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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 19, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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[background noises] [background noises] arthel: sadly the brutality continues on day 24 of vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine. russia still targeting civilians
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like apartment buildings, schools and hospitals. ukrainian officials say the strategy aimed at break their will. but it will not succeed. today the russian war machine moving deeper into mariupol after weeks of devastating bombardment. hello everyone and welcome to "fox news live". hello everyone more than three weeks into this cold war the ukrainian system it is historically and heroically selling the advance. ukrainian president zelenskyy again calling for vladimir putin to meet with him, sit down. that russia will suffer such heavy losses in this war is going to take generations for the country to recover but meanwhile ukrainian refugees have fled the war yearn to return to their homeland. books i want to go back because
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my home is there. i love my country and i love the people who live there with me for that is why want to go back very much. we have of course you do with reporters across the region from that war zone to countries facing europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since world war ii. we are going to start with greg he has live in a refugee crossroads of love even in western ukraine, greg. >> the fighting well into its fourth week in this country it is taking some dangerous interns. street district comeback is reported as we speak in the keyport city of mariupol. it's been under siege for the russians for weeks even ukrainians now admit it will probably very important for the russians by the way close to 10 million people have been displaced nationwide in the last few weeks but russian missiles also had an army barracks and the embattled town reports are
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45 ukrainian soldiers were killed. another town there is been fierce fighting for the last several days. meanwhile russia and ukraine has confirmed russia hit a weapons and ammunition missile depot not too far from where we are standing now. there've been other strikes in the past weeks. it is a sign all sides of this country being hit by russia but we are just about 40 miles away from nato ally of poland. five ukrainian president zelenskyy posted what is a daily online message. called urgently for comprehensive peace talks for the soldiers are actually doing pretty well for it experts said they have destroyed 1500 russian tanks, vehicles and arms and killed or injured 10% of russian forces. still though, arthel, russia has 90% of its forces still there. in three weeks they fired off 1000 missiles and killed over
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800 civilians. the fear among experts as we are facing a blood he deadly binding war of attrition, back to you. >> it is just so horrible it really is. it is disturbing. i know you just reported how russia is closing in from various angles. but is russia bogged down in some way? you see president zelenskyy who is just a war hero. he is so admirable. his ukraine winning, greg? >> they are doing considerably better than everyone thought they were doing. and in fact, they are holding off the russians to some extent. bogged it down i would say digging in as with the russian military is doing. we are seeing it around kyiv, or sing and cities they have shifted from the funder run into the cities. now we going to the siege mentality that could be even more dangerous for this country,
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arthel. arthel: all right greg live in lviv. thank you so much stay safe. >> ambassador will vladimir putin stop as war crimes? when will you stop this obscene assault against ukraine? and will vladimir putin surrender? >> will vladimir putin surrender? >> surrendered what? >> surrender your salt and barber organs ukraine and the sake of humanity. >> when the goals of the special military operations are achieved it will stop. >> well, i confronted the russian ambassador to the mashed right outside the security council this past tuesday. asking the questions the world also poses to putin, both he and putin's henchmen do not answer pretty gradients president vladimir zelenskyy hopes to raise those issues with putin directly himself pretty again
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last night ask to come to the negotiating table and meet face-to-face to find a way to end this human humanitarian catastrophe that is putin's making. a member of the ukrainian parliament, welcome. do you see a meeting with putin and your president or do you think putin is playing for time to try and grab more territory in your country, how do you see this playing out? >> first of all i see vladimir putin in his bunker somewhere he's hiding. to me president linsky said he needs to get out from moscow and talk somewhere else to him. i think he is trying to win time. you see our cities being shelled and heavily bombed every day. his next strategy is to kill as many civilians as he can so he
