tv Hannity FOX News March 17, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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a very special gift to those that includes the three kids magazine and free video lesson to learn more in order to free gifts until just visit three trump guides .com set free travel guide .com ologies dropouts dust dangers to your breathing. get mike or mist ultra pure steam inhaler. it's germs destroyed just pure effective state happy sinuses good breathing again mypurmist do this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. where just about 90 minutes ago a number of missiles slammed into the airport here. that airport just about four miles or so from the city center of lviv. large clouds of smoke seen emanating from at all very near the airport. we are not certain at this point of what the exact target was. we're told it may have been an aircraft repair center that is
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next to the airport there. that might mean that the russians believe that ukrainian military aircraft were being repaired at that airport. vanport is the second largest in ukraine in normal times, the second busiest airport. obviously commercial flights have not been flying since this war began, but it is possible it was being used for military flights. you can see that the huge cloud of smoke emanating now above the lviv skyline from our count as we watch the video coming into us , there were at least three missiles that appeared to score a direct hit, plumes of smoke from two and then we saw flames exploding from a third strike. you may remember that last weekend the, the military air base was hit in a cruise missile strike that's about 30 miles from the veb. it is possible that some of
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the military weaponry, some of the planes were moved from that the yerbury military here to the lviv airport. they say this strike happening just about 90 minutes ago, missiles slamming into the veve airport. i'm jonathan. live s now back to regular programing quote biden says no to ukraine zelenskyy and keeps america in the back seat. so make no mistake, what happens in ukraine will have consequences all over the worldnsan. he you better believe that other hostile regimes like china, the mullahs in iran, they're w watching all allat while joe forging ahead with this idiotic new nuclear deal with iranne still being negotiated,si believe it or not, by russia c and china. how doesor that make sense orev as a national review put it, quote bidenie caves on sanctions over russia's war crimes against ukraine to preserve
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russia's sponsorship of terrorists. iran's nuclear program, by the way, putin may get aet ten billion nuclear facility that he builds in iran out of this deal according to reports. soso an important question tonight how can anyone on earth actually at this moment be trusting russia to broker a deal with the iranians and our country? i cannot emphasize enoughne this is madness. this is insanity on a whole new level. but back to russia's invasion. if ukraine is able to winr, this war, it will be in spite of joe biden and it's a big if. but the benefit would be america's enemies hopefullytw will start thinking twice before waging future conflictsic . i doubt that'she going to be the outcome because they see a weak, frail cognitive mess d and joe biden, they don't see the smartest person in kamala harris and nancy pelosi has her own cognitive struggles. and now more than ever, we need the policy of reagan t and trump . that'sgh peace through through
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strength. and again,an i'm talking about starting world war three under should americas ever put a single boot on the ground. should we at all ever enforcene a no fly zone? that's a nonstarter's. i we should have learned a lot in the last twenty years, if not the last 60 years. we cannot and will not be the world's police force. and i have said a this for days. joe biden needs to get off his and get ukraine those migs let t poland give them the migshe and anything else they need militarily. they seem very willingy and abf and capable of defending themselves with the right equipment dh . and instead of joe's veto of the poland migs, he needs toy get out of the way and letet every country do what they believe is the right thing to do. this is europe. it's their backyard. they should i hav have a greater sense of urgency over the us . let's be clear this won't escalate into russia's invasion into a global conflict. now letet me just let me give yu
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a little history here during the korean war , the vietnam war , maybe you don'tean knowe this the soviet union at the time they supplied north korea and north vietnam with dozens of mig fighter jets and by the way, didn't lead to a world war , didn't lead to a nuclear holocaust. russia already set the standard for migs and unfortunately the administration doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on history or foreign policy. now we are being led by trulyop incompetent people, stupid people. this is bad for w the world. it is bad to have a weak united states president. but today the president took time out of his busy schedule to reassure we the americann y people that he's not stupid. >> see if you believe him, you decide must be farther from about to send. i well, i just want you to know i may be irish, but i'm not stupid. i married dominic too a cup daughter.
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>> that's so reassuring, isn't it? how despite we just heard i cani assure you that being irish and stupid has no correlation. it is st. patrick's day even though joe biden is both now over on capitol hill, it's even worse today. nancy pelosi made a valuablekr contribution to ukraine with aof dramatic reading of a poem written by uta's bono, although she didn't quite say bono. >> take a look what you saw yesterday is history later at the lunch, just maybe her lunch ,i'm going to be reading a poem written by bono about ukraine which you might find interesting but in sorrow and fear, that's when things can appear to drive out those old snakes once again and they struggle for us to be free fromf the psycho in this human family ireland sorrow and pain f is now the ukraine and saint patrick's is now zelenskyy.
