tv Hannity FOX News March 16, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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ten years tomorrow and fox and been the first seven episodes on fox now plus following through with what is at the entire country is consumed by war. the number of refugees fleeing the country is exploding. get up to the minute reports on fox news. >> welcome to "hannity". w and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. we're going to take you live tol the ground in theif groundai in ukraine where military activity is now ongoingne at this very hour earlier, a new barrage of indiscriminate a russian bombing completely leveling a local theater in southern ukraine where hundreds of innocent civilians were shelteringno in place, by the way, including many young children. in fact, as you can see thereon on your screen, the word children was painted on the ground in russian on either side ofon the theater. bute o russia blew it up anyway.
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and now an untold number of kids are dead tonight . now manyto major cities in southern ukraine are beinge besieged. there are fears that kyiv could be a next .dr and today during his virtual address to congress, the ukrainian president solinsky played this very powerful video showingower the e horrors of vladimir putin's bloody invasion and war. these images show a normal happy country and the aftermath of vladimir putin'sim murdering invasion view a warning. what you're about to see is extremely graphic for many of you will be hard to watch but necessary. >> you'reu
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over . and during his remarks, president zelenskyy he urged americans to remember pearlpe harbor september 11 . two thousand one when our country was under attack. sadly, his country is experiencing their own horror now every single day. he alsohe invoked martin luther king jr. and zelenskyy said his dream is to protect u ukrainian skies. and our presidentkr zelenskyy is begging joe biden for help. take a look. today the ukrainian people 5% not only ukraine. we are fighting for the values of europe and the world, sacrificing our lives in the name of the future. that's why today the americanng people are helping not just ukraine but europe and the world to keep the planet alive. i'm addressing the president by the you are the leader of the nation of the station.
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i wish you to be the leader of the world's being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace. thank many americans tonight you're asking ans what should america's role be when you see horror mass gravesor and dead children and women in the streets? what what is america's role in this ? let me be clear what it shouldn't be a no fly zone't over ukraine. that's not america's role that can happen. that would likely put americanht fighters in a direct fighting position and in war withwith rua ,we cannot be the world's police force. us boots on the ground. that can't happen either. it hasn't worked out well in the past. this would involvenvol the unitd states engaging then with russia in a war and that could very likely signal the real beginning of world i war three with nuclear proliferation justnu a button away. but america, we haveca a conscience,, the soul and weom
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care about innocent men, womenn. and children. there are many ways that we can help. i go back to ronald reagan. he provided, for example, the mujahideen in afghanistan, the stinger missiles that helped afghanistan defeat the former soviet union in the 1980s. these reagan made that happen. reagan also provided weaponrybe to the freedom fighters,ls the contra rebels in nicaragua to battle daniel ortega and the sandinistas. it was successful there. reagane - never put a singlee american boots on the ground. these weapons help these freedom fighters defeat bad actors. should learn the lessons from reagan. give zelenskyy what he's asking for the weapons that they need so they can battle back against russia. the ukrainian people, frankly, they've shown increasedai f coue and effectiveness so far against russia. they are showing their willingness to do their own fighting. they'ree just asking for the tools of war . the late, greatat charlesen
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krauthammer once wrote enterte the reagan doctrine, which relies on indigenous revolutionaries to challenge for reasons that parallel but need not coincide with ours, the soviet empire and its periphery. this strategy. effectivelyly countered the soviet communists. like i said, in places like central america again withouter putting an american boots t on the groundhe and not riskingn a single american life. this is similarar to what president trump did in twenty seventeen with great success in iraq . this is after joe biden and barack obama letba this isis khalifeh build out without a large group presence. donald trump utterly destroyed the isis caliphate using modern weaponry and technology to do it, pushing buttons in tampahn,r florida and with pinpoint precision precision taking outtw one target after another. and two years later, president trump utilized a similaroo strategy. he took out iran'sk top terrorist soleimani with a drone strike in baghdad righte there on the tarmac of ant,
