tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News March 18, 2022 8:00am-8:59am PDT
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exodus of people fleeing as we are seeing here in ukraine. i've seen people of all ages carrying their animals, carrying their elderly grandparents. people are being carried across a bridge on stretchers and wheelchairs. using crutches, as he saw my photograph. >> bill: this is a difficult conversation happened is a difficult conversation to interrupt. but take care of yourself. okay. watch yourself first and thank you for sharing your condolences with us. we are out of time. we hope you spend your time well in sharing your story with the world. >> sandra: thanks to all the journalists are covering this horrific war. it greatly with you. >> bill: harris is next. ♪ ♪ >> harris: rising from lviv. its russian dictator vladimir putin points his war machine west.
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again. close the border with poland. russian forces mom barred into facilities or the international airport striking dangerously close to a nato ally. i'm harris faulkner, you are in the "the faulkner focus." putin's army brutalizing the ukrainian people as he expands his war efforts. in a town outside of the city, at its second-largest in the country, car keys. 21 civilians were killed when russian art to a the school at the school in the community center. in a city northeast of the capital, ukraine's emergency services saying, russian schelling took out a hospital, killing a family. the mom, dad, their three children including their 3-year-old twins. republican congressman michael wolff says even if russia fails to take ukraine entirely, hooton won't stop. >> analysts are just now coming last week, starting to doubt
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whether russia can completely take kyiv. they have struggled. they have failed to completely surrounded and cut off the humanitarian corridor to the citizens. he is still going to go for it. they're just going to do it through peer brutality. i fear that this gets worse before it gets better. >> harris: the state department concerning a second american citizen has been killed by russian forces in ukraine. james whitney hill was among the group of civilians who were brutally attacked while they were waiting in the line for congressman mike mccaul, ranking member of house foreign affairs is standing by. first so, mike tobin reporting from lviv. mike, we knew from you reporting, we knew that things are ratcheting up where you work, even a day and a half or so ago. but now lviv has been hit. >> correct. the skies in the western part of the country have been quiet for three days.
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but the dawn thundered with the sound of cruise missiles making impact next to the airport. the regional governor, kaczynski said that what made impact were four russian and cruise missiles. each with a price tag of about a million dollars. two of them had been intercepted as they made their way toward their target here in the west of the country. they have been lost according to kaczynski off of long-range bombers over the black sea peered what they had, was the love lviv aircraft repair plan for this is the only facility according to ukrainian reporting capable of retrofitting the mig 29 for the customization they need for the air force to use them. that is a situation that appears to be the motivation with the strengths are in the western part of the country. now as we move and look at the situation and the rest of the country, the civilian blood unfortunately continues to flow. the town where james hill the american was so. the civilian casualties mounted. this is a key city because of
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the russian forces had to come down through their to get to northeast of the capital city of kyiv were there trying to take positioning and surround the city ten ukrainians were slain, there's a family of five who were killed overnight while they were staying in a hostel. as you mention, that slain of the american, james hill. he was among the ten people standing in line waiting for bread when they were mowed down by the russian forces. in terms of what is being used to fight back, there's a new weapon that is joining the mix, we talked about the antitank weapons can we talk about the surface-to-air missiles had been so much a part of the fight. while the switchblade drone is now part of that package. the $800 million package that the president just signed into effect. with the switchblade drone's, they call it a loitering drone. it will hang out in the air until the operator signs at a target. then it has an armor piercing warhead. essentially, it is a kamikaze drone. what we have seen with the russian armor digging in around
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kyiv, they essentially dig a horseshoe trench and put the front of the tank in there, leaving the top of it expose. this could be one more weapon that can be used alongside the javelins and in terms of impacting the armor that the russians are using. harris appeared to be one that is a fantastic escalation for us to get for you so that we better understand how this will work. any idea how quickly they can get them to them? >> no. of course that will be secret. you know that there's a strike at the base in the western part of the country. leaving people to speculate what the russians were trying to get was the shipment of weapons. the american say that there were no weapons at that base of the time. but clearly, russians and vladimir putin himself said, they want to hit those shipments as they are come across. so that kind of thing is going to be under wraps. >> harris: all right. all we need to note is that it will get done.
