tv Hannity FOX News March 23, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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resisting at every stage. judge jeanine pirro host who countered by streaming now only on fox nation rakers her here. beware disappearance of natalee holloway is a warning we get to the river with natalee. what can we learn? nancy grace is shocking. new investigation streaming now only on fox nation. good evening. welcome to tucker carlson. tonight in the senate judiciary committee yesterday marsha blackburn of tennessee asked joe biden, supreme court nominee angie jackson, what should have beenrt the easiest question ever posed . can youou define what a woman iw now? imagine put yourself in a position and imagine how relieved jackson must have been when she heardea that question here. she stayed up all night trying
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to memorize obscurel case law for nineteenth century and court precedent. and when she finally gets the hearing room, all the republicans want g is a recp of day one of ninth grade biology. what's a woman for a world famous scholar like contends jackson, that should have been effortless. s talk about slow and steady right down the plate. a woman jackson might have said looking incredulous. that's simple. a woman is a human being with two x chromosomes. ask any geneticist it's detectable in a blood testn . but if you're still confused by what a woman is, you cant ask a doctor. women have wider pelvises and different bone structures for men, not to mentioner very different. it's usually pretty obvious that women, despite looking at women, are built differently because their bodies are designed to doreca different things. nature is real women, men,re straight women give birth and then breastfeed. men dotf not do these things because they can't. not a single man in all human history has ever had his periodv or delivered a baby. and i know this senator because i'm one myself. in fact that's why i'm here.
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joe biden nominated me to h the supremeer court because i am female and he has said so himself many timeses. the president knows exactly what a woman is. if he didn'tct knowly, he wouldt have picked me obviously. so please, senator blackburn, do not waste my time with all respect, that is an incredibly stupid question. imagine shehe said that . what an answer that would have been. do you know a single person wouldn't have cheered? we wouldou have.e honestych is a wonderful thing o watch no matter where it comes from. but that is not what cantante jackson said. he was her actual answer. can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition? yeah, i can't. you can't not contact i'm not in biology. >> oh , i'm not a biologist. og sois only a biologist is allowed to tell you what a woman is. and cantante jackson, incredibly impressive as she
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is, is not she just reminded s us of biologisthe not that would make any difference if she were a biologist because no one the democratic party cares what biologists think about biological sex biologists have been banned i along with a lady who writes harry potter novels in twenty twenty two the power of science and literature crumble in the face of hathe transglobe. so actually cantante jackson's academic credentials are not strictly speaking all that relevant here but still eapause for a second and marinae in the awe inspiring stupidity of her answer. 's what's a woman? i don't know.i i'm not a biologist who we see how this works. haken jesse jackson is it raining? i don't i'm not a meteorologist. how wouldd you respond to someone who said something like that ? you probably give up and find someone else towoyou talk to. that person was not capable of conversation so last night we said we wanted to see cantante jackson zelenskyy t schaus. that's no longer necessary. wewe can say with certainty she is clearly a subgenuse probablyd shouldn't be on the supreme court. what's a woman?
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definitely the most revealing question ever asked in a senate confirmation hearing and one of the many things it reveals is how utterly the democratic party as an institution has democratic party's institution has changed in just four years. changed in just four years. it's a mile marker that tells us the evolution of the party u so during the last supreme court nomination, you'll rememberhe we were commanded to believe that all women must be believed regardless of whether or not they were telling the truthheey. they're women. therefore, in thee name of social justice you must accept whatever you say at face value a woman's word is like a sworn affidavit. you can take it to the bank. ithere's kamala harris to expln . let's speak truth about what we've all been talking about the last few daysou and again this evening, which is that supreme court process. let's speak the truth. it was a sham and a disgrace. let's speak the truth that it d
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was a denial of justice for the women of this country. how amusing is to see kamala harris say let's speak the truth, throw beer can on the tv if you agree. so to recap in twenty nineteen it was called a sham and a disgrace to doubt a woman's word because by the virtue of their biology, women did not lie. that's what it was to beat a woman utterly truthful all the time. . e biden agree with this women were very different from men inherently he told us so and that's why you weren't allowed to hit them. >> watch. we in fact have to fundamentally change the culture, the culture of how women are treated. nono man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense . d that's rarely ever occurss and so we have to just change the culture period and keep punching cha and punching out