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airport again without puttingin a single boot on the ground, trump projected peace through strength. this is peace through strength . look, i am a registered a conservative. i like to say when people ask me the media mob like so how dos you describe your politicalcr philosophy? well, i'm a reagan conservative. i make america great again conservative. i save america conservative and american first conservative. now the reagan doctrine worked the trump doctrine worked. we need to remember these important lessons from both trump and reagan and apply themm to any future conflict where american interests and the cause of freedom are at stake. and now in ukraine, without b the possibility of american airpower or boots on the ground ,it is critical that the.s us take a moral and europe especially give ukraine the ability to protect their own skies. and that would include sending dozens of mig 29 fighterser that were offered from poland but unfortunately are weakeded
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and frail and cognitively struggling. president joe biden single handedly nixed that plan and today he refused to answerdt any questions aboutec the decision to block these critical planesishe from being t to good use by ukrainian pilots. taketa look, this is only for yu to send the coalition the president zelenskyy is asking foror. i'm not going to commentariat they told me i'm notoday allowed to take questions again. they get mad at me and everything and i take a questionm . cr they tell me i'm not allowed. i will get my ice cream tonight anyway. wewe need to be brutally honest here. i don't trust biden. i don't trusti kamala harris and i don't trust nancy pelosi. they are all pathetic, weakde in terms of the leadership. the top three people there's a chain of command and they are enthusiastically cheeringg on zelenskyy that's fine while denying him the planes willing to washa give him american politicians generally we learnedwe
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this through covid we've learned in past wars they are not to be trusted. i don't trust most of those swamp creatures in washington. the last 60 years has taught the united states a lot. politicians, they'rere all gung . they start their wars. they send our national treasure, our kids to go fight these wars. they don't fight to win these warso. t they politicize and at some point thereafter and then say, oops, never mind, it's hurting my poll numbers and they do that after how many american kids fought, bled and died, how many come home severely wounded. i mean debilitating injuries never againne. he we can never trust them again, but we can stand on our principles, the leading one being freedom. >> now meanwhile, europe o, europe, i have a message forig you tonight . you've got to step up to the platee this war is in your backyard, not our backyard. it's timee for you to pay your fair share and your full f
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dues to nato. for you to get theset important weapons and supplies to ukraine w and get them there f one way or another and stop asking joe biden for permission . but here's where thingsre get really strange and very concerning back here at home, the biden administration is actually forging ahead with their idiotic iranian nuclear deal , which is still according tos a reports being brokered. this is unconscionable bre by russia and china and according to the washington free beacon, this deal could include a planla that would let russia cash in on a ten billion dollar contract to build a nuclear site in iran. now if you think the world can't get any nuttier,t they go it just got nuttier but it gets worse. axios tonight reporting by the administration is also weighing a deal to remove terrorists w from iran's islamicvo revolutionary guard. that'slu their top tier terror list so longg as they promise to be good little terrorists in the neighborhoods in the , are you going to
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trust them? they're vile murdering terrorists responsible even for the deaths of american soldierse in iraq. and remember, by the way,hi this is a week after iran i nearly blew up our consulate in iraq with a ballistic missile. not a peep out of joe or kamala harris if these reports are are true , joe biden isly truly the neville chamberlain of our timeme and of course, china, they're watching all of this . they they plot their violent what they call reunification of taiwan really a takeover of taiwan. recently they vowed to impose the worst consequences, maybe even nuclear weapons on any country that might help taiwan militarily, which by the way,ta we already do. and a few days ago my next guest traveled to taiwan, a country that is now preparing rightly so for the worst and here with more is former secretary of state mike pompeo. mr. secretary, good to see you. first let me get your reaction to president solinsky todaynt. l and i like the reagan model