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would put us on the tables for negotiation which can hardly be called negotiation because total of the nation which probably means we have a collective suicide or something. so, putin unfortunately wants to destroy us not as a country but as a nation. that's why should he not only civilians but hospitals, orphanages we have so many children shot on the street by the russian shoulders. we have been involved. so i think he is trying to get extra time to get as many people as he can. that is a week, as ukrainians, keep asking the international community, nato, un, united states, united kingdom, to help us protect our sky. keep asking for the no-fly zone or for arms that are needed for us to control the sky. keep asking for these systems may been promised them four days
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ago per president biden made a speech and said the air defense system will come there. unfortunately they are not, they are not coming they have not been negotiated yet. so far can i stop a firm and if i can. not only negotiate an promising part of this before the check is in the mail. you need this stuff now. you need a mig 29's it so your pilots can fly the no fly zone has been ruled out bearing the nuclear threat but you need those admit eggs you need the antiaircraft missile systems the sophisticated systems to stop them from killing our people. >> so unfortunately what we keep hearing as we are giving you on now for. this is not enough. to put an airplane, a jet down we need a jet spray the air defense system the antimissile system is not going to do that. what has happened in mariupol two days ago when the theater with hundreds of people
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underneath hiding in the bomb shelter sing children and russian. that was a jet that shot that theater. to put that down that unfortunately none come without the permission of the united states is willing to provide us. the second thing is we have already been told four days ago the air defense system the antimissile systems are coming to ukraine will be provided. unfortunately do not see that happening has been four days, first means thousands of deaths. this could've been prevented prevented if it would've been delivered already. these systems are available in europe. all they need is to be replaced with the american one. so we asked to give us that. they need a promise from the united states and other european countries we cannot wait until april. what i hear it now is going to be april were going to be getting those.
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we will have in kyiv we arty haven't mariupol it's it's time to get the air defense systems. >> you already have it in some spots as you note. you have an opportunity now to address millions of americans and perhaps the white house itself. what would you tell them specifically on getting that material to you now? >> what i am asking is to pick up the phone and call your representatives now and ask them to push the administration for these weapons to be delivered not an april, not at the end of april may have hundreds of thousands of them. but do it now. this is the political decisions that need to be done. we will deliver they want to be replaced hear from the united states as soon it is possible. the european countries have now to be already delivering to the ukraine. otherwise the ukrainian nation
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will not make it without the help of these arms. we are not asking you to fight on the grounds. we are not asking for boots on the ground. give us the weapon so we can protect not only our country but that democracy of the whole world we are fighting for the freedom of this world now in our country. >> and finally we see barbarism of vladimir putin observers say a war criminal someone who is committing crimes against humanity, destroying european country the way he is. when you think will happen will he held to account for the damage, death and killing that's being committed? >> well, to be honest the hopes i have now is that european countries sanction the elites because so far these sanctions have been very soft. so people were sanction close to putin but none of their family
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members or their businesses were sanction. that means there would be no move internally in russia to get rid of putin and eventually make him go into the international to be responsible for all of those that have been made. these decision will not be taken and if these oligarchs, russian oligarchs continue to have business in the united states, and their children will continue to go to private luxury schools, to harvard, stanford and all the other universities. it will end up with the ukrainian nation totally eliminated and executed while the world is watching it. we don't see any other choices but to go after the elites. >> thank you for your time but you know the american people are with you. our hearts are with your country and with the resistance against this horrendous and barbaric war. thank you for your time and again, folks you heard the eight member of parliament say that,
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reach out to your congress people, members of congress and others to urge what she wants and the ukrainian people want, more arms to face putin. thank you. arthel. ask the invasion of ukraine is forcing ukrainian families apart in europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since world war ii. aisha spoke with someone feeling that pain firsthand. she is the wife of a ukrainian nuclear power plant supervisor who is now sheltering and pole involved russian troops occupied the facilities where her husband is working on hostage like conditions for it aisha is now live from poland with more on her story. tell us more. >> all of the refugee stories are heart wrenching. it's really incredible her name is katerina purdy spoke to her this week. i found her in hiding at a refugee shelter.
