tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 21, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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oh could have of days on fire and watch any time on fox now on hulu then fox news alert the brutality of the ukraine war climbs to new heights. russia ramps up its military power on nerio after ukrainian soldiers defy moscow's orders to lay down their arms. president vladimir golinski reports the southern port city has been reduced to ashes, but the extent of the horror is not yet known as hundreds of thousands of people remain
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buried under tons of rubble and it's still unclear mariupol is on the verge of being taken. what we do is that thousands of innocent civilians have been killed. many of them now being buried in mass graves. hello. good evening. i'm with jenkins in washington and i'm jonathan honda on the ground in the veev ukraine bringing continued live coverage of the crisis in eastern europe. it's 7:00 in the morning here in the east. ukrainians are about to enter the fourth week of that battle for independence and this day brings yet new shocking images of the extent of vladimir putin's campaign of terror. nowhere is that more evident than in mariupol where bombs are said to be falling every 10 minutes. but death and destruction are also visible across this sovereign nation homes, shelters, schools, shopping malls and hospitals. it's clear all are fair game in russia's ruthless war . president zelinski vowing these
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trustees will be remembered for centuries. but we start this hour with fox news chief correspondent and our co-anchor jonathan hunt. jonathan, as it enters a day twenty seven there we could hear sirens just moments ago. yeah, we had the sirens sounding just a couple of minutes ago. they just stopped now and i have not heard any subsequent explosions. the focus really in terms of fighting is on cities in the south and east of ukraine right now, in particular down in mariupol, the southern port city, we have talked about so much the level of destruction that when you look at these videos is really absolutely staggering. if you go block to block, street by street, it seems that almost no buildings are under touched by what has been an extraordinary russian onslaught.
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but ukrainian fighters are holding on there. they refused a deadline yesterday to surrender and at the moment they are not giving up fighting for every inch of the territory. but clearly the russians are pursuing a scorched earth policy which according to the ukrainian defense minister amounts to a war crime. listen here. russia is now committing a real act of against the ukrainian city of mariupol for three weeks, four hundred thousand citizens have been surrounded without food, water, light. now obviously last night we saw the terrible pictures in the daylight aftermath of the russian strike on a shopping mall in capital city kyiv. the russians claim that mole was being used for weapons storage. the ukrainians denied that .
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either way, they said that at least eight people died in that strike. then we have some extraordinary video coming out of the southern city of kherson. you remember that was the first so far only city taken by the russians. well, the ordinary civilians there have now been walking directly up to russian troops screaming at them to get out of that city and go home. and as you can see, many of these civilians armed with nothing at all. some of them simply carrying ukraine flags. russian troops did fire into the air. we understand that at least one person was injured there, but it is just another demonstration of the bravery and courage of ordinary ukrainians are showing here against this onslaught every single day. and the big concern now is what will president putin do as his forces appear to be stalled on the ground? we know he's going to keep firing missiles from the air. the bigger concern is will
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he take more desperate measures ? those could include, of course, a chemical weapons weapons attack or even tactical nuclear weapons. so that's the big fear now, griff, a frightening prospect indeed. jonathan, thank you . and in just a couple of days from now, president biden will embark on what's likely the most important mission of his presidency to date. the president is scheduled to go to brussels wednesday for an emergency meeting of fellow nato nation leaders from there ,he'll travel to warsaw to talk with poland's leader mr. biden's coming proximity to ukraine has triggered debate over whether he should take that opportunity to also meet with president solinsky, the president of the united states, traveling into the war zone requires not only security considerations but also an enormous amount of resources on the ground. president felt international security team felt that he could have the most effective and impactful trip by convening these meetings with nato