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and i like the trump model. am i wrong in my analysis? do you have a better idea? >> and i think that's right. those those two models were very consistent. they were they were speak pretty softlyisy . but when it was time to swing into action, you did it with full force. you weren't late. er you weren't behind, you weren't slow. you were protecting america's interest everywhere you went in your in your opening, you talked about the moral imperative to do this .ta i think president zelenskyy talked about that eloquently today. nt but a there's an important american set of interests here as well that we need not t forgt . the american economy is going to be impacted by this fertilizer, food, oil and gas all going to be more expensive because the bush administration put climate change aheadns protecting sovereignty and freedom in this place. i think you have it right. p we should be providing all the tools that the ukrainian people need to defend themselves. we have them.ns the europeans have them. they can do an awful lot more tore. but instead, president biden has been behind he's allowed dictatensutin to the pace and the response . 's allowed
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he's allowed vladimir putin to dominate how we think about the structure of what's taking place here and we can do better than this . americans deserve the ukrainian people deserve as well. and i think president zelenskyyn spoke to that veryy ni, very niy today. >> why when polandd wanted toea give these migs to ukraine, the person that vetoed that idea was joe biden. it went right to him. why why wouldn't he say towh poland, do whatever you think is righty p? it's hard to explain, john, why he would take the posture that said that there was a european country want to tnton provide weapons systemsg that belong to that european country to give to their european c ten friend and partner the ukrainians that president biden would say step and say no w, we're not going to let that happen. it's hard to also explain, sean, why we're second guessing what zelenskyy says he needs to defend himself. he has demonstrateo his military leaders have demonstrated their capability to defendtary against a russian military that we thought was reallyre . if they're asking for certain
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tools, we ought to do our bests to give them to him and wend shouldn't wait. we are months behind. i know this war nominally only been going on forr a handful of weeks, but we've known for months that this was in the offing and we should have been stacking these weapons javelins, missiles, stingers, all the things that the need to defend themselves for monthson and months and months. get intoe're going toth them. i hope we get them to them fast and in a serious way. one ofin the things that we've got to keep in mind as we see hostilitiess with north korea heating up and their icbm testing doesn't always work out well for them, then wehe have this iranian deal now back on the table, which seems to me almost seems dramatically worsed than the first bad d deal that they did. i guess joe wants to import oil from iran and i i guess joe migt be okay with vladimir putinac building a nuclear facility for the iraniansil then i guess joe wants to import oil from venezuela and iran. those are things that i can't really comprehend. mr. secretary, but you wereso in taiwan recently. but also, you know, president p xire, he's watching all of this.
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what is he thinking tonight and what is taiwan thinking tonight ? >> or was just in taiwan? >> i can tell you what the taiwanese people are thinking. they're thinking that being stuck in the middle without an american set of leaders that are prepared to assist you when a superpower, a big nation comes to attack you, they're very concerned. itd, puts them on edge. i think xi jinping watch this too. iand i've seen the administration of plotting thing where we have european unitye h. a that unity came only after an enormous amount of destruction continues toaine this day. i think taiwan is certainly watching that . that xi jinping is not only watching what's going on in ukraine today, but he's watching us sit at a table in vienna while the russians are killing innocent women and children. we're sitting on the same side of the negotiating sid table with the russians about to hand iran a clear pathway to getting russian weapons systems. it sounds like we've letit the russians purchase our excuse me sell s equipment to the iranians as part of this deal as well.
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i mean, this isis this unexplainable? it is it is a level ofea appeasement that we haven't seen in the united states in ann awfully long time.e. and it is dangerous not only for the taiwanese n, not only fr the ukrainians, but it's dangerous for the united states of america to uof a watch bad gs roll the west. and when you watch the, the communist chinese flyco their fighter jets over taiwan airspace to the degree that they have and they talkxt about reunification to the extent that they have, it seems pretty clear to me m that they have their ownto territorial ambitions and they're probably soon going to followri through on them.he i hopem. i'm wrong, mr. secretary, but i don't think i am shocked. i hope you're wrong to whether you're wrong or not will depend an awful lotdepe on how the unie states responds, how the japanese, the australians, the south koreansthe respond if we do this well, i promise you the taiwanese people are veryam capable and they're prepared toe fight the same way you've seen the ukrainians.