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she told me that she has not held her husband, seen him physically for about three weeks. she is very worried about him because he chose to stay and basically be separated from his family in order to protect all of europe from a nuclear disaster. set katerina's has been his name we will not be disclosing because we are trying to protect his identity and protect him really. he supervises the department in charge of cooling the nuclear reactors at the power plant in southeast ukraine. she fled with her children days before the russians attacked. she is watching along with the rest of the world as the russians fired rockets at the compound while her husband was still inside. >> my husband is working at the nuclear power plant occupied by russians. soldiers are working there with guns, why? why? why are all these things
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happening? >> she was very emotional during that interview. katerina said her husband is safe though she tries to speak to him as often as she can. but cell service and internet is pretty dodgy there. the international atomic energy agency of the staff members of the nuclear power plants especially being able to make decisions without russian influence katerina says her husband is a hero he is saying there will she and her children have had to flee. and they don't know when they're going to be reunited again. >> so why, why, why are all these things happening, katerina asks. it's what the world is asking. aisha thank you very much stay safe there and pull them, take care. eric. eric: because of putin's warp food in everyday items or become increasingly harder to come by in ukraine.
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more than 3 million ukrainians have fled the country so far. what about those who are still there? we will speak to doctor janette is on the front line she has been treating those who have chosen to state we salute the doctor a fox news contributor for what she is doing. will hear from her next. landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks!
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arthel: we have been reporting putdowns assault on ukraine has created europe's fastest growing humanitarian crisis since world war ii. over 3 million refugees have fled ukraine. where food is increasingly scarce and supply chain breaks down. and with russia and ukraine exporting about 30% of the world to weeks, the war threatens to worsen hunger globally as well. were going to bring in dr. janette nesheiwat family and emergency medical doctor and fox news contributor. doctor janette is live at all local unit inside the rescue camp. doctor janette it seems like you are in some kind of supply route area can you tell's with the conditions are like at that
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camp? >> yes i'm actually in a medical mobile unit we have thanks to the gracious donations of so many people able to bring lots of supplies and medications here with me. we are trying to make sure we have what we predict are the needs and they are refugees they travel long distances they have once it may be infected or need an asthma inhaler or their blood sugar is skyhigh and then eat ants and we are providing the basic medical care to them. trying to help them get to where they need to go moving forward. >> that is so wonderful. you are a member of the dark disaster assistance response team. you are able to help people there who are in need, who seems to be most vulnerable at this point? >> i would say the children, they are anxious. there's a lot of tears and fears they don't know what is going on. a lot of them have to leave their homes, leave what is most known to them.
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their changes, their habits, seeing a lot of anxiety. a lot of stress. it's also adults as well. extremely high blood pressure, abdominal pain, fatigue, wetness, diarrhea. all types of illness we are seeing that needs to be treated. arthel: are there any communicable disease anything there that is contagious that is happening tell me about that. >> actually question when you have hundreds and hundreds of people that are congested in small areas, we are seeing more respiratory illnesses more viral illnesses, we see a lot of people are weak and collapsing many iv fluids per they need medicines to help with their symptoms as well. or try to get all that treated for them. arthel: we lost her shop for a second we want to keep talking to you. we are showing some pictures of
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a mother and two children laying there on cots. people saying goodbye to a woman saying goodbye to her husband there through the window of the train. and also of course you are very aware of the reports are hearing things in the distance i understand it. but given putin's indiscriminate airstrikes, are there safety concerns where you are? >> absolutely. i was taking care of patients yesterday and the silence and the alarms go off. we had to go underground. it's real inconvenient and hassle when you're trying to take care of patients with an iv and you have to get them to safety as well. but fortunately we do have that access to going underground right away and be in shelter as needed. but were trying to do that as well as take care of patients. it is a challenge for sure. >> doctor janette, i know you are honored to be there. we appreciate you being there
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for sure people of ukraine appreciate you being there and bringing those much-needed supplies paid because you are right, going without blood pressure medication, things like that can lead to -- you can die if you don't have it some people could. >> absolutely. and then a lot of them come in. arthel: go ahead. >> a lot of them they're not severely injured they can take the train and come from kyiv, mariupol they may have mild to moderate wounds or injuries but they go untreated or they get infected, that is when it becomes dangerous we are seeing some people requiring surgical intervention. so it's important we have enough supplies, medicines, antibiotic, volunteers, surgeons tweeted that all to continue the donations, prayer and volunteers to big to everything we can help the ukrainian people. a very strong, brave and courageous people they are for sure. arthel: they really are, they