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wow. all right. despite what it might seem, not everyone in the democratic party has been in the washingtoninn swamp for one hundred and fifty thousand years. in fact, they actually takets their marching orders from this new person, the real speakerth of the house, nancy pelosi as speaker in name only. take a look at this . we have a crisis missing andre murdered indigenous and black women in the united statesd blf today. i want too discuss part of this crisis that is all to often overlooked but whose evidence shows that there's a very meaningful connection here. the correlation between fossil fuel extraction sites and abductions and murders of indigenous women across the united states, fossil fuels, abductions f and murders of indigenous people. okay, congresswoman aoc and a few other climate called ecoim socially and congress, they're
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calling the shots now in the p democratic party. that's joe biden won't drill and frack and do the things that we could do to be energy independent. he's a coward that is now cst refusing to stand up to that person, her squad and the entirers democratic new green deal radical socialist party that he's leading p. as a result, low middle income americans, they are suffering severely economically 40 year high in inflation. joe coors eat, joe biden doesn't seem to care about those americans middle classou joe .t' that'ss all a shtick. it'suse a lie because if he car, he would make and make energy independence a top priority. he inherited it from donaldo trump. the only seems to careou about himself, his family. joe biden is not a leader. i doubt he knows today is thursday. he's a self-involved career politician basically taking talking points from his staffnd and of course he lovesay the power and the wealth and always has and always willal and now with more former
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speaker of the house fox newsnt contributor newt gingrich, mississipi., this is what america last and whatth happens to the world ife we hae a weak american president. i wantde to get your general thoughts. you're more of a professor and historian than you were ever a politician and your takeo on this i don'tn even think you can compare joe to neville chamberlain. neville chamberlain look strong compared to joe in my view. no, i think that's right. i mean, chamberlain was a very strong political leader who had a strategy unfortunately with a personality like adolf hitler.r, that strategy didn't work. this is very bizarre. you have biden yesterday saying yes, putin is a war criminal. well, what does that mean? it means nothing. you have biden saying we'rem going to really cut them offhe and make the sanctions work and then we learn from the free
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beacon in washington that in factwash the biden administratin has already promisedisn the russians that if they can get an iranian deal , they will waive the sanctions for at least ten billion dollars of russian construction companies going into iran. you go to item after item. is it struck me and i just read a newsletter on this that you had zelenskyy talking about an immediate urgent nowow crisis and you have biden talking about months and eventually and sooner or later and you could tell this when biden spoke two nights ago to the democratic fundraisermmittee's and in the entire speech there'sec one sentence about ukraine and russia and that sentence is that if w we had more greenfields things would be better. now when you can reduce the tragedy that you and i
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and everyone watching has seen in ukraine the viciousness, the war crimes, the brutality and it gets totally ignoredsi by the united states in a speech, you know that there is something profoundlyy wrong with the obama administration and frankly, whatever is wrongim with biden is 20 times worsees with harris harris performance in poland was so humiliating to every american to haveen her laughing when asked about refugees from ukraine. i would say haroche never againd be allowed to leave the united states because she is such s a continuous embarrassment to the american people and she brings the united states putenk nobody in the world thinksss this administration and canre lead. nobody in the world is going to rely on the guarantee of joe biden who has consistently lied, lied about afghanistan, has lied about ukraine. it's a truly historically dangerous moment for the united
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states and frankly for the entire human race, not even. serious. i mean, maybe youma can make sense of why they brought in the tiktok influencers into the white house with, with prescreened questions, basically their propagandists maybe you can explain what jenje psaki couldn't explainn og and that's the logic behind giving ukraine dronesss and javelins and stinger missiles. but they won't let polandilyon ngve the migs that they have. and if o you can extrapolate out the meaning of these comments, i would i probably give you the gold star for the genius because it makes no sense to me . well, y i usuallyou just you jut threw three very different questions at meio. and you start with i think the whole i think the whole thing about mig-29 is nuts if if we're going to put an anti aircraft missiles to shoot down. so russian aircraft if we're going toaft, have the equipmentt