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they can change the calculus for shipping. make it extraordinaryry for him. but we can't wait wee can't wait until he's got ships that the ships at sea and airplanes in the air and a blockade established to say, oh goodness ,now we're going to gather and gather at some place and decide what we're going tori do. we should be preparing the taiwanese with allre the tools they tell us they need and make sure that xi t jinping understands that we are serious when he when he raises j the specter as he did justch this past week when the chinese talk about the big price that the united states will payi for sending equipment to taiwan, he's talking about the use of nuclear weapons too. we cannot allow tyrants to threaten nuclear weapons, engage in coercive behavior. it didn't happen forpe four yeas in our administration. we shouldn't let it happen now. i hope they're listening to secretary of state mike pompeo . we do need the adults in power that would be reallyhe helpful. thank you for being with us. we take you live to the ground in ukraine where our own greg palkot is joining us with more . greg, my understanding, is that in fact there's been a little bit of a shift
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in strategy by russia. they're using more air m poweror rather than going in on the ground and they still are surrounding kyiv. but to a lesser extent because of the firepower that's coming a in from from missiles and et cetera. yeah, i mean basically, sean, you've got russia pounding away at various cities and we just had a really new expansion of offensive activity tonight not far from us on the belarus ukraine border, a town was hit by shellss coming from belarus. so this western area of ukraine. is picking up as well. a lot of attention is being placed on kyiv. that's the capital . that's the big enchilada that russia is going it was blasted again one shelling happened just a mile and a half f from the residents of president zolensky. another 12 storey building wasro destroyedye. yes. as you say, the bulk of r
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the russian forces remain still outside eight or nine miles outside, but they aree being dispersed, getting ready for the big kill in the port city of mariupol. a huge theater was that was being used as a shelter for civili and it was destroyed, including a lot of children. word on casualties there yet a hospital was commandeered as a russian shooting position and aid convoys once againd could notco get in. and in the city of churney, 10 people were killed while they were waiting on a bread line where a bomb dropped on all of this causing president zelenskyy, as you'venn been noting to speak to congress today via video link. his words we need you now. and also announced today president biden more additional military aid to the tune of about 800 o million dollars. finally, finally, sean, the update from the talk goinghe on between officials from ukraine and russia. they were describedri today as serious and realisticli
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as some very unrealistic horror continues here across this nation a becky. greg, can i get a little morety clarity? we talked about they were eight ,nine miles out around the perimeter. but you talk about troops now being dispersed. is that in anticipation of themi dispersing to go into key or are they using more missile i and air attacks instead? the thinking is, sean, that they will apply the same siege technique on key that they have already done m on mariupol and several other cities that don't seem they seem to be worried about getting into street fights with the very savvy, very, verya handy and very turning out to be very skilled ukrainian soldiers. they're worried about the casualtiesy there. so they'll sit outside the city, they'll cut offof allm the means of communication, all the means of transportation. they'll pound the placece
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and they won't care about whether they'll hit civilian targets or not and they'll basically try to starve's the city out. and that's that's the real f concern fororne the next week or two in kyiv, the capital right noww. all right, greg palkot in ukraine tonight . thank you . please be safe. we'll get back to ukraine in aa moment. first, breaking moments ago., convicted hate crime hoaxer justice mullet has been released from jail afterl. his lawyers filed another appeal. it was the very lateste wi in av very own bill . >> melugin is with us. what's the latest there? tt >>y well, john, a pretty shocking turn of events here. convicted felon jessie mullet was literally just released from jail a short time ago. take a look the video here. this was after an appeals courtw agreed with his lawyersye that e should be released pending his appeal of his conviction for fakingg a hate crime.ou now this ruling came out fromou the appeals court today afternt a county judge sentenced mullet last week to immediately beginin serving one hundred and fifty days in jail for his conviction on five felonyct counts of disorderly conductct for lying to police.
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court saidealsls today smollett can be releasedft after he posted a personaler innocent bond of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. mullet's o attorneys had argued that he would have finishedy his sentence by the time his appeal process was completed and that smollett could be in danger of physical harm if he had stayed locked up in cook county jail as smollett is leaving court last week. weou also make this outburst. take a look. i am not suicidal.l. i are not suicidal and i am innocent. ts and sean, just a moments ago justice military attorneys wrapped up a brief press conference where they essentially said they strongly disagreell with a conviction in this case. h they went after the judge calling him unprofessional for chastising their client. they said the smollett family is happyolle that he is being released. they said this case ispond political and they said that justice smollett hadn't eaten since he went into jail. > we'll s send it back to you. right, bill melugin