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really are great thank you for what you are doing dr. janette nesheiwat. stay safe, thank you, see you soon. take care. eric: think you'd to dr. janette nesheiwat all is volunteering to help. some of ukraine splaying the war have been able to make it safely out and safe here in america bright one california woman decided to take matters into her own hands. she went to the ukrainian border to make sure that her own relatives were able to get out safely. christina coleman joins us now from los angeles with her story, hi christina. >> hi eric i met with ukrainian native after incredibly intense journey. she tells me she did not think twice about leaving her beverly hills home to save her cousin and her cousin's young son from ukraine after she called them and learned they were surrounded by gunfire and heavy bombing. she said they were starving with very little food and water. >> she was super dehydrated. this is the moment i said i was
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like oh no. and then i said oh my god how i cannot eat now when they don't even have water. >> her brother sent her this video from kyiv for the 24-year-old is serving on the front lines fighting for ukraine. that is where her cousin, anna and her 6-year-old son were sheltering in place. >> i cannot believe that this is happening for real because i'm like my family, my loved ones. by friends, by schools, everything where i grew up. my homeland is just a burned down destroyed. and for what? >> anna and her son were able to escape to poland, marina flew there to meet them and figure how to get them to california. they end up traveling to six countries including croatian denmark before they were able to get into the u.s. from mexico
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last monday. anna calls her cousin a true hero for all of her help. she said she is so grateful to be safe on u.s. soil. >> it is like a dream. i don't believe in this, you know? but it is great. i see my son i just smile and i don't believe it that we are here. i am so thankful they save it. i wannacry. it's hard to see -- record went through a lot. especially we had already father i lost my father through this. and it is hard. >> that was such an emotional interview. both of those women are so happy to be back here in california. the u.s. granted on a one year temporary humanitarian parole allowing her to stay in the country for now though she said she would like to return home to
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ukraine when it is safe, eric brickwork so inspiring a wonderful story. thank you. volunteers are working on the clock to provide critical aid, medical and mental health or to support those who are fleeing ukraine and seeking safety in neighboring countries. and you know you at home, you can join fox in supporting the red cross and its relief efforts. you can go to the red cross now go to what's on the screen right below me. that is the their website, just/as you can see box forward. so far fox viewers you know you guys have raised more than $10 million to help the red cross and ukraine. $10 million from our viewers. thank you. the indication of the generosity and caring of fox viewers for those who are facing the worst.
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>> developing here in the u.s., indiana public health officials are taking no chances after a massive fire at a walmart distribution center in plainfield this week. they are testing the water and urging people to take safety precautions sent huge plumes of smoke and particle into the sky, eric. >> arthel potenza pouring ukraine ukraine shows no sign signs of letting up israel is now emerging as a surprising mediator. her closest eastern alec bring the two sides together? israel united nation ambassador danny is here to explain israel's role and what needs to be done.
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arthel: president biden spoke by phone for nearly two hours yesterday with china's xi
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jinping. the white house said the president warned of stiff consequences if it beijing gives moscow in the material support brutal war in ukraine. marco merited this live in delaware where the president is spending the weekend, mark. >> arthel, good afternoon to you for the last few years we have seen russian china engage in a much closer relationship. but as you mentioned the u.s. is now warning china not to get involved with russia's invasion and that if they do there will be major consequences. this all came up during a call the president had yesterday chinese president xi jinping arthel mentioned the call lasting two hours covering a lot of ground white house said the call was direct, substantive and detailed. but we may not fully understand the full consequences of this call until the conversation played out over the next several weeks. >> the vast majority of the nearly two hours was spent with the president outlined the views of the united states and our allies and partners on this
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crisis. he also conveyed and described the implications and consequences china to provide material support to russia. but again i'm not going to provide any additional substance or. >> next week a big week for the president on wednesdays going to make and trip over too europe for a major meeting on thursday at nato headquarters in brussels the u.s. says it will continue to supply weapons and ukraine to take on the russians. the stilt rejecting officer nearby at nato countries like poland what you're offering up old cav it may exist in exchange giving u.s. military to deliver them into ukraine. critics say the states for the president tripped now not be any higher. >> president biden should go beyond brussels, he should go to countries like poland, romania, or lithuania to meet with nato eastern flanks allies. >> we need to be leading with the moral reality of what putin is doing is wrong, nato and the u.s.
