i really don't feel and i know i'm going to get push back from this that this is steeped in racism. to everyone on the panel with a uterus inless you've had a hysterectomy, we know as women you do have to raise the bar in this man's world a bit higher. there's more criticism of women leaders. not just kamala harris and not just in the united states. so i think there's some merit to that. >> kayleigh: you feel that way, harris? women leaders face heightened security. >> harris: when you be on the look out for us and you don't consider all of us considered for a position, your narrow it so you can perform well for somebody in your party, maybe the progress sieves. let many be specific. joe biden, that's what you did
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and you did it twice. you did it with the vice president and a u.s. supreme court pick. it's not that a black woman or a woman and why couldn't i be native american, hispanic. let's just make it a woman in general. when you do that and you haven't considered the entire field, it won't matter what her resume says. you've already marginalized all of us by doing that as women. so do we get more criticism? what we probably get is a situation where behind our backs people say, you know how she got there. they picked her because. he said he was going to and then he did. that doesn't help anybody. it doesn't help kamala harris. when she showed that she might not be ready for prime time, it took him almost a year to say in a very awkward creepy moment, i love you. remember that? 30 seconds of ew. and that was all he did. he didn't say i know you keep going through staff and whatever. i want to re-assure the public that we're working together as a
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team. my press is your press. my coms are your coms. we're united. when we do place, i want to make sure you have what you need. i picked you and i believe in you. nope. haven't heard that. we just got that cringy moment. >> kayleigh: perfectly summed up. >> emily: economists are warning high gas prices, out of control government spending and the risk of recession are about to get much worse. we react to biden's economic policies next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to
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>> kayleigh: an opinion piece says three factors are about to make things much, much worse. a new covid wave in china sparking more fly chain worries, the on going sticker price at
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the pump and russia's war wages on. the federal reserve expected to raise interest rates this week. as the risk of recession increases, president biden wants all of the blame on putin. i bet he does. he's turning to tik tok users to make it happen. >> why is gas so expensive and why is the inflation rate at a four decade high? i had an opportunity to ask. here's what they said. the obvious reason we're getting out of this two-year pandemic is when you show up, price goes up. it's about ukraine and russia. russia is one of the top three producers of oil. now with putin starting this importantry fibbing fight between ukraine and russia, nobody wants to work with him in international trade. >> kayleigh: it's putin gas spike. tom bevan showing consumer
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confidence at a 11-year low. people are not buy the tik tok star's appeal. 70% blame biden for inflation. 70% blame biden for the biden gas highs. >> leslie: depends what you read. i don't blame putin or biden. i know what the polling says. there's realities. the reality is that every single nation in the world is suffering financially. i know president biden and the united states are leaders of the free world. but we're not the leader of each country within the free world, one. two, we also don't see the headlines. the united states has led the world in the recovery. the stock market increased 27% last year. why aren't we talking about the price of a barrel of oil has decreased and continues to decrease. are there pieces in play with the administration with legislation that they put forth that can affect and contribute to a potential recession godfor
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bid. how one piece of legislation that has a big price tag to it. the federal reserve was too passive and interest rates should have been hiked last year, this is a multifaceted problem. it can't be blamed just on vladimir putin. this war contributes to the economy worldwide and can't be -- >> kayleigh: i cannot be -- let me get emily in here. larry summers? he says it's wrong to blame putin. the beauty of this is, you can't deceive the american people on the economy. 58% disapprove of biden on the economy. you can't tell people their gas prices are low when they're picking stickers of joe biden on
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the pump pointing to the gas prices. >> emily: the media needs to pin him down so voters can hold him accountable. "wall street journal" has a great op-ed. they say next time someone gets to ask him a question, will you do everything in your regulatory power to make it easier for american companies to produce more oil and gas to make the u.s. and its allies in and europe less deendent on russian energy. the goal is to get a strait forward respond. it gets to the heart of this geo political moment. it gives the president a choice. he commits to this and we hold him to it or he shows his true cards that he's capitulating to john kerry and the left which does nobody any favors and will make us suffer more for it. the bottom line is he needs that answer and we need to hold him accountable if he says he's committed to diminishing regulatory infringement on oil production and energy production so that we can survive.