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tonight . thank you . joining n us now with reaction o all of today's breaking news, senator john kennedy, senator , you not only watched president solinsky, but i'm quoting you. you said we are at war with russia. we need to win it militarily and economically. i want you to give us a little more detail what you mean by that?ak well, i'd make a couple of points, sean. first c, i think it's clear that the leader of the free world is president zelenskyy he and the ukrainian people aret tough as a boot and we need to have their back point to i think it's important when we do something rightth to acknowledge it. the, the west's sanctions on russia's central bank has hurt putin and brought him to his east. but it's hurting. so i suppose you could say president biden has gotten it right once in a row. point three, the rest of president biden's economic response to the invasion response to
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the invasion in my judgment has been a wimp fest. let's take it first militarily. president zelenskyy and theid ukrainian people are holding their own on the ground. they need air cover today. s zelenskyy said, can you pleaseou help me get planes? can you please help me get surface to air missiles?o-ai i'm notr asking for american planes. our pilots, our troopsr. help me with your allies. president biden's response is the same as it always is. i'll get back to you in three to five business days and he never gets back . so where should you know? i was just going to say the final point i would make, you know, unless unless you're still living with your parents, you understand that you can't put putin on his knees without
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cutting off his cash flow and you can't cut off his cash flow without a cutting off o his own gas. and a lot of our allies say, well, we have the or even gas where we're going to get it. well, the obvious answer isep the united states except fort one problem the walker darlingsn and the democratic party will not allow president biden to to adopt an all of the abovewh energy policy whichic includes oil and gas. and the president just doesn'tav seem to havee the, the courage to stand up to him. he's beholden to this new religion, the climate alarmists religious cultli called the new green deal socialism. i want to go back to the specificity of what you're saying that america t should do. i'm a reagan trump make america great again. america is conservative. we saw what reagan did to help the mujahideen in afghanistan defeat the soviet unionel in the
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80s, help the contra rebels against the sandinista. um we saw donald trump use modern warfare weaponry w technology to kick the living. adam schiff out ofal that caliphate and defeat him that has grown under obama and biden. you're saying no boots b on the ground. butkr if ukrainians who i think have shown a real willingness to fight back hard if they haveg the right tools to write military equipment, then they have a shot at winning a this war. i would argue vladimir putin ran into a force he never u he never anticipated to this point. a sure. and i'll give you a perfect example. poland said, look, we'll deliver ouriv mig jets to a nat, and american airbase in germany and then from there they can go into ukraine. president obamade said no, no, that makes me nervous. well, i'm nervous to but there's an alternative. just have poland either fly or
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our truck, their planes flown by ukrainian pilots either directly into ukraine or they can put them on a truck and put it next toe the borderm and let the ukrainians drag them across. and president biden won't and en agree to that .. it's as if he's looking for excuses. i would i would ask the president to consider i know you don't want to maken mr. putin mad , but you know, in the vietnam war , you know who supplied planeswh directly t north vietnam, russia in the korean war , youh a. who supplip planes directly to north korea ,russia. so i don't understand the, the reluctance of the president. i don't know though i do know this though some people in this administration believe that sexology will make people buy electric vehicles
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and that's a hell of ann attitude. get into w more detailen on my radio show. you're going to be a guest on my show tomorrow. we look forward to it. all right, senator , alwaysou great to have you. thank you . now as putin's bloody assault rages all across ukraine, millions of men, women, children, they're now being forced to flee to leave their homes as these russian forces now continue to target civilians. nearly three millions. refugees since putin's invasion just a few weeks ago. frankly, they are showing no signs of letting up and we're also learning that samaritan's purse that's franklin graham's group, great group. first patients at a an emergency fieldn hospital in ukraine amid the growing refugee crisis and now in the field hospitalhehe in ukraine, x news medical contributor dr. jeannette nashwa is with us stock genack, good to see you. youu got your stethoscope on . you ready to go? what are you seeing coming in on this your first day? well, sean, we've been at itnd
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for a few days now and it's intense. it'se severe. you know, the refugees keep coming in . innocent peopleinno are still dying. i'm seeing hundreds and hundreds of peopleegof comit off the train at the mobile medical unit that i've beenee working at more disease, e more illness, more significant life threatening conditionssi. i started offod my morning today taking care of an 84 year old male who came in from kirshen. his home town wasm bombed. he had eaten in days. confused. he was having chest pains. turns out he's having a full blown heart attack with me in the tent. then shortly after that ,ar the train conductor rushes towards me desperately seeking helplyor for a woman who collapo on the train. so i rushed over to her herit alongh with many others, arear suffering from dehydration. they're fatigued, they're weak ,they're cold, they're injured and then shot to add fuel to . e fire the sirens go off, the alarms go off. we w have to seek shelter and go underground because ofes potential, you know,. strikes and you know, the cruelty, the inhumanity is it's appallingy, and the brutality