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>> well, the u.s. and nato continue to offer those supplies into ukraine we have seen a russia also threatened to attack the same weapon convoys the u.s. not giving any details about how they're getting weapons into ukraine. but officials say those weapons continue to flow despite the threats from russia, arthel. >> they need the weapons, mark meredith thank you. eric. america's closest allies in the middle east as a mediator in russia's war against ukraine. she and others good relations with both countries are. it's walking a diplomatic type rope as it tries to act as a troubleshooter. prime minister bennett made a surprising visit to moscow on march 5. he sat down vladimir putin. he has been in the middle of high-level talks since then with his european counterparts. joining is now the former israeli ambassador to the united nations who we know very well on this program. ambassador you are in tel aviv. good to see a break. >> good afternoon eric thank you
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for having me today. >> of course. president zelenskyy's we told asked israel to go a go-between, what role has the prime minister in your country been able to play and hopefully trying to end this war? >> we see the devastation and all the pictures coming from ukraine. we support the ukrainian people wait send your humanitarian help. and tomorrow president zelenskyy will address the members of parliament and i am sure you will see the support of a parliamentarian that is not enough. we want to see the end of the conflict. we pray for that every day. and administer bennett is trying to do it best. we do have strong relations with both countries both with russia and ukraine. and we try to mediate. we don't necessarily succeed at the end of the day we need the
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willingness of both sides to come to an agreement. if there is a willingness would be there to try to help. eric: has the prime minister seen that willingness from vladimir putin? >> so, we know it goes up and down. unfortunately as we speak there still taxing ukraine. i think if we could see a cease-fire at least for the talk would be an opening. but unfortunately for hearing reports there is some progress we have not seen it on the ground. the right thing to do is to cease fire, to sit down to negotiate. we hope will have influence. eric: do you think that will indeed happen? what is the main message the prime minister took to putin? >> basically we do not have any leverage on russia. we have cooperation with them when it comes mainly in sierra we have some kind of
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coordination with the russians there also active in this area. when it comes to the conflict between russia and ukraine we have only good will. we are willing to mediate and create an open line may beat fort jerusalem will see them opening. eric: you have a unique position of course, you have this shared history for so many decades we saw what happened during the holocaust under adolf hitler. how unique is that? what does that mean to you? >> we are a jewish community both in ukraine and in russia. unfortunately we see immigration of people coming both from ukraine and russia. we focus on ukraine we see the refugees but i can tell you we have tens of thousands of requests of russian jews who want to leave russia today.
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we are getting ready to accept them and help them to absorb into israel. >> finally, the connection with a zelenskyy a jewish president who putin has called a neo-nazi and is going to address tomorrow as you say. what is that special bond and the fact the president is jewish and is going to address the legislative body of the jewish state. >> for zelenskyy, now he is doing very well. there many friends here i have to say one thing, eric. we'd hear it coming from both sides. putin sang he started the war to fight the nazis in ukraine and we heard president zelenskyy blaming the russians to things like the nazis that that's
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unacceptable. >> you are accusing zelenskyy of doing things like the nazis? >> should know i am certainly not i am accusing both the russians and ukrainians for. [inaudible] and what were seeing today that's unacceptable you cannot equate what happened during the holocaust, during the second world war ii what is happening today. we do regret what is happening today but we should not when we see what's happening today. >> a good point ambassador of israel we thank you we think the efforts of the prime minister to try and end this horrible war. looking forward to reporting on president zelensky's address tomorrow. ambassador good to see you thank you. >> thank you very much eric. >> of course, arthel. arthel: 24 days yes 24 days into putin's war on ukraine. we have new images it is sad look at this.