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kill russian tanks, the fact that we allowow ukrainian pilots to fly mig-29s out of poland or germany or wherever they come from strikes me as a non-issue. why would you allow putin toed define what you're allowed to e do, which is exactly what joe biden did? and i think that there's no rational difference in terms of say look, her version of o climate change isf a religious experience, has nothing too doal with reality, has nothingit to o with facts. and as a religious fanatic in her own right,g she can sayas anything she wants to because it has to be true because it'se, what her religion told her to say. the fact that it's notot t true factually makes no sense to normal people and in fact maybe americans are being punished like everyone else by having to pay vastly tooy much for gasoline and oill and natural gas because of the policies of joe biden. so in a sense, this administration is punishing native americans, not protectingon them and helpingow
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them. i think that that's how i ime wd frame that . let me we could look to the past. you're the historianan. we watch ronald reagan.. he never put a single american foot on the ground when the former soviet union went into afghanistan. but he did provide them stinger missiles and stinger missiles to the mujahideen made all d the difference. he did provide the freedom i fighters, the contras in nicaragua, the weaponryn that they needed that proved successful. then you gotvel. the trump docto which took out the caliphate that grew under bidenre obama he just bombed the living out h of them or took out soleimani with the same principle, took out baghdadi and associatesipalo american boots on the ground and took out the al-qaida leadert t in yemen. i thinkwe we can learn both from trump that we can learn from reagan how to do this and win without risking american lives. your thought sure. >> absolutely is the thing that's frustrating about this administration, whether
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it's fighting inflation at home or dealing with crime orr dealing with foreign dangers is we know what works. l we'veiv lived through it. we lived through it for eight years with ronald reagan. f we lived through it for four years with donald trump. if the price of oil went back to where it was under trump, we would strip putin of two thirds of his daily income. we would him automatically b by doing that . the very fact that biden wouldld rather buy buy gasoline and oil, from venezuela, which is a dictator w of iran, which is a dictatorship, saudi arabia isi a dictatorship. they're okay to joe biden. but now texas, oklahoma, ohio, pennsylvania, north dakota, they're really dangeroush da pls . you'd have to say by any legitimate standard these people are crazy. this is not about politics. this is not about normal behavior. they're not they're out of w touch with reality. the world doesn't work the wayon they think it's going to. and frankly, i hope that the
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new republican congress in january will look very deeply at for example,ig how wrong our intelligence community has been, how wrong millie's been as the worst chairman of the joint chiefs in american history. rememberbe, he was wrong about afghanistan and then he turned around and said the russiansen would be in cave in three days. he and putin apparently had the same timetable. the ukrainians didn't know they were supposed to obey him. so the russians stillt aren't in kyiv now that should worry all of us because we have seventeen intelligence systems. we spend billions and billions, tens off billions of dollars and they're wrong now initially the really far more than just joe biden fundamental reform ofm the american system. so it works a againme. all right. speaker gingrich, always great y to have you. thank you , tonight there are two major narratives emerging from russia's invasion off ukraine. one , the ukrainian people are fighting really hard really effectively, especially when supplied with american javelinsn and stingers.
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number two, the russian military performance has been dreadfulmanc, seems to be true . now putin is seemingly poised to purge an untold number of government officials a, military leaders that he is now blaming for this massive embarrassment. >> take a look for yourself. but>> many people and evene more so the russian people will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and simply spit them out likeatit a fly that accidentally flew into the mouth and spit them out.m i am convinced that such a natural and necessary u cleansing of society will only strengthen our country by ourhe russian oligarch or high ranking official. s i thinkho it would be very worried tonight . now maybe they should take matters into their own hands, right? they can end this carnage and say bye bye to putin. but get this according to flight records during a trip to china, russia's most senior diplomat turned his plane around. midflight headedyt back to moscow. what that means, if anything, i don't know here with the analysis, the author of the war on the west, douglas murphy is