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and punching it all. all right. so we got to keep punching at it. domestic abusese"kee. we made fun of him but he was on to something actually what he said was entirely true . ask yourself to men get in a bar fight. one of them punches the other in the face. one >> what'ss your response to that ? come on , guys, pick it up, saides a man and a get in a a bar fight. the man punches the woman in the face. w what'som your response to that with you're normal human being, you're horrified. punching a woman in the face is not just a felonyy though it is. it is a moral crime. decentnt people don't punch womene in the face perioddo. a man's best instinct is to protect women. t that's nothing to be ashamed of. it makes a civilizationiz civilized. that's what we don't send expectant mothers into battle. got that you degraded freaks, pregnant flight suits are an attempt to make us deny our most basic instinct and instinct that we should not be ashamed of joe biden had this instinct noted that he wass
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absolutely right. why was he right? because women, men and women are not the same. let's say what is morally. better than the other. they're morally equal but they're different on the deepest levels beginning with biologygyly e. every person on earth knows this is true . we are born knowing itt. but now they're commanding you to pretend otherwise to deny nature and suppress your most instincts. luable they're telling you you have noa right to bend more upset when a woman is injured or a woman gets your ear bitten off in ain bar fight the when a man does,e are you ready to suppress those instincts? are you ready to live in a t society that won't acknowledge them? what happens to our justicens system if we pretend menen and women are exactly the same or don't existtem continually? jackson's claim that we can't say who's a man who's a woman will transformxiji j the way wen administer justice starting with our vast regime of anti discrimination law. if we can't't say anti certain who's a woman, how are we going to enforce joe biden's famous violence against women act? why do we have such an act?
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who would care? a how can we set aside a huge percentage of federal contracts for women owned companye if we don't know what a woman is? oh , i guess that scam's going to have to end tomorrow because it no longer t makes any sense. and by the way, how is sexism even a meaningful category in a world in which has no meaning? well, it's not. why have title nine which bans discrimination in schools if we don't have biological sex, how can we havee discrimination on the basis of n biological se? thinking is through the trumpas administration thought it through actually saw this coming. we should tell you that the trump white house tried to preserve title nine by arguing that the concept of as defined in that law derives from biology, not from how you're feeling about your personal identity on any particular day. that's the case they made in response to that . they were denounced right wing lunatics. the aclu declared that quote the trump administration is l race trans people really maybe it was bigger than that . now the bush administration is in charge of everything. and in less than a year the worst, most fervent predictions have come entirely
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true . female athletes are losing nrsce championships to men dressing up as women in order to cheat their way to victory. every person in america sees this happening. very few are brave enough toew say a word about a. but here's one of them.ho this is a woman who happened to be watching an ncaa swimming championship in which a male swimmer going by the name leah thomas dominatede every woman in the pool. women. that's not how are you research people? av iran.eon. i'm not a vet, but i knowno what a dog is.tut yes, you do. we all do even contend you, jackson no. she's had a few children of her own. she probably learned exactly how the process works. the point of the trans movement is to convince anyone if
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biology isn't real, they're noti even trying. that's anol impossible i case tu make. you would sound ridiculous if you tried to articulateic that , much less explain the point of this exercise is p very different. the point is to make the rest of us repeat a lie. to say something we know perfectly well is not true . yes, n thomas is a proud, beautiful woman who won the swim meet because she practiced harder than the othere girls. lisa thomas deserve toah win her victory wasn't cheating and no, i don't notice her bulging swimsuit. i have no ideaa done what you're talking about. that's what theyey demand.t you say not because they care about lisa thomas or any other trans person they couldn't care less making you pretend to believe something you don't. that's the point because if. they can make you pretend to believe something you know is untrue, they've won. they have . they control your they control your brain. so this isn't about trans about. it's about people. it's about a all of us .ta and the stakes are very high and that's where the censorship