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and moving forward. mike tobin, thank you very much. michael mccaul, a republican congressman from the great state of texas, ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee, member of the house homeland security committee, now in focus. congressman, great to see this morning. first of all, i want to get your reaction to what we are sending. i mean, the switchblade drone that has that warhead that can penetrate those who dug in forces by the russian, what i would call an army of terrorists now. what is your thought on it? >> i've been asking for these weapons for months. the president sat on this since last november. now we are finally bringing the real military aid in. this is what is going to help the ukrainians defeat the soviets, or the russians. i should say. the switchblade drone is very lethal. it has a warhead attached to it. we also have fire drones and missiles as well.
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we talked about the no fly zone. i think these drones in combination with the surface-to-air missiles, the x300, they only know how to operate russian equipment. so that's what we're getting our allies to send in right now. the culmination of those two will effectively set up a no-fly zone. and shoot down these russian planes in the sky. >> harris: that is very good detail for us to understand. the backdrop of this today, cannot be missed. potent put together a rally. we know that they do not have freedom of speech there, so we don't know how may people voluntarily filled up that stadium. some estimated 82,000 seats. it certainly looks full. some of them are caught on camera smiling, don't know how much of it was orchestrated in a dictatorship. but, russia today celebrating the annexation of crimea and rally russians behind the war in ukraine now. one quote from putin's speech read this way "i come to mind
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words from the holy scriptures, no more love as if someone gave their soul for their friend. and we see how heroically our guys act and fight during this operation. we have not had such a unity for a long time." while putin was still speaking, we don't know why, but state media cut away from the speech. it showed a song being performed at the event. no word on why that happened. congressman mccaul, your reaction to all this? >> is classic putin russian propaganda. this information to his own people. he does not want some people to know the truth but he controls the internet. these russian soldiers going and had no idea what the mission really was. they were lied to and told they were liberated ukraine from the nazi's in many cases. when they shop they don't agree with the mission. i think the morale of the russian soldiers is so low right
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now, in fact, we were hearing about russian soldiers deserting on the battlefield. i think the will of the ukrainian soldier and people is far stronger than the will of the russian soldier. to put this in perspective, harris, 7,000 russian soldiers have died in 20 days. that is more than what we lost in iraq and afghanistan in 20 years. this is having a profound impact on mr. putin and his people back home. this is not how i think he envisioned it would happen. >> harris: i'm curious how it looks though, and what he is trying to show the rest of the world. because the reporting today is, even if he cannot fully take ukraine right away he is ready to continue slaughtering people. i'll imagine that there is pressure from inside russia too. not just the people who were being arrested by the thousands in the streets campaigning against what he's doing. what the leadership.