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with us along with former cia station chief fox news contributor dan hoffman. cdan , we're seeing a radical increasese in attacks on civilin targets, entire neighborhoods. o you've got schools, you've got hospitals. we've watched all of this . we've seen the mass graves. sos. obviously he's thes aggressor, he's evil, et cetera. now on the one and i also thinkn putin has a big ego and in many ways i think you can argue he's being embarrassed on the world stage. i don't think he anticipated wot the fierce resistance of the ukrainians. i think so far they've done a good job with the military equipment that's been given toth them. my question is, you know, him w about as well as anybody. ha what is his next move when embarrassed? is he like a cornered rat and z unleash and does he go scorched earth? >> should we worry about that ? >> yeah, we should. soso russia's military offensive
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is bogged down as we know and their economy is crateringom . so we're seeing three things from from vladimir putin. the first thing is that he's launching attacks more indiscriminatelyun against ukrainian targets and deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure like energy and water facilities, residential areas that mariupol maternity ward and the drama theater as well where it looksks least most everybodyar got out alive. thank goodness. so we're seeing that we're seeing russian outreach toh china, which is really an act i of desperations. ri no, those two countries are, closely aligned. i wonder if china's got a a little buyer's remorse at this point given the way i that russia is behaving. and remember that ukraine'sg number one trading partner isn't russia, it's chinass and the chinese stand to lose a lot economically because ofec this war. and the third thing we'rein seeing t is increased repressio. i listened to that speech that vladimir putin gave the whole thing and it is reminiscent of stalin if if president zelenskyy is
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channeling his inner prime minister winston churchillanin and vladimir putin's got stalin on the mind and he's looking for scapegoats to blame others for his failures, he made a huge miscalculation in terms of ukraine'sca will and capacity to fight and zelenskyy as a real 21st century great w communicator, which ishi something that putin is not. douglas murray, let's get your take on that same question. yeah, t i think that's absolutey right. i think what we're seeing fromma putin is the lashing out that inevitably comes after everything has gone wrong for him. you know, the law which the kremlin should have written all over its walls, clausewitz said it centuries ago abouts. the laws of war that you and sometimes known these days of murphy's law expect anything can go wrong to go wrong. and this is somethingen that russia and russia's opponents have known throughout their history. everything t can go wrong, will, and expect it tond happen now
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a lesson which vladimir putin has totally forgotten l in recet weeks. he seemed already to have been living in a sort of hermetically sealed world. clearly he was being told what he wanted to hear by the people who wanted to obey him. he was getting terrible information because of the structure that the kremlin has been the dictator like structure, the stalinesque structure. and now we see ctur one of the consequences of this , not just that he underestimated the ukrainians, but m he massively overestimated the abilities of his own armed forces and so he's humiliated and like many despots before him, he's lashing out in everys direction. and as you justyo said, i wouldn't want to be an oligarch or a head of any ofy his intelligence servicess in the coming nights. dan hoffman, i'm looking att this top russian general reportedly detained as putin is targetingai, quote, traitors. he sounds paranoid. he also looks extremely puffy. y that's my observation. i've talkedbser to people that w
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the intelligence. they they believe that there's something seriously wrong or different about putin at this time. i'll leave that for others tooto decide and i'm not sure what to make of the foreign minister. isthe turned around during a flight to china and headed t back to moscow. what's that all about? how do you interpret those ? ents so i think one thing aboutbo vladimir putin understanding and intentions is of the highest priority for our intelligence communityig. every time there's a summit, you know, that's an f opportuniy for us to get a good look at him close up.m president biden had one with him a year ago, which would have been a good time, by the way, foror us to have given ukraine all the military equipment that they need nowre might have deterred russia from invading in the first placed ir so's putin's health and we've got, you know, leadershipok analysts in the intelligence community who look at these videos of him and track his potential health sickness and other thingss in order tod determine whether he's of sound mind or not. and they also we also have our
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human sources. hopefully we've got a few of those well-placed who can tell us what putin is up to. but this is a perilous time. vladimir putin has used chemical weapons on his ownis opposition o. that's's the novacek the banneds chemical substance. he turned f.s.b defector litvinenko into a human dirtyoi bomb and he poisoned with polonium to tend to another key requirement for the intelligence community. i can telleq from my experience at cia o is whether russia plans on using chemical weapons or even tactical nuclear weapons. this is the time for us to engage ah the russian counterparts and warn them off of that .in tell them's it's putin's war .e there's an off ramp for everybody else. it might not be one for putin but there is foror his military if they refuse to take these orders as you noted. >> that's always the case, douglas. we only have about a minute left but any time you haveeb a nuclear power, any time you have somebody that'sod willing o kill women and children, that's always a threat. you can't let that natural fear