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is so intense. have youte noticed ourns nationl conversation y abouts transgenderism is completely defined by censorship, by makingim you shut up, not t allowing you to notice.o the obvious is why they're doingth there's no attempt to persuade you. there's no fact based argument . you can't respond. oh , so men can become women just by wishing so tell us how that works. canp i stop male pattern baldness?rn baldness the same way? can i the same way? can i grow six inches? please explain how this remarkable new power the transmm community has discovered might apply to me. >> can i do it to the power of positive thinking? >> that's a fair question. they'll never answer it. they'll just be quiet. their first move always isth censorship and their second move inevitably is punishment. wewe learn that again lasts nigt when we were suspended from twitter quote we have determined that this account violateded our twitter rules specifically for violating our rules against hateful conduct. twitter wrote to us the only way out of twitter, jack, was to delete ourdu tweet to pretend we never said it to cleanse
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america's conscience by just waiting out the past. ay what was our crime, by the way?o well, we dared to highlight two accounts of twitter has banned from charlie kirk in the babylon b was nothing hatefulabl about either one . we say look him up but you . n't because you're gone now but both merely noted that biological is fixed at birth. this has been universally acknowledged by hope. those homosapiens for at least three hundred thousand years. so it was a factual statement. i but on twitter, as in our public life, truth is no offense, twitter is now run by a man called parad agrowillnl who has said plainly he doesy not believe in free speech. everyone came this country as an adult to get a degree from stanford. now agarwalam controls the singe for aimportant forum for america's political conversationme that ii a big and important job. on it's such a public company. it's much more than that . it's a kind of public trust that allows this democracy to function so that you would thino you'd want a guy like that in g a position like that to have some respect for his adopted
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country's core institutions beginning with and primarily the first amendment. but iowa has no respect for first amendment of our constitution. he explained that openly in a 2020t speech.02 what our goal is not to be bound by the first amendment, but our role isbe - to serve as legalization and our move moves are reflectiven an of this that we believe lead to a healthier public opposition. the kinds of things that we we do do about this is to focus less on thinking about free speech but thinking about how the times have changed. one of the changes today that we see is speech is easy on the most people can speakte where our role is particularly emphasized is who can be heard . >> oh , so the new standard isn't your right as a citizen to say what you believe is true ? the newsstand is achievingin something called healthy public conversation. by the way, this isg one man's i
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opinion. you grew's up in a country wheru people are free to say what they want. but now that political speech in fact all speech isic s disseminated topeech, their cits via social media. this is the guy who actually controls which you're allowed to think. so what is healthy t public conversation? what does that mean exactly? we're interested. so wee texted agrowill very first thing this morning and then we emailed his office and then him personally all to find out everyone was too cowardly to respond to us . so we're going to have to assume that a healthy public conversation issad whatever aggarwal wants it to be. he decides the meaning. in other words, a single man who has total and undisguised contempt for america's most basic valuess gets to decide what americans are allowed to talk about. prek agrowill doesn't think you should know about biden's laptop. that's unhealthy. so we censors the story. youuhe don't get to see it. he doesn't think you should beo allowed to discussdi basic biology in public. we're racing all science because it's unhealthy so now
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you're not allowed to talk about it. in fact, you're banned . silence censored. wece can't control perak agrowil but we can ask how do you feel that this new standard not so long ago this was a free country. now prag agrowill and nine other billionaires whose names w you might not even know who certainly were not elected to anything yet to determine the limits of your conversations. get are we okay with this? what happened to all the liberals and the t self-described civil libertarians we used to have in america? they don't seemhi t to be fightg the power anymore. they seem to have joined it. how liz cheney and adam kinzinger and everyone else who's constantly lecturingey serfs about democracy, is this the kind of democracy they'ree talking about a democracy in which a tiny sliver of very rich peopleng control everything, includingl your mind? doesn't sound like democracy sounds suspiciously like oligarchy, don't you thinkd?d? they can let us know all those people are welcome on that this show anyho time including and very much including you aggarwallu we promise a healthy public conversation. in the meantime, we are proud