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leaders, the g-7, the e.u. and brussels to determine both continued military coordination, humanitarian and economic coordination. >> joining us now, state department official david frie. david, thanks for being here tonight . how important is this trip? this is really important for ukraine and for the united states. the president is going to belgium first of all to meet with all of the nato leaders and e.u. leaders. that meeting will be a strategy meeting and a meeting in order to ensure that they're are still unified and that they agree on the next steps to take against russia and anything just coming to one country and that country is poland. the reason he's coming to poland, some of the reasons are obvious. for instance, he wants to show support for president duda and poland for receiving so many refugees from ukraine. they've already received over two million refugees and they basically have an open door policy to ukraine. some of the reasons are also less obvious that poland is one of the main supply routes
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for nato and poland. how nato is sending in a shipment of weapons and supplies to ukraine and biden and president due to want to make sure that they keep those supply routes open. there's also the possibility that president biden will try to see president zelenskyy. in fact, he didn't close the door on that, but she basically said president biden is probably not going to go into ukraine, although i would remind viewers that when presidents go into war zones, they don't tell anyone publicly . so in iraq, for instance, president u.s. presidents have visited iraq without giving anyone any warning. so it's possible he go to ukraine, but i doubt he will because of the security concerns. it's possible president solinsky could come here to poland in order to meet with president biden, but that might also have some difficulties for president zolensky in any event, this is an important visit for the neighbor to ukraine, which is so significant for this for supporting refugees and for resupplying ukraine. >> david, let's
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the consideration of going into wars and obviously presidents don't want to announce their their itinerary, but how significant would it be? how important is it that he does meet with the zelenskyy as the leader of the free world to make our presence known or does that overshadow what he would accomplish in poland and in belgium? well, i think the symbolism and imagery would be fantastic for the united states and for president zolensky especially in order to show his people that the u.s. still cares and is still standing side by side with president hollande and with the ukrainians who are fighting so hard and putting up such a significant resistance to russia. but keep in mind that president golinski president biden r in close touch. they're frequently having phone calls and video calls so the question is do the benefits outweigh the downside and the risks involved of them trying to me either in poland or in ukraine and i know you don't have a crystal ball, but if you
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had to guess at what the headline the real take away the tangible perhaps that comes out of this , is it a nato announcement of the mig fighters? is it the possible no fly zone ? what is the big accomplishment that the president can bring back ? it's a very good question. clearly president biden and other nato leaders are going to discuss some additional things that they want to do when they're in belgium. and i expect that they will then announce those perhaps there's also a special announcement for when president biden is here in poland. you mentioned the migs. that's something that ukraine has requested, which is that poland provide migs, which ukrainian pilots know how to fly because they're russian made and they have some of their own to ukraine. so far the u.s. has not agreed to help make that happen and the u.s. has suggested that ukraine doesn't yet need those. but keep in mind, ukraine still contesting the skies above above ukraine against russian fighters.
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but the russian air force is much larger. so they will eventually need those that will definitely be a discussion privately between president putin, putin and president putin. president biden. it's not clear if there will be any announcement. >> yes, a lot riding on this trip. david tafuri, thank you for taking time tonight . great insight. all right, jonathan, great good discussion. although russian forces have devastated a number of ukrainian cities in the past three weeks, their incursion into the nation of ukraine remains far less impressive. pentagon officials russia is struggling to meet its objectives on the ground due in part to a lack of fuel and food for the troops as a result, moscow has resorted to this military campaign with brutal force. they are essentially still stalled outside tev outside kharkiv outside chanis and so many other places that they are stepping up their what we
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in the pentagon here called long range fires bombardment from afar, whether that's cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, artillery fire . they're lobbing an awful lot of hardware into these cities to try to to to force their surrender. and it's increased over the last few days. >> let's go now to retired general mick mcguire, former f-16 pilot, once head of arizona national guard. he's also trained ukrainian officers. general, first of all, thank you for your service and given your knowledge of the ukrainian forces, i assume you'll probably that surprised by how fiercely they're fighting here. yeah. jonathan, thanks for that . and to you and thanks for doing this . i'll tell you, i'm not surprised at all john kirby just mentioned it. i said this on night one on a network that the ukrainian people have had the taste of liberty and freedom and they're just not going to surrender. you saw the call for