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and the incoming refugees, it's not slowingnd down.pp it'sin not stopping. d it's getting more intense day by day. >> yeah. whenen you see the refugees and we're talking about now a couple of million people i don't know. yes, they now are in need. are you also seeing the severity of injuries to civilians and if so, how bad and how many? yeah, well, we've had everything from lacerations comee in to shoulder fractures. have wounds that are infected and we do the best we can. i have i'm working with a greate teamre, samaritan's purse. c we do the best we can to provide them with the care that they need. butou it's a challenge because you know, we've got a lot of people f who have fled their hometown. they have medical conditions that need to b be treated. they don't have their medications. they're without their insulin, their asthma inhalers, you know, with their blood pressure medicine. changing life medicines. these are lifee saving medicines
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and it's a challenge is veryth difficult. but we're doing the best we cani with the resources we have to t give them the best care possiblehe. i appreciate all that you're doing. samaritan's purse, reverend franklin graham. please send our best. thank you for all youou do.ur it seems necessary and very important work ands it's the best in humanity. thank in the worst of times w sometimes. coming up, we're going to bringu you the shocking details putin's continued brutality amid his ongoing invasion. lity check in with victor, davis hanson, keith kellogg. they'll join us with reaction and much more as we continue our coverage straight ahead, the greatest tragedy in american history. i never saw those six million dollars in cash and jewels just disappeared. money is coming in from germany and ain't nobody watching it. lufthansa was transporting
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cash. valuables was taken from the cargo terminal at kennedy airport was an inside job. very quickly they determined that jimmy, who was responsible for the robbery at time we went out to talk to someone they became a victim of jimmy burke. when it comes to with steadman, tell tale great american high now along with the that medal, i don't think it would surprise anybody. i'm against never stop the in march screaming on fox naksha relaxium we need the right to save money. we do too experienced the tools you need get experience to find credit cards that could help save down to go. but throughout this milkshake
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worse as he's now targeting civilians left and right. your screen. new footage showsge that russiai troops are shootingan in cold blood , innocent civilians waiting in line for breadad in northeast ukraine. that's not all. ukraine officials say russian troops destroyed a theater where hundreds of residents were sheltering and by the way ,they had children are in here written in russian and they still attacked it. that's evil. it's a plain and simple. this is a complete disregard for human life, human dignity, d international order. they are war crimes. not that itig matters to putin,k but like i've been saying,e there needs to be a new rule for the international community . if and you're a leader, you inve a sovereign country, you kill innocent civilians and womenn, and children. forfeit your right to lead any country and you should forfeit your own life and be taken out by whatever means necessary because when you cut off the head of a snake, the snake dies. now the mayor of kyiv was asked about putin's path of destruction. >> here's what he had to say. take a look.
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we will be defense. our city is our home. we don't have a we never seek to leave this our home. we defend our children, family, our buildingsin and our futureut future for ukraineur with reaction. author ofn, the book war by otho meansok fox news contributor lieutenant general keith kellogg along with hoover institutionel senior fellow victor davis hanson. you know, itt seems victor, it's not going is as planned for vladimir putin. i would argue that targeting civilians is evidence of that and that would to me would be a window of opportunity for european countriesfo and theho us now that the ukrainians haven shown they're not only willingng to fight but they're verye capable and they're fighting it. they've provided the weaponry to w win that this might be a window of opportunity for them to really make a significant gain. but there's a sensein, as vladr
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putin gets more and more embarrassed on the world stagee, he'll go more and more scorched earth on his way in or out. your thoughts? absolutely. i think he's had to pivot. soin he's cracking down on internal dissent. defehe's pivoted to a medieval war against civilians the way he did in grozny and he'sal talking loosely about nuclear warfare and wild threats that shows he's desperate and then things are not getting better. and remember, wer, got this far, the ukrainians did and the west, with not very many supplies when wee had the big controversy about the trump initial shipment of jobss, it was only one hundred and fifty jablin. so we haven't really geared up yet. i think now we're gearing up and these weapons are pouring and i don't know why we don'tw take ukrainians out ofin the country nine or a hundred of them and train them to do say patriot anti-missile t batteries and we could train them on that sophisticated weapon has a lot of capability that sams don't. so i think that we can train them to use even more and
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more sophisticated weaponsor and ramp the pressure up. and ii think what's going to i happen now iss that putin is going to get wilder and wilder and give him more andth more threats. we've got to be very careful because he's a wounded tiger and he's caged and he's going to try to expand the conflict even though in a weird wayonfl o win while he's losing in this primary objective of taking ukraineng. > general kellogg, is that your assessment as well? >> yeah. look, sean, y thanks for having me look, he's creatingtr generational hatred, what he's doing right now. no i had to write a book on this campaign right nowe and title it, it would be out the forrest gump movie stupid is as stupid does shelling s cities is justtu absolutely stupid right now because when he's creating rubble and youbl never want to fight and rubble by cities, he's getting absolute hatred of the ukrainian people and it just makes no sense to me. going to take kyiv.t' it'ss a huge city. it's a twenty year old city and they're not going to give up. they're just not going to quit on him.