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of jason whitlock. join us now. jas we thought about this question deeply and has written aboutly his incisively today. jason whitlock, thanks so much j for joining us . so i'm just going to stand back and let you explain what this moment means. well, i'm going to go all the way to voltaire againto and just t those who can make yu believe absurdities will make you commit atrocities. and we're in the midst of t a great atrocity going on here in america. people who have no respect for american values, our constitution and our founding fathers, the founding principles of that have made america great. they have no respect for and they want to dismantle the constitution. and this is a long process that we're in the middle of. we're naming supreme court justices who aren't committed to truthth, but they're political activists. and so a simple question like what's a woman she can't't answr because the goal is to create chaos and disorder
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by dismantling the truths if there's no agreed upon truth as simple as men and women, youa can't have an organized properly functioning society. and so they are creating chaos and division and building an argument that the founding fathers outdated oh , they were . and the documents" the declaration of independence ,the constitution, those weren't documents infusedho by christians and christian values and principlesse. those were documents infused by racism, oppression and all this other stuff. that's just not true .e. those documents made this country great and made the freest country on the planet and the fairest and safest countryrereon for pee like me who are black. i'm just sorry. that'si' what america is in twenty twenty two and they want to dismantle that and hand power to a small group of
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people like the guy from twitter. and i'm so glad you called him out. i'm not going to attempt to say his name. i can't. but he has the ultimate power. he is now in control of our constitution, in control of free speech and a handful of other billionaire elites and globalists are in controlirl of something that we allites a d to take for granted and was fundamental to our country being the envy of the world and being the safest fare's most opportunistic land in allst the world. they're trying to destroy all of it. and i got to admit there being successful, they're about toth put a woman on the supreme court who's qualifications wens know nothing about. we know she's not committed to a truth and there are legitimate questions being asked aboutit how does she feel about and child and we can't get straight answers and the people that are asking these questions that are legitimate based on her sentencing record are being labeled h racist,
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sexist, whatever name you can put put on them. we should be able to ask someone that gets a lifetime position these questions and wonder about their commitment to truth, honesty and the constitution. she's there too interpret the constitution, not help a group of revolutionaries overthrow the constitutionns really quickly atti a time but for those viewers, including myself who want to write down that voltaire quote, you just repeat that oneo more time dow because i think it gets to what exactly is going on here if they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities. i wish we did have more time. i hope people watch my show tomorrow because we're going all the way in on this . i think this ketanji supremena court nomination is critical for people to understandti where they're taking this country and it's not a good place. i agree with jason whitlock, great to see you sayingth
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thank you . thank you . so even if youan voted for over the years, i think if you're a fair person, you have to acknowledge hillary clinton did not leave the world better a place after four yearse as secretary of state. then she foundaf it. but don't say that out loud or working for vladimir putin. well, the same nrcc
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and been watching time on fox now and hulu my numbers are down. i'm really concerned. that means that 60% we're going to go go the actually night night is going to be the other big thirty two sb54 you ostergren. yeah. more football usfs six on fox america denying democracy that the us supports ukraine's
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so boost your bottom line by switching today. get the new samsung galaxy s22 series on comcast business mobile and for a limited time save up to $750 on a new samsung device with eligible trade-in. value instantly come to only .com and see what your home is worth in 2011 on the advice of then secretary of state hillary clinton, the united states military begin bombing syria now was never clear why, we did that . why would we want to kill the leader of libya rathero what we want to kill muammar gaddafi when bad guy though he was was helping us at the time? what was the purpose? we're so not sure we what the aftermath was one of the greatest humanitarian crises of ourtill lives. are now sold in open air markets in tripoli along with child and the normal miseries of a disintegrating society. so he has been asked about this not very often but occasionally. has she apologized?
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no. said she's laughed about it. >> watch this . that is the land and unconfirmed as we came, we saw he died. have anything to do with your visit? i'm sure. imagine kakha feeling likehe that when you talk about someone dying. doesn't matter who is muammar gaddafi, it doesn't matter. it's a human being who diedd m on your orders and you're laughing about its a. >> so that's obviously psychotic behavior obvious to most peopleesoio. but if you point that out in public for many failures, hillary clinton's and the neocon foreign policy establishment more broadly they have a response. they used to be maybe they would try to defendd what they did or explain what was in america's national interest i. now they just call you inter a traitor. here's hillary clinton sayinges that on a podcast yesterday. >> the russian government even broadcast tucker carlson who appears on fox news because ofon