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a surrender unconditionally in mariupol passed this morning. there is going to be an outstanding and tremendous amount of devastation physically to the structures. but the people have learned to take cover. and my bigger concern, jonathan, is the ability for them to get food, ice water, medical supplies, power in those areas. it's much less about the devastation, the structures because the ukrainian people are fighting proudly their . yeah, and general, i want to tap into your experience flying f-16 and therefore your thoughts on a no fly zone. president biden coming to brussels this week. he's going to talk to nato leaders, leaders no fly zone doesn't seem to be on the table ,should it be? well, yeah. what i would say is you mentioned in the previous segment about the movement of the migs and other defensive counter air capabilities as three. obviously the things we've given them stinger and javelin
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,we need to provide all lethal aid to ukraine, including those migs. they don't plan to go on offense. they're defending their nation relative to what's happening on the ground there. they have definitely stalled. they are not advancing. that counteroffensive is going quite successfully for a country that is outgunned and on the no fly zone, we got a call for a cease fire immediately from the russians. i'm hoping that president biden and other world leaders can compel that . look at something like the berlin airlift where to begin getting humanitarian aid in there and unless there's a violation worked that way, we can't just put our fighter aircraft over their airspace without escalating this conflict. we've already seen how desperate putin is getting with indirect fire hitting these cities. and in general, i just want to play a quick sound bite here from pentagon press secretary john kirby of the logistical
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problems the russians are facing. and i'll get your reaction on the other side. here's john kirby. they're still having fuel problems. they're still having trouble feeding some of their troops. they're having trouble with command and control on the ground. so they've made missteps of their own, not in general. it seems very basic fuel and food. how did the russians get it so wrong? quickly if you can. well, you bet they they try to three the three pronged attack. it requires a lot of logistics, a lot of sustainment. they failed in that area and this is the reason they're stalled and the ukrainians are counterpunching quite effectively. i expect them not to surrender, but we need to get a cease fire for all the noncombatants that are in there jonathan. we pray for the people of ukraine. general mick mcguire, we thank you for your service to our country and your service to our viewers tonight . general grif, back to you.
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all right, jonathan. we're also following some other news day one of judge ketanji brown jackson supreme court confirmation hearing wrapping up a few hours ago. fox news correspondent caroline shively brings that story from washington. in the first day of hearings, judge jackson told senators she takes her duty to be independent very seriously. i you surrounded by her family and close colleagues, judge ketanji brown jackson delivered her opening statement to the senate judiciary committee . i hope that you will see how much i love our country and the constitution and her nomination to the supreme court is historic. she's the first black woman ever to be chosen. jackson spoke about her upbringing and the sacrifices her parents made for her future. unlike the many barriers that they had had to face growing up, my path was clearer
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so that if i worked hard and i believed in myself in america, i could do anything. monday's hearing allowed senators to preview some of the questions they might have for jackson about her judicial philosophy. the decisions of the united states supreme court have daily impact, regular bearing on the lived experience of americans and that is in part why hearings for this important role are so contentious. republicans criticized some of jackson's past cases when she served as a federal district judge. i've been very candid about this is that in every case in each of these seven, judge jackson handed down a lenient sentence that was below what the federal guidelines recommended and below what prosecutors requested. the white house says president biden didn't have time to watch the hearings on monday but did call judge jackson sunday night to wish or good luck in washington here caroline shively, fox news. caroline, thank you . and a major air disaster
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in china. it appears there are no survivors in the crash of a boeing 737 800 jetliner that went down with one hundred and thirty two people on board the plane operated by china eastern airlines crashed in a forested mountain area in southwestern china. it's being called the nation's worst disaster in decades. rescuers report wide scattered wreckage. china's civil aviation administration says the plane was about an hour into the flight and nearing the point of which it would begin descending for a landing when it pitched downward chinese president xi jinping has ordered an investigation into the crash. meanwhile, ukraine still offering up a fierce resistance here but constant and heavy bombardment is taking its toll. ahead, we'll check in with the ukrainian journalist on the ground in hey, why don't do some laundry, some laundry.