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>> kayleigh: meanwhile, we're in the middle of the worst war in europe since 1945. jen psaki decides to call 30 tik tok users up on zoom and have a conversation with him on friday reportedly to combat misinformation. really what they're doing is getting them to talk about the putin gas hike. you remember pajama boy? obama used this here to get people to purchase obama care. >> harris: i have those pajamas. i bought them from target. seriously, we took our holiday picture in them. really. a couple of things. you know, leslie is talking about the fact and with transparency that she's a democrat, also agrees with some of the critics of biden who said it can't be all putin's responsibility. that's easy. that's low-hanging fruit as joey would say. we saw nearly a $2 hike before the war began over the last year
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since biden has been president. it's been going in the wrong direction, the price of gasoline. one thing i want to correct on the record and this is really important. dagen mcdowell did a wonderful john laying this out. a reason why we're watching the cost of crude go down per barrel. it's plummeting quickly. we were up around 105, $106 a barrel. now we're in the mid 90s. the reason that is happening is because we're sliding in to potentially one of the worst recessions we've seen in awhile. if in fact you have the kind of humanitarian crisis that is only compared to in numbers and targeting of ukraine and the deaths that we know of to world war ii moments, that impacts all of us. we all drink from the same cup. right? we all need energy. we've cut out russia. you know, so these things are important.
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recessionary behavior affects the globe. it's not good news that the oil prices are coming down that fast and that we could be changing economically and going into a recession even faster. more than likely we won't see that carried on to the consumer at the pump. that's the problem. i just want to address that. it's important that we understand that that is not just the ticking of the box. of course, everything is rosy because the price of crude has come down. that's not how it works. >> kayleigh: it's not joey, your thoughts on the biden gas prices. >> joey: yeah, leslie whoever is telling you that ukrainians that can't fly the aircraft are also in ukraine right now might not be telling you this is joe biden's fault. when we talk about drilling or energy independence or drilling, when jen psaki stands at the podium and says there's 9,000 land lease permits that are not being used, what she doesn't tell you there's 4,600 drill permits for the land leases that are not being approved.
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this administration has stifle optimism in our economy. that's the problem. you can talk about the micro measures. when we look at the macro of our economy, people are holding on to mind. that's why they have to print more. >> leslie: there's over 9,000 permits right now -- >> joey: leslie, i explain what that means. i'm happy to provide you with information on the difference between 9,000 land leases and a drill permit. two different things. land lease means nothing without a drill permit. look it up. >> kayleigh: the biden administration says you increase -- i took macroeconomics. even the liberal media have started questioning how president biden is handling the war in ukraine. that is next.
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so, wriders! you let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. >> emily: 20 days in to russia's
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war on ukraine, it seems some in the liberal media are fed up. >> you can see signs of it all over. consider that according to the "wall street journal," the leaders of the uae in saudi arabia, two countries that have depended on washington for their security for decades refuse to even take phone calls from the american president. >> if putin thought trump was that supportive of him, why didn't he invade when he was in office? it's worth asking the question if you're not locked into one thought. >> apparently saudi arabia won't even pick up the phone for the president of the united states. >> it's hard to arrange those calls. you can say what you want, but this would have never happened to donald trump. >> kayleigh: are they waking up? >> harris: so that is a kind of
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woke that people can get into. so what i think is interesting, you're talking about -- i think that humor takes a certain level of intelligence. it's what we see with zelensky, the president of the ukraine. it takes that knitting things together and being willing to jump into the freeway. you have that with bill maher and trevor noah. they jump into the facts. i thought trevor noah delivers a punch line with straightness that i'm not used to him if he's kidding. and the facts are undeniable. it is what it is. they're not changeable right now. the person that could be changing them isn't. the president. not to lay everything at the feet of president biden, but they did. >> emily: do you for see a seed change? if bill are on board and trevor
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and bill has always asked those questions, do you think this reflects a change that we can move forward in to the mid-terms? >> kayleigh: i wish but i don't have great confidence in the liberal media. however, i will say this. it does to your point kind of feel like the wokesters have woke up to the consequences of weakness on the world stage. now it feels like america is no longer the power calling the shots. feels like we're leading from behind. it all comes down to afghanistan, which was mentioned at the top of the show. he watched when afghanistan fell. they all watched when afghanistan fell. they watched when our president said it's one thing, a minor incursion. putin is a mad man. but the president picking up the phone with strong words. i was in the room when president trump was on the phone with putin. he was on the phone with the head of isis. they were strong words.