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what he says in support of putin or casting doubt on thosen who are seeing with our own eyes what putin is doing. it evokes the role of left wing apologists for communism, you know, in the last and i think their behavioror comes out of c something simila, their dislike of their own country of the united states, the nature of modern america is so strong that they are looking for alternatives anywhere, even if those are autocratic alternatives e and this is a foreign policy expert. trust us , we're in trouble. but what's so interesting is the people who legitimately loathe america who won't stand for the national anthem, who tell you this country is born in sin and iniquity and its citizens are rotten. you should feel shame for living here. those areul exactly the people calling in when you criticizes their terrible foreign policy decisionsth as a traitor too
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america, you still love america enough say the people won't stand for the national anthem. it's's hilarious. on the other hand , you know what hillary clinton does her enemy. er carefully.hing so one of the many unintended we don't know one of the conflict of the war in ukraine is food shortages.on ukrainese is one of the world's leading wheat exporters as a result of the fighting there. there will be food insecurity in this country and there will be famine in thei developing world. people will dieop in cameroon, for example, the government says it's facing wheat shortages, increase the price of bread by more than 40%. so to be very clear, the government of ukraine is controlled by the us state department. if joe biden called zelenskyy on the phone tonight and said come to terms with the endnd this let's restore stability to europe and prevent famine in the developing world and food insecure in this country can get some liketh that . but he won't doat that . the state department and the congress are standing in theeat way of that . why you wonder? t marjorieay taylor greene isen one of the only members of
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congress who's willingbe to thik this through in public. she represents the state of georgia. we're honored to have ts on our show tonight . congresswoman, thanks so much than for coming on . soksuc how concerned are you that neocon foreign policy is c going to cause food shortages in this country and the rest ofg the world? f i'm extremely concerned and what really concerns me evenrl more , tucker , is that the rest of congress isn'tt concerned about the american people. and ifif we really care about people, then we would be doingd everything we can to be urging putin and zelenskyy to the negotiating table to stopin this war and bring peace. but now we have the same people in charge. the adults are back in c charge the ones that remove gaddafi from libya and then lead to the arab spring and isis destabilize the middle east. and then remember what biden said. he said nato gotre it right. got well, now biden is president of the united states and he's heading b over to eastern europe to encourage the international communityst to get involved because what does he want? reallys war and
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what concerns me, tucker , is it's not just the biden administration and those that are so invested in regime change over the years, it's also congress, even republicans, republicansnge like lindsey graham, lindsey graham who can stop biden's nomineein and this supreme court justice nominee that can't even figure what a woman is. he could be doing those kind of things and caring about our southern border republicans in the senate especiallys they have control right now because three democrats are missing. i wish that my colleagues in congress, republicans and democrats would care more about securing our border, doing something about this crime out b of control inflation and gas prices, which is what the people g in myar district care about instead ofe beating the drums of war andst wanting nuclear war with putin,t that will undoubtedly lead to food shortagesh w and faminesmi and then people will really suffer. >> so just me. i just want you to know the rules though because you care about inflation, gas
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prices and food insecurity. the united states you hateoo america. are you ready for that ? yeah, that's what i heard. i heard that makes you hate america. but that's the lie, right? they always tell it because they have to blame people like us who are actually speaking out and then a fewik people like me that are willing to vote against sanctions because i actually do care about people not starving to death. >> well, that's right. very few three or four out of the entire republican conference is shameful. congressman archerfieldha green of georgia, thank you for joining us tonight. thank you , tucker . so dr. jill biden, doctor is holding a soiree att the white house, but she just banned in many of the women were invited from eating or drinking or socializing. phil's medical guidance my expand your knowledge of moderna medicine. one of the attendees joinsy us next time. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. governor, thank godwi.