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eight. >> that's eight hundred five point nine nine point two eight. welcome back to our coverage of russia's war on ukraine. russia giving the city of mariupol a deadline to surrender or else. but ukrainian troops backing down now engaging russian troops and intense street battles. but as they fail to advance on the ground, russian forces
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are getting more aggressive from the ukrainian journalist 30 popoff joins us now live from vantiv, a small village two miles from gitomer that's west kiv, sir. hey, you've been giving us such great reporting over the weeks of this war. tell us about what you are seeing right now in that particular village. well, hello. why am i here today? because this place is a bit safer than staying in it's itself, though usually if you go here for a night, usually it's peacetime. we go here for a barbecue, but now it's like a place where we conceal ourselves safer because we really afraid of another bombing in the city another and that's the thing that i want to show you is that you see behind me is like a traditional ukrainian garden and this is one of one concern now is ukraine because the country is very dependent
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on agriculture and because of the war it is maybe a big problem. two to two to grow anything in ukraine and we are afraid that if if it takes longer so we can we can meet a future food prices or or agriculture and even konger in some areas. well, and not the think that i will not you know, i it's it's terrifying the long term effects of this view. i wonder the people in that particular village, how are they coping? what are they saying to you? they're obviously determined to stay there in their homes, but are they terrified? well, especially in this place is it is a very open place, you
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know, and they're from here almost every night we can hear and see like russian and sometimes ukrainian jets are flying right above our heads and right from this spot where i'm a few days ago we saw the pistol boom. we saw like a russian missile or a bomb. i don't know exactly hit someplace just in front of me quite, quite far away. but but there was kind of oil base and we saw a few explosions and a huge fire . so also yesterday we also heard some explosions but quite far away. so people do terrifying here, but it feels more safer in this small village like in all the villages because the mostly russians hit a big city but not small villages and you know,
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they have to be we hope that you stay safe. carry on to finish that thought, sir. it quickly today i had to be in kyiv, but because of yesterday attack on kyiv, i have to stay here because our authorities provided another amendment. our and it's so i can go in kyiv today and yesterday russian missile hit a shop, huge shopping centers located just fifteen minutes walk walk from my home in kyiv. you know, just down the street. no, very close to me. they hit directly in swimming pool and brand new swimming pool and you know, as i understand it was like if some like demonstrate in action because it's i know that russians even shows
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on their television like how exact their milk can be. hey, sir, i'm sorry. we're running out of time. we have to go. we want you to stay safe. and thank you, sir, for bearing witness to the horrors of this war for us and for the world and there are many ways to help people in ukraine, including through the red cross is one of the organizations providing critical metal, mental, medical and mental health support to those fleeing ukraine. you can join forces by supporting red cross relief efforts, donate by going to the red cross website or use the qr code on the banner below grif. it's extraordinary when you listen and see someone like say hey, pop up that he's been doing such incredible work for us on the ground and clearly he had to run from his home in kyiv overnight because of that huge missile that was dropped on the shopping mall and now he's trying to seek safety in a small village. it's just terrifying for every
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single person in ukraine grippe . it's unbelievable the images, the courage and bravery of serge giving us such a great perspective on the horrors happening on the ground where you are in ukraine as well. meanwhile, coming up, the u.s. ending nearly 14 billion dollars on ukraine. a lot of coming in the form of military aid. but does biden have to do more to determine, especially since some russians see this as a proxy war against the u.s.? that's next . that's next . hot handles the driving pocket pods, your personal moving and storage team. your store things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home across town or across the country. some your personal moving and storage team. what are you doing up there? i'm applying for a new job with the monster mobile app. we'll be seeing me much longer for.