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those oligarchs, those generals around him and the once he has not fired. i'll imagine that there is some pressure on him right now. they are hurting financially and their images just being battered. i want to get to this. let's talk about americans for second. the state department is confirming now the death of two americans. james whitney hale, and we knew of the journalist, brent for now. president biden and congressman mccaul had promised strong action. you know, the greatest of consequences. in the event of american deaths. let's watch. >> we are not seeking direct confrontation with russia. i've been clear, that if russia targets americans in ukraine, we will respond forcefully. >> harris: so, hill was standing in a bread line along with nine or ten other people. they were gunned down. there is no doubt about it. they were firing on people. we had other journalists hit. they know who they are heading
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for it so where's president biden? >> right. severe consequences right. zero consequences for this. it is very reminiscent of the obama years or the red lines were drawn in syria. and then they cross them with chemical weapons. nothing happened. president trump actually went in when syria used chemical weapons. took them out. that is a discussion i think we need to start having as well. when he gets desperate, i think he starting to. at what point is he going to start throwing things like chemical weapons at them or maybe these short range tactical nukes? we're going to have to have that adult conversation. i think the administration needs to have this conversation as well. in terms of what are the red lines and what are we going to sit back and tolerate without stopping, if those events happen. >> harris: i don't mean to cut and because i know our time is limited her to have to ask this,
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i know that he cannot tell us everything and it's classified. but our talks going on about a run-on? you can just come up with a redline on the fly. there has to be a policy. it's got to be some sort of on end game to everything that you have ever started. >> yes. i've raised this in very high-level briefings. they need to start thinking about this. because one that does happen, what is going to be our response? i think right now it is classic for this and administration pair they wait and then they react. the russians have been on the border since last march. building up. i urge them in november to put the lethal weapons in. now they are just coming in. they are going to get caught flat-footed when the chemical weapons come in. which i think is a real possibility. it's going to be a really tragic, he talked about a sad thing to watch, these chemical weapons are brutal. on the ground.
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>> harris: congressman mike mccaul, with the committees that you sit on and what you know, i know so much has to be close to the vest. we appreciate any of your time and expertise to help guide us through it. i'm always praying that there's so much more that we don't know that can make this turn to good. thank you for your time. >> thank you so much, harris. >> harris: reactions and after putin's horrifying vow to cleanse his own people of what he calls traders. that would just be the people who were against the war in ukraine. he would actually take those people out. his citizens. and this. >> the current spike in gas prices largely fallen vladimir putin. >> we've seen the price of gas go up at least $0.75 since president putin lined up troops on the board of ben crane. >> make no mistake the inflation is large and the fault of putin. >> harris: biden's blame game. one former top aide to
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supersonic wifi. only from xfinity. it can power hundreds of devices with three times the bandwidth. so your growing wifi needs will be met. supersonic wifi only from us... xfinity. >> harris: vladimir pruden is promising a purification of his country. he's going to cleanse russia of scum and traders. he is reportedly detained the deputy chief of the russian national guard. putin's security forces have also arrested some 15,000 russian citizens. all protesting his massacre in ukraine. many reportedly beaten and abused while in custody. former ambassador nikki haley says we have seen this before. >> we've seen it turn to these brutal attacks when he tried to
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poison political opponents and it tried to eliminate people. so this is not anything new for him to think like that. you seen the real vladimir putin. we need to take him at his word. >> harris: marc thiessen, former white house speechwriter and columnist and fox news contribute. in focus now. mark, taught me if you can about every sort of indication that you getting now to forecast what he might do next. >> he is trying to reconstitute the borders of the soviet union abroad. it is no mistake that he is also trying to reconstitute the soviet union at home. let americorps move so who is in jail and is the leader with electing a and said that there's more clinical prisoners in russia today than they were in the soviet union in 1976. as you point out, he has jailed 15,000 people. he just had a rally in a stadium. >> harris: we are shown in now.