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right. byron donalds of the state of florida. so first lady dr. jill biden recently invited her and other congressional spouses o to a reception at the white house, which is common in washington. but this reception was a catch as an unvaccinated person. erica donal's will not be allowed to eat aton the reception. she'll be allowed to drink s d beverages at the reception orri to socialize at the reception. those rules apply even thoughho all the attendees also require a negative covid testug. so we are curious what the medicine behind this order so we asked and she was gracious enough to accept. erica donald joins us tonight. don , thanks so much for coming on . first, it's hard to believe this is real. i'm assuming it is real. what do you suppose the medicale justification for not allowing you to eat, drink or not sociale would be? well, i definitely don'te believe there is a medical justification forth this ,r, tucker , which is why i posted p it on twitter and let everyone know how ridiculousosr a this mandate was. not only o donl i have to come with a negative covid testtt
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along with everyone else, but because i had covid and have natural immunity and i don't'tit need a vaccine, the emaily fromh the white house said that iat cannot eat or drinknk at the reception and i also have to stay in a six foot bubble all by myself. a 6-foot bubble y myself the the entire reception. r soec it wasn't very inviting too say the least. right. so many of us are in that category. many americans have had covid covered from it and have what appears to be a more durable immunity to future infection than people who've had the vaccine. that's that seems like science.e so are you going how are you going to respond? i mean, becauseave. this is inse . they're trying to i humiliate you, make you into a coolac. are you going to go and if you do, what are young going to do t? well, tucker , they sent outuc a save the date for this reception and i responded i rsvp yes. and i'm one of the few conservative wives that will actually accept an invitation from the white house. but my husband's elected for a little while and i've always participated in the spouse events. yes. eso i didn't receive the covidn' protocols untilt after i hado
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already made my travel plans to go to the reception as youington, d.c. know, i live in naples, florida, in thewa free state of florida and paradise. but. when i saw those covidaw protocols, i definitely had to takeco a second thought of whether i want toou attend and exert w my freedom to to lie as a free person and exercise my rights to eat and drink aton a reception like everyone else despite not being vaccinated.ot >> well, maybe do it anyway.y. maybe you show up as your writers in america and they don't own the white house o by the way. they don't get to makewn the rules and just attackul the order of table and have like eleven glasses of schampagne. bl throw your arm around dr. jill and breathe on her. i'm serious as it is to continue to do like just ignores itses of. yes, i absolutely did think about going and just operating as a free person like i believe i should be able to if i'm coming there with a negative covid test from that day as is required. i can't imagine how they're going to enforce those of us who are unvaccinated not being able to eat, drinkar and enjoy the party.
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are they going tore give us a scarlet letter or some kind of a gold star to let everyone know not to speak to us and for servers not to serve us ? i just can't imagine how they're going to enforce such an absurd rule. well, jen psaki, the president's publicist, has had every pfizer product availableke. she keeps getting covid. i think she has it again now. what do you think she'll sayou about that ? well, they can say whatever they want. i'm a free person and i've beeno operating in the free state of florida in a normal life since i had kobe back in 2020 when all of this started here in florida and i work in schools so i've seen lots of vaccinated people get covid over the past six months to c eight months and i have not gotten to get in. so i do believe in natural immunity. i believe i'm a healthy person l and i really don't care what jen psaki says about my lifestyle and the way that i live car a healthy unvaccinated person. i'm not afraid of cold it and i want too participate in life just like everybody else and just like alln of americans are ready to do now that we're done with the pandemic. i don't think he can respond
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because she's recovering from covid again. but i hope you runkian something in the end. eric, it'som great to see you tonight . thank you so much. thanks for having me, tucker . you may have noticed or t marijuana dispensaries everywhere. people are getting super richeri from this . g they're not very regulated as a result of that lack of regulationult. there's a lot of political pressure to keep them from being regulated unlike say churches which are highly regulatedat . but as a result of that , pregnant women routinely use marijuana products. dispensaries. so is this a good thing or a bad thing? well, not a ton of signs, but there's some one study found that the use of marijuanana by pregnant women in california roughly doubled from twenty nine to 2016. okay, so what does that mean? marijuana whilele pregnant can be a big problem. can cause behavioral issues in children who are exposed to it cxpos in utero. so we decided to find out how often dispensaries would recommend marijuana to women claiming to suffer from nausea during morning sickness. so we calledhe twenty three dispensaries all over the country not allowed to do this but we did. you can't criticize weedre in ay way or else you're bad, but what the hell? so everyry dispensaryal at
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one recommended to pregnant women use marijuana products, use cannabis. >> there's a sampling of what we heard. it was all are we hope a larger pretty was all oh my god, we some buy one , get one and some eighth and we havea a train wreck stream that helps with murder. i'd recommend like a hybrid all the thc will be goodd for like the nausea like that kind of thing. >> yeah sure. all the edibles will probably help you with that. i personally think it'll be fine. i know that ae. lot of my family members used to see while they were pregnant no adverse effects. you know, what do we know? we d just want to follow the science here and maybe they're right or maybe they're not. but we thought we'd ask an actual doctor , dr. marc siegel. he joins tonight . dr. siegel, what as a physician, what do you thinks of the advice that the a dispensaries are giving pregnant women? i'm appalled and i like i your study, tucker .