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guide you into capitulation. you know, you can't be neville chamberlain moments like this .s that's right. r i mean, you can't have basically vladimir putin being the security adviser to the united states government basically dictatingov the terms on which the united states government should or should not operatet and answer the wmd point, as dan just rightly t mentioned, you know that has already been answered. the question of whether or notld vladimir putin would use wmd. he's already used them. he used them in my home city ofi londonn the, the polonium that he used to kill a litvinenko would have if it had gone out wider, have been able to kill tens of thousands of people. it was w a demonstration of strength. th it was a demonstration from him that he was willing to do this sort of thing. so would he be willing to useec wmd? yes, because he alreadye has. that's a scary historical note. but noted well, i hope people are paying attention. douglas murray, good to see you. aldan hoffman, always good to se you. >> we have this fox news alert
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just in putin's bloody invasion is showing nolo signs of slowing down as his indiscriminate shellingin continues yet this evening greg palkot now joins us . he's on the ground in ukraine again tonight . greg, it's a little moreag frightening. e we're seeing more civilians being targeted then in the initial phases of his invasion. what's the latest where yououwhe more and more indiscriminate? absolutely on the quiet hereie in libya. but we l are getting reports in the last three or four hours of renewed artillery clashes between russian hery and ukrainn forces in the southern parthe of this country and the easternrn part of this country. a lot of focus on the capitol key, the main russian forcesky, as we've been talking about for days, remain outside of the center. but that indiscriminate artillery fire is hitting residential buildingssl. the suburbs are being pounded, death and destruction and a lot of different places. a possible small miracle in the city of mariupol. someariu survivors were said to
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have been pulled out of a theater turned shelter for four hundred which was destroyed by russian airstrikes. but the horrible siege of that city goes on and the experts say russians might go in for the kill in just a couple of days in ketanji widespread damage. twenty one reported killed justt one of many other hotspots on the ukrainian military as you've been reporting isod quite a good job against their larger russian foe. the pentagon even saying that ukrainian forces have killed something like seven thousand russian soldiers just in three weeks that a remarkable toll. finally, state department confirmingt on an american citizen was killed. the first american to be killed in this war . it was in sharoni. he has lived here for a long time. he's a professor. he was caringfess f for his illf apparently he was standing on a bread line. he was mowed down by a russian sniper, a really, really betty.e stuff all right, greg, thank you for that report.
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please be safe now biden and the democrats, they continue to blame everyone but themselves for the mountingb crisis facing this country.y.ry. inflation is at a fresh 40 year high as it has now been for months and the prices of everything you buy in every store you go to are way higher . this is long before putin invaded gas prices.. ng you feel the pain at the pump heating your home this winter. a lot more thanto you were paying last year. but if you listen to the left wing socialist democratic party and their allies and press i people in the mediat' mob, it's only because of vladimir putin . the dog bites, the bee stings. ifif you're feeling sad, everything it just screws up. l >>oo blame putin. take a look. i would say that since president putin beganga o his military buildup on ukrainiann borders, the prie of gas at the pump in america has gone up 75%. no, i mean, you know, he did not cause the war which caused prices to yount heard the president say to say putin's price hikeeun, putie
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price hike by putin price hike, putin's price hike h and putin's price hike is a great way toto get putin's gas hike. hi >> i'm going to do everything i can to minimize putin's price hike here at home p. all right. of course, facts truth actually tells a very different story. look at yn. your screen the by the administration's own d economic data showsat that inflation oh , look att that . it is surging well before putina invaded ukraine gas prices, the price of used cars, food, beverage, all been going up since joey got into office and well before putinffff launched his bloody assault against a sovereign country, ukrainesa. biden and every democrat, they are lying to you costus because of his failed economicil and energy policies. his reckless spending and of course his attacks always blame the american oil and gas a sector. they're actually making less money according to fox business . come herebu to explain more .ex fox business host larrypl kudlog . larry, l i just i don't like being lied to.