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>> he still is people with dissidents in protest to the war. this is what tyrants do. he is trying to spread the borders back to the soviet union abroad. he is trying to recreate the soviet union at home. >> harris: it is interesting what you decide. because of course, we are going off of some of this reporting, while we are getting translations. all that together. so what you're saying is that putting the dissidents and they would make sense because what, they are being brainwashed? is this some sort of strong arm, you have to keep these words and let me praise scripture over you? even though it's completely crazy. >> every dictator can feel a stadium. adolf hitler felt stadiums. fidel castro filled stadiums. you have no choice but to come. the majority of russians, polls show that he has majority of support. if you are a russian, someone calls you, you do not know picks up the phone and calls you and says, do you support conrad
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vladimir putin, what he going to say? of course you're going to say that you support him. he don't know who is calling. it could be a stranger. it could be the fst. could be security services. the other problem is that russians truly do not know what is going on in ukraine. that courageous reporter who stood up and told the truth and said i'm sick of working for putin's propaganda. she is trying to break the information monopoly that he has. the hacker collective, anonymous, broke into russian state to be inserted broadcasting images of what's actually happening in ukraine. arnold schwarzenegger uses social media platform. >> harris: let me stop you right there. >> it really does not get the most russians. most russians don't know that their sons and daughters have been sent to slaughter innocent ukraine is. they think they're being greeted as liberators to detoxify the country. >> harris: let me pause right there appear to want to sync up what you're saying. we have a little bit, hollywood star and former governor of
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california, arnold schwarzenegger going on social media. mind you come i watched on different platforms because he is putting out different places simultaneously yesterday. talking directly to particularly the young people of russia. wash. >> ukraine did not start this war. neither did nationalists was between nines. those in power in the kremlin started this war. this was not the russian people's war. this is an illegal war. your lives, your limbs, your futures are being sacrificed by senseless war condemned by the entire world. to president putin i say, you started this war. you are leading this war. you can stop this war. >> harris: now, when i first watched it come i watched a couple of times. i thought he just put himself in the crosshairs of vladimir putin. but then aren't we all? anybody who has freedom of speech.
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>> definitely. it was a great move on arnold's part. as i understand it, the presidential instagram only follows 20 people and one of them with vladimir putin. so it was a direct message to vladimir putin. we need ways to break the information monopoly. this is what totalitarian regimes do. they create monopolies. they have monopoly in the use of force and that people cannot rise up. they have a monopoly on the economy so the people cannot trade freely. and they have a monopoly of information. they deny the russian people to truth about what's happening in ukraine. so putin can spread his lies and there's nobody who can challenge them. you got to find ways to break the information of monopoly get the truth to the russian people. >> harris: i want to make sure i understand you are a pig said that the kremlin's twitter page only follows 20 people. with a following? >> one of them apparently was arnold schwarzenegger. >> harris: there you go. he set putin but i want to make her that we were on the same page. because it's an interesting point. he was already in their landscape there he reaches out
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to russian citizens and fans all the time. he says then that recording. all right her president biden in the white house blaming anything from coated in oil prices, and especially prudent for soaring gas prices. here at home and inflation off the charts historic for two generations. but even some democrats are getting tired of all the finger-pointing. >> now they've overcorrected peered so for a few days, he was saying that everything is putin's price hikes and inflation is putin's fault. people do not believe that either. they know that we've had inflation before. they know that gas prices were high before this. so they have not dialed the sinn the economy on putin. >> harris: no doubt david axelrod is looking at this. the fed, raising interest rates for the first time in three years. saying that we could see six more hikes as the central bank looks to fight out-of-control
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inflation in america. "the new york times" with its headline, inflation versus recession. the fed is walking a tight rope. >> apparently putin controls the fed as well. this is ridiculous. the one thing that americans hate more than presidential incompetence is presidents lying to them. this is just a boldface lie. he says, that gas prices are up because they have gone up $0.75 since the war in ukraine. they are up a dollar 85 since he took office. where did the other dollar ten come from. even if he accepts that the $0.75. americans know that there was the largest year-over-year in gas prices for 30 years before the war in ukraine for they know that we've allowed us inflation 40 years. before the war in ukraine. and biden has contempt for america. he thinks we will turn around and say, oh, yeah, you're right. spoon's fault. he thinks that because we have
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all been moved to tears by the tragedy that has befallen the ukrainian people that somehow we will divert our blame from him to putin. in fact, the opposite is true. not only are we outraged by being lied to, we are outraged that he's using the suffering of the ukrainian people as political cover for his domestic policies. it is not only a lie, it is offensive morally and politically. >> harris: what you're describing is the manipulation that is starting to kind of creep up now when you talk to people about this. for those of us were talking to people daily, and communities we got microphones. people will tell you, they just want someone to shoot straight with them so they know how to plan their lives. because inflation is biting. from what we're told it's only going to get worse per the white house invited a group of tiktok stars, cannot wait to get your reaction to this, to a modified briefing on russian invasion of ukraine. some of the people who showed up