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to the women. yes, good a month movies and tv shows fornari first story started were trailblazers 1% the impact on in the past three weeks the people variable ukraine have seen their ports to be reduced to a heap of rubble by russia's ruthless forces. no other city in ukraine has endured as much destruction and human suffering and it's only gotten worse since sunday when defending soldiers bravely defied moscow's demand that they surrender or face severe consequences. jonathan hunt has more from lviv with the very latest jonathan. angrist, the great concern now is that there are a lot of civilians still just donc in mariupol amid this very intense fighting. certainly tens of thousands,
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possibly a couple of hundred thousand civilians who have no way out there. they have no water, no food and no power. it is in the words of one local official hell on earth. we're also seeing the continue onslaught on the capitol kyiv. of course, yesterday we saw the missile strike that say, hey, popov was just talking about on that shopping mall in the capital city that the russians said was being used as a weapons storage area. the ukraine denied that . and i want to bring our viewers attention to this video out of kyrgyzstan as well. extraordinary display of courage by ukrainian civilians simply walking across one of the main squares in kyrgyzstan to confront russian soldiers. most of those civilians armed with nothing more than their words. and a ukrainian flag, another display of the extraordinary courage and resiling we are
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seeing among the entire ukrainian nation grif incredible defiance and on. jonathan, thank you . meanwhile, one expert on russia telling fox news president biden is quote playing our very strong hand in a very weak way. some members of the bipartisan trip to poland led by senator joni ernst now echoing the sentiment that more could and should be done. listen here. there's a belief by ukrainians that we are way too slow in providing that it's seen by them in too many instances as being promises but not promises kept america loses its credibility. we lose our ability to make certain that putin understands the tremendous price that he is paying and will pay. i think that the ukrainians can win win this war. i do see a path to victory, but the world has to step up. we're only doing a fraction of what we could be doing.
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>> joining us now, charles marino, internal security solutions ceo and former department of homeland security adviser. charles, thanks for taking time tonight . put the question to you, what more could be done? yeah, there's a lot to unpack here. i mean, if we look from a standpoint of deterrence early on , we look at what the disadvantage of our own energy policies and those of nato put us as we were trying to deter russia, they did work because of our overreliance on their energy. the same thing with respect to utilizing our instruments of national power, our diplomatic, our military, our economic mechanisms. never before have i heard the president talk about when he's going to use them or when he's not going to use them that puts forth a perception of weakness. and again, puts us at a disadvantage. so yes, we should be doing a lot more regarding sanctions. we should be implementing sanctions regarding third
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party purchases of russian energy that are applicable to countries and to the private sector as well. you the biggest impact regarding our sanctions against russia are actually coming from the private market, from traders and refiners. that's where we're seeing it, where they're imposing sanctions, if you will, and staying away from a bad brand that bad brand being russia. charles, we've heard much about president biden being weak. it's the common criticism. but yet at the same time president biden has to really walk a fine line because we just don't know what putin's ultimate intentions and goals are. so how does he manage that to project strength while not inviting escalating this year? well, the first thing is to have a very strong alliance within nato right now that goes back to an example of energy policy making sure that nobody
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within nato europe are not overreliant on an adversary's energy. same thing with us here in the united states. it's also leave your adversary guessing as i outlined, you don't need to lay out every single strategic plan to the public. it does it does no good and it does not put forth a perception of strength. and the other thing is have strength at home. are adversaries. watch things like what's happening on our southwest border. the chaos in our major cities are bundled withdrawal from afghanistan. these things matter when they are mishandled. they give an adversary like putin the impression that now is the time to try and take advantage of weakness. and so we need to better manage these national security issues at home and be more aligned around the world. and charles is in the last 30 seconds. i want to fast forward to the president's trip to belgium and ultimately warsaw. is there something he could do