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the putin price h hike as it relates to gas is b.s. wead already almost paying a bum fifty more again, everything we buy in every store we have been paying more for because it's been month after month after month of forty year highid inflation. vladimir putin didn't cause that . but this is t now the new talkig point. explain from your perspective. well, look at those numbersl will help. i think there's a certain inflation amnesia going on with biden then the left gasolinee prices were two dollars and thirty five cents in january of twenty one by october they were three dollars and thirty one sense of 40%. b that'sef before putin put any troops on the east side of the ukraine. and as fare. as the world oil price goes, sean, you were about fifty two dollars in january of twenty one and itw was eighty four dollarsas by october of twenty one that's
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a sixty one percent gain. so that's before putin showede up at p all. those are huge numbers. the inflation rate, consumer prices. sean less than two percent in december of t 2020 and then t gradually surged to three to, five to seven and a half percent before putin invaded. by theay way, the latest readinn and we haven't seen a peak yett the latest readings for the cpit plus eight percent year on year wholesale prices gone up 10%. a and today we got a beauty here yesterday. import prices up 11% and it's not over yet. t'sand i think you are right, the seeds were planted with the huge big government socialist deficit spending package of march 2020 one about one year ago. d and then they sold all that money by selling bondsth and the federal reserve bought the bonds. so the money supply is surging
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and it continues to surge.h the fed has done a thing so we're in for a big problem. but those levees were planted over a year ago. let me ask about goldman sachs.n they're not predicting in thene next two years as many as 11 interest rate hikes from the fed. originally they were predicting three or fourre this year. then they predict as many as seven this year as interest rates rise. what will that do to the economy overall? will it help with inflation because i think it's going tor probably hurt the economy more than anything else. summers nowod saying likelihood of o a recession is pretty high at this point and most economists are saying the same thing. >> your thoughtsts? . >> i agree. i thought larry summers wrote c in the paper a couple ofou days ago is basically right rightwe now we're in stagflation. all right.t the first quarter is going to come in about two percent, sean, but the inflation rate is
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going to be about eight percent . sota that's stagflation. that's not goingng away. interest rates are probably going to go up higher than almost anybody h is anticipatin. i mean, look, if you've got an eight percent inflation yet actually let's suppose you had a six percent inflation rate, the basic basic inflation ratee interest rates are going to have to go to seven or eight percent in order to qunol that the fed's got toer stop buying bonds and they've got a o stop printing money that has not been doneat yet. so all of these estimates from wall street or the fed are wayto too low. we're going l towe have to see n enormous increase in interest rates and yes, that is going to lead to a recession. the middle class, the working folks are going to bear the brunt of that . their real wages arere already falling and it's going to be worse than that . it's a tragedy because i will tell you that john, as a proudmn alumnus of the atrocities, we
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left them with a solid v shaped recovery, energy independencede and virtually no inflation and one of year plus they have wrecked the whole economic story. it's a tragedy that the cpi was one point four percent. now it's seven n point nine measure inflation that we use the old method back inet the carter years, inflation would be at 16% that we calculated it calculated at using that old method. larry kudlow, good to see you. . thank you . when we come back , after denying it for years, the new york times finally admits hunter buys his laptop fromid s the real story. wow. little we'llss check in with congressmn jim jordan. joe concha there next . straight ahead as we continue. what are you recommending for muscle based on clinical data? i recommend poloncarz agreed. my patients like these patches because they work for 12 hours even on moderate pain. so on fox it's good medicine.
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this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv, ukraine. what just about to hours ago, a number of missiles slammed into the city's airport. the attack coming just after dawn here. huge smoke cloud seen rising from very close to what is in normal circumstances ukraine's second busiest airport. it is also the second largest in terms of area twitter videos posted by several people show very clearly the mushroom cloud rising above the airport area. one of the potential targets of this was an aircraft repair center. now we don't know if was in use at the time, but it may well have been deemed by the russians to be a military target about ten days or so ago, the average military base thirty miles outside of lviv was struck.
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that base took signifier can damage. it is a possibility that some of the military hardware was moved from that military air base to lviv airport. there are of course, no commercial flights going out of that airport and there have not been since the war started. but the breaking news right now from the vuk, a russian strike near the country's second largest airport at least as we can. three missiles slamming into it just after dawn this morning. this has been a fox news alert . i'm jonathan hunteh in lviv, ukraine. now back to our regularin programing about including biden's meetings with executerth from the corrupt ukrainian oil and gas company that would be burisma and oligarchs from all over the world. it also exposed how the biden family used their political status to enrich themselves through lucrative contracts. they had no experience and no qualifications for big tech.