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told fox business that the administration actually prescreened their questions. one ukrainian influencer said, "i was asked to submit questions before the briefing for the sake of time, not as i was told, content. but since i did, the very last minute, i did not hear back. i wanted to ask what line of russia have to prompt to get the united states to take direct military action." the red line is a question. we ask everyday day. and paren if you don't get your question in a time and you want to get out, they just don't use you for your campaign at the white house. >> the two segments that we have done are connected. in both cases, leaders are using disinformation to spread their message to the population. what is the difference between us and russia? we have a free press that is able to challenge the president of the united states. we have journalists, we have networks like fox and we have journalists and tiktoker's and
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this whole army of people in cyberspace who can challenge the lies. who can challenge when the government tells him something that is not true. that is the beauty of freedom and democracy. that is what is at stake in ukraine. the fight over freedom and democracy appeared to be when we better not lose any of it. otherwise we will be looking like them. that seems more real by the day right now. we can't go there. marc thiessen, thank you. president biden speaking for nearly two hours with president xi on the phone, after the united states threatened action if back back if china backed action with russia. what would we do? china says the worst knots a minute wants to see but critics do not buy that. there's more news this hour. >> if you're looking for scum and traders in russia, putin, looking amir. you're the scum you're the trader. >> harris: lindsey graham. the senators never short on words. all eyes on putin's next move. that's what i've been trying to get to this more out.
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>> harris: president biden just held a call with chinese president xi on the war in ukraine. it lasted one hour and 50, 50 minutes. the white house has criticized china for refusing to denounce putin's invasion. we are told ahead of the call, that the president planned to warn the chinese leader about cozying up to much to russia. >> president biden will be speaking to president xi tomorrow and will make clear that china will bear responsibility for any actions taken to support russian aggression.
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and we will not hesitate to impose costs. >> certainly are concerns about china, assisting in any way, russia as they invade a foreign country is a significant concern and would, the response that would be consequences. >> harris: however, "new york post" op-ed this week says, do not believe china when it tries to claim neutrality. china will not let putin lose his ugly ukraine war. retired four-star general jack keane. fox news senior strategic analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of war. in general, thank you for being in focus today. first of all, what is china capable of and what are they likely to do to back russia? >> so much has happened since the previous conversation they've had together. when he think about it. china and russia entered into a public strategic partnership at the outset of the beijing
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olympics. now, russia has invaded ukraine. this is a very important conversation to be sure. i think what united states and try to do was find a little daylight in that relationship between russia and china. >> harris: is there any? >> i don't think there's much of anything. presence be 23 has to be disappointed in russia and ukraine. he certainly has be disappointed and prudent to some degree. he has earned the right to be an international pariah. certainly that has to be disappointing to him. but, this is a relationship that matters. he is determined to see this relationship through. he is not going to admit that there is anything with this relationship prior to the national party congress which is taking place in the fall of this year. or he is going to be enshrined for a third term and likely indefinitely. any judgmental errors that would be open by him in terms of its
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relationship would be looked at as a sign of weakness. that's not going to happen. he's going to have a public face that this relationship matters and he will continue to support it. i think we pinned the rails on him. hopefully the president does it. you going to be supporting a war criminal who is committing more crimes. the international community will hold you accountable as an international pariah yourself. by providing the means for putin to commit these war crimes. , the e.u. the european union and the united states have shown some toughness about sanctions, as much as it's not perfect. we've criticized why that is the case. but nonetheless, there is a surprising unity here. he has to take notice of that. biden can play that hand pretty strongly with him. in terms of the example that the e.u. has set. so we are carrying a stick into this conversation. for sure. we should use the leverage that
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we have. >> harris: carrying a stick into the conversation. that is not how the president currently is often characterized by his critics. carrying a stick into any conversation unless it is something that benefits the political far left. that has been the criticism of him. so when you talk about getting tough with china, given us an idea of scenarios where just about anybody could do it. because all of those things are true. war criminal, all of that. on our end 50 minutes is a long time to talk to another world leader. once you take him on just the amount of time they spent and is there anything that we, i don't want to repeal, but strategically, one of their level so they go to? >> i think probably they spend a lot of time talking about the relationship in the indo pacific region where china is seeking nomination. they have crushed the hong kong democracy. they certainly want to bring taiwan into their orbit. that has got to be front and center in the conversation.