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in that analogy of playing his strongest hand when he's on this trip later this week? yeah, i think the first thing he needs to do during his trip to poland is obviously address the humanitarian issue within poland. you know, we've given like you said, almost fifteen dollars billion, 14 billion initially 800 million last week. and we need to make sure that poland has all the help they can regarding these. what are going to be four to five million refugees to poland. the other thing is stand with our nato allies, poland being the closest to russia and make sure that there is no misunderstanding that if something happens to poland that's originating from russia ,article five will be in force and the nato allies will kalamurina uplay giving as good inside charles. thank you , jonathan. gref. charles, always fascinating that from sanctions to boycott ,war takes a heavy toll
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if you need to do something to feel okay address you're not okay or drive don't drive but welcome back to our live coverage of russia's war on ukraine. russia is of course one of the top oil producers in the world. but as you might expect, its invasion has triggered a major drop in fuel sales due in part to sanctions and boycotts by western european nations. while the loss might create momentary financial trouble, some analysts predict it's just a matter of time before other nations step in and buy russia's most lucrative commodity. joining me now, news contributor and head of eiris independent research, dr rebecca gron. dr. grant, great to have you with us. how much of an effect are the boycotts of russian oil sales that are already in place actually having on the russian economy? do you believe? well, it's good news because
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russia has a tiny economy and so the drop in sales will hurt. but the drop we're seeing right now applies only to the oil that goes by ship in the tankers. a lot of russia's oil moves through pipelines over land and we're not seeing a similar drop in that yet. so it's great that countries like lithuania have turned away the russian ship and are getting extra deliveries from saudi arabia to make up for it. but we have a bit further to go to really put that pain on putin's economy. >> yeah, i don't run. i remember back in i think the early 2000s, maybe late 90s traveling to europe and then and talking to the man who had just left the german chancellor gerhard schroeder about him joining gazprom, signing off on these deals for germany and other european nations have followed suit to get a lot of the liquid natural gas that they need from russia.
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don't they have to turn that off as well in terms of a financial income for the russians? yes. is an incredible dilemma for germany, which is extremely dependent on russian energy. now the current chancellor, chancellor sholes, has recognized this and they're taking steps to change that . but it's going to take them some time. what's going to happen this week with the g7 is here. biden has a chance to try to get the g7 to put some stricter energy controls on right now the u.s. and britain have banned russian oil, but nations like germany and italy are a lot more hesitant. so that's a key thing that he can try to do to hurt the economy there. but like i said, a little bit ways to go and i'm a little worried to see the white house a little too obsessed with just the oil piece and they really need to focus on getting the military into ukraine. yeah. and what do you think that military help should be beyond
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what we are already doing? dr. weaponizes, with the hypersonic missile and other developments, we really need to get ukraine even better, attack drones and to really improve their air defenses. you know, the hypersonic stuff because the stingers that we send them and they use so well can't really take on a hypersonic missile. so we've kind of asked ukraine to fight this really terrible fight with russia using some pretty good equipment. but we need to get them the very best stuff and continue to bring in those economic sanctions that will hurt putin long term. doctor , one thing that we remember from the sanctions against iraq all those years ago is that there are those who will always break him and i'm thinking here of the united nations itself and corrupt un staff like benon sevan. is that a worry here that there's always going to be somebody who will bust sanctions? yes, especially now because oil is in demand and supply is
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tight and the number one sanction buster will be shina, which promised putin they'd make up for a lot of those energy sales. and hey, we've had sanctions on iran for years. we've had sanctions on venezuela. both those bad regimes are still in place. so that oil market is very slippery. we need to do everything we can. but the oil sanctions and gas sanctions have to be just part of a much broader response. dr rebecca grong, great to talk to you and griff, it really is a two pronged attack here. the world needs on russia both economically and obviously more military support for ukraine if it does indeed. jonathan, thank you . and now let's dove into putin's so-called strongman cracking down on anti-war protests in russia's biggest cities. but some of the strongman keeping a tab on regional governors are now being sent to ukraine. does this mean putin could potentially lose control of