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they censored the story and one of the most brazen acts of political censorship, probably the biggestl campaign ad or campaign donation in the democrat of this country. democrats, their unquestioning allies in the media mobob they falsely called it russian disinformation two weeks before the election in twenty twenty . take a look. federalke authorities are now investigating whether recently published emails that purport tomail detail the business deals of joe biden's son are tied to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. recently published emails that purport to detail the business dealings of joe biden's son aren'io actually part of an ongoingn russian disinformation campaign. hunter biden, this laptopli that intelligence officials have warnedge is likely russiani disinformation. it's broadly known and widely known, peter , that there was p a broad range of russian disinformation back in 2020>> four from third were russian
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was>> the you're a one horse poy but that's promising. my just will be totally on its own making judgments about say, we know the truth. it was they themselves who were the ones feeling misinformation and frankly outright lies to the american people with zero curiosity here with reaction , congressman jim jordan of ohio, fox news contributor joe conchaf ,russian disinformation. where's the rest of the media? no. one , jim jordan number two, why wast it buried on paragraph 23 ? and question number three is what about those big tech companies that censored all the information in the 14 days leading up to election i day which could have made a difference in that race? couldn't it have h made a huge
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difference? it was alln, true . the laptop was the eyewitness was real. the emails were real, the news was fake and the disinformation came from the fake news not from not from the as the as these intelligence agencies said from from russia. i mean,ro give me a break and here's i'm reminded of the title of one of rush limbaugh's books. see, i told you so you told him so so many people told us so but no, no, no big in the mainstream press all colludedd to keep this story from the american people in the weeks just prior toen the presidential. e' it is as wrong as it get . where's the correction going to be? w a and i know i, it's not going to happen, but if this would have been this would have been donald trump jr.. oh , my good. itit wouldn't be on page twenty. it's story this would have been front pages, you know, shonto just shows you how this would have been front page. this would have s been the story . joe concha and you ye should hae
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your own media show. ry this would be f the story for the final two weeks leading upn to election day and the media gave the greatest nation they could have ever givengi joe biden on top of keepingve hm in the candidate protection program. good thoughts yo because it's an easy game to play, right? if this was donald trump jr, if this was eric trump d being accused of the same thing, if we had a laptop from those two individuals from the trump family, what would the media coveragehathe look like? you would have to add an hour and a day to twenty four seven cable news coverage.s right. and we've talked about bias in media on this program before, sean. right. we've talked aboutd the disturbing move from journalism to activism, but the most insidious form of bias in journalism is the bias of omission. and if you're teaching a class in journalism school, the first thing on your itinerary shoulded be the way the u.s.ia mediala treated the hunterpt biden laptp
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story that consisted of using the family namee as you just talked about on hunter biden's part to enrich himself and his family. but there was almost no coverage on it and the covers that did exist was suppressing t the story social media censoring it to the point where social media accounts like kellyia macanese who was the white house press secretary at the time they were shut down. they were locked out over it.wh whatever happened, by the way, to the dozens upon dozens of those who worked in us intelligence who wrote a lettero before the twenty twenty election that the hunter biden laptop story was based io on russian disinformation, starting with john brennan, the former ciaiter director whos now on msnbc talking about ethics. we nowth know, as you said, it was a lie and any corrections, any follow ups in terms of a journalism at this point doesn't mean a heck of a lot. you know, t because the important thing now is that this happened before the twenty twenty election when votes could have been influenced and they got joe bidence all of a sudden. now when you hear about it now,a it doesn't really mean a heckay
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of a lot. i'm sure a lot of viewers out there are saying, you know gr what great. >> but what does that do for us now? but jim is one of the point to this and that is okay, russian oligarchs paying hunter biden what the former first lady of moscow, all those millions of dollars, the millions from burisma, the one point five billion dollar deal with the bank of china, the thirtype one million that peter schweitzer talks about and his number one bestsellingze book that just came out. all of that tells me that the biden family is completelyou compromised by every country we're talking about latelyta china, russia, ukraine. but where's that investigation ? well beyond it's even worse because remember the democrats p went after president trump for a phone call with president zelenskyy where he brought upp those facts and they turnedth io around and use that as the basis to try to run him out. that's how bad this joe's right. this is how bad the situation is. and also the story
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in the times. what if john j jr., eric trumpai hadn't paid their taxes on time because that's an element ofnt his story as well i. so this is how this is how it's why the american people understand the big tech and big media are colluding to keep the truth from the american people. and it's why if in fact the american people put us back in power, we're going to have to enact the kind of reforms that are going to change that , particularly when it comes to the big tech platforms pha jim gordon, joe concha, thank you both you. all right. we'll continue totinu follow this and by the way, where is the indictment? it sort of if it was a trump oh , the never ending coverage straight ahead. there is growingngstad. concerng republicans over biden's supreme court nominee soft on crime record, especially child predators. josh has the details straight ahead. the every day i work with small businesses in my community helping them grow and create jobs. american technology empowers main street businesses to innovate and reach