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listen, lud what does new york , california, colorado, michigan, illinoisor, maine and even oklahoma have in common? all of them had massiveof some i mandates of some kind throughout the pandemicnd and al of them have legalized marijuana. now at first you wouldna think o be no connection, right? what isis government overreach attempts to do public? the other is what ?th well, you juster said it in states that have legalized marijuana dispensaries are giving out adviceeg that they cn actually when pregnant women can actually use it during pregnancy marijuana.ijuana well, first of all, there! was a study out ofas colorado in twenty eighteen that 70 percent of the dispensaries are telling pregnant01 70% women its okay. the scienceok at behind this mt. sinaience just t out a big study this year in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences that showed that pregnant women that we smoking pot to ease their anxiety, ease their anxiety. guess what happened? their children when they were born had more anxiety, hader
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anger issues, had adhd also five million live births b in california were studied . er the last several years you know those five million live births to women that smoked potom, those five million children to women who smoked pot during pregnancy had behavioral issues.s. they were bornl smaller. they had other health problems occurring and thehe same was found in australia, by the way, in a study justus done this year you are that you're born smaller than you have a smaller head ,ha that you're more prone to have healthe problems. and here's perhaps the worst in ottawahe, a study of over 600000 women found that when their children were born there was almost 50% of an increase in autism. and i don't know, by the way, that that's proof, but that'sss an association that i find deeply disturbing. my finalnd point here listen don't listen to government officials for health advice n and do not go to potpe dispensaries for health advice. please h, tucker . well, yeah, i mean, i don't
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know. i'm pretty libertarian on most t things not against tobacco, for example, but most people thin pregnant women shouldn't smoke. sonk why is it so unfashionable to say pregnant women probably use weed either? i mean, i don't know why that's such a crazy thing to say, but you're not allowed to say it loud. you did. marc siegel. i'm saying i'm saying i' don't smoke pot if you're pregnant and don't listen to government officials , that's for sure.>> tucker: good to see you. well, coronavirus pennymac obviously and for good reason destroyed the faith that many americansit have and the medical establishment. so looking for otherst adviceabe want to find this one super interesting conversation with tony robbins, whichob actually was not what weof thought it was going to be one of the most interesting deep conversation we've had in a long time. tony robbins, the self-help guy turns out to be definitely worthless.
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knowledgeable on health. he's got a brand new book outbo called lifeforce. we talked to him about that and a lot of other things. >> just part of the conversation, believe it or not. the pope every two years has the biggest rejuvenative conference and the world brings allrsbigg the for us to begin a sentence with . so i got invited by the but he wanted me to.. be the keynote speaker this three day conference and i said happily, but i want to go to all the classes. so i went to all the classes and met, you know, like eleven year old boy was forced to diepp when he's forty got stem cells was turned around and i met people sent home to die s that were turned around by some of the new alternatives to cancer treatment. but something called carti cells. an and then i met jack nicklaus greatest golfer of all timest and he told me he wouldn't able to stand for more than ten minutes. the pain was so bad and he waso supposed to have a spinal fusion and someone convinced him to stem cells. he's eighty two and he plays golf and tennis again at 82 years old . so i was like, i'm going toit
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interview i did this with money. i needed the top fifty financial people that started with nothing about ray d'alessio, carl icahn, warren buffett. e, i wrote a whole book on that. it's like i'm going to give you one hundred and fifty of the best scientist nobel laureates rejected medicine doctors and show people this cutting edge material is coming apart. there's stuff nowck that curing diseases like with crispr like i'm a young man with on america's got talent, it was blind. you can see now or give me the example of being cured in a injureys or a few weeks, some injuries, you know, but peopled thought they couldn't come back from stem cells or for example, a single injection. i'veve sponsored a hundred veterans for this . the army is now proven in aa three year study of 85% effect of a single injection. you've got ptsd.tion, i know what to do with that. i've had to people i've turned around and took a guy on cnn that was just you couldn't see d ,youar know, wearing dark glasses, shaking whole nine yards turn around. butas takes three hours and abot thirty two . you know, veterans kills themselves every day. so i wanted to scalable solution. so this single injectionwant 85,
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effective and like the guys i sponsored wrote 8 me letters. i don't know him personally. right.ngs and they just say things like i can't thank you enough. gh you know, i went through all the stuff in iraq. i came home., couldn' i couldn't be aroundt my kids couldn't hug my wife..ev everything waser either total rage for me or numb. and now wife has color. i hug my kids the first time i'm free. i still have the memories but t none of the emotion. soso there's too likel that there's a brand new tool that isn't out yet. it's in phase trials. phase one is phase two is efficacy. phase three is efficacy scale. so they think it will get approved at the end of this year beginning next yearve but osteoarthritis is a single injection. it stimulates stem cells to create only tendons in your body and the tendonsns like 16 year old tendons even if you're forty fifty six years old . so again, in phase three, it'sea not here yet but it's real close. radeon seventy still winning. >> it's i don't know if you have anybody you know you saw it coming back so how i'm a friend of mine so he's certainly eitherri a hacker too. he's always looking for