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i suspect we may have spent more time dealing with china and its behavior in the region and globally, than actually spending time on putin and his behavior and ukraine. that's an important issue and it's the reason for the conversation. but also, that is the explanation as to why they spoke for almost two hours. obviously, you're going through translators to do that. it doubles the time. but what is happening in the region and certainly, resident bind again is going to be very firm about taiwan. and not reading anything into what is happening in ukraine. we don't want president xi thinking that there is some kind of daylight between us and taiwan. i think one of the things we have to do come out of what we've learned from putin and the ukraine invasion is that we have to stiffen up taiwan's defenses and get on with it quickly. make certain that they are getting the arms and capabilities that they need. >> harris: real quickly. if we start to do that simultaneously to also stiffening the defenses of
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ukraine, do we make ourselves bigger and better by doing that? can we get ahead of things coming down the pipe? or is biden has instigated, he does not want to tip it to the world war iii. >> look at some of the business of world war iii i find disturbing. the mission and ukraine is to save ukraine come get the russian troops out of there. that should be the focus. not preventing world war iii. that is defensive. certainly, going forward in the indo pacific region, the mission there is to preserve taiwan as a democracy. give them the means to defend themselves. make certain it is robust and let's work on their shopping list and not be imposing what we think they need as we are doing in ukraine sometimes. i find it very frustrating. and disturbing. let's make the people who are going to be in the fight determined, what means they need to be able to win that fight. >> harris: i'm writing that down in part because it answers
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the question. as a leader, as a general, i know that strategy always has to have an end game. you and i have talked about this before. that gives us a bad game. that gives us policy that has a direct cause and effect. we get them ready. and perhaps, if we had done that in the case with the crane, there'd be some indifferent but we cannot live in the past with live now. but what you're saying is, that is a clear objective. then you don't get drawn into anything that might look like world war iii. i would imagine. i want to give just quick last word. >> i hope something positive comes out of the meeting with xi. i'm not optimistic about it. this relationship matters to him. it's important to him. certainly russia needs china more than china needs russia but they both have their eye on eurasia. and the desire to dominate the region. i think this partnership will go forward despite a military
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invasion in ukraine and despite russia floundering in the performance on the battlefield. >> harris: general keane, and focus today. thank you. >> great talking to you, harris. >> harris: it is all hands on deck at the southern border. the department of homeland security, putting out a call for volunteers. okay, just get your mind around this for a second. the dhs is asking people who work at the department, can you help us out. there is about to be a heavy surge of migrants at the border like we have never seen. a democratic in administration thanks now. we are going to get into this. plus, talk about convenient timing. more than a year after the presidential election, "the new york times" finally confirms with "the new york post" reporting that the hunter biden laptop story was true. remember when i got dismissed? twitter cancel people for tweeting it? any chance for a paper record that would clarify?