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thirty-five as putin's assault on ukraine approaches a one month mark chilling a video and pictures continued to come in from the war zone, from massive destruction to absolutely gut wrenching images of victims at young and old. two millions are forced to flee their homes. during this now with more on that, nay. >> arthel, they 24 of this where the images don't get easier to look at. people in the western part of ukraine are hoping they are not going to see the same fighting we have seen an kyiv and further east in ukraine. but of course we know the aircraft repair facility in
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levee that was bombed yesterday people are in lever getting ready for the worst for take a look at this video there is award training course taught by volunteers this guy was training a bunch of people who showed up they go over the basics. take a listen to the instructor about this course. >> our program was designed for the people have zero experience even for the people who have never held a gun in their hand. so first we tell about safety that is the fundamental not to kill their people not to kill themselves for. >> they go over the basics how to load and unload the gun, how to stand how to aim they went over the course of four hours with the class was briefly interrupted during sirens during an air raid. everyone had to go to the basement of international school with the class was happening. katerina is a graphic designer who took this class. she explains to white. >> i believe it is the case but
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in case of a russian and pavement move further or in case they launch some missiles to -- can't even imagine basic first aid was offered at that class. we are watching right here is a new video coming in today of eight firefighters a funeral in kharkiv. two firefighters were initially injured to responding to calls. one of them ended up dying. you see coworkers and loved ones morning here. kharkiv has been hit marco schulte on thursday. a university was hit by a missile attack yesterday. but we do have somewhat of a positive story to pass along but unlikely heroes likely saving many lives in ukraine, look at this. >> meet petrone, part of the bomb squad. during the war he and his handlers have cleared 90
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explosive devices. so certainly a good asset for the ukrainian defense forces there. back to you. >> definitely i like his name. listen, they are all heroes. to see these people we are being taught to fight like a war my goodness, my goodness thanks nay we'll be right back. it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and now subway's upping their italian sandwich game! we're talking the new italian-style capicola. it's savory, smoky, and spicy. man, this is the triple-threat of deli meat! subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshi-
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eric: entering the record books become the first transgender athlete to win a national championship in any sports. charles watson with more in the lancer, hi charles. >> yes hi eric, lia thomas is certainly a polarizing figure here at the ncaa women swimming championship parade that may be most evident by the often cold reaction she has met with from spectators here. that sold in the case after she won the woman's 500-yard freestyle earlier this week. interestingly enough, eric, the young lady who came in second got more of a robust applause from the audience than thomas. she's trying to put the controversy surrounding her in the back of her mind. >> i tried to ignore it as much as i can. i tried to focus on my swimming.
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what i need to do to get ready for my races. and just try to block out everything else. >> yes, and so the ncaa's decision to allow thomas who is transitioning to female to compete against biological women has attracted passive protests on both sides of the argument in the campus of georgia tech we heard for the of at least one swimmer who st. thomas is a clear unfair advantage grade meantime supporters of thomas the attention on the transgender swimmer is nothing more than trance phobia. trance thomas will compete for the last time of the women's 10. and janelle who swims for el by the way is beaten thomas on at least two occasions this year, eric brickwork sorry charles thanks so much, arthel. tragic news out of norway where for u.s. service members have
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lost their lives in a plane crash. their osprey aircraft went down during a nato training exercise last night. authorities say the exercises were long planned and were not related to the warren ukraine. the cause of the crash remains under investigation but they reported bad weather in the area. of course our thoughts, our prayers are with the families of those for service members. and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. ..
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eric: the search for jimmy hoffa continues this weekend on foxnation. you note series has a new episode where it is claimed where jimmy hoffa is buried in a barrel under this highway in jersey city new jersey. macho who went undercover in the mafia said it does make sense. >> it could be hoffa in a barrel. >> bring him back home, bring him here. in sports we collect sports signed autograph balls. that's our trophy, our way to remember things. these guys hit, every time we
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drive by, we'll laugh. that's as simple as it goes. he time they drive up, there he is, that's where he still sits. they drive by giving the finger. eric: you can watch the episodes on foxnation. [explosions] tammy: russian police isles bearing down on ukraine as civilians and soldiers fight for their lives. hello, i'm tammy bruce along with alicia


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