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i think it's reached point right now. if this was a prize fight, putin's losings points, he's never going to get toer the west crossing the dnieper river. i thinkr he's really he'd bettr start figuring out how he negotiates to a settlement because i don't think he can win it. and when i w we talk about genel victor just made a play about you far more about strategic warfare than i do. so d bego, my i beg your indulge here, but if he goes scorched earth and he's like a cornered rat, what will he be capable of doing at that point? that's victor davis hanson. >> i hear that's his concern and i share it. >> yeah. yeah. you know, my concern and that is a concern is there they do have a military strategy. you've escalated escalate and the absolute fear that i'vee got's is he's going to use as an sub kiloton nuclear weapon and they've got him their inventory. we don't have those in oury inventory effect. we have away with in the 60s wel had a system called the davy
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crockett and he'd do a demonstration. what that means is you shoot ito into the water, shoot it into a a big field and there are some kiloton weapons. but it makes it a demonstration that they use a nuclear weapon.s i hopetu he's not that stupid or crazy to do it because to be a nuclear weapons, a nuclear weapon. bee the signing to of absolute desperationf . and the best thing i'm hoping is that wee get an interlocutor out there, somebody who can talk him off the wall right nowd biden can't do because there's no communications between biden and putin, but somebody needsee to talk to putin and get him off where he's going because rightr now he's in the process of losing the war. and when you start losing the war, you do go to extremes and that's the worst extreme we can look forme l. he but somebody's got to tell themy don't go there. we have to be very, s very stern with them and tell the russians don't go to this nuclear posture. we made a mistake, john, by when they raised their nuclear level special combat readiness. we should have responded o in kind by raising our nuclear readiness. we'reweor normally what's called
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defense condition. we're normally to four. it'snono one through five once the highest you can go. but we raised it to three during 9/11. everybody took notice. we went up to two during the cuban missile crisis justng raise it and say, look, you need to understand it. president trump d told kim jongty un , which was when he said it was pretty funny when kim jong said i have a red button. remember president president trump said back to him, well, i've got a red it's bigger than yours and mine works. p and iut think we just need to tell putin that don't go to this level. > let me victor davis hanson, what i what i see in biden and carmela and nancy pelosi, i sense that any time vladimir putin, you know, mentions nukes or mentions an escalation or throws out a warning against any country that might supply weaponry to ukraine, i sense that , joe , but runs for cover that there's genuine fear and an unwillingness to confront vladimir putingn evenly
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simply by arming zelenskyy and the ukrainian people and letting them do their own fighting here. i don't think the leader ofor the free world and operateld frm a position of fear. do you know? i thinkk historically any time you assure an enemy what you're not going to do, you're insuring them that they will do it and biden is always telling putin what we're not going to do and that's a mistake. you know, we've had kind of a missile sprechen it's not just in ukraine after afghanistan and this administration north korea let off more missiles in january than it has in its entire history. and then we had iran jump in and send missiles pretty close to a consulate and we have putin send missiles near b the polish border. remember i thinkme it was in october the chinese sent a 80% sonic missile. so alle, of these players have been watching afghanistan and this administration re t knowre thinking, youou
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what , there's no consequences. and this is a rare moment to get real strategic advantage over the united states and its allies areit really i think we have looking back , it was really terrible whener the obami administration gave up missile defense in the czech republic and poland ifrepu we had thosely batteries right now, even though they were ostensibly aimede maybe an iranian missile, we would w have a level of deterrence. weac hadn't cut back on missile defense in two thousand nine to two thousand sixteen. so we're going to have to rethink things, pump in , pump more gas, no more really concentrate on continental and forwardnc missile defense and start arming people before when you have the just the faintest scent that boots is on the move start arming them in mass and we haven't done so. let'st catch up and catch up is working and he's getting cornered. but we've got to get we've got it on now. well, wee now we could look at the blunder here and start arming taiwan now anyway victor. thank you , general. thank you .