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worth . that republican senator foleyra tonight is raising serious concerns about the record ofce's biden's supreme court nominee, judge ketanji brown .wh jacksonat now pointing to what e calls an alarming pattern oft lenient treatment toward sex offenders. for example, as holly writesen,s quote, as a member of the u.s. sentencing commission, judge jackson advocated for drasticad change in how the law treatsin sex offenders by eliminating the existing mandatory minimum sentencesy for child and citing one case where the sentencing s guidelines call foren a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. but judge jackson sentenced the perpetrator to only three months behind barsse. whiteec house press secretary jen i like to lie psaki said that the criticism was taken out of context and some of the remarks were something a witness said in order to ask a a question. and that's not all because we're also learning that biden's nominee praised
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the discredited 16 19 project and mlk day speech back in 2020 nine confirmation hearings there i are expected to begin m on monday. it will sway mis more missouri republican senator josh hawley. senator , tell everybody what you foundry. well, what i found, shawn, isn, a pattern here of treating sex offenders leniently. those who have gone after childrenenho h. i think we just have a basic question to ask. are we going to get aoi judge here who's going to protect children or who's going to protect child predators? the simple question it's one i think that every parent in america would like answered, but it's one that the white house lut's doesn't want to ansa and so farns judge jackson doesn't want to answer a totalle radio silence from her . and if youd, look at her recordt what you see is this is someone who has consistently let predators, child predators off the hook for people who have been convicted of child offenses, consistently given them lenient sentences, slap on the wrist. this is someone who has raised the question whether sex offender registries are unconsciouss, intentional, whether notifying parents when
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there's a offender in the arean is unconstitutional. she suggested all of that . i mean, this is very troubling. we need to get the answers. you a say that this came both as a judge and a policymaker, meaning her backgroundd and you're concerned that this is a record that will endanger her children and you cite other. cases. i mean, having somebodyi facing a 10 year sentence foree something this serious only get three months in prison if that's a problem. son,ea if you look what she's done as a judge on the benchh when she had the chance to put her way child predators over and over again when it comes to these child cases, these are we're talking about. she chose to give them the lightest sentence possible in case after case. i mean, you mentionede i one the guidelines recommended 10 years. she gave him three months and we could goo on and on . the problem is i haven't been a single case where she has had a child offender, a in front of her where she hasn't given him the most lenient sentence he possiblyen could.
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and again, this is someone since law school who has been saying that the sex offender registries may be unconstitutional, that notifying parents about sex offenders in their neighborhood may be unconstitutional and who voted t as a member of the u.s. sentencing commission. she voted to get rid of the mandatory minimum sentences for child. so this is a long pattern. it stretches over many yearss and we need to get answers on this. you know, senator , when you lookhe for example and you read about prisons and two things consistently, prisonersli don't like that . i hear h about one , they don't like rats, people telling other people to cut deals makeec their life easier. and the second thing is thoseos that are predators against children. i can't think of a single logical reason why there's leniency on this this issue considering we're talking aboutg the most innocent people in society, have you come to any conclusion as to why
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this is? i can't figure it out, son. o this is what we need to hear from her on. i mean, she's really going to have to tell us this is why her hearings are so important. to know why did she give these offenders itss. licenses? why did shewh vote to get rid of mandatory minimum sentences, the existing ones anyway for child? why did she say way back as early as a law school? why was sheasha saying that maye these these sex offender registries and other protective measures were unconstitutional? i mean, thesese are questions that she's going to need to n answer. and i think every parent in america is going to want to know the answers because this is a lifetime appointment to the u.s. supreme court we're talking about here. u.t be ruling on these cases and we need to know what we need to know. real quick, give your fellow republicans, do they share your concern and got 10 seconds ? you know, i hope so, sean.nk i hope so. and i think i think you're going to see a lot of tough questioning. well, all right. we're going to watch closely starting monday. thank you , senator .
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12:00 am
unfortunately that is all the time we have lefttnk this evening. as always, we thank you for being with us. you make this show possible. pleasese stay with fox news channel for the latest developments on russia's invasion of ukraine. is vladimir going to continue to use indiscriminate bombing of innocent men, women and children? i hope we can pray anyway. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled or ingram is up next . thank you for being with us. have a great night. this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan hunt in lviv. ukraine where just after dawn this morning russian missiles slammed into the city's airport. the explosions heard reverberating across the city center, which is just three miles or so from the site of those explosions. videos posted on twitter clearly show a mushroom cloud and huge plumes of smoke rising from the airport. we understand from the mayor of
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