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the cutting clearly he's a forty five but he's got some friends. does that . no no but there's so much and there's tasks like you there's a test like cancer like i was scared too death of cancer when i was a little kid whenn i was young. there are people out there who are cancer so when i wasas like nineteen twenty years old i thought i'm going to die of cancer0. why i'm successful at a young age. it's going to be quick you knowg it's going to be t quick. i'm going to be long and but i'm going i'm going to die young age and then i hope somebody cancer took away some my fear and then i got a tumor. i still haven't met two or three. it's why i grew ten inches in a year and how they wanted about it. i was i had it when i was i seventeen obviously because i grew that fast. i tell people my growth waspe personal, personal but sincerely that tumor and i didn't treat it. i still have it. i was told how to treat it but i didn't. b and it's been 30 plus years and i've been totally fine in that area because a treat it had severe side effects like death and no energy and your system being gone.fe
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butct what reason i bring it up is now there's a new test. >> so if you don't know what to think of tony robbins has been around for like one hundred years and we weren't exactly sure. watch that interview. > it'll blow your mind. that's what we felt anyway. 10% greatbatch age before beauty. why not so visibly diminished wrinkles skin is just the correct solution. only some vulpine for hi my name is hank norten. i'm a veteran of both the iraq and afghanistan wars and a managing partner with the napoli's gulik law firm. have you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with liver disease, a compromised immune system, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, a thyroid disease or kidney cancer? your illness may be the result of exposure to contaminated drinking water at a military base caused by peachfuzz,
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a toxic chemical used for firefighting and fire suppression at these bases, lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers this fall. and my firm nappily skutnik is taking the lead in this litigation. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with a serious disease caused by you may have a claim against the manufacturers who contaminated the base's drinking water. veterans need to be protected. and as a veteran myself, i am committed to protecting your rights. please call for more information and thank you for your service men over forty five do you have a frequent urgent need to today at night ? i have good news for setting the euro live. just an outpatient treatment that simply reopens the channel to increase flow with no cutting. yes, no side effects are much more serious bleeding and infection eventually you i can ask your urologist unheroic or call eight hundred
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seven five to eleven hundred today and unthinkable. and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty. thank god calls on people who believe in him and his wordsth comfort me comforting people especially during the holiday season. passover when i come here and it was really i really h3n2 these elderly are weak and they're sick. they're living on your dollars a day in which how god's children are living this time to send a survival school like these forgotten topn the international fellowship of the international fellowship of christians urgently need your gift of twenty five dollars now to helpl twenty five dollars now to helpl provide one survival food boxid
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with all of the essentials the critically need for a diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of the first time in over agenda is anything to do with space. he hasn't seen unleavened bread before and now he's coming to have those twenty five dollars. you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. one month. your support will provide with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that millions of christians around the world hear about them. god tells us to take care of us to feed the hungry and i pray holocaust survivors will be given these things.
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so that's what we pray for to survive. are you taking a statin drugs to reduce cholesterol? to reduce cholesterol? it can also your ten levels. i recommend considering kunal koki tianlong your stat medication the brand i trust is kunal just can't be right with your taxes. you know, filing your taxes doesn't have to be complicated with tax tax filing a simple which the tax act starts referring to tobacco for five star backyard's yellowwood brand pressure treated by doesn't have to deal with
12:00 am
that . you don't want to write your name here. beware the disappearance of honor student natalee holloway is a warning. we head to aruba with our boss. what can we learn? nancy grace is shocking new investigation streaming now only on fox nation. tony robinson totally. you in the meantime, at the best of everyone's level see them off. >> and welcome to hannity again. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. the founder of project veritas ,james o'keefe, is now accusing biden's department of justice of serious misconduct following a questionable raid at o'keeffe's home and office. take a look. project veritas just obtained documents showing the fdny was spyingnalists well before the fi raided the homes of our journalists last november secretly reading our emails concealing that from a court in our case
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