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straight ahead, biden'sank ighte blunders. i mean, they just continue beyond humiliating, embarrassing. wait until you see what he called kamala harris yesterday and what he's saying today. mark m meadows, mike huckabee, they're next as we continue our coverage at the is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meetsts below whee i feel inside and out. i always growing and where the sun is just getting started . this is iowa so when are you going to be at all your home is expensive and stressful so we set out to create a better home. so experience with a network of the most successful real estate in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake would be
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right. she's fine. i have to second place the first gentleman maga hat tie or whatever . i have that oh, sorry. anyway, of course it only got worse from there because today at the whitentbebe house. all right. biden gaveav these rambling remarks about naked pictures and blackmail. i don't know, maybe i wasdong thinking a about hunter. >> that's only a guess. take a look. sont we establish a new civil rights, a new civil rights cause of action for those whose intimate images were shareddes on the public screen. how many times have h you heard i bet everybody knows somebody somewhere along the line that intimate relationshipha. what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend or whatever ina
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a compromising position and then literally sensey blackmail's are mortifieds that person send it out, put it onliners. can you figure that out here with reaction? former white house chief of staff mark meadows along with former arkansas governor mike huckabee fr . governor, i'm going to throw that to you because i'm being nice to mark tonight . you want to handle that and explain that because i can't sean, you may know a guy down in georgia. ouhe's a wonderful comedian by the name of durwood fincher. moniker of mr. doubletalk and he goes on and on and he says a lot of stuff but it makes no senseer whatsoever. and i swear i think we elected durwood venture to be president of the united states. he talks. and he talks. it makes no sense. otis campbell on andy griffith show when g he would take the ky and let himself in the jail after a three day drunk made
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more sense. and it's you know, it's funny in one way, but this is our president and this is how we're looking at him and it's frightening. >> you know, i made a lot of fun of it for a while and i stopped because of that veryus reason. i mean, it's that serious. mark meadows under biden, obama the califate group under biden, obama, crimea is annexed under donald trump. nothing happened under biden. this adam schiff show now takes place. why it happened under president donald trump? well, because we hadnl a president who was not onlyy a strong leader but made sure that our enemies and allies as well knew exactly what he was going to be about and that was about being a strong america. he got rid of the caliphate aulbach daddy is no longer g on the face of the globe. youlo we had other terrorist
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leaders that met their demiseel as well. and so whenl. you see this , its all about having a strength and a will a to lead. and what we're seeing right now is a real weakness and sadly the gaffes that you have there, you take no joy in seeing that . andan obviously the more that they're done, the more problematic they become because you try to make excuses for em them. but really where we. need too focus is again with our world leaders, whether it's president xi or president putin, we need them know that we are not going to just roll over and take their domineering dictatorship and allow the american people to just sit back in a spirit of appeasement. we've got to really take a leadership role and donald trump did t that now in the
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50 seconds we have left governor huckabee, what should the u.s. role be for those americans who don't know? i think it's to show support for the people of ukraine in every way and whath we've seen with president biden is that , you know, he fumbles his communication and we wouldn forgive that and not even care if he didn't fumble the policies and fumbled the decisions that he has to make at moments like this . but when the fumbling of your communications isum equal o are sometimes even less than the fumbling of the policies where people's lives are at stake like we saw in afghanistan, that's where we have a real problem and that iss serious. otherwise, next time you guys are on , the hard question is going to go to mark meadowsnot not for governor huckabee just to be fair and balanced. but we do appreciate both of you. thank you both for, being with i take a break. sean hannity straight ahead. if something happened to you,
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that whole time we have left this evening. thank you for making the show possible. thrthank for joining us . please set your dvr. never miss an i don'tea think it's complicate. ragan. he helped the mujahadeen. he helped the freedom fighters and the contras well without putting a single boott on the ground. joe follow reagan follow trump and will do fine. >> laura ingram's next . have a great night. i'm laura ingraham. and this is ingrid betancourt from a very busy washington tonight . raymond arroyo is here with the full breakdown of the contrasting styles today between presidents biden and zelenskyy. plus, there are new reports of bombings at this hour in ukraine. we're going to have a live update from our own greg palkot in just a bit. but first, roadblocks to peace. that's the focus of tonight's @ngel nearly three weeks into this war of choice by vladimir putin, we
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