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laptop and those emails. that in fact it was his. all the posts reported was true. the post, which originally published some of those files, from the 2020 presidential election, has responded this way. you have to be blanking us. the post cover with all the nooses had to press biden was elected. during the run up to the 2020 presidential election, the times brushed off the story is nothing but brush and of misinformation. it did not make a big deal about this big old u-turn. the time spirited in 1200 words into a story this week about a federal investigation into hunter biden's business dealings. you may recall, white house press secretary jen psaki, poured cold water over the whole story back then church he tweeted "hunter biden's story is russian this info. thousands of former intel officials say." she said this. >> the president has said and you've tweeted allegations of wrongdoing based on files pulled
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from hunter biden's laptop or russian disinformation. there is a new book by politico reporter that cites some of the files on there as being genuine. as the white house still going with russian disinformation? >> i think it is probably and widely known, peter, that there was a broad range of russian disinformation back in 2020. >> harris: fortunately we kept that video receipt because it makes the reality of this week, and what sake you say look more than just a dodge. what did she know? >> "the new york times" has authenticated the emails that have come from the laptop of hunter biden in delaware. the president previously said, that "the new york post" toy about this was a bunch of garbage. a russian plant. do you stand by that? >> i pointed hunter biden's representative who does not work in the government. >> in 2020 dismissed it as russian disinformation produced and by that? >> again, i plan the department of justice and hunter biden's representative. i'm a spokesperson for the united states. he does not work for the
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united states. >> harris: power panel. mercedes schlapp, former trumps strategic communications advisor and fox news contributor, richard fowler. great to see both. mercedes, i will start with you in your i think a huge problem. i've got to tell you, i wanted to a certain point, will congress even investigate some
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of these media companies for basically not reporting you, ity disappointing. but the media forced this narrative because they hated donald trump and their goal was to destroy donald trump at all costs. and protect joe biden and hunter biden. >> harris: an op-ed in the "washington examiner" reads this way, the media got what they wanted pair the public got to catch a glimpse of the true nature of a press corps more interested in advancing its own political agenda than in telling the truth. richard. >> it's good to see you, harris. a couple of points here. number one, i'm not going to get into editorial decisions on how a particular news outlet decides to put out one story. whether it's one sources, two
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sources, three sources paired with that being said, was worth point out here is that hunter biden had been under a federal investigation since the obama administration. and he still is. that shows and it goes to the point our constitution is very clear. nobody is above the law paired whether you are president, whether your fathers the president of the. there is still a pending investigation against you if you break in american law paired that is what is happening to hunter biden. that's the most important thing for the public to know. he is still under investigation. it's a grand jury. we do not know guilty of or am guilty of until the judge bangs the gavel. >> harris: all of that is true in the sense that we are not inside investigation. but what we do know, are some of the things that have come out the of those emails and that laptop. it is given us a lot to look at. and to know in fact what he was doing at the time for it because they are singularly sorest right to the first person who's putting them in that laptop and carrying that laptop around. so you're right paired the investigation is not over yet.
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let's talk by the house's role in this. mercedes. the fact of the press secretary on one hand would fully comment on this case. and as richard just beautifully pointed out, he was already under investigation. it is knowledge she could not have said then i cannot comment on it. that's what she's doing now. but before, it was russian disinformation. speak all right. look at. i think there are two parts of this one is that especially during the campaign, joe biden was going to protect his son. obviously, basically flat out that he was not involved in any of these dealings. i think that you have the other piece of this that when you are the white house, and there is an investigation, jen psaki is going to give that answer. it is the answer that they are going, the lawyers are going to press you for. that's the white house counsel and that's what they're there to do. just refer to the department of justice. because she really cannot say much more. they've already stepped into it too much.
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on this issue, harris. >> harris: we've got to go. i just want to make the point, we are talking about dealings and energy. with places like china. look at where we are right now. you literally have five seconds richard. >> my only point here is this. i think what you see from this white house is that they have not, joe biden has the ability to fire this ag and he is not. he wants this investigation to go on. that tells you if they need to know. >> harris: could see both. we'll bring you back the next great debate with you. outnumbered after the break. right now and make the call.
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indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> harris: putin's war bringing death and destruction to ukraine, russian forces bombarding sites across that country. the latest site a school outside kharkiv. putin struck outside the international airport and that is key because that is where many of the people trying to get out of the country are going through lviv. our journalists are there and you need that airport. it is 43 miles from the border of our allies
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