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local leaders? joining us now, former dia intelligence officer matt shoemaker. matt , thank you . who are these strong men and what is the significance of what we're seeing happen here? thanks for having me on . well, u.s. diplomatic cables dating back to at least two have described putin's russia as a mafia state in which officials, oligarchs and organized crime are bound together and three men in particular helped putin to solidify his power. the first one is going to be sergei ivanov. he's the former presidential chief of staff. the second guy is viktor ivanoff of no relation and he's the deputy head of presidential appointments. and finally, there's sergei shoigu who is the current minister of defense. these guys, there are more , but these guys are extremely close to putin himself who they've helped him gain power and have helped him through their mafia state that he's created over twenty two years. putin created the state populated with former kgb and fsb individuals like himself who just divide the spoils while he prevents
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turf wars between rival elites . so is it possible that as russia continues to really not have the success they thought they were going to have, that putin will either blame them or they will become disillusioned with putin's ultimate goals, particularly if they're able to see the humanitarian atrocity happening and perhaps have a rebellion from within. that certainly is the question and the way that mr. putin has conducted himself in his presidency, if he's really shoved away any sort of rival outside of the government apparatus and when you do that , you challenges and new opportunities for those within the government to create problems for himself, which is why there was a report recently from the kyiv independent which reported that russia's elites may be plotting to overthrow putin and alexander bortnikov, who is the current head of the fsb, which mr. putin used
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to head , is one of the top choices to possibly replace him if that is indeed a true story. so we're certainly looking at that and that's something i'm going to be following very closely. that's very interesting, matt . so bortnikov alexander bortnikov, the head of the fsb ,has known putin since the 70s when they both served in the leningrad kgb. why would he choose of all people to really try and usurp and take down putin? yeah, it's a great question if it seems like the weight of this might possibly turn out both, you know, from a historical perspective, the russians have always been very good at ushering out their former leaders either at the point of a gun or through some other very odd means whether the politburo pushes out khrushchev or whatever means they might be. but by the way, that these sanctions are working the way that russia is really being cut off from the rest of the world, it's really putting a very difficult situation into
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the into the russian leaders and the elite hands where they might not survive if putin stays at the top. so it becomes very serious for them if they want to keep their status, they might start looking around for someone else to to be the leader in just the 30 seconds we've got here. quick answer. what will be the first telltale signs that something like a rebellion will be brewing? i would say that it probably has to do well. it's going to be very quick to beat it to begin with . the russians when the russians do it, they tend to be very quick. we can all remember back to nineteen ninety one when there was a coup against against gorbachev, they left it a very quickly. it didn't last very long but it's going to be looking for some sort of it probably with regard to communications or tv. >> if that if that makes any sense we will be following it. great inside. matt shoemaker, thank you for staying up late for us . appreciate it, sir. well, that'll almost do it for us , jonathan. it has been great to join you
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with such great insight there in lviv. hopefully you are not getting more air sirens at the moment. geographe interesting. we started this hour with those air raid sirens going and now we begin what is always a rather peculiar day in la veev here, the air raid sirens followed by no explosions and therefore followed by a normal looking city waking up here behind me. people are out getting ready for work, going about their business, but they walk past heavily armed soldiers on various corners. there are armed police everywhere. this is a city that has not been physically touched by the war but obviously every single person here, griff knows exactly what is going on . they're seeing that brothers and sisters in other parts of ukraine bombarded every day, killed every day while they try to maintain a sense of normalcy. it is a strange twilight zone sometimes here in libya. well, you're doing an amazing
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job covering it there for us . the eyes and ears of fox news. jonathan hunt in lviv, i've been coming to you from washington where the stakes couldn't be higher as the president gets ready to head overseas later this week. i'm griff jenkins. and i'm jonathan hunt. stay with fox hunter. biden is the most protected person in the country. he was given rights and pay the jobs well beyond his credential just as founding you really can't find any business venture that does not revolve around his father's political power. tens of millions from the ukraine shine on russian entities. hunter barely functional humans and ignoring sex addiction, obsessively videotaping every aspect of his life excuse you
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