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i can't repeat them here. they were strong and they hurt. >> kayleigh: joey, if this is how the media heads are talking now as the ongoing conversations are discussing what's going on in taiwan and north korea and the like, is it important questions being asked now before it gets too late with these other geo political issues that are occurring? >> joey: sure. because you agree with meadowsn't mean i think you're right. these are people that make their money prying on the insecurities of people that are worried about trump. so october they're going to flip the script when it gets boring and people are not tuning in. all that aside, they still have a sphere of influence. they're not saying support the administration. that's a big step. what confuses me and i would love for president biden to answer this, if gas prices are high today because putin was parking troops on the border for three months in ukraine, what was president biden doing during
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the last six months to prevent us from getting here and why did he fail at that and what is his answer to that i'm not going to sit here and criticize for not throwing us in to world war iii. i'll give him the props that he's thinking he's stopping us from that. to what fate do we come from russian taking over ukraine and continuing to push? do we end up in that war but a worse place than three months ago when stronger words and actions could have prevented where we are today. the trump doctrine said we could have prevented this. people hated trump for that. now look what we're in now. >> kayleigh: for the taliban, two bad actors. take out the head. >> emily: it doesn't have to be the trump doctrine. can it be a strength through peace, a peace through strength doctrine. it's anything, any semblance of
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leadership that acknowledges that deterrence would have prevented where we are today. a russian state tv employee sacrificing her career and her safety as she storms a live broadcast to protest putin's butchery in ukraine. that is next. home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- you deserve more. more cash, more savings, and more financial peace of mind. newday can help you get it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value: up to $60,000 or more. and veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> we're waiting for a briefing from jen psaki. there's growing bipartisan calls to provide much-needed air support to ukraine. we're waiting at 2:00 p.m., state department briefing. we'll be listening to that and bring you the news from it as it comings in and get updates from the reporters from the pentagon. capitol hill, europe and ukraine as the shelling continues. joni ernst and john kennedy are here. join us as "america reports" top of the hour. >> kayleigh: a brave and stunning act of defiance on russian tv's main news program in the evening. her words, stop the war, no to war as she holds up a sign reading in part "don't believe
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propaganda." they're laying to you. she's been identified as an editor for russian state tv. she appeared in a moscow court this morning after her lawyers reported her missing and she's been charged with organizing an unauthorized public event. she could face up to ten days in jail. far less than originally feared under new russian laws. i mean, remarkable bravery from this journalist. knowing she would go missing. knowing the orwellian nature of the russian government. >> harris: so you know he's going after his own. he told them not to do that. he's a dictator and owns the tv stations. maria is a very brave woman. we should know her name and say it. you know what i love about the development today? the world is watching vladimir putin. i think in most cases she might have stayed disappeared, you know, to borrow an old term from
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movies. but she didn't. and that means the world is watching and he knows it. maybe there's a little bit of accountability. we don't have any impact on what happens to her next. when her lawyer says i can't find my client and it's all over social media, he can try to shut down the internet. he can't quiet the thousands of people in russia that are risking their lives and coming up somehow or another what's going on outside of his manipulated media. she's brave. you were brave. >> kayleigh: friday, a law passed in russia that you can get up to 15 years for a fake record. >> emily: unofficial reporting can get you 15 years in prison. she was in court today with her attorney thank god. this is no surprise. remember, the reason we have the magniski act thanks to bill broeder's effect is because of
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sergei magniski that died in russian captivity. he was a tax consultant. he dared speak up about the butchery of putin and he paid for it with his life. he died in jail after serving 358 days. so it is so unfortunate that that was 12 years ago. i hope she's not next. this is absolutely frightening. how many more people have to be disappeared there for us to see as a globe to do something again that is now one more gorgeous face to the butchery of putin and the savagy of the system where people are incarcerated for nothing, daring to speak up and paying for it with their life. >> kayleigh: on russian state tv, that call it a lie. only targeting military targets. that's a law. we saw the military hospital this time last week on our own network. >> joey: >> leslie: we also said that
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they are putting out a fire at the nuclear plant. i'm not comparing putin to hitler but this is what they did. they put out negative propaganda about the country of germany and the countries around them. what i love about this woman, the bravery, because she knew she was risking her life. i have to say i am with you, emily. i'm a bit skeptical when i hear ten days. i'm relieved when she showed up in court. that's what we expect. if you speak up against this government or run against putin, his opponent is still in prison, that's what happens to you. you end up in jail and they throw away the key or disappear. we know nerve agents are used if you're there. so what i love about this, because this woman risked her life for freedom. we as a beacon of freedom throughout the world, not should
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only support her but we should never support vladimir putin. always be supporting president zelensky and ukraine. i have to say, you know, i don't think i would have the guts to do that. i admire this woman. god bless her. >> kayleigh: more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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>> braking news, -- breaking news, this is the luhank region in ukraine, reportedly where they have taken the two mayors they kidnapped, in the same area, we are showing you this because it is amazing to see the ukrainians resolve in fighting back. joey, your quick reaction to this. >> it's -- i mean, i hope that
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they can take out every russian thing they see, every russian plane and troop until putin pulls his troops back. the question is, do they have enough and enough time. >> "america reports" right now. thank you for joining us. [sounds of bombs] >> john: russian president


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