tv The Five FOX News March 15, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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worried about escalation? escalation being lot. home to very poorly. he has nuclear weapons. but as the only thing that he has. that is what we must be afraid of because -- >> neil: his options look limited. general, thank you very much. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i am judge jeanine pirro along with geraldo rivera, jesse watters, sandra smith, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> president biden has added to europe and nato headquarters next week as russia launches more barbaric attacks. a missile strike hitting an apartment building in kyiv. sparking a massive fire destroying it completely.
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official saying at least three people were killed. and president zelensky who is said to address congress tomorrow is signaling a possible breakthrough about wanting to join nato. listen to this. >> ukraine is not a nato member. we understand that. regarding understanding, we have heard for many members about the open doors but we also heard that we can't enter those doors and this is truth and we have simply to accept it as it is. >> mike tobin is in lviv with the latest. >> judge, just about every night is a rough night in the city of kharkiv. very near the russian border. one of the first cities hit last night was no different. you see kharkiv took about 60 rounds, 60 russian rounds. that is foul destruction of residential structures is more evidence russia had that a million targets. an apartment building with it and this at the russian army
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attempts to bring horses from the north and the east to surround the capital city of kyiv. it is now under a 35 hour curfew as a proposed by the mayor who said kyiv is now the forward operating base for freedom. the siege on mariupol is constant. the red cross is now accusing russia of blocking the aid convoys that were attempting to bring food and water to people who have been without water, power, and heat now for at least ten days. some good news out of mariupol as after multiple cease-fire attempts for humanitarian purposes have fallen apart, humanitarian convoys or civilian convoys of some 160 vehicles long made its way to that and to safety. judge. >> thanks. it seems like the slaughter is continuing and it is getting worse by the day. geraldo, i will start with you. when you think enough will be
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enough for putin? >> i don't think enough will be enough for putin unless and until ukraine is crushed, crumbled, destroyed. he will not stop. i think that people who are optimistically forecasting that they are running out of ammo or the offense is petering out, they don't know putin, they don't remember hitler and napoleon and how they underestimated the russian army also. war is, judge. putin is the devil. he is a war criminal. his invasion of his neighboring sovereign nation is as barbaric as it is unjustified and now his brutality has struck the fox news family, and team led by our correspondent benjamin hall who was attacked, grievously wounding the correspondent, the person you see there in the program. peer zakrzewski. his cameraman killed. their local producer and
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translator also killed, we lost two. benjamin previously injured. we pray for him. we send our condolences, our deep condolences. there you see sasha in the background. just 24 years old that now. as is the cameramen in this photo. pierre zakrzewski, dead. it is just awful. we pray for benjamin, we send him our condolences for the loss of his colleague, our colleague. it is something that is deeply heartfelt. we want you to know that we all our family and we mourn this loss. war is not the romantic panorama you see in the movies. it is unbelievably dirty and these fine people now struck down in the prime of their lives, just a child, 24 years old. in benjamin hall in a fight for his life. it is, judge, something that is so appalling.
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i am so angry it at the same time i feel so helpless to do anything about it. >> so many people are feeling helpless. and greg, at some point, america has to start drawing a red line. >> i want to talk about ben but first the fact that joe is announcing that he is going to europe next week, no. this is what we are talking about. what we need is audacious diplomacy right now. is there some kind of special episode of mass walk he is watching that he is too busy because you want to stick a photo of mike around for st. patrick's day. he should be on a plane right now meeting with the very top layers or other top players in the country. not this casual diplomacy and back patting. it is just disgusting. as for ben, i spoke to him last week at length that the mic after we had our little kerfuffle and the thing that this is me off is that he is handsome and he is funny. and we joked about what went on on "the five" and i won't say what we talked about because
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frankly it is nobody's business but he did say something that i agreed with 100%. and he said, greg, you can't do my job, and i can't do yours. and i said, -- my job is way easier. i do get death threats but they are usually from dana. on pink stationary. but we can pontificate because we are thousands of miles away. they can't afford to pontificate as at all because they are always endangered. as geraldo said, worth the worst thing you can imagine. that is what we do here. we imagine. but what ben and his coworkers do, they don't imagine it, they actually see it. which is why when i am sitting here, for me, i must be as antiwar as possible until i can no longer be antiwar because it's like those tv hosts that were telling you to stay home
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and definitely during covid because they still worked, they still got their paychecks, they got the camera crew coming to their house. they were divorced from their consequences. that has the same thing here. it is easy to talk about war at home. as geraldo said, it is not romantic. but since i'm not going anywhere near the war i am sure as not going to sell a single person to go there and die in a foreign country. i learned that lesson with iraq and i am never going to go through that again. ben's job is to go there and delineate the truth through imagery. it is harder to do now than ever given social media, the internet, the rise of information. but if you are sitting here at this table, you must be a radical skeptic because you aren't there, ben is. and i hope to god he makes it through. it is a horrible thing that happened to him and he is -- to sound british, he is a lovely guy. >> certainly all praying for him. jesse, the biden administration
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talks about unequivocal support. but then they say we will not facilitate the transfer of fighter jets. what do you think biden is going to say when he gets to brussels, assuming he gets there, next week? >> he could get there during a hostage crisis paid the city could be completely surrounded and he has no leverage. so i would suggest you do something dramatic for them and we had general kellogg on the show last night and he said we have to send them the patriot missile defense this done. so these batteries are surface to air. you can even send them the russian made ones, the s300, and you can basically take out a cruise missile. he can take out a ballistic missile. you can take out aircraft like that. there are very expensive. about $100 million per system. but ukraine is running low on the surface to air defensive missile systems, and that would make a huge difference. because if you can get them into kyiv now before it is encircled,
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that would stop the shelling. and so if you have the city surrounded by these armaments that are shelling not only could you block with the -- you could take out the ten columns with stingers and javelins. that would be the decisive action to make putin -- basically his blog. if you can't take the capital and you just get your artillery destroyed and you can't even go in and kill the president, the ukrainians win in that scenario. so that is what they need to do and they need to do immediately and debating over mig-29, send them the missile system. >> they put on the board are already up to one. >> yeah, but they should insert it into ukraine. i would be a game changer. >> i watch the show every day. you are on top of this and i love watching you.
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with the human corridors that we hear well where they're supposed to be an escape for people who leave ukraine, i understand that they are still in trouble, that they are closed and the more putin's bombing, the more putin shelling, the more people are getting killed. we are talking about apartment buildings now, civilian losses. he is really after the ukrainian people. it is no longer just military buildings. so what can the ukrainian people hope for in terms of what our limitations are. >> they are running out of time. no doubt about it. go to geraldo's point about the relentless vladimir putin and the audacious diplomacy that is needed, the next thing is president zelensky addressing the u.s. congress tomorrow morning. whether that changes anything, i don't know. certainly president biden when he visits brussels next week possibly poland, no major announcement made so far, possibly could hear something
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different from this president. former u.s. ambassador to nato kurt just made an incredibly important point about this moment saying that vladimir putin is desperate and dangerous at this hour. he knows he is losing. he is doubling down on his aggression. even as a strategic position weakens, he said this is why this is the most dangerous phase of this invasion right now and why the u.s. must manage this moment extremely carefully. he said, "instead of saying what we won't do, in this moment, we need to say what we will do." >> and that is one of the problems with this administration. not saying what they will do and telling the world what they want to do. anyway, coming up, biden's price hike propaganda pair the white house deploying tiktok stars to blame soaring gas costs on putin. it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves,
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>> president biden getting more desperate after failing to gaslight the american people into thinking that putin is behind higher gas prices. now he is resorting to teenage tiktok stars to push his price hike propaganda. >> i the opportunity to ask the white house like guest on the street is $7 and here's what they said. russia is one of top three producers in oil and there number one resource. that was before starting this horrific fight between ukraine and russia, nobody wants to work with him or international trade. >> transportation secretary pp to bridge isn't even focused on the surging prices. >> gas prices are famously something that is largely outside of the direct control of any political figure.
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>> why do you live? >> pete spinning so hard. greg, are you now convinced everything is okay after watching that tiktok propaganda? speak i was sitting around going could there be a move that is any more unserious than sending kamala to poland, what could it be? why not use an app favored by 12-year-olds that is created by china that is infiltrated and mangled so many adolescent brains. that is funny. i was thinking about those. tiktok might be the most effective cyber warfare in history. because it is in every house, it causes kids to do really bad stuff to each other and to others. sometimes it is self-mutilation. it is basically delivering to our kid's brains. in china, these tiktok to educate your kids. they have rules. yet we are polluting ourselves. but again, it shows you how unserious we are about ending this war.
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boris johnson, the guys whose hair looked like you dumped a bowl of linguine on it, he is on top of the energy question. he is meeting with avoidable people, the gas people because he is not concerned with pleasing twentysomethings who go by they and them. >> we are concerned with teenagers on social media. >> does this say that biden doesn't have any real fixes? just worried about p.r.? >> jen psaki was asked about it again today at the white house press briefing and her answer is always the this is a priority for him to address. these price hikes for the average american consumer, it is painful, they acknowledge and say that all options are on the table. we still don't know those options are. i asked people in the gas entry what could be done to increase and incentivize more drilling. obviously more oil production to bring those gas prices down. if you were to think about it
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really reasonable to hear from this administration, the oil and gas industry of the american petroleum institute just send us a friendlier message is, that you are not out to demonize oil companies. they want to tax the oil companies more. in a moment where we actually need them. we need more oil production aired and by the way, the message to the tiktok viewer out there is green energy in a moment where 65% of the american people are living paycheck to paycheck. they are telling you on tiktok to go by and ev. you know what the average gas ps of an electric vehicle which marked $60,000. >> and they just raise the prices because of all the supply chain prices. geraldo, are you now on board with the putin price hike after watching that young lady tell you all the talking points? >> that definitely put me over the top. i can see that president biden blew it when he crushed domestic
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oil production. that was a strategic error, regardless of the tiktok-you -- but this is also true. exxon, chevron, bp, and shall are all enjoying enjoying the highest profits. >> what is your point? >> the oil companies are reaping record profits. some of this could be handed to the consumers rather -- >> you want -- >> why don't we look to them and say -- >> why doesn't the government cut the gas tax? speak of the gas tax is the only thing that keeps the highways together. many politicians of various
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stripes -- >> we get back to the question. are you suggesting that those companies are engaging in illegal activities by falsely propping up gas prices? because if you are, they should be held accountable. if they are, evidence should be should be provided. >> i'm suggesting the oil companies are reaping way more profits and the windfall profits tax is much more vile to me than getting rid of -- >> but you own stock and energy companies pittsburgh i do. speak of the only people making windfall profits are russia and venezuela is about to make some. but let me just comment on the tiktok first. i never thought anything could be more ridiculous than when kamala harris had those young child actors help her in that space video. remember, we could see with your own eyes the moon. remember that one? i also want to talk about a segment of our population that we haven't talked about.
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and that is the senior citizen. so the alternative to the biden administration, we are not going to drill here, not going to loosen up on the regulations. we'll go to venezuela. we won't beg the saudis although they want to our call. and we want to electric cars senior citizens drive cars with internal combustion engines. they cannot afford an electric car. and unless the government wants to give them a voucher for an electric car with their next social security check, they are the ones who are lost in all of this. they are on a fixed income. they cannot afford anything. they can't even think about electric vehicle. so while we are going -- why don't we consider our parents, our grandparents, the people who fought the wars, who built the streets. they are being crushed while this president only cares about tiktok. >> can i get this one last point, because the white house and democrats like to talk --
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not drilling. got the permits issued. but then create a friendlier environment for those energy companies to drill. if they draw, guess what they have to do? spend those profits. >> i am all for it. i don't see why just because you are in favor of a green future you can't do practical -- i am a pragmatic idealist. talk to chevron, exxon, bp and shell, and say you are doing great. now do me a favor. >> capitalist society. leave them alone. unless they are profiteering, leave them alone. >> they are profiteering. >> prove it. >> we are going to do some profiteering right now and go to commercial break. ahead, what houses there is no redline when it comes to putin's atrocities. riders! let your queries be known.
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yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no.
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>> fears vladimir putin is ramping up his brutality because china -- according to reports, russian forces are getting low on equipment and manpower and may only be able to fight full strength with filmic for ten to 14 more days. despite evidence of war crimes, the white house saying there is no redline. speak up we don't like red lines around here, so i'm not going to use that phrasing. but you are obviously correct that he has been very clear and consistent about that he is does not have the intention of sending u.s. troops to ukraine. that has not changed. >> and republican senator tom: on biden to stand up to him. >> which we should ask woods letting him set the terms of how we will support ukraine. we should get off the back foot and on the front foot and make mata mayor putin worry about what will be -- >> they don't like redlines.
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what do you make of that? basically we are not going to take a stance. or maybe they are just keeping their cards close to their chest. >> i think tomorrow will be a big moment. he's going to make his statement very heard for u.s. members of congress tomorrow. here is what i think. as far as the progression of all of this, if you go back to ambassador's words, this is a defining moment in all of us and we have to say what we are going to do rather than what we will not do. i listen to jen psaki every day. we have her briefings. and they are very quick to say what they will not do and not broadcast what we won't. as far as lindsey graham earlier today saying why he believes that the u.s. is not getting involved and president biden folding like a cheap suit of
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those jets, he believes before god in his ear and threatened escalation and if you do. therefore we are letting putin determine the next move with the united states in this fight. and that has to come to an end. >> jesse, what should we do? senator, who was the senator? tom cotton. thank you. he says we should be setting the terms. what with the terms v? >> i remember when trump just threatened to nuke everybody. i did look into that today. he threatened to nuke north korea. my button is bigger than yours. and my button works. he threatened to nuke the iranians. he said we are the consequence -- through throughout history who have ever said before and then he told putin that if he invaded ukraine on his watch he would nuke moscow. then he said all options are on the table and venezuela good i like that line. all options are on the table. then he threatened mexico was going to designate the cartels
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as terror groups. that means you could go drone inside mexico proper. it seemed chaotic but relatively stable on the world stage. biden's approach is so conventional it is like she is -- like your typical washington business lunch. your steak and salad and -- that might not work though. so we are out to go order off the menu. may be a naval blockade. maybe those missile-defense systems i suggested. may be paid a visit to his girlfriend in this with foul swiss mountains with a stripper graph. get inside his head. do something is not expecting video of about a week and a half, two and a half weeks before kyiv is surrounded and then you have no leverage after that. >> geraldo, we are talking in the green room that we keep
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hearing competing narratives. the russian on the run according to sources but you look at the map and the map doesn't look good. >> i think this is not about biden. this is about putin. putin has utter disregard for human life. he doesn't care. he will send those troops charging and american commander will see an outpost, an enemy strong point and flank it and do all this, russian just keep slamming and slamming. until finally the last russian left. this is an existential crisis right now. and for us to believe that putin will submit the mother of all negotiations but greg keeps promoting i think it is extremely naive, with all due respect. >> so what is your solution? >> my solution is you have to beat him. if this is a limited war now, it makes a sense to me not to
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deliver the mig-29s. if this is a limited war, it makes no sense to not take those patriots and get them into ukraine. get them there. the only redline right now is the blood of the ukrainian people fighting the russians. they are defending the free world. that is the front lines of humanity and civilization right now. that is what it is. it is zelensky and the ukrainians and we have to give them whatever we can without putting americans behind the buttons of the patriot missile systems. i think that you can do it, you stop advertising everything. fight them. the thing about the russians, very quickly, they are saying now that is as ohmic evidence of the russian army falling apart, looting, killing, and terrorizing. that's a weapon.
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they are looting. they don't have supplies but they will loot anyway. they will terrorize anyway. as the german women the end of world war ii. >> judge, last word. >> i disagree with geraldo. geraldo said it is not about biden. it is about putin. so the question that i ask you, geraldo, is why didn't putin do this when trump was president? and i don't bring up president trump that much. okay? but i tell you right now that he didn't do it when trump was president because he knew that donald trump would come in if you touch one hair on wine innocent civilian. he wouldn't care nato or nonnato. and don't tell me that putin isn't afraid of someone. biden is responsible for the the decline of the west. what we are seeing right now is -- i can't say the word -- is a wuss we have a bully in the
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playground guard, the schoolyard and everybody is back to the fence. wait a minute. let me finish. all we have to do is we have enough whale in canada, the united states, and mexico and we could be our own superpowers. but right now the biden administration is not only hurting the americans and all this #blameputin nonsense all he has to do and let us be the strength. he is drawing the west. >> how do you know putin wasn't playing trump? >> it's not about trump, the fact that trump had a new buddy against the wall. [yelling] he was a was. and that is the end of it. speak of them might be my
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favorite conversation of this whole year. we are monitoring the latest from ukraine but it suspected serial killer nabbed after a murder spree in two liberal cities. ♪ ♪ it's electric... made extraordinary. ingenuity... in motion. it listens, learns, adapts and anticipates your every need. with intelligence... that feels anything but artificial. the eqs from mercedes-benz. it's the car electric has been waiting for. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo
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>> it up and talking here a lot about the war overseas but we are also fighting a war right here at home in the streets of our cities. here's the latest example of the wicked that it battle being waged. as suspected serial killer has been arrested in connection with the heinous set of shootings a targeted vulnerable homeless people in new york city and washington, d.c. that killing spree leaving two dead, injuring three others. and another man has been charged with a hate crime. look at this. their horrific beating of an asian woman, a racist punk stopping, punching the 67-year-old woman and had more than 125 times. suffered multiple contusions,
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lacerations, bleeding of the brain. another asian women victimized in stable condition after that. chris, comment on that. >> i hated. this is what we voted for new york. i know we are talking about new york now. you have a cultural institution, the museum of modern art, you are a young woman working behind the desk and some guy, normal looking guy comes, is upset. permit was revoked or whatever. he jumps the desk to stab you yu and your girlfriend. the people -- the people committing these crimes are committing them over and over and over again. and don't think, all you social justice warriors, don't think that you are saving one guy because he committed or made one mistake. they commit mistake after mistake. they continue on their crimes freeze until they are stopped. and i know this. i know it in my dna from having
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done this for 30 years. and i am not surprised that this guy or one of the attackers had 22 prior convictions. it is our fault that they were running around and victimizing them. i don't want to take all the time, but unless you change the bail law in new york state, and unless we get rid of these progressive d.a.s, then we have no hope. you just better hope that if you get shot or stabbed that you don't die because justice ain't coming. the calvary and coming. you are never going to get any type of retribution. >> and ohio yesterday the governor passed a law that allows concealed carry even without a license or any training. is that a solution? >> i guess. if the calvary and coming, that is the solution. and you can't disarm a public if you have no consistent law enforcement. the other part of this that we have talked about before that drives me crazy, this suspect
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was homeless, probably mentally ill. all these people stabbing people. hopeless, mentally ill. the serial killer claimed by his dad to be mentally ill. at a certain point despite all the billions that we spent on the mentally ill, and all goes into the pockets of the administrators. some may be -- what are we supposed to do? we are supposed to help the mentally all but we leave them on the streets -- maybe we treat them like criminals, rest them and put them away. but that seems even worse. but we have no choice. keep pointing out these liberal laws and nothing changes. this is like talking up the war. we talk about how horrible things are but we go what do we do? we -- it is getting worse. >> she was in town over the weekend when shopping on madison avenue noting some of the stores still close from the riots. but noticing how prevalent homeless people are on the premier shopping boulevard of the premier city in the country.
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does anything suggest dysfunction more eloquently than that visible problem where all of these people, whatever their background, are all over the place. >> i hope you watched her back every time she turned a corner or walked down a block because it is scary in new york city and crime is running rampant. one attack in seattle that broke my heart. a longtime health care worker, she was on her way at a rail station. was going up the stairs when a career criminal and an unprovoked attack grabbed her 62 years old, through that nurse down the stairs. 40 years old. cement steps. she suffered a broken clavicle, three broken ribs. she was rushed to a hospital. the very hospital where she has worked for 25 years helping other people that gives me chills. that is awful and that is just one example of the many unprovoked attacks that are happening in the cities all over the country.
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>> mentally ill or not, crime is a crime. that is why i think the judges pointed out -- when you commit a crime, you should be charged to the fullest extent of the law. held if you are a threat to society. pretrial. and then given the full sentence if you are convicted. >> we can't do anything of the liberals want to help us do anything. you can't live in a society of half the society doesn't want to live in a civilization. we can crow about this all day. we've been showing this for two and a half years, this crime wave, and everyone is what's needed to be done but no one does it. so we're sitting here complaining be as liberal politicians don't care. they just don't care. >> look at this. >> and they're going to -- >> you will not see that on other networks. this stuff doesn't exist. >> but jen psaki talking about no consequences to crime.
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>> jussie smollett will not go quietly. such a 150 days behind bars for staging a hate crime is demanding to be set free after spending only five days in jail. smollett's lawyers claims being locked up is dangerous to his health. judge, should he be left out of his 100 day sentence in jail because they may risk his ability to survive? >> let me tell you something. this guy is lucky that he was sentenced in a state wearing a way as to serve half his time that the judge gave him. got 150 days. only us to serve 75 of those days. on me make one thing clear. a jury of your peers convicted you. a judge sentenced you. and you are legitimately and jailed ends stop this nonsense where you should be afraid because you may be in trouble. they put you in productive
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custody so in case you think as an actor you are more important than you really are that you are protected. here's the bottom line. the lowest amount say we can't have them in protective custody. it is a danger to his mental health. why don't you just shut up, get your three meals a day and you're caught, and served the sentence? you cremated -- putting salt in an old wound having to do with racism. shut up, sit down, and serve your sentence. >> so jussie smollett's family announced they received a call where they used homophonic and racist terms. the caller said they would take care of them in jail. do you think is lawyers can effectively make the case that he should write out his sentence? >> gutfeld gets worse threats every monday. >> he is behaving exactly how we expected jussie smollett to behave. a drama queen, making it all
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about him. so here is what i suggest you do. he is an actor. use this to bone up on your craft. have a great opportunity. you could come out of this and write a screenplay and star of the head of the prison gang. this is what you should be doing with your time. >> greg, i wish you could respond to this. his family is saying a lot including his brother who said he, jussie, wants to let folks is very stable, very strong, and good health and ready to take on the challenge. that has been put up against end. >> he also said that he wasn't suicidal. very important thing. he said i am not suicidal. i am not suicidal. i'm not suicidal. meaning, if they find him in an attempted suicide or suicide -- because he knows such an ironic mind bender because he was the
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person who put the noose around his neck and now he is saying i'm not going to do it. but she did it last time. so we have to -- putting him in a psych ward because he put this noose around your neck before my put it around again. i am worried that in prison there is going to be two red hat wearing maggot supporters who will inevitably target him with and advise everyone in jail is a democrat. >> i obvious -- referencing jerry epstein and worrying that he could have a similar fate. but i am absolutely, 100% against solitary confinement. they call a protective custody. it is really solitary confinement. they pretend that it is for your protection. it is really punishment. let me finish. you are in solitary confinement. you have no one to talk to. there is no tv. you get one hour a day. you count the tiles on the roof.
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you go absolutely nuts. it is vicious. you should be on a farm someplace. >> a farm? [yelling] >> he knows the clintons. speak of the reason he is in protective custody because he's had his light is being threatened. you can have it both ways. can't say you are stable and sate your mental health is bothered because -- >> he needs to go to a farm. [yelling] >> may be a petting zoo. >> petting zoo would be fun. >> all right. we will leave it there. we will have more breaking news from ukraine, next.
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real quick, greg. >> greg: i'm going to quote tim he dillon putin is a monster. before you try to make a deal as people die seems to be crazy. as an aguy in an air conditioned studio i'm not going to beat a war drum. >> judge jeanine: sandra? >> sandra: president zelenskyy said today that 97 children have died in his country since the beginning of this. that is awful. that is awful. >> judge jeanine: jean. >> jesse: zelenskyy is going to make emotional appeal to congress tomorrow and congress will be very affected by that appeal and it owill move wind to do something he hasn't done so far. as we see biden leads from behind and that's the only way you are going to get any action out of that guy unless he is pushed. >> geraldo: our thoughts and prayers with benjamin hall. rest in peace. we are so sorry about what happened? >> judge jeanine: very, very
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sad. i think that tomorrow in congress, i think that zelenskyy will be very effective. he is a great communicator. he can cause people to be very emotional and i think it's -- he is going to do a great job. you know, enough with people laughing at him because he was a comedian. this man is a man who stands tall and stands tall, i think, for all history. that's it for us. "special report" up next with bret. >> bret: you are right, judge. nobody is laughing now. thanks. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, russian forces are intensifying their bombardment of ukraine's capital. ukraine's president says barrages hit four multistory buildings in kyiv killing dozens ever people. in the south civilians in 2,000 cars are fleeing mariupol along a humanitarian corridor. another round of talks was held today between russia and ukraine. the number of refugees now from this war has passed 3 million. we also have suffered two losses